The Ladies Support Group

Author’s note: “The Ladies Support Group” is a sequel to “Aunt Caroline’s Girdle” and “Kate and Amy’s Corset” that date from 2014. In fact, an alert reader recently noted that in 2014 I had announced that “The Ladies Support Group,” would appear as a sequel. Unfortunately, I absentmindedly forgot to finish the story. So now I have completed it.

The Ladies Support Group



([email protected])

Aunt Caroline was serious about the ladies support group and it was decided that I should join it the next time the group met. “You can’t just end a four-year marriage like this,” she told me. “You’ve got to process the pain; you’ve got to reach a final understanding of what it was and why it needed to end.”

“I can do that as one of the ladies in the support group?”

“Yes, I think so Blake. In many ways you were the girl in your marriage, the wife. Linda was obviously tougher than you are and in control. She cast you off and you didn’t have the strength or will to stop her. Everything that’s happened between the two of you since she found my girdle was decided by her.”

“I guess you’re right.”

“The ladies in the support group have had experiences like your own where their husbands ended their marriages. They had little voice in what transpired so now they meet together to take control of their lives and feelings.”

“They’ll welcome me?”


“Even though they know that I have a penis?”

“Once they get to know you the way I know you, they’ll see you as being far more of a woman than a man. Your penis will not be an obstacle to your presentation as a female. Trust me.”

“Okay, I’ll go though I’m nervous that the ladies might make fun of me or make fun of my feelings. I hate being so vulnerable.”

"First of all, being vulnerable is good for you. That way you’ll have a real experience and not something phony. Also I’m sure they won’t make fun of you. Rather, some of them will become your friends and it’s good for you to have friends your own age. Not just us horny old ladies.”

"But I love you Aunt Caroline."

"I know you do and I love you too. Our love will not be endangered because you make some new friends. I encouraged you to spend a memorable night with Kate and Amy. I like the idea of loaning you out to ladies who can appreciate what you have to offer. At the end of the day, you’ll come back to me and I’ll protect you and keep you pretty."

"You're right. I'm just shy about meeting new people."

"I understand. But trust me, the girls at the church are going to be supportive and will quickly become your friends. Also, …”

“What, Caroline?”

“Also you have to understand that long term you need to meet and fall in love with someone your own age. I should never stand in the way of you leading a full life.”

“You mean having a family?”

“Yes, for example. I’m almost two generations older than you. Being with someone of your own generation will help you form an intimate connection that is good for your psychic health.”

“I see what you’re saying. I also suppose that as a girl I have a lot of growing up to do. The girls in the group can help me do that, help me learn how to cope with a spouse who isn’t sensitive to my feelings.”

“Exactly. So you'll go?"

I nodded my head and Caroline said, "I'm sure you'll have a marvelous time. You'll get to make real friends with some of the women there so you can go out and do the things that young women do."

I smiled at Caroline though inside I was still nervous and fearful about how the women might view me.


As I was getting ready to go to my first meeting of the Ladies Support Group I could no longer control my anxiety. "What dress should I wear?" I asked Caroline in a voice bordering on panic after we had finished with the dinner dishes. "Should I wear a girdle or pantyhose? And what bra is appropriate? And should I wear makeup?"

"Slow down!" Caroline laughed. "You're getting into a tizzy over nothing. You can wear whatever you want. The girls will not bite your head off!"

"But they might not like me!"

"Why not? I like you. Kate and Amy like you. I can't imagine any girl not liking you."

"What about Linda?"

Caroline looked at me and frowned. "She's the exception that proves the rule. Anyway, I'm sure if you weren't her husband, she'd probably like you as much as any of us do! Just be yourself and the girls will surely love you and love having you at their meetings."

"You're sure?" I asked.

"I know the women in that group and I promise you that they’ll take you in under their wings and make you feel welcome."

"I'm sorry Aunt Caroline. I want to trust you but I'm so nervous." Caroline gave me an exasperated look and I said, "but what dress do you think I should wear?"

Caroline laughed. "Wear your tan dress with a new pair of stockings, whatever girdle and bra you want to wear and your tan heels. Tan will help camouflage you, maybe the girls won't even notice that you're there." Caroline laughed at her own joke.

"Thank you, that I can do."

My tan dress was cotton and zipped up the back with a flaring skirt. I needed help from Caroline to zip me up all the way. Caroline and I had settled on me wearing 36C bras and she had bought me high end breast forms that not only had a life-like shape, but also had a density matching that of real breasts. When she gave them to me she said that if ever a man were to feel me up he’d think he was feeling a real breast. That made me wonder in what scenario did she imagine that a man might be fondling me. When Caroline was done helping me dress she said that I was now perfect in every detail. She then helped me select a pocketbook that matched the skirt. It was a light brown leather bag that fit well with the tan color. Inside it I put my keys. a ladies wallet that Caroline had bought for me, a lace hanky, some lipstick, rouge, and my phone. Caroline inspected my fingernails and made sure my manicure was still nice and that my pink nail polish had not chipped.

It was just a ten-minute drive to the church and at 7:50 Caroline drove me there. It was to be my very first time out and about as a girl without Caroline at my side. She was confident that I could handle myself without her, though I had my doubts. If I got into trouble my phone was in my purse. I could call Caroline for help and she’d come get me.

When we arrived at the church, I concentrated on getting out of the car without jeopardizing my stockings. Caroline had emphasized that I needed to be careful with my stockings. “It would be very unfortunate indeed if you were to get a run in your brand-new stockings. That would not make a good impression on the ladies.” I couldn’t tell if Caroline was teasing me or not, but I was embarrassed to ask her since I thought that she expected that I knew the answer.

I carefully swiveled my hips to get my legs out of the car without snagging my hose on anything. I was so proud that my stockings hadn't been stressed that I almost forgot to take my purse. I said goodbye to Aunt Caroline and she told me not to worry for the hundredth time and drove off.

In the distance I saw a couple of women heading into church and figured they were going to the same meeting that I was. I walked slowly across the parking lot careful not to twist my ankle on cracks or pebbles in the asphalt. I’m still learning how to walk gracefully in heels. In the church I followed a corridor to where I knew the meeting room was located. I hesitated outside the room listening to the chatter of a number of ladies inside. I was so nervous that I thought of calling Caroline and begging her to come pick me up. I knew that she wouldn’t come even if I did beg. She was determined to make a woman of me.

I walked into the room and saw that there were about seven women, all of them near my age. A couple of them were perhaps a few years older. The girls grew silent when they saw me and I froze in panic. It was clear that they knew each other well. They also probably knew about me. I was notorious in the church. I was about to turn and run when one of the women said in a loud voice, "Hi! You must be Blake. I'm Sandra. Come in, don't be shy!"

“You know my name?”

“Don’t be silly. Everyone in the church knows your name.”

Another woman said, "I’ve seen you in church a few times. I’m Penny. We're glad you're willing and able to join us."

"Thank you."

"You have such a pretty name," Sandra said. She was a bit older than the other women and was wearing a simple dress.

"Thank you."

"We have a lovely group of women here. We have all had some very sad marital experiences, but we stick together and prop each other up. I hope you learn to love the group as much as we do!"

I took a quick liking to Sandra, "Thank you," I said again.

Penny and Sandra sat down and a chair was found for me. We sat in a circle facing each other. Sandra introduced me to everyone. I smiled as best I could and noted that some of the women were wearing jeans and others were wearing skirts or dresses.

A short, woman, Debbie, with brunette hair and a great smile was seated to my left. Next to her was Penny wearing jeans and a white buttoned blouse. Stephanie, wearing a blue dress, was to her left. She’s pretty with long brown hair, a thin feminine body and high cheek bones. Next to her was Jody wearing a summery floral dress. She’s attractive and exudes wealth and status. She sat erect in her chair with a serious and penetrating expression. I felt most intimidated by her. Next was blonde Laurie wearing jeans who was also pretty and somewhat short and doll-like. Next to her was Sandra and finally Maia, on my right, who was tall and deeply tanned. Susan and Maia smiled encouragingly at me.

I realized that I was clutching my purse tightly against my chest. The other women had slung their purses on the backs of their chairs and I did the same. I kept my legs tightly together and sat up erect in my seat thrusting out my chest and putting my hands in my lap.

"We're so pleased that you're reaching out for companionship in your time of need," Sandra said to me.

"Thank you," I said.

"Each of us has had a similar trauma in our emotional lives and with this group I’m proud to say that we're moving on to a place where we’re happy and content.”

