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TG Themes:
Witch Corps and Beyond

“Ahhh! I was just about to send for you.” Aunt Cora greeted as we found her in the main foyer of the mansion. “For our late arrivals, I was just about to show and give a little history lesson on this small portrait behind me.”
She stepped out of the way.
Gretchen and Christian’s jaws dropped!
“That’s us…”
“Yes it is, Sugar Plums. This family portrait leaves no doubt that you two were meant to return to Norge’s Heath. According to the historic details, this was commissioned four years after Colleen’s coronation.”
“But there are three small children in that painting!” Christian exclaimed.
“Apparently you two work fast.” Aunt Cora grinned mischievously.
“Annnnnd love each other veeeery much.” She added nervously as an afterthought.
“Thomas was just asking about his role in all this, Aunt Cora.” I related to avoid the awkward stares from the newlywed Norwoods.
“I did some preliminary searching for him in the public archives, Chance. I got no hits on his name or facial recognition from any art. I think Aquia is free and clear to navigate.” Simone reported with a smirk.
“Now, if everyone will follow me, please?” Aunt Cora quickly changed course.
We all followed- silently- through a set of secured doors, down three flights of steps, through another set of secured doors, then down three more flights of steps, and into a small ‘warehouse’ of a room that looked really old and eerily familiar.
“Now here are the really rare and beyond priceless things. Things that you’ll never see on any inventory list or touring museum collection.
“Oh! My! God!” Christina gasped as she stopped dead and fixed her gaze to a portrait on the far wall.
The painting had to be three meters wide by two meters tall and faithfully represented eight people in vivid color and exquisite detail!
Colleen and Louis were seated front and center holding each other’s hands romantically- Christina standing behind her mom and dad looking Goddess-like with a slight white aura encircling her and her arms raised out from her sides as if presenting her parents. Lined up behind and to either side of the ‘Royal Family’- left to right were: Aunt Cora, Link, Simone, Kate; Kitty, Tua, Lyra, and Greer in their disguises; Christina separated Tua and Lyra; Dad, Mom, Grunfuller, and me! We were all depicted in our royal medieval/renaissance finery.
“You know? I never connected this portrait until I met you, Christina. And, I’ve always wondered why two people that looked exactly like me where never recorded in the ancient archives.” Aunt Cora reverently approached the huge painting and gently detached the historical information card from the clear pocket below it.
“Hmm. Says here it was commissioned four months after your coronation, Colleen; so I guess we all go back and hang with you a little bit longer.” Aunt Cora summarized.
Kate whistled. “Hey! Royals! Over here!”
She had lifted the edge of a linen covered painting measuring a meter by a meter and a half. It was sitting all alone on its own easel and looked like it hadn’t been touched in eons.
“Yet another question/mystery revealed. What’s next? Aliens really do exist?” She joked as she carefully lifted the fabric to reveal another portrait- only this one wasn’t any standard painting, but a photograph of a young couple that looked very much in love in front of a grand, very modern-looking Norge cityscape backdrop.
Taking a step forward, I conjured my wand and called upon it for extra light.
“It says here that this very detailed ‘painting’ was found in a little-used, forgotten storeroom right after breaking ground for a minor addition to the Keep at Norge’s Heath. The ‘artist’ and ‘subjects’ are unknown, but that it was discovered fifty years after the coronation of Queen Colleen Norge.”
“Though pure speculation, it is thought that the ‘artist’ painstakingly reproduced a ‘vision’ inspired by, or given to him by the Goddess Christina.” I read the very old velum document. It was signed and dated but I could only clearly make out the year: 1735.
“Freakin’ ‘A’ crazy!” Christina muttered as we all continued to gaze at the picture of Aquia and Thomas with Norge’s financial district in the background. They were probably standing near the edge of the Mansion’s landing deck.
“I’m hungry. Is anyone else here hungry?” Aunt Cora declared suddenly as she turned quickly and headed for the doors. I’d never seen her so flustered.
“What’s with Aunt Cora?’ I asked Simone as we hurried to follow our aunt.
“You didn’t see it, Chance?” She asked in surprise.
“See what?”
“The reflection in the large window off to their left?”
I shook my head. “No, what was in the reflection?”
“The bank reserve next to the mansion- it’s informational display; the date was reflected off the window.”
“It’s next Midweek’s date, Chance.”
“Ooooohshit!” I balked.
“Pegasus, Coven. I have the Vita Mirlini on approach to Norge Royal Mansion Pad 2.” Our AI alerted over our comms.
