Summer's Current: The Antarran Redemption 24-28

Summer's Current:
The Antarran Redemption

Antarran Redemption Hat.jpg


Chapter 24

“So, you two have anything you need to pack before we leave orbit, Mr. and Mrs. Everhardt?” I asked after watching Earth from our orbit a few minutes.
“Not really. Morgana agreed to watch the farm. She already knows when Christina will be finished with classes for the summer and when she starts the next semester, not that she’ll be on Earth by then.” Colleen answered grimly. “Sorry, that sounded so horrible. I have our monthly bills set for automatic payout- So as long as Morgana maintains our existing produce sales. She guaranteed that in return for our kind offer of free housing, she’ll keep up on the school, local, and county property taxes when they come due and keep the crops and livestock tended. To our neighbors, the farm has been sold and is being well managed. I also topped off Christina’s spending account at school. It should last for the duration Charli specified, so we’re good, High Priestess.”
I nodded.
“Chance, Lokust. Status?” I called over the comm.
“Pegasus is ready for departure at your discretion, High Priestess.” She reported eagerly.
“Navigation: Chart us a course to Antarra. Helm: Prepare to break orbit. Engineering: I want Transdimensional and Deep Space Camo as soon as we clear the debris field. Weapons: You know the routine for approaching the Antarran System’s defensive border.”
“AYE!” Everyone shouted enthusiastically and either disappeared or preceded to the elevator.
“High Priestess? Will I succeed at being ruler of a whole world?” Colleen asked, showing little confidence.
“Honestly? I really don’t know, Colleen. I’m not really the expert on Antarran history, but I do know several Coven sisters that are quite well versed?” I smiled.
All of which had disappeared and I assumed now at their stations preparing Pegasus for departure.
Savanna appeared and stood in silence as she nervously regarded the Everhardt's and me.
“A partial credit for your thoughts, munchkin?” I asked as she lowered her eyes and stared to the deck sadly.
“There was a deviation in the time sequence, mom.” She admitted quietly. “And I’m responsible for it.”
My daughter wiped her eyes of tears.
“Is it that bad, pumpkin?” Colleen Everhardt inquired cautiously.
“The man named ‘Solomon’… he now commits suicide instead of being admitted to a mental realignment facility for ten years. It’s all my fault, mom! If I hadn’t decided to show-off, I’d-”
“Stop right now, sweetie! We all let ourselves get a little out of control today.” I told her as I noticed Christina drop her head.
“So what happened to Glenn, pumpkin?’ Colleen asked of her daughter.
“As far as I know, he moved away just after my birthday, mom. I have no idea what happened to him after my… um…original departure from Earth.” Christina gulped.
“Glenn Darby considered turning himself into the authorities several different times but ultimately withdrew from society, failing to pay his debts and evacuated his home never to be seen alive again. Twelve years later, 2113, a partially decomposed corpse was found in Crawford County, near Linesville, Pennsylvania. Being badly beaten and horribly mutilated, a proper identification could not be established until DNA results confirmed his identity.” Savanna related somberly with her eyes closed. It sounded like she was reading a news stream.
“How about Garfield and Welch while you’re on a roll, Munchkin.” I asked.
“Robert Garfield tried several times to tell his wife, but the couple ultimately divorced in 2104. After the breakup, Robert went on to commit several convenience store robberies and served ten years on robbery and grand theft- auto.” She related- eyes still closed.
“Just ten for grand theft and robbery? Seems light.” Colleen posited.
“After ten years in prison, Robert Garfield was found naked and strangled to death in his cell. Several different samples of male semen were discovered during autopsy. As for Frank Welch? He was the only participant to turn himself in- and received life, but for a completely different homicide which he committed in 2109. He apparently never admitted to being part of the Everhardt conspiracy.”
“Is that what they called it, pumpkin? A conspiracy?” Colleen looked stunned.
“We are the only people in the entire galaxy that know the truth, Majesty.” Savanna revealed sadly, opening her eyes and wiping her tears.
Chance. State police incident reports have been redacted as per your orders. Historical correlation to known archives is now 100%. I have also gained access to Pollock’s system and noticed that Steven has purged his case files relating to Christian and Caroline Everhardt, and the accident- both data and media. Course has been calculated and sent to the Helm.” Charli reported. “He really didn’t need to do all that, Honey. It might have been something the ‘Cloud’ dropped anyway-.
Helm has received the course, Chance. What are we waiting for?” Mom interrupted- the usual edge to her voice.
Engineering is ready, Chance.” Simone acknowledged.
Targets! Gimme some targets! I want some targets, dammit!” Sinae demanded from Weapons.
Cousin is getting very impatient the older she gets, Chance. I’ll keep the safeties engaged for as long as I can.” Lyra giggled.
The First Officer is going to file a hostile workplace environment grievance if you don’t appease our resident divas, dear!” Lokust complained.
“Fine! Make it so, number one.” I ordered in annoyance.
Terra began to grow smaller above us as Pegasus began to break orbit. The moon began to grow larger off to the lower right of the Lounge ceiling, but quickly disappeared to be replaced by blue streaks that filled the transparent ceiling.
“Now that is beyond words!” Louis Everhardt exclaimed quietly, mostly to himself as he first took Colleen’s hand then pulled her close to wrap his arm around her waist. Both stared in complete amazement as the stars streaked by.
Antarra in forty-eight-point-four standard hours, Chance.” Charli informed us. “Current velocity is forty-eight-point- seven-six LY’s per second.
Both Everhardts’ mouths dropped open!