"I'm happy to be here," I said.

"We've all met Blake now," Sandra said. "I suppose most of you know that he’s Caroline's nephew-in-law, Linda's husband."

"We're glad to have you here," Laurie said, “but I’m wondering if you know about the divorced men’s group?”

“No. Aunt Caroline never mentioned it to me. Is it like this group?”

“In a way, yes. It’s men that have been hurt by their wives and are trying to recover their happiness. I’m sure that Caroline knows all about it.”

“I don’t know. I guess Caroline thought this group was more appropriate for me.”

“If I may,” Penny said, “my guess is that Caroline sees you as being emotionally closer to women than to men. Well, your clothes speak volumes about that. What do you think?”

“Caroline and I agree that the clothes I’m wearing are best for me. I belong in women’s clothes. So you’re right, my clothing certainly suggests that I fit better here than with the men.”

“You weren’t dressed like this with Linda, were you?” Debbie said.

“Oh, no. I’d be too scared to dress like a woman in front of her,” I said.

“So tell us what happened. We heard that Linda wasn’t very kind to you,” Debbie said.

“I guess she wasn’t,” I said, “but I might not have been perfect myself.”

“We’d love to hear your story, Blake,” Sandra said. “No matter what it is, I’m sure that it’ll fit right in with the kind of issues that we’ve all faced. For some of us, our husbands were cheating on us and then left us for other women. For others, divorce was a better alternative than sticking it out in what our husbands considered to be a dull marriage. For Maia, her husband came out as gay and they broke up. So tell us, what happened with Linda that had you end up here, would you?”

“Sure, I can do that,” I said.

“Are you divorced or separated?"

"I'm separated, but I'm pretty sure that Linda wants to divorce me. Actually, ..." I hesitated.

"Actually what?" Sandra said. "Don't be afraid. We're here to help each other."

“Well, Linda's having an affair with a guy who lives across the street from us. Linda mostly won't talk to me, and when she does she says mean things."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Sandra said, "it must hurt."

“It does. I was always faithful to her and caring. I made just one mistake I guess.”

“She broke up with you because of a mistake you made?” Sandra said.

“Yeah, though I also wonder if she was looking for an excuse to end our marriage. She might have already had her eye on the neighbor dude, Tad, his name is. They had plenty of opportunity to flirt with each other.”

"So what led to your breakup? What was the mistake you made?”

"It’s a little embarrassing. You might even feel sorry for Linda."

"Tell us!" Maia said.

"Please don’t laugh."

"You have nothing to fear here. If you heard our stories you’d find out that none of us have been perfect saints. But we forgive and support each other. We're friends and whatever you say won't go past this room!"

I looked into the faces of the women seated around the circle.

Jody said, "We're waiting."

"Linda and I were visiting Caroline. I saw that she stored an old girdle in a dresser in the guest bedroom. It enchanted me.”

“Enchanted you?”

“I know that you might find that hard to believe – after all it’s just underwear to you – but to me it’s so much more. I think the girdle is pretty. Lace around the leg openings and some delicate stitching around the waist. A little bow in the front. It provides an entrance for me into the world of women. When a woman gets dressed in the morning she might open her dresser drawer and gaze upon a girdle. It’s built into her DNA to select the girdle to wear if she wants to that day. She’s not thinking, “I’m a woman so I can wear the girdle. Not at all. She knows as surely as the Earth goes round the sun, that she wears a girdle if she wants to. Same with her bra...”

“Blake, Blake, Blake!” Sandra interrupted me. “Please pardon me for interrupting but I think you’re entirely missing the reality of your situation. What you’re telling us about Caroline’s girdle is all based on the idea that you are a man who found that he was attracted to a girdle. In your mind this distinguishes you from women. So now you’re playing catch up in a sense. Somehow trying to figure out how to be a woman. Am I right?”

“Yeah, that’s how I feel.”

“That thinking is based on you believing that you’re a man because you were born with a penis. For you and your way of thinking having a penis is equivalent to you being a man.”

“Well isn’t it, Sandra?”

“No, no, no. A closer look at yourself reveals that you’re a woman who happens to have a penis. That’s a much more accurate way to describe you. For example, each of the women in this room wake up every day wanting to wear panties – as against men’s underpants. We want to wear a bra to feel properly dressed. Admittedly some women don’t like the constraint of bras – but they’re not rejecting bras because they want to be like men. I like wearing women’s pants, skirts, and dresses. I don’t want to wear men’s pants. So tell us, Blake, how do you differ from me? From each of us in this room?”

“I don’t know what to say …” I said.

“Be honest,” Sandra said.

“Okay, I see your point. I do wake up every day wanting to wear panties and a bra the same as you do. I also don’t want to wear men’s underwear or men’s pants. They feel foreign to me.”

“Very good, Blake. But we can go further. The emotional make up of how you live your life with Linda is very similar to the way we women relate to their husbands.”

“That’s amazing. It’s going to take me some time to process that.”

“I hope you do. Accept the fact that apart from a penis, you’re a woman. When you were young you were a girl. As you grew up you became a woman. No more discombobulating yourself trying to figure out how to conquer your imagined male self in order to liberate your womanly self. You are by your very nature a woman.”

“Thank you for saying that. It sure is a great comfort if true and once I have a chance to come to terms with what you’re saying I can make peace with myself.”

“This is so lovely. You feel like our girlfriend already!” Sandra said.

“One question comes to mind,” I said.

“What’s that?”

“You’re all attracted to men, but I think I’m attracted to women.”

Sandra laughed. “So you’re telling us you’re a lesbian. That’s okay. No harm in that.”

“Blake, how do you know that none of us have had Lesbian lovers?” Stephanie asked.

“Or don’t have Lesbian proclivities?” Penny said.

“Well, I guess I don’t know.”

“Every so often I’ve had sex with women,” Stephanie said. “I usually prefer men, but there have been times where I’ve found women so attractive I developed desire.”

“I should say that after my husband left me in such an underhanded and rotten way, I lost my appetite for men,” Penny said. “My fantasies now are mainly about women – though I have to admit that a woman with a penis seems like she can offer the best of both worlds.”

“I was thinking the same thing,” Stephanie said.

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves ladies,” Sandra said. “I hope we’ve answered your question, Blake.”

Before I could speak, Laurie said, “Isn’t it possible that Blake could be attracted to a man? If he’s a woman I can imagine that there are men who might want to seduce him. He could very well fall under their spell.”

“Have you ever thought of that?” Sandra asked me.

“No, I haven’t,” I said. I could see that as a woman I might encounter men that were attracted to me and who would pursue me sexually. “If a man seduced me wouldn’t he find my penis?”

“True. So you need to be sensitive to what expectations your seducer has.”

Laurie’s comment was going to cause me to consider facets of being a woman that I hadn’t focused on before. A brave new world was opening up in front of me. For starters, I could sense that a man’s desire for me would inevitably drive me further and deeper into womanhood. Since I loved womanhood, what kind of resistance if any to the aggression of men would I be able to muster?

“One other thing,” I said. “I may be a woman but I’m envious of you ladies for having boobs and pussies. I guess I just have to live with that jealousy.”

“Why?” Sandra said. “You can get boobs pretty easily. Women who already have boobs go to surgeons to get different boobs. You’d just be starting from an AAA cup! Pussies are admittedly somewhat tougher to acquire,” Sandra said, “but if you have a strong enough desire you can get one.”

“You’re opening up a whole new world for me,” I said.

“That’s why this group is so wonderful,” Penny said. “We girls can help each other out in so many way – some completely unexpected!”

“Another thing Blake can do is just pretend he has breasts and a vagina,” Maia said.

This was true. It was something I was already doing to some extent. My recurrent fantasy when making love to Linda was that I was the one with the vagina and she was the one with the penis. Every time I lay in bed with Linda on top of me I imagined she was thrusting her boner into me over and over again. I don’t really know if Linda approved of me passively lying in the bottom position, but the strength of my own boners that the fantasy created must have pleased her greatly. I often heard her moaning in pleasure and even orgasming. That’s something that Linda would definitely not fake for my benefit!

Of course, if I hadn’t been so afraid of displeasing Linda I would have asked her if I could wear a bra and a pretty negligee while we made love. That would have made me even happier and more fulfilled.

“Earth to Blake,” Sandra said. “What are you thinking about?”

“I’m sorry. What Maia said is so true. I’ve often imagined I had a vagina. It’s a powerful fantasy that has worked well for me.”