Huh. She must have really pushed Vita’s engines, I thought to myself. There again Christina and I saved her almost five years worth of fuel.
Aunt Cora touched her throat, “I want the newly arrived Lady Morgana shown to my office once she has secured and exited her craft- full diplomatic hospitality.”
She nodded in response to some unheard answer.
“Well, that was convenient! We should go back upstairs.” She advised and motioned us back to the security doors.
“Lady Caroline? This room looks awfully familiar. Might this be part of the original Keep?”
“I can neither confirm, nor deny that observation, Lady Gretchen- though as of a few months ago it had only been theorized to be an original part of Norge’s Heath. I guess we’ll never know if that’s true or not, right? It has been forbidden- off limits for Archeologists and other … less than authorized scholars to research and catalog since the Matriarch Queen’s reign.” Aunt Cora answered.
She went on.
“There is rumored to be a rather nasty curse placed on this portion of the mansion that only allows the Reigning Queen- with the Norge Bloodline, of course- and a select few others to enter. The curse is said to be quite intelligent, very discriminate and very, very protective.”
“Now I wonder who could’ve placed that complicated a ‘curse’ on this place.” Mom asked as we all looked to Christina and began to laugh.
I was last out of the former Royal Dining Hall and made sure the doors had relocked and were secure. I could see the spell’s Current re-envelope the entrance doors.
It was the purest Current I had seen since our trip to the ‘Prince Medical Pavillion!
I thanked the pristine Current for its ‘unyielding’ service to the Goddess and the Queen.
‘They’ found that humorous.
Going back up the many flights of stairs seemed to take twice as long as going down, but we soon arrived and cautiously made our way into the main- ‘public’- portion of the mansion.
Aunt Cora unnecessarily directed us to her lavish office suite.
“Hey, ladies! How’s they hangin’?” Citrus- Aunt Cora’s receptionist/personal assistant- greeted, as always, with a bright smile and bubbly enthusiasm.
Kate nodded to the greeting and walked off to the side of the large reception area and began to pour herself a cup of coffee, but also seemed to contemplate the variety of liquor available.
“O.M.G’dess! It’s actually you!” Citrus gasped as her eyes acquired and remained fearfully locked on Christina.
Sliding off her chair, the five-foot-six receptionist immediately knelt on the floor beside her desk, head bowed.
“Forgive me, Goddess Christina! I have only ever gazed upon an artist’s imagining of you and never expected to actually-.”
“Oh, give it a rest, sister. I’m just as Antarran as you, Lady Citrus. Please get up?” Christina pleaded tiredly.
“Okay.” The P.A. stood quickly with her patented smile- as if nothing was odd about meeting an actual Goddess.
Typical Citrus.
I wondered though…
Aunt Cora introduced Gretchen, Christian, Louis and Colleen. With another gasp, Citrus again fell to the floor!
“Yeah, I expected that to happen.” Colleen deadpanned. “Get up you silly girl!”
“Okay.” The receptionist chirped happily as she again complied and stood up.
On a hunch, I pulled my wand at the bubbly receptionist I had known for years.
“That explains it.” I said as I eyed up the brown haired, young woman with blue-highlights, big blue eyes, a perky figure, and effervescent personality…oh, and a wand in her left hand.
I noted that Christina had also called her wand and she was glowing like an overloading space beacon!
“At ease, Lt. Everhardt. Citrus is one of us, though I can’t take credit for her activation.”
“Sorry, Chance, this is about all I can do.” Citrus dismissed her wand as she looked down and away to her left with a sad expression. “Our queen asked if she could ‘experiment’ after her last mission with you. Of course, I jumped at the opportunity.”
“I thought… after my threshold, I… I’m… I let it get to my head, Chance. I’m sorry.” Aunt Cora blushed sadly.
“Don’t worry, Chance, I’m good with it.” Citrus beamed somewhat happily.
A slight white glow engulfed Aunt Cora’s receptionist and I immediately rolled my eyes and glared, annoyingly, at Christina.
“You’re getting predictable, Lieutenant.”
“So are you, High Priestess.” Christina countered with a quaint smile.
“Huh?” Citrus goggled between the two of us.
“Care to conjure your wand again, sweetie?” I asked.
This time, when Citrus called her wand, a blast of Current instantly shot from it. It didn’t hit any of us, but merely exited the office through the open outer door.
We heard a deep male voice painfully expel a huge amount of air and then a ‘thud’ from some distance down the hallway.
“Did I just do that?” Citrus questioned quietly as she stared- curiously- at the business end of her wand.
