Witch Corps and Beyond
“Ahhh! I was just about to send for you.” Aunt Cora greeted as we found her in the main foyer of the mansion. “For our late arrivals, I was just about to show and give a little history lesson on this small portrait behind me.”
She stepped out of the way.
Gretchen and Christian’s jaws dropped!
“That’s us…”
“Yes it is, Sugar Plums. This family portrait leaves no doubt that you two were meant to return to Norge’s Heath. According to the historic details, this was commissioned four years after Colleen’s coronation.”
“But there are three small children in that painting!” Christian exclaimed.
“Apparently you two work fast.” Aunt Cora grinned mischievously.
“Annnnnd love each other veeeery much.” She added nervously as an afterthought.
“Thomas was just asking about his role in all this, Aunt Cora.” I related to avoid the awkward stares from the newlywed Norwoods.
“I did some preliminary searching for him in the public archives, Chance. I got no hits on his name or facial recognition from any art. I think Aquia is free and clear to navigate.” Simone reported with a smirk.
“Now, if everyone will follow me, please?” Aunt Cora quickly changed course.
We all followed- silently- through a set of secured doors, down three flights of steps, through another set of secured doors, then down three more flights of steps, and into a small ‘warehouse’ of a room that looked really old and eerily familiar.
“Now here are the really rare and beyond priceless things. Things that you’ll never see on any inventory list or touring museum collection.
“Oh! My! God!” Christina gasped as she stopped dead and fixed her gaze to a portrait on the far wall.
The painting had to be three meters wide by two meters tall and faithfully represented eight people in vivid color and exquisite detail!
Colleen and Louis were seated front and center holding each other’s hands romantically- Christina standing behind her mom and dad looking Goddess-like with a slight white aura encircling her and her arms raised out from her sides as if presenting her parents. Lined up behind and to either side of the ‘Royal Family’- left to right were: Aunt Cora, Link, Simone, Kate; Kitty, Tua, Lyra, and Greer in their disguises; Christina separated Tua and Lyra; Dad, Mom, Grunfuller, and me! We were all depicted in our royal medieval/renaissance finery.
“You know? I never connected this portrait until I met you, Christina. And, I’ve always wondered why two people that looked exactly like me where never recorded in the ancient archives.” Aunt Cora reverently approached the huge painting and gently detached the historical information card from the clear pocket below it.
“Hmm. Says here it was commissioned four months after your coronation, Colleen; so I guess we all go back and hang with you a little bit longer.” Aunt Cora summarized.
Kate whistled. “Hey! Royals! Over here!”
She had lifted the edge of a linen covered painting measuring a meter by a meter and a half. It was sitting all alone on its own easel and looked like it hadn’t been touched in eons.
“Yet another question/mystery revealed. What’s next? Aliens really do exist?” She joked as she carefully lifted the fabric to reveal another portrait- only this one wasn’t any standard painting, but a photograph of a young couple that looked very much in love in front of a grand, very modern-looking Norge cityscape backdrop.
Taking a step forward, I conjured my wand and called upon it for extra light.
“It says here that this very detailed ‘painting’ was found in a little-used, forgotten storeroom right after breaking ground for a minor addition to the Keep at Norge’s Heath. The ‘artist’ and ‘subjects’ are unknown, but that it was discovered fifty years after the coronation of Queen Colleen Norge.”
“Though pure speculation, it is thought that the ‘artist’ painstakingly reproduced a ‘vision’ inspired by, or given to him by the Goddess Christina.” I read the very old velum document. It was signed and dated but I could only clearly make out the year: 1735.
“Freakin’ ‘A’ crazy!” Christina muttered as we all continued to gaze at the picture of Aquia and Thomas with Norge’s financial district in the background. They were probably standing near the edge of the Mansion’s landing deck.
“I’m hungry. Is anyone else here hungry?” Aunt Cora declared suddenly as she turned quickly and headed for the doors. I’d never seen her so flustered.
“What’s with Aunt Cora?’ I asked Simone as we hurried to follow our aunt.
“You didn’t see it, Chance?” She asked in surprise.
“See what?”
“The reflection in the large window off to their left?”
I shook my head. “No, what was in the reflection?”
“The bank reserve next to the mansion- it’s informational display; the date was reflected off the window.”
“It’s next Midweek’s date, Chance.”
“Ooooohshit!” I balked.
“Pegasus, Coven. I have the Vita Mirlini on approach to Norge Royal Mansion Pad 2.” Our AI alerted over our comms.
Huh. She must have really pushed Vita’s engines, I thought to myself. There again Christina and I saved her almost five years worth of fuel.
Aunt Cora touched her throat, “I want the newly arrived Lady Morgana shown to my office once she has secured and exited her craft- full diplomatic hospitality.”
She nodded in response to some unheard answer.
“Well, that was convenient! We should go back upstairs.” She advised and motioned us back to the security doors.
“Lady Caroline? This room looks awfully familiar. Might this be part of the original Keep?”
“I can neither confirm, nor deny that observation, Lady Gretchen- though as of a few months ago it had only been theorized to be an original part of Norge’s Heath. I guess we’ll never know if that’s true or not, right? It has been forbidden- off limits for Archeologists and other … less than authorized scholars to research and catalog since the Matriarch Queen’s reign.” Aunt Cora answered.
She went on.
“There is rumored to be a rather nasty curse placed on this portion of the mansion that only allows the Reigning Queen- with the Norge Bloodline, of course- and a select few others to enter. The curse is said to be quite intelligent, very discriminate and very, very protective.”
“Now I wonder who could’ve placed that complicated a ‘curse’ on this place.” Mom asked as we all looked to Christina and began to laugh.
I was last out of the former Royal Dining Hall and made sure the doors had relocked and were secure. I could see the spell’s Current re-envelope the entrance doors.
It was the purest Current I had seen since our trip to the ‘Prince Medical Pavillion!
I thanked the pristine Current for its ‘unyielding’ service to the Goddess and the Queen.
‘They’ found that humorous.
Going back up the many flights of stairs seemed to take twice as long as going down, but we soon arrived and cautiously made our way into the main- ‘public’- portion of the mansion.
Aunt Cora unnecessarily directed us to her lavish office suite.
“Hey, ladies! How’s they hangin’?” Citrus- Aunt Cora’s receptionist/personal assistant- greeted, as always, with a bright smile and bubbly enthusiasm.
Kate nodded to the greeting and walked off to the side of the large reception area and began to pour herself a cup of coffee, but also seemed to contemplate the variety of liquor available.
“O.M.G’dess! It’s actually you!” Citrus gasped as her eyes acquired and remained fearfully locked on Christina.
Sliding off her chair, the five-foot-six receptionist immediately knelt on the floor beside her desk, head bowed.
“Forgive me, Goddess Christina! I have only ever gazed upon an artist’s imagining of you and never expected to actually-.”
“Oh, give it a rest, sister. I’m just as Antarran as you, Lady Citrus. Please get up?” Christina pleaded tiredly.
“Okay.” The P.A. stood quickly with her patented smile- as if nothing was odd about meeting an actual Goddess.
Typical Citrus.
I wondered though…
Aunt Cora introduced Gretchen, Christian, Louis and Colleen. With another gasp, Citrus again fell to the floor!
“Yeah, I expected that to happen.” Colleen deadpanned. “Get up you silly girl!”
“Okay.” The receptionist chirped happily as she again complied and stood up.
On a hunch, I pulled my wand at the bubbly receptionist I had known for years.
“That explains it.” I said as I eyed up the brown haired, young woman with blue-highlights, big blue eyes, a perky figure, and effervescent personality…oh, and a wand in her left hand.
I noted that Christina had also called her wand and she was glowing like an overloading space beacon!
“At ease, Lt. Everhardt. Citrus is one of us, though I can’t take credit for her activation.”
“Sorry, Chance, this is about all I can do.” Citrus dismissed her wand as she looked down and away to her left with a sad expression. “Our queen asked if she could ‘experiment’ after her last mission with you. Of course, I jumped at the opportunity.”
“I thought… after my threshold, I… I’m… I let it get to my head, Chance. I’m sorry.” Aunt Cora blushed sadly.
“Don’t worry, Chance, I’m good with it.” Citrus beamed somewhat happily.
A slight white glow engulfed Aunt Cora’s receptionist and I immediately rolled my eyes and glared, annoyingly, at Christina.
“You’re getting predictable, Lieutenant.”
“So are you, High Priestess.” Christina countered with a quaint smile.
“Huh?” Citrus goggled between the two of us.
“Care to conjure your wand again, sweetie?” I asked.
This time, when Citrus called her wand, a blast of Current instantly shot from it. It didn’t hit any of us, but merely exited the office through the open outer door.
We heard a deep male voice painfully expel a huge amount of air and then a ‘thud’ from some distance down the hallway.
“Did I just do that?” Citrus questioned quietly as she stared- curiously- at the business end of her wand.
“Yeah, sorry about that, Major General Christoff? My bad.” Citrus exclaimed with a tense giggle just before she dropped her wand and stared at it until it vanished a few seconds later.
Wasn’t he supposed to be composing a report on Boundary Defense deficiencies? Maybe he was coming to plead for forgiveness from Aunt Cora?
“I suppose you have a good reason for fully thresholding my personal assistant, Sugar Plum?” Aunt Cora asked as she narrowed her eyes at Christina.
“Just being able to conjure a wand is going to get her killed one of these days, auntie. A shark looks lethal when swimming toward you, but if it ain’t got no teeth…” Christina answered politely.
“The best it’ll do is gum ya ta death.” Louis finished with a laugh as he rubbed his forehead. “Of all the analogies you’ve heard me use, you chose that one, honey?”
Christina just shrugged.
“So… do I get the cool, retro uniform too, High Priestess?” Citrus asked as she looked between Christina and me.
It was my turn to shrug this time.
“The Lady Morgana, my queen!” a different, older male voice interrupted.
Instantly there was a whole roomful of wands pointing at the intruders…
And we were all in uniform!
Citrus included!
“As you wish, my queen.” The small, grey-haired male with a few red hairs still left on the sides sighed as he nonchalantly bowed, turned, and walked away…
Without showing the slightest bit of fear.
Morgana, on the other hand…
“Ummmmm… hi?” She gulped nervously.
Wands and uniforms vanished instantly!
“Not bad. Welcome to the Corps, kid.” Kate congratulated Citrus unemotionally, patting her gently on the back then walking off to our right with her drink.
“Welcome to Norge, Lady Morgana. I trust our landing facility was to your liking?”
“An excellent facility, Queen Norge. I felt a bit overshadowed by EFMC’s Pegasus though. Such a magnificent craft you have, High Priestess.” She praised.
“Thank you, my lady.” I smiled brightly. “She gets us around.”
Morganna rolled her eyes then thought a moment.
“Had I such a craft, my journey here mightn’t have taken so long.”
“Oh? How long were you in transit, my lady?” Aunt Cora asked, feigning ignorance.
“Four and one half standard years, majesty… That is until two kindly benefactors stepped in to hasten my remaining four and a half years of travel.” Morgana looked between Christina and me with a tentative smile.
“Yes… I’ve heard rumor of some rampant do-gooders skulking about in the outer boundary areas of some of our systems. Quite frustrating at times, but I hear they mean well.” Aunt Cora tried, but failed to hold a straight face.
Morgana walked over to me and embraced me tightly.
“Thank you once again, Chance, for the assist.
She then turned to Christina.
“I don’t know whether to hug you or pledge myself to you, Christina Everhardt!”
“Then I’ll decide for you, Lady Morgana.” Christina said as she wrapped her arms around the woman and pulled her tight.
“Your friendship is more than enough, Lady Morgana.” She added.
“So. How long you plan to visit, Sugar Pie?” Aunt Cora giggled, but continued before any response. “Citrus? Reserve a suite here in the mansion for Lady Morgana for as long as she wishes.”
“Got ya, boss.” She answered and promptly picked up her DataTab from the desk.
“Oh, hey, you might want one of these, lieutenant.” I said as I tossed Citrus one of our lockets.
“Oh. My. Goddess! Really, Chance?”
“I insist.”
“You think she has any idea what you did while she was checking out her room, Chance?” Christina asked as our ‘diplomatic corps’- aka, Coven- made use of the Mansion’s Diplomatic Canteen.
“Citrus made sure her suite is on the opposite side of the Mansion next to ours, sweetie, and we shouldn’t let anything slip that would clue her in.” I answered as I accepted a shrimp salad from one of the familiar servers behind the serving table. “Thank you very much, Candice.” I said to break her staring at Christina.
“You are quite welcome, Lady Chance.” She replied with a quirky grin as she toggled her eyes between me and ‘Goddess Christina’.
I eyeballed the older Antarran woman whom I’d first met about eight years ago.
“She is; her name is Christina, and she’s just as real, just as Antarran as you so lighten up.”
“You’re welcome, Chance. Christina? Shrimp Scampinia?” She restated with an excited, but nervous giggle.
I nodded my head to her, smiled back, and continued on down the serving line.
Christina nodded and smiled to our server. “Yes, please.”
“Thank you, Candice Griffiffs. It looks delicious.” She winked teasingly to the server. “So? All the bells and whistles?” Christina asked with a knowing smirk as she caught up to me, and left the server completely dumbstruck how Christina knew her full name.
“Vita Mirlini is now about the size of our Mini Van. So, triple its original size. She should be very comfortable.”
“You kept the hot tub I hope?”
“Added a sauna.” I giggled. “And a lap pool.”
Christina nodded approvingly then gave me a curious look.
“How about ‘Tee-Dee Squared’ (Trans-Dimensional Drive- ed)?”
“She’ll do a healthy twenty per second.” I waggled my eyebrows a few times. “If she wants to get anywhere faster, she can call us for a ride. Vita has the option to go to Afterboost if he feels necessity to do so in a full-on emergency though.”
“Forty-five per, but I didn’t say a thing, got it?”
“Five by five and crystal, ma’am.” Christina smiled broadly at me and we walked over to our saved seats at our coven’s chosen tables.
“Hey, girls!” Citrus exclaimed in her usual perky persona as we made room for her at ‘our’ table. “So, Lady Morgana likes her rooms, but she’s not sure how long she’ll sponge. Aunt Cora told me everything for her is on the house. How long you gals’ all planning to hang?”
“Colleen and Louis wanted to see our base, so we’ll be heading there in a few days.” I answered then glanced over to Gretchen and Christian.
“We then have to get the Everhardts and the Norwoods back into Antarra’s past before they’re missed.”
“That’s soooo cool! I can’t imagine what it was like back then. I think the dresses were just sooo… I don’t know, so elegant!” Citrus bubbled.
“They’re heavy, hot, and unruly, pumpkin! Don’t even get me started on the hygiene of the time!” Colleen complained critically.
“But the Keep is fitted with the only running water in the realm, my queen- and with the most up-to-date privies on each floor.” Christian Norwood defended.
“…that dump directly out into the street gutters around its perimeter.” Louis added with a disgusted expression. “Didn’t you people ever hear of ‘Terra Cotta’?”
“Eeww?!” Citrus said as her face contorted in disgust.
“Dearest Christian? Have you had privilege to utilize this time’s conveniences?” Gretchen asked her husband.
“With exception to the privy, I have not. The bizarre fittings aboard Pegasus have stymied me enough. What is the purpose of those three seashells in the translucent vertical cabinet anyway?”
Laughter erupted from our crowded table!
Gretchen and Christian glared at all of us.
“Wait! You didn’t tell them about the three Sconce shells?” Citrus giggled.
Even more laughter erupted from our table!
“Lady Chance! Ladies!” A deep male voice rang out from nearby. We were almost finished eating.
“I had heard rumor that Pegasus had arrived earlier today. Welcome to Norge- in case Aunt Cora failed to convey the greeting,” Aunt Cora’s nephew, Rodyard, continued with a huge smile on his face. We had watched him grow into a fine, smart young man over the years.
We all stood. I introduced Colleen, Christina, Louis, Christian, and Gretchen before exchanging hugs and handshakes.
His eyes though, lingered on Christina after introductions.
“Well, not to be rude, but I must return to my office, my friends. The queen allows only an hour and a half for mid-day meals. She can be a rigorous taskmaster to her relations.” Rodyard begged off as he bowed graciously with a devious grin.
“And I knew you were behind me, Aunt Cora.” He added as the reigning Antarran queen reached up and playfully smacked the back of his head. “I hope we meet again before your departure, ladies and gentlemen.”
Rodyard turned and quickly leaned down to place a kiss on Aunt Cora’s cheek.
“And welcome home, Aunt Cora. I’ve missed you.” He said quietly before nodding to us again and walking away.
“Like what you see, Sugar Plum?” Aunt Cora was looking directly at Christina with a sly smile. I noticed Christina’s eyes were still watching as Rodyard opened and disappeared through the Canteen’s doors.
“My nephew- Rodyard. You seemed preoccupied by his exit, Sugar Plum.”
“Don’t worry, Sugar Plum, you’re both of age, and Rodyard is very handsome… and surprisingly, available.”
“AUNTIE!” Christina balked loudly as she blushed deeper than I’d ever seen before.
Again laughter erupted from our table.
“Alright! Which one of you did it?!” Morgana demanded angrily from behind us as Christina and I were walking to our rooms.
We both turned toward the venomous voice and shared a confused look with its owner.
“What? You didn’t think I would find out?!” She continued her attack. “Where did you put it? Where did you take my ship?”
“We didn’t take Vita Mirlini anywhere, Lady Morgana.” I giggled, failing to hold a straight face.
“Nope!” Christina concurred, popping the ‘P’ sound. “Still on Pad 2 as far as I know. Why? What happened to him?”
“Cut the bullshite! Vita Mirlini is gone and there is this bigger, shiny, new space cra… Awwww SHITE!” She continued to accuse only to realize what had actually happened to her precious vessel.
The look on her face was absolutely priceless!
“Why?” She begged as tears began to instantly form.
“Because.” Christina answered nonchalantly with one word as she stopped at her suite’s door and proceeded to enter then close it.
In typical ‘Christina’ fashion, it creaked, squealed, and groaned while opening and closing. Then a heavy iron bar sounded like it had been dropped across the door as a lock.
“Because?” Morgana questioned as she stared at Christina’s door for a very long moment then reluctantly shifted her focus to me.
“Because.” I confirmed.
“Look, how long did your journey calculate out to when you departed Magellan for Antarra?” I asked, cutting her off.
“About nine years with refueling and rest stops, but-”
“And at what point in that journey did Christina and I show-up?”
“Four and a half, but-”
“So how did you figure on getting here if you were dead… like we found you yesterday… initially? What if you had had a faster ship?”
“But that didn’t hap- I mean- you and Christina- changed that hist…”
“Did we?” I proposed mysteriously.
Morgana stopped trying to reason it all out and wrapped her arms around me, placed her head against my shoulder, and began crying.
“Thank you.” She whispered softly after a few moments.
“We always take care of our own, Mixie. Always remember that- especially now that Christina is around!” I replied gently as I held her tight.
Morgana began to laugh quietly at first while shaking her head.
“The impossible girl.” She whispered from my shoulder.
“I thought you hated that show?” I asked as I pushed her away slightly to look her in the eyes.
“I do, but it fits her to a tee.”
“Actually it fits every one of us if you think about it.” I giggled.
“You and Christina mostly though I should think,” she clarified.
“How long you been alive again, Morgana?” I questioned with a playful grin.
“Point taken, Chance. Point definitely taken.” She laughed then found a devious smile.
“Before or after you and Scion meddled, High Priestess?”
“Meddled?” I cocked my head to the side. “We prefer to think of it as ‘righting a huge wrong’… ‘aiding a sister in need’… ‘helping… family’, right, Christina?”
A terrified Morgana instantly began searching the hallway for the chilling, morose, yet complimentary voice.
I supported myself against the wall as I laughed hysterically!
“So? You excited to take him out for a spin, sister?” I smiled to Morgana as we performed the initial walk around of her new Vita Mirlini.
“Why, Chance?” She said as she stopped and looked up at the main emitters then to me for an explanation.
“Granted he’s not as fast as Pegasus, but he does have docking capability now.” I informed her.
“I didn’t think you’d be in that much of a hurry.” I added.
“So, what will he do?”
“Why don’t you ask him?” I grinned.
“Vita Mirlini? State you maximum velocity, please.”
“Design specifications are highly classified and require a Galactic Alliance Security clearance of level twenty-eight or higher. Please identify for proper authorization.”
Morgana glared laser beams at me and I expected her wand to appear!
“New ship; new, updated security protocols, sister.”
Morgana ‘huffed’ in annoyance and glared at me for another minute.
“Morgana of the Fey: First apprentice and primary assistant to the great mage, Merlin Emrys: Sole existing member of the Merlinian Order of Avalon!”
“Wow! How snobbish can you get, Morgana? I just asked for initial identification to append my new security protocols! Sheesh! Cut me some slack, sister!” Vita Mirlini responded with equal annoyance and spice just before his new ramp deployed.
“Enter… if you can keep it pedestrian, Lady Morgana! Welcome aboard, High Priestess… Hey, also thanks for the upgrade. Now I can keep a proper eye on the ‘old lady’.” The ship continued.
As expected her wand manifested instantly at me, and her glare just about vaporized me!
That didn’t stop me from laughing until my guts were sore!
“Your floor plan is only somewhat reconfigurable, Mixie. Of course the Sauna, Hot tub, and Lap Pool will remain stationary and unmovable. Your two suites can be redesigned into three or four smaller ‘staterooms’ for passengers if you wish.” I told her as she looked into one of the two ‘suites’. “Like our Mini Van, you have docking pylons for four ‘Broom-sized’ craft, or, you can utilize the two special, overhead ‘spine’ pylons to dock with Pegasus. Up ahead is your bridge.”
I motioned my very silent sister forward.
Morgana gasped after accessing her new security panel as she entered her enlarged ‘cockpit’- what she had called her pilot’s compartment in her old version of Vita Mirlini- a decrepit, ‘Buck Rogers’ style ‘rocket plane’, look-a-like.
“You should recognize all of the controls. I tried to keep everything close to your original setup, sister. Being a bigger compartment, I added some multi-functional consoles in the event that you fancy company or assistance.”
“Care to sit down?” I suggested as I motioned to the comfortable looking pilot’s lounger.
Taking my invitation she carefully sat down and startled when the piece of furniture began to move closer to the ‘dashboard’ full of controls.
Her pleading eyes said it all.
“Why?” She asked for the umpteenth time today.
“That question has worn out its relevancy, Morgana.” I said in as serious a voice as I could. “Vita Mirlini needed an update. Badly! How many times have you had just his landing struts repaired… or… or his thruster quads rebuilt? I’m sure those ancient turbo pumps couldn’t be getting any cheaper.”
“Or fuel for that matter.” I added.
My sister let her head tilt forward.
“So, earlier you asked something about his performance?” I reminded. “Sweetie? You want to advise the ‘old lady’ on your new performance specifications?”
“Needed to remind her, Chance? Memory isn’t as good as it was a few thou ago, my lady?” Vita goaded.
“So help me, Chance…” Morgana started to say, but Vita cut her off.
“Lady Morgana. You asked about my performance specs. I am now capable of twenty LY’s/sec at full throttle. My new spaceframe though is rated for plus ninety LY’s/sec and plus or minus one thousand ‘G’s’. My new main emitters’ efficiency is estimated at ninety-nine percent at full velocity, which equates to approximately forty days at full throttle with a full Current reservoir.”
Morgana stared back at me in complete disbelief. Tears began to roll down her cheeks.
“Defensive Armaments include two forward and two aft EFMC ver3 Plasma Cannons; four EFMC ver2 Particle Launchers forward and two astern. All weapons allow either weapon or wand mode, and I can automatically handshake with any EFMC Certified Starcraft if docked and umbilicaled. A completely configurable Camouflage system is also available for added security, my lady. Oh, and I’m now certified to FeLane Interstellar Military Standards.”
Morgana gasped in surprise and was silent for a moment then began quietly examining her new cockpit so I decided to leave her to it and made my way to the hatch.
“Vita? I’ll let myself out. I’m sure Morgana is overwhelmed. Take good care of her, sweetie. She’s not as hard assed as she let’s on. Oh, and welcome to the Corps, Vita Mirlini!”
“I’ll do my best, High Priestess. Thanks again for the upgrades. I was badly in need of a complete overhaul like, a few millennia ago.”
“Has Pegasus uploaded our updated star charts to you, sweetie?” I stopped at the hatch as I remembered something.
“She has, High Priestess, and we have also exchanged transponder ID’s and the Witch Corps Base Broom Closet Squawk Comm Channel.”
“Good. Somehow I have a feeling you may get to visit our base in the near future. You are now a certified member of the Corps, so feel free to alert us if you experience any malfunctions or failures. You or Morgana, Got it?”
“Copy that, High Priestess, and thanks again! Until we meet again, Chance?”
“Until then, Vita. See ya!” I grinned as I was again in Aunt Cora’s outer office area.
“Hey, Chance. Mixie like her new ride?” Citrus asked in her ever-bubbly way.
I smiled brightly. “I’d suggest clearing her for an immediate departure vector if I were you.”
“And should I also apply for an arrival vector for her?”
“I gave her a full tank of gas, so… the jury’s still out on that one, but just to be sure...”
Citrus nodded and sent the request to Norge Center Tower.
“So…Morgana…?” Grunfuller asked as I entered our suite.
“Took off about five minutes after Citrus placed the flight request and clearance.”
“Think we’ll ever see her again, dear?”
“How are you so sure?” Grunfuller asked as his eyes narrowed.
“Vita has our Ident protocols for the Broom Closet.”
My mate nodded.
“So when do we go back to the Antarran middle ages?”
“After we spend a few days decompressing back at base… and we talk Sinae into returning to FeLane.”
“Talk about ‘mission impossible’! We stand a better chance of discovering a new element.”
“Congratulations, dear.” I smiled brightly.
“You successfully used an ancient ‘Earth saying’ in a conversation.”
Grunfuller rolled his eyes and shook his head in defeat.
“You going to come to bed, dear?” He asked to change the subject while he began to undress.
“Copy that, my mate.”
I smiled deviously.
“High Priestess? Could we have a few moments?” Aquia asked as she and Thomas caught up to me on my way to Pegasus.
“Let me guess,” I answered as I stopped and turned back toward them, “you’d like me to archive an image of you two?”
Aquia stopped abruptly and looked to me in confusion. “How?”
“Lucky guess.” I assured her.
“How about over there?” I asked and pointed to where I now knew I would record the image.
Aquia agreed and I called my DataTab.
“Smile and say cheese.” I suggested.
“Huh?” Aquia looked very confused.
“Just smile as you look this way.” I restated.
With the image recorded to my DataTab, I showed the couple and received their excited acknowledgement to share it.
“I could have this enlarged and framed if you’d like, sweetie.” I offered.
“Another cryptic ‘Old Earth’ slang term, Lady Chance?” Aquia asked in suspicion.
“Frame it like the portraits in the mansion’s grand foyer, sweetie.” I clarified.
“Oh…yeah… thanks, Chance.” She blushed. “So, when do we head back?”
“Tomorrow we head back to base for a few days. Colleen and Louis asked to see where Christina lived, worked, and played.”
“Is she going to stay with us, Chance?” Aquia looked concerned.
“Who are we talking about, Lady Aquia?” I asked as one of the mansion’s maintenance crews appeared on Pad 1.
“Lady Christina, High Priestess. I was hoping she would remain with us.” She specified, taking my lead-in.
“That is for her to decide, Lady Aquia. Lady Christina’s responsibilities have grown exponentially of late. I’m sure she will decide her options based on her evaluation of all concerning topics and also her heart.”
“I’m sure the Lady Christina will make the best choice she is able, my lady.” Thomas lifted and kissed Aquia’s right hand to comfort her.
“Of course. Thank you for your time, High Priestess.” Aquia nodded retrospectively before she and Thomas turned and walked back to the mansion hand-in-hand.
“They make a very nice couple, Chance. They communicate any intentions?”
“Verbally, not as yet, but I can guarantee nuptials within the standard year, Jorgen.” I answered Aunt Cora’s cousin- five times removed- as he passed near while performing his daily inspections.
“I’m sure Cora will involve herself?”
“Count on it, my friend. I foresee it taking place in the mansion’s great hall, and with plenty of fanfare.” I smiled brightly.
“Yeah, I was afraid of that! Thanks for the warning, Chance. I owe ya one.”
Aunt Cora’s lead ground crew supervisor nodded then turned back to the mansion. I continued my trek to Pegasus.
“Pegasus? I’d like to come aboard.”
“Lady Kitty is expecting you, Lady Chance.”
“Somehow I think ‘expecting’ is not the preferred choice of verbiage, sweetie.” I giggled.
“I guess you’re right. She’s up in the lounge.”
“Thanks, sweetie. Re-enable external security once the hatch is closed.”
“Copy, High Priestess.”
“How did you know where to find me, Chance?”
“Give me a break, Sinae! We’ve known each other for over twenty years. How wouldn’t I know where to find you?” I groaned as I arrived in Pegasus’ Observation Lounge. The ceiling was currently displaying a starfield as seen from I’d guess, Capital, FeLane.
“She’s kicking pretty good today, Chance.” Sinae informed me as she gently rubbed her enlarged belly.
“I would expect nothing less, majesty.” I grinned as I approached and sat down on the recliner next to her.
“You’re enjoying this entirely too much, you smart ass!”
“Grunfuller and I were thinking of trying for another.” I decided to spring that one on her.
“And what’s Oracle say about that?” Sinae asked, narrowing her eyes and raising one brow.
“Nothing one way or the other, I’m afraid.” I admitted. “I hope it isn’t as difficult as mom and dad experienced.”
We were both quiet for several minutes.
“So…” I said to break the silence, “summer or winter over Capital?” I pointed up.
“Summer… right before it all came crashing down.”
“Oh.” I whispered quietly.
“Mom and I were having such a wonderful summer, ya know? We’d spent almost every night out on the south patio… just staring up… sharing our hopes… our dreams…”
Sinae started to cry as we again lapsed into silence.
“You know…I could…”
“No, you won’t, Chance! I formally request Nike be left out of this. I’d like to remember rather than meet in person and go through it all over again when the time came for her to go back...”
“I understand completely.” I said as I looked to the stars a moment. “Hearing Christina relate then share her memories of her ordeal was in no way anything like having to witness it firsthand.”
“Speaking of Christina, I’d rather she not pay FeLane a visit during that dark period in my life, Chance. Christina? You hear that? Please don’t interfere?” Sinae said as she looked up to the simulated stars above us.
“Sadly, I must honor that request, sister. It has already been ‘explained’ to me that FeLane’s history, in conjunction with that of Kitty Sinae, should be left unhampered and unmodified.” Christina said as she was just ‘there’ on the couch across from us.
“I can’t guarantee that I would be able to leave you and your mother to suffe…” Christina said in a small voice, sniffed back a few tears then quickly disappeared.
“She’s a good kid, Chance.” Sinae said as she gave a big sigh. “The universe is in good hands I think.”
I nodded.
Silence again filled the Lounge.
“I contacted Capital earlier today. Of course the news spread faster than Pegasus, Savanna, or even Christina could cross the Way.” Sinae mentioned, breaking the quiet again.
“Of course there will be a full Parliamentary investigation into the matter by my opponents.”
“Of course.” I agreed. “The perverts will probably want to see recorded proof of the conception.” I snorted in disgust.
“I can see it being projected in full ‘HoloDef’ on the ‘20M-Jumbotron’ in Parliament’s assembly chamber.” Sinae giggled.
“Excuse the interruption, ladies. I have Vita Mirlini on final approach to Pad 2.” Pegasus interrupted politely.
“Copy, Pegasus. I think we’re going to ‘pop’ over there to say ‘hi’ after she lands.”
“Yes. I was prepared for that response, High Priestess. I’ll keep the lights on.”
“I love this family, Chance.” Sinae said as I motioned to help her up.
The polite offer set her glaring at me in contempt!
The rear of Vita Mirlini’s newly enlarged bridge appeared around us. Morgana was just getting up out of her pilot’s chair.
“Merciful Merlin! You scared the shite from me, Chance Summers! Don’t you girls ever knock?”
“Not since Chance reached her second threshold.” Sinae deadpanned under her breath.
“Have a good test flight?” I asked, ignoring my ‘catty’ sister.
Suddenly I had a pair of arms wrapped around me, and Morgana crying into my shoulder!
“He’s w-w-w-w-wonderful!” She sobbed heavily.
“Good. Vita? Did Morgana play nice?” I asked the ship.
“I’m in good hands, High Priestess. Hello to you, Queen Kitty, I hear congratulations are in order!”
“Thank you, Vita.” Sinae blushed as Morgana instantly looked to her belly.
“We’ll be leaving tomorrow for Witch Corps Base. A standing invitation is extended to you any time you wish to visit, Morgana and Vita.”
“I’d like the opportunity to try out Vita Mirlini’s docking capabilities if you don’t mind me tagging along? We won’t be any trouble, High Priestess.”
“I too would like the opportunity to test out my spaceframe at 45LY’s/sec, High Priestess.”
Morgana gasped!
“45LY’s/sec? How…?”
“Pure science and not one bit of magic.” I answered proudly.
“Christina’s original design with a few ‘slight’ design upgrades that Simone developed back in the Academy for her post-grad thesis.” I added.
“Hey, Chance? I’m going to pop over to the Canteen. I haven’t eaten in like, thirty minutes.” Sinae interrupted before she vanished.
She was getting quite proficient at teleporting.
“We’ll wait and dock with you up in orbit, Mixie. Chance, Pegasus.”
“Pegasus, High Priestess.”
“Estimated distance and travel time to Witch Corps Base from present location?”
“Four hundred and fifty-eight thousand LY’s; about four standard hours. If we leave as planned tomorrow. If we wait longer the time and distance will change accordingly.”
Morgana gave me a curious stare. I don’t think we ever told her where our base was located.
“Thanks. Chance, out.”
“Your base is on a ship?”
Morgana was very intelligent and perceptive.
I winked and ‘ported’ back to my suite of rooms in Aunt Cora’s mansion.
“Oh, hey dear. Mixie like her new ship?”
“I think she’ll be ‘tagging along’ back to base.” I informed my mate.
“Wants to try out the new docking pylons I take it?” Grunfuller speculated.
I nodded.
“I told her we’d wait in orbit.”
Grub nodded back.
Witch Corps and Beyond
“Vita Mirlini you are cleared for docking. Call the ball.” Keats said from our Communications console.
“Copy, Pegasus Command. I’m on final approach. Docking peripheral pylons are extended. Maneuvering thrusters engaged and ready for capture.” Morgana acknowledged.
“A bit ‘wordy’ isn’t she, don’t you think?” Aquia commented from Weapons.
“She’s still somewhat following the old NASA standards.” Mom offered as explanation.
I noticed Keats whisper something to Christina at the Engineering console.
We heard a tone just before Keats began to talk.
“[BEEP]Vita Mirlini, you are cleared for Pegasus A.D.M. Repeat, go for A.D.M.[BEEP]”
“Roger, Pegasus Command. Commencing Automated Docking Maneuver, um…beep.”
“She’s coming in ‘smooth as silk’, Chance.” Locust confirmed from her console.
“[BEEP] Copy, Vita Mirlini. We have you on final at four meters, and three… two… one… capture successful.[BEEP]”
“[BEEP] Vita Mirlini we confirm you on our docking pylons with clamps fully engaged and successful umbilical tie-in. Networking to Vita Mirlini is complete. Welcome aboard, Lady Morgana and Vita Mirlini.[BEEP]”
“Um… confirmed, Pegasus Command. See you all soon.” Morgana responded, but sounded a little unsure and off balance.
Keats and Christina fist bumped- both smiling deviously.
“[BEEP]Thanks, kid.[BEEP][BEEP]You can cut the special effect now though.[BEEP]”
Christina blushed.
“Thanks, kiddo.” Keats said while rubbing his throat lightly a few seconds.
“Gods! I love this family!” Charli gushed from Navigation.
“Hey, gang!” Aunt Cora greeted as she, Link, Citrus, Morgana, and Rodyard entered the bridge.
Morgana stood silent as she looked around the large command compartment in something way past total awe.
“Welcome aboard EFMC Pegasus, Lady Morgana.” I greeted officially to attract her attention. “Pegasus? Have you shared security files with Vita yet?”
“Networking and shares have been exchanged, High Priestess.”
“Thanks, Pegasus.” I smiled as I looked to our guest. “You should have access to most of our ship now, my lady.”
“T-thank you, High Priestess.” Morgana gushed, her mouth still hanging open and looking on the verge of tears.
“Okay! Places everybody!” I clapped with a devious smile. “Those not ‘on duty’ should step to the back of the bridge and take a seat in the audience.”
“Chance, Kitty. We’re going to go to warp.” I alerted my sister up in the ‘royal suite’.
“We’re good up here in the lounge, Chance. Give it hell!”
“They have a lounge?” Morgana mumbled to herself.
Ignoring that, I glared at mom. She was already drooling!
“Do I have to send you to ‘time out’ and order Alley Cat to take the helm instead, Lady Hope?” I asked already knowing the response.
“Just give the damned order, High Priestess!” She growled.
“Navigation? A course to Mare de Tempest if you please. Helm: Ready to depart Antarra orbit. Comms: Alert Norge Tower and Boundary Defense we’re leaving. Weapons: Bring all defenses online,” I ordered as I casually sat down at my console and began my preparations while everyone else did the same.
“Engineering is ready, Chance.” Christina declared.
“Norge Tower wishes us safe travel.” Keats reported. “Boundary Defense acknowledged with something to the tune of ‘don’t let the door hit ya in the ass’.”
“Weapons are fully charged and at your disposal, High Priestess.” Aquia acknowledged.
“All Brooms and Vita Mirlini are tucked in for the night, dear.” Locust smiled.
“Course calculated and sent to helm.”
“Give! The damned! ORDER!”
The planet disappeared and the stars elongated into swiftly moving streaks of blue light!
“-it, Mom. Damn, can’t you show just a little bit more composure? I thought we had this eccentricity of yours addressed?” I finished, staring at Mom heatedly.
Quiet laughing filled the space behind me and I turned to see tears streaming down Morgana’s face.
“I take it you like?” I asked.
She nodded silently as she continued to stare at the forward viewscreen in wonder.
“Mare De Tempest in three-point-nine-six standard hours, Chance.” Mom reported happily.
“Dear? You have the bridge.” I said to Locust as I got up and walked back to Morgana.
“Care to see our lounge?” I offered my hand.
Our guest’s hand was trembling severely as I helped her from her seat then motioned her out the door.
“My Lady Morgana, it is good to see you again.” Tau greeted as the elevator door opened onto our lounge.
Morgana’s eyes immediately shot to the transparent ceiling and started to weep. She stopped dead in her tracks.
“I wholeheartedly agree, my lady. The sight is truly awe-inspiring. I never thought I would ever see something so wondrous.” He agreed with her unspoken thoughts.