Jody laughed. “Indeed our brains are our biggest sex organs!”

“So now we understand your fixation with the girdle,” Sandra said. “Tell us how you stole it, how Linda found it, and what she then did.”

“Okay, sure,” I said. “Well, I slipped the girdle into my suitcase among my laundry. Then, the lunkhead I am, I forgot to get it out of my suitcase when we got home. Linda was gathering the laundry from the trip and she found it. Boy was she angry! She made me drive back here to confess to Caroline what I had done.”

“Like you were a naughty child,” Penny said.

“You’re right, it felt like that,” I said. “I was terrified of her. Then I thought that if I did everything she asked of me she’d forgive me. But she didn’t.”

“What about Caroline?” Sandra asked.

“She was quite surprised when we returned and I confessed. She wasn’t happy about the idea of me stealing but she accepted the fact that the girdle meant a lot to me and she could see why I felt a compulsion to take it. Later, she admitted that she was curious to see me wearing the girdle. I put it on and she thought I looked cute in it. That led to her giving me a bra to wear and then everything opened up after that. I became her young feminine protégé and she guided me in learning how to be the woman that I am.”

“Is it true that you’re intimate with her?” Jody asked.

“Why are you asking Blake that?” Sandra said.

“There’s a rumor floating around the church that Blake and Caroline are a couple,” Jody said.

“I’m proud to say that Caroline and I have a lot in common so in a sense we have become intimate,” I said.

“The same with Kate and Amy?”

“They are two darling women,” I said. “They did a great job of corset training me.”

“Wow,” Stephanie said. “You’ve worn a corset?”

“Yeah, they have a marvelous collection. They allowed me to wear one.”

“Can I ask how many inches in your waist after they tightened it?”

“They got me down to 28 inches. I had such an amazing figure! I hope to see them again and we’ll try to get it a little smaller still.”

“Caroline isn’t jealous of your time with Kate and Amy?” Penny asked.

“No. She wants to share me with women that will appreciate me for who I am. That’s one reason I’m here tonight. Caroline thinks I should make friends with women closer to my age. Don’t get me wrong, she and her friends appreciate a young man like me much more than I’ll ever know, but they believe that my long-term happiness depends on establishing good friendships with girls my age.”

“Caroline has such a big heart,” Sandra said.

“I think it’s amazing that your whole life changed direction because of a girdle,” Jody said. “It’s both funny and tragic.”

“Why is it tragic?” Sandra said.

“The end of Blake’s marriage, for example,” Jody said.

“But what kind of marriage was it if Blake had to suppress his desire to be a woman?” Sandra asked.

“That’s true. Linda is a forceful woman and I had to go along with whatever she wanted,” I said. “Standing up to her was never an option for me.”

“Your marriage was like mine,” Laurie said. “My husband, Doug, ignored my wishes. If I was persistent he would put me in my place. It was so embarrassing. To be a grown woman and be treated like a child.”

“Yes, that’s Linda. After a few years of her calling the shots, I retreated into a passive role in our marriage. Taking the girdle was my way of taking back control of my life. A way of doing exactly what I wanted to do.”

The women laughed. “You are certainly in the right place being here. Your story of being married to Linda is the story of a woman not being able to find her voice in her marriage. Here we are all learning to find our voices!”

Laurie said. “My husband forced me into the role of taking care of his needs. For whatever reason I could not get out from under his control. My reward was being ditched when he felt like it.”

“I’m curious as to how we would have reacted if we found out that it was our husbands who had stolen Caroline’s girdle,” Sandra said.

“That’s a great question,” Debbie said, “but my ex is not the kind of man who would have ever stolen one, or bought one, or worn one.”

“I can see that,” Sandra said. “Your ex was a man’s man, that’s for sure. Anyone else care to answer?”

“What comes to mind is that I’d feel like my husband was competing with me to be the woman in our marriage,” Jody said. “I wouldn’t like that. I want to be the woman. Or the other way to put it is that I want my husband to be the man.”

“Like the way Linda felt?” Sandra asked.

“I don’t think that’s the way Linda felt,” I said. “You see, since Linda was married to me – at least in the beginning -- she must not have wanted a manly man. I guess she changed over time.”

“Good point,” Sandra said.

“So, Stephanie, what would you have done to your hubby if you caught him with a girdle?”

“It wouldn’t be a crisis,” Stephanie said. “Unlike Linda I’d want to talk to him. Give him a chance to tell me what’s going on. Whether or not our marriage would survive depends on what we discover.”

“I feel very different from Linda also,” Penny said. “I would have loved to find out that my ex had stolen a girdle and wanted to wear it. I hated his masculinity because he hid behind it so he wouldn’t have to communicate with me. He thought of himself as the strong silent type and used that as an excuse for not telling me what he was feeling. If he wore a girdle and otherwise dressed like a girl, we could have cuddled in the bed together and he would have talked to me person to person, or woman to woman. Instead, I got no emotional support from the big lummox.”

“This is so interesting,” Sandra said. “So you could see living together as two women?”

“Perhaps. I’m not totally sure, but it does seem like something within the realm of possibility,” Penny said.

“And Maia?” Sandra said.

“As you know my husband decided he was gay. I wish he had reached that conclusion before he married me! He claims that he was confused and after a dozen years of marriage and two kids he finally achieved clarity. I don’t know. To tell you the truth, I have no problem at all with men wearing girdles though my preference is that my husband wouldn’t want to wear one. I guess I’m a lot like Jody. What about you, Sandra?” Maia said.

“Actually, this isn’t an easy question for me,” Sandra said. “I guess I’d fall in the category sort of like Penny. If my husband wore a girdle and bra, let’s say, and then he’d be willing to have intimate conversation with me, then I’d say that was great and I approve. If he wore a girdle and kept his emotional distance from me, then I wouldn’t approve. I guess what I’m saying is that my heart is big enough to accept the needs of my husband as long as I’m included in his needs. I wouldn’t let a girdle get in between our emotional closeness as long as we had that.”

The women talked among themselves for a few minutes until Sandra said, “I’d like to summarize some of what I’ve heard if you don’t mind. We see that women react differently to their husband’s wanting a girdle. Some love the idea for various reasons and others are less excited about it. Some would like more information before they decide what to think. Linda happens to be the kind of woman – at least nowadays – who prefers men with at least some masculinity. Linda’s anger comes from Blake bursting her bubble. For making her see that he’s not masculine enough for her. So she ran to a neighbor guy who supplies what Blake can’t.”

“Isn’t it true,” Jody said, “that Blake misled Linda? He wanted to be a woman long before he got caught with the girdle. He never told Linda that.”

“Yeah, that’s why I feel a lot of guilt,” I said.

“I have to feel sorry for Linda,” Jody said, “even though I can see that you must have been struggling to figure out who you were. When you saw Caroline’s girdle, you finally knew who you were, and couldn’t stop the real you from coming out of the shadows. At a subconscious level you probably wanted Linda to find the girdle. It gave voice to feelings you didn’t have the courage to say out loud.”

“I’m sure you are right, Jody. I was never enough of a man for Linda and she had every right to dump me for a real man. Having said that, I did love her and it hurts the way she so totally turned her back on me. She could have had a little bit of compassion. Don’t you think?”

“Yes, but she was hurt. You have to let her grieve her lost marriage.”

“Right,” I said.

“Let’s talk about the future!” Sandra interjected. “What would you like for your future, Blake?”

“Aunt Caroline wants me to be open to falling in love with a woman my own age. That’s so amazing because right now I love her and she loves me. I guess I should confess that I also love Kate and Amy and they love me.”

“Obviously Caroline has your best interests at heart,” Sandra said.

“I know. I guess the kind of love she and I have for each other is mentor and protégé. She’s taught me so much about everything.”

“So what do you want for your future?”

“For the future I would like to fall in love with a woman who prefers me being the woman that I feel like inside.” I looked at Sandra and the other women and said, “It’s kind of silly but I’d be perfectly content to be the homemaker. My spouse can either take on the stereotypical male role or we could both be women. I could adapt to either possibility. I guess what I’m saying is that no matter what, I don’t want to have to do anything that is expected of men! I’ve had enough of that for a lifetime!”

The meeting went on for another hour in which some of the problems faced by the other women were discussed. Each of the ladies were in different stages of dealing with the fallout of their failed marriages. The one common theme was the support that the ladies gave to each other. I was sure that I could never find a nicer group of women to help me get back on my feet after the failure of my marriage to Linda.