“Yeah, sorry about that, Major General Christoff? My bad.” Citrus exclaimed with a tense giggle just before she dropped her wand and stared at it until it vanished a few seconds later.
Wasn’t he supposed to be composing a report on Boundary Defense deficiencies? Maybe he was coming to plead for forgiveness from Aunt Cora?
“I suppose you have a good reason for fully thresholding my personal assistant, Sugar Plum?” Aunt Cora asked as she narrowed her eyes at Christina.
“Just being able to conjure a wand is going to get her killed one of these days, auntie. A shark looks lethal when swimming toward you, but if it ain’t got no teeth…” Christina answered politely.
“The best it’ll do is gum ya ta death.” Louis finished with a laugh as he rubbed his forehead. “Of all the analogies you’ve heard me use, you chose that one, honey?”
Christina just shrugged.
“So… do I get the cool, retro uniform too, High Priestess?” Citrus asked as she looked between Christina and me.
It was my turn to shrug this time.
“The Lady Morgana, my queen!” a different, older male voice interrupted.
Instantly there was a whole roomful of wands pointing at the intruders…
And we were all in uniform!
Citrus included!
“As you wish, my queen.” The small, grey-haired male with a few red hairs still left on the sides sighed as he nonchalantly bowed, turned, and walked away…
Without showing the slightest bit of fear.
Morgana, on the other hand…
“Ummmmm… hi?” She gulped nervously.
Wands and uniforms vanished instantly!
“Not bad. Welcome to the Corps, kid.” Kate congratulated Citrus unemotionally, patting her gently on the back then walking off to our right with her drink.
“Welcome to Norge, Lady Morgana. I trust our landing facility was to your liking?”
“An excellent facility, Queen Norge. I felt a bit overshadowed by EFMC’s Pegasus though. Such a magnificent craft you have, High Priestess.” She praised.
“Thank you, my lady.” I smiled brightly. “She gets us around.”
Morganna rolled her eyes then thought a moment.
“Had I such a craft, my journey here mightn’t have taken so long.”
“Oh? How long were you in transit, my lady?” Aunt Cora asked, feigning ignorance.
“Four and one half standard years, majesty… That is until two kindly benefactors stepped in to hasten my remaining four and a half years of travel.” Morgana looked between Christina and me with a tentative smile.
“Yes… I’ve heard rumor of some rampant do-gooders skulking about in the outer boundary areas of some of our systems. Quite frustrating at times, but I hear they mean well.” Aunt Cora tried, but failed to hold a straight face.
Morgana walked over to me and embraced me tightly.
“Thank you once again, Chance, for the assist.
She then turned to Christina.
“I don’t know whether to hug you or pledge myself to you, Christina Everhardt!”
“Then I’ll decide for you, Lady Morgana.” Christina said as she wrapped her arms around the woman and pulled her tight.
“Your friendship is more than enough, Lady Morgana.” She added.
“So. How long you plan to visit, Sugar Pie?” Aunt Cora giggled, but continued before any response. “Citrus? Reserve a suite here in the mansion for Lady Morgana for as long as she wishes.”
“Got ya, boss.” She answered and promptly picked up her DataTab from the desk.
“Oh, hey, you might want one of these, lieutenant.” I said as I tossed Citrus one of our lockets.
“Oh. My. Goddess! Really, Chance?”
“I insist.”
“You think she has any idea what you did while she was checking out her room, Chance?” Christina asked as our ‘diplomatic corps’- aka, Coven- made use of the Mansion’s Diplomatic Canteen.
“Citrus made sure her suite is on the opposite side of the Mansion next to ours, sweetie, and we shouldn’t let anything slip that would clue her in.” I answered as I accepted a shrimp salad from one of the familiar servers behind the serving table. “Thank you very much, Candice.” I said to break her staring at Christina.
“You are quite welcome, Lady Chance.” She replied with a quirky grin as she toggled her eyes between me and ‘Goddess Christina’.
I eyeballed the older Antarran woman whom I’d first met about eight years ago.
“She is; her name is Christina, and she’s just as real, just as Antarran as you so lighten up.”
“You’re welcome, Chance. Christina? Shrimp Scampinia?” She restated with an excited, but nervous giggle.
I nodded my head to her, smiled back, and continued on down the serving line.
Christina nodded and smiled to our server. “Yes, please.”
“Thank you, Candice Griffiffs. It looks delicious.” She winked teasingly to the server. “So? All the bells and whistles?” Christina asked with a knowing smirk as she caught up to me, and left the server completely dumbstruck how Christina knew her full name.