“Oh, come on! I know for a fact that Chance’s redesign gave Vita our Trans-Dimensional Drive System. You had him out for over a day, so this shouldn’t be a complete surprise.” Sinae protested as she stood and approached our guest. When close enough, she gave her a courteous bow.
“Lady Morgana; welcome to Pegasus, sister.”
Morgana gave an almost oblivious nod without breaking her attention away from the ceiling.
For over a minute she remained silent then suddenly snapped out of it.
“Queen Kitty!” She sniffed back her tears as she bowed deeply.
“Yeah… okay… don’t do that again.” Sinae groaned as she placed her hand under Morgana’s chin to straighten her. “We’re all members of the Corps, sister. No need for that crap. Now Cora on the other hand-”
“What about ‘Cora’ on the other hand, Kitty?” Aunt Cora interrupted as she, Link, Simone and Rodyard popped in beside her.
“Oh, Aunt Cora, will you two please give it a rest? So you’re both royals and that makes you special… so what?” Rodyard groaned as he gently rubbed his stomach.
“Monarchial teasing, dear boy, don’t get so testy.” My Aunt giggled. “If we stop insulting each other… That’s when you have to start worrying! And you, Morgana… Knock it off with the… um… how did Hope put it? Ah! Yes. Stop with the ‘deer in the headlights’ look! I’m sure you’ve seen far more wondrous things in your long life.”
“Auntie, could you just let her have a few moments?” Christina said as she popped in beside our guest. “I seem to remember her taking almost a full week to acclimate herself to time travel back on Eart… Terra. She’s not hurting anything!”
Christina’s eyes lingered on Rodyard for a moment then she was gone- vanished- as quickly as she appeared.
“Yeah, that got old a loooong time ago.” Sinae deadpanned as she rolled her eyes.
“Hey! I resemble that, Aunt Kitty!” My daughter, Savanna said as she too ‘popped’ in from the ether.
She carefully, lovingly hugged Sinae and stepped back to regard her ‘bump’.
“I foresee no abnormalities or anomalies, Aunt Kitty.”
Savanna was gone- vanished like Christina; only, I knew that Christina was back at her station on the bridge and I had no idea where my daughter ‘popped-off’ to.
Maybe it was to the ether, but who knew other than her?”
“And I thought the Middle Ages were mucked up.” Morgana whispered to herself.
“We could go back to confirm that statement?” I teased.
“NO! Um, no. Once through that nightmare was enough, thank you! The twenty-fifth century was bad enough!”
Our lounge broke out into sympathetic laughter.
“So… Rodyard…” I began.
“Aunt Chance! Yes, I have noticed her. Yes, she has very much attracted my interest. No, I will not pursue her aggressively. Goddess Christina is one not to be hurried into anything without her explicit approval. Only a fool would rush headlong into any romantic relationship with a girl that can ‘think’ one out of existence.” He answered sagely.
“Afraid she might hurt you, cuz?” Link giggled.
“Not at all, Aun… Lady Link. I simply value my existence and wish to pursue the most intoxicating creature Antarra ever produced with the romance and dignity we both deserve. In short, I intend to employ the ancient rituals of ‘courting’. She deserves that respect and admiration, and more.”
“I applaud you, my young lord. Such adamant intent and procedure is an excellent indicator of a successful lifelong relationship.” Tau spoke up as he stepped to and gently placed an arm around Sinae’s waist.
Christina suddenly popped in directly in front of Rodyard and immediately engaged him in a very passionate kiss!
The poor boy was left standing- unsteadily, alone- as she instantly disappeared after pulling back to breathe.
“That, on the other hand, will take some time to adjust to.” He confessed with a very satisfied, completely smitten, grin.
Laughter again filled our lounge.
“Mare De Tempest in five-hundred LY’s, Chance.” Charli alerted.
“Morgana? Time to get back to Vita. Unfortunately, we can’t land with him on our belly. You’ll have to detach and hold at about one LY for about thirty standard so we can get Pegasus offloaded and off our flight line.”
“Copy that, Chance.” She responded, and headed for the elevator.
I was back on the bridge instantly.
“Dear? Care to wake up Vita?” I asked my mate.
“Already on it, Chance. Vita is standing by.”
I smiled.
“Porno, Chance. Ok if we tag along with Mixie back to base, Sugar Plum?” Aunt Cora inquired over our Comm.
“Seeing as you four are already aboard Vita, I can hardly say no, Porno. See you in a little while. Chance out.” I giggled. “Issue a departure vector and prepare for Vita to detach.”
“Gotcha, boss.” Keats chuckled.
“As I recommended; hang back about a full LY and give us about thirty standard to get things put away.” I advised. “Remember to stay in deep space camo until Broom Closet Control clears your approach.”
“Copy that, Chance. See you in a bit.” Link answered from Vita Mirlini.
“Contact Broom Closet Control. Let’s go home.” I said as I took my seat at my console.
“Copy, Mare Tower. You know the drill.” Lyra acknowledged in a humorous tone.
“Indeed we do, Pegasus. Welcome home. Capt. Sarengetti has been alerted and said he would be standing by. Mare Tower, out.”
“Broom Closet decom has completed; Broom Closet doors are open. C’mon in, ladies. It’ll be good to see you all again.” Dell greeted from Broom Closet Control.
“Hey! Nice to hear your voice, Huntress! You off duty or just playing hooky?” I asked.
“Negative, Chance. Huntress is off duty and I’m the one playing hooky.” Kimbou Serangetti admitted with a chuckle.
Lyra laughed outright.
“Um… Copy that BC Control. Can’t wait to see you all again.” She answered.
“By the Goddess herself! That thing is huge!” Christian Norwood was the first to gasp in surprise as Mare De Tempest came into view and began to grow larger.
“Impressive.” Louis Everhardt deadpanned in a very deep voice. “At least it doesn’t look like an ‘Imperial Star Destroyer’.”
“Louis! Behave!” Colleen warned with an awe-struck smile.
Christina looked to be holding her laughter as she doubled down on watching her engineering console. “Dynamic Camo ready on order, Chance.”
I nodded.
“Approach vector received and passed to helm, Chance.” Charli alerted.
“Take us in, Mom, but without the skid marks like last time, if you please?” I giggled, and received the expected grumbling and groaning. “Dynamic Camo, Please, Perfessor.”
“Everyone mind the automated equipment. We need to get Pegasus off the flight line as soon as possible. We have an ‘ancient’ Earther and four crazy Antarrans at the controls of Vita.” I advised as we walked down Pegasus’ ramp.
Of course, four individuals slowed or almost stopped on their exit from our ship.
“My mate! This can only be a dream! This place is fantastical and awe-inspiring at the least.” Gretchen Norwood gushed as her eyes struggled to take everything in.
“The poets could not do such majesty justice, my love!” Christian replied in equal amazement.
“Let’s get into the base proper and get you all situated in our guest quarters.” I suggested as I motioned to the metal grate stairs that led into our base living quarters.
The door at the top of the indicated stairs slid open and a large Lynxin appeared. He made his way down and stopped on the flight deck a meter away from the stairs.
“Capt. Kimbou Serangetti; may I introduce Colleen and Louis Everhardt, and Gretchen and Christian Norwood; all of Antarra.” I announced.
“Greetings and allow me to officially welcome you all aboard Mare De Tempest.” Kimbou greeted, but paused a moment and carefully regarded Colleen.
“Lady Colleen, if I may be so bold? Have I seen you somewhere before? I feel I should know you… somehow.”
“You might better know her as: Queen Colleen Everhardt-Norge, sir?” I waggled my eyebrows a few times.
Kimbou gasped in sudden recognition!
“The Antarran Prime Matriarch! It is indeed an honor to make your acquaintance, my lady! Though I can conceive of no rational explanation for our meeting, I do have enough decorum not to even ask.” He said as he looked to Christina and me suspiciously. “And may I say the image in Capital’s Alliance History Museum does do you justice.”
“They are all quiet remarkable, Capt. Sarengetti.” Colleen smiled playfully as her eyes swept over our group.
Kimbou blinked, but only nodded his understanding.
“For your safety, please step away from this automated unit, thank you.”
I turned to notice Gretchen and Christian curiously investigating one of our loading cranes and had gotten a little too close, thereby causing the unit to stop, give a warning, and patiently wait for its safety zone to clear before continuing.
It was humorous to watch, but I don’t think the Broom Closet considered it that.
“Shall we go inside and I’ll show you around.” I advised a second time.
“Ladies Colleen and Gretchen? If I may?” Kimbou asked as he offered an arm to each.
Gretchen looked to Christian, receiving a shrug of approval.
“You mind, Louis?” Colleen grinned.
“His ship, his rules, dear.” Louis shrugged and fell in behind Mare’s Captain as they climbed the stairs. Christian followed silently, but still wary of his spouse’s escort.
“Hi! You must be Christina’s parents. I’m Artemis Dell- ‘Huntress’. Welcome to Witch Corps Base.” Dell greeted as we entered the galley. Janet and Samuel Redman were seated, but stood on our arrival. I introduced Simone’s parents.
Of course, on entering, Mom and Dad headed straight for the coffee urn!
“Lou? Colleen? Coffee?” Charli asked. “Best damn coffee this side of Sagittarius!”
“Well I wouldn’t know about that, but I think I could really use something stronger.” Louis admitted.
A six-count of beverages appeared on the table he had stopped beside.
“Um… thanks? I guess?” He said, somewhat surprised as he again shrugged and sat down.
“No problem, guy.” Sam gave a nod.
“Not bad. A little on the watery side, but it’ll do the trick.”
“I can conjure something stronger if the girls really ramp it up, Lou.” Sam again nodded while scanning the room.
“So… I take it the Coven has somehow defied known physics and pulled back the temporal vale?” Kimbou asked without emotion.
“A few times, sir.” Christina answered shyly as her eyes lowered to the deck.
“Why am I not surprised?” He said to himself.
“Yep! Perfessor and her new friends here came all the way back to 2101AD Terra to visit ol’ Mom and Dad, Captain.” Louis offered candidly. “You got one hella Spec Ops unit here!”
“Saved our butts from oblivion too!” He added as he opened his second beverage.
Christina blushed profusely and remained quiet.
“I find Witch Corps a very special unit, Sir Louis. Very… unique… and imaginative in their ‘implementation’.”
“Come on, Cap. Just call me Louis or just Lou. I’m not anything special like these gals.” He suggested as he finished off his second beverage. The container instantly vanished after he placed it back on the table.
Samuel Redman’s eyes widened in disbelief. He shrugged after a moment and a six-count appeared in front of him too. Janet just glared at him.
Kimbou Serangetti’s brow rose a moment, but he otherwise remained silent.
“So... What do you think of the future? So far?” Dell asked after a short silence fell on the room.
“I think everything we’ve seen in the last few months is beyond incredible, Lady Artemis-Dell.” Colleen answered.
“Oh? You’ve been here that long?” Dell narrowed her eyes as she glanced over to me.
“You misunderstand. Louis and I joined the Pegasus crew on Earth and we journeyed to my home planet of Antarra. Once there we went back in its history where I was to take back the throne of Norge’s Heath and start the ‘Norge Dynasty’. While there, I just happened to meet my maternal grandparents many times removed.” She motioned to Gretchen and Christian nonchalantly.
“When I asked if we could see where Christina now called ‘home’, Chance suggested we all venture forward. After a short vacation, we will be returning to Norge’s Heath to resume our ‘Empire building’. After all, the Royal bloodlines must be set forth, right?” Colleen giggled wryly.
“Hey gang! Sorry we didn’t join you earlier.” Sinae greeted cheerfully as she and Tau suddenly ‘popped in’.
“Yes… Pardon the interruption, but the Queen’s needs must be appeased- and on her whim.” Tau deadpanned but didn’t look as unhappy as he sounded.
Dell was immediately hugging Sinae!
“Congratulations, sister! I couldn’t wait to see you again!” She gushed.
“Hey, did I hear that they were bac…? Hey guys! Welcome home!” Sandra Anderson flowed into the Galley, stopped dead in her tracks and modified her statement. She turned and leaned her head back out into the hallway.
“Hey! JWC! In here! Parade formation! ASAP!” She shouted then quickly walked into the room looking impatient.
Six young women skittered hurriedly into the Galley and formed a line.
“High Priestess! JWC: present and accounted for!” Sandra announced as she performed an ‘about face’ in front of the junior unit and stood to attention. The others followed suit.
I stood and smiled then walked over to the group and began ‘inspecting’.
“Looks like you made some progress since our departure, Lady Sandra.”
“It seems so, High Priestess. Could be just a bad day though.” She giggled.
“At ease, girls!” I giggled and rolled my eyes.
I began introductions.
“Our accommodations aren’t as spacious as Cora’s mansion, but I hope you will be comfortable during your stay.” I told the Norwood’s then took them both into the lavatory and showed them how to use the three ‘seashells’.
“Chance? Vita Mirlini is on final.” Lokust alerted over our Comms.
“If you two would excuse me?” I asked then hurried out to head down to Broom Closet Control.
“Mind if we tag along, Chance?” Gretchen asked quickly, before I was out of earshot.
I motioned them to follow.
“Any particular reason?” I asked offhandedly.
“Mostly curiosity, but to convince us we are actually here… in the future.” She admitted as we entered the small room with the big, wall-sized window looking out to our flight line.
“Hey, guys. Come to watch the old gal land?” Locust greeted with a playful smirk.
“Beginning Broom Closet Decom.” She announced as the flightline lights started to dim, as did the small control room lights to a limited extent.
“What does ‘decom’ mean?” Gretchen asked in curiosity.
“It means we ‘decompress’, or remove all the atmosphere- the air- out of the hangar to match the vacuum of space. If we didn’t do it anything left loose in there would be sucked out when we opened the main doors.” Locust explained. “As a word of warning? Anyone left in there without an environmental suit won’t last very long, so heed the warnings and make sure you’re out in plenty of time.”
“Broom Closet Decom complete. Opening Broom Closet Door.” Closet Control announced.
“Vita Mirlini. Closet Door is open. Com’on in.” Locust relayed.
“Copy, Broom Closet Control. Vector received. See you soon.” Link replied.
“Now we hope and pray she can slow him down and not go through our hangar and puncture Mare’s interior.” Locust said to herself.
“She’ll do fine, dear. She’s been flying for almost three thousand years, after all.” I giggled at her ‘show’ of confidence.
The Norwood’s looked to me flabbergasted.
“Is that any stranger than what you’ve seen so far?” I asked the couple.
Both shook their heads hesitantly.
“Vita Mirlini is on the deck with gravity clamps engaged. All systems have been termin- ‘hey, watch the language, sister!’” Morgana began to report, but Vita took offense and overtalked her report.
It was comical. Even Gretchen and Christian laughed after I gave a short explanation.
“Permission to enter your base, High Priestess?” Morgana asked politely as she stopped on the Broom Closet stair’s landing. She was still gazing around the large hangar/flight line in amazement.
Much to the amusement of her impromptu crew: Aunt Cora, Link, Citrus, and Rodyard.
I grabbed her hand and gently pulled her into our base proper. I continued and pulled her into a hug.
“Welcome to Witch Corps Base, sister. I’m happy you could make it.” I greeted officially.
“Happy to be invited, High Priestess.” She returned.
“I’ll show you to your quarters after you meet the rest of the Coven. This way, please.” I said as I motioned her forward and directed her into our Galley.
“This is our Galley/Mess Hall. We always have a supply of coffee and hot water on hand for drinks. Of course, you can conjure anything you’d like for any given meal though, believe it or not, we sometimes try our hand at actually making and cooking our own meals.”
“Hey, Mixie!” Dell shouted and drew the attention of all our other sisters and brothers.
“Artemis! Good day to you! It has been a long time since our last meeting.”
“Ladies Anderson. May I introduce Lady Morgana of the Fey, soul perpetuator of the Merlinian Order of Avalon. Morgana. Lilith, Garith, Derrick, Lithia, Rowan, Seth, and Sandra Anderson.”
“And hiding behind the Andersons is Lady Fenile Galan-”
“An Orion! By Merlin’s beard I never thought I’d meet one of your kind, M’lady! I have so many questions…”
“Galantry is rather shy, sister. She is, however, one of our best Broom pilots.” I interrupted as the young Orion tried to melt back into the background- Wait! Did she just disappear?
“I can see that, High Priestess. Maybe later I can re-introduce myself at a more personal… um… subdued level?”
“”That might be a good idea.” I smiled playfully.
“Um… excuse me? Specialist Summers?” Galantry Fenile asked as she appeared in the doorway of our maintenance shop compartment. “Would it be possible to speak with you?”
Grunfuller was out on a call so, being alone, I invited her in and allowed the compartment’s door to close.
“So… what’s up?” I asked, offering her my workstation chair.
“Lady Morgana, High Priestess. I feel intimidated by her… the way she looked at me… the tone in her voice…” She tried to explain, but paused, not looking up from the workstation tabletop.
“Apparently she’s never met your subspecies, Galantry. I don’t think she meant to come on that strong. She was just excited to meet you.” I tried to ease her feelings.
“I… I got the feeling that she wanted to ‘examine’ me, High Priestess! My intuition told me to run… to stay away from her…”
“In other words… she scares you, right?” I nodded a few times in commiseration.
She nodded shyly.
“I’m not sure I can interact with her, High Priestess- not even ‘professionally’. She admitted with an Orion-style sigh.
“I’m sure she didn’t realize her enthusiasm was a few notches higher than she intended, Galantry. I’ll have a word with her once I’m off duty, but tell me… since joining the Corps you’ve never once backed down from anything… well once Lyra got you in the habit of protecting yourself, anyway.” I explained then thought about my young sister’s achievements.
“Why does a three or four thousand year-old woman from Terra cause you such a reaction?”
Galantry gasped loudly and her eyes almost exploded from her head!
“She’s that old?” She asked as she hurriedly inhaled.
I nodded.
“Morgana would be the person to reference if your instructor decided to have you guys write a paper on Ancient Britain in Terran History Class.” I advised with a pleasant smile.
My DataTab beeped to alert me that I had a request for service.
“Interesting.” I raised an eyebrow as I read the request.
“I should be going, High Priestess. I’m detaining you from your assigned duty.” Galantry politely began her exit.
“Hold up, sister. This call is for our base. Apparently, we have a current leak in one of our VIP quarters.”
I giggled at that chance occurrence. I knew- beyond a shadow of doubt- the problem was operator error in origin.
“Care to tag along?” I asked my young sister.
“Ship’s maintenance, Lady Morgana!” I called out pleasantly.
Galantry stopped dead in her steps as I announced myself at the guest quarter’s door.
She looked paler than normal.
“High Priestess?” Morgana looked surprised as her door opened. “But…?”
“My civilian identity is that of a Current Specialist aboard Mare, my lady.” I explained. “What seems to be the problem?” I asked as I blinked on my Current sight and noticed a small ‘trickle’ of Current escaping her room. I slid my work-booted foot over to absorb as much as I could before fixing the problem.
Her head dropped sheepishly and she quietly told me she had just awoken. After several tense seconds of waiting she further admitted she had startled out of a ‘night terror’, wand drawn, and blasted the wall of her bedroom.
Looking back up from the floor, she then noticed my assistant.
Her eyes tracked Galantry from her shoes to her face as she began to again look at me.
Her smile flared large!
“I see you have an apprentice, High Priestess!” Morgana smiled even brighter.
Of course I could feel Galantry begin to ‘fade’ and quickly reached back to take her hand.
“Lady Morgana! You are frightening one of my best Broom Pilots! Please notch back your enthusiasm!” I advised angrily.
“I a…?” She began, but quickly realized and loosened her smile a bit. “I’m sorry, Lady Galantry, I regret my exuberance and shall limit my excitement of your attendance.”
“Galantry?” I hinted as I eased the young Orion forward.
A very shy and reserved Galantry Fenile offered her hand cautiously. “Lady Morgana… very nice to make your acquiantence.”
She retracted her hand so quickly that I almost couldn’t see it happen.
Galantry glared at Morgana with daggers in her eyes and her wand drawn!
“Why would you want to do that, My Lady? I have done nothing to you and neither has my familial pod? Why such dark emotions toward my subspecies?” Galantry interrogated, her wand began to hum then quickly became a whistle slowly increasing in frequency!
From what I knew of the young witch this wasn’t good!
Morgana stared at the young Orion in shock.
My staff appeared and Morgana’s eyes bulged!
“What has the Orion seen in your mind, Merlinian?” My mouth questioned. I tried to ascertain what prompted Nike to take possession.
Now Galantry was staring, Orion-style, at me too. Thank goodness Nike’s arrival made her dispatch her wand.
‘The Orion would not so quickly retreat her gesture of friendship and assume a defense had she not felt something overwhelmingly reprehensible, Chance Summers,’ Nike related quickly while she waited expectantly for a response.
“I am jus-s-s-s-s-s-st fascinated to finally meet one, um… Nike?” Morgana seemed stymied by Nike’s sudden takeover of my body.
“There is more, I am sure; is there not?” My mouth challenged.
Morgana lowered her eyes.
“Out with it, Merlinian!” Nike pressed angrily. My staff glowed brighter.
“The rumor…” Morgana more or less whispered.
“What rumor, Merlinian?” Nike demanded.
“That my master was forcibly experimented on and the description he related before he expired pointed to the Orion subspecies, Goddess!”
“The ‘timeless’ Morgana of the Fey? Has a ‘master’?” Nike’s sarcasm flowed through me like a tsumani!
Nike laughed for almost thirty seconds before I felt my facial expression change.
“How can you continue ‘acknowledging’ Merlin as anything other than a collegu… a friend? Even in Merlin’s eyes you were never his ‘apprentice’! If you would like, we could transit back and ask him personally!”
Morgana gasped and paled considerably!
“My Goddess that shall not be necessary! I simply wish to ‘consult’ with the Lady Galantry on the issue.”
“You do realize the Orion people number over nine hundred and twenty trillion, my lady?” Galantry responded as she stepped clear of me… of Nike- she still held control of me.
“Of course, you are correct, my lady, but this happened almost three thousand years ago… and the description, Lady Galantry? It would seem obvious?”
“As pod memory serves me, my lady, Orion didn’t seek out the stars for two hundred Terran years after your submitted, alleged time point. To automatically assume my subspecies guilty is prejudicial and stereotyping.” Galantry accused calmly.
“Then I am open to alternate theories, Lady Galantry. Could there be another subspecies of ‘Orion’?”
“There are twenty, in fact, though none ventured away from their systems anywhere close to that era. Orions of the ‘Belt’ as you Terrans put it were the absolute first of our specific subspecies to travel among the stars.”
“What would be the Terran date of this incident, Morgana?” Nike asked/demanded.
“Nine-eighty-one of the so-named Common Era, my Goddess.” She answered instantly. “One hundred and forty years after the conflict called Baden Hill, why?”
“If you know a disguising spell I suggest you use it Morgana of the Fey.” Nike recommended as we found ourselves on an unkempt meadow facing into a slight, but crisp breeze.
“Where are we, Lady Nike?” Galantry questioned as she looked around in confusion.
“First your disguise, young Orion! It is given the indigenous have never seen your subspecies.”
Galantry shimmered and in the Orion’s place an average height, brown-haired, Terran girl of maybe fourteen stood- still in moderate shock of our surroundings. She was wearing tattered heavy weaved linens that had seen too many seasons and far too few washings. An equally tattered piece of knotted fabric covered and attempted to control her unruly long hair.
“Lady Nike, I suddenly feel so strang…” Galantry said before gasping louder than I had ever heard before!
“You make a fairly desirable Terran beauty, Lady Galantry- even in such destitute apparel!” Nike complimented. “Chance will now continue as I must rest for our return to our original time.”
I sarcastically thanked Nike for the cut and run and quickly enchanted myself to match my two companions.
To the locals, we three were just common everyday girls making our way across the countryside.
“So where might we find Merlin, Morgana?” I asked- mainly to get her attention. She had been stunned silent with her mouth semi-closed and tears pouring from her terrified eyes.
“No! I cannot be here again! Once through this nightmare was more than enough!” She repeated a few more times before she seemed to snap back into the ‘present’.
“Well, we’re here whether you like it or not, Morgana! And, I have a feeling that Nike will only return us after the mystery is solved. So…the sooner we find Merlin, the faster we get back home, sister.” I responded.
“But you are Nike! You can return us anytime you desire, High Priestess!”
“That would only be true had Nike completely shared her methodology for a time jump and relocation of this magnitude, ladies.” I admitted with a sincere frown.
“You mean I am stuck here… in this… this frail Terran body? Until Nike’s assigned quest has fulfilled, High Priestess?” Galantry summarized.
I nodded.
It took a few moments of Morgana calming herself then looking around our immediate area before choosing a desired direction.
“This way…I think.” She announced tentatively with a hand gesture to us.
We began walking into the surrounding forest that encompassed the large, overgrown meadow.
“If memory serves, Monmouth should be over this ridge…” Morgana stopped and thought a minute.
“Ydych chi'n fy neall i?”
Galantry and I stared at her, completely baffled by what she… um… said?
“I thought as much.” She rolled her eyes in annoyance.
Motioning to us in warning she produced her wand and incanted a spell toward us. It sounded like Latin if I had to guess.
“I asked if you could understand me.”
“I can now.” I answered. “What strange language is this, sister?”
“An older version of Welsh… more Celtic. If, from what I see of the village in the river’s valley, this is Monmouth then we must be somewhere in the tenth or eleventh century. The spell allows us to communicate with the locals.”
“Why does it smell so bad here?” Galantry asked as she wrinkled her nose- a facial expression that confused her entirely.
It was humorous watching the girl reach up and gingerly explore the alien- to her- facial feature.
“Because that is the way it smells, dear child. What aroma would you wish instead? My guess; you’d rather the air hint of spring blossoms and morning dew?” An older man whom we had not heard approaching from our left answered.
“Yes… I thought that the case…” He nodded with a grin. “Please… I mean you no harm or ill intent, my fellow mages. Allow that I may introduce myself… I am Merlin… It is good to see that you have found friends, Morgan.”
“My name is ‘Morgana’ you old toad!”
Merlin laughed and walked closer as we dispensed with our wands. He seemed to be intrigued by Galantry and began to ‘inspect’ her closely.
Much to the young Orion’s chagrin.
“Yes… A very detailed job… tell me, child… who cast the masking spell and where might I find this very talented mage?”
Galantry’s eyes momentarily cut to me then back.
“Oh? I would think you very gifted, but not so much to employ such a method on one so diverse, my lady.” He turned and regarded me with his eyes closed. His action made me extremely nervous.
“Ahhh… I see it now! You carry the soul of an Olympian! Tell me child… which one of those venerated caste do you house within?”
“Chance is the cup which holds the Goddess Nike, old man.” Morgana answered.
“Ah! So the mystery takes focus.” He said then turned back to Galantry.
“So where is it you call home, child? You, of this group, surely traveled the farthest?” He asked then looked to the sky a moment.
“You might call it ‘Alnitak Orionis’, my Lord. I am Galantry, of the Famial pod, Fenile.” She replied confidently.
Merlin began laughing!
“Child… I am no more a ‘Lord’ than this world is the center of the universe! Shall we leave the titles to the self-important nobility?”
“Then what shall I call you, sir?”
“Why… call me whatever you wish, child! Just as long as it is something pleasant and not ill-intended.” He smiled.
“Then why do you require me call you ‘master’, old man?” Morgana challenged with hands on her hips.
“Because I was your teacher, Morgan! A student should always show her instructor respect, correct? Though… you have loooong since graduated my academy, am I wrong?”
“It has been many years, yes.” She answered as her eyes lowered to the ground a moment.
“At the risk of your feminine wrath, I should say several thousand, Morgan. One as old as I can spot the signs. And you, my lady… You have the bearing of one in a position of honor! What might your name be again?”
I am Chance Summers, great mage. It is exciting to make your acquaintance.” I introduced myself officially.
“Ah yes… the promise of many bountiful seasons! Such a beautifully appropriate name for the leader of her own sect. I welcome you all to the realm of Briton. Below is the village of Monmouth. Come.”
“So…” I began as we walked down toward the quaint little village, “you knew when and where we would be arriving?”
“You are not the only ones to be favored by the Gods of Old, Chance Summers. Yes, it was foretold to me several years ago that travelers from a far off land would arrive and seek answers concerning my demise.”
“The Fates.” I nodded confidently.
“Actually, she called herself ‘Oracle’, Chance.” He corrected.
That stopped me in my tracks!
“Savanna! Get yer ass here immediately!” I shouted to the heavens in anger.
“You called, Chance Summers?” My daughter giggled as she appeared before us.
“Young lady! Why?”
“Because peace and harmony throughout the galaxy… or the universe cannot proceed without the trust of all those involved, mother! Now, continue with Lady Nike’s imposed quest and I shall debrief you upon your return to base.” She continued to giggle.
“You? Are gonna debrief us, Savanna Summers? Has Grandfather Zeus gone completely senile?”
Thunder echoed across the rolling hills we walked amongst.
I glared to the sky.
“In mother’s words ‘Up yours, Zeus!” I shouted as I flipped him her signature finger gesture!
Savanna began to fade away, giggling the entire time, until she was completely gone.
“Sisters! I think we have officially been thrown under the bus!” I growled as I waved to the village. “Let’s get this over with then.”
Merlin continued to snicker to himself until we passed the first signs of urban civilization.
“So… Chance… from what epoch do you all hail?” He finally asked as the buildings became denser and sturdier.
“If this can be called the tenth or eleventh century, we live in the thirty-third.” I answered.
Merlin seemed to go into shock and promptly ran straight into the nearer side of a building.
“Are you alright?” I asked as I hurried back to him and helped him back to his feet.
On doing so, his eyes never blinked when my hand passed close to his face.
“When did your vision leave you, old man?” Morgana demanded in shock.
“That which you call vision has never been a part of me, Morgan, though the sight I have serves me very well, and it is far more revealing than that which is mundane. Allow me a moment to re-group my senses. Forgive me, Chance Summers, when you breached your actual origin, I allowed my ‘mind’s eye’ to falter. It is… embarrassing to say the least.”
“So you rely on your ‘Current sight’ as we call it to get around.” I surmised.
“And you, dear lady far outshine even the brightness of our star! In fact, Morgan and Galantry, you vastly outshine the moon, even during day! I have never met beauty of such essence!”
“Such foolish talk from an old stump!” A younger male voice declared from our close right.
“How have you bewitched these delicate flowers to your side, ancient one?”
“They are my… nieces… I warn that they should not be tried, young man.” Merlin warned.
“Try I shall! Which of you be first to partake of my ‘wonder’?” The ass inquired arrogantly.
“I should rather rely on a branch of well polished oak, whelp!” Morgana declared.
“Branch of willow will be applied to your voluminous bottom unless you comply, insolent girl!”
“How do the locals react to witches in this period, Morgana?” I asked in modern English.
“The church is very ‘reactive’ to that which it does not understand, High Priestess. Torture and hanging are usually the end result of one’s outing.” She responded in kind.
I nodded.
“We will decline you’re…” I snorted my disgust as I glanced to his waist, “minimal offer as we do not wish to injure you.” I said with a confident smile but added, “we know not if you carry the sickness after all. Come along girls; uncle.”
“You!” The ass shouted angrily as he motioned me to come to him.
I rolled my eyes. Some peoples kids…
“You?” I laughed as I walked past.
A hand reached out and grabbed my hair!
In an instant I reached around, grasped the offending arm, and pulled it over my shoulder! The arrogant male took to the air and was flat on his back in the dirt of the street looking up at me in terror!
“You witch!” He declared.
“Hardly! I merely used your own weight and momentum against you. There was no ‘witchcraft’ at all, just simple redirected force.” I instructed as I easily held the man down with my foot.
“You shall pay with your life, witch!”
“I shall pay nothing, you arrogant child! As for ‘witch’, how can you decree something which you have no concept of? How many innocents have you declared ‘unholy’ for denying you carnal pleasure? Likewise, being trained in defense is certainly not ‘witchcraft’ in the eyes of his majesty, Henry, so stand warned!” I informed the inexperienced boy still held by my foot.
Several other young men started to close on us.
“Hold!” I warned loudly as I conjured then pulled a dagger from under my clothing. “Though small, be warned you will not escape its venomous bite, young fools! Do not test us further!”
“My lady? Why waste effort on these… these commoners?” Morgana asked as she regarded the felled heathen under my foot.
“Because I am for one man and one man only, Lady Morgan, and I shall not be lost to him for one of such brutality!”
With a single punch my original attacker was rendered unconscious. You would think that would’ve been ample warning and deterrent.
Yeah, you guessed it; the dumbasses attacked anyway!
Within a few minutes all four ‘children’ were lying in the dirt, either unconscious, or moaning and cradling at least one- possibly serious- injury!
“Are there any others willing to sacrifice themselves or their manhood?” I growled as I flipped my dagger with practiced ease before wiping it clean.
None of the wounds looked life threatening… I hoped.
“What is going on here,” asked the first of several heavily clad soldiers as they clattered toward us with swords drawn?
“A simple demonstration of ‘personal’ defense, sergeant, nothing more.” Merlin replied with a noticeable chuckle.
“Aye, the Lady Chance offered to correct their ‘technique’.” Morgana added with a smile.
“Gelbert?” The sergeant shook his head in disappointment. “I should have known! Get up and go home, boy! You were lucky this flower was not poisonous! Go!”
Oh! He was so, so wrong!
“Have the women been hurt, wise one?” The sergeant asked.
“No. And thank you for asking, sergeant!” I answered before Merlin could.
“Heed your place, woman! It is not your place to speak.”
“My Lady? Sorry, but your disguises are apparently more effective than thought.” Merlin gently grasped my shoulder.
“Lady Chance Summers of the chaste order of St. Colleen herself, sergeant. I’m sure you have heard of their order of fierce, holy warriors- warriors recognized by Henry himself?”
Yeah, Merlin was piling it on thicker!
The soldier looked from me to the young men still groaning in the dirt then back to me. He also regarded Morgana and Galantry a moment.
“My mistake, my ladies. You need not worry about these simple children again. I will see to it they are properly corrected. Good day to you all.”
The casualties were collected and the soldiers headed in three different directions to the tune of loud moaning and groaning.
“You think he believed me?” I asked with an innocent smile.
He did if he noted the wounds, Lady Chance.” Merlin chuckled. “Why didn’t you step in, Morgan?”
“Because you taught me patience, you old goat. At least Chance gave more warning than her mother would in the same situation.”
“So where to now?” I asked as if nothing had happened.
“We cross the river into Monmouth proper.” Merlin replied in a humorous tone.
“This is what you call a river?” I asked in complete amazement. It couldn’t have been more than seven and a half meters across.
“It is swifter than a horse can manage.” Merlin explained. “Hence, we head upstream and use the old stone bridge.”
“So what do we do when we get to wherever it is we’re going, Lady Chance?” Galantry asked quietly.
“That’s up to ‘Uncle’ to decide, Lady Galantry.” I answered then looked over to the old wizard.
“I know of a place.” He said with a pleasant, slightly perverted smile.
Witch Corps and Beyond
“Not a bad place, ‘Uncle’.” I said; impressed by the ‘laboratory’ we had just entered.
“A very well crafted protection spell around the place too.” I added.
“Coming from you, High Priestess, I am honored.”
My eyes narrowed towards him.
“Yes, I know your place in Coven hierarchy, Chance Summers.”
“Oracle?” I asked without emotion.
“Oracle.” He confirmed with a chuckle.
I nodded with an annoyed expression.
“Just wait until I get home, young lady!” I cursed to the heavens.
“Children can be so very trying at times, Chance.” Merlin glanced to Morgana a moment.
“Kiss mah arse, old man!”
“So, you seek me out… Why?” Merlin asked as he ignored his protégé- his unseeing eyes narrowed.
“On the day of your passing to the next great realm, you spoke of an attack- an attack that you stated happened almost two years ago by our present perspective. Your description of your assailant closely matches that of Lady Galantry’s people- a people that as yet haven’t the technology to travel the stars!” Morgana plunged headfirst.
“And when do I make this bold claim, Morgan?” He asked slyly.
“Not a chance, old man!” Morgana cried foul. “I saw that tactic coming a league away! You know I can’t reveal that.”
“So… Morgan is still the attentive student, High Priestess? Good! Very, good!” Merlin smiled playfully. “She always seemed slow to grasp temporal nuances though. At one point in our then young relationship she actually thought I tacked against the winds of time!”
He laughed outright!
Morgana glared daggers at him!
I liked this guy!
Merlin quickly composed himself and appeared to think for several minutes.
“I can remember no interaction with your people, Lady Galantry. Believe me! I would vividly remember such intriguing humans as you.”
“May I touch your hand, great mage?” Galantry asked politely.
“Ah… a sensitive!” He smiled brightly as he held out his hand palm up. “By all means, my lady, see what you can divine from this withered old vine.”
Neither Galantry nor Merlin moved for a time.
Morgana looked very concerned as she looked to me then back several times to the pair.
“I can find no interactions between our subspecies, High Priestess.” Galantry finally announced as she released the old gentleman’s hand.
“Such power! Yet such control from one so young!” Merlin declared with a huge, brilliant smile.
“I have reached my threshold, great mage.” Galantry stated informatively.
“I’m not sure he knows what that means, sweetie.” I advised.
“That point in which we become that much closer in relation to the Gods of Old.” Merlin recited. “Of course I know what a threshold is, High Priestess.”
My eyes narrowed. “Oracle?”
“Oracle.” He chuckled.
Yeah, I was pissed with a capital ‘P’ and vowed to grill my daughter within an inch of her life when we got back!
“This has all been a setup!” I declared angrily!
“Well yes… I suppose it has.” Merlin smiled wickedly.
My wand, as well as Galantry and Morgana’s, was pointed at the old man as he began chuckling while wiping his brow roughly.
“Out with it, Merlin!” I ordered!
“Yeah, old man! Why tell a lie… and on your deathbed of all things?!” Morgana demanded as she went on.
“I’ve been holding that emotional scene in my memory for a long time!” She began to cry. “I’ve missed you so much, you old goat!”
Morgana collapsed onto a chair near a somewhat empty worktable and began bawling into her hands.
Galantry dropped and dismissed her wand. She was quiet for a few seconds then turned to our distraught sister.
“Lady Morgana? The great mage didn’t tell you a lie in his last minutes in this dimension.” Galantry consoled, placing a gentle hand on the sobbing woman’s shoulder.
“Wha…?” She sniffed, as she looked back to the young Orion, confused.
“Moments ago I indeed ‘probed’ his mind.” Galantry stated calmly. “He has seen through Lady Nike’s well-crafted disguise to see the real me- an Orion that should not be here on Terra in this time period. Is it possible you made an error in placing our arrival?”
“And that, my dear Morgan, is why the people of the ‘Belt’ take to the stars before we do!” Merlin gloated.