At the end of the meeting I helped the ladies put away a coffee urn and some cups. When that was done, Stephanie came over to me and said, “I really liked your contributions to the discussion tonight.”

“Thank you. You’re so kind.”

“Your openness is refreshing.”

“Thanks. For me this was a magical evening. You women are so smart and interesting to listen to.”

“Yes, this is quite a special group.” There was a pause in the conversation and then Stephanie continued, “Look, would you mind if I called you up one night?”

I was surprised, but also thrilled at the thought that Stephanie liked me enough to want to call me. “Of course not. That would be very nice.”

We smiled at each other until Stephanie said, “Here’s my phone. Enter your number.”

I typed in my phone number and gave the phone back to her. I took a close look at Stephanie. I liked her long brown hair and pretty smile. She was as attractive as Linda if not more so. I was thinking of something to say to her when I noticed I had left my purse on my chair. “Oh, my purse!” and I went and fetched it.

Stephanie laughed. “That’s definitely something you’re going to have to get used to. Women are very attuned to not forgetting their purses. We’ve each probably done that at least once!”

“I hope this is my only time!”

Stephanie looked at me as if she wanted to say something, then she said, “Actually I wanted to call you up to see if I could take you out.”

“Oh, you mean on a date?” I said.

“Yes. I think it would be fun.”

“Sure. I would love … well, I would love to, of course. I think Caroline will approve of it. I mean I should ask her, shouldn’t I? I wouldn’t want to hurt her feelings.”

“Maybe it will be better if I call Caroline and ask her if I can take you out on a date. I can see what you’re saying. I guess I’ve been a bit presumptuous.”

“Well, I’m almost certain that Caroline will be pleased that you want to take me out. As I said before, she thinks it’s important for me to have friends my own age.”

“OK, so I’ll call her and if she’s agreeable she’ll pass the phone to you and we can set up a date!”

“Great, Stephanie. I’ll look forward to your call.”

Stephanie and I walked out to the parking lot and said goodbye. I called Caroline to tell her the meeting was over. She’d come by to pick me up in a few minutes.


I got into Caroline’s car when she arrived. “So tell me all about it!” she said.

“It was so great. They’re the nicest women one could hope to meet. Well, Jody scares me a bit. I think she’s a little like Linda. Sandra is amazing!”

“Who else was there?”

“Let’s see, Stephanie, Penny, Debbie, Laurie, and Maia.”

“I know all of the women and their stories. They’re so sweet and yes Jody is hard to get to know at first, but with time I’m sure she’ll act warmer to you. Some people throw up defenses when they meet someone new.”

“Anyway, I had a really nice time and I’m looking forward to going to the next monthly meeting.” I held off telling her about Stephanie.


Midweek Caroline came to my bedroom and announced that she had just gotten off the phone with Stephanie. “It was so cute, Blake. Stephanie wants to know if I had any objection to her asking you out on a date!”

“I thought that she might do that,” I said. “What did you say?”

“I encouraged her to date you.”

“You’re sure that doesn’t hurt your feelings?”

“Of course not, Blake. I’ve had my fun with you and while it would be lovely to have you as my permanent concubine, I can’t in good conscience put such a demand on you. I’m more than thirty years older than you and you have a wonderful life awaiting you with a woman – or man for that matter – who is your age. I have the memories of our wonderful trysts. Perhaps a few more are possible before they become inappropriate.”

I understood and appreciated Caroline’s speech but it also made me weepy. “I love you terribly much, Caroline. I always want to be there for you.”

“You’re such a sweet person, Blake, but you know that my role in your life is that of a temporary switching station to help you go from one track to another. You’ve made a beautiful transition. You do look so lovely and inviting in your pretty dresses, it’s time that young women like Stephanie be given a chance to woo your heart.”

I looked glumly at Caroline. As excited as I was about Stephanie it hurt like hell to think that I wouldn’t be available any more for Caroline. “Perhaps tonight I could be of use to you?” I said.

Caroline laughed. “Of course, Blake. That’s such a kind offer. But right now I think that Stephanie is about to call you.”

“Right. Well then, after the call?”

“Sure, Blake. Come to my bedroom after you’ve spoken to her.”

Caroline left and a few minutes later the phone rang.

“Hi Stephanie,” I said, recognizing her voice.

“Hi Blake, is this a good time to call?”

“Sure. It’s so nice to hear from you.”

“Perhaps Caroline told you, but she has no objection to our going out together.”

“Yes, she mentioned it a minute ago.”

Stephanie suggested we go ice skating together at a local rink. I said, “I’d love to. Of course I’m not very good. I hope that won’t be a problem for you!”

“Not at all. You can hold onto me. I won’t let you fall.”

We set up a time on Friday evening and before hanging up I said, “I’m looking forward to seeing you.”

“We’ll have fun!” Stephanie said.

After I hung up I sat on the edge of the bed savoring the wonderful phone call. I realized after a minute that I didn’t have an ice-skating outfit. I rushed to Caroline’s bedroom and said, “I’ve got a date with Stephanie! She’ll pick me up on Friday evening and we’ll go ice skating. But what am I to wear?”

“You can skate in jeans or we could get you a figure skating dress. You know, the cute dresses the ladies wear in the Olympics. Not an elaborate one, but just a basic ice-skating dress. Wear it with matching tights.”

“That should be perfect!’

“We’ll go shopping tomorrow and find you a pretty outfit. I know just where to go!”

With that my anxiety about Friday night became manageable. It will be so much fun to be on a date with Stephanie, but it will also be kind of scary because I don’t know her so well. But it will probably be the same for her!

At that moment I glanced at Caroline wearing a nightie in her bed. I felt a pulse of desire for her. Even more than that, however, I wanted to show her my affection like I had done many times before. Being available to supply pleasure to Caroline and her friends gave me a great sense of fulfillment, like I was doing something good for the world. It will be hard to give up intimacy with Caroline even though I know it is the right thing to do if I find myself in a loving relationship with a woman my own age.

“What are you thinking about?” Caroline asked me.

“I was wondering if I may join you in your bed tonight. I want to make you feel good.”

“Of course, Blake. Put on a nightie and join me.”

I did as she suggested and when I returned I burrowed underneath her blanket and lay alongside her. We hugged each other and then made love. When it was done Caroline held me tightly with her arm across my back as I rested my cheek on her breast. “You’ve been a marvelous pet,” she said. “Now it’s time for you to get a new owner.”

As much as I relished my upcoming date with Stephanie, I quietly clung to Caroline and sobbed knowing that what we had now wasn’t going to last forever.


“I adore your outfit,” Stephanie said. I had just let her in the house after she rang the doorbell.

“Thank you!” I said. “Caroline took me shopping yesterday. I realized that I didn’t have a skating outfit.”

“You look gorgeous in it. It’s so cute. The pretty bodice and pink skirt and pink tights.”

“I really wanted to dress the part!”

“I’m glad you did,” Stephanie said.

Stephanie was wearing jeans and a flannel shirt. I thought we made a nice couple.

“Can I say hi to Caroline?” Stephanie said.

“She’s out but should be back when we return,” I said.

I followed Stephanie to her car and she drove us to the skating rink. We sat down to put on our skates. Caroline bought me white figure skates. My foot size is near the upper range of women’s skates but luckily we were able to find a pair that fit me well.

I stood up on my wobbly ankles and Stephanie held me and we got ourselves onto the ice. She held my hand and we took off skating. I don’t know how many times she kept me from falling until I started to feel more comfortable. Then we sped up a bit and were able to glide along with everyone traveling around the oval. I felt my skirt fluttering as I coasted along and I saw the admiring way that Stephanie looked at me and a wave of happiness came over me. This was happiness that I didn’t remember ever getting with Linda. I felt on top of the world.

Stephanie said, “I like watching you skate along so prettily. I can sense your happiness. It’s contagious.”

“You’re an amazing woman in so many ways. And that you encourage me to be myself is so kind.”

“You have a natural grace in the way you move. It’s a soft feminine style that you were born with. It would be hard to learn that.”

“I guess it’s too bad that I wasn’t raised as a girl. I might have gone into ice skating and gotten good at it,” I said.

“That’s so true. Everywhere square pegs are being put into round holes. At least now with the help of Caroline’s girdle you’ve broken free.”

We skated for an hour, then Stephanie bought me hot chocolate and then we skated another hour. Back in the car it was still a bit early to go back home. Stephanie asked me, “What’s your curfew?”