“Vita Mirlini is now about the size of our Mini Van. So, triple its original size. She should be very comfortable.”
“You kept the hot tub I hope?”
“Added a sauna.” I giggled. “And a lap pool.”
Christina nodded approvingly then gave me a curious look.
“How about ‘Tee-Dee Squared’ (Trans-Dimensional Drive- ed)?”
“She’ll do a healthy twenty per second.” I waggled my eyebrows a few times. “If she wants to get anywhere faster, she can call us for a ride. Vita has the option to go to Afterboost if he feels necessity to do so in a full-on emergency though.”
“Forty-five per, but I didn’t say a thing, got it?”
“Five by five and crystal, ma’am.” Christina smiled broadly at me and we walked over to our saved seats at our coven’s chosen tables.
“Hey, girls!” Citrus exclaimed in her usual perky persona as we made room for her at ‘our’ table. “So, Lady Morgana likes her rooms, but she’s not sure how long she’ll sponge. Aunt Cora told me everything for her is on the house. How long you gals’ all planning to hang?”
“Colleen and Louis wanted to see our base, so we’ll be heading there in a few days.” I answered then glanced over to Gretchen and Christian.
“We then have to get the Everhardts and the Norwoods back into Antarra’s past before they’re missed.”
“That’s soooo cool! I can’t imagine what it was like back then. I think the dresses were just sooo… I don’t know, so elegant!” Citrus bubbled.
“They’re heavy, hot, and unruly, pumpkin! Don’t even get me started on the hygiene of the time!” Colleen complained critically.
“But the Keep is fitted with the only running water in the realm, my queen- and with the most up-to-date privies on each floor.” Christian Norwood defended.
“…that dump directly out into the street gutters around its perimeter.” Louis added with a disgusted expression. “Didn’t you people ever hear of ‘Terra Cotta’?”
“Eeww?!” Citrus said as her face contorted in disgust.
“Dearest Christian? Have you had privilege to utilize this time’s conveniences?” Gretchen asked her husband.
“With exception to the privy, I have not. The bizarre fittings aboard Pegasus have stymied me enough. What is the purpose of those three seashells in the translucent vertical cabinet anyway?”
Laughter erupted from our crowded table!
Gretchen and Christian glared at all of us.
“Wait! You didn’t tell them about the three Sconce shells?” Citrus giggled.
Even more laughter erupted from our table!
“Lady Chance! Ladies!” A deep male voice rang out from nearby. We were almost finished eating.
“I had heard rumor that Pegasus had arrived earlier today. Welcome to Norge- in case Aunt Cora failed to convey the greeting,” Aunt Cora’s nephew, Rodyard, continued with a huge smile on his face. We had watched him grow into a fine, smart young man over the years.
We all stood. I introduced Colleen, Christina, Louis, Christian, and Gretchen before exchanging hugs and handshakes.
His eyes though, lingered on Christina after introductions.
“Well, not to be rude, but I must return to my office, my friends. The queen allows only an hour and a half for mid-day meals. She can be a rigorous taskmaster to her relations.” Rodyard begged off as he bowed graciously with a devious grin.
“And I knew you were behind me, Aunt Cora.” He added as the reigning Antarran queen reached up and playfully smacked the back of his head. “I hope we meet again before your departure, ladies and gentlemen.”
Rodyard turned and quickly leaned down to place a kiss on Aunt Cora’s cheek.
“And welcome home, Aunt Cora. I’ve missed you.” He said quietly before nodding to us again and walking away.
“Like what you see, Sugar Plum?” Aunt Cora was looking directly at Christina with a sly smile. I noticed Christina’s eyes were still watching as Rodyard opened and disappeared through the Canteen’s doors.
“My nephew- Rodyard. You seemed preoccupied by his exit, Sugar Plum.”
“Don’t worry, Sugar Plum, you’re both of age, and Rodyard is very handsome… and surprisingly, available.”
“AUNTIE!” Christina balked loudly as she blushed deeper than I’d ever seen before.
Again laughter erupted from our table.
“Alright! Which one of you did it?!” Morgana demanded angrily from behind us as Christina and I were walking to our rooms.
We both turned toward the venomous voice and shared a confused look with its owner.
“What? You didn’t think I would find out?!” She continued her attack. “Where did you put it? Where did you take my ship?”
“We didn’t take Vita Mirlini anywhere, Lady Morgana.” I giggled, failing to hold a straight face.