“One blast to the head, Chance, that’s all I ask! Just one? I promise I’ll clean up the mess?” Morgana pleaded.
“Alas she still refuses to think through the bigger importance.” Merlin sighed in disappointment while shaking his head. “Before you make any rash decisions, take time to think it through now, child.”
He thought a moment then suggested, “Think of yourself and your involvement in everything from this point forward to where you now sit.”
“Stop the riddles, old man! I’m not in the mood!”
“Ah, but you are in the time and place, child.” He hinted with a devious smile.
“I hate you, you old bastard!” Morgana proclaimed as she finally looked up to her mentor.
“Not bad, Morgan! Only twenty crows of the cock this time- a new record in your deductive reasoning.”
A blast of Current hit Merlin and dissipated around his body!
“But still so predictable.” He sighed, continuing to look at his pupil.
“This was set up so that we would come here from the future to set up this situation, but to also…” Morgana paused as she looked about the room.
“Yes? Go on, Morgan.” Merlin smoothed his beard with one hand.
“So that… I would turn out the way I have and… and find my way through three thousand years of history and… relationships…”
“Almost, child. Keep at it.” Merlin urged, gesturing to his former pupil.
“And so I can finally complete my training, graduate from your instruction, and…” A light went on in Morgana’s mind and her face formed a pleasant smile, “and I can finally accept I am your equal.”
“Class dismissed, Morgana of the Fey. It has been a pleasure watching you grow into that wand.”
“Bastard!” Morgana hissed.
“But there is still more to learn here. Isn’t there, great mage?” Galantry questioned.
“There is always more to learn, my young Orion! Once considered ‘graduated’ one should never stop learning, for there are always new things to learn! Is that not true, Lady Morgana?” Merlin praised then turned his blind eyes to me.
Yeah… I was afraid of that.
Deep in my mind- where Nike dwelled- a devious laugh echoed.
I felt my fingernails dig into my palms as I tried to vent my anger! How could I have been so gullible? So… oblivious!
“High Priestess?” Galantry snapped me back to reality.
“It has just come to my attention that I’m to take us home, ladies.”
“But I thought you told us Nike hadn’t shown you how to do that?” Morgana worried.
“Apparently this is your lucky day, Mixie!” I growled.
“One moment, Chance Summers.” Merlin held up a hand and gestured with his other.
An exact duplicate of Merlin focused out of an instantly forming mist and looked at its creator.
“See to the understanding and wellbeing of the pupil, Morgan, in my absence. I have given you thirty years of my essence, so use it wisely.” The real Merlin advised.
The doppelganger silently nodded and stepped back to the other side of the room.
Merlin motioned to me with a confident smile.
I didn’t feel confident at all!
Closing my eyes, I began to consider how I was going to accomplish the task of getting the four of us back to Witch Corps base and the thirty-third century. I needed a target- a familiar item or special person to concentrate on…
Grunfuller immediately appeared in my mind! I missed him; his off-time wit, his magical hold on me… his love for me…
“Hey, glad you could make it back all in the same day!” I heard his voice greet- though only in my mind…
“Is something wrong, Chance? Dear? You alright?” My imagining of his voice asked in worry. Oh, how I missed him!
Firm hands gently grasped my waist then warm, soft lips touched my lips. The passion soared as the kiss seemed to become more intense and urgent then stopped suddenly.
My eyes shot open and focused on my mate’s face in front of me- his expression sheer worry!
“Welcome back, Chance Summers! I’ve missed you these last three standard hours!” He said as he appraised me carefully.
I was back? We were back?
A quick glance around me indeed proved this was the base’s galley…
…And that my sisters and a few brothers were observing our massive PDA!
“HEY! ‘Old Guy’! Get the hell outta my seat!” Sinae shouted above the clapping that filled the room as Grunfuller and I parted while we blushed profusely.
“Who are you anyway? And who’s the brown-haired girl?” She added at a slightly lower volume.
“Presenting… Merlin.” I said as snobbishly as I could without laughing.
“No shit?” Mom gasped in surprise.
The old man said nothing as he simply ‘looked around’ in supposed curiosity.
“He deaf or something?” Sinae, of all people, wondered out loud.
“One moment, sisters.” Morgana blushed as she gave a slight flourish of her wand towards her mentor. “Now try it, Queen Kitty.”
“Yo, Merlin! Can’t a preggo get a seat around here?” Sinae asked brusquely.
“By all means! Royalty should never be denied of that which they demand!” Merlin answered flatly.
“I like him! Can we keep him, Chance?” Sinae vamped.
Merlin suddenly turned to the Galley’s doorway- a look of fear crossed his face.
“Hey, everyone. Mom and Daddy, and the Norwoods accepted a tour from Capt. Serrangetti. So they’ll be back in like, a few days? What’d I miss?” Christina greeted enthusiastically as she appeared from the hallway with Rodyard at her side.
She also stopped abruptly, apparently noticing Merlin’s blind stare with a ‘deer in headlights’ stare of her own!
She remained still and completely silent.
“You are her!” Merlin gasped as he shaded his eyes completely.
“Ummm?” Christina answered apprehensively, not sure of how she should respond.
“The prophesized creator and destroyer of all existence!” Merlin continued ominously.
Not knowing what else to say and looking around the room sheepishly, she again answered, “Ummmm?”
Rodyard instantly had his arms around Christina in a protective embrace.
“What do you mean, insulting the one I love, old man?” Rodyard challenged as I noted Christina melt into his embrace.
“Is she not ‘Scion’, young sir?” Merlin countered calmly.
“Some have called her that, yes.”
“Then it has already happened? The day of judgement for the one of utmost evil?” Merlin asked then sighed happily.
“And the Scion chose to protect the innocent and the persecuted?” He asked then turned to Christina re-covering his eyes as he did so.
“I congratulate you, Scion… Congratulate you for choosing the side of light over the side of darkness.”
“It is a good thing, Scion,” he laughed nervously, “for all the known realms.”
“Is he talking about that obnoxious… disgusting… ‘thing’… on my ship earlier?” Morgana asked.
“From five years ago? The encounter you never had? The thing that never happened?” I giggled.
“Yeah. That’s the one.” Morgana groused in annoyance. “Ermmm…never mind. Non-issue! Redacted.”
“So why are you here, old man?” She changed topics.
“Why, Morgana…” He smiled deviously. “You yourself declared that I’ve ‘moved on’! Why not move here… to this ‘realm’? To join the other ‘great mages’ throughout history?”
Morgana rubbed her hand down her face and exhaled sharply.
“Drinks are on me, ladies and gents!” She announced as she shook her head in defeat.
Containers of all sizes and shapes filled the tables and counter of the Galley!
“Then…then I says to ‘im: Rwy'n credu ei fod yn bragio llawer gormod, ond mae'n sicr yn hoffi ei lance yn fawr!” Morgana bubbled drunkenly as she finished her rather risqué story.
“Merlin thought it so hilarious and offered it to the scribe as the character’s name!” She continued.
“What’d she just say, Chance?” Garith cocked her head in confusion.
Merlin looked amused, but seemed confused, as apparently, he wasn’t the Merlin in her tale.
“We spoke it back on Briton, m’lady.” Morgana answered. “Later on they called it ‘Welsh’. The translation is roughly: ‘I think he brags much too much, but he sure likes his lance a lot!’”
“I don’t get it. What has a ‘lance’ got to do with it?” Garith shrugged her shoulders.
“What you gave up when you stayed activated, moron! Geez, some of my sisters can be so very ‘clueless’ at times- especially you, Garith!” Lithia lamented.
“Sorry, I don’t think like you, dear sister! I still don’t get what a ‘lance’ is!”
Lithia conjured a very life-like, very impressive ‘phallic toy’ in her upturned palm.
“Here… meet ‘Lance’!” She giggled.
To describe Garith turning redder than a main propulsion emitter in destructive run-away did her face no justice!
“Oh… ummmm… excuse me, everyone.” Garith whispered sheepishly.
The ‘toy’ disappeared from Lithia’s hand, as did Garith from the Galley!
Link cackled wildly at her sister’s quick retreat!
“Oh! Oh, Garith, you tactless perv! Now everyone has the same idea!” She clucked.
“Coraline!” Aunt Cora chastised. “Leave the girl alone! Just because you can get it whenever you want, doesn’t mean the less connected can just as easily.”
Link growled loudly then disappeared.
“You really should get around to asking her, Cora.” Mom hinted.
“Better hurry! I may just decide to hold her for ransom, Cora!” Sandra Anderson threatened with a smile.
“Ohhhh? A scandal?! A scandal like that can only improve the royal legitimacy of my soon to be daughter, Lady Sandra!” Aunt Cora cackled as she wrung her hands, diabolically.
Sandra glared in confusion a moment then turned for the door shaking her head and mumbling, “Crazy royal bitch makes no logical sense sometimes! Damn Antarrans!”
“Well, I guess I should go and help poor, clueless, Garith figure out the mechanics.” Lilith thought aloud before disappearing with a devious smile.
“I love this family!” Christina laughed haughtily- a single tear rolling down her right cheek.
“High Priestess?” Galantry tried to get my attention.
“Yeah! Hey, Chance?” Sinae shouted out and pointed to the currently disguised Orion. “Who’s the brown-haired girl?”
Apparently, I had forgotten to introduce the ‘Terran-ized’ Galantry.
“Queen Kitty, with all due respect, I am Fenile Galantry. This is a disguise that Lady Nike provided while we searched the Ancient Terran landscape for the Great Mage, Merlin.”
“Lady Nike did this to you, sweetie? Wow! Nice job, Chance!” Sinae congratulated.
“I’m afraid I had nothing to do with it, Sinae,” I shook my head sadly.
“But you do encompass the Goddess; do you not, High Priestess?” Merlin questioned.
“Hey! You can get away with that shite with me, old man, but Chance has earned our respect! So no riddles!” Morgana intercepted.
Merlin regarded me with his bright yet unseeing eyes,
“May I ask who encompasses who, Chance Summers?” He asked calmly.
“I’ve never been solid on that one, Merlin.” I admitted. “I’d like to think we share equally.”
“A belief truly noble of Avalon, High Priestess, but which of you ultimately has control of your essence- your Current, as you call it?”
I went to answer but Nike took control.
“What is your point, Merlinian? Chance has answered your question amicably. We share this vessel she calls her body.”
“Ah, yes…,” Merlin nodded to confirm his understanding, “share her body. I understand completely.” He kept nodding then a smile formed.
“So tell me… if you two indeed share the vessel, why must you instantly take control when you feel threatened? I am the very last person here that could harm High Priestess Chance Summers or Goddess Nike of Ares.”
So began the internal debate between Nike and me. I found us both sitting on a comfortable cast-stone garden bench facing each other. Around us, a very peaceful garden containing both common and exotic flowers, and a variety of roses.
The lack of any cliché Greek, Roman, or Norse symbols or statues was a pleasant surprise.
‘Wow. I like what you’ve done with the place.’ I deadpanned.
‘Thank you. For such a diverse persona, I found this part of your mind slightly… boring, sister. Bordering on bleak at times, I would say. I thought a change of décor would help our conversation of the proposed topic.’
‘Thanks for that warm, honest critique, sis.’ I rolled my eyes. ‘So… about Merlin…’
‘The old fool is even crazier than I thought, Chance! Why do we sit here and listen?’She interrupted getting right to the point.
‘Because you are the one still asserting control of us, Nike.’ I answered.
‘oh.’ She looked down for just a second. ‘The old man excels at riddles and confusion!’
‘He asks a valid question though. If we both share my body, why do you take possession when threatened?’
‘It is my job to protect my latest incarnation lest I find myself in the shadow realm once more! That is something I would not wish upon my worst enemy, sister!’
“Have you not spoken of folding both personas into one coherent entity, ladies?” Merlin’s voice interrupted our private conversation from somewhere… outside.
‘He’s right. You have spoken of integrating us, Nike. Maybe that is his point… cryptic as it is?’
‘But who will protect you, Chance Summers? Who will protect you from the ‘titans’ of this day and age?’ Nike protested.
‘May I be of some service here, ladies?’ Christina appeared standing in our private garden, materialized a simple, folding wooden chair, unfolded it- its back facing us then sat down straddling it. She nonchalantly rested her wrists on the chair back with her hands folded.
I shook my head in amusement.
‘Welcome to our private conversation, Scion.’ Nike greeted contemptuously.
‘Thanks, I just thought I could help you guys out a little. I know what its like to question one’s self. Trust me on that, girls.’ Christina giggled.
‘Is there a point to this… quite informal… intervention, Scion?’
‘Listen up! My name is ‘Christina’, oh mighty Nike! I suggest you get that stick out of your ass and get some humility!’
‘Do not threaten me, Scion, I’ll…’
‘You’ll what? Displace me to a distant realm? Already been tried by that Bovidovich dick! Revoke my supposed ‘divine’ power? Yer Grandpa tried that unsuccessfully! Unfriend me? That happened after I turned fourteen, honey!’ Christina countered crisply then paused.
‘None of that will deter me from helping the ones I love and hold dear to my heart, Nike! Don’t believe me? Search your shared memory to see how far I’ll go to keep everyone safe!’
‘I am not questioning your intent, simply your motive, Scion! What advantage might you receive from this interruption?’
‘It’s ‘Christina’, you hard-headed, prudish Goddess! And the advantage of simply knowing my CO- our High Priestess and my friend- will remain sane and cognizant to function normally is all I seek from this meeting, Nike! I have no other interests other than friendly worry and concern.’
‘Christina, I’m happy you’re here and that you care so much for us. Can we get back to the questions Merlin set forth?’ I tried to get us back on track.
‘Why discuss it, Chance? Merlin has as much as said that you two need to integrate! I personally can’t see what is taking so long to do it.’
‘I don’t want Nike to feel pressured.’ I admitted. ‘That is what started her whole escape to another realm thing. I want her to know that I’m here for her…that I’ll protect her no matter what.’
‘Chance? You feel you must protect me? Why?’
‘Because you are a part of me! If I lost you, there would be a noticeable hole in my character… in my being…’ I paused to look down at the ground in this place. ‘In my heart.’
“Come on kids! Momma has to pee but wants to see how this ends!” Sinae’s voice interrupted loud and clear from the ‘ether’ of this construct.
‘The big, scary, preggo cat lady’s right, girls! I’ll listen while you debate the fate of our universe and beyond.’ Christina giggled. ‘Feel free to bounce things off me at any point.’
‘Why are you so strange, Scion?’ Nike asked- her head cocked to one side in confusion.
“Meh! Don’t know. Something in my genes, I guess?’
Christina and I giggled at her answer. Nike frowned for a moment then shook her head a few times.
‘This conversation will never be private again, will it, Scion?’ Nike assumed correctly.
‘Not if you two don’t make up that mind of yours. Look! Either split each off into separate bodies or combine all the common personality traits you share into one whole… you. Don’t be afraid of losing yourselv… OH! That’s it isn’t it?’ Christina’s eyes grew bigger.
‘You’re both afraid of losing the other individual!’
‘Do you listen to yourself, Scion? That made no sense whatsoever!’
‘She made perfect sense, sister! I admit I’m afraid to lose you! I value your insight; your experience; your knowledge of the universes.’
‘As do I value your concepts of love; your devotion to friends and family; alas,” Nike mouthed an inaudible curse, “the Scion has wisdom the passing of the ages can never match, sister!’
‘Good! I’ll let you two hash it out then.’
Christina disappeared- folding chair and all!
“Don’t make me come back in there, Chance Summers!” Her voice threatened from… outside.
‘So. How do we do this then?’ I asked.
‘How should I know? I’m just the Goddess of Victory! I have no concept of relationships.’
‘But you have me.’
‘I do indeed. Could it be that simple?’
‘One way to find out.’ I giggled. ‘Shall we?’
‘On three then?’
“THREE!” We both chorused.
The people around me were staring intently at me!
All except Merlin! He was smiling intently at me!
“Now what the hell just happened?!” Mom growled in annoyance as she looked into my eyes.
No, she wasn’t looking into my eyes, but to my head in general.
“What?’ I asked with a neutral expression.
“You instantly got blonde highlights in your hair, honey.” she pointed and pulled several forward so I could see for myself.
“Huh.” I shrugged, noncommittally.
“Huh? That’s all you’ve got?” Mom pushed.
“Well that really sucked! I hate these lame endings!” Sinae exclaimed in severe disappointment as she pushed herself to standing and waddled off to the closest lavatory.
I looked over to Christina and nodded to her. She nodded back with a broad smile then disappeared.
“Anybody care to share?” Grunfuller offered as he looked to me.
“Nike and I have reached an accor…”
“Hallelujah!” Mom cheered excitedly. “Now… Can we get back to drinking?”
Another round of drinks filled the tables of our Galley! Who just bought, I had no idea!
Oh yeah… I was able to remove Galantry’s disguise. She said her thanks and popped out immediately.
“I’m hoping there won’t be a test on all this, Chance.” Merlin admitted as we finished our tour of the Broom Closet.
I was caught off guard by the somewhat ‘modern’ statement.
“No more than ten essay questions per topic- you know… the usual. Why?” I teased offhandedly.
“I would be hard-pressed to remember any of this amazing… this bizarre… utterly unbelievable… circumstance I find myself in, High Priestess. It is as the Oracle predicted: ‘It would knock my socks off’.”
“Speaking of my little witch. Savanna! Here! Now!” I shouted out.
Disembodied giggling filled the flight line!
“Okay then… I’m taking away your flight privileges, munchkin. Pegasus20? Please disable Ora-”
“Alright, mother! Revoking my access to fly Oracle would be cruel and unnecessary punishment- especially since I was only carrying out Great Grandfather Zeus’s decree!” Her disembodied voice cried foul.
“Oh! So you want to lose your bathroom privileges too, then?” I challenged evenly.
“MOTHER!” Savanna cried out in total shock as she appeared out of thin air just in front of us.
She was blushing in embarrassment!
“I most certainly can, Munchkin, so don’t test me.” I warned, giving her a ‘try me’ look. “And Christina and I have already changed history once or twice-”
“But those incidents were clearly foreseen by u… me.” She sassed.
Gruesome female laughter then filled and echoed malevolently throughout our Broom Closet.
“Gods! I hate when she does that,” Savanna groaned as I watched the goose pimples slowly subside on her exposed arms!
Merlin silently, slowly shook his head side to side- a bemused smile on his face.
“I am starting to see the draw of this Coven, Chance. Too bad I have already decided to accept Morgana’s invitation when she presents it.”
“You are clairvoyant?” Savanna suddenly turned her attention to our esteemed guest. “How did w… I miss that?”
“Child, when one is playing a game of chance with multiple, highly skilled players, does one display his or her complete hand on the onset, or does he/she show patience and posture for better spoils?” Merlin posited. “Your elders should have taught you that early on.”
“You know of them? The ‘Elders’?” Savanna’s eyes bulged.
“Let’s just say that your elders and I have danced together many times before and leave it at that, young Oracle.” He answered.
Christina’s foreboding voice exclaimed.
A huge flame suddenly exploded around Savanna- engulfing her completely! It lasted several seconds then disappeared instantly. My daughter seemed none the worse for wear- not even a singe, just very, very frightened.
Malevolent laughter again filled the cavernous hangar as Savanna glared around the otherwise empty space!
I couldn’t hold it back any longer! Laughter burst from me at full volume and intensity!
I loved my sisters!
“You SUCK, Christina Everhardt!” Savanna declared angrily, flipping her finger into the air just before she vanished.
Pleasant, lighthearted, giggling filled the hangar.
“I’m thinking this place is much too much excitement for this old body to experience.” Merlin mused with a smile.
“Moreso after Christina’s arrival.” I admitted.
“How so?” He asked and I began telling the tale of her origin, discovery, and rescue.
“That poor child! How any entity could spend that perceived eternity confined…?”
“Please, Great Mage, I wish to place those nightmarish events well behind me.” Christina said as she appeared before us- her head bowed sorrowfully.
Merlin slowly approached her and gently- cautiously- wrapped his arms around her.
“Forgive me, child, I know this is most awkward, but I simply felt this response appropriate.”
“It does feel a bit creepy, but go for it, gramps.” Christina giggled nervously.
“To think I am embracing a true god… a creator…” Merlin mumbled before Christina cut him off.
“Say what?” She growled in surprise as she gently pushed him away.
“Um…” I placed my hand on his arm, “We try not to use the ‘Cee’ word… or the ‘Gee’ word, sir. She has a very bad reaction to those terms… usually.” I warned.
Merlin’s useless eyes widened as he carefully regarded Christina.
“Forgive me, Scion. I am but a feeble, ancient fool who refuses to know his place and boundaries. Please excuse my excitable musings?”
My sister narrowed an eye and quietly sized up our guest for almost a standard minute. Merlin remained stationary with tiny beads of sweat slowly forming on his tall forehead.
“Okay.” She smiled and quickly disappeared.
Merlin released an audible breath and seemed to relax.
“You know she’s always watching.” I reminded teasingly.
He nervously swallowed.
“And likes to tease the ‘fresh meat’!” I laughed as I motioned him back into the base.
“Remember, sister, the invitation to visit is permanent. Don’t be strangers.” I reminded as we watched the Broom Closet Doors open fully from the small control room.
“Vita Mirlini, departure vector has been issued and you are clear to launch.” Dell announced.
“Roger that, Broom Closet Control. See you around and thank you again. We’ll keep in touch. Vita Mirlini, out.”
Morgana’s ship shot from our flight line as if Mom had been at the controls!
“That is just as amazing as the first time I witnessed it, Chance.” Gretchen Norwood gushed from beside me. “I guess we will be departing in the next few days also?”
I nodded. Many things had to happen on ancient Antarra, and the royal family needed to be there.
“But… How can we go back? Knowing and experiencing what we have, My Lady? After all this,” Gretchen motioned around the room, “the depression that will befall us… the lack of… facilities…”
“Of course there will be a period of adjustment as you reacquaint with your own time. I’ve experienced something very familiar not long ago. It isn’t the easiest thing to get over.” I admitted then thought a moment.
“Perhaps if you speak to Link? On our recent venture into Terra’s past to stabilize Christina’s future, Link seemed overly affected by spending so much time in a foreign era. I believe it had to do with spending her remaining formative years not only in a strange place, but also having unexpected responsibility thrust upon her so suddenly.”
“Formative years, my lady?” Gretchen seemed to have trouble with those words.
“Link accepted the invitation to travel back to Colleen and Louis’ initial time period when she was just fifteen standard years of age- two years younger than you. We spent approximately nine and a half Terran years in our veiled positions there- years in which she had to present as fifteen years older and appear extremely knowledgeable in ancient spacecraft propulsion systems.” I explained.
Gretchen remained silent, expecting me to continue.
“I couldn’t have been prouder of her, Gretchen! She met and exceeded every required parameter, but she missed out on a few of her young life’s milestones such as her ‘coming of age’ celebration at sixteen, her secondary school graduation at eighteen, and her inaugural ‘first drink’ at twenty-one… Morgana tried her best to be both a surrogate mother and best friend, but I could tell on our return that interaction had done little for her. It was Louis that actually provided the necessary physical experience of sharing with her, her first ‘legal’ alcoholic beverage. Something he had missed with his own daughter due to the unfortunate circumstances leading to Christina’s transcendence.”
Tears trickled down Gretchen’s face.
“Sweetie, things weren’t that bad! Link survived and I’m sure you and Christian will do likewise. You have each other to comfort and reassure.” I continued as the Control Room’s door opened.
“Sorry to interrupt, but Sonya wishes your participation in a conversation on how Kitty can be in two different places and times at the same time, Chance. As usual, she’s quite adamant.” Dell interrupted from out in the passageway. I hadn’t even seen her ‘pop’ out while addressing Gretchen’s concerns.
I sighed.
“If you want, I can ‘take care’ of her…umm… it for you, Chance?” Dell offered- her battle bow and quiver appearing instantly!
“Where?” I sighed again in defeat.
“Capt. Serangetti’s ready room in twenty standard. She’s demanding Kitty and Tau be in attendance also.”
I rolled my eyes as I seriously considered Dell’s original, ‘truncated’ offer of ‘assistance’.
“Chance to Kitten, Alley Cat, Chairman Tua, and Kitty. Meeting in the Captain’s situation room in fifteen standard. Attendance mandatory! Repeat, attendance mandatory. Chance out.” I said into my pendant then quickly cut the transmission to stop any complaining or bitching.
“May I attend; I may be of some military assistance, High Priestess?” Gretchen volunteered with a quaint little smile.
Kimbou’s ready room appeared around us.
Aunt Cora, Link, and Simone were already waiting for us. Lyra and Greer appeared next and Lyra groaned loudly having quickly figured out the topic as her mother strutted victoriously into the large meeting room as if holding all the cards!
She was followed silently by a very humbled looking Kimbou Serangetti.
Kitty and Tua were last to appear and I expected them to instantly vanish once Kitty saw Sonya.
Instead she muttered something completely unrepeatable in FeLanian then growled menacingly.
“Cousin? This small compartment is not the place to settle differences in opinion, and the way I’m feeling at the moment you stand no chance of anything remotely survivable.” Sinae warned as calmly as I believed she could.
“According to FeLane Parliamentary regulations for royalty, any monarch wishing to procreate must undergo both prenatal and postnatal conformational hearings before the full assemblage of Parliament.” Sonya quoted in a monotone.
An audible ‘SHING’ filled the deadly silent room as Sinae’s claws deployed.
“I swear to Libra I will end you!” Sinae snarled. “How dare you quote me any Parliamentary blather? Those voyeuristic litter cleaners have nothing better to do than to annoy me!”
“But it is officially protocol, your majesty.” Tua sighed in defeat.
“One that my bastard father and his perverted followers enacted out of sadistic, chauvinistic, sexual voyeurism!” Sinae hissed.
“You mean he was into extreme porn as well as premeditated murder? What a dick!” Link commented. “What was wrong with ‘PlayKit’ or ‘CatNips’? Or did he just read those for their insightful articles?”
I diligently forced back my laughter!
“Coraline, please.” Aunt Cora quietly urged her young twin. “Every government has a few quirks in the established ruling party.”
“You mean like how you can have a man or woman delivered to your chambers by just accessing your communicator, Aunt Cora?” Link barreled on.
“Exactly!” The Antarran Queen giggled happily.
“URRRRGH! Why do I even bother!” Link lamented.
“Your ‘communicator’ works just as well, Coraline.”
A series of ‘Old Earth’ curses left Link’s mouth just before she disappeared.
I loved my sisters!
“Coraline! You get back here on the double!” Aunt Cora commanded.
Link reappeared, but didn’t look happy at all!
Without warning Christina appeared in the conference room.
“Sisters! It is imperative that you all join me on FeLane! A grave miscarriage of justice is about to be approved!”
We were suddenly on the main floor of Parliament in Capital, FeLane!
“I call for an immediate vote on the resolution to require immediate impeachment of Kitty Sinae for failure to provide undisputable proof of procreation!” A male Lynxin in impeccable attire shouted after roaring to call everyone’s attention.
“Senator! I fail to see the need of such drastic measures! I have been informed that Her Majesty is enroute to Capital at this very moment! You shall have your adolescent, hormonal excitement shortly!” An opposing female politico countered.
There was a small bit of snickering in the huge Parliamentary Chamber.
“We are here, but they cannot see us until you give the word, Majesty.” Christina informed with a polite nod.
That explained why the loudmouthed perv I stood next to hadn’t even flinched when we arrived.
“It is the law!” The Senator next to me exclaimed. “Proof must be provided, investigated thoroughly, and nominated for an approval vote!”
“I second!” Another Senator shouted from several rows away.
“I’ll show them ‘proof’! Am I able to interact physically with them and still remain invisible, sister?” Sinae asked as she gave the politicians a very angry scowl. I took a few steps away from the one I stood next to.
“Of course, majesty.” Christina nodded with a quirky grin.
Instantaneously, Sinae let out a loud, heated, bloodcurdling war howl; several of the senator’s like-minded constituents followed their outspoken caucus leader in losing their clothing- clothing that was now in small shredded tatters on the floor around them! The echo of her growl resonated throughout the governmental house well after she was again standing with us!
Lyra, Greer, Kimbou, Tua, and especially Sonya gasped in utter shock at the instantaneous thrashing!
“We have a breach!” Someone shouted after the huge gasp of surprise faded from the hall.
Christina began to glow brightly as she instantly appeared hovering several meters off the floor- her arms outstretched from her sides.
Another deafening gasp echoed through the huge chamber.
“Hold and belay that last command, mortal beings of such self-importance!” Christina proclaimed so that everyone could hear. She slowly lowered herself to the floor while slowly turning counterclockwise to make eye contact with everyone attending.
A guard jumped from the closest aisle to us and suddenly stopped in midair.
“Really?” Christina deadpanned as she stared neutrally into his eyes from a meter away.
“I-i-it i-i-i-is mmmmmmy du…duty to guard the Parrrrrrliamentary assembly.” The Royal Guard stuttered quietly in terror.
She took some time to scrutinize her attacker before carefully returning him to the floor a few meters away from us.
“What is the meaning of this, Antarran Witch? You have no rights here and are not welcome!” The lead- nude- ‘blowhard’ next to me demanded.
“This, dear Ashlan, is an intervention.” Christina smiled menacingly.
On the ‘JumboTron’ that took up most of the far wall, an image of the mural we had seen on Tarantis appeared. A title block on the bottom of the screen read: ‘The Goddess Christina of Antarra.’ Just below that another block stated: ‘Omnipotent Being. Alias: SCION’.
Someone had done their homework!
Or was it Christina’s doing?
Maybe not.
Christina noticed and scoffed in distaste. Larger, dripping, blood red text scrolled diagonally from bottom left to upper right across the familiar image: ‘Feel Free to be AFRAID’.
I snorted a few times despite my extreme concentration not to.
“Simple parlour trickery? How lame, witch!” The Senator next to me snubbed haughtily.
“Simple, yes, but far from mere parlor tricks, arrogant Lynxin.” Christina answered calmly with a malevolent grin. “So rumor has it that you wish to view Her Majesty’s procreation ritual and vote on it’s… its entertainment content and quality, is it? Try this.”
The huge Jumbotron cleared then came back to life with some cheesy, black and white movie with slightly distorted music that announced;
“Only somewhat entertaining, I’ll admit, but it does address the whole process definitively, yeah? Any questions?”
Christina paused for any response, but none came.
There was however, quiet feminine snickers from the assemblage.
“Making fun of an ally’s rule of law? You are not welcome here, Antarran! Leave these premises so we can get down to serious business!” The nearest Senator- Ashlan- angrily shouted.
“Ah yes, serious business. Maybe you would fare far better to star in some procreation video yourself, señorita?”
The middle-aged, boisterous Senator blurred for a moment then an extremely developed (both primary and secondary mammaries), young, blonde-haired, female Lynxin refocused in his place.
Tua swallowed loudly while paling considerably.
“Like, that would be very inter- in-ter, um yummy!” The female stuttered then giggled vapidly. Those seated around her started to sniff the air.
Yuck! Lynxin pheromones!
The Parliamentary complex went deadly silent!
“Would anyone else like to see more of my ‘simple parlor tricks’?” Christina’s voice echoed malevolently in the large chamber!
“Did the blue-haired lady say tricks?” The newly minted female Lynxin giggled airily as her attention focused on her nearest, naked constituents. She licked her lips as her needy smile bared her canines.
With a loud, long, needy whine of heat she was almost instantly wrapped around the thoroughly embarrassed guy and began humping him with abandon.
Did she have a red bow tied on her short stub of a tail?
The scene instantly appeared on the monstrous ‘JumboTron’!
Yep, a pretty, red bow!
“Lady Christina? Please.” Sinae asked quietly.
Despite what was taking place on the gigantic display, eyes began snapping to our location!
Gasps of ‘Her Majesty!’ and ‘The Queen’ began to resonate around the chamber and grew louder as more people noticed that we were now visible.
“Hi everyone!” Sinae greeted enthusiastically. “So this is what you guys do while I’m out of town, eh? Kinky. Very kinky!”
Loud cries of ‘abandoned Lynxin passion’ overrode Sinae’s voice and echoed throughout the great hall.
“Can someone please get those two a room?” Sinae deadpanned and pointed to the enraptured couple while looking quite embarrassed.
“I quite agree, your majesty.” Christina’s amplified voice answered and the passionately entwined couple instantly disappeared from the house of Parliament. “Parliament is no place for such animalistic displays of conception. There should be a certain degree of decorum involved with such honorable assemblies. Hint. Hint.”
“Which segues nicely into the reason I have agreed to deliver Her Majesty and her honored friends to these proceedings. Might I ask for the floor, Prime Minister Tua?”
Tua nodded, took the ceremonial staff from his designated alternate, tapped it loudly on the floor, and gestured to Christina. We took the opportunity to move away from our resident Goddess.
“Thank you, sir.”
Christina paused as she slowly turned a circle to observe the whole of Parliament.
“Members of this esteemed assemblage, might I inquire as to the basis of these ‘impeachment’ allegations? What possible legalities exist that warrant such extreme and frivolous action?”
“The queen has failed to provide proper documentation of her pregnancy in the prescribed amount of time.” One of the still naked representatives shouted out then visibly cringed as Sinae glared directly at him.
Christina stepped out in front of Sinae and used her thumbs and forefingers to ‘frame’ Sinae’s expanded belly then pantomimed throwing the frame at the JumboTron. Sinae’s belly instantly appeared on the huge screen for all to see.
My royal friend blushed even deeper than she had previously.
“Hmmm. Now… I would say that is all the proof one would need to verify pregnancy, ladies and gentlemen of Parliament. Might you all require tactile proof as well as visual? I can arrange that quite easily.”
“My lady, it is still a legally binding obligation- objectionable as it is- to investigate and approve the creation of a royal offspring.” A female Senator cringingly informed her.
The ‘Jumbotron’ instantly switched to a high definition sonographic image of Sinae’s womb. The unborne Lyxin clearly had a long, royal tail.
“Enough proof, esteemed Senators?” Christina polled.
“Unfortunately no, my lady.” The woman replied sadly. “That is not the proof the law requires.”
Christina took a moment to consider that statement.
“Your majesty,” Christina turned to Sinae and bowed politely, “would it be possible for me to view this ‘legal amendment’?”
“Please display FP462343 for my honored guest.” Sinae ordered as she pointed to the massive display at the end of the chamber. The female Senator nodded her approval with a look of misgiving.
The requested document appeared on the screen and Christina reached for it with her thumb and forefinger as if virtually grasping it and produced a multipage parchment that hovered in the air before her. She began to read aloud.
“FeLane Parliamentary Document number 462343- Ratified. Respectful Practices Required of Parliamentary Representatives and Royal Hierarchy. Synopsis: This resolution seeks to establish a pleasant and friendly environment for which government might carry on conducive and productive discussion and debate between the monarchy and lawmaking branches for the betterment of the FeLane Confederation. The establishment of a balanced and equitable behavioral protocol for all representatives is of paramount importance to this illustrious ruling body…”
“That is not what FP462343 conveys! Read the real document without embellishments!” Another of the naked Senators demanded angrily from the other side of the hall.
Christina ‘threw’ the document back up onto the JumboTron.
“Read it yourself then! I’m not very literate in translating FeLanian Legaleaze so…” Christina countered partially as she pointed to the large screen.
Sinae gasped as she scanned the highly magnified document; periodically glancing over to our resident Goddess.
With a final look to Christina, Sinae spoke: “That’s the way I remember it. How’d you guys get invasion of privacy, public humiliation, and ultimate control of the queen’s choices out of that?”
“That is not FP462343! I, along with the Regent, fully participated in the drafting of that resolution!” One of the older, naked senators shouted out.
His eyes suddenly widened in surprise of his outburst!
Several of his like-wise naked constituents turned to him in complete surprise of his admission.
“Excuse me. I misspoke.” He said as he quickly composed himself. “What I meant to say is that the Regent and I alone drafted the resolution we hoped would secure his continued reign unopposed. The measure allowed him to pick and chose his successor and filter out all that would oppose him. That you escaped the purge has become his bane.”
Christina looked sadly for guidance from Sinae as not a sound broke the awkward silence of the chamber.
It didn’t take much deductive reasoning on my part to realize Christina had cast a ‘truth compulsion’ on the Senator.
“My queen?” The Royal Guardsman Christina had held and spared broke the hush. “Your orders?”
“All those lacking clothing shall be detained and charged with unprofessionalism and unnecessary and unwanted exposure. I will deal with them personally. Find Senator Ashlan and her…um… client; detain them also. Lady Christina,” Sinae smiled evilly, “where did you find a room for them?”
“Not to worry, Majesty, the two Senators will awake in the morrow fully restored. Both will vividly remember their carnal activities, which transpired overnight. Finding their location won’t be a problem for local law enforcement if their male egotism holds firm… or ‘something’ else happens…”
“Thank you, my lady. Though morally questionable, I approve of your assessment and handling of this sensitive issue.”
Christina bowed nobly in acknowledgement.
“Captain Serangetti? I trust you know the drill?” Sinae added, giving her Royal Guard warrant to arrest the indecent Parliamentarians.
“It will be my pleasure, my queen! Lieutenants, you’re with me.” Kimbou responded as he began directing his fellow Guardsmen along with Lyra and Greer.
Cora approached Christina and blatantly kissed her. “Well done, my lady!”
“I just did what was needed to stop the horseshit, Auntie. Kitty, as well as everyone else, deserves privacy and respect.”
“My queen?” The female Senator from earlier asked for Sinae’s attention. “May I inquire as to the name of the man that has so captured Her Majesty’s heart?”
“Senator…?” Sinae asked and awaited her name.
“Castille, Majesty. Senator Castille from Majadray.”
“I don’t see how that is relevant, Lady Senator.”
“I’m simply curious and wish to congratulate the brave suitor of the Way-renown Warrior Queen of the FeLane Confederation.”
Sinae laughed at the woman’s reason and her outrageously overblown titling.
“Well… since you asked so nicely… Prime Minister Tua? Could you join us and call the assembly back into order? I have an announcement.”
“Parliament will kindly come to order!” Tau announced, forcefully striking the staff on the resonant floor of Parliament.
Sinae waited patiently while the chaotic assembly took their seats and quieted. She glanced over to the collected lewd senators that had been forced into spare seating then nodded to Tau.
“Her Majesty, Queen Kitty Sinae!” Tau announced to officially introduce his queen.
“Hey guys… and gals! Me again. A question has just been asked as to the identity of the royal offspring’s male contributor. Now, how many of you are dying to know who is- and I quote- ‘the brave suitor of the Way-renown Warrior Queen of the FeLane Confederation’?”
Resounding applause and wild cheering filled the chamber!
“Wow! You guys really are enthusiastic!” Sinae said with a giggle. “Tua.”
The chamber silenced, maybe waiting for her to reveal the name. I assumed they didn’t catch Sinae’s off-timed reveal.