I laughed. “Right. Caroline will ground me if I come back late!”

Stephanie laughed, “If it’s okay with you I’d like to show you a nice place to park.”

“Sure, I love parking spots.”

Stephanie drove us into a wooded park and to a scenic overlook where she parked so we could look out at a dark valley with some hills and lights here and there. She leaned across the central console of the car, kissed me on the lips, and whispered, “let’s move to the back seat.” We both got out of the front and into the back. Stephanie put her arm across my shoulders and brought my lips to hers. We kissed for a while and then Stephanie felt me up. Her hand was inside the low neckline of my skating dress and over my bra. After a while she laughed and said, “Don’t be shy, Blake.” She must have been a mind reader since I had been trying to summon the nerve to feel her up. Now I gently slipped my hand inside her shirt and felt her bra with real boobs within it.

Eventually Stephanie’s hand roamed underneath my skirt until it confronted my bulge. We continued like this for an hour until Stephanie said, “This was marvelous. A nice start. I liked what I was feeling. What do you think?”

Still a bit dazed by the lingering memory of her kiss and the machinations of her hand, I said, dreamily, “Oh gosh, Stephanie, I’ve had such a marvelous day with you!”

I hoped she would mention taking me out again and she said, “We should go out again. I’d like to show you my apartment.”

“I’d love to see it,” I said and we both laughed.


When we returned to Caroline’s house, Stephanie helped me out of the car and escorted me up the walkway to the front door. Caroline was home and waiting for us. “Stephanie! So nice to see you.”

“Likewise, Caroline. Thanks for loaning me Blake. He’s absolutely lovely!” Stephanie said.

“My pleasure. Did you have fun?” Caroline said to me.

“Oh yes indeed. Ice skating is neat and especially with Stephanie. She made sure I didn’t fall and I slowly got some confidence.”

“Isn’t it a pretty outfit that Blake and I found?” Caroline said.

“Blake was very pretty gliding around the ice with his little skirt fluttering,” Stephanie said. “I hope to take him out again soon.”

“I’ll so love that,” I said.

“I’m glad that you both feel the same way!” Caroline said.

Stephanie said good night. I walked to the front stoop with her and she kissed me again. Then she turned away and I went inside and closed the door. It was a magical night. The truth was that I had some unused energy from making out with Stephanie and I joined Caroline in the living room where she was watching a show. I lay down putting my head in her lap. Somehow she knew that I would like a good suck on her breasts and she took them out one by one from her blouse and I avidly lapped on her nipples while she watched her show.

During a commercial I felt her trying to weasel her hand up inside my dress. It was too difficult what with my tights on. She then pulled my dress off my shoulders and then had me lower it down to my knees by lifting myself in stages. Caroline then had free range to put her hand inside my tights while I continued feasting on her bosoms. She amused herself with my responsive organ that was fresh from the gentle and pleasurable caressing of Stephanie.


On my next date with Stephanie we went to her house. Together we cooked a spaghetti and meatball dinner. We got along easily together. I deferred to her directions as she led me through the meal preparation.

“You’re a breath of fresh air,” Stephanie said when we sat down to eat. “My husband would never have helped me prepare a meal. He made me feel like I was his personal chef/servant. He rarely thanked me or let me know he liked what I cooked. Usually when he was on good behavior I knew it was because he was horny and was expecting me to submit to his fuck after dinner.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. You deserve the full attention of your husband. There’s no excuse for treating one’s wife or husband like they are required to give you their services whether its cooking or sex!”

“What was your marriage like?” Stephanie asked.

“At the beginning I thought it worked well, then Linda started getting impatient with me. I became worried that I wasn’t living up to her requirements. I’d talk to her and I knew she wasn’t really listening to me. It’s tough to live with someone that you know you’re disappointing. I wish she could have articulated what she wanted from me but that wasn’t her strong suit. Of course, I came to see Caroline’s girdle as a chance to get a little of what would make me happy – it was a selfish act – and then she caught me and flipped out. She made no attempt to hear what I had to say about my feelings. Well, there was nothing new in that.”

“Linda and my husband are bossy people! I think that’s part of the problem.” Stephanie said.

“There are bosses and there are bosses. I think you’d make a perfect boss.”

Stephanie smiled. “Tell me about Caroline and her friends.”

“What would you like to know?”

“Are you and Caroline still…”

“Intimate? That’s on its last legs. Caroline wants me to get on with my life – and I agree. I shouldn’t continue to be her … what should I say? Plaything? Considering how much more mature she is than me, I never thought I could ever be more than her plaything. It’s been pretty enjoyable to tell you the truth. Caroline has loaned me to some of her friends. That’s been fun.”

“Like with Kate and Amy?”

“Oh, definitely. They know how to have fun with corsets.”

“You said at the meeting that you had gotten down to a 28-inch waist.”

“True. It took a little time. Inch by inch you tighten the corset so that you give your body a chance to adjust. At the start it felt tight but then my innards must have begun moving around to make way and it began to feel normal and then it felt quite good. Particularly because I loved the figure it gave me. The corset makes my waist rounder and less like an oval. I like that.”

“I see what you’re saying. I would love to see you in a corset. Do you have any plans to wear one again?”

“For you I’m happy to wear one. I don’t own any, but I can see if Kate and Amy would be willing to come by with a corset that I could try on.”

“That would be great, Blake. I hope you can arrange it. It would be so much fun besides the fact that I’m really curious to see your figure in a corset.”

At this juncture we stared at each other smiling. We both knew what was going to come this evening. We were adults. There was no reason to pussyfoot around with our attraction for each other. Caroline had given the green light. When the supper was done and we had cleaned the kitchen together, Stephanie invited me to sit down on the sofa. She turned Frank Sinatra on her sound system, poured us each another glass of wine, dimmed the lights, and sat down next to me. It was like she was pushing each of my buttons one after another and I was excited with anticipation.

I was wearing one of my prettiest dresses for the occasion. Underneath was an open bottom girdle with stockings and I sat primly with my legs together and hands folded in my lap. Stephanie wore black slacks and a green pullover shirt. I wondered how she would begin her seduction of me – there being no doubt that she would be in the dominant role.

Stephanie held me and we kissed. Long tongue-filled kisses that allowed us to spiral into great intimacy. Finally, Stephanie pulled down her pants and took them off. Then she rotated sideways on the sofa, spread her legs apart and gently lowered my head toward her panties. “There’s someone who’s been eager to meet you. Can you oblige?”

I laughed and said, “The feeling’s mutual.”

Stephanie was wearing a skimpy bikini style panty that I pushed it aside and eagerly did my best to pleasure her. It was an enjoyable experience. The warmth emanating from her loins cast a delightful spell over me. I heard her say, “Blake, I love how selfless you are. What a lovely sincere effort you’re putting into your caresses and I can’t tell you how strongly I’m feeling them!”

Of course words like this increased my ardor tenfold and I became an ever more avid customer for her heavenly female gifts. After some time I felt a tensing of her thigh muscles and increased vocalization followed by a long sigh. I was pretty sure that I had succeeded in relieving some of Stephanie’s tension. With a broad smile on her face she said, “You’ve done in two dates what my husband never achieved in years of his crappy effort!”

I laughed with pleasure to hear this. I loved the idea that I was useful to this lovely woman.

“Now’s the time when I explore inside that pretty dress of yours,” Stephanie said. She had me swivel around on the sofa and pulled my legs apart. She lifted up my skirt until she could get a good look at my girdle and the garters holding up my stockings. She reached up inside the girdle.

“My little friend has been anxious for you to visit,” I said and Stephanie laughed.

I felt Stephanie assessing the size, shape, and consistency of my member through my panties. “I can certainly confirm that!”

Stephanie worked her way inside my panties and I discovered that she had a great talent for knowing where and how to touch. “Yowzah!” I exclaimed. “So good!”

“You ain’t seen nothing yet!” Stephanie said, and she adjusted her position so her head worked its way inside my dress and the next thing I knew I was gasping with the insanely intense pleasure that only a thoughtful and experienced partner can deliver to the male instrument.

Just when I was about to climax, Stephanie said, “I’m going to keep on going this way. We can consummate our relationship the next time we’re together. What do you think?”

I was hardly in a position to talk but I said, “Sure! You know best!”

“Okay. Then I’d like to see what the end looks like here. Judging from what I’m sensing it’s going to be ‘A really big shew,’ to quote Ed Sullivan. “I laughed so hard that I got into a coughing fit. After I calmed down Stephanie said, “Are you OK?”