“Nope!” Christina concurred, popping the ‘P’ sound. “Still on Pad 2 as far as I know. Why? What happened to him?”
“Cut the bullshite! Vita Mirlini is gone and there is this bigger, shiny, new space cra… Awwww SHITE!” She continued to accuse only to realize what had actually happened to her precious vessel.
The look on her face was absolutely priceless!
“Why?” She begged as tears began to instantly form.
“Because.” Christina answered nonchalantly with one word as she stopped at her suite’s door and proceeded to enter then close it.
In typical ‘Christina’ fashion, it creaked, squealed, and groaned while opening and closing. Then a heavy iron bar sounded like it had been dropped across the door as a lock.
“Because?” Morgana questioned as she stared at Christina’s door for a very long moment then reluctantly shifted her focus to me.
“Because.” I confirmed.
“Look, how long did your journey calculate out to when you departed Magellan for Antarra?” I asked, cutting her off.
“About nine years with refueling and rest stops, but-”
“And at what point in that journey did Christina and I show-up?”
“Four and a half, but-”
“So how did you figure on getting here if you were dead… like we found you yesterday… initially? What if you had had a faster ship?”
“But that didn’t hap- I mean- you and Christina- changed that hist…”
“Did we?” I proposed mysteriously.
Morgana stopped trying to reason it all out and wrapped her arms around me, placed her head against my shoulder, and began crying.
“Thank you.” She whispered softly after a few moments.
“We always take care of our own, Mixie. Always remember that- especially now that Christina is around!” I replied gently as I held her tight.
Morgana began to laugh quietly at first while shaking her head.
“The impossible girl.” She whispered from my shoulder.
“I thought you hated that show?” I asked as I pushed her away slightly to look her in the eyes.
“I do, but it fits her to a tee.”
“Actually it fits every one of us if you think about it.” I giggled.
“You and Christina mostly though I should think,” she clarified.
“How long you been alive again, Morgana?” I questioned with a playful grin.
“Point taken, Chance. Point definitely taken.” She laughed then found a devious smile.
“Before or after you and Scion meddled, High Priestess?”
“Meddled?” I cocked my head to the side. “We prefer to think of it as ‘righting a huge wrong’… ‘aiding a sister in need’… ‘helping… family’, right, Christina?”
A terrified Morgana instantly began searching the hallway for the chilling, morose, yet complimentary voice.
I supported myself against the wall as I laughed hysterically!
“So? You excited to take him out for a spin, sister?” I smiled to Morgana as we performed the initial walk around of her new Vita Mirlini.
“Why, Chance?” She said as she stopped and looked up at the main emitters then to me for an explanation.
“Granted he’s not as fast as Pegasus, but he does have docking capability now.” I informed her.
“I didn’t think you’d be in that much of a hurry.” I added.
“So, what will he do?”
“Why don’t you ask him?” I grinned.
“Vita Mirlini? State you maximum velocity, please.”
“Design specifications are highly classified and require a Galactic Alliance Security clearance of level twenty-eight or higher. Please identify for proper authorization.”
Morgana glared laser beams at me and I expected her wand to appear!
“New ship; new, updated security protocols, sister.”
Morgana ‘huffed’ in annoyance and glared at me for another minute.
“Morgana of the Fey: First apprentice and primary assistant to the great mage, Merlin Emrys: Sole existing member of the Merlinian Order of Avalon!”
“Wow! How snobbish can you get, Morgana? I just asked for initial identification to append my new security protocols! Sheesh! Cut me some slack, sister!” Vita Mirlini responded with equal annoyance and spice just before his new ramp deployed.
“Enter… if you can keep it pedestrian, Lady Morgana! Welcome aboard, High Priestess… Hey, also thanks for the upgrade. Now I can keep a proper eye on the ‘old lady’.” The ship continued.
As expected her wand manifested instantly at me, and her glare just about vaporized me!
That didn’t stop me from laughing until my guts were sore!
“Your floor plan is only somewhat reconfigurable, Mixie. Of course the Sauna, Hot tub, and Lap Pool will remain stationary and unmovable. Your two suites can be redesigned into three or four smaller ‘staterooms’ for passengers if you wish.” I told her as she looked into one of the two ‘suites’. “Like our Mini Van, you have docking pylons for four ‘Broom-sized’ craft, or, you can utilize the two special, overhead ‘spine’ pylons to dock with Pegasus. Up ahead is your bridge.”
I motioned my very silent sister forward.