Sinae looked questioningly around the Parliament representatives in confusion.
“No… seriously, its Tau!” She reiterated as she reached out and pulled Tua closer.
It took a moment more before the chamber again erupted into deafening applause and overwhelming cheering! Parliament again fell into chaos as everyone left their seats and began to crowd the newly announced couple. Handshakes, hugs, and other forms of polite congratulation poured forth.
A gentle hand grasped my shoulder.
“Well, it looks like Christina saved another society from spiraling into oblivion.” Savanna said louder than usual to compete against the crowd noise. “Even though she jumped the gun by a week.”
“Are you sure about that? The result is what really counts, Munchkin.” I turned and smiled at her.
“Kitty’s reign is now assured to continue. And I’m sure she’s really pissed about that too, mom.” Savanna grinned.
“After all, we all know where she really wants to be.” I smiled.
“Of course! With Tua.” She giggled then winked and vanished.
“Was that Oracle, Lady Chance?” Gretchen asked, leaning up to my ear.
I nodded. “She usually checks in after a mission’s successful completion, yes.”
“This was a mission? I thought it an ‘intervention’?” She seemed confused.
“They come in all shapes, sizes, and flavors, Lady Gretchen, and are seldom consistent or common.” I informed her.
“I understand. The battles are never cut and dry as we design or would hope, are they?”
“That’s never been the case for us, no.” I agreed as I saw Sonya approach Christina. The Antarran Goddess’s expression changed significantly!
“Excuse me, sister, I think we have just received our next mission.” I said as I moved away from Gretchen and toward Christina and Sonya.
“Lady Sonya, you do understand that you could possibly lose who you are? I would be remiss to not bring up all the negatives a change of this kind could precipitate. I challenge you to consider all if not every ramification before any final decision.”
“Sisters?” I asked after looking to see that we weren’t being observed.
“Lady Sonya insists on accompanying us back to Medieval Antarra in Queen Kitty’s place, Chance. I’m not certain that is in her best interest.”
“Whether it is in her best interest is not her primary thought, Sis. Sonya will do what Sonya feels proper for the crown.” Link advised as she placed a hand on Christina’s shoulder. “I thought we already briefed you on her ‘quirks’?”
“They are not ‘quirks’, young lady. You would do well to understand the difference between duty and honor to the monarchy, and blindly volunteering to risk one’s life.”
“Gee… I’ve never done that, Sonya.” Link deadpanned. “I was well aware that I would be well into my twenties when we finished Queen Colleen’s recovery mission. So which is it you consider this opportunity, sister?”
Link stared into the soul of our Lynxin sister while she waited for an answer.
“You will show the proper respect for your CO, young lady!” Sonya threatened.
Link giggled. “You missed it, Sonya. I aged out of the JWC while working for NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, Terra, circa 2098AD. I’m twenty-four now. So… remind me again about paying the proper respect to a fully-vested sister?”
Sonya’s eyes bulged in surprise as she sought my confirmation.
I nodded sadly.
“And, from what I’ve been told, you’ve been known to jump headlong into danger as well, so who is the pot and who is the kettle, hmmmm?” Link added.
You see it right, Chance?’ Simone nudged my upper arm with a gratified smile.
I nodded. “The two really are cut from the same cloth, Simone. I saw it that last day at Taos. She’s Caroline Norge. No doubt.”
“I hope Aunt Cora gets off her ass and finalizes her offer.” Simone added nodding back to Link.
“Probably when we get back to base.” I suggested.
“Excuse me, Lady Chance?” Christina caught my attention. “What is the proper way for someone to get Queen Kitty’s attention within these venerable walls? Lady Sonya and I have a proposal.”
I raised my index finger for her to wait a moment.
“Hey, Sinae! Waddle that fat, pregnant ass of yours over here a minute would ya?!” I shouted.
Sinae looked relieved that she was being beckoned and promptly excused herself from her present company.
“You ‘bellowed’, Chance?” She laughed when she got close.
“I did. Christina and Sonya have a proposal they’d like you to critique.”
Sinae regarded Sonya carefully for a moment then looked at Christina.
“Sure. Shoot.”
“Cousin,” Sonya forged ahead, “it is a foregone conclusion that your presence will be required here at home for the foreseeable future-”
“Only until my kitten is born, but somehow I feel you’ll see to it I hang around a while longer. Correct… cousin?”
“It is my duty as First Princess of the Confederation, my queen.”
“Yeah… that’s what I thought. So. What’s this proposal?”
“I propose that I journey back to Ancient Antarra in your stead, cousin. Since Lyra and Greer are otherwise already engaged in that era’s history and you’re… um… condition is not represented in the historic group portrait to be created in their coming months, I inquired whether Lady Christina would consider modifying my appearance to meet the criteria.”
“And I warned of unforeseen consequences like a loss of true identity or worse! Majesty, I highly warn against this proposal.” Christina urgently advised.
“Wouldn’t she be disguised as my Antarran persona instead of me in disguise?” Sinae asked.
“I suppose she would, Majesty.” Christina answered and pondered it for a few seconds. “It might be enough of a difference to protect against complete personality deletion.”
Apparently, Sonya hadn’t exactly comprehended Christina’s warnings nor reluctance as her eyes suddenly widened.
“Care to try right now, Christina? If she begins character degradation, we’ll notice immediately.” Sinae proposed with an evil grin.
Christina nodded excitedly.
“Wait! Don’t I get a say in this impromptu experiment?” Sinae’s Antarran form complained.
“Mother? Did you learn a new concealment spell?” Lyra asked after she noticed and hurried over.
“Of course not! I have never been that powerful a Current Mage nor did I agree to this experiment!”
“So, cousin, I take it you will not be in attendance at Norge’s Heath?” Lyra questioned while still looking at her disguised mother. “The upcoming skirmishes will not be the same without you. Gretchen’s spies counted at least ten thousand troops on the ground with another two thousand on horse. Are you sure you are up to it, Lady Sonya?”
“I guess she’ll find out soon enough, eh Chance?” Sinae grinned. “I’m approving the substitution. Good luck, cousin.”
Sinae walked away as Sonya stared- face pale- in disbelief.
“Foot in mouth disease.” I winked to Simone, Aunt Cora, and Link.
Witch Corps and Beyond
“Locust to Chance. Pegasus is underway. ETA to FeLane is eight standard hours. See you then. In the mean time don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Locust out.”
“Chance to Kitty, Porno, Perfessor, Kitten, and Princess. Meeting in my suite at sixteen hundred. Alert the others. Chance out.” I relayed as Gretchen looked at me with worry.
“Pegasus is on the way for a pick-up. We’ll go straight to Antarra from here.” I told her to ease her concern.
It didn’t work.
“I… I didn’t think it would arrive so soon… our return to our home…”
“You’ll be fine, sweetie.” I comforted before I noticed Kimbou Serangetti approaching.
“My Lady. I assume Her Majesty has exited this chamber with the Prime Minister?” He asked while standing to attention.
Of course I glared daggers at him for doing so.
“Yeah, she and Tua popped out just a few minutes ago. What’s up?”
“My Lady, the treasonous ones have all been apprehended and incarcerated per Her Majesty’s order.”
“Then that report should be given to the First Princess as per required protocol, Captain Serangetti. Why waste your time with a Commoner like me?” I smiled and winked.
Kimbou glared at me a moment then swallowed hard as he looked around for his mate. He skimmed right over the ‘newly-arrived’, athletic, short brown-haired, Antarran woman without a thought. “The First Princess does not seem to be available, My Lady.”
I was very glad that Sonya was outside hearing range given the ambient noise still present in the chamber!
“Then follow alternate protocol, Captain.” I advised, my eyes motioning to Lyra and Greer.
Kimbou swallowed nervously again, took a breath, stood tall, and approached his daughter. This was the first time he had ever needed to ‘report’ to his daughter on official business- and it was a good thing Aunt Cora, Link, Christina, and Simone had guided Sonya away from any ‘impending royal catastrophe’.
“P-Princess Lyra,” Kimbou started and seemed to be having a hard time relating himself to the fact his daughter out-ranked him royally, “since I cannot locate Princess Sonya, I am obliged to report to you that all dissidents have been incarcerated as per Her Majesty’s order. Are there any further orders, My Princess?”
Lyra looked stunned for a moment, but quickly collected herself. “No further orders have been communicated to me by Her Majesty, Popp… Captain. Thank you and carry on.”
“Very good, Princess Lyra. Good Day to you and Princess Greer.”
Kimbou bowed, turned crisply, and walked back my way.
“Now was that so hard, sir?” I asked quietly as I noticed Lyra’s beaming smile.
Greer looked absolutely stunned!
“It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do, Chance.” He admitted.
“Really, Kimbou?” I asked not believing him as I raised an eyebrow.
“Actually… Asking Sonya if she’d join with me was the absolute hardest thing I’ve ever done, Chance. I couldn’t sleep for a week before and after I asked for her hand.” He admitted as he adjusted his suddenly snug uniform collar.
“Pegasus is on her way for pick up, sir.” I told him, hoping to relieve some of his stress. “I called for a meeting in my suite at sixteen hundred.”
“I’ll be there, Chance, thanks.” He began to walk away.
“Oh, and Captain?”
“My Lady?”
“Very good work today, Capt. Serangetti. Her Majesty and her royal court are in excellent hands.” I smiled when he turned back to face me.
“Thank you, High Priestess.” He replied as he stood to attention. His address of me just happened to coincide with a lull in noise and conversation within the huge Parliamentary chamber.
A loud gasp echoed through the chamber; Serangetti instantly looked horrified!
“Any of you have a problem with that?” I shouted my challenge to those still milling around.
Applause, cheering, and whistling rang through Parliament!
What the hey; I took a bow. Mom would do the same. No reason to break tradition!
“I am deeply embarrassed, Chance! I should know better by this point in our professional relationship.”
I just shrugged. “Eh, it happens. No biggie, sir.”
It was then that the tall, proud Royal Guardsman and Captain of the Mare De Tempest noticed five Antarrans standing and talking amongst themselves at a distance. Gretchen was still next to me though.
“Chance? Why are there now six in the Antarran delegation when I know Lady Christina only transported five out of my ready room?
The lightbulb finally went off and Kimbou rushed over to them.
I popped Gretchen and I over beside Aunt Cora to hear the fallout.
“Princess Sonya? Is that you, my mate,” Kimbou asked just above a whisper, looking rather pale as he glanced worriedly around us?
“It is. I’ve volunteered to portray our queen’s incognito while on Ancient Antarra. We are testing my resilience to the disguise’s transformation. Lady Christina was worried about my loss of self from her magicks.”
Kimbou straightened.
“Princess Sonya, the treasonous ones have been apprehended and incarcerated per Her Majesty’s order.” He reported in a hushed voice.
“So file your status report with the second Princess in line, Capt. Serangetti! I’m not exactly looking like a Lynxin Princess at the moment am I?” She growled in annoyance.
‘Actually, she never did look like a princess… acting though? Well, she had that part down to a science.’ I thought to myself.
Christina looked my way with a knowing grin.
“When I could not find you among the representatives or guests I did follow protocol and alerted Princess Lyra, and by proximity, Princess Greer, my lady. So… if you will excuse me I will now seek out my quarters and nurse the monumental headache I seem to be developing. By your leave, ladies?”
Kimbou Serangetti bowed courteously and walked away at a brisk stride.
“I’ve never seen Poppy so… so disconcerted! I really feel bad for him.” Lyra said as her sad eyes followed her father out of the Parliamentary chamber.
“You should have seen him when he proposed our bond.” Sonya mumbled with an evil expression.
Yeah, Sonya was still Sonya.
“See you guys in my suite.” I said before popping into my permanent quarters at the Royal Residence here in Capital.
“Um… was I to be brought along, Chance?” Gretchen asked from beside me as she looked around at our new surroundings.
“I can transport you back over to Parliament if you really want me to.” I grinned.
“Ummm… the furniture looks pretty comfortable, mind if I stretch out and close my eyes for a few, Chance?” She answered evasively.
“A better idea would be for you to stroll into my spare bedroom and take a ‘catnap’… We are on the Lynxin homeworld after all.” I grinned pleasantly.
Gretchen rolled her eyes while she shook her head and disappeared through the spare bedroom’s door.
“Get some sleep?” I asked Gretchen Norwood as she appeared in my spare bedroom’s opening doorway.
“My headache isn’t as bad as it was when I went in, Chance, but I don’t expect that to ease. How long was I out?”
“About six hours. It’s almost sixteen hundred. Our guests will start arriving any minute.”
“So I guess no time to freshen up?” Gretchen asked and sighed then thought of something and snapped her fingers. A new outfit appeared on her. Her hair also changed style and her makeup looked freshly done.
“Someone’s been paying attention.” I smiled as I motioned to the mirror on the wall off to our left.
Gretchen seemed happy with her handiwork.
I felt the room increase occupancy by one.
“Come on in, Christina. Have a seat and make yourself comfortable.” I said without even turning around. When I did, Christina had already claimed a spot on one of my sofas.
“How did you know, Chance?” Gretchen asked, fascinated by my ‘ability’ to sense the Goddess’ arrival.
I shrugged.
“So, sister, I hear you’re having second thoughts about returning to your true time period.” Christina wasted no time.
“After seeing all this? Then being required to return to… what we know? You have to ask, Christina?” Gretchen responded.
“She will do fine, sister.” Savanna said having materialized to my immediate right.
I turned and pulled my daughter into a tight, welcoming embrace.
“Long time no see, Munchkin.”
“Mother, I think I’ve outgrown that nickname.”
“Am I, your father, and your grandparents still alive?” I attacked playfully.
“Then you haven’t outgrown anything, Munchkin.” I laughed.
Simone, Link, and Aunt Cora were the next to arrive, but through the front door.
“So where’d you lose Sonya?” I asked, hoping they didn’t say what I expected.
“Capt. Serangetti caught us just outside the Parliament Building and ‘asked’ if he could take Lady Sonya on a tour of the Royal Residence. We expected to see them here already.” Simone reported as she went to close my suite’s door.
“They’ll be here.” Christina guaranteed with a devious smile and a playful wink.
“That only makes me worry more, Christina! What have you done now?” I asked cautiously.
“HALT! I need to see proper identification!” A deep voice shouted from out in the hallway leading to my suite.
Of course I rolled my eyes as I hurried over and re-opened one side of my double entrance door.
“What’s going on out here… Sonya? Tua?”
My doorman- and Royal Guardsman- had two Terrans stopped about halfway down the hall from my suite. The female was definitely Sonya in Sinae’s Antarran disguise. The male looked like Tua’s Antarran disguise. Who was he?
“Sabatu, let them pass. I’ll vouch for them.”
“My Lady Chance? You know these two Terrans?” My guard replied, surprised.
“Yes, and they are part of Queen Norge’s entourage, so Antarran. Thank you for announcing them though, sweetie.” I grinned as I motioned the two disguised individuals past me and into the safety of my suite.
“Thank you, and I’m sorry to have disturbed you, Lady Chance.” Sabatu replied as he bowed.
I cleared my throat loudly.
Placing a finger to nervously loosen his collar, “Sorry, Chance, I didn’t know who they were. S-should I know them?”
I nodded and grinned mischievously. “Very well in fact.” I winked before nodding and shutting my door.
“I take it you had something to do with this, Lt. Everhardt?” The dopple of an Antarran cloaked Tua confronted our resident Goddess.
“Maaaaybe?” She teased precociously.
“I can hardly wait to hear this one.” The look-alike sighed and rubbed his temples vigorously.
“You shall return my mate back to his original form or I shal-.”
“You. Shall. What. Sonya Serangetti?” Christina attacked menacingly.
There was complete and total silence in my living room for a long minute as Sonya debated her ineffectual options to that poignant statement.
Thankfully, Sonya backed down- choosing to live over…
“I did this so Kitty can assume her role of monarch and new mother- mostly new mother. Since our appearance is required at Norge’s Heath and Kitty is in no way able to disguise herself without appearing to be pregnant, I thought that Sonya and Kimbou Serangetti might volunteer for those roles. And, since Sonya has already agreed, her mate would eagerly accept the challenge for his Prime Minister. Tua, by the way, suggested the idea and has already informed Cmdr. Kavendish of the Captain’s special assignment.”
“Right. Okay, so,” I said as I hoped to bring this meeting to order, “First order of business has been covered. Next… Pegasus will arrive here in two hours- earlier if mom put a brick on the accelerator and she runs all the lights. Once here either Christina or I do our ‘thing’ and we hopefully arrive back in Norge’s Heath to continue our securing of Antarran history.”
“Ummmm… didn’t we forget a couple people, Chance.” Christina nodded over to the double doors of my suite’s entrance.
Sinae and Tua both looked a bit disheveled.
“Hey guys. Sorry we’re late. Something came up.” Sinae said with a broad smile that exposed her canines.
“Yeah, I’ll bet a few times.” Link whispered conspiratorially to Aunt Cora, yet everyone heard and laughed.
“How much did you two catch?” I asked after everyone settled.
“From Sonya and Kimbou volunteering to play us,” Sinae alternated her finger between her and her lover, “til now. What else did we miss?”
“That’s pretty much all of it-.”
My suite’s door chime sounded. Sinae being closest opened the door.
“Oh… Uhh… Umm… Excuse the interruption, my queen, but I’ve just received word that EFMC Pegasus has just arrived on our defensive boundary and is requesting permission to Capital.” My surprised guard’s voice announced from out in the hall.
“Granted.” She said as she turned to me. “Chance your ride is almost here… the Mall?”
I nodded with a smile.
Sinae smiled to Sabatu at the door. “Alert the Royal Guard to clear the political end of the mall of all occupation and give Pegasus those coordinates to land.”
“Opposite end from your coronation. Got it, Kitty. It shall be done.”
Sabatu’s voice could be heard dispatching Sinae’s orders as he hurried away down the hall.
“Hope must’ve put a cinder block on it this time and definitely ran the red lights, Chance!” Link giggled. “And I wouldn’t be surprised if the NOS tanks are empty too!”
“So help me! If she hurt my Pegasus’ emitters, I’ll-.” Simone swore angrily, but didn’t get the chance to finish her threat.
“Pegasus, Chance. We’ve received permission to enter FeLane Space and have been granted landing priority on the Residential end of the Mall. Be there in ten.” Locust alerted me on my comm.
“Give the Emitters a chance to breath and cool off! Make it twenty, Pegasus. Chance out.”
“Pegasus says her emitters are all nominal and functioning at optimal performance, Chance.” Christina informed me as she nodded to Simone with a pleasant smile.
“Oh! Hey! As to the reason Tua and I were late…”
There was a collective decrease in atmospheric pressure as we all held our breath fearing Sinae was about to kiss and tell.
“Seriously? Do you really think I would do tha-.”
“YES!” We all shouted.
Sinae blushed for a moment.
“Actually, Tua and I stopped off to watch Christina’s latest masterpiece and ‘company’ being hauled out of the Parliamentary apartment complex.” Sinae’s smile beamed.
“I’m afraid Sen. Ashlan’s ‘night out’ was not quite what she hoped. They were reported for disturbing the peace and had been warned several times about the noise levels before the authorities had to forcibly enter the residence and remove them. A tragic scene since neither one of them wore a scrap of clothing. They actually had to throw cold water on Ashlan to get her off Dietz.” Tua continued.
The room broke out in laughter!
“That’ll be an interesting wake-up call in the pokie tomorrow morning.” Christina chortled.
“And… he’ll remember every last little detail of his illicit encounter, provided nothing major ‘escaped’ and ‘hit’ the ‘mark’!” She added with a malevolent chuckle.
“Excuse me, Queen Kitty! The news services have caught wind of ‘unusual activity’ in the Parliamentary Mall. I’m streaming it to your current location.” Sabatu’s voice interrupted over my suite’s communication system.
“Go ahead.” Sinae agreed.
“Please excuse this interruption of this evening’s scheduled streaming, citizens of FeLane.”
The female announcer politely apologizing fades into stream appearing seated behind a news desk with a screen declaring ‘BREAKING NEWS’ behind her.
“Hello everyone, I’m Tua Sohn. Again, so sorry for the interruption. We have just been informed by our political correspondent stationed at the Parliamentary Mall that a detachment of Royal Guardsmen have been dispatched and have begun clearing the Residential end of the Mall here in Capital. Here now is Political Correspondent, Cleo Shift. Cleo? What’s happening out there?”
Streaming media splits in two- Tua Sohn on the left, Cleo Shift on the right.
Cleo Shift: Good evening, Tua. Five standard minutes ago we received notification that the West End of the Parliamentary Mall was being evacuated for some unrevealed reason. Consecutive inquiries have been met with silence, but we can confirm that a sizeable area is definitely being cleared and secured.
Tua Sohn (looking slightly suspicious): Cleo, do you have an estimate on the area being cleared?
Cleo (looking confused by her coworker’s question): I’d say almost a full fifth of the Mall, (Tua gasping in the background can be heard quite clearly) Tau, does that mean something to you?
Tua Sohn (looking so filled with excitement she might pop): I have an idea of what might be happening. I covered the story personally about nine years ago actually.
Cleo (holding her ears as the streaming device shakes sharply four or five times): Tua! We’ve just witnessed some kind of multiple explosive event in the sky above us! As I speak, my streamer is checking with the Environmental Services for a stray lightning event.
Tua Sohn (looking even more excited): Cleo, I highly suggest you follow the Royal Guard’s instructions to the letter. I’m betting that wasn’t an erroneous natural weather event.
(Cleo looks up after someone in the background shouts, and her expression changes to disbelief mixed with terror)
Tua Sohn (looking very concerned): Cleo? Cleo, what do you see? Is it a very large, gleaming, streamlined spacecraft?
Cleo (still looking up in awe): H-H-How did you know that?
Tua Sohn (looking overjoyed): Ladies and gentlemen, the mystery has been solved! Allow me the opportunity to announce that the illustrious EFMC’s Pegasus has just arrived with her famed compliment of EFMC’s Witch Corps! Could our queen be making another ‘grand entrance’ in reply to the Parliamentary call for her appearance on charges (Tua Sohn’s expression changes to one of disgust. She shakes her head in disagreement) of illegal procreation?
(Cleo Shift’s hair begins blowing and whipping around her face and she valiantly tries, but fails, to hold it in control.)
(Cleo’s streamer switches his focus to a huge glimmering spacecraft with several smaller spacecraft attached to her main hull as it slowly grows larger in the lens.)
Tua Sohn (smiling so much she can hardly talk): Cleo! That’s EFMC Pegasus… and… and I theorize she’s in full on battle mode! Talk to us, sweetie.
Cleo (awestruck): Its-its beautiful!
Tua Sohn (neutrally): And from what I’ve been told, extremely lethal. Cleo? I understand the sheer awe you must be feeling at this moment, but we still need your report.
Cleo (visibly shaking her head to clear it): Sorry, Tua, I’ve only ever heard stories and seen images of EFMC Pegasus’ arrival on Queen Kitty’s Coronation Day, but she’s even more impressive from my vantage point. Could Queen Kitty herself be aboard this fantastic vessel?
Tua Sohn (smiling brightly): I know the feeling, Cleo, and the answer to your question is yes. Yes, our beloved Monarch is indeed onboard and completely safe and secure.
Cleo: Tua, we’re seeing onlookers arriving en-mass! The Mall has seemingly filled instantly with spectators! It’s simply unbelievable! Where did they all come from?
“Yes, Christina, where did all those onlookers come from?” Sinae asked cattily.
“Wasn’t me, Kitty. Honest.”
Tua Sohn: I’d say the various offices and apartment complexes surrounding the Mall.
“Gee, Chance, ya think it was Hope showing off again?” Christina said as she continued to look at Sinae. “The Sonic booms strike a cord?”
I rolled my eyes as usual.
“I think there is more at play here and suggest we should transfer to Pegasus. Chance, Pegasus.”
“Go ahead, Chance.” Lokust answered, but continued. “I’ve already alerted the ship that you guys might be beaming aboard, so come on in!”
“Be right over, Lokust. Chance, out.” I said then looked over to Sinae and Tua.
“You two want to get spruced up?”
“Spruced, Chance?” Tua questioned in confusion.
“I know what she meant. How’s this, Kitty?” Christina said as Sinae and Tua’s clothing changed.
Sinae was now dressed in a flowing, pink gossamer, maternity gown that gave a dignified look to her baby bump. Her mane was now coiffed regally in a simple but appropriate updo.
Tua was now sporting a dark grey striped tailored business suit, white dress shirt, and matching grey striped suit pants. Black leather loafers complimented the outfit.
“I think the color conveys too much, but very nice, sister. Very nice.”
We found ourselves in Pegasus’ lounge.
“Yeah, thought you guys would show up here.” Lokust smiled from next to the elevator.
“Why are we loaded for Arborean Bear?” I asked.
“Because we all wanted to come along on this mission, Chance.” Dell answered as she popped in next to me; bow, quiver, and full uniform.
“Ummmmm, yeah, okay? A little overkill isn’t it?” I asked.
“I suggested we give them another show- just like the Coronation, Chance.” Lokust justified. “Hey, where’s Christina?”
“Pegasus? Display Capital One News media stream on the ceiling, please?” I requested in answer.
Tua Sohn: We now await some sort of movement from this fascinating spacecraft. If I’m right we should see the ship’s ramp extend followed by her crew and passengers.
Tua Sohn’s shiny, blonde mane of hair suddenly goes poker straight! A third window splits Tua and Cleo’s window. It clumsily focuses on a tall, blue-haired woman with a huge smile on her face.
Tua Sohn (looking completely flabbergasted): An Antarran? Who are you? How did you get in here? How did you do that?
Mysterious Antarran Woman (smiling mischievously): Hello, Tua Sohn. I am Christina Colleen Everhardt, and I am an advanced scout, per say, sent by Her Majesty, Caroline Norge of the Antarran Trade Federation. I am here to secure safety protocols for Her Majesty, Caroline Norge’s arrival in support of your Queen, Kitty Sinae, for her upcoming appearance before FeLane’s Parliament. Her Majesty, Caroline Norge, has expressed her deep-rooted moral concerns toward this supposed requirement for a monarch to register her want of offspring and has declared her undying allied support to your queen for removal of this paranoia-driven, insulting, and debasing legislation.
Tua Sohn’s eyes light up hearing the spirit and resolve Christina Colleen Everhart is expressing.
“Wow, the kid can really put it out there, can’t she?” Katelyn Yates commented.
“Of course! She’s Antarran!” Aunt Cora crowed happily.
“Yeaaaaah… Everyone has to have a weak point I suppose.” Kate giggled.
I pointed up at the ceiling as I noticed a wand or two manifest. “Let’s watch.”
Tua Sohn (still looking overwhelmed): I see. But, why send EFMC Witch Corps’ Pegasus, Lady Christina? One wouldn’t expect such a need or show of force given a minor Parliamentary inquiry.
Christina Everhardt: Pegasus diverted enroute to a potentially dangerous mission to deliver Queen Kitty and her Prime Minister for these proceedings. Since the primary mission is somewhat less than time sensitive, we offered to lend a hand.
Tua Sohn (shocked): We? Lady Christina, are you perchance a member of EFMC’s Witch Corps?
The Antarran’s clothing suddenly changes to a rather risqué black, orange, and white Witch costume- complete with a black, pointed hat.
Christina Everhardt (coyly): Gee, Tua Sohn, what was your first clue?
Tua Sohn (visibly swallowing hard): So… so you are one of the fabled Current Mages?
Christina Everhardt (smiling broadly): I restate my last question.
Tua Sohn (smiling ear to ear): You must be very courageous and confident to wear that, Lady Christina?
Christina (raising a well kept brow): We’ll see who is and is not courageous in regard to this inquest, Tua Sohn. Queen Caroline has expressed her requirement for success in negating that ridiculous regulation of yours! Nobody should be required to- and I quote- ‘provide visual and physical proof that a pregnancy has occurred’. What ever happened to personal rights and privacies? Queens are humans too, ya know!
Unknown female voice shouting behind the set: You tell ‘em, Christina!
I looked over to see Kate with her hands framing her mouth to amplify her voice.
Yeah, I thought I had recognized the voice. Who taught her that one though?
Christina Everhardt: Thank you, Lady Kate. (Christina Everhardt faces and salutes the camera)
Tua Sohn (hiding a giggle with her hand): Please excuse me a moment, Lady Christina. Cleo? Any change or movement from the Pegasus?
Cleo: Nothing yet. Please extend my welcome to Lady Christina.
Christina Everhardt is suddenly beside Cleo at the landing site. She turns, bows respectfully to Cleo, and is instantly back in the studio again.
“Chance, Perfessor. Time to put away your toys. We’re ready.” I said over comms.
Christina Everhardt looks directly at the camera and nods.
Christina Everhardt: Ladies? I’ve been informed the ‘pageantry’ is about to begin. Be warned that this visit will be slighhhhhtly different from Queen Kitty’s Coronation. Today we are strictly a security detail responsible for two Sovereigns, your Prime Minister, and several Ladies from the Royal Courts of the Way.
Tua Sohn’s eyes suddenly light up as she reads something off frame. She gasps loudly, but quickly collects herself and looks to be assessing Christina Everhardt very carefully.
Christina Everhardt (smiling coyly): Awww, you guys found me out. Well… I guess I’ll join the procession. Ta Ta!
Christina Everhardt vanishes instantly. The three-way split display collapses back to two after a few standard seconds delay.
“Show-off!” Kate declares as Christina appears in the lounge.
“Full uniforms except Kitty, Tua, and Aunt Cora.” I ordered just before I popped down to the hatch.
Once everyone had followed suit, I began my briefing.
“Now, I want a closed perimeter around each dignitary- wands at the ready. As we’ve seen, Haturo still has supporters within Parliament. If Christina didn’t alert the media, I’m speculating one of his cronies did. I’m also betting he has even more supporters and fanatics embedded in the crowd.” I paused a moment to prepare for what I said next. “The safeties are off ladies! Collect the bad guys for deposit into law enforcement confinement. Try to keep casualties and property destruction at a minimum. Sandra, JWC is to supplement our Royal Guard allies- one member to a squad, and assist with crowd control. Christina? Don’t get crazy.”
“Chance? They know I’m Antarra’s Goddess. It appeared on the holoprompter just before I left the studio.”
“Okay. We can use that.” I said, thinking quickly. “Christina, I’d like you to recreate your ‘Goddess’ role from outside Norge’s Keep. Bare in mind Aquia isn’t flying cover tonight so improvise.”
“Got it, High Priestess.”
“Good. Let’s get on with it. Pegasus, extend the ramp and open the hatch.”
The People’s Mall- West End, Capital, FeLane:
“Tua! The ramp is extending!” Cleo Shift announced jubilantly. “Now the hatch is opening!”
“Keep it professional, kid. You’re a reporter, don’t forget that.” Cleo’s streamer warned.
“Hey! Aren’t you Cleo Shift?” a female voice called out. A young Terran woman with long, black hair smiled as she approached the reporter.
“Yes, that’s me. Can I help you?”
“I’m Savanna- Savanna Summers?”
“Ummm… I’m a little busy at the moment, Miss Summers? I’m sure you noticed there’s some really important news happening here?”
“Yeah, I know, but a word to the wise? Don’t give my mom too much attention. I’ll never hear the end of it.”
“Your mom?” The reporter’s expression changed to confusion. “Rolf? Why are you pointing and acting so strangely?”
“She’s Savanna Summers, Cleo!”
“Yeah? So?”
“Savanna Summers? Daughter of Witch Corps’ High Priestess, Chance Summers? Name ring a bell?”
The reporter gulped loudly as her eyes grew large and her ears pinned back tight against her skull.
“Lady Savanna! Forgive me, I didn’t kno…realize who you were! What can I…we do for you?”
“Savanna is fine. I’m just here to assess the area. Also, Mom declared ‘safeties off’ so I just wanted you to know that there may be a few strange things going to happen. Just don’t freak too badly, ‘k’?”
“Strange like hoooooooowby the grace of Queen Libra herself! Is that Lady Christina?” Cleo squeaked as her head and eyes snapped skyward.
“Yeah, she does that when she wants to make or drive home a point.” Savanna answered nonchalantly. “Any of us can do that, a goddess is much better at it though. You should see Artemis-Dell when she gets upset!”
“Is-is sssshe a goddess too?” The reporter stuttered.
“Terra’s Greek Goddess Artemis’ kid sister, yep! Never misses a target, either- not once.”
“You might want to look that way and say ‘Tua, there seems to be activity just inside the hatch’.”
“Oh! Tua. There seems to be activity just inside Pegasus’ hatch.”
“Good girl. Now, would you like to meet the members of Witch Corps?”
“You bet I would, Lady…err… Savanna!”
“That’s what I thought. Here’s two passes for a meet and greet tomorrow, mid-morning. I expect to see you and your Aunt Tua there.”
“We’re waiting, Oracle,” sounded out from Savanna’s pendent.
“Be right there, mother.”
A bright light illuminated Cleo’s face. Christina had started her diversion and a hush spread across the huge, well-kept Mall. Savanna took advantage of it and transported back to Pegasus.
“I gave the invitations to Miss Shift for her and Miss Sohn as you requested, mom. They’ll be there.” Savanna assured me.
The reason for the ‘passes’ I had Savanna hand off, was because I had chanced a short conversation with – at the time of Sinae’s coronation- freshman reporter, Tua Sohn nine years ago and found her ‘lineage’ interesting and her Current well mannered. Now she had employed her niece in the business and I felt it important to re-evaluate them.
“The force is strong in those two, honey.” Mom said as she passed me on the way out of the ship. She, Chantell, Charlie, Simone, Janet, Samuel, and Link were assigned to protect Aunt Cora.
“JWC! You’re up. Good luck girls.”
Sandra nodded to me as she exited to follow her team down the ramp. I watched with pride as they flared out with precision to join their assigned Royal Guard squads.
“Savanna? You ready?” I asked my daughter. “A protective shield around Tua until you two get down the ramp. Hold until Kitty and I join you. The remainder of the Corps will form a protective ring around them then. Keep an eye open.”
Savanna nodded. She and Tua stepped out of Pegasus and hopefully not into the line of fire.
“You about ready, Sinae?”
She gave me a tense smile. “Let’s do this, Chance!”
Cleo Shift (looking excited): Here they come, ladies and gentlemen! Our honorable Prime Minister Tua escorting Lady Savanna Summers, daughter of Witch Corps High Priestess, Chance Summers. And now, just exiting this marvelous spacecraft is Her Majesty, Queen Kitty! She is being escorted by the High Priestess herself, Chance Summers.
Tua Sohn: EFMC Witch Corps’ security seems to be extremely tight, Cleo, I’ve also just been informed that members of the Corps’ Junior Team- the young women exiting Pegasus previously- have embedded themselves to bolster the Royal Guard Squads scattered throughout the Mall. Seems like they aren’t fooling around!
Cleo: I concur, Tua, I’ve been informed that the High Priestess has ordered ‘all safeties off’- an indication that they expect trouble! We could have a situation on our hands if followers of the old regime intend to disrupt Queen Kitty’s arrival.
Tua Sohn: Let us hope it does not come to blows, Cleo. I have heard many rumors about the strength and agility of EFMC’s Witch Corps and feel only sadness toward their opponents.
Cleo: Tua, from this vantage point I can almost reach out and touch Her Highness! Queen Kitty! Cleo Shift: Capital One News Media. Congratulations! How far along are you?
Queen Kitty Sinae (just barely audible over the crowd noise): Second Trimester, Cleo. Thanks for askin’.
Cleo (in alarm): Wait a moment! The Antarran Goddess, Christina Everhardt, has shifted her position and appears to be staring down into the crowd! What in Libra’s name?
A citizen pointing a personal weapon at the hovering goddess slowly rises out of the crowd firing several shots as he rises higher. There is a bright flash and the citizen has vanished.
Cleo (looking shocked): Did she just? Oh dear Libra! I think hostilities have just broken out, Tua!
Unknown Witch Corps Member carrying an elaborate golden bow on her shoulder and a full quiver of arrows on her back: I’m sorry, my lady, but we need to move you two to a safer location.
The camera view instantly switches to a different location on the Mall, further away from Pegasus.
Unknown Witch Corps Member: Please take cover beyond the sidewalk, Miss Shift. We have conjured a protective wall on the inside of this walkway that should repel or resist heavy weapons fire. Please stay here or risk losing your life and tomorrow’s exclusive.
Cleo (looking very relieved): Thank you, Lady…
Unknown Witch Corps Member: Lady Artemis-Dell, Miss Shift, and you are very welcome; just please, please stay here to continue your stream report.
Cleo: Thank you Lady Artemis-Dell and good luck!
Tua Sohn (smiling): Looks like you just joined those of us that have personally met a Witch Corps member, Cleo. Nice job.
Cleo (blushing): Thank you, Tua. And she seemed completely normal and accommodating. Not what one would think of any personnel associated with such a special operations unit.
“HUH!” The inmate snorted loudly.
“Hey! Be quiet in there or I’ll trigger the gas again!” A voice warned from outside the locked, solitary confinement cell.
With a look of contempt, the inmate reached into his mouth and touched one of his molars. “We’ll see how ‘normal’ those bitches actually are. This is Alpha. Ramp it up boys, it’s time to rock the Parliament.”
“Chance, you have multiple bogies inbound on your six.” Perfessor alerted on comms.
“Copy, Perfessor. We’ll take care of the problems.” I acknowledged. “On our six, Lokust.”
“Aw, can’t I just end one or two of them, Chance? Please?” Sinae pleaded from next to me.
“You willing to take on the whole crowd, Sinae?” I asked heatedly.
“That was the idea.”
“And what if that ‘controlled’ bloodlust shows its ugly face again and collateral becomes an issue?” I proposed. “Like you had control over in Parliament this morning?”
“Hey, I had that under control, Chance. I was showing off…”
“For who, Sinae? Princess already knows you can whip her ass seven ways ‘til Sunday. What were you trying to prove?”
“For me, Chance! Okay? For me! I wanted to be sure I still have my edge.”
“From the tatters you left their clothing in, I’d say there is nothing wrong with your ‘edge’, sister. Those Representatives never knew what hit them- and I still don’t think they have any idea!”
“I’m just worried that my kitten will somehow impede my performance in the Corps.”
“Kits and Kittens never stopped Libra, Kitty. They seemed to make her fiercer.” Major commented over comms.
“They did?”
“OHHHH YEAH!” Major responded.
“A right bad-ass, that bird!” Seeker added her two cents in a strange accent- Twentieth Century British if I remembered right.
“Engaging.” Lokust alerted, as I saw the flash from her wand then three more in close succession. “Threats eliminated. So, are we going to restore them into individual holding cells, or just one big one, Chance?”
“Depends on the size of our haul, Lokust.” I answered.
“Hey Seeker! On your two-thirty, five meters and closing.” Perfessor alerted.