“Yes, so sorry. You’re beyond funny.”

Now Stephanie got down to work and in just a couple of minutes she clamped her mouth over me and absorbed my outpouring without spilling a drop. I watched as she swallowed it and said, “I’d have to say that this worked out pretty well, don’t you think?”

“It was wonderful. You’re wonderful. I can’t believe how lucky I am to have met you!”

“The feeling is mutual,” Stephanie said.


As promised, the next time Stephanie and I got together at her place, we began our exploration of lovemaking. Then ensued several months in which I saw Stephanie more and more frequently and we got ever better at pleasing each other. Finally, I needed to talk to Caroline about her. “The more I see Stephanie the more smitten I am with her.”

“You’re kidding!” Caroline teased me. “Of course I can see the growing affection you have for each other. I think that’s great.”

The truth was that as my relationship heated up with Stephanie the sexual side of my affair with Caroline had cooled and come to a halt. All things being equal I’m a monogamous guy. Besides that, Caroline didn’t want to interfere with my growing commitment to Stephanie. And for sure Stephanie was getting ever closer to me and more vulnerable to being hurt if I was inclined to accommodate the sexual desires of Caroline and her friends.

“Thank you, Caroline.”

“You know I like Stephanie. She’s a fine woman. If the two of you can find happiness together then that is precious. I don’t want to be a problem for either of you. Having said that there’s lots of ways that you and I can connect that don’t threaten the intimacy that you and Stephanie have. For example, I enjoy our girl time together when we shop and talk and cook.”

“I agree and that’s so nice to know. I also love doing girl things with you. I love the way you helped feminize me when Linda abandoned me. It was so good for my transition to know that I was appreciated for who I am. Loaning me out to your friends gave me many wonderful experiences that also helped me become the woman I am today.”

“Let’s invite Stephanie for dinner and we’ll also have Kate and Amy. They and I would actually love seeing the two of you together. It’s quite heartwarming to see young love.”

“If Kate and Amy come can they bring a corset for me to wear? I’d like to show you and Stephanie my 28-inch waist!”

“That’s a great idea. It’s been in the back of my mind to see you in a corset. I’ll ask Kate and Amy to bring one for you.”


A couple of weeks hence I was bustling with excitement awaiting the arrival of Stephanie for dinner. She came at the same time as Kate and Amy and they joined Caroline and I who were in the midst of making dinner. I must confess that even though it’s been just a few months since I met Stephanie, I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t fallen in love with her. Not the kind of love and affection I had for Caroline. No, rather the kind of romantic love where the scent of her hair or the angle she holds her head make my heart pound. Stephanie and I have found each other’s company to be stimulating, fun, and pleasurable.

The dinner menu was a garlic shrimp dish over pasta that Caroline knew was my favorite. I had told Stephanie about it and she was excited to have it. The dinner went very well. An amiable and clever group of five sat around the dining room table. Kate and Amy told fascinating stories about their travels. They invariably found interesting corsets to buy on each of their trips. Over the years they had built up their marvelous corset collection.

In the living room after dinner the conversation moved around between subjects until it eventually drifted to the subject of my corset training. “Blake has spoken to me fondly about the corset training you gave him,” Stephanie said to Kate and Amy.

“Yes,” Kate said. “We had a marvelous time with him. What did we achieve, Blake? Was it 28 inches? Yes, I do believe it was 28 inches.”

“For a novice that is remarkable,” Amy said.

“Do you think I could do even better like 27?” I said. “Do we dare try for 26?”

“That may be possible, Blake, depending on your courage and desire,” Kate said. “Realistically a 28 may be the limit for you and there’s no shame in that. Amy and I wouldn’t want you to get hurt by trying to get below 28.”

“28 is five inches less than you started with,” Amy said. “More than that is quite a challenge.”

“Seeing Blake with a 28-inch waist would be more than incredible for me,” Caroline said.

“Yes, indeed,” Stephanie said. “I don’t want Blake to hurt himself, but I do really want to see his corset training in person.”

“So what about it, Blake?” Amy said. “Would you like to corset train now?”

“Can I? I would love to.”

“We’ve brought your corset with us,” Amy said. She reached into a tote bag next to her and took out the same pink and ribboned one I had worn at their house.

“Oh, my old friend!” I said, eager to get reacquainted with it.

“What a marvelously pretty corset,” Stephanie said. “I had no idea it was so lovely.”

“It is beautiful,” Caroline said. “When Blake came home after his corset training with Kate and Amy, he had been gushing about how pretty the corset was, but this is even prettier than I imagined.”

“Thank you,” Amy said and began to laugh.

“Why are you giggling?” Caroline asked her.

“I’m sorry, it’s just that Amy and I planned a little surprise for Blake,” Kate said. “Amy’s so tickled by it that she’s laughing.”

“Tell us what it is!” Caroline said.

“Yeah, what’s the surprise?” I said.

“The surprise is that Kate and I cooked up a scheme to get you to a 26 waist,” Amy said. “Like we said before, an incentive is a good idea when attempting to get to a new reduced waist.”

“What’s the incentive?”

“Let me say it Amy,” Kate said. “Amy and I think that Blake would make a perfect princess. Would you want to be a princess?”

I looked at Stephanie, unsure of what to say. Of course, I would love nothing more than to be a princess.

“He’s looking for permission from Stephanie,” Caroline said laughing.

Stephanie laughed. “It’s sweet of you Blake to worry about my approval. Everything I know about you tells me that you’d love to dress like a princess. Am I right?”

I nodded my head.

“As long as you’re my princess and no one else’s,” Stephanie said, “than I think it’s lovely for you to be one.”

“I definitely only want to be your princess,” I said.

“Then let’s see how Kate and Amy are going to make you into one,” Stephanie said.

“Here’s how!” Kate said. Kate left the living room and returned shortly carrying a pink gown over one arm and a pink petticoat over the other. “Here is a princesses’ dream ballroom dress for Blake to wear with his corset. But the dress requires a 26 waist!”

“Oh my God. You mean if I can get to a 26 waist then I can wear the dress?”

“Yes exactly. But if you don’t get to 26 you can’t wear it. That’s your incentive to get to 26!”

“How clever,” Caroline said. “We all know that Blake could never resist an opportunity to wear a dress like this. My goodness it’s so feminine.”

Amy held it up for us to see. “It’s pretty and whimsical. Based on a French style from the 1870’s which is known for the lovely ornamentation and delicate, feminine textiles. In this case the dress is made from lavish silk satin and taffeta and has a décolleté neckline.”

“With the petticoat, the dress has the marvelous fullness that is expected of a princess,” Kate said.

A chemical reaction was taking off in my mind. No doubt it was exactly what Kate and Amy had been counting on. I would get to 26 or die trying! The dress was prettier than any dress I had ever seen before. An amazing creation of feminine froth. There was no way I could pass up the opportunity to be that pretty.

“So what do you think Blake?”

“I’m going to make 26 if it’s the last thing I do!”

“That’s the spirit,” Caroline said.

I looked at Stephanie and she said, “I’m rooting for you!”

“I won’t let you down!” I said. “I’ll get ready to wear the corset. First I have to slip into my strapless bra. It’ll take just a minute.”

While I was heading to my room to change bras, I overheard the ladies talking about how they hoped I’d be able to wear the dress. On my way back to the living room I stopped to listen to Caroline saying, “I’m so thankful that our hanky panky with Blake did not interfere with his finding a lovely woman like yourself. A woman that he can have a serious relationship with.”

“I’m a realist at heart,” Stephanie said. “There was no reason why you ladies shouldn’t have had your fun with him. Now that I’ve come along I do feel a bit guilty that you’ve had to forego that pleasure.”

“But I hope you understand our position. We’d feel a lot guiltier if we were selfish and deprived Blake of a romantic love such as he can have with someone his own age.”

“I do understand. I guess this is just the way life is. We can do what we can do, but there are limits.”

“Amen,” Caroline said, laughing. “Ultimately, Blake is so special because he gives us the best of both worlds. Blake can be as intimate with us as only a woman can be, but he also supplies the plumbing whose idiosyncrasies we find so delightful and fun.”

“And when it gushes – oh my God how delightful!” Kate said, and the ladies laughed.

At this remark I reentered the living room and the ladies stopped what they were saying to admire me. I was wearing just my bra and panty and I was holding stockings that I put on the coffee table and my spike heels that I carefully put on the floor nearby.

“Just marvelous!” Kate said. “Without further ado let’s get this corset on Blake.”