Morgana gasped after accessing her new security panel as she entered her enlarged ‘cockpit’- what she had called her pilot’s compartment in her old version of Vita Mirlini- a decrepit, ‘Buck Rogers’ style ‘rocket plane’, look-a-like.
“You should recognize all of the controls. I tried to keep everything close to your original setup, sister. Being a bigger compartment, I added some multi-functional consoles in the event that you fancy company or assistance.”
“Care to sit down?” I suggested as I motioned to the comfortable looking pilot’s lounger.
Taking my invitation she carefully sat down and startled when the piece of furniture began to move closer to the ‘dashboard’ full of controls.
Her pleading eyes said it all.
“Why?” She asked for the umpteenth time today.
“That question has worn out its relevancy, Morgana.” I said in as serious a voice as I could. “Vita Mirlini needed an update. Badly! How many times have you had just his landing struts repaired… or… or his thruster quads rebuilt? I’m sure those ancient turbo pumps couldn’t be getting any cheaper.”
“Or fuel for that matter.” I added.
My sister let her head tilt forward.
“So, earlier you asked something about his performance?” I reminded. “Sweetie? You want to advise the ‘old lady’ on your new performance specifications?”
“Needed to remind her, Chance? Memory isn’t as good as it was a few thou ago, my lady?” Vita goaded.
“So help me, Chance…” Morgana started to say, but Vita cut her off.
“Lady Morgana. You asked about my performance specs. I am now capable of twenty LY’s/sec at full throttle. My new spaceframe though is rated for plus ninety LY’s/sec and plus or minus one thousand ‘G’s’. My new main emitters’ efficiency is estimated at ninety-nine percent at full velocity, which equates to approximately forty days at full throttle with a full Current reservoir.”
Morgana stared back at me in complete disbelief. Tears began to roll down her cheeks.
“Defensive Armaments include two forward and two aft EFMC ver3 Plasma Cannons; four EFMC ver2 Particle Launchers forward and two astern. All weapons allow either weapon or wand mode, and I can automatically handshake with any EFMC Certified Starcraft if docked and umbilicaled. A completely configurable Camouflage system is also available for added security, my lady. Oh, and I’m now certified to FeLane Interstellar Military Standards.”
Morgana gasped in surprise and was silent for a moment then began quietly examining her new cockpit so I decided to leave her to it and made my way to the hatch.
“Vita? I’ll let myself out. I’m sure Morgana is overwhelmed. Take good care of her, sweetie. She’s not as hard assed as she let’s on. Oh, and welcome to the Corps, Vita Mirlini!”
“I’ll do my best, High Priestess. Thanks again for the upgrades. I was badly in need of a complete overhaul like, a few millennia ago.”
“Has Pegasus uploaded our updated star charts to you, sweetie?” I stopped at the hatch as I remembered something.
“She has, High Priestess, and we have also exchanged transponder ID’s and the Witch Corps Base Broom Closet Squawk Comm Channel.”
“Good. Somehow I have a feeling you may get to visit our base in the near future. You are now a certified member of the Corps, so feel free to alert us if you experience any malfunctions or failures. You or Morgana, Got it?”
“Copy that, High Priestess, and thanks again! Until we meet again, Chance?”
“Until then, Vita. See ya!” I grinned as I was again in Aunt Cora’s outer office area.
“Hey, Chance. Mixie like her new ride?” Citrus asked in her ever-bubbly way.
I smiled brightly. “I’d suggest clearing her for an immediate departure vector if I were you.”
“And should I also apply for an arrival vector for her?”
“I gave her a full tank of gas, so… the jury’s still out on that one, but just to be sure...”
Citrus nodded and sent the request to Norge Center Tower.
“So…Morgana…?” Grunfuller asked as I entered our suite.
“Took off about five minutes after Citrus placed the flight request and clearance.”
“Think we’ll ever see her again, dear?”
“How are you so sure?” Grunfuller asked as his eyes narrowed.
“Vita has our Ident protocols for the Broom Closet.”
My mate nodded.
“So when do we go back to the Antarran middle ages?”
“After we spend a few days decompressing back at base… and we talk Sinae into returning to FeLane.”
“Talk about ‘mission impossible’! We stand a better chance of discovering a new element.”
“Congratulations, dear.” I smiled brightly.
“You successfully used an ancient ‘Earth saying’ in a conversation.”
Grunfuller rolled his eyes and shook his head in defeat.
“You going to come to bed, dear?” He asked to change the subject while he began to undress.
“Copy that, my mate.”
I smiled deviously.
“High Priestess? Could we have a few moments?” Aquia asked as she and Thomas caught up to me on my way to Pegasus.