Several more wand flashes cut through the evening dusk falling around us. It seemed like we were being attacked from all sides at once. What was going on here? Had Sinae’s people suddenly gone nuts?
“Looks like some of these guys actually have tainted Current in them, Chance! Should we split and look for a Hoblin?”
“No, we already know where the source of the ‘taint’ resides.” I reminded. Just the thought of that cruel, inhumane…
“Say the word, Chance; I just need to picture him…” Perfessor offered.
“And take Kitty’s fun away? Not a chance, sister. If anyone deserves to end him it’s his number one victim; nobody else.”
“Copy that, Chance… Oracle, eight! Two meters! Wrench, five. Six meters. Laidy-in-Wait, nine-thirty. Three meters.”
The blue lightshow was almost constant for two or three minutes.
“Who would’ve thought there were so many oppositionists, Chance?” Sinae asked in astonishment.
“Think about how different it would’ve been if we hadn’t visited Parliament first.” I suggested, but I really started to think deeper on her question.
Why were there so many dissidents? Why didn’t their numbers show nine years ago at the coronation? Something had changed for the worst, but what?
“I say bring on the insurgent militia!” Sinae growled.
Was that it? An underground militia that took its time and patience to regroup? Rebuild? Did Haturo have enough of a reach and hence, some grand plan involving dethroning or even assassinating Sinae? How could he have planned it from Capital’s high security prison though? All communications with inmates was strictly monitored and restricted.
In short, this event simply felt wrong- unbelievable in its scale, and my gut was wreathing in conflict. Regardless of those pending questions, this had to stop before the collateral started adding up! This craziness had to stop now!
“I say this is going to end now! With your permission, you’re Highness?” I said as I began my preparations. None of this was making any sense and innocent people would be suffering from one man’s twisted determination to reestablish his control- and all from his high security prison cell no less!
“Let’s give our High Priestess some room, guys.” Kitty said into Comms as she gave me a cautious look of concern. “I’m giving Chance Carte Blanc to deal with this unfortunate nightmare. My shield is up and ready, Chance.”
I nodded and concentrated- searching for all the oppositionists hidden amongst the crowd. I wondered while I did that how I knew I could?
I found a scant fifty left out of the thousands that had turned out to watch their queen’s arrival.
“Think twenty meters will be enough, Chance?” Kitty asked over comms.
I nodded silently after closing my eyes a moment. My Staff of Victory appeared in my right hand and its gem instantly began to shine blindingly!
The crowd around us silenced and I could feel- no, taste- the fear and terror now given off from them.
“Hooooollly shit, Batman! Is she going to do what I think she’s doing?” Perfessor gasped in fear.
“People of Capital!” My voice rang out and resonated throughout the Mall without any amplification equipment. “I humbly request that all innocent onlookers step back from any persons that appear to be glowing a light hue of blue. These highlighted individuals hold nefarious intentions for your queen. I have verbally received royal permission to deal with them as I see fit. This is my final and only warning!”
With my announcement made, I began to levitate all fifty insurgents into the air above the huge gathering.
I struck my staff into the ground at my feet and everyone- everything- began to shrink in size.
“Where did she learn to grow like that?” Lokust asked in awe. “She must be fifty meters tall!”
“Old Greek God trick; psyches them out every time!” Huntress’ voice answered.
“Think she could teach us that one, Huntress? I could stand to gain a few inches.” Porno added.
“But everything would grow proportionally, Porno.” Double Take reminded.
“I don’t have a problem with that, D.T.” Porno laughed. “You?”
“It would be interesting.” Double Take remarked.
“Youse Antarrans are all a buncha perverts!” Kate growled in disgust. “Take that, mate!”
I noticed a ‘small’ blue flash from the ground ahead of me. I was getting a good view of the Mall Complex from up here.
“Hey… Tiny! Care to get on with it?” Major groused. “Kitty’s buyin’ the beers when we’re finished.”
“Wait, I am?” Kitty shreiked in surprise.
“I heard you say that, Kitty.” Seeker played along.
“Yeah! And none of that ‘heirball’‘cantrip’ stuff, just the real stuff!” Rowan… Grumpy insisted.
“That’s ‘Catnip’ and Herbal, doofus!” Kitten corrected angrily. “And that isn’t the right name for it anyway- plus it’s been outlawed across the Confederation for over four hundred years!”
As I rolled my eyes listening to my sisters’ continued comical banter, I collected the floating suspects into a group before me. All the offending- hovering- Lynxins could probably fit in my hand now.
“You fifty.” I addressed them en masse. “Why perjure yourselves and commit high treason against the crown for a man that would not give you the time of day before or after doing his bidding?” I asked. My voice echoed throughout the huge, mostly silent, Mall complex.
“You don’t scare us with your tricks, witch,” one of them dared answer!
Why was there always one?
“I am no mere witch, ‘little’ man.” I said as I triggered my planned physical change.
Murmurs of ‘Victoria’- the ancient Lynxin goddess of triumph- began cycling around the massive gathering as I felt my proportionally large, long tail begin to sweep sinuously behind me. Hopefully, people had enough sense to stay clear of it or risk being hurt badly.
“As you can see, I am no mere witch, you rude little man. What I am is you and your master’s worst nightmare.” I said as I laughed lightly. “So, shall we invite your master to the proceeding also?” I proposed.
“I would like to see you try.”
Well, a dare is a dare.
Sinae’s incarcerated father appeared, facing away from me, standing in my upturned left palm.
“Welcome to the festivities, deposed, Ex-Regent Haturo.” He jumped in fright as he turned and looked up at my huge Lynxin face. “We’ve been talking about you. All bad though, so don’t worry.” I grinned wickedly.
I conjured a holding shield visible as a light blue haze around the small man. “Don’t go anywhere. I need to get a handle on things.”
I needed some way of finding his theorized communication device.
“Lady Charli Armstrong? Could you hover up here a moment? I have need of your skills.” I said as I looked down some fifty meters at Seeker.
Haturo seemed to recognize the name and attempted to look over the edge of my gigantic hand.
Unfortunately, he found out that my restraining shield was real, and also painful when physically contacted.
“High Priestess? How can I be of service? Hey, Haturo, how’s it hangin’?” Seeker offered as she hovered into my line of sight.
“I thought you dead!” Haturo gasped angrily.
“And I thought you incarcerated for ninety life sentences… plus one day… without any possible parole.” Seeker returned.
“You lot serve the true ruler of FeLane! Kill that disgusting whore imposter!” The deposed Lynxin shouted.
I thought Dad was going to lose her concentration and fall to the ground, she was laughing so hard!
“Yeaaaaaaahhhhhhh… Dream on, dumbass!” Dad giggled after she caught her breath.
“This man has directly influenced today’s incident. He must have access to some secretive communication device. Could you perchance try to detect it using Pegasus’ equipment? I suggest asking Scion to help if needed.
“Copy, Chance, on my way over.” Perfessor responded on Comms. I figured she would be monitoring.
“I’ll start by polling some of the more clandestine channe… oh! Huh! That’s a new one. High Priestess, I’m detecting radiation in the near-subspace range, 50M encryption, 1K bandwidth… pretty high-end stuff.”
“Recommendations?” I requested.
“Well… if I setup a feedback loop to burn it out, it’ll blow his lower jaw clean off. It’s in his first lower left molar. Maybe Scion can extract it discretely?”
Perfessor floated closer glowing brightly like a nearby star on a moonless night.
“L.L. Molar#1?” She asked with a malevolent smile. Seeker nodded.
“This one, right?” She asked, now holding a Lynxin molar- roots and all- between her finger and thumb.
“Yeah, that’s it.” Seeker giggled as she quickly scanned it.
Haturo looked completely flabbergasted as one of his teeth slowly crumbled between Christina’s fingers.
“Oops.” Christina snorted while looking completely surprised something like that would happen.
I could see Haturo’s tongue curiously probing where the tooth had been.
“Oh, don’t worry, sweetums; I replaced that faulty, little ol’ toofie-woofie with somethin’ a bit more ‘practical’.” She conjured and tossed a small device down to Sinae. “Majesty, the device you have just received is control over this man’s institutional future. It is bidirectional and will keep you apprised of not only his whereabouts, but also his physical and mental health parameters. If you feel he is misbehaving or not taking his rehabilitation seriously, you can… ‘Influence’ his participation. I believe that to be his solution for your innocent, adolescent transgressions?”
Sinae saluted Perfessor with a canine revealing smile.
“Need I remind you to use the device with the utmost care and discretion, Majesty?” Perfessor recommended. “Oh, just don’t press the ‘red’ button.”
“But it only has a ‘red’ button, Scion. No other buttons on this thing.” Kitty shouted up, while still on Comms too. She was holding the small box with the big red button over her head to show us.
“Oh? Really?” Christina looked doubly surprised. “I forgot the other buttons? How inconsiderate of me… oh well…guess you’ll just have to improvise, Your Majesty.”
Sinae’s smile- even from this high up- beamed!
“I demand you place me back on the ground!” Haturo demanded to interrupt the playful- though not for him- banter.
“Hmmmfph! I demand you ‘shut it’ since you have forfeited your rights via criminal trial and conviction, Haturo. Queen Kitty? Have you any words for this convicted felon that once was your father?” I asked hoping I actually sounded like a pissed-off, arrogant, ancient Goddess.
Sinae floated up to me and stepped onto my huge upturned left hand, stopping a step or two in front of Haturo.
“Hello… father.” She said it as if she had just eaten something disgusting and very sour.
Haturo instantly turned away from her to ignore her.
With a (SHI-I-I-I-I-I-ING), Kitty’s left pointer claw extended slowly. She carefully placed it to his right cheek. “I said ‘Hello… father! You will answer your sovereign!”
Amazing how she could pass right threw my restraining field, right?
She began to use her claw to turn his head- and thus his body- back to her. A rivulet of blood trickled down from the slight incision that caused.
“You will answer your QUEEN!” She demanded powerfully.
“I recognize no royalty here other than myself.”
“Pity. And I was just going to introduce you to my kitten, father! Yes, kitten! She will be the next ruler in FeLane’s future, and you have absolutely no say in it! You see, your derisive regulation has never existed- nor will it ever! Scion has seen to that! Dear! Father!”
She has no authorit-.”
“She has the ultimate authority, father! She is Scion! Savior of the known universes and beyond! She can do anything she damn well pleases! Care to try that out?” Sinae sneered and continued. “An entity named ‘Bovidivich’ tried and exists no more- the atoms making ‘it’ up scattered around the multi-verse randomly. She also wiped out an entire uber-aggressive race of cyber-tech enhanced beings in the blink of an eye. Care to press your luck?”
“Majesty, you embellish far too much. They were a civilization of a mere one hundred and fifty trillion. Their galaxy is but the remnants of a nebula now.” Christina winked playfully.
“Have you had enough conversation, majesty?” I asked as I glared down on the convict in the palm of my hand. “I am beginning to feel the need to crush the nuisance I hold there. Even my antibodies are feeling drawn to devour the sickness standing before you.”
I noticed Kitty blink and regard her ‘father’. “I have nothing more to say to this man, High Priestess. Do with him what you will.”
Kitty hovered up and away from my gargantuan hand to settle gently on the well-groomed Mall lawn.
“Then back to the secure confines of your incarceration, shameless Lynxin! Do remain penitent and hope we do not meet again!”
Haturo disappeared from my palm in a bright blue blip.
“Now to the rest of his ‘minions’.” I smiled evilly as I looked to the fifty others hovering and awaiting my judgment.
“Now what shall I do with you?” I pondered aloud.
“’Ang ‘em!” Major shouted as she conjured and held an ancient rope noose high above her head.
“A bit extreme don’t you think, Major?” I asked.
“No, not really. They’ve all conspired against their Queen, High Priestess- conspiracy being the least punishable, treasonous offence, attempted assassination being the most severe. According to the FeLane rules of punishment, high treason and assassination are both punishable by an execution of the queen’s choice.”
“Then you all shall wait for your day in court. Take the time you have to make peace with those you hold dear.” I said as I dismissed them to the bulk holding cell in Capital’s high security prison.
As with Haturo, they disappeared in an intense blue flash.
I willed myself to shrink and heard deafening applause from the thousands gathered. I also found Kitty running over to me.
“You didn’t kill him or them did you, Chance?”
“I’m not his daughter or their queen.”
“Now yer talkin’!”
“Let the courts have their fun first, sister.” I recommended.
“Killjoy.” Sinae grumbled with a noticeable pout.
As the applause subsided, a clear path to the royal residence opened through the crowd and we faced no more insurrection or impediment.
“How little it takes to stir up a mob.” I observed casually as we entered the Queen’s Residence.
Tua hurried over to Sinae and wrapped his arms around her. “My Queen! Have you been harmed?”
“Not in the least. How did you fare?” Sinae inquired.
“Aside from my heart rate spiking and a severe bout of adrenaline rush, I’ll survive, but, without you… I’d…” Tua answered then stared at me.
“High Priestess… is that your true form or… or… was it to frighten the opposition?” He didn’t sound too confident asking.
“We of Olympus refer to it as ‘Colossus Mode’ and only use it as a means to thwart and disarm our foes, Prime Minister.” Dell answered quickly, but glared at me. “You’re lucky they didn’t call out an airstrike on you, Chance!”
“Like that would’ve worked!” Link snorted.
“Um… hey boss? Could you dismiss your ‘glowy’ potato masher?” Kate waved for my attention then pointed to my staff. It was still shining brightly and casting a blue hue over us and everything else in the Residence’s Grande Reception Area.
I quickly dismissed it, blushing that I had forgotten such a noticeable item!
“Better. Now if you’ll all excuse me, I need to pee!” Kate said as she nodded then hurried away.
Witch Corps and Beyond
“Feeling better now, Kate?” I asked as she walked into my suite.
“I’m not gurgling when I talk, so yeah. What’d I miss?”
“”Nothing, just winding down from the fiasco. Here,” I said as I swung my arm as if tossing something to her. A nice cold beverage materialized about halfway to her.
“Thanks, Chance.” She smiled as she caught it, opened the container, and took a good gulp.
“Ahhhhh! Keep ‘em comin’?” She smiled happily as the empty vanished.
“I bought the first round, Wrench.” I said with a wink.
“No worries.” She smiled back and fresh beverages appeared in everyone’s hand.
“So’s that little gem really off that disgustin’, kit-rapin’, sludge-packer, Kitty?” She turned her attention to Sinae and Christina. “Bet the stream would go viral in, like, ten standard nano-secs.”
“Part of me wants to find out, Kate, but that would make me no better than him, wouldn’t it?” Sinae answered, looking conflicted.
“But he knows what was done and where, so won’t he try to get it removed?” Link expressed her worry.
I noticed Christina smile deviously. So did Sinae apparently.
“Out with it, Blue! What did you really do and what does this contraption actually control?”
“Weeeeelllll…? Its got a red button?” Christina teased cautiously.
“Annnnd?” Sinae pressed.
“Annnnd… weeeeelllll…? The controlled device may not exactly be in his jaw?”
Sinae smiled nervously as she wiped her hand down her face.
“Cue the laughtrack.” Kate satirized and a canned audience’s, slightly distorted, disembodied, laughter rang out from the walls of the suite.
Christina smiled- eyes closed- and shook her head a few times then blushed brightly when she noticed Sinae glaring at her for an answer.
“It’s in a very safe place?” She hinted nervously as she began to look about the room.
“And!” We all chimed out.
“I put the device in a place he will never, ever want to part with.”
As if choreographed, we all crossed our arms in front of us.
“Fine! It’s in his scrotum- one charge in each ball!” Christina huffed in annoyance.
“But you didn’t stop there did you, Blue?” Sinae pressed suspiciously.
“Bluuuueee!” Sinae growled impatiently.
“The identical devices trigger a trace amount of Current that I programmed as a mutagen… it’s embedded in his prostate. Once pressed, the device triggers the mutagen and within two standard years she won’t resemble any Lynxin Noble on any psychological level.”
“Won’t. Resemble?”
“The Senator from this morning?” Christina hinted, but instantly frowned.
“Pumpkin? Please answer the question.” Colleen prompted.
“Ummmm… Haturo… He- he won’t exactly be himself in two years.”
I think all our mouths’ dropped open in shock!
“Why would you do this, Christina? Why? Doesn’t morality mean anything to you anymore?” Sinae cried out.
“Majesty! Do you actually know the full extent of Haturo’s depravity? I’ve done my research! Years of watching… years of revolting things… Trust me… I’ve seen things that would prompt you to off him in a picosecond! So trust me when I say this is his best option…the excruciating pain, the terror… the despicable things he’s done… the gruesome experiments… for just ‘because’… the death he’s caused… no remorse; no concern…” Christina justified, as she wiped free running tears from her face.
“He is more of a monster than even you could imagine. You push that button and the outside eventually matches the inside- a monster- though quite benign- yet a monster to anyone on FeLane.”
Savanna hurried to Christina and wrapped her in an understanding embrace. That was all the proof we needed in order to believe the distraught deity’s claims.
“I still don’t understand, Christina! Why inflict such revenge?” Sinae pressed.
“Aunt Kitty, Scion has witnessed things Haturo has personally initiated. On more than one occassion she has visited the Oracles on the verge of breakdown. Though she wouldn’t reveal what she observed, just the pain and anguish she exhibited gave us more than enough clues.” Savanna began to explain as she held the tall Antarran deity.
“Some of the experiments weren’t even suitable for an ‘R’ or ‘X’ rated Slasher or Apocalyptic Mad Scientist Movie! Ol’ Doc Moreau or Mengele had nothin’ on yer old man, majesty! I’m sorry, but I couldn’t let this one go! Compassion- no matter what form or potency- simply doesn’t apply. He needs to experience some of the insane trauma he inflicted on those eight or nine hundred poor souls! Immediate death was a blessing only for the lucky ones!”
“Genital reassignments or relocations with no anesthetic; complete removal of all genitals… with no anesthetic; organs forcibly mutated and relocated, you guessed it, without anesthetic; then there… then there was the really bad experim-, umm, excuse me.”
Christina ran into the bathroom and slammed the door behind her. She had been looking more nauseous as she continued listing the atrocities.
Sinae started for the door- more like stomped toward the door.
It wouldn’t open! No matter how hard she pulled or beat on it, it simply would not open.
“I… I can’t let you stop this, majesty. I’m sorry, I just can’t.” Christina cried as she reappeared behind Sinae at the door.
“He’s my father, Christina! Dammit! He. Is. Still. My. FATHER!” Sinae shouted hysterically as she swung out at the Antarran- claws unsheathed.
“He is nothing but a cold-blooded monster, majesty. I’m truly sorry.” Christina sobbed as she stood there and took slash after slash after slash from the queen’s devastating, razor-sharp claws.
After several minutes of mindless and fruitless slashing, Sinae finally tired. She glared at Christina.
“Why won’t you fight back, dammit! Show me the dignity of honorable combat, Scion!” Sinae shouted in frustration.
“I won’t because I deserve this, majesty. I let my feelings guide my heart and that fueled my resolve. Your ‘father’… and I use that term only for reference… will no longer be a he in two standard years. He will still be Haturo in her mind, but she will not harbor the aggressiveness of Haturo- that part will be locked away forever. He will live every day, his mind screaming- nashing his virtual teeth- fighting to resurface- trying to retake command… He will go to his grave still in internal turmoil…hating what she has become.”
“You’re a monster!” Sinae accused viciously.
“I am… but I was showing charity, majesty! I could’ve just blinked and he would now be in his own personal hell- suffering magnitudes more pain and anguish than he caused!”
“I think you have worn out your welcome here, Scion. Please leave.” Sinae requested knowing there was no physical or magical way any of us could evict her.
It was a sad day indeed in their relationship.
Christina nodded sadly and vanished.
“You would’ve done the same had you the power, Sina-.”
“So help me, Chance! We both know she went too far! Don’t make me revoke Witch Corps’ charter for taking her side! She was wrong to do anything to my father and you know it!” Sinae spat angrily!
I decided it was time my sister had some ‘alone’ time and nodded to the others. I was instantly in Pegasus’ lounge. My other sisters followed soon after. Christina was not among us though. Neither was Savanna.
On a hunch, I choose Witch Corps’ flight line aboard Mare De Tempest as the place to rematerialize and start the search for my devastated Coven sister. I immediately heard a woman’s sobs echoing loudly throughout the huge chamber.
I guess I was in the right place. Now… would Christina even consider my company?
Following the sobbing, I found Christina doubled over, sitting on her legs, hands covering her face, on the shop deck in a relatively shallow puddle of tears, right next to her dreaded escape pod.
How long had she been crying?
“I do understand.” I said softly.
I found myself with my Oracle mentors.
“We take it the Scion is not receiving council?” One of them asked calmly- a quirky, cheesy smile on her face.
“What was your first clue?” I sniped.
“You saw this coming, you know.”
“Which is why I’m not surprised to be here.”
“You will try how many times again?” One of the others questioned humorously.
“As many times as it takes to get through that hard Antarran head of hers!” I vowed.
I was back, standing before Christina once agai… and back to the Oracles!
Dammit! I had to keep try… maybe a different approach?
I appeared in the Broom Closet’s control room.
“Christi…” I said into the mic before again finding myself back with my Oracle sisters.
“Not so easy gaining audience with the Scion, is it, sister?” They all giggled lightheartedly.
I drew on my inherited ‘Summers’ stubbornness and doubled my efforts!
By this point my Oracle sisters were probably taking bets as they loudly and humorously announced the number of my latest return.
“One hundred and five!” They laughed as I reappeared. It might as well have been a drinking game with these four!
Enough was enough! I decided to wrap myself in a rotating phase, temporal displacement field- something I had never tried before.
“Why can’t you just leave me alone, Vanna Summers!” Christina groaned wearily. She sounded totally disheartened and completely defeated.
“Why do you have to be so damn hard-headed, Christina Everhardt?”
“Antarran?” She stated without inflection.
“Not a good enough excuse, sister. I’m a Summers! That overrides ‘Antarran’ by at least a dozen powers of a million!”
Christina exhaled loudly in resignation. “So I’ve learned.”
“Look, I just want to talk. I’ve done my own Recon of that chaotic period in Lynxin history.” I said as I sat down next to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. “I know the monster- Haturo- almost as well as you do, Christina. Kitty knows some of it as well, but she’s a bit more biased… He’s her father, and that still holds a lot of weight despite the known, documented facts.”
“I just…”
“Hey, I know. You just wanted to protect her. I get it, Christina. I’d probably jeopardize my own relationship with Mom and Dad in a similar scenario. You did what you felt necessary.” I tried to comfort.
She only began to cry more.
“I… I let him get to me, Vanna! I let his cruel and sadistic shit get to me! It brought back all the times people treated me like a freak or subhuman! But the power I have now… I let it corrupt me! I let it control me- made me do terrible things…”
“Somehow you and that last statement don’t sync. Do you really think that badly of yourself, sister? I wish I had a redo for every time someone pissed me off and I got carried away! It has always been a judgment call and sometimes we get it wrong. ‘Shit happens’, as Grandma Hope says.”
“But I didn’t get this wrong, Vanna! I got it completely right and I feel like the scum of the universes for it!”
I used my talent to see ahead into Haturo’s future to see what she meant.
Ewww! The Kuma Sutra never listed those moves!
Coming back to reality, I found my head cocked at a very unforgiving angle and wondering how she- Haturo- actually did that!
“See? I went easy on him! I could’ve gone out of this galaxy to another for inspiration, Vanna.” Christina somehow had been watching my vision along with me.
“What other galaxy?” I asked, curious.
“The locals call it the ‘Spiral’.”
“Oh, that’s original!” I snorted.
“They think so. Anyway, there’s this one species of ‘human’ there that is part snail?”
I narrowed my eyes.
“Which part?” I was curious.
“Hips on down. Spine curls up and expands into this really nifty spiral shell. Each one’s a little different in size, shape, and coloration. Their genitals are also their motive system- their ‘foot’. So gross!” Christina grimaced. “They’re also asexual. Their ‘Terran’ part makes me look like an ‘A’ cup!”
I whistled.
“Yeah. They aren’t the most hygienic species in their ‘Verse’ either.” She added, wrinkling her nose.
“And you almost turned him into that?” I asked in alarmed disgust.
“At first I had considered it, but it would’ve taken too long.”
I narrowed my eyes, “How long?”
“Instantly if I did my thing… about five standard years if I did it the ‘old fashioned, painful, ‘Mad Scientist’ way’.” She answered sadly. “He’s done exactly that to some of his victims, you know.”
“It would’ve been too painful and inhumane to put him through that, even for what he did to others. I just couldn’t bring myself to full agreement on that course of action.”
I nodded. I was very glad that Christina had an excellent head on her shoulders…
…and a very strong moral compass!
“So,” I just had to ask, “what does the remote actually do?”
“Oh, it blows his balls off.” She answered nonchalantly.
I was appalled!
“Seriously! I wouldn’t lie about that, Vanna.”
“But wouldn’t that kill him instantly?” I asked.
“You would think so, but no. Shaped charges. His new form and function in life doesn’t require them anyway- no balls, no ovaries, no worries.”
“Harsh!” I commented.
“Did you see what he did to that young Lynxin female that turned him down for oral?” She quickly countered.
“You mean the one that he transplant…?”
I cringed. So disgusting! “Good thing she didn’t last through the night.”
“Yeah, one of the luckier ones. I so wanted to intervene right then and there!”
“Good thing you didn’t. The other Oracles considered that a test of your character- you impressed them!”
“You mean I provided much needed entertainment value to their otherwise bland existence?”
“Why should you be any different than me, Christina? The old hags refuse to go out and have some real fun! Something about they didn’t want to lose their perspective on issues?” I shook my head several times. “Demi even gave up on them.”
“That’s saying something! Demi could talk a mouse into a trap and it would still be smiling after the thing’s sprung.”
I narrowed my eyes at my Coven sister.
“You really are a strange one, Christina Everhardt.”
“I blame my parents like any good daughter would.” She replied flatly.
I rolled my eyes. Yes, so strange.
“So… You going to come back to FeLane with me?” I tried.
“Kitty asked me to leave, Vanna. Remember?”
“I think it more of her denial to her father’s crimes and you’re judging him without consulting her.” I suggested then I smiled deviously. “Then again it could just be gas? Who knows?”
“Yeah… and you call me ‘strange’.” Christina smiled for the first time in several hours.
Or was it days?
“I think you were a bit hard on the omnipotent being there, Sinae.” I suggested while glaring at my long time friend. After about a half an hour, I’d decided it was safe to return to my Royal Residence suite. Some of the Coven followed my lead- ‘Interstellar space freighter collision syndrome’ probably.
As hoped, Sinae was still there, and looked calmer.
“She pulled the ol’ judge, jury, and executioner on my father, Chance! On. MY. Father!”
“Okay? So what would you have done instead?” I asked calmly.
“This remote”, she shook the small box with the big red button, “should blow his balls off!!!” She shouted angrily. I could see her seriously contemplating pushing the ‘big red button’ regardless of its function.
“Sounds pretty harsh, even for you, Sinae.” I advised as evenly as possible.
To tell the truth, I would’ve done that too.
“You probably thought about doing it too, Chance.” She said as she closed her eyes a moment to focus her thoughts.
I had to play devil’s advocate.
“What’s to say she didn’t do exactly that? You know she’s probably seen what happens, or how it progresses at least.” I thought a moment. “Maybe instead of banishing her from FeLane, you should’ve heard her out… I’m just sayin’.”
“I was angry, Chance! I think I felt gypped she beat me to the punch. I don’t know! Maybe it was just gas?” Sinae’s expression went from thoroughly pissed off to giggling in nothing flat.
“Maybe its hormones and the pregnancy?” I posited.
“Majesty? Might I touch you? It may shed light on your recent behavior.” Galantry asked as she approached and bowed to FeLane’s queen.
I had completely forgotten that she was here.
“Knock yerself out, sweetie.” Sinae gave the young Orion a canine-bearing grin.
My long-time friend stared- confused- at the girl almost instantly after Galantry gently touched her forearm.
“Damn girl! That was amazing! How’d you learn to do that?” Sinae asked with a much calmer demeanor.
“Trade secrets, Majesty.” Galantry deadpanned as she immediately stepped away and walked over to where the small contingent of Anderson sisters conversed. A few of the Andersons- Aquia and Thomas included had volunteered to stay aboard our still orbiting Mini-Van.
“Of everyone, I thought she’d be the most resistant to the Summers’ ‘smartassedness’!” Sinae commented lightly.
“It’s catchy.” I smiled. My expression changed. “So? What about Christina?”
“I guess I overreacted. Is there some way I can apologize? I mean, can’t I just text the ‘Omnipotent Deity Apology Hotline’ or something?”
“You could try prostrating yourself before her likeness, Aunt Kitty.” Savanna giggled, as she appeared standing beside me.
“Prostrate this, kiddo!” Sinae growled as she flipped my daughter her middle finger.
“Not a bad idea; Christina was looking a little ‘needy’… but no, she wouldn’t want you to be anything but a friend or sister- her equal, Aunt Kitty.” Savanna grinned impishly. “You know she’s as straight-laced and moral as they come.”
“I screwed up, Savanna.” Sinae admitted. “I let my own need for revenge get the better of me and it angered me when she took the initiative I couldn’t bring myself to do, so if you see her-.”
Christina suddenly appeared behind Sinae and quietly smiled.
“-please tell her I’m sorry for my rudenessaaaaand she’s standing right behind me isn’t she?”
I nodded evilly.
“You suck, Christina Everhardt!” Sinae declared as she quickly turned and wrapped the Antarran in a tight embrace.
“Yeah…I’ve been told that…”
“Shut-up!” Sinae’s muffled voice ordered from deep down in the girl’s massive cleavage.
“Hmmmm… I may have to start charging a usage fee for those.” Aunt Cora giggled.
Sinae’s wand instantly appeared pointed above the Antarran queen. Small, green pieces of rectangular paper showered down on Aunt Cora. She caught one and observed it a moment.
“Who’s this ‘Mr. Moneybags’ person, and twenty what? Dollars? Is this currency?”
Those of us that spent more time in twenty-first/second century Terra began laughing uncontrollably at the ancient board game reference! I hadn’t thought Sinae had been paying attention that night back at the Everhardt Farm.
Mom leaned over and spoke quietly to my aunt.
“But I thought ‘Monopolies’ were outlawed in that time period?” Cora replied, not showing any comprehension.
“Blue hair, the new blonde?” Mom glibbed like a News Stream announcer breaking a story between gasping laughs.
Simone, Louis, Colleen, Christian, Gretchen, and Link just stared at their present queen in disbelief.
“You’ll let me know if these things make me that ‘flighty’, right Louis? Colleen asked as she mimed hefting her breasts.
“I’m sure I’ll find some way to work things… um, let you know, dear.” Louis Everhardt answered, grinning lecherously- his fingers opening and closing mischievously.
Colleen slapped the back of her husband’s head. “Idiot! Not in front of the kids!”
“Yeah… right… got it. Hey, when will we be getting back to the ‘dark ages’ and Norge’s Heath?” He said as he tried to change the subject. “I kinda miss the old campgroun… stomping grounds.
“Well… now that we have everything ironed out with Kitty and Tua’s stand-ins, I’d like to leave tomorrow afternoon- might as well make it as big a spectacle as our arrival.” I proposed.
“First I’d like to make an announcement, Confederation-wide, Chance. The people need to know the circumstances and the resolution.” Sinae said as she raised the small remote with its single, big red button to examine it closer.
“Now what would grandma do with this thing?” She speculated with a canine-bearing grin.
“Honey, we both know exactly what Libra would do.” Mom answered with a very evil smile.
“Yeah,” She made a show of jamming the button down so hard it shattered, “we do. Adios, Papa!”
We all listened a moment for any noises, clapping, fireworks…; any telltale sign something had happened.
Knowing Christina, I was expecting a regal trumpet fanfare!
Nothing came after two or three minutes.
“What? No FeLane-shattering ka-boom? You disappoint me, sister!” Sinae looked to Christina in mock contempt. “Hope, you need to have a serious talk with this one.” She advised passively.
“My Queen, I have an urgent communiqué from the Capital high security prison warden.” A voice announced from the suite’s intercommunications panel.
“Put it through.”
“My queen, Warden Crimean. Queen Kitty, I have just been informed of an attempt on Ex-Regent Haturo’s life.”
“My queen! Ex- Haturo still lives, but he has been… disfigured.”
“How so, Warden Crimean?”
“Well, my queen… um… I’d rather not go into too much detail.”
“Nonsense! How has he been disfigured?”
“My queen… there was an explosion… in his cell…”
“And, Warden Crimean?”
“My queen, the Ex-Regent has suffered extensive damage to his…” there was a pause as presumably the warden steadied himself, “groin area. My queen, the physician reports that he has effectively been neutered. He reports there is nothing left to be repaired or even rebuilt.”
Sinae looked over to Christina and smiled evilly. She nodded approvingly.
“My queen! I will open an investigation into this horrific assault on your father at once!”
“You will do no such thing, sir! Just make him as comfortable as any other inmate! I shall personally look into this matter after I have dealt with Parliament. Thank you for your prompt reporting, Warden Crimean. That will be all.”
“Your majesty.”
The comm panel went silent.
“You blew his balls off?” Sinae questioningly accused Christina point blank.
“Well… technically you pressed the button, Highness.” Christina reminded.
“But you blew his balls of-!”
“And I’d do it again if he had two more, majesty!” Christina vowed- her tone was very no nonsense and quite serious.
Sinae wrapped her arms around the tall Antarran!
“I wouldn’t have it any other way, sister! Thank you for doing what I only dreamed of doing to that monster! Hopefully, mom has been avenged and will sleep peacefully forever more.”
Christina raised her head to the ceiling for a moment. When she looked back to Sinae she had tears pouring from her eyes.
“You can bet on that, sister! You can bet on it.”
Witch Corps and Beyond
FeLane Parliament, Capital, FeLane
“And so, my people; with great admiration for the quick and decisive action by our Parliament, I am pleased to announce that the regulation for permitted and certified procreation has been stricken from our constitution! Everyone- including your queen- can now be truly free to live life, enjoy life… create life, on our own terms, without embarrassing governmental control! Please join me this day in applauding our wise Representatives and Senators for their courage to rectify a law that was forcefully coerced into reality by the dethroned Regent Haturo. And now it is my pleasure to sign the document repealing and prohibiting this or any similarly intrusive requirement from ever being implemented.” I smiled to the streaming lens and confidently scrolled my signature on the ceremonial parchment then applied my thumbprint to the official notary scanner.
“Well? That should do it folks. Feel free to get it on- with no legal ‘red tape’… unless you’re into that of course!” I grinned.
The applause was deafening! In the holoprompter, my approval counter shot into the billions!
I waved for the applause to subside. It took several minutes.
“Since the intent and implementation of all hostilities against the crown has de-escalated and… been remedied, I hereby release EFMC Witch Corps from their protective ‘PROP’- ‘Planetary Royal Offensive Posture’- with my overwhelming gratitude for their long-standing service to FeLane, her allies, and her Confederation! As my great predecessor, Queen Libra, once did, I now return your unit’s focus to the defense and security of the Way. Godspeed, Witch Corps!”
I turned to my uniformed Coven sisters – some standing off to my right, some off to my left and applauded them.
Another deafening surge of applause attacked our ears!
“Witch Corps! Honors!” Lokust shouted commandingly as my sisters all transformed into their royal blue gowns eliciting loud gasps of surprise from the audience.
“Present! Wands!” She shouted and their wands were presented smartly in the ‘En Garde’ position.
I took two steps to the right of my podium.
Chance dismissed her wand, gracefully glided over, and crisply turned to her right to face me.
“Majesty.” She bowed deeply to me. “It has once more been our honor to provide security to the rightful monarch of FeLane and her Confederation! We shall continue to provide services to all Allies and friendly systems throughout the Way as per our charter!” Chance said before I pulled her into a royal embrace. We kissed cheeks and I released her.
“Travel well, High Priestess Chance Summers!”
“Rule fair and unbiased, Queen Kitty Sinae!” Chance declared with a huge smile. She winked to me. “Until we meet again, Majesty?”
I nodded.
“Coven! Dis-missed!” Lokust ordered.
The entirety of the Coven vanished!
Another deafening gasp filled the audience and more applause again deafened me and Tau!
Show offs!
“At this time all are welcomed to join Queen Kitty in seeing off our esteemed EFMC Witch Corps.” Tau announced after I returned the podium to him. “EFMC Pegasus will depart in two hours time. All are welcome to give regards and well-wishes on the Mall. Thank you for your attendance and support.”
Tau turned, offered his hand and proudly escorted me from the main floor of Parliament.
“Shall we make for the Mall, my queen?” He asked once we and our Royal Guardsmen entered my private hallway.
“Give me a sec. The royal kitten presses heavily on my bladder, my mate.” I said as I pictured my residence’s lavatory.
The chance to sit down briefly helped my aching back, but I had to hurry back to my entourage.
“What took so long, my queen?” Tau grinned cheekily.
“You try carrying the royal offspring, Mr. Prime Minister!” I grinned evilly.
“You know I know someone who can do just that!” I threatened as an afterthought.
“Indeed I do, my queen, but let’s not linger on that one specific detail.”
Lyra popped in just ahead of me. She began her report.
“My queen, Earth’s Horizon has received and secured Re-Tailed in her high security bay. Earth’s Horizon will arrive in three standard weeks unless there are more important matters pending?”
“Very good, Princess Lyra. Nothing jumps out to me at the moment.” I said with a big smile.
“Understood, my queen. Next, I request permissions to rejoin Witch Corps for myself and Princess Greer. Unfortunately, mother- Princess Sonya- has already left the residence on another important mission you yourself assigned. She and Captain Serangetti Kimbou seemed excited by your confidence in their abilities and have vowed their undying loyalties and commitment to a successful completion of the mission.”
“Very good, cousin! You have my blessing and my hopes of another successful mission. Please convey my best wishes to the High Priestess and the rest of the Coven?”
“As you wish, my queen. Might you be on your way to see us off?”
“I am, cuz. You know better than anyone here how I wish I could join that mission! Alas, I’m going to have a fulltime gig here for the near future.”
“See you out on the Mall, cuz!” Lyra smiled brightly then disappeared.
“Goddess! I wish I could go with them!”
“Did somebody call?”
“It was just an expression, Christina. You know that all too well.” I chided as I turned to see her walking behind us.
“And you guys just let her pop in?” I confronted my guards with a faint smile.
Of course they just smiled back. Those cheeky…
“My queen, shouldn’t we proceed to the Mall?” Tau insisted as I turned back to him.
I nodded- not sure if Christina was still behind me or not.
The Mall had filled to bursting! I think this crowd was even bigger than for our ‘arrival’! The turnout renewed my confidence in my popularity and ability to lead my people fairly.
It also said volumes for Witch Corps popularity.