The ladies positioned the corset on me and began tightening the laces in the back. Their expertise allowed me to get to 30 inches almost immediately. Then I sat down and rested allowing the slow transformation of my body toward the round narrow waist that I could achieve. After a while I began noticing that the corset went from tight to comfortable.

Stephanie said, “I can already see the change in Blake’s figure. It’s so darling. I definitely love the idea of him having a slim sexy waist.” Stephanie put her hands on my waist and felt how slim I had become.

“Ready for another inch or two?” Amy asked.

I nodded my head and she and Kate pulled on the laces and my waist shrank some more. Being the center of attention I felt courageous and allowed my waist to shrink down to 28 inches like the last time. The corset was very tight now and I concentrated on relaxing my torso. After a delayed reaction my waist began conforming to the dictates of the corset and I settled into the same equilibrium that I had achieved with the corset the previous time I had worn it. A blissful feeling of liberation from my boy body overwhelmed me. I felt that I was connected to a long line of women stretching back into history who carried on their lives having corseted waists. In my mind’s eye I was a hyper-delicate girl – almost like an ornament. A Christmas tree ornament. Decorative and fragile.

I listened to the ladies’ discussing the ins and outs of corsetry with Amy and Kate answering questions. After a while I recognized that the corset felt more or less agreeable and the time was right to get another inch. “I think I’m ready for another inch,” I said to Amy.

“Are you sure, Blake?” Stephanie asked. “You look so exquisite now. I love how your boobs are propped up by the top of the corset. It’s so sexy.”

“I really want to fit in the dress, is that okay?” I said.

“Of course, Blake. I think you should try for 26. Just don’t hurt yourself trying!”

“Okay, Blake,” Kate said, “here goes. Stop us if it hurts too much!”

Kate and Amy pulled hard on the laces of the corset. This was definitely a whole new ballgame in tightness. I was relieved when Kate said, “27 inches!”

“Wow!” Caroline said.

“Incredible!,” Stephanie said. “You look like you’re suffering a bit.”

“Yes, it’s tight. It is definitely tight this time!”

“Let’s give it a few minutes and see what happens,” Amy said.

“Sure. I think I already feel a bit of the tightness easing.”

“Regardless of anything, your figure is so pretty,” Stephanie said.

“Thanks,” I said. “Please continue your conversation. I’ll let you know when it’s time for the last inch!”

The women continued to talk while I slowly paced the living room hoping that the vise-like pressure on my waistline would ease up. I went to the bathroom to look in the mirror at myself. My hair had grown out in the last few months and framed my face. Caroline’s hairdresser had taken me under her wing and helped me develop an attractive look. The little makeup I had come to put on most days helped accentuate the femininity of my face.

I looked downward and was shocked at how coquettish my waist had become. It was a pretty sight and gave me encouragement to continue onwards in the hope of being able to wear the pretty dress. My boost in confidence had the desired effect of provoking a final rearrangement of my internal organs so that I knew that I’d now be able to accommodate the final inch.

I rejoined the ladies and said, “Okay. One inch more!”

“You’re sure?” Kate said.

“Yep. I think my waist found a new stasis that should accommodate one more inch.”

“Okay,” Kate said.

She and Amy pulled on the laces of my corset. It was tough to make progress and they asked Caroline and Stephanie to help them. The four women now pulled together and I felt a new tightening until Amy called out “26!” They tied the ends of the laces and I smiled wanly hoping for a quick relaxation inside my body that would accommodate the new waistline. This time I wasn’t so sure it was going to happen. I walked to the mirror again and was astonished by my waist. What an amazing figure I now had. My prominent boobs at the top of the corset, my tiny waist, and the outward swell of my hips. It was a bit painful but I smiled at my reflection. I felt a surge of excitement and pleasure. Perhaps it was a runner’s high. My adrenaline poured into my blood stream with the excitement of having such a sexy feminine shape.

A few minutes later I began to feel better. The pain eased up and I joined the ladies. “I think 26 is my limit, but I’m actually feeling pretty good. It’s tight, but my body has happily adjusted to it.”

“Then you’re ready to try on the dress?” Kate asked.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” I said.

“First we’ll help you put on your stockings. That’s one thing about corsets – forget about ever touching your feet!” Amy said. I lifted one foot and the other and she and Kate put on my stockings and attached them to the garters dangling from the bottom of the corset.

Next, Kate held my hand and I stepped into the pink petticoat as she brought it up to my waist. Then Kate and Amy gently lowered the dress over my head. In the back, underneath the layers of taffeta were a long row of buttons that fastened from my hips upwards. “With your 26-inch waist I hope and pray that we can easily button you up from your tush to your neck,” Kate said. She and Amy made slow and steady progress buttoning as they rose up and the dress narrowed toward my waist. Then I felt them moving the two sides of the fabric together and buttoning at the narrowest part of the corset. Beyond that the dress easily buttoned up to my neckline.

“Just beautiful,” Kate said. “Your waist is the perfect size to fit the dress. Not a quarter inch to spare!”

“Now your heels,” Amy said. I lifted each leg and she strapped my feet into the heels.

I saw Stephanie and Caroline looking at me with ear-to-ear grins. “How darling.” Caroline said.

“So pretty, Blake,” Stephanie said. “You must look in the mirror and see how pretty you are. This has got to be the prettiest dress ever and you look so lovely in it.”

I went to Caroline’s bedroom where there was a full-length mirror and took a long rapturous look at myself. I had to wipe away a few tears that came from this culmination of every wish and fantasy I had ever had in my life. No one could ever accuse me of not being a woman. I was so gorgeous in the dress. My seductively narrow waist, flaring bosom, and impossibly full skirts. And all the pretty lace and ribbony details on the dress. I was a beautiful pink princess who could have stepped out of a Disney movie.

When I rejoined the ladies in the living room they had me pose for pictures. Stephanie took one from every angle and then I sat down and they took some more. When we were done, Stephanie took me by the hand and led me to the dining room just out of sight of the ladies. She put her arms around my waist. “I don’t know what I love most,” she said. “Your beautiful thin waist, the pretty dress, or the amazing feminine image you project. They all wonderfully stir my emotions. I’ve fallen in love with you Blake!”

Stephanie drew me in to her and kissed me. When the kiss ended I said, “I’ve been in love with you for a while. I’m so happy I now can say it! I love you, Stephanie.”

While we were embracing the doorbell rang. We heard Caroline say, “Who could that be?”

From where we were standing Stephanie and I could not see the front door. But we heard the door open and Caroline exclaim, “Linda!”

“Hi, Aunt Caroline! Are you going to invite me in?”

“Oh, sure, it’s such a surprise to see you,” Caroline said. Linda walked into the living room and noticed Kate and Amy. She said, “I’m sorry, Caroline, you have friends over. I shouldn’t barge in on you but I’m a bit anxious to see Blake.”


“He’s still staying here, isn’t he?” Linda said.

I was frozen in place staring at Linda and intensely aware that I was wearing the pretty dress. It had been months since I had seen Linda or even talked with her.

“Yes, of course,” Caroline said and added, “Oh, how rude of me, I should introduce you.”

“No, it’s rude of me to drop in without warning.” Linda said. “I’m Linda, Blake’s wife,” she said to Kate and Amy.

Caroline started to say, “These are Kate and Amy,” but Linda interrupted.

“Where’s Blake?” Linda asked.

“What happened. Why have you come?” Caroline asked, ignoring her question.

“It’s a long story. I don’t want to get into it. But basically, that guy Tad I was seeing turned out to be a macho prick and I realized that I actually prefer a gentle, kind of girly guy like Blake. Blake’s so unthreatening and he’ll do whatever I tell him to do. So he wants to wear girdles. I don’t care. He can wear bras also and have boobs. Just so long as I call the shots.”

“Blake will be surprised, to say the least,” Caroline said.

“I’ve come to collect him and take him home with me,” Linda said.

“Oh!” Caroline said. “Do you think he’ll want to go?”

Linda laughed. “Caroline, I’m surprised at you. Blake will do whatever I tell him to do. I own him. He’s my husband.”

I looked at Stephanie with terror. The two of us walked back into the living room. “This is Stephanie …” Caroline started to say.

Linda cut her off saying to me, “You look familiar.”

“Hi, Linda,” I said, sheepishly.

Linda looked intensely at me and suddenly gasped, “Blake? Holy shit! You’re my Blake?” She laughed uproariously. “What a get up. Where in the world did you get a waist like that and such a dress? You’re a bloody princess!”