“Let me guess,” I answered as I stopped and turned back toward them, “you’d like me to archive an image of you two?”
Aquia stopped abruptly and looked to me in confusion. “How?”
“Lucky guess.” I assured her.
“How about over there?” I asked and pointed to where I now knew I would record the image.
Aquia agreed and I called my DataTab.
“Smile and say cheese.” I suggested.
“Huh?” Aquia looked very confused.
“Just smile as you look this way.” I restated.
With the image recorded to my DataTab, I showed the couple and received their excited acknowledgement to share it.
“I could have this enlarged and framed if you’d like, sweetie.” I offered.
“Another cryptic ‘Old Earth’ slang term, Lady Chance?” Aquia asked in suspicion.
“Frame it like the portraits in the mansion’s grand foyer, sweetie.” I clarified.
“Oh…yeah… thanks, Chance.” She blushed. “So, when do we head back?”
“Tomorrow we head back to base for a few days. Colleen and Louis asked to see where Christina lived, worked, and played.”
“Is she going to stay with us, Chance?” Aquia looked concerned.
“Who are we talking about, Lady Aquia?” I asked as one of the mansion’s maintenance crews appeared on Pad 1.
“Lady Christina, High Priestess. I was hoping she would remain with us.” She specified, taking my lead-in.
“That is for her to decide, Lady Aquia. Lady Christina’s responsibilities have grown exponentially of late. I’m sure she will decide her options based on her evaluation of all concerning topics and also her heart.”
“I’m sure the Lady Christina will make the best choice she is able, my lady.” Thomas lifted and kissed Aquia’s right hand to comfort her.
“Of course. Thank you for your time, High Priestess.” Aquia nodded retrospectively before she and Thomas turned and walked back to the mansion hand-in-hand.
“They make a very nice couple, Chance. They communicate any intentions?”
“Verbally, not as yet, but I can guarantee nuptials within the standard year, Jorgen.” I answered Aunt Cora’s cousin- five times removed- as he passed near while performing his daily inspections.
“I’m sure Cora will involve herself?”
“Count on it, my friend. I foresee it taking place in the mansion’s great hall, and with plenty of fanfare.” I smiled brightly.
“Yeah, I was afraid of that! Thanks for the warning, Chance. I owe ya one.”
Aunt Cora’s lead ground crew supervisor nodded then turned back to the mansion. I continued my trek to Pegasus.
“Pegasus? I’d like to come aboard.”
“Lady Kitty is expecting you, Lady Chance.”
“Somehow I think ‘expecting’ is not the preferred choice of verbiage, sweetie.” I giggled.
“I guess you’re right. She’s up in the lounge.”
“Thanks, sweetie. Re-enable external security once the hatch is closed.”
“Copy, High Priestess.”
“How did you know where to find me, Chance?”
“Give me a break, Sinae! We’ve known each other for over twenty years. How wouldn’t I know where to find you?” I groaned as I arrived in Pegasus’ Observation Lounge. The ceiling was currently displaying a starfield as seen from I’d guess, Capital, FeLane.
“She’s kicking pretty good today, Chance.” Sinae informed me as she gently rubbed her enlarged belly.
“I would expect nothing less, majesty.” I grinned as I approached and sat down on the recliner next to her.
“You’re enjoying this entirely too much, you smart ass!”
“Grunfuller and I were thinking of trying for another.” I decided to spring that one on her.
“And what’s Oracle say about that?” Sinae asked, narrowing her eyes and raising one brow.
“Nothing one way or the other, I’m afraid.” I admitted. “I hope it isn’t as difficult as mom and dad experienced.”
We were both quiet for several minutes.
“So…” I said to break the silence, “summer or winter over Capital?” I pointed up.
“Summer… right before it all came crashing down.”
“Oh.” I whispered quietly.
“Mom and I were having such a wonderful summer, ya know? We’d spent almost every night out on the south patio… just staring up… sharing our hopes… our dreams…”
Sinae started to cry as we again lapsed into silence.
“You know…I could…”
“No, you won’t, Chance! I formally request Nike be left out of this. I’d like to remember rather than meet in person and go through it all over again when the time came for her to go back...”
“I understand completely.” I said as I looked to the stars a moment. “Hearing Christina relate then share her memories of her ordeal was in no way anything like having to witness it firsthand.”
“Speaking of Christina, I’d rather she not pay FeLane a visit during that dark period in my life, Chance. Christina? You hear that? Please don’t interfere?” Sinae said as she looked up to the simulated stars above us.