Completely counter-productive to the whole ‘Spec Ops’ designation.
“My queen? Where are they?” The captain of my guards asked as he scanned the huge gathering for any signs of the Coven.
I knew this move.
“Alert your men to clear the area adjacent to Pegasus’ boarding ramp. The Coven is again going to make an ‘entrance’.”
He nodded with a quirky grin. “Understood, my queen.” Then he began laughing as he spread the order.
It took several minutes to clear away the well-wishers and paparazzi from around Pegasus’ boarding ramp. I noticed some people rubbing their hands or looking slightly confused after touching or bumping the ramp.
Chance was obviously not taking any undue chances with security.
“My queen!” A female voice called out over the crowd noise. “Tau Sohn and Felix Freschstip, Capital One News Stream. Can I get a statement?”
I nodded my agreement to my captain and my guards let Sohn and her Streamer closer.
“This is much appreciated, my queen, thank you!” She chirped happily as she bowed courteously.
I smiled to the veteran reporter with a slight head bow of my own. “What can I do for you, Sohn?”
She had been one of the freshman field reporters at my Coronation some nine years ago.
“My queen? What can you do… for me? I… I just wanted to ask your thoughts on EFMC Witch Corps’ timely and loyal arrival here to Capital? It seems they are never far from FeLane- as illustrated by their escort of you, your Highness, and Prime Minister Tau to the Parliamentary impeachment inquiry?”
Suddenly, the ten of us- Sohn, Felix her Streamer, me, Tau, and my six Royal Guardsmen were in Pegasus’ Observation Lounge.
Christina and Chance were off to the left smiling at us.
I rolled my eyes! “A little warning next time, guys?!” I growled.
Sohn and Felix appeared ready to pass out!
“Not a chance! Tau Sohn, Felix Freschstip, welcome aboard EFMC Pegasus. Please, make yourselves at home.” Chance waved around the lounge.
“How’d we git ‘ere? What’s goin’ on, Majesty?” Sohn panicked.
“That’s a good question, honey! Why did you bring us here, Lady Chance?”
I really wanted to know.
“Least she coulda done was give us warning on comms, PM.” One of my guards griped.
“You all should be familiar with the eccentricity of Witch Corps by now.” My beloved Tau reminded with a quirky grin.
“We thought our lounge would be quieter and more comfortable for your interview. Please. Sit.” Chance smiled brightly and motioned to the furniture.
I knew that smile! She knew something- something about the reporter maybe?
Sohn had been looking around the compartment and gasped loudly when she saw the nose of Hope and a Pair peeking over the aft portion of the transparent ceiling.
“By Libra! We’re actually aboard her?!” Sohn gasped in disbelief.
“Lady Sohn, I can guarantee that you are safe here aboard Pegasus. Please…” Chance motioned to a lounge chair. “Have a seat.”
“I’m no nobil’ty, High Priestess.” The reporter declined the offered title.
Now I knew something was up!
“Sir Felix, keep your stream disabled if you please? Security of our equipment is of utmost importance.” Chance recommended.
“Of course, High Priestess. As you wish.” Felix complied and fully turned off his device.
“Now, Lady Sohn, shouldn’t you begin your interview?” Chance prompted with a smile.
“What? Oh, yes… my queen, I…” Sohn glanced nervously at Chance and a still silent Christina. “I-I was wondering about you’re possible closer involvement with EFMC Witch Corps?”
I stood and called my modified uniform along with my wand.
“Answer your question, honey?” I grinned.
She and Felix had planted themselves firmly in their chairs, shocked!
“So the rumors… the rumors are true? You’re a member?” Sohn swooned excitedly in surprise.
I smiled even more. Sohn’s mouth dropped open.
“My queen?” Felix spoke. “Are you as powerful a Current Mage as the other members of the Corps?”
When I nodded, he continued, “So you could wave your w-w-wand annnnnnd d-destroy this planet?”
“Now why on FeLane would I want to do that?” I asked in stunned amazement.
“Yesterday… I suppose you could have bent Parliament to your will? Why didn’t you?” He questioned.
“Kitty is a good witch, Felix. She also knows the ins and outs of her position as queen. A Current –wielding Mage and a Monarch are two very different paths. Someone,” Chance nodded to me, “that has a talent for both needs to be morally secure not to mix the two or risk becoming a tyrant.”
“I am FeLane’s queen first and foremost! At first I resisted my forced destiny, but my family name and genetics prohibited any tangent. For your personal record, I’d much rather be ‘flitting’ about the Way with my Coven sisters. Which brings us to a really big question…” I turned to look Chance in the eyes- to confront her.
“Why did you bring us here, Chance? I recognized that impish smile instantly! Sohn means something to the Corps. What?”
Sohn was suddenly in uniform! She hadn’t realized it until my eyes widened in surprise.
Her scream was loud enough I expected Pegasus’ hull to crack wide open!
Yet Chance looked equally shocked. She instantly looked to a still silent Christina.
“SCION/Christina!” Chance and I shouted in unison.
“You called High Priestess? Majesty?” Christina giggled.
“Explain!” Chance’s voice echoed malevolently off the walls.
Nike was in the house!
“Relax, Nike, I have taken the opportunity to awaken Lady Sohn as we have discussed.”
“”I haven’t discussed anything pertaining to her as of yet, Scion!”
“Oh? Hmmm… I might have jumped ahead a bit. Oh, well.” Christina continued to giggle. “Let’s just work with what we’ve got, shall we?”
Both Chance and I rolled our eyes.
“What have you done to me?! I feel… very strange! My queen? What is going on? Why am I dressed like them?” Sohn was starting to lose it completely.
“Let’s just say that you have been pre-approved by the Corps as an embedded reporter, Tau Sohn.” Chance answered.
I had never seen my long-time friend this focused or serious. Nike? Had she taken over? I thought they had reached balance.
“What you now feel is Current; latent Current that has been within you since birth. All Scion has done is refine the connection between you and that Current. You will now be able to ask your Current to do ‘things’- marvelous ‘things’. Do you accept this challenge- this calling, Lady Tau Sohn?”
A very delicate, intricately decorated wand flashed into existence in her grasp. “Why me? Answer m-.” She shouted, but screamed and instantly dropped the ornate weapon when she finally noticed it.
“Why you?” Chance questioned- at least I hoped it was Chance. “I noticed your talent on our arrival to FeLane for Kitty’s coronation. I was intrigued. Since then we’ve had people keeping an eye on you, Tau Sohn- not the creepy type eye, but the ‘seeing to your safety and wellbeing’ kind. I had every intention of asking your permission to recruit you, but Christina- as usual- jumped the gun by a few days!”
“It wasn’t a few days, Chance!” Christina argued petulantly.
“More like a few weeks.” She grumbled her clarification then continued.
“I just thought she could come along and document the continuing mission of the Starship Pegasus as she seeks out new worlds, new civilizations; to boldly go where no-.”
“Christina! Enough! We all know you’re a first-class Trekkie! Come back to FeLane for a few more minutes!” Chance interrupted, raising her voice in annoyance.
“Sorry, Chance. I let myself run away there.” She apologized as some strange, meter-long, metallic lever appeared out of the floor in front of her. Grasping what looked like a handle with some sort of release mechanism on the thing, Christina pulled the lever toward her- the thing making a proportional ratcheting noise as it moved.
“There. Reality brakes have been applied and locked, High Priestess.”
Both Chance and I groaned!
“I blame myself.” Chance admitted as she rubbed her forehead in frustration. “Can we spare the sight gags, Christina? Sohn has every right to know the extent of her involvement.”
The strange lever disappeared.
Our tall Antarran sister nodded and silently manifested a small, framed portrait. It looked very, very old. Floating it over so the reporter could see it, she began her explanation.
“On our most recent visit to Antarra, and while touring the highly off-limits Royal Artifacts Storage Gallery, Chance and I noticed this painting. Though at the time, we had little or no idea that we knew the subjects. That’s you, Lady Tau Sohn.” Christina pointed to one of three very ‘Terran’ looking young women.
Yes, Tau Sohn was rendered completely speechless, as evidenced by her ears pinning back tightly through the wide brim of her pointed hat, eyes rolling back into her skull, and topping it all off, going completely limp in her lounge chair.
It took several minutes to revive her.
“That can’t possibly be me!” She claimed over and over again like a mantra.
“Isn’t it?” Christina asked with a devious grin to stop her.
“That woman is not even Lynxin! She has no physical-.”
“Chance, Lil’ Grey. Wanna port into the lounge for a moment, sweetie?” Chance said into her comm pendent.
Galantry Fenile instantly appeared beside her.
“You called, High Priestess?”
“Yes, Lady Galantry, I’d like you to show our guests your recent disguise.”
“Of course, High Priestess.”
Galantry’s Orion form instantly became Terran in appearance.
“Wonderful, sweetie! You’ve been practicing.” Chance nodded with a proud smile.
Sohn stared between the portrait and Galantry in shock.
“That’s you!” Sohn gasped as she pointed to the framed art. “But this portrait looks to be hundreds of standard years old! How? How can we both be the painting’s subjects? Who is the third female?”
From the frailty in her voice she sounded like she was on the way out of consciousness again.
“Oh! Both Ladies Chance and Christina can transit the ages.” Galantry offered an explanation.
“That painting is about two thousand years old, Lady Sohn.” Christina added with a huge grin.
“Thank you, Lady Galantry. That will be all.” Chance nodded and our disguised Orion sister nodded and vanished.
“I suggest you bolster your fright response, Sohn. Things only get stranger from here I’m afraid.” I offered after she came to again. “By the way… Welcome to Witch Corps.”
“But I thought Current Mages only…only manipulated Current? How can you affect time as well?” She asked as she started going pale again. I placed my hand on her violently shuddering shoulder in support.
“I’ve enabled your DataTab to access the Parliamentary database, Lady Sohn. Please search for ‘Scion’. I know you’ve seen just the name on your holoprompter when we first arrived the other day.” Christina recommended.
Again it took several minutes for Sohn to wake up.
“Now look up the FeLane Goddess ‘Victoria’, my lady.”
“Really, Christina? Must you push the envelope?” Chance groaned as she began to physically appear Lynxin.
“Victoria is one of our mythological goddesses- the Goddess of Triump-.”
“Don’t you dare conk out again, Tua Sohn!” Chance…Victoria snarled viciously. “Yes, I am the latest incarnation of your mythical goddess. The Goddess that FeLane history- as well as many others- claims put the hurt to the King of the Titans and banished him forever. Any questions?”
Chance was back and smiling ear to ear as we all waited patiently.
“Where was this created?” Sohn pointed back to the portrait after taking several minutes to compose herself. My guess is she really wanted things to return to something normal.
No chance of that when the Coven was involved!
“Antarra, why?” Christina offered casually.
“But I’ve never even been to Antarra! It takes too long to travel there!”
“About thirty six or thirty seven hours depending on orbits, but who’s counting.”
Sohn gasped!
“Christina! Ease up, please.” Chance chided.
“Hmmm… note to self. Get the ‘reality brakes’ checked before the next State Inspection.” Christina adlibbed.
Chance glared angrily at our Antarran sister.
Sohn began to snicker then laugh nervously.
“You people are completely bonkers!” She declared.
“Lokust, Chance. Miss Shift has arrived at the base of the ramp.”
“Thank you, Lokust. Chance, ou-. I swear to the Goddess, Christina Everhardt! When are you going to limit that impulsiveness?!” Chance glared as Cleo Shift stood still, in shock.
“What? You were going to port her up in exactly twelve seconds.” Christina defended.
I began laughing hysterically! I would really miss my zany sisters!
“Welcome aboard Pegasus, Lady Cleo…” Chance greeted then waited patiently while looking toward Christina expectantly.
“What?” Christina asked innocently.
Chance silently nodded her head twice toward Cleo.
“Auntie? Why are you wearing a Witch Corps uniform? Auntie, what’s going on? Where are we…wait! Are we really on EFMC Pegasus? Your Highness!” Cleo Shift questioned then her knees hit the floor as she saw me.
“Well, at least she didn’t pass out like her aunt.” Christina giggled.
“Are you through, Christina?” Chance hissed.
“For now.”
“Why did I even get out of bed this morning?” Chance mumbled to herself in defeat- her hands in the air in surrender.
“Umm… you were done sleepi-.”
“Christina!” Chance and I shouted.
Chance waited a few seconds then motioned to Christina. “Well?”
“Well what?”
“You going to force the sequence of events again, Christina?”
“Why would I do that, High Priestess?” She asked innocently.
Chance’s staff appeared. It looked fully charged!
“Fine!” Christina surrendered. She wobbled her fingers at our new guest. “Bibbidy-bobbity-BOO!”
Cleo Shift found herself in a Witch Corps uniform.
“Annnnd, we didn’t see that one coming, did we, girls?” I giggled as I levitated Cleo into a comfortable lounge chair until she regained consciousness.
“No comments or similar reactions, Felix?” I asked. He had been just sitting quietly and unmoving through this whole ‘interview’.
He just shook his head a few times. “I helped Sohn cover the coronation and High Priestess Chance Summer’s following interview, my queen. Need I say more?”
“So you say me and Auntie are to accompany you to Ancient Antarra to complete your latest, ongoing mission?” Cleo repeated for clarity.
“Exactly.” Chance exhaled loudly. “Now I’d like you both to imagine your street clothes and ask- don’t demand- your Current to make the change from your uniforms.”
“We can do that?” Sohn looked confused.
“Try it and see, girls.”
It took a moment for both to achieve the desired results.
“Good! Now, Christina is going to port both of you out to where and when she grabbed you. We’ll officially ask you to come along as embedded reporters. Sorry, Felix, but it’s a girls- only trip.”
“That’s fine by me, High Priestess. I’m about ready to overdose on migraine medication when I hit the ground as it is. I trust you’ve already made arrangements with our bosses?”
“Yep. Christina’s doing it as we speak.”
“But she’s still right there.”
“He must not understand the word ‘Goddess’, Chance.” Christina grinned.
“Maybe ‘he’ is just completely debilitated by your sophomoric hyjinx.” Chance deadpanned.
“No, not at all… in fact, I get the comedy routine. It was meant as a means to disarm us so we, maybe, might just retain about half the info you were providing. “So we’ll be doing the original interview of your majesty where we stood outside?”
“Got it in one, Felix, though try to act like this… ‘incident’ never happened?” Chance smiled pleasantly.
Felix shouldered his streaming device and touched its side.
“I just placed it into standby. I’ll be able to edit it so no break is noticeable.”
“Good show, Felix! Your cooperation is commendable, sir!” Tau verbally applauded.
We were back outside Pegasus. Sohn blinked a few times then waited for my response- or what I would have answered had Christina not intervened.
“EFMC Witch Corps has never been very far away from FeLane, Miss Sohn. As you will recall, my grandmother, Her Very Royal Highness Libra, originally proposed and chartered Witch Corps back at the very beginning of her illustrious reign. I can honestly say that that kind gesture and affirmation of support has never been forgotten. In fact, the Sinae’s and the Summers’ have remained very close friends and allies throughout the generations.”
“Are you saying that you and High Priestess Chance Summers, are close friends?” Sohn feigned surprise as she caught up.
“Of course! Lady Chance and her Coven rescued me and several thousand others stationed on Mare De Tempest from a near successful Hoblin invasion almost ten years ago! I have never been more proud of Witch Corps’ achievements or performance! I can never repay the debt I own to them for my survival. Anything else you wish to ask, Miss Sohn?”
“Weeell… I’d really like to get another exclusive with the High Priestess if that can be arranged?” Sohn asked offhandedly. I noticed Chance walking down the ramp in her blue gown as the crowd began clapping and whistling enthusiastically.
“Why don’t you ask her yourself, Miss Sohn?” I said loudly to overcome the sudden change in the noise level and pointed to my Coven sister as she approached.
As predicted, Sohn’s mouth dropped open in amazement.
“Good afternoon; Miss Tau Sohn, is it?” Chance greeted with a pleasant smile.
“High Priestess!” Sohn answered with a slight bow. “Pardon, High Priestess, but would it be possible that you grant me an interview?”
“Well I don’t see why not. As a matter of fact, I came back out to wait for another reporter from your streaming service; might you know one ‘Cleo Shift’, Miss Sohn?”
“I do indeed, my lady! She is a very accomplished reporter and we’ve worked together on several occasions.”
“Perfect! It’s been a while since I’ve done battle with the media! As soon as Miss Shift arrives we’ll adjourn to Pegasus so you both can rout me with your questions, but I’m sorry to ask your streamer to remain out here. We have very specialized equipment and other ‘Special Ops’ type stuff that, for security reasons, we cannot expose to the public. Sorry.”
“Felix? That okay with you?” Sohn asked as she played along perfectly.
“As long as she cleared it with the higher-ups, I’m okay with it, Miss Sohn.” Felix answered.
“As a matter of fact, I just finished a communication with a ‘Mr. Rupert W. Holmes’? He has agreed to our specific terms to any interview and has also enthusiastically agreed to my request of embedding two unbiased reporters on our next mission… which will commence once we reach orbit and are cleared to leave FeLane’s System boundary.” Chance informed them excitedly.
Sohn gasped in shock! I wasn’t sure it was the fact that Chance had revealed her plan, or that my Coven sister was seemingly in two places at once.
“Is this a real invitation, High Priestess?” Sohn squealed.
“I’m not in the habit of teasing, Miss Sohn.”
I started coughing uncontrollably!
“Majesty!” Chance cried in concern as she instantly appeared in uniform, quickly called her wand, held it horizontally, and slowly ran it up and down my body, as if scanning for some reason for my distress.
“I just swallowed wrong, Lady Chance. I’m fine.” I quickly assured her.
Her blue gown reappeared.
The show off!
“How…h-how did you do that, my lady?” Sohn swooned with curiosity.
“Current Mage, Miss Sohn. We all can do it; makes getting ready for a party very quick and easy.”
“I am sooo, so jealous!” Sohn giggled.
Another female voice caught our attention.
“Oh? Felix? You’re still here… Majesty and Prime Minister! Forgive me for interruptin… Miss Sohn! I didn’t expect that you would be here already! I just received an assignment to report to EFMC Pegasus… High Priestess Chance Summers for an exclusive; plus, I was previously given these two passes by the High Priestess’ daughter, Savanna Summers?”
“The High Priestess has invited me as well, Miss Shift… share the stream?”
“It would be a pleasure, Miss Sohn, and I believe the second pass was meant for you anyway! I can hardly wait to get aboard! Imagine! We get to see what EFMC Pegasus looks like on the inside!” Cleo fizzed excitedly.
Cleo and Sohn’s faces both lit up with very canine-baring smiles.
“Funny. I thought the whole idea was to cover our mission and report on how we deal with any given situation.” Chance deadpanned neutrally.
I impulsively rolled my eyes!
Chance touched her pendant.
“Lady Chance to Lady Lokust. Our embedded reporters have arrived.”
“Copy, Lady Chance, I’ll be right down. Lokust, out.”
“I’m sorry to cut this short, Queen Kitty, but we have been contacted by the Antarran Trade Federation. Apparently, they need Queen Norge urgently. Some important homeworld matters that she and her ladies-in-wait need to negotiate. We have been tasked with their safe and timely return.” Chance informed me- mostly for the streaming device.
Geez, was she dropping hints about the mission!
She turned to the two reporters. “I hope you two don’t mind two missions for the price of one?”
Both reporters gasped in excitement.
“Ladies? I would ask that you wear these lockets? They identify you to our automated security and double as communicators.” Chance conjured two of our lockets and presented them to the two reporters. Both placed the jewelry to their necks and expressed shock when the devices closed and locked.
The crowd unexpectedly went wild!
Chance nodded with a smile.
“Please follow Lady Lokust into Pegasus.” Chance motioned to Lokust as she stopped at the base of the ramp. “We must resume our preflight and prepare for departure. My Queen, could you ask your Royal Guard to widen the perimeter around Pegasus? I must finish my preflight and need space to do my walk around. That and our vertical emitters create one hellish downdraft. Don’t want anyone injured.”
“You heard her, gentlemen. Make a bigger hole!” I ordered brashly with a smile.
“Lady Chance, I will miss you and the rest of your wondrous Coven. Be safe, and travel well, High Priestess!” I said as we embraced in a courtly goodbye.
“I’ll see you at the shower in two weeks.” Chance whispered into my ear before she stepped away. It was hard holding back my tears.
“We’ll be awaiting the birth announcement, Queen Kitty!” Chance winked then stood to attention, bowed, and turned around smartly. She walked off to Pegasus’ stern to start her inspection.
“So now that you both have successfully accessed our security scanners, you’ll have the run of most of the ship. Of course, the compartments that I mentioned as off limits will still be off limits… for obvious reasons. Feel free though to walk around. As you’ve already seen, we have a very diverse printed library up in the Observation Lounge.” I heard Lokust informing our two guests as I topped the ramp. “Ladies Cleo and Sohn have been fully briefed on Pegasus’ security and compartments, Chance. Our Bridge crew is awaiting orders to start their preflights.”
“This way, ladies.” I said motioning us all forward.
Accessing the Bridge’s scanner, I motioned everyone onto the Bridge.
Cleo and Sohn gasped instantly!
“Have our guests resumed their places yet?” I asked my Ex-O.
Galantry- in her Terran form- appeared next to the Navigation tube.
Again Cleo and Sohn gasped loudly.
“Okay.” I said; I nodded to Galantry as she returned to her true form. “We have about ten minutes before Cleo and Sohn are back in position.” I turned toward our newest sisters.
“You two want to get with the program and get comfortable. It’s going to be about thirty-six hours to Antarra.” I said as my formal gown became a pair of denim Capris, a vintage ‘NASA’ ‘T’ shirt, and a pair of sneakers.
“Thirty-seven hours, twelve minutes and some change, Chance. That is if we can keep Christina from going all ‘Scion Express’ on us!” Da… Charli corrected from the Nav station. “By the way, I’ve taken the liberty of calculating and plotting our course. Ready to send to the Helm on your order.”
“Helm just wants to get us the hell out of here, Chance!” Mom groused quietly. “Bad enough I gotta share quarters with the damn ‘blue-hairs’ on this run!”
“Awwww. Is poor widdle Hope getting her monthly? Cry me a river, my lady!”
“Kiss my nice firm ass, Armstrong!”
“I’ll take you up on that after we get off duty, dear.”
Mom exhaled loudly. “Are we there yet?”
“Do you two mind? We have company!” I complained. “Gods, you sound like an old married couple!”
“Hey!” Mom barked. “I never said ‘I do’!”
“Are things always this… entertaining around here?” Cleo giggled.
“You gals oughta see ‘em after they downed a few drinks!” Kate chimed in with a snort from her Engineering station.
“Chance, all players are now in place.” Christina informed me about eight minutes later.
“Status?” I asked and received ‘all go’ replies from all stations.
“Dell, alert Capital Tower that we’re ready for departure.”
“Roger. Capital Tower this is EFMC Witch Corps Flight One: Pegasus requesting permission and vector for immediate Alpha One departure?”
“Copy, Pegasus. You have priority Alpha One departure. Your immediate airspace is clear. Sending departure vector. Try not to break any windows on the way out. By order of Queen Kitty.”
“Mother#%@^ing Spoilsports!” Mom hissed quietly from the Helm.
Boarding ramp has been stowed and outer hatch seal is positive, High Priestess.” Lokust reported. “All Brooms indicate networked and locked on docking pylons.”
“Weapons are online with safeties engaged, High Priestess.” Greer announced calmly.
“Maneuvering and main emitters are hot and waiting for Helm’s continued abuse, boss.” Kate grumbled.
Environmental is nominal, High Priestess.” Lyra reported professionally.
“Navigation is patiently awaiting further orders.” Charli giggled.
“Lady Galantry, please relieve Lady Hope at Helm.” I ordered calmly.
“WHAT!!!!!” Mom shreiked angrily.
“Until you can play nice with others and not abuse the console, mom, I’m suspending your flying privileges. You are hereby relieved and confined to quarters!”
“ARRRRGH! Sonofabitch!” Mom angrily vanished from her station.
“I’ll see what’s up with her, Chance.” Charli offered as she exited the Nav tube. “Link? All yours, sweetie. Course is ready for Helm. I’ll relieve you as soon as possible.”
Link nodded then quickly entered and logged in.
“Navigation is ready, High Priestess.”
“Helm is also ready and departure vector is received, High Priestess.” Galantry announced.
“Chance, Kitty. We’re all ready to go. Suggest you hold your skirts down.”
“We’re clear down here. I’ll miss you guys, Chance. Good hunting! Kitty, out.”
“Helm, X plus forty meters then take us out at just under Mach.” I ordered.
“Acknowledged, High Priestess.”
Our view of the Mall complex began to slowly drop from our view. Our two new sisters began to mute their excited squeals with their fists.
“X plus forty, High Priestess.” Galantry acknowledged.
“Landing struts stowed and secured, High Priestess.” Lokust acknowledged.
“Change of plan; engage Dynamic Camo; one tenth throttle, Helm. Assume Parking Orbit to pick up Mini-Van.” I smiled as we were instantly in space.
Cleo and Sohn instantly silenced- eyes wide; ears pinned back tight; mouths agape!
I started to wonder what they would do when we went Transdimensional.
“Sorry you both had to see that. Mom kind of puts ‘Barnstorming’ back into flying. She never acted this belligerent though.” I apologized.
“Lady Hope is your mother, High Priestess?” Sohn asked in confusion.
“But she doesn’t look any older than you, my lady!”
“I’ll give her your compliment, Lady Sohn.” I giggled. “By the way, you should know that Current Mages live a very long time, girls. See… Mom, Charli, and Chantell are the founding members of Witch Corps.”
I figured I’d drop that little ditty on them first thing.
Yeah, it got reeeeaaal quiet back in the guest seats!
“You two did hear me, right?” I asked after an extended silence. I knew they were still coherent because I saw their eyes blinking rapidly in shock.
“That-tha-that makes them like fifteen hundred years old? That can’t be right?”
“They would argue about that figure, but yeah, close enough.” I giggled.
Within a half hour we had rendezvoused with Mini-Van and linked up.
“Dear, you have the Bridge. I’m going back to see what’s up with mom.” I told Lokust as I left my command station. I looked back at our two new recruits.
“Ladies, you’ll get a better look at what Pegasus can do from up in the lounge.” I suggested before I cued the Bridge door.
“Be careful, Chance! I’ve never seen mom like this for as long as I’ve known her. Something is definitely wrong.”
“Noted, dear. I’ll be careful.” I said as the door opened.
“So… What’s going on?” I asked cautiously as I popped into the compartment Mom and Dad were sharing with Aunt Cora and Link. The door had been locked from the inside.
“How could you?! My own daughter! I will not stand for it, Chance Summers! High Priestess or not! I will not accept this!” Mom attacked full of piss and venom.
“How could I…?” I repeated calmly. “You were the one making a complete ass of yerself, mom- in front of the reporters no less! What is wrong with you?”
“Chance? Conference? Now?” Charli quickly suggested before I could conjure a protective bubble around my highly aggravated, overly aggressive mother.
We were instantly up in the lounge.
“Chance. She’s not herself at the moment.”
“Tell me something I didn’t notice, dad!”
“She has a good reason, sweetie.”
“I’ve seen this change in your mother one other time, Chance. Thirty-eight years ago.”
“And what was the problem or cause back then, dad?”
“You. You, Chance. You’re going to be a big sister.
“Say what?”
“Hope is pregnant, sweetie.” Charli’s smile filled her face. “She didn’t want to believe it, but my scans of her a little while ago say it’s fact.”
Charli narrowed her eyes at me a moment then called her wand and ran it up and down me.
“You are too. About a week and a half along I’d guess. Congratulations honey!”
“Chance? Chance, honey, can you hear me?” Charli’s voice called as I felt gentle tapping on my cheek.
“Well… I can see she took it well.” Christina smart-alecked from somewhere in the room.
Witch Corps and Beyond
“We’ll reach Antarra in six hours, Charli. How’s she doing?” My mate inquired as she appeared out of the elevator.
“She took being told she was pregnant way better than Hope, sweetie.”
“She’s what? How? When?” Lokust demanded.
“All questions you should already know the answer to, Lokust Grunfuller. Come on! Didn’t mommy and daddy give you the ‘Birds and Bees’ speech?” Charli guffawed humorously.
“Well… yeah… buuttt…”
“A little off target, but I’ll give it to you, sweetie.” Charli joked. “Congratulations on a job well done. Lokust!”
“Don’t I get any ‘kudos’?” I asked with a little attitude.
Charli leaned over and hugged me tightly. “Well done, my impossible daughter!”
That felt really good!
It was then I noticed Sohn and Cleo; reclined in a couple lounge chairs staring- unblinking- up at the vibrant blue stars streaking past.
“Are they going to be okay, Dad?” I pointed to the two Lynxin ‘statues’.
“I think they’ve been like that since we went Transdimensional, sweetie. Eventually they’ll have to breathe.” Dad smirked; she paused a moment to look me in the eyes. “Of course you know that Tau Sohn’s mother, Tau Siam, was also a reporter and that she covered the FeLane Monarchy exclusively, right?”
“I researched the family while we were here for Kitty’s Coronation,” I nodded, “I feel for the family- they seemed to have suffered along the same lines as the Sinae’s.”
I wiped a tear or two from my eyes and paused to dismiss those images and to think a moment.
“Have they noticed their tails yet?” I asked quietly.
“Don’t think so… We’d probably have to divert to Mare to get their hearts back online. Norge has the facilities if they notice after the next five hours though… plus, there’s always Christina.”
“I just can’t imagine the number of nobles that selected that painful operation, dad!” I sniffled.
“It was that or a gruesome death at the hands of Haturo himself. The guy was a complete monster. Like Christina said- Dr. Moreau combined with Joseph Mengele! At first, your mom, Chantell, Kate, and I tried to operate a ‘Nobles Underground Railroad’ of sorts. Our hope was to rescue as many Libra supporters as possible, but the dick seemed to know our every move. Also don’t forget that we didn’t have the resources… or you, at the time, sweetie. If we had then maybe…? It was a terrible loss- and a major defeat for the Corps! Hope, Shan, and I cried for almost a month after we heard what he did to Kitty’s mom, Lisle! Kate was so angry about our failure to save Her Royal Princess Lisle that she more or less exiled herself to Kane. EFMC’s coffers suffered heavily from that huge, six-month, drinking binge. We decided it best if the Current Mages ‘died out’, so we tried to lay low to avoid Haturo’s long reach. Coincidentally, that’s when the damn Hobgoblins began a huge surge.”
“Coincidence, dad?” I asked as I tried to process the newly revealed information.
“There again, we didn’t have the ‘Think Tank’ we have today, sweetie.”
I felt an urgency that something was wrong flood through me and Nike suddenly felt like she wanted to physically take over my body!
“Chance? Sweetie? What’s up?” Dad looked shocked and very concerned.
“Perfessor! You’re with me! Bring those two with us!” I ordered as I pointed to Cleo and Sohn.
I found myself standing before the Grand Entrance of the Royal Residence- Christina standing on my right. Sohn and Cleo on my left. We were all in uniform.
“So you saw it too, Nike?” Christina asked without looking to me.
“Where are we?” Tau Sohn asked, having snapped out of her ‘trance’.
“I ‘felt’ something is wrong, Christina. I take it you know what that something is?”
“High Priestess? Why have we returned to the Residence?” Cleo, obviously a little more observant, asked as she looked around.
“We’ve been played, Chance! I don’t know about you, but I don’t like to be played… not if I have anything to say about it! I’ve put up with this kind of shit since I was fourteen!”
“High Priestess? What are you doing back here? I saw you leave.” Sinae shouted as the Foyer’s doors flew open and she hurried out to meet us. She paused only a second then looked to my left- at Sohn and Cleo.
“We sensed a disturbance in the Force, my queen.” Christina told her.
“It’s my old man! I knew blowing his balls off felt wrong!” She instantly snapped to that conclusion.
“We need to get to the prison ASAP-!” I began to say.
The Warden’s outer office appeared around us.
“-to alert the Warden… Gods, Christina! Must you skip ahead without warning?” I finished.
“Queen Kitty!” the Warden’s assistant gasped. “We weren’t informed of your visit. Ummmmm- umm how did you do that… appear out of thin air?”
“No time. We need to see the warden. Stat!” Christina interrupted.
“He just left for the infirmary to check on Prisoner 35AD223.”
“Translation, honey?” I prodded.
“The Ex-Regent, Lady Chance. Why?”
“I want the block encompassing the infirmary locked down and evacuated of all Staff- the Warden included! Do it now!” Sinae commanded instantly.
Once the assistant communicated her orders, Christina transported the five of us into the hallway just outside the prison’s hospital ward.
“Protective wards are up, Chance. Only untainted personnel can egress.”
“What about ‘Multiversers’ like you, Scion,” I asked.
Christina narrowed her eyes a moment.
“I’m modifying the wards to reveal any possible individuals that meet the criteria.”
Both Christina and I ‘shimmered’ a little bit, but one additional ‘person’ emerged from the ether as all color washed out of my vision.
Whoever else was down here, they quickly disappeared through the Infirmary doors.
Great! Everything was now ‘monochromatic’- black and white. Somehow I also expected the loss of all audio and for live organ music and crude subtitles to start playing!
“Well, this is interesting.” Sinae commented as she looked around us.
I just shrugged my shoulders and rolled my eyes.
“Oh look, we have intruders! Now what we do? Should we beat into submission or shall we incapacitate and experiment to see what make them function?” An unseen, very malevolent, nondescript, but accented voice hummed arrogantly.
“Sooo, which one are you then?” I asked in a no nonsense tone.
The voice laughed ominously.
“I see. Couldn’t splurge for the cost of color film, eh?” I asked then smiled as I received no answer. “So… Noir it is then.”
My uniform changed to a retro pair of grey pants, black leather loafers, white button down blouse with a narrow black tie, and a long, grey, duster. I kept my pointed hat because I thought it looked ‘cosmopolitan’.
Christina, on the other hand, was dressed in a dark grey ankle-length skirt, Black two-inch pumps, a similar white blouse- but without the tie, a dark grey jacket and a woman’s Panama.
“You two are insane, you know that?” Sinae commented as she shook her head a few times in amazement.
I just gave her a devious smile.
“Fine!” Sinae changed into an off-white housedress with light gray flowers all over it. The dress was only broken up by a slightly darker gray cloth belt riding high above her bump and tied in a big bow at her back; on her feet, white fabric flats. “Cousins, I’m sorry for doing this up front.”
Both reporters were now wearing dark grey skirts, off white blouses, and black leather pumps. Both also carried a pencil and small, fabric-bound, stenographer’s notepad.
“I hope you two are happy now that we all look like rejects from an old Terran ‘C’ class film-noir murder mystery… and what’s with the damn background music?!” Sinae griped.
“I didn’t pick the theme this time, Kitty.” Christina advised. “Our unwanted mystery guest seems to be multiversed; that has chosen the theme.”
“Let me guess… through those doors is my dad in a dirty white lab coat just on the cusp of yelling ‘throw the switch, Igor’, right? How corny will this get, ladies?”
“Well, when there’s a monster involved, a Mad Scientist isn’t that far out of the question, is it?” I challenged.
Sinae glared intensely at me and Christina; Sohn and Cleo simply remained quiet and completely perplexed.
“Shall we knock?” Christina asked just before the double swinging doors blasted explosively off their hinges and into the room.
The explosion impressed me. I believe Christina used more than black powder, as did many cinematic productions of the ‘Black and White’ era.
“Hey, honey, we’re hoooome! Did yooou miss us?” She asked dramatically.
The scene inside was not what we expected!
Haturo lay strapped to an operating room gurney and a rather petite, female Lynxin wearing a blood-soiled, ancient, white surgical apron stood over him.
“Welcome, ladies! You next in line but I be a few minutes. Take seat.”
An invisible force shot the four of us backwards into some chairs along the wall by the doors we had just destroyed.
Christina stood defiantly where she was though.
“Is that all you’ve got?” She snapped her fingers and Sinae, Sohn, Cleo, and I were standing next to her again. “Sorry, girls; I wasn’t expecting such a ‘warm’ welcome.”
“Ohh! So you the one they call ‘Scion’? I expect more than sex-starved Antarran bimbo.”
Did I hear that accent in her voice?
“How did you get out?” I chanced to ask.
“It not so hard, Summers! I very patient. Very resourceful.”
I knew it!
“You’ve met ol’ Doc Hu before, Chance?”
“You could say that. She’s Mom and Dad’s Mission Specialist- Lieutenant Ling Hu Guan of the Peoples’ Republic of China’s Space Ministry. She was sentenced and locked up here nine years ago. I thought I had limited her Current capabilities though.
“I see. Soooo… Not pleased to make your acquaintance, doc. In hindsight, I personally think NASA could’ve done way better in selecting a Mission Specialist for Pegasus and the Kuiper Belt Mission.”
“You no idea what you talk about, little girl.”
“Ummm… Yeah I do? Graduated CMU 2101AD with a Doctorate in Astrophysics, honey. I also hold six patents on the modern Ion Propulsion Drive System?” Christina informed with a hand on her hip. “So, yeah… I’m that old. Now… what do you intend to do with that old, used up, Lynxin?”
“It will be means to complete annihilation of all lifeform in universe unless all bow to me.”
Christina and I began to snicker. Sinae joined us; then Cleo and Sohn reluctantly joined in.
“Hate to break it to you, Howl-ling, but we don’t want to. We prefer our freedom from tyranny… ya know, that shit you’re promoting here? Don’t force me to do to you what I did to Boogerovich or whatever his name was.” Christina gave a snort of disgust. “Really doesn’t matter now anyway. He’s nonexistent- Ka-put! Nothin’ but subatomic bits of un-cohesive random particles, not even enough left to make a quark.”
“Did anyone ever say you talk too much?”
“No… not really? The only reason I do it now is to distract you from what I was actually doing. Thanks for playing along by the way.”
Sometime during their exchange, Haturo had become a life-sized mannequin. Actually, it looked more like a blow-up sex doll that resembled Haturo.
Kitty and I began laughing and we even heard Cleo and Sohn giggling.
“I just move onto next patient. Care to lie on table and donate body to masochist science and excruciating pain, young Lynxin noble?”
I expected Cleo or Sohn to instantly replace the Haturo dummy on the table.
But no.
“Nice trick, Guam, buuut yeeeerrrr tooooooo sloooooooow, Buuuuckeeeerooooo!” Christina chirped in a much lower, Dopplered, register than her normal voice as Guan was now strapped to the table instead. She was also naked, hands and legs cuffed, and ball-gagged?