Linda stepped back and looked at everyone. “What’s going on here?” she said. “Caroline. You’ve made Blake your little plaything? Is that what’s happened while he’s been here? You ladies have dressed him up to be your little sex toy? Really, Aunt Caroline? You took advantage of Blake’s weakness?”

“Linda honey,” Caroline said, “your jumping to conclusions.”

“Then tell me what’s going on,” Linda said. “My husband is dressed like a princess and surrounded by ladies.”

“You left six months …” Caroline started to say.

“Caroline, let me tell her,” I said interrupting. “Linda, you were so angry about my stealing Caroline’s girdle that you abandoned me and refused to talk to me or see me.”

“Like what did you expect?”

“I’m not saying you were wrong. I deserved your anger. But I also think I deserved your being willing to listen to me and try to understand my feelings.”

“Why do I have to listen to you? In our marriage you do as you’re told. That’s the dynamic that we found out after four years worked very well for us. Only stealing Caroline’s girdle was not part of my plans for you.”

“But you should listen to me, Linda!” My voice had gotten hoarse as I fought off crying.

“No surprise there,” Linda said. “Have a good cry.”

“What I’m trying to say is that Caroline’s friends at her church are very welcoming to me. They don’t mind my wearing girdles…”

“I told you that I’ve come to accept that about you,” Linda said. “You can wear girdles when we get back. Bras too. I can see that you’re very well stacked right now.”

“It’s more than wearing girdles and bras,” I said. “I like pretty dresses and a thin waist. Kate and Amy have trained me to wear corsets and I love them.”

“So you want to be a princess,” Linda said. “It’s all the same to me. You can be a bloody princess for all I care. You can wear a corset every day. The thing is that I’ve decided to take you back. Pack your things and let’s go.”

I began to cry and said, “I’m sorry Linda. I can’t go with you.”

“Look Blake. My patience is wearing thin. I’ve conceded everything. You get to prance around like a princess at home, but you’re going home one way or another. I don’t want to have to smack you, but I will if necessary. Now get going.”

“Linda, how can you even begin to talk about smacking Blake?” Caroline said.

“When he gets his stuff and goes to the car then I won’t have to smack him.”

“Look Linda. Stephanie is my girlfriend,” I said.

“Girlfriend?” Linda said looking at her.

“Yeah. I’m Stephanie and Blake is right. We’re girlfriend and boyfriend.”

“Sorry Stephanie but you don’t get to be girlfriend to my husband.”

“You were having an affair …” I said.

“And you stole a girdle. I merely showed you what the consequences are for sneaking around behind my back.”

“Linda dear,” Caroline said. “Why didn’t you have any interest in at least listening to Blake’s reasons for taking my girdle.”

“The reason was always obvious,” Linda said. “He acts like a girl so he wants to dress like one. Just a basic perversion.”

“He’s actually a woman,” Stephanie said. “There’s nothing perverted about that.”

Linda laughed. “Woman? The last I looked, which was six months ago, Blake had a cock between his legs.”

“That’s irrelevant,” Stephanie said.

“Irrelevant? Are you crazy?” Linda said.

“Blake is through and through a girl,” Stephanie said. “He loves to dress up like a girl because he is one. He’s like you and me, except his preference is for the prettiest clothing. There are plenty of women like that. Regardless of any of that, look how pretty Blake is now. There’s no boy there at all even if he has a penis.”

“We’re getting off track here,” Linda said. “Blake has no right to pretend he has a girlfriend.”

“I’m not pretending, Linda,” I said.

Linda’s mouth formed a scowl and she said, “I don’t care if she is or isn’t your girlfriend, I own you. You’re mine. You’re going to be mine regardless of psycho Aunt Caroline, her friends, and your supposed girlfriend. So pack up your stuff. I’m taking you home.”

“Please don’t do that,” I cried out.

“C’mon Linda. Be reasonable. Have a heart,” Caroline said.

“Just try and stop me,” Linda said.

I turned to Stephanie and said, “Please don’t let her take me!” Tears were flowing and I said to Caroline, “Oh, please Caroline don’t let Linda take me with her!”

“Blake said he doesn’t want to go,” Stephanie said.

“You and what army is going to stop me?” Linda said.

It was true that Linda appeared to be tougher than Stephanie.

“Blake is a person,” Caroline said. “You can’t own a person.”

“Legally Blake is my husband. He’ll do whatever I tell him to do or …”

“Or what? You’re going to hit him?” Stephanie said.

“If I have to. Haven’t you noticed that my girdle loving, corset wearing, pansy of a husband is scared of being hit? He’ll scoot right into my car if I so much as raise my hand to him.”

Linda raised her fist up and came towards me. “Get in the car, Blake. We’ll get your things another time.”

I raised my hands to protect my face and crouched in fear. Amy said, “Come on ladies. There’s four of us and one of her!”

She, Kate, Stephanie, and Caroline, took up a position between Linda and me. “Not so fast Linda,” Stephanie said.

“You had your chance with Blake,” Caroline said, “and you blew it. He’s now free of you. Your marriage is just a formality until the divorce decree.”

“I’m not divorcing him,” Linda said. “I’m keeping him.”

“We outnumber you, Linda,” Caroline said. “You can’t win. Give up. You don’t even love Blake and he doesn’t love you anymore.”

“That’s what’s so crazy,” Stephanie said. “You don’t love him! You freaked out when you saw the girdle – but the girdle means everything to Blake. You had a bad experience with Tad and all of a sudden you’ll now put up with Blake’s girdles, for what? For your ego? Don’t you want love? Can’t you find a real man to love?”

Linda didn’t answer and Caroline added, “Look at how pretty Blake is. You don’t care about that. You don’t even see it. But to Blake it’s everything. It’s bliss. It’s him being fully the girl he is inside.”

“I’ll buy him all the girdles and bras he wants,” Linda said, halfheartedly. It was clear she was losing steam. “If you come home with me you can be a princess, if you want.”

Through my tears I said, “I’m sorry, Linda. I want to be loved because I wear girdles, not just tolerated. I know that in your heart of hearts you don’t agree that I’m a woman. So how could you ever achieve true happiness with me? The truth is that I’ve fallen deeply in love with Stephanie who does truly love me for the woman I am.”

It was clear that Linda was realizing just how impossible her situation was. Even if she dragged me home with her, she’d have a miserable husband who longed for his girlfriend. Finally Linda said, “Okay. I get the house. I get everything. Blake gets nothing. Then I’ll divorce him without a fight.”

“Sure Linda,” I said. “You can have the house and everything else. I’ve hurt you and I’ll always regret having done so. I should have confessed my love of girdles before we got married. But I didn’t own any until I got Caroline’s so I guess I never thought that was something I needed to tell you. I mean it was abstract, I guess. Does this make any sense?”

“You’re a sorry excuse for an aunt, Caroline,” Linda said. “Shame on you for not supporting me.”

“I don’t feel shame, Linda. Even you have benefited from Blake stealing my old girdle. You learned a lesson in tolerance and understanding that you sorely lacked when you first found out what he had done. I understand that your feelings are hurt. But life went on for Blake while you were learning some life lessons. Now he’s in love with Stephanie and he’s found out that he can live as the woman he wants to be. You should be happy for him.”


“It might not mean anything to you, Linda,” I said, “but I hope that we can be friends one day.”

“Don’t hold your breath,” Linda said and turned around and left the house.

When she was gone Caroline said, “Wow, that was something else. Actually I think that Linda will one day come around and thank us for not giving Blake to her. She’ll meet someone and fall in love. I’m sure of it.”

“I hope so.” I realized that I was now penniless and said, “I think I gave away everything I own to Linda.”

“A small price to pay for your freedom,” Stephanie said. “Now we’re free to see where you and I can go from here.”

“And you can rely on me to help you out,” Caroline said.

“Us too,” Kate and Amy said.

The ladies helped me out of the dress and then loosened my corset. Caroline invited Stephanie to spend the night and so at the end of this emotionally draining day, Stephanie and I snuggled in my bed together. As we lay holding each other I remembered that Stephanie had earlier told me that she loved me. I laughed and Stephanie asked me what that was about. I said, “You know that I’m yours, right?”

“Yes, of course I do. Don’t think for a moment that I ever would have given you to Linda. You’re my girl now. You’re all mine.”

“You own me?”

“You better believe it.”

I smiled in the dark. That was exactly how I wanted it to be.

The End

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