“Sadly, I must honor that request, sister. It has already been ‘explained’ to me that FeLane’s history, in conjunction with that of Kitty Sinae, should be left unhampered and unmodified.” Christina said as she was just ‘there’ on the couch across from us.
“I can’t guarantee that I would be able to leave you and your mother to suffe…” Christina said in a small voice, sniffed back a few tears then quickly disappeared.
“She’s a good kid, Chance.” Sinae said as she gave a big sigh. “The universe is in good hands I think.”
I nodded.
Silence again filled the Lounge.
“I contacted Capital earlier today. Of course the news spread faster than Pegasus, Savanna, or even Christina could cross the Way.” Sinae mentioned, breaking the quiet again.
“Of course there will be a full Parliamentary investigation into the matter by my opponents.”
“Of course.” I agreed. “The perverts will probably want to see recorded proof of the conception.” I snorted in disgust.
“I can see it being projected in full ‘HoloDef’ on the ‘20M-Jumbotron’ in Parliament’s assembly chamber.” Sinae giggled.
“Excuse the interruption, ladies. I have Vita Mirlini on final approach to Pad 2.” Pegasus interrupted politely.
“Copy, Pegasus. I think we’re going to ‘pop’ over there to say ‘hi’ after she lands.”
“Yes. I was prepared for that response, High Priestess. I’ll keep the lights on.”
“I love this family, Chance.” Sinae said as I motioned to help her up.
The polite offer set her glaring at me in contempt!
The rear of Vita Mirlini’s newly enlarged bridge appeared around us. Morgana was just getting up out of her pilot’s chair.
“Merciful Merlin! You scared the shite from me, Chance Summers! Don’t you girls ever knock?”
“Not since Chance reached her second threshold.” Sinae deadpanned under her breath.
“Have a good test flight?” I asked, ignoring my ‘catty’ sister.
Suddenly I had a pair of arms wrapped around me, and Morgana crying into my shoulder!
“He’s w-w-w-w-wonderful!” She sobbed heavily.
“Good. Vita? Did Morgana play nice?” I asked the ship.
“I’m in good hands, High Priestess. Hello to you, Queen Kitty, I hear congratulations are in order!”
“Thank you, Vita.” Sinae blushed as Morgana instantly looked to her belly.
“We’ll be leaving tomorrow for Witch Corps Base. A standing invitation is extended to you any time you wish to visit, Morgana and Vita.”
“I’d like the opportunity to try out Vita Mirlini’s docking capabilities if you don’t mind me tagging along? We won’t be any trouble, High Priestess.”
“I too would like the opportunity to test out my spaceframe at 45LY’s/sec, High Priestess.”
Morgana gasped!
“45LY’s/sec? How…?”
“Pure science and not one bit of magic.” I answered proudly.
“Christina’s original design with a few ‘slight’ design upgrades that Simone developed back in the Academy for her post-grad thesis.” I added.
“Hey, Chance? I’m going to pop over to the Canteen. I haven’t eaten in like, thirty minutes.” Sinae interrupted before she vanished.
She was getting quite proficient at teleporting.
“We’ll wait and dock with you up in orbit, Mixie. Chance, Pegasus.”
“Pegasus, High Priestess.”
“Estimated distance and travel time to Witch Corps Base from present location?”
“Four hundred and fifty-eight thousand LY’s; about four standard hours. If we leave as planned tomorrow. If we wait longer the time and distance will change accordingly.”
Morgana gave me a curious stare. I don’t think we ever told her where our base was located.
“Thanks. Chance, out.”
“Your base is on a ship?”
Morgana was very intelligent and perceptive.
I winked and ‘ported’ back to my suite of rooms in Aunt Cora’s mansion.
“Oh, hey dear. Mixie like her new ship?”
“I think she’ll be ‘tagging along’ back to base.” I informed my mate.
“Wants to try out the new docking pylons I take it?” Grunfuller speculated.
I nodded.
“I told her we’d wait in orbit.”
Grub nodded back.
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Happy to see ...
... Summer's Current keep on flowing.
Months back, you had left us with just so many unfinished threads.
I feared first, have we lost yet another Author?, or second, had your Muse "run out of steam-er-Current"?
Thanks for continuing!!
Glad you're enjoying.
Sorry it took so long to post, but since this book was finished a few years back, I decided to re-read it (several thousand times) to catch most of the grammar and spelling errors (cues mission impossible music). Plus, a few of the readers here suggested a 'Crossover' and I've been playing with that on and off.
As always, thanks for the comments!