“Just a reminder,” Sinae advised? “You do know it is illegal to play with your food while in Confederation territory, Christina Everhardt? Buuuut since you are Antarran royalty and therefore have diplomatic immunity… well…”
“Oh, I don’t intend on ‘eating’ this… ‘entity’, Queen Kitty!” Christina’s face turned sour. “I already know a great place for fantastic Chinese and this isn’t it. Thank you for the considerate warning, but I intend to utterly destroy this nuisance. She and her two Compadres have done nothing but screw up this whole Galaxy and ruin it for the rest of us. I mean… what’s an omnipotent girl got to do in this Universe to have some peace? You think I like dishing out my ‘wrath’ on dorks like this?” She thumbed to Guan. “Seriously?”
“Great! You let her get away, Scion!” Sinae griped as Guan vanished. “And can we please ditch these damn awful drab clothes and kill the Noir setting and that campy, minor key, Brass-heavy Jazz music?”
“She went back to Haturo’s cell, Kitty. I never lost track of her for a sec- and just so you know: It’s a trap!!!” Christina giggled then she pinched her finger and thumb to her wide brimmed Panama and wiped along its edge dramatically.
“Ladies? Care to follow me to Lt. Guam’s end…game?” She added with a stiff, male swagger as she walked confidently out of the Infirmary- hands buried deep in her duster’s pockets.
The Ex-Regent’s private cell appeared around us.
“High Priestess? Why are we here? Lady Christina seems to have this well in hand- crazy as it seems.” Sohn asked, confused.
Haturo was curled up in a fetal position on his blood soaked cot in obvious pain- a tortured expression twisting his face. His attention seemed to be focused on his injury, and not on us.
The smell of spoiled blood and urine was almost overpowering.
“How’s it feel?” Sinae asked her deposed, disgraced father coldly.
That caught his attention.
“You! You did this to me! You neutered me! I will kill you!”
“Yeah, old man, keep telling yerself that! I think losing my tail was still more painful! You just lost your dick. No big deal.” Sinae replied calmly.
“I brought you into this world!” He shouted, enraged, cringing with the pain that caused.
“Actually, First Princess Lisle Sinae brought me into this world! You just did the old ‘wam-bam-thank-you-oh-by-the-way-I’m-taking-the-throne-ma’am’ schtick.” Sinae countered. “And actually…,” Sinae smirked, “it was Lady Christina that blew yer balls off! She did what I couldn’t bring myself to do.”
“Thank you my queen, and it was the least I could do to help. However-” Christina raised her right hand and began to count backwards by folding her fingers down one at a time.
“Three, two, one. Why hello, Mad Dr. Hu. We’ve missed you terribly.” She smiled.
“Huh! Dumbly fallen in my trap!” Guan boasted, apparently not paying attention to the tall Antarran.
“Well… I guess a guy without a dick could technically be called a ‘trap’. Huh. And we didn’t fall into anything. We arrived standing on our own about two minutes ago. You’re late, guaq.”
“I have you now! You all die!”
Christina simply placed her hand to her mouth to cover a yawn.
“You all meet gruesome end; I change you in terrifying, traumatic ways.”
Again Christina just covered another yawn.
I gave the former NASA Astronaut a neutral stare.
Sinae looked between the two of us.
“Nice to know you two feel so calm and collected. What about me, my kitten, and my two cousins, here?”
“My queen? We aren’t related to you. Why keep calling us ‘cousins’?” Cleo begged.
Sinae sighed loudly.
“Your grandmother covered everything happening in the ‘Royal Court’, correct?” Sinae asked.
“She did. Auntie told me she had complete access to the Royal Family- starting with Her Most Royal Highness Libra. Just before her passing.”
“Tell her, Tau Sohn.” Sinae prompted the elder reporter.
All focus on our ‘captor’ seemed suddenly forgotten.
“Tell her what, my queen?”
Sinae’s mouth dropped open. “You mean you don’t know either?”
“Know what? What are you hinting at, my queen?”
“Hey!” Guan protested.
“Shhh!” Christina instantly turned, putting her finger to her lips to silence the villain’s angry protest then turned back to Sinae.
Sinae shook her head a few times. “The Court Reporter has always been family, ladies. According to the Royal Lineage, you are my fifth cousins. If you don’t believe me, ask your tails.”
“Our tai-”, Tau Sohn screamed shrilly as she finally noticed her long tail then Cleo’s.
“Very… um… observant… for reporters that is.” Christina giggled lightly.
“Hey! You ar-.”
Christina turned back to our ‘villain’ quickly.
“Quiet, guano, this is a really touching family reunion we’re witnessin’ here! Warms me heart it does- seein’ these two sides o’the same fam’ly reaquaintin’ themselves fer ta first time since dat ting!” She pointed to Guan then turned her attention back to our Lynxin reporters.
Sohn and Cleo were wiping tears as they gently examined their royal appendages.
A bubble around the villain suddenly illuminated as Guan’s anger flared! Another smaller bubble (a comic strip-style speech bubble?) appeared just to the right of her head and displayed several very bold, Chinese characters and several exclamation points. She quickly, silently screamed in pain and looked confused as she noticed the Chinese text displayed in the bubble. I noticed fear replace her angry, pain-addled expression. Apparently, she now realized she had grossly overestimated her superiority in this situation.
And that Christina’s force shield reflected her attacks back at her.
“Really?” Christina asked in amazement. “Why is it always about you- the villain? Can’t we have just a single moment to enjoy this touching reunion?”
Guan seemed to freeze in place within the ‘bubble’ Christina had cast around her, but the speech bubble kept displaying new, lighter contrast Chinese text- like it was now displaying Guans thoughts.
“Better.” she nodded as she turned back to our embedded reporters with a smile. “Please, ladies, continue.”
She winked at me with a devious smile.
“We can wait for a more convenient time and place, Lady Christina.” Sohn deferred, pointing back to Guan.
“Well, I wanna know if we can finally dispense with this stupid monochrome theme, Christina!” Sinae growled as she produced her wand and re-summoned her maternity uniform.
“Oh, all right.” Christina replied tiredly as we turned our attention back to our newly ‘colorized’ adversary.
Things looked a little less mysterious and ‘cinematic’ in ‘living color’. I took the liberty of changing Cleo and Sohn’s clothes back to their uniforms then I changed back into mine.
“You can beg for ‘mercy’ at any time, Miss Guano. I might just be swayed to think about it.”
“You cannot hold me! I more powerful than you!” Guan declared arrogantly- her accompanying speech bubble still displaying the English-to-Chinese translation.
Christina began ‘tisking’ the villain.
“Ew! Ew! Can I say it? Can I? Can I?” I screeched like a first-grader- raising my hand excitedly and everything.
Christina sighed in defeat. “I have been hogging the festivities, haven’t I, High Priestess?” She sighed again and motioned for me to take over. “Go ahead.”
“It’s not how big and powerful it is, Guan! It’s how you use it!” I grinned as I heard Sinae, Sohn, and Cleo groan loudly.
“Gods! Tell me you didn’t just use that tired, worn-out, old expression, Chance.”
I turned to smile at her. Sinae pulled her palm down her face. “Libra, help me!” She said in disgust.
“Are they always like this, my queen?” Cleo asked in disbelief.
“Welcome to Witch Corps, sisters.” Sinae giggled, nodding her head in answer.
“But this is a serious issue! We could be killed!” Sohn interjected.
“We could if Guan actually posed any kind of threat, but she doesn’t. She thinks she has set and sprung her trap on us, whereas Christina has sprung a superior trap.” I informed our two reporters.
They both looked confused.
“To catch a villain thinking herself superior, you need a superior trap, ladies. Or… in this case, just a very simple trap.”
“But what of what she tried to do to us? To Ex-Regent Haturo?” Cleo pushed.
“Honey. Any one of us Current Mages could do stuff like that. It’s not rocket science!” Christina giggled.
“Sohn and I can do those things?”
“And more, Lady Cleo!” With the proper training you’ll both be able to do ‘the impossible’!” Christina smiled brightly and gave our two new sisters ‘jazz hands’. “Now… as for our opponents…” Her malevolent gaze shifted to Guan and Haturo.
“I’ll disarm this one, Lady Christina. Watch and learn, girls.” I said as I called my wand and took aim on Guan. “I will now ‘purify’ this entity’s latent Current.”
“Purify, High Priestess?” Sohn asked this time.
“Yes, ‘purify’. Current, if severely mistreated, can become ‘tainted’. Oh, I almost forgot. Please ask your Current to allow you to ‘see’ it and blink your eyes to engage and disengage it. Try that first and I’ll know when you’ve both done it.”
Both reporters blinked- almost simultaneously- and began looking around the room in disbelief.
That is until they both set eyes on me. Both winced back in pain and shielded their eyes.
“Why are you so blindingly orange, High Priestess?” Sohn protested as she looked away from Christina and I.
“And why is Lady Christina so dazzlingly white?” Cleo cried while still shielding her eyes from our intense ‘auras’.
“Long story for another day, ladies. Now, take a gander at ol’ Guan there.” I answered.
“Her’s is a sickly dark red- her and the Ex-Regent! The color is reminiscent of congealing blood.” Sohn declared with a sour expression.
“That is what we call ‘tainted’ Current. If left to intensify it can transform its host into a Hobgoblin. That was their origin by the way. We have had success with purifying Hoblins back into their previous ‘original’ forms within a certain period of time. The longer one remains a Hoblin, or ‘Conscripted’ by them, the less chance of returning them to normal. Oh… yes, how silly of me! I almost forgot!”
I pointed at our newest sisters- to the pendants around their necks.
“The pendants you now wear help purify the Current you intake. It also monitors your Current reservoir and begins to glow as said reservoir reaches ‘full’. The pendent also acts as a private and secure line of communication between members of Witch Corps.”
“Kitty to Chance, Christina, Sohn, and Cleo. Can we get on with this? The Royal Offspring is getting agitated. Kitty, out!” Sinae deadpanned as she demonstrated how the Comms worked.
I rolled my eyes dramatically at my impatient friend.
“So… I point my wand at the target and ask my Current to purify it and recover the ‘whole’ original person…entity in this case, if possible. In some worse cases the whole person may not be recovered. Sorry. That’s just the way it is sometimes.”
I concentrated on purifying Guan. Hopefully it would ‘stick’ this time. A typical blue beam shot from my wand as expected. It only lasted for a second or two.
What was left was a petite Terran of Asian descent- completely nude. She was staring blindly into open space- almost like a trance.
I knew better though.
“She is not Lynxin?” Cleo gasped.
“Nope!” Christina grinned. “She’s as Terran as they come, ladies.”
“But she has a scaly red tail with a spade point on the end!” Sohn pointed out in alarm.
“Christiiiiiinaaaaa!” I growled.
“Oh! Did I just do that, Chance? My bad. She is the devil incarnate though, right? At the very least a diabolical, insatiable succubus?”
“You forgot her horns.” I told her with a faux scowl.
“Oh… so I did. Well… horns can be very dangerous and cause damage…Safety first, you understand.” She grinned.
“You cannot do to me! I not allow it! I not demon!” Guan declared heatedly.
“You’re absolutely right, Guano. You’d fare much better as a plushie.” Christina smiled evilly. A small, stuffed, red silk robed, ‘Guan doll’ fell to the floor in place of the live, nude, Terran with the devil tail.
“Now to see to your punishment.” Christina smiled with the same evil grin at Haturo.
“Lady Sohn? Care to ‘purify’ his Ex-eminence?”
“He killed your mother, did he not?”
“I could never prove that, Lady Christina.”
“Well, I was there as an invisible observer. Unfortunately, it wasn’t very pretty. Lady Tau Siam was a very strong woman, Tau Sohn; she remained loyal to Pride Sinae and defiant til the very end.” Christina looked to the ground sadly. “Sadly, I was not permitted to intervene at the time.”
Christina set her attention to the remaining convict. “What was it you feared from the Sinae’s? Was it the loss of power?” Christina asked the cowering male Lynxin laying on the cot. She narrowed her eyes and frowned.
“Or was it jealousy? Maybe…envy?”
Christina thought for a moment.
“Maybe I should turn you into a suppository.” She smiled. “At least you could do something good for once.”
“Turn him into an old fashioned diaper, Christina! He seemed to always be on my ass when I was young…and-and mom was still alive!” Sinae recommended with a sad laugh.
I could see a tear or two forming in her eyes.
“Wouldn’t that make you just like him, Lady Christina? My queen?” Cleo replied cautiously- still holding her aunt tightly to her shoulder after Christina’s verbal recollection.
“It is said that ‘revenge is a dish best served cold’, sisters. Whatever is decided it cannot be any more vulgar or grotesque than what this… this monster… has done to his people, my ladies.”
“Still, he has been tried and found guilty by a jury of his peers, my lady.” Tau Sohn replied as she lifted her head from her niece’s shoulder. “He has been sentenced to several life terms here, in this prison. Here he shall make amends for his crimes.”
“Powerful words combined with even stronger conviction, Lady Sohn! By the Oracles, I cannot guarantee this one will repent anything- let alone feel remorse for his numerous transgressions.”
“At least heal his wound to allow him some comfort, Lady Christina?” Cleo pleaded soulfully.
“Also wise and moral intentions, Lady Cleo. I shall grant it.”
Hutaro’s tear-streaked face became clouded with confusion, but the pain seemed to have passed.
“I demand to know what you have done to me!” He cried out- though his voice sounded slightly different- higher in pitch.
“I repaired your wound as requested by Lady Cleo.” Christina answered back condescendingly. “Your balls were blown off, so I did the best I could… under the circumstances.”
“But it feels different. Very different.”
“You’ll get used to it after a couple months. I wouldn’t complain if I were you, honey, you could’ve become a ‘plushie’ too.”
Saying that, Christina bent down, picked up the newly minted, stuffed Guan doll, and tossed it at him.
“Here,” she smiled, “for those long, lonely nights ahead. You’ll thank me in a few years.”
“Why would I want a Terran that looks like a stuffed toy?”
“That isn’t alive, honey… not any longer. That inanimate, vibrating, ‘Guan Ho’ doll will be your only companion until you pass onto your next life. Take care of it and use it for comfort when you feel life becoming too ‘difficult’- too ‘stressful’.”
“Oh! And make sure you ask to have the batteries changed every so often!” Christina added.
We found ourselves back in the Royal Residence.
“Well, now that that little issue has been rectified…” Christina sighed. “I’m afraid we must be on our way, majesty. Witch Corps has an important mission to finish. We’ll be back for the shower and birth though. Au du.”
“Anything happen while we were gone, dear?” I asked when Pegasus’ Observation Lounge appeared around us.
Lokust closed her eyes a moment then shook her head a few times.
“Not in the five minutes you were gone, why?” My mate replied while rolling her eyes.
“Just wondering.” I said as I sat down to relax in a lounge chair. Keeping the enemy thoroughly off balance and confused had worked yet again, but this time I felt more fatigued than I usually did. However- and more disturbing- it seemed Christina was getting magnitudes better.
The sister I had just thought about turned to look at me then her eyes toggled to my abdomen and back to my face a few times. Yes, she was monitoring my thoughts, and yes, I knew the reason for my exhaustion was the new life I had in me… doesn’t take a rocket scientist!
Christina winking at me caused me to roll my eyes at her.
The tease!
“So, I did some cross-checking of the FeLane Databases- the twenty-five year old Hutaro back-ups versus the seventy year old pre-Hutaro back-ups. Apparently, we have more royalty on board.” Charli nodded to Sohn Tau and Cleo Shift after quietly observing my silent, visual interaction with Christina.
“Fifth cousins to Sinae, dad. She told them while we were at the prison in Capital.” I revealed.
“Ah.” Charli nodded once. “Took care of that little family problem, ay?”
“Your ex-science specialist, Lt. Guan, somehow escaped and was running things from the shadows. It was all cut and dry- black and white- nothing out of the ordinary though.”
Christina let out a loud snort.
“Good one, Chance.” She nodded her head in approval.
“How in the worlds did she escape? I thought you put the ‘whammy’ to her good the first time, sweetie?”
“So did I?” I said with a shrug of my shoulders. “This time, she thought she set a trap for us… emphasis on ‘thought’. Christina turned the tables on her though.”
“So all three of our nemeses have returned to challenge us and all three have now been vanquished… to some other realm to regroup and threaten the Way again. Will the cliché, Soap Opera plot twists ever stop?” Charli questioned with a stupid grin.
“I’m afraid the ‘realm’ they now reside in has been permanently pre-empted, Charli.” Christina offered reassuringly.
“Oh?” Charli challenged.
“Ever hear of the Crab Nebula?” She grinned.
My eyes went wide!
“It’s pretty much dissipated these days, but yeah, I’ve heard of it.” Charli replied.
“You didn’t!” I gasped. “I thought ‘Scion’ hated the ‘Borg’?”
“Transported each of our three felons back a few million eons- differing time periods for each of course. Did you know that that galaxy was the only one in all of existence that has no Current- totally devoid of any ‘Godly Lifeblood’? Hence the ‘Borg’ ‘Hive’ mentality, but that won’t develop for several million years from where I dropped those three off.”
“All three? You didn’t arrive until after we sent Evans packing, Christina.” I called her on her error.
“Oh, him… Yeah… I felt that little jagoff on Stillwater. Somehow he had sweet-talked that planet into allowing him to hide. Don’t worry, I gave her back her Current and then some to make things right, Chance. Ya know, that place was really warped though. Kinda reminded me of ‘Westworld’… only without the creepy robot gunslinger, but with way more sweaty rednecks.” Christina said with a shiver.
“So… how’d the noble’s do on their first outing, sweetie?” Charli asked to change the subject. She glanced over to the two, silently lounging figures. They were still in uniform.
And fast asleep!
“Rough day?” Charli grinned.
“Confusing as hell… by their perspective.”
Charli looked at Christina and I for a long minute.
“You two couldn’t go easy on the newbies, could you?”
“Easier to yank the band-aid off.” Christina giggled quietly.
Charli rolled her eyes.
“Gods! I’d swear you were a Summers!”
“Maybe. Odds are pretty good that it’s just the Antarran side though.” Christina assured.
Lyra and Greer popped into the lounge.
“Heard we had family up here, Ladies.” Lyra said as she regarded the two napping reporters.
“Daughter and Grandniece of Lady Tau Siam, Court Reporter. Fifth cousins to Kitty Sinae.” I informed them.
“Chance? Honey, I’m going down to check on Hope. She’s probably gnawed through your ‘special’ set of handcuffs by now.” Charli grinned just before popping out.
“So how’d they do, Chance?” Greer asked as she cautiously eyed the two.
“Weeell… I got them outfitted and on Comms…” I began to answer.
“Then things went back to SOP.” Christina concluded.
“That explains how tired they are. Witch Corps brain strain does that to the newbies- unfortunately.” Greer giggled. “I definitely know what that feels like!”
“My queen? Princess Lyra? Why are you here?” Cleo yawned out her questions. She suddenly looked over to Sohn and snapped to full consciousness!
“That really happened?! By Libra! It all happened?” She then turned back to Christina and me. “You,” she waved her hand and her wand appeared- which she instantly dropped, “then that horrid Terran became… Then all the color drained from… Then you,” Again she waved her hand which again manifested her wand- which she again dropped, “And we both had these pendant things… and you said they helped purify… they’re communicators?!” Cleo rambled excitedly.
“Cleo? What are you going on about? You’re not making any sense.” Sohn gave a big yawn and rubbed her eyes lazily.
“Auntie! It was all! Real! We’re witches! Real witches!” Cleo bubbled enthusiastically.
Mom popped in next to me and wrapped her arms around me, squeezing tight.
“Oh, honey, I’m so happy for you and Grunfuller! And I’m sorry for being such a pain in the ass to everyone before.” She cried happily.
“I’m happy for you too, mom. So… I’m gonna be a big sister, huh?” I pushed away a little to look her in the eyes.
“We weren’t really trying, honey.” Hope admitted, but quickly narrowed her eyes at Christina.
“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Hey now, I had nothin’ to do with it, Hope! That was all on you two.” Christina vehemently denied any complicity. “Congrats though, Hope.”
“Greer and I also offer our congratulations, sisters.” Lyra smiled as she moved to hug both of us, Greer following.
“Princess Greer? You are not our queen? How?” Cleo Shift’s mouth dropped open.
“I remember an article a few months back about a long lost princess being located hiding on Earth’s Horizon!” Sohn recalled.
Greer’s face began to flush.
“That was you?” Sohn asked in amazement.
“I, um… I didn’t know until I was activated.” She confessed. “I was assigned as Princess Lyra’s cabin steward by the queen herself.”
“So Queen Kitty knew?” Sohn seemed to go into reporter mode as her DataTab manifested in her hand and she began making notes- oblivious as to what she had just done.
“Auntie? Auntie! Did you realize what you have just done?” Cleo attempted to get her aunt’s attention.
“Not now, Cleo. I’m conducting an interview with her highness Princess Greer. So tell me, Princess Greer, how did you manage to remain anonymous for so long from the Haturo regime… or from the Royal Lineage Investigators for that matter?”
Greer thought about the question for a long moment.
“Like this.” Greer’s male form answered honestly.
“I guess this interview will continue after Sohn wakes up. Cleo? You got any…” Christina began, but looked at the other reporter. “Okay, no more questions until they both wake up. Drinks, anyone?”
“First off… you aren’t going to faint again if I start to explain my situation, right?” Greer, who had changed back to her female form, asked as first, Cleo came around then Sohn rejoined us.
“Have you always been a Current Mage, Princess Greer?” Cleo asked cautiously.
“Didn’t know I was one until I met Lyra then Savanna Summers.” Greer answered. “I was just happy to be assigned to attend Lyra while on Earth’s Horizon. I had no idea that I had any noble blood at all. Then Savanna activated me and I looked like this.”
“Activated? Care to explain?” Sohn pressed in her practiced ‘journalistic’ tone.
“Both of you have been activated, Lady Sohn and Lady Cleo.” Greer motioned to the pair still wearing their uniforms. “By ‘activating’ someone they are given the potential to see and ask the latent current within them to do… things. Like manifest you’re DataTab, Lady Sohn. Or you’re wand, Lady Cleo.”
“Manifest my… DataTab? Oh, my stars! I did pull that right out of the air, didn’t I?” She gasped then smiled brightly.
“High Priestess? Antarra in two hours.” Aquia announced from Navigation.
“We’re here already?” Sohn gasped.
“Charli told you thirty-seven hours, ladies.”
“To travel to the opposite side of the Way in such a short time, High Priestess? How is that possible?”
“Pegasus’s cruising velocity is somewhere around forty-five LY’s per standard second, ladies. That little tidbit, by the way, is way above Top Secret level and I would appreciate you two keeping it that way, got it?” I told them.
Both nodded and I wondered how their jaws stayed attached as they did.
“I didn’t know such velocity was possible, High Priestess?”
“Ladies Christina and Simone could better explain it to you… strictly off the record, of course.” I smiled.
“For now, we need to prepare for our entry into Antarran Space. Care to join me on the Bridge?”
“Chance? Do we really have to add insult to injury?” Link pleaded as we made preparations to cross over into Antarran Space. “It costs Aunt Cora financially every time we visit. I mean… I love to see the old man soil himself and all, but… it’s just wasteful.”
“Nonsense, Coraline. Each time we destroy the target arrays, the designers are forced to modify and adapt. Theoretically there will come a time when Pegasus will no longer best our border defenses.” Aunt Cora defended.
Christina and I fought to hold our laughter.
“You think it will not happen, High Priestess?” My aunt countered.
“Refinements are always being made on both sides, Queen Norge.” I warned with a devious smile.
“Uncloak us, Wrench.” I ordered.
“You got it, boss.”
“Unknown spacecraft, you are nearing the Antarran Home System boundary! Stop and prepare to be boarded!”
“Wow! Not even a ‘hi, how are ya’. That’s not very neighborly, is it?” Christina complained.
“Does he always do this, Chance?” Citrus questioned- her face displaying her disgust.
“And not just to us, sister.” Kate groaned.
“Don’t they know their queen and royal court are onboard Pegasus, Queen Norge?” Citrus asked her boss.
“We have Mini-Van on our belly, ladies. We don’t match our last known configuration.” I revealed. “Charli? You’re on. Give them something to look forward to.”
She nodded, changed clothes to something very provocative then faced the forward display screen as a man appeared on it.
It was the Major General himself.
“I’m sorry? Who is this again?” Charli asked in a high-pitched, sickeningly sweet voice. I imagined someone that had maybe two brain cells firing?
“You are in violation of the sovereign Antarran Defensive Boundary! Disable all propulsion and prepare to be boarded.”
“Oh! I like it when they play rough, but I also like a good thrusting, too. Hehehehe.” Charli giggled as she poured it on.
“You are commanded to disable all propulsion and await boarding!”
“Oh, please hurry? I haven’t had a good ‘boarding’ in over twenty standard months. Heeheeheehee.”
Citrus was absolutely rolling on the floor as she fought to keep quiet.
“Prepare to be boarded.”
“By just you, sweetie, or will there be more like you? This sounds like it will be fun!”
“She isn’t cutting power, Major General.” A voice in the background advised.
“I order you to disable propulsion or I will have no choice but to target you with our weapons!”
Charli released a shrill shriek of joy!
“Oh goody! I’m gonna have an orgy! I’m gonna have an orgy!” She chirped happily as she jumped up and down and clapped her hands together excitedly.
“Major General?” The background voice called as we watched sweat drip from our favorite hard-ass’s brow. “General? What are your orders, sir?”
The General seemed to be debating his options: Get laid or protect the Trade Federation.
“All defensive arrays! Target that ship!”
Aunt Cora quietly exhaled in relief that he chose to protect her realm.
“What are arrays, sweetie?” Charli asked vapidly.
I nodded to Christina. She nodded back before disappearing.
“Major General! All defensive arrays have vanished! I can’t explain it, sir! One minute they were there, the next, nothing but empty space!”
Christina had popped in behind our favorite Major General and was smiling impishly.
“How can that be?! Nothing can just vanish from existence! It’s impossible!” He shouted as the chaotic voices in the control room ramped up exponentially.
“Major General! Behind you, sir! The Goddess Christina herself! In the flesh!”
“Sorry to ruin your fun, boys, but don’t you think you are taking this ‘Stop and be boarded’ routine a bit too far?” Christina asked as the Major General jumped at least fifty centimeters.
“What is this?! Who are you really?! Identify yourself!”
“Okay.” Christina began to glow brightly. “TADA! Tis I! Your Omnipotent Goddess of Antarra: Christina! Doesn’t that just make you want to ‘prostate’ yourselves before me.”
“By the Goddess! Look at the rack on her!” An unseen voice declared in awe.
“Up here you preverts! I said Tah-dah. Not tah-tahs. I wonder what Aunt Cora would do if she found out about you boys losing her toys, hmmm?”
“Aunt Cora?” The Major General questioned. “Who is this…Aunt Cora?”
I nodded to Aunt Cora. She replaced Charli in front of the display screen and I nodded to Dell to change the virtual background Charli had been standing in front of.
“Goddess Christina? Why are you there, Sugar Plum?” Queen Norge asked.
“Oh, hi, Aunt Cora! I was just visiting the Major General and some of his boys.”
I nodded to Citrus and she walked into frame and stopped at Cora’s side. To the Major General it looked like they were in Aunt Cora’s office.
Rodyard had outdone himself with the virtual office set.
“My queen? I have just received an urgent communication from EFMC Pegasus that the defensive border arrays have all vanished. They are offering to conduct a full investigation of the Boundary Defense Headquarters.” Citrus informed.
“By all means, offer them Carte Blanc. I want this matter investigated thoroughly!” Cora looked to her right angrily. “End transmission.”
Dell laughed gregariously as she tapped her console.
“Oh! My! Gods! This is soooo fun!” Citrus and Dell declared between their fits of laughter.
“My turn, Aunt Cora.” I said as I tapped her on the shoulder. “Uniforms, everyone.”
As soon as Cora was clear I asked Dell to re-enable our display screen- this time with our real Bridge as background.
“Antarran Boundary Defense Headquarters, this is EFMC Pegasus. I am High Priestess, Chance Summers. I am ordering you to disable all perimeter defenses and prepare to be boarded for an in-depth investigation into the disappearance of…” I leaned over as if reading from a status display, “Five hundred forty-eight thousand, nine hundred, and sixty-six defensive weapons arrays. By order of Queen Caroline Norge herself, I have been given Carte Blanc to conduct the investigation as I see fit, sir. Prepare to be boarded!”
I made the sign to cut the communication.
“Deep Space Camo! Mom? As quick as you can, take us into a tight orbit around the Headquarters asteroid then wait to decloak. Lokust? Ready Hope and a Pair, Clean Up, Pin Up, and Eight I Smart for immediate departure. Double Take, you go with Porno; Ariel with Laidy-in-Wait; Cleo, Seeker; Sohn, you’re with me.”
“Hey girl! Miss me?” I asked as I accessed Hope and a Pair’s docking pylon.
“Very much! I take it we’re going to have some fun with the Major General, Chance?”
“Yes we are girlfriend! By the way, I’d like you to meet one of our new ‘embedded’ reporters. Sohn ‘Galmour Girl’ Tau, Hope and a Pair.”
“Welcome aboard, Glamour Girl! Good to have you.”
“Ummmm… Glamour Girl? Why call me that, High Priestess?” Sohn seemed confused as I motioned her through the pylon’s short tunnel.
“We use ‘call signs’ when in our brooms, Sohn. You can always change it if you want.” I told her as I motioned for her to sit in my second seat and helped her buckle in.
“I just thought about you the first time we met…at Kitty’s coronation? Remember? You looked absolutely stunning in that formal, designer gown.”
Sohn blushed deep red.
“Thank you, High Priestess.” She replied near a whisper.
“Nope! That is not proper procedure, Glamour Girl! In here… in this cockpit I’m Chance. That’s my call sign.
“But that is also your real name, High Priestess! Why?”
“It fits.” I answered as I finished strapping in and began initializing my broom.
“Pegasus Control. Pegasus1 is ready to roll.”
“Roger, Chance. Pegasus5 has priority. Stand by.” Lokust acknowledged.
“Copy, Pegasus Control.” I replied. I felt that I needed to explain our slight delay.
“Because we have Mini Van with us, Simone- or Laidy-in-Wait- needs to perform a very tight maneuver to undock from her pylon.”
“Pegasus5 is clear, Pegasus Control.”
“Roger, Laidy-in-Wait. Pegasus1. You have a go and departure vector. Have a good time, Chance.”
“Copy Pegasus Control.” An audible ‘click’ indicated we had a successful release and Hope and a Pair began to slowly move away from Pegasus.
“Oh my stars! This is sooo amazing!” Sohn… Glamour Girl tittered with glee.
I don’t think Lyra was ever this excited!
“Alright ladies, we all go in as a group. Once the hangar doors are closed and re-pressurized, we join up and approach with wands drawn. Got it?”
“Aren’t they friendly, Chance? Why be armed at all?”
“For the past nine years- actually forty years- the Major General has overreached his authority concerning detaining and bullying known allied spacecraft. You see… most every vessel- be it large or small- is required to have an Identification Transponder.”
“So they knew who we are?”
“Usually. Pegasus has the ability to turn off her transponder as well as to transmit other Identities. It comes in handy when we don’t want our enemies to know we’re coming. When we first crossed the system boundary, we were transmitting the ID of a ‘Peddler Freighter’.”
Sohn…Glamour Girl began to laugh hysterically.
“Oh! Oh that is rich! And Lady Charli’s manner of… So that’s why the guy got all flustered?”
I nodded. “That’s right. We then bounced Queen Norge’s transmission off of Antarra- Queen Norge’s mansion to be exact. So they thought their queen was planet-side. Lastly, we transmitted our true identity to let them stew. Right now we’re camouflaged and are invisible to all- and I do mean all- detection sensors. By the way, Gee-Gee, are you allergic to sewage?” I giggled.
“Why ask such a strange, off-handed question like that, Chance?”
“Because we’re definitely going to scare the shit out of these knuckleheads.”
“Chance, Seeker. Time to do what you do best. Let’s get those landing bay doors open. Make it look like a systems malfunction- though I suspect they’ll be expecting something like that from us.”
“Copy, Chance. I’m in and cueing the Decom Alerts.” Charli acknowledged professionally. “Full Decom in five.”
“Who is Seeker again?” Gee-Gee asked curiously.
“Charli is ‘Seeker’. She’s flying ‘Eight I Smart’: Pegasus7.”
“How can you remember all that?”
“It’s a military thing. It’s not that hard after using it a while.” I told her. “Don’t worry; you’ll catch on.”
“I have been embedded and covered the military before, Chance Summers!” Glamour Girl informed me with attitude.
“So what’s the problem? Why act like you’ve never done this before?”
“Well…umm… this is Witch Corps… I guess?”
“So…” Sohn Tau paused for a moment. “So its been a dream of mine for over nine years… even longer… ever since momma first told me of the Corps and how you travel the galaxy… helping people… Oh, the tales she would tell… The stories she would pass-along from Her Most Royal Highness Libra!”
“Sooooo, ‘hero envy’?”
“Does it show so clearly, Chance?”
“Like a billion gigawatt space beacon, sweetie!” I giggled.
“Defense Headquarters bay doors are open, ladies. All-ye, all-ye, in-free!” Seeker announced.
“Chance, Flight two.” I activated my Comm. “Let’s scare the pants off ‘em, girls! All Brooms remain Camo’ed. Porno, you, Double Take, Laidy-in-Wait, and Ariel wait for escort.”
“Who’s ‘Ariel’?”
“Gretchen Norwood. She’s Queen Colleen Norge’s Master-at-Arms. Her husband, Christian Norwood is Captain of the Royal Guard back in ancient Antarra.”
“Wait. What?!” Sohn- Glamour Girl goggled. “How can they be here? Now?”
“Well… that’s what you and Quill are here to find out.” I giggled.
“I’m beginning to think this assignment is only a dream, but one that is heading straightaway into a nightmare, High Priestess!”
“Naw. It’s all just pure fantasy… be it a true, real life fantasy, but… the real nightmare is the dresses of the time period. Style was everything and ladies’ comfort? Well, not so much.”
My second seat was quiet until I activated my canopy.
“Where are the others, Chance? They were just there before you opened Hope and a Pair’s canopy?” Glamour Girl whispered.
“Still camouflaged. You won’t see anyone until they clear their Broom’s camo field. Our canopy’s decrypt the other’s camo fields so we can see each other…it cuts down on incidents and ‘oops’s’.”
“Oh.” She nodded just before Charli appeared hanging in thin air, then Cleo.
“Oh my stars, is that freaky!”
I wasn’t sure if Gee-Gee meant our sisters just appearing three meters above the deck, my ‘hovering’ out of the cockpit, or both. I thought I should cover both.
“We look just as ‘freaky’ getting out of Hope and a Pair, and we all can hover up and out of our brooms, Gee-Gee. Try it; just ask your Current.”
Glamour Girl nodded and slowly began to rise from her seat. I noticed Quill rising similarly from Eight I Smart.
I gave Gee-Gee an eight for her landing; Quill got a nine and a half.
We hurried over to the landing bay’s access hatch.
“Everyone ready? Wands to stun, but keep them hidden.” I asked as Simone, Gretchen Link, Citrus- Christina had obviously returned and got her from Pegasus, and Aunt Cora dismissed their uniforms for their ‘noble’ clothing, and we formed up to surround the Antarran Royals.
Just in time too! The hatch suddenly opened and before it even finished opening all our wands were called and aimed!
Major General Christoff- of all people was the first face we saw.
He was also the first person to get knocked out by a blast from one of our wands!
The others he preceded looked horrified!
“Oops.” Alley Cat giggled.
Now where had I heard that phrase before, I thought sarcastically?
Lyra rolled her eyes too. “A little excited, Cousin?”
“I guess I expected a big Hoblin and not a dwarf. Funny, he looked bigger on the main display!”
Murmurs of: ‘The Queen!’ started echoing through the unseen hallway ahead of us as the noise level increased.
“Clear the passage!” Simone snarled as she pushed out into the passage with her wand drawn and into the erupting chaos the Major General’s men had become.
“He’s out cold, Chance. Alive, but out cold.” Charli reported as she finished her scan of the diminutive Head of Antarran Boundary Defenses.
“Bring him along! Confine everyone to quarters!” Aunt Cora ordered as she took charge and point.
“You all heard the Queen! Everyone to quarters until called upon or you’ll end up like Maj. Gen. Christoff!” Simone hissed. “Move it before I really get angry, people!”
The passageway began to clear immediately and within a minute it was completely devoid of all assigned personnel.
“At least they understand the tone of an order. Some previous candidates for the Regent’s Guard were absolutely tone deaf… that or completely stupid!” Gretc…Ariel commented to Simone.
After a few minutes we arrived at the base’s control room and Aunt Cora pointed to a plush, very comfortable chair.
“Put him there.” She commanded. Aunt Cora then looked toward the ceiling.
“Time to pop back in Sugar Plum.”
“Wow!” Christina grimaced as she appeared. “Maj. Gen. Christoff is really having a bad month.”
{Highlight to read}
Witch Corps and Beyond
“Do we understand each other, Major. General. Christoff?” Aunt Cora grilled the military man angrily.
“I do, Queen Norge. It will never happen again, I guarantee it.” He answered while looking at me and the other Corps members nervously.
“Come now, Garritt, we both know it will continue to happen. That is the nature of the job. That is your nature. I do expect less intra-office- less than official- interpersonal communications in the future when interrogating newcomers to our system. Consider this a warning and use it as a learning aid for all preparation drills henceforth.” Aunt Cora continued.
“But Queen Norge! This was all a set-up!” His eyes oscillated between his queen and me rapidly. “How could there have possibly been any successful resolution?”
“There isn’t and never was, Garritt. It’s simply a test of character- character of command.”
“The Kobayashi Maru.” Christina giggled in delight.
“You are such a twentieth century Terran Geek, Christina Everhardt!” Charli laughed as she shook her head.
“Been there; lived it; can’t says I enjoyed it; moved on… bizarrely.” Christina laughed sarcastically.
Maj. General Christoff’s mouth dropped open as he stared at Christina and her response to Charli’s statement.
“Oh, come on, Garritt! She’s Antarra’s Goddess! She can go anywhere, anytime, anyplace she wants. If she took holiday on ancient Terra that’s her choice!””
“I understand that, Queen Norge. What I do not understand is why Goddess Christina has a surname?”
“Why wouldn’t she?”
“But… she is the Goddess!”
“And?” I cut in as my staff appeared instantly and I assumed Antarra’s version of the Goddess Nike- Sigon- a similar form to Terra’s Nike only with blue hair.
“I am Chance Summers; avatar to the goddess you call Sigon. So what is wrong about a goddess having a surname?”
“So… that’s it? Nothing more to say?” I pressed as my original form returned.
“I like you better this way, Chance. For some reason the royal hair color doesn’t compliment your face…” Christina smiled impishly, “neither do the bigger boobs. They ruin your silhouette.”
“Thanks for the honest opinion!” I groaned. “Somehow I doubt my face in that form would be considered an issue by any Antarran male!” Maybe that was the reason I didn’t feel as comfortable with the ‘Sigon’ form as I did with ‘Nike’.
“So… what now, Aunt Cora?” I asked to get our primary mission back in focus.
“I guess we get her majesty back to Norge’s Heath.”
“Norge’s Heath?” Christoff coughed in shock! “Norge’s Heath hasn’t existed for over a thousand years, Queen Norge! That is impossible!”
Gretchen Norwood’s uniform changed to her royal armor and instantly had her sword’s point to Christoff’s throat! It was a scant millimeter from contact.
“You dare disagree with her majesty, Queen Norge?” She challenged angrily!
Christoff swallowed loud and hard- that nervous action was enough to cause a drop of blood to appear.
“Garritt, I have three well known goddesses as friends and confidants, do you really think the mortal laws of physics actually stand a chance?” Aunt Cora smiled. She nodded to Gretchen, who instantly dismissed her medieval weapon.
“No. I suppose not, Queen Norge.” He answered, defeated. His hand quickly, gently wiped his neck and stared at the red stain on it in horror.
“Chance, Witch Corps. Hey guys you can all decloak. Things have been sorted out down here. Chance out.”
“Sir! Maj. General! Two large ships and ten small fighters have suddenly appeared in orbit around the H.Q. planetoid! They have us completely surrounded, sir!” A lieutenant shouted excitedly from across the control room.
“Yep, just imagine if we were pissed off.” Charli proposed to the silent, breathless, room.
“Yeah… Garritt Christoff hasn’t been having the best month, has he?” Christina deadpanned to herself. “Oh well… I’ll see you ladies onboard Pegasus. Hey Citrus! Need to hitch a ride back?”
“Okay, Christina.”
The Control Room decreased its occupancy by two.
“Everyone mount up! We have a mission to complete.” I announced then turned and walked out of the large room.
“So… tell me again why you wished us to come along, Chance?” Glamour Girl asked as we exited the hangar in Hope and a Pair.
“Didn’t you want the adventure?” I asked.
“A ‘lark’ perhaps, but an adventure? That was hardly an adventure, Chance. You’re show of force in protection of Queen Kitty was more of an adventure.” She answered. “This seemed more like a ‘Surprise Party’.”
I began laughing!
“What’s so funny?”
“Did you have fun, Gee-Gee?”
“My back seat was silent for a moment. We were almost back to Pegasus.
“Maybe?” She finally whispered as I was about to call for an approach vector.
I smiled a moment.
“Pegasus, Pegasus1 request approach and docking vector.”
As it had before, the planet on our Bridge’s large display screen instantly changed from highly industrialized to mostly agrarian.
“Alright everyone, we’re here.” I announced with a giddy smile.
I had successfully transported Pegasus and Mini-Van into the days of Antarran Yore!
At least… I hoped so.
“Mini-Van, status?” I asked just to make sure. Aunt Chantell and Sandra would never let me hear the end of it if I had somehow left them behind!
“So that’s what the old cow’s planet looks like in its ‘hay’day, eh?” Aunt Chantell wisecracked as usual. “Great job, honey! We didn’t feel the usual ‘shudder’ like when yer mom’s drivin’.”
Aunt Cora looked ready with a witty comeback, but mom interrupted.
“Kiss my everlovin’ ass, Bee-otch!”
“Mom? Don’t make me send you home with a note for your parents to sign,” I threatened!
“Rassin’-frassin’, High-assed Priestess!” Mom hissed darkly just above a whisper.
“What was that, Helm?” I dared, smiling mischievously.
“Congratulations, High Priestess.” Mom responded sarcastically in a child’s high-pitched, singsong voice.
“Better.” I giggled while rolling my eyes.
“Is that really Antarra?” Cleo asked in awe of what she had just seen.
“Yep,” I answered, “Medieval Antarra, circa three thousand years from our starting point- hopefully New Age 987.”
“Chance, Corps. Ladies, a short briefing will be conducted up in the lounge in five.” I added, activating my Comm.
“Briefing, High Priestess?” Sohn questioned curiously.
“All in good time, Gee-Gee,” I winked as I motioned our reporters to follow me off the Bridge.
“So… that was Nike’s version of time travel. Everyone okay?” I started after everyone had either popped in or arrived off the elevator.
“Look at that! I just saw some grass grow down on the planet!” Mom complained in answer.
“Really not in the mood, mother.” I warned as I seriously thought about transporting her down to Norge’s Heath this instant! Maybe even naked!
Naah. She’d probably enjoy that.
“Queen Colleen will now update our newly attending members on what to expect in Norge’s Heath.” I continued as I glared at my mother intensely.
“Thank you, Chance. Ladies and gentlemen, the period we are now in lays claim to several differences from ‘modern life’ as we know it. First and foremost… the privies are completely au natural with not even a Western Auto, Montgomery Ward, or Sears catalog to be had, therefore, all modern personal hygiene products must- MUST- be disposed of magically. And discretely, I might add- which leads us to item two.” She paused.
“Two: My people know of, and respect ‘witches’- mostly as fierce, professional, and highly skilled warriors. They have no idea why or how we use ‘Current’ to do what we do. Third: Antarrans and Lynxins won’t officially meet for sixteen hundred years. Once in disguise, you girls should stay that way out in public. I’d also recommend caution while inside the Keep. Only a few of the servants know who we really are.” Colleen paused again as she motioned around at our Lynxin representatives.
“And for God’s sake no hanky-panky with those tails!” She said sternly then paused again.
“Lastly… try not to look too awkward, disgusted, overwhelmed, or out of place down there. While people of this time know of magic, most simply can’t fathom time travel let alone travelers from the distant future. Any overheard reference to the thirty-third century will be met with skepticism, laughter, questions, or concerns for your sanity. These are simple people- mostly- basically relying on their queen and nobles to guide them through life and protect them. I’m trying to lead them toward ‘freer’ thinking, more arts; more sciences… everything we all know need to happen to ensure Antarra survives. Chance?”
“Cleo and Sohn,” I pointed to the two, “before we leave the ship, you two need a disguise. As Colleen said, the indigenous people have no idea what a Lynxin is- nor might they react well on seeing one. As you know, Antarrans look more like Terrans, so… You want to try disguising yourselves or would you like Christina or I to do it? Know that if either of us do it you may not be able to revert back on your own. What will it be? Oh, while I’m at it, Lilith, sweetie? You might want to change your hair color. Brown with a couple strands of blue should do it… and I’d recommend staying close to your mom. Ancient Antarrans could possibly overload your overdeveloped telepathy and empathy.”
“Good idea, Chance, the blue streaks will keep them all safer if out and about.” Colleen appraised our two reporters while Aunt Cora, Simone, Christina, and Link nodded their approval. “They will need to be on the watch for thieves and kidnappers wishing to ransom the throne though.”
Sohn and Cleo seemed subtly concerned by her statement.
“If threatened, you two should conjure your wands and I can almost guarantee your attackers would retreat quickly or risk… well, we’ll leave the options up to them, right girls?” I advised with a giggle.
Cleo turned her head side to side as she gazed into the mirror she had successfully conjured. “I just can’t believe this is how I would look as a Terra… ummm… as an Antarran!”
“I can’t get over the fact that we look so similar- almost like twins.” Sohn added as she continued to stare at her niece in amazement.
“Older,” I pointed to Sohn. “Younger… by a year and a half,” I pointed to Cleo, “Sisters.”
“Are we ready?” I asked with a big smile.
Smiles filled the lounge- except maybe two… well, four transformed Lynxins. Sonya and Kimbou remained quiet and less confident alongside Cleo and Sohn.
“Sandra, you and Chantell have Mini-Van. Charli will send you the coordinates for our secured LZ.
Both women nodded.
“JWC, with me! Prepare for departure.” Sandra ordered before she and little Lilith popped out, while Chantell took the remaining Andersons to the elevator.
“Chance?” Kimbou attempted to get my attention, but his voice sounding like PM Tau’s had me looking for the original Lynxin. “Are you sure this masquerade will succeed? Sonya and I cannot possibly replace Prime Minister Tau or Her Majesty.”
“Don’t sweat it. You two sound just like them… and with luck, your mannerisms,” I glared at Sonya intensely, “will also hold true.”
“Look, just follow the lead of Lyra and Greer. If you start feeling the disguises aren’t working, they should suggest the proper modifications. Okay?” I added nodding to Lyra and Greer with a confident smile.
Kimbou nodded and took a step back. He wasn’t going to have any trouble holding the illusion of the PM. And… if Sonya didn’t get too crazy, she was also a shoe-in for Kitty.
“Chance, Mini-Van is requesting permission to detach and a departure vector.” Christina alerted over Comms.
I hadn’t seen her pop out.
“Stations everybody!” I clapped a few times.
“Snow shoes deployed, Chance, we’re five meters and closing…three meters…Pegasus is down, High Priestess.”
“Good job, mom.” I commended. “Charli, send Mini-Van our coordinates and approach vector.”
“Doing it as we speak, Chance.”
“Did anyone see or hear us, dear?” I asked Grunfuller.
“No one within three point two kilometers according to sensors, Chance.”
“Good. Hopefully the people of Norge’s Heath or Norge’s Mill didn’t hear the sonic booms.” I looked to mother accusingly.
“Ya know what, Summers…?”
“No, what, Hope Summers?” I quickly interrupted. A bluish glow reflected off my station console.
“No-nothing, High Priestess.” Mom backed down instantly.
“You have to understand that Hope Summers has been this way for fifteen hundred years, girls.” Aunt Cora explained shamelessly to Cleo and Sohn. “Chantell Denison is a veeeery close second. Neither one will ever change.”
“It’s like a carnival.” Cleo laughed while shaking her head. “How do you ever get things done?”
“We’re only sometimes… well, mostly… like this before and after a mission starts in earnest. I guess in a way, it eases the tension?” Charli answered as she exited the Navigation station.
“We aren’t sure from one mission to the next how many fatalities- either collateral or from actual enemies will occur. Ideally, we’d like to see no fatalities, but…” Charli let her explanation drop.
“I see,” Cleo nodded sadly, “But, on a peaceful, humanitarian mission such as this…”
“First we had to defend Norge’s Heath from a coup perpetrated by the ruling Regent. He had amassed a huge invasion force to take over his own people so he could dispel the predicted arrival of the true ruler of Norge’s Heath and the surrounding vicinity.” I explained.
“Their losses were quite extensive… in the thousands.” Aunt Cora added sadly. “We tried to limit the death where we could.”
“How many soldiers from Norge’s Heath?” Sohn asked.
“One hundred of my guardsmen flanked the invaders on Queen Colleen’s orders while the eleven ladies of this Corps took on the forward onslaught, my ladies.” Christian Norwood answered solemnly.
Our reporters’ eyes almost popped out of their heads!
“Elev… eleven of you bested thousands?” Sohn choked in shock. “How?”
“I hope that we never have to do that again, sisters.” I said as I looked down in sadness of the carnage that we’d brought to that usually peaceful meadow that day. “The bloodshed… It had been very disturbing, but,” I tried to reason, “the military tries to train and callus you…”
…still, I expected to have nightmares of the battle for centuries to come.
“I’m pretty sure you know exactly how we did it, Sohn. You’ve seen us in action on the Mall in Capital. We weren’t trying to hurt anyone there though.”
“Chance is right, gals. We got no problems beating them dirty Hoblins. Poorly equipped mortals never stood no chance with us.” Kate bragged.
“Kate! We are just as ‘mortal’! Never forget that!” I chided.
“Aye, boss, yer right. Sorry.”
“You sound like the ancient ‘Valkyrie’ I read about from Terran myth, Lady Kate!”
“We have been called that on many occasions.” Dell offered calmly in reply.
“Perhaps we better prepare for Mini-Van’s landing?” I hinted to redirect the topic.
“Sandra says they’ll be landing in a minute or so, Chance, Garrith is at the Helm. This will be her first solo landing.” Dell relayed. She seemed pleased that another of the Andersons were getting some ‘stick’ time.
“Looks like another Anderson is ready to graduate, Chance.” She continued as we watched the smooth, graceful, simulated approach and touchdown of Mini-Van sixty meters to our port side.
“Christina? Would you do the honors and place your protective shield around both Pegasus and Mini-Van?”
Our forward display immediately indicated the requested shield was in place.
I nodded to her.
“Let’s go. From here, Norge’s Heath is a ten kilometer walk; Norge’s Mill, two and a half to the cutoff then another kilometer to the south.” I said as I looked around the Bridge, stopping at Aquia and Thomas with a nod.
Thomas had asked if he thought it acceptable for Aquia to meet his sister and widowed mother who still operated the family’s grains mill.
“My queen, Lady Aquia and I shall arrive at the Keep in two week’s time. Hopefully, I can persuade Mother into accepting your invitation.” Thomas bid goodbye after reaching the fork to Norge’s Mill.
“Take this and read it for her, Sir Thomas, but do not open it until you have introduced Lady Aquia to her.” Colleen said as she manifested and handed him a wax-sealed parchment scroll.
“Thank you, my queen!” He said as he and Aquia set off hand-in-hand on the path to Norge’s Mill.
“They make an excellent couple.” Sonya observed as the two topped then disappeared behind the first rise in the road.
“But won’t Aquia be bored here? The technology of flight has not been discovered here yet,” Little Lilith worried, “and we all know how she likes the freedom to soar.”
Christina appeared, walking backwards a meter or two ahead of us.
“I wouldn’t worry, little one. Aquia and her Thomas will be living in our century… in fact… they will speak their intentions in Aunt Cora’s Mansion! We will all be there to wish them well.”
Lilith smiled brightly.
Christina leaned in closer to the young teen.
“I even hear tell that she will ask you to attend her at the vows! Isn’t that great?”
I think every living thing within several hundred kilometers now had a headache from her telepathic squeal!
We entered the first village to the sounds of construction. Hammer blows echoed from every direction along with voices of both orders and conversation.
Off to our left, what had been a small saloon with a few rentable rooms above it was being repaired and apparently expanded.
“Ready for the next timber!” a man requested- his back turned from the pile of supplies. There was no one around to hear him.
“Need some help there, sir?” I asked after I looked around for any other available carpenters.
“No thank you, yer ladyship, my guys will eventually get around to it. Thanks for the offer though I’d hate for you to hurt yourself. These timbers aren’t the lightest of things. Oh! Queen Norge! I…”
“Stay your place, sir carpenter! I wish not for you to fall and injury yourself!” Colleen rushed her command.
“It won’t be a problem, sir. I’m stronger than I look. I insist.” I reassured the builder. “Which one you want?”
“That one,” he pointed questioningly to about a five meter, twenty-seven centimeter square timber.
“This one?” I asked pointing out my guess as to which one.
He nodded.
Picking it up easily and carrying it over below him, I asked, “Where do you want it?”
The man didn’t answer immediately but sat on the recently erected framework staring with his mouth agape!
“How can you do that?” He finally asked, flabbergasted as I continued holding and waiting for a location for the timber.
“Ummmm… place it here for now.” He motioned and I placed one end on the post he pointed out. “The other end goes on that post, but I’ll get my guys to lift it into position.”
“Told you I was stronger than I looked.” I smiled. “Wait, I know something that will help, I added as I held the timber in just my left hand and manifested my wand in my right.
Without saying anything else, I levitated the heavy beam up and onto the appropriate column.
“Anything else?” I asked with a big grin.
He waved his hand slowly in the negative- his mouth unmoving and eyes as wide as saucers!
“Okay. Bye for now.” I giggled.
“I think you just made that guy’s day, Chance.” Louis chuckled.
“More like made his life, I should think!” Gretchen giggled.
“I’m just glad I could help.” I said as I motioned for us to keep going.
“You just can’t help yourself, can you, Chance?” Colleen asked with a quirky smile.
“And that is what I cautioned her about nine years prior, Majesty. She… all of Witch Corps for that matter- even though chartered as Special Operations and ‘Above Top Secret’, excel at flamboyant displays of … talent, while on missions.” Kimbou added. “As result, Witch Corps is the most famous and… recognizable… Black Ops unit in the Way! Completely counterproductive by definition!”
“I prefer to think of us as ‘an enigma’, Kimbou.” I giggled.
Our Tau doppelganger snorted as he pulled his hand down his face.
“If only it were so simple, my lady!”
“Okay then… a conundrum wrapped in an enigma surrounded by a paradox. How’s that?” I snarked.
“Better, but somehow that still pales in explaining this unit.”
“Queen Colleen, thank you for agreeing to see us.” Thomas greeted as he, his mother, his sister, and Aquia were escorted into the much smaller, ‘post-Regent’ Throne room.
“Welcome to you as well, young Thomas. Has he been treating you well, Lady Aquia?” I returned the greeting.
“Extremely well, Majesty, yes.” My Coven sister answered with a bright, positive smile.
Thomas’s mother and sister just looked terrified.
“My ladies? Do you have names that I might use to cordially converse and interact with you? I fear that in all my interactions with Thomas, he never once revealed your names.”
Thomas seemed to react to the awkward situation I placed him in and I smiled pleasantly.
“Queen Colleen, might I introduce my mother, Teresa, and my younger sister, Sara.”
I stood from my seat and stepped down to the main floor of the room.
“Hi! Colleen Everhardt-Norge. What can I do for you?” I introduced as I held out my hand in friendship.
Quickly, mother and daughter were kneeling on the floor with their heads down.
“Kids? Wanna explain how we do things around here to your mom and sister, please?” I asked of Thomas and Aquia.
“Mother. Sara. Please do not do this. Queen Colleen is nothing like the Regent. In fact, she is completely opposite in character.” Thomas pleaded.
“We must show respect and reverence toward our queen, Thomas. You would do well to kneel before her as well.”
“I see. What if I commanded you to rise and talk to me as equals and not commoner to royal, Teresa?” I posited.
“It would still be unwise and punishable, Majesty.” Thomas’s mom replied- her voice reflecting off the floor.
“Get up you silly women and stand before me! Let me be the judge of what constitutes unwise and punishable!” I commanded irately.
Slowly the two women rose to standing, but still refused to make eye contact.
“Has Thomas not read you my letter, dear woman?” I asked as I regarded both.
“He has, but I don’t understand, Majesty. Why have we been singled out? What have we done to secure your audience?” Thomas’s mother pleaded, almost cried- as if she and Sara were to be placed in the stocks on the Common.
“Hmm, I take it Thomas has introduced you both to Aquia Anderson, Mrs. ‘Miller’?”
“He has, Queen Colleen, and I have come to think of her as my older sister,” Sara ‘Miller’ answered in her mother’s place.
“And has he also mentioned that Lady Aquia is one of my Valkyrie? That she is one of those instrumental in defeating the invaders hell-bent on capturing Norge’s Heath four months ago?”
Teresa Miller’s, as well as Sara’s, mouth dropped open. How they were able to gasp, I had no idea. Obviously that information hadn’t been shared.
“Thomas Miller! I’m surprised by you! I thought someone with the courage to spy and inform me of the enemy’s whereabouts and movements during the siege would have the courage to tell his own mother of his fiancé’s occupation!”
“That was my choice, my queen.” Aquia said as she stepped forward. “I urged him to hold certain facts about me or risk damaging Thomas’s maternal relationship.”
“Possibly a wise decision, Lady Aquia, but potential relatives must always be kept informed- trusted- especially if you might be recalled or reassigned at some point in the future.”
“What say you to that, Teresa Miller?”
“I know not, majesty. I am just a commoner and not worthy of a sirename so why call me ‘Miller’?
“Do you not run a grain mill to the south in Norge’s Mill?” I asked temperately.
“We do, majesty. Sara and I of late since Thomas has been in your service these last several months.
“Then you are a ‘Miller’ are you not? A Miller denotes someone who operates a mill? Or is my speech confusing?”
“I cannot argue, Queen Colleen. Whatever your will, is acceptable.”
“No, that is not the way this works, Mrs. Miller. The way civil communication works is: You greet me with the respect my office requires then I greet you in kind, then we talk as two regular people should- cordially. If we were discussing business then the conversation would be somewhat more formal. Do you understand?”
“I do, majesty.”
“Then look at me when I’m talking to you and quit being so submissive, Teresa Miller! You too, Sara Miller! I am not the vanquished Regent, and I would hope someone has the courage to let me know if I start behaving that insanely! Do I make myself clear, Lady Teresa?”
“Majesty?” Thomas’ mother lifted her head in surprise and looked- confused- at me.
“If declaring you part of my court allows us to speak freely then so be it, Lady Teresa. Lady Sara; your thoughts?”
“But, Majesty-?” Sara gasped.
I looked around the chamber conspiratorially.
“Sara? Teresa? I see no ‘Commoner’ in the room at the moment. Call me Colleen.” I whispered with a devious grin.
Sara giggled lightly.
“Aquia? Sister, do you think these two will now act like normal people?” I winked.
“Alas, Colleen, I was thinking ‘tickling’ was the next mandatory action had this course not gotten them to see reason.” Aquia laughed.
“I hadn’t thought about that! Thank you, sister. I had actually considered bringing Louis out and entertaining them with bad ‘dad’ jokes until they yielded.”
“Talk about cruel and unusual punishment, Colleen! Why would you even consider such barbaric torture?”
Teresa and Sara must’ve thought we were crazy… or just very eccentric.
“Majes-,” Teresa began, but I interrupted by clearing my throat.
“Col-l-l-leen, why do you mock us? Are we not proper servants to you?”
“As Thomas stated months ago, Colleen: Real ‘hardcases’.” Aquia giggled.
“I see, Aquia; Antarran stubbornness truly manifests in various ways.” I nodded as I stepped closer to both Millers. “And not always with blue hair!”
“Now.” I said heatedly as I placed a hand to both women’s shoulders, “I want you both to forego the damned regal bullshit now or I will invent some new punishment to make you both laugh and loosen up! All I wanted to do was meet the family of this courageous young man and congratulate his mother for raising such a fine son. Now, can we agree to talk as two devoted mothers instead of ‘Commoner’ and ‘Queen’?”
Teresa swallowed loudly and nodded.
“Yes, Colleen, and thank you for the compliment. I am very happy Thomas has served his queen to his best and hope that service continues toward the future.”
I looked to the ceiling. “Ah! Finally!”
A bluish- white light from behind me set the large room aglow.
“I thought I taught you to knock before entering a room, Christina?” I said without even looking. Both the Millers were suddenly gone from my vision. Both had hit the floor on their knees again.
A melodic sequence of door chimes echoed pleasantly through my throne room.
Of course I rolled my eyes.
“Better? I also wanted to congratulate Mrs. and Miss Miller, mom. Thomas has been detrimental to your regaining your birthright and deserves recognition.”
“Once again, my daughter you have jumped the gun and arrived slightly early.”
“The Go-o-o-odess? Is your dau-daughter?” Sara gulped.
“Yes, and before you ask, it’s complicated. But I’m very proud of her- as you should be of Thomas, Teresa.”
“Hey. Love the dress, Sara. Who’s the designer?” Christina asked happily…I guess to break the ice.
“Who made your dress, Lady Sara?” She reiterated.
“I-IIIII did, Goddess?”
My daughter nodded.
“Here,” Christina conjured and handed Sara a tailor’s string, quill, ink, and parchment. “I humbly request you make one for me? Here are the tools for which to take my proportions.” Sara’s mouth dropped open again.
“You want me… to make a dress… for you, Goddess?”
“Is that a problem, Lady Sara?”
Thomas’ sister barely shook her head as reply.
“Good. You may begin.” My daughter smiled and waited for the girl to move.
“Thomas, please assist your sister by scribing the Goddess’ measurements. Teresa? Aquia? Let us adjourn to my office and give them privacy.” I said as I motioned both off to my right.
“So? What do you think of this young woman, Teresa?” I asked, motioning to Aquia just after shutting my office chamber’s door.
“Colleen!” Aquia protested.
“Colleen? I don’t understand.”
“What are your thoughts concerning Aquia?” I refined while Aquia glared embarrassed lightning bolts at me. I was glad it was just the expression that manifested.
Teresa looked between the two of us a moment.
“Since her arrival and introduction, she has insisted on helping us at the mill. She is exceptionally strong for her build and has insisted on assisting the changing of our millstones. Aquia is also very proficient with the mechanical workings of the mill.”
“So she has proven a valuable employee… I see. Anything else of note?” I asked raising an eyebrow- hopefully to prompt her for a more personal opinion.
“Thomas seems to enjoy her company. He appears ‘happier’ since meeting her.”
I nodded. “Such a clinical report, Teresa. I, however, am more interested with your maternal assessment of Aquia.”
“I like her, Colleen. She seems to complete Thomas and I can imagine children in their close future.”
“Mrs. Miller!” Aquia gasped, her eyes wide, and blushing a bright crimson.
“So… you would accept Aquia as a daughter… should both decide to proclaim their intentions?” I narrowed my eyes, despite Aquia staring daggers at me.
“Very much so, Colleen! Aquia has impressed me and in the short time she has been with us, has grown on both Sara and I. I consider her part of our family.”
Aquia sniffed a few times before vanishing. Teresa stood unmoving and completely pale!
“What did you do to her, Majesty?! Did my answer displease you?”
“Lady Teresa! Every Valkyrie has a mind of her own! Aquia was just overcome with emotion- happy emotion. I believe her to have retreated so she will not make a scene of crying before her queen and future mate’s mother.”
“So you agree they make an adorable couple?”
“I have irrefutable proof of that, Teresa!” I smiled brightly and gave the woman a wink.
“So where did she disappear to, Colleen?”
“My guess would be to her broom, Teresa.” I answered truthfully.
“Her… broom?” Teresa looked at me with disbelief.
“It’s a very complicated story. Our ‘brooms’ are complicated ‘machines’ that we pilot… um… drive… like wagons, but through the sky, so that we can protect the people of Antarra easier. As I said: very complicated.”
Teresa narrowed her eyes a moment. “These ‘Mechanical Brooms’… were they used to defeat the invading forces of Lord Christophe?”
“Not a one, Teresa. We- my Valkyrie and I- the twelve of us, as well as the brave, mounted Knights of Norge’s Heath met on an honorable field of battle using only hand to hand, arrow, blade, and spear. Use of our brooms would have been dishonorable and vastly unfair.”
“You speak of these Brooms as if they held the power of the Goddess Christina in each and every one… however many they should be.”
I remained quiet for an uncomfortably long moment as I debated how to tell this woman that each Broom could probably destroy this planet.
“I see. Being the Goddess’ mother you have powers all your own. Might I be permitted to gaze upon one of these ‘brooms’ without my soul being lost or cursed?”
A knock on my office door signaled a visitor.
“My queen, pardon this interruption. Pegasus has just informed me that ‘Surf’s Up’ has requested and been given permission to launch. The filed flight plan lists the Keep as one of its destinations.”
“Thank you, Galantry. I expected as much.” I nodded.
“Colleen? Is Aquia okay?”
“Alert the Lookouts and Guards to clear the Keep’s Atrium; to expect strange windstorms and other strange occurrences.”
Galantry nodded and left, closing the door softly.
“Do you trust me, Teresa?” I asked my visitor.
“Shouldn’t I, Colleen?” She was quick to answer.
“I want to make sure you feel comfortable, Teresa. What I’m about to reveal about myself may not sit well in some social circles and I do not want to frighten you.”
“Colleen, my son’s interest just vanished before my eyes. I hardly think you can do anything worse.”
I smiled and both of us were standing just outside in the Keep’s Atrium. Sobbing immediately erupted beside me as Thomas’ mother broke into terrified tears.
“Yes, Teresa, I am a Valkyrie also- a ‘witch’ in the common tongue.” I said as I observed her for signs of life.
“Teresa, we need to step back and give Surf’s Up room to land.” I nudged strongly as the winds within the Keep’s open center garden began to pick up.
“Hooooooowwww big…is… is this ‘broom’?” She stuttered in terror.
“Don’t worry,” I reassured, “Aquia is a very competent pilot.”
Teresa stared at me as if she had just met one of the Arachnoid ‘Subspecies’ that Christina had told me about.
“But this garden has to be twenty strides sq-!” Teresa questioned just as the whirlwinds really strengthened.
As quickly as it had started, the violent windstorm ceased and the barren, unkempt ‘green space’ in the hollow center of the Keep went eerily silent.
Aquia’s head suddenly appeared about ten feet above the naked, dry soil. I thought Teresa would crumble, but she instead steadied herself on my shoulder.
She was shaking violently.
Aquia floated out of her cockpit and gracefully landed on the vacant ground then casually walked over to us, though she seemed apprehensive.
“I see Pegasus alerted Galantry, majesty?”
“She is acting Duty Officer today.” I nodded politely, closing my eyes momentarily.
“Lady Teresa, I now ask that you trust me. If you truly think of me as a daughter, I feel all that I am must be revealed. I wish to hold no secrets in our possible relationship, nor do I wish any harm.” Aquia carefully said as she stopped in front of the terrified, trembling woman desperately supporting herself on my shoulder.
“I-I-I find all of what I have seen in the last hour less than believable, Lady Aquia, Queen Colleen. Might we continue this imagining and hope for a quick ending that does not have me ridden of my faculties?” Teresa gulped and presented her free hand to my Coven sister.
Christina and Chance were suddenly standing to my free side.
“Lady Aquia,” Chance asked, “is this completely necessary? I understand that you want complete disclosure between you and Lady Teresa Miller, but it could be just a little too much for her to grasp all at once.”
“I understand the risks, High Priestess, but I also feel she is strong-willed enough and needs to know ‘who’ and ‘what’ I am; also ‘why’ I might be taking Thomas away from her for long periods of time.” Aquia explained as she gently took Teresa’s hand and began slowly guiding her back to a still invisible Surf’s Up.
With an uncontrollable shriek from the older woman, Aquia and Teresa began to float off the ground and began to disappear as Aquia got her future Mother-in-law seated and buckled into her second seat.
A few minutes later both vanished from sight as Aquia closed Surf’s Up’s canopy.
“Holy abduction, High Priestess! Will we ever see Ladies Aquia and Teresa set foot on Antarra-firma again?” Christina vamped with a huge grin.
“Excuse me, Goddess Christina? Have you seen momma? The guards suggested she and Her Majesty were out here?” Sara Miller asked as she exited the Keep’s Atrium door.
Just then the violent windstorm began again and Sara gasped in fear as our attention was drawn to the strange occurrence.
“Where did that harsh wind come from?” Sara inquired as she shaded her face from the wind, dust, and debris being kicked up.
“Chance, Surf’s Up. Please toggle your camo field a moment.” Chance said over her comm.
Surf’s Up, in all her chrome-skinned splendor, appeared for a brief enough moment to elicit gasps from those around us. Christina held Sara firmly upright until she regained consciousness.
“Goddess? What was that? What manner of material could reflect the sun’s brightness and not be glass?” Sara asked, confused after regaining consciousness.
“It is a metal similar to that which makes a sword or dagger.” Chance answered sagely.
“But it was flying, Lady Chance!”
“We call them our ‘Brooms’, Lady Sara. They allow us to protect this entire planet in short order. Aquia’s Broom is named Surf’s Up.”
“She named her broom?”
“It’s a long, wondrous story that I’ll let Aquia tell. I believe you are also scheduled for a ride in Surf’s Up.”
“I am? Why?”
“Because Aquia wishes for no secrets to remain between you, your mother, and her… or us.” I answered somewhat cryptically.
Ten or so minutes later the whirlwinds kicked back up and as before quieted a moment later. Aquia and Teresa’s head appeared hanging in the air. Aquia wasted no time in floating up, turning, and reaching in towards Sara’s mother. Both then floated up to completely reappear and then floated to the ground.
Teresa looked worse for wear as her feet touched the dusty ground and wobbled a few times- Aquia fully supporting her until she regained her footing.
Sara ran toward her mother.
“Momma! Momma, are you alright?”
“Mother is just shaken from her first ride in Surf’s Up, Sara. If you wish it, I offer the same rare experience. Hopefully though, you will fare better when your feet again touch the ground?” Aquia answered.
“It is quite humbling, Sara. Although terrifying for this old body of mine, it is quite wondrous… far beyond anything one could ever dream. I assure you I am not hurt, and you should accept your sister’s amazing offer.” Teresa said after composing herself to where she could stand on her own.
“Sister? I offer you a ride of a lifetime.” Aquia smiled and gently held out her hand to her.
After a few minutes the harsh winds started up again.
“Majesty? Queen Colleen? May I approach?” Sara Miller knocked on the doorframe to my office.
I looked up from the few parchments lying before me for evaluation and smiled to the teen.
“Enjoy your Broom ride, pumpkin?”
Her eyes got all dreamy. I swear I could see the stars shining in them!
“Oh yes, Colleen! I could never have imagined something so amazing… so exciting! I still feel it was all a dream.”
“I felt the same way when my Christina first took me aboard Pegasus on her arrival at my old home.”
“Pegasus?” Sara repeated. “Is that the name of the Goddess’ Broom?”
“It is our High Priestess’ base ship, pumpkin. With it they travel the heavens providing protection to peoples in severe need.”
“You all travel the heavens? Like how the Goddess does?”
Aquia and Sara had been gone for over an hour and I found myself wondering where they had gone in that time; knowing the velocity the Brooms could achieve.
“We witches aren’t as powerful as Christina, pumpkin, but we do try to keep the peace and do her good works.” I answered truthfully.
She nodded in acceptance.
“Do you think Thomas will voice his intentions to her, Colleen?” She asked to change the subject.
“If he hasn’t already, I expect soon. Why?”
“I like her, majesty. Aquia has already gained my heart. She is the big sister I never had.”
I began to giggle. A broad smile filled my face as I began to laugh.
“I think Aquia will make Thomas very happy, and like-wise, Thomas will make Aquia very happy too, Sara.”
“Must you go so soon, girls?” Colleen again tried to get us to stay longer. It had been another two months of medieval life, portraits, galas, and… the politics. Yuk! Politics!
We had traveled by royal carriages and were standing just into the large meadow where Pegasus remained cloaked.
“Sorry, Colleen, you’ve used that question one too many times. We have to get back to base in case the Way decides to throw something worse than Hoblins at us. I’m sure Christina will be back for frequent visits, and I suspect she too has a lot of work to do here.” I shook my head and smiled pensively.
“It was worth the try.” She grinned back. “Louis and I are gonna miss you guys.”
“Relax! We’ll all get together for Sinae’s baby shower- and don’t forget you’re all invited to the Royal Mansion.” I hinted as I extended my senses for Aquia and Thomas. I expected Surf’s Up to arrive at any moment. The plan was for Aquia to land beside Pegasus for proper goodbyes.
Though it wouldn’t do any good, Teresa and Sara Miller continued to scan the sky for our sister’s broom.
“Chance, Water Lily. ETA.” I activated my comm.
“Starting landing translation now, Chance.”
“Understood.” I answered.
“Water Lily?” Teresa seemed confused.
“Aquia’s ‘Call sign’. It’s an age-old tradition where we come from.”
“Oh. That’s a very pretty sounding…um… ‘Call sign’? What’s a ‘water lily’?”
“Umm… It’s a flower found on a planet we visited, that grows in water- huge green leaves that look like a pad floating on the water… white, multi-petal...”
“Our ‘Floating Nymph Bloom’: ‘Nyphae-Aquius’, Sugar Plum,” Aunt Cora interrupted with Antarra’s name for the flower.
Teresa nodded her understanding of the common name, but tilted her head slightly as she recognized some of the Antarran cousin’s technical name. Did she catch the coincidence there?
Being farther away from the LZ, the wind from Surf’s Up’s maneuvering emitters was a barely noticeable breeze. Aquia and Thomas soon appeared and floated to the ground.
While Aquia, Thomas, Teresa, and Sara said their goodbyes, Gretchen and Christian Norwood began their farewells to the rest of us.
“I’ll miss all of you, Chance Summers!” Gretchen hugged me tightly.
“Like I said, we’ll get together soon enough. Pegasus? Come out come out, wherever you are.” I called sweetly.
Our large, proud, gleaming chrome spacecraft materialized ten meters in front of us.
For a change, nobody lost consciousness!
I looked at the Millers curiously.
Sara noticed my attention.
“Aquia showed both mother and I what she called ‘Mini-Van’ while ‘orbiting’ our home.”
“She also told us that Pegasus was much larger.” Teresa added. That information hadn’t eased her trembling though. “Still… the size… it is very overwhelming that something so much larger than a bird can fly.”
A bright white orb of light burst into existence off to our left.
“Please excuse the interruption, High Priestess.” Christina said as the orb faded and she walked out of what remained toward us.
“Problems, Lt. Everhardt?” I asked.
“Yes, but first…” She pointed to Teresa and then Sara, “You and you. Stand up. You both are one of us and you both know I don’t go in for the worship stuff.”
Wait… what? They were one of us?
“Christinaaaaaa?” I growled in displeasure. “I thought we were going to go easy on the ‘activations’?”
“It was unavoidable, High Priestess. Our future trek to Aunt Cora’s Mansion will require their participation.”
I nodded then looked over to our two embedded reporters. “That information should be redacted from any article you two have pending.” I mentioned matter-of-factly. “Christina and/or Savanna’s predictions should never be included in any story. Trade secrets you understand.”
“Understood, Chance.” Sohn nodded. “We’ve kind of accepted what we can and cannot publish. Not that the public would even believe half of what we’ve seen so far.”
Cleo groaned in agreement as she purposely flattened the pleats of her ‘period’ dress. “It will just feel so good to be free of my disguise.”
“So, Sweetie? The problem?” Louis prompted to reassert the reason for her flamboyant arrival and visit.
“Oh… yeah… so… Captain Serangetti and all currently ‘away’ crewmembers have been recalled. Mare De Tempest has received orders and is being ordered to the Upsilon System after taking on humanitarian aid supplies. Severe tectonic disruptions on three of the eight continents have really screwed-up their infrastructure- transportation, utilities, sanitation...”
“Has Witch Corps also been requested?”
“Chairman Englert is considering that action at this very moment, High Priestess.” Christina answered with a solemn nod. “Jamie has also expressed her interest to rejoin the Coven for the mission.”
“Well, that’s our cue to hit the road, girls!” I raised my voice. “Colleen? You and Louis take care now, and we’ll see each other again soon.”
Another round of ‘hugs and kisses’ ensued before we were actually free to board Pegasus. Christina hadn’t disappeared and was standing with her mother and father along with the Norwoods and the Millers close to the tree line.
Colleen, Louis, Gretchen, Christian, Teresa, Sara, and Christina waved as we gently gained altitude. Aquia and Thomas had floated into Surf’s Up’s cockpit and were waiting their turn to takeoff.
“X plus three hundred meters.” Mom alerted before space instantly filled our view screen.
I covered my eyes with my hand and shook my head back and forth a few times in defeat.
“Dell? Alert Mini-Van we’re enroute for link-up after Aquia and Thomas dock; if mom will slow down enough to actually allow that.”
recorded and filed by:EFMC Cmdr. Chance Summers (MID 3533320972109)
Mission Report