“So.” Louis started to say as he returned to watch the stars streak overhead. He had escorted Colleen down to Christina’s quarters to get some rest while Christina was on duty at the Engineering Console. “You ever get tired of it?”
“Of the view, hunting the bad guys, or life in general?” I asked with a comforting smile.
“Well, that first one, but do you ever grow weary of that sensation… that feeling deep inside you?” He clarified.
“The feeling? Oh, you’re latent Current?” I asked, hoping that was what he was referring to.
“Is that what you call it- ‘Current’? I guess you get callus after awhile, huh?”
“Never disregard it. Never ignore it. I’d learn to listen to your Current, Louis. Doing that has been very beneficial for me.” I recommended. “So how long have you been able to sense your Current?”
“I’ve always had that… um… feeling… of … of ‘something’? It became more apparent just after you brought Christina back to us. Thank you, by the way. It’s nice to be a family again. And even more satisfying to see her finally happy with herself, Chance.”
“Glad we could help, Louis. We only wanted Christina to be happy. She’s been through hell- as you can imagine.” I said.
“Actually, I can’t imagine what that girl went through! Fourteen hundred years! How is she still our little girl…or sane? There were so many variables at play for her to even be found by you, Chance; then even more for her to survive in deep space that long. You say she was in something called ‘Cryo-Sleep’?
“She claimed she doesn’t remember anything until we revived her back at our base.”
“Thank God for that then.”
“They have been looking out for her for quite some time, Louis.” I hinted.
Louis Everhardt tilted his head and looked at me quizzically.
I smiled and nodded my head a few times.
“Although the God may or may not have been watching, the Gods and Goddess’ of Terran Myth were certainly watching and actively supervising… as well as Christina herself.”
“Oh, like you haven’t noticed how her talents outshine the rest of our Coven by lightyears? Christina is capable of a great many things, including temporal travel- and that on a whim, Louis! Zeus, himself, has stated that Christina is far more powerf…talented than even him.”
“The Zeus? The lightning and thunder Zeus?” Louis goggled.
“Why does that surprise you so much?” I asked as I saw the tall Greek god appear behind him.
“That is the question I’d like him to answer, High Priestess.” Zeus chuckled.
‘Clean-up in the Observation Lounge’ crossed my mind!
Louis gulped as he slowly turned toward the male voice. As he turned around I noticed a very 33rd century plasma pistol appear in his left hand. He kept it behind him, out of sight.
Zeus wasted no time and grasped Everhardt’s right arm in friendship.
“It is an honor to meet you, Louis Everhardt, paternal inspiration to our Scion, Christina Everhardt.” The big guy congratulated happily.
“So? What’s the occasion, sir?” I asked, eyeing the Greek God cautiously.
“Relax, High Priestess. I have not come to challenge or even task, quest, or test this Antarran. I am here for us to become acquainted, and to answer questions that may help in understanding his daughter’s significance to the universe.” Zeus explained as he motioned for me to calm myself.
His eyes momentarily glanced to Louis. Of course he knew of the weapon.
As if sensing the Greek god’s notice, Louis’s pistol disappeared.
“I didn’t know my daughter meant so much to the gods of old, sir.” He stated courageously.
“You have a good and logical head on your shoulders, Louis Everhardt. I see the Antarrans are in very capable hands now. To answer your question, Christina is the Scion of the Universe, sir. She and she alone carries all our fates on her accomplished shoulders. To that end, her education and moral beliefs are of utmost importance. Hence, I have tasked my Valkyrie with that most sensitive and required development.”
“Valkyrie?” Louis repeated as he turned back toward me. He shook his head while holding his nose in thought.
“Ya know? Of course… why didn’t I see it in the first place- after all, it only makes sense!” He groaned in resignation then turned back to Zeus.
“So what can Christina do? Destroy the whole universe if she wanted? Reverse the ‘Big Bang’? Make it so nothing exists- anywhere?” Louis continued.
“And I’d imagine more, Louis Everhardt!” Zeus shuddered. “Christina is someone or something that I, in my vast and extended existence only imagined could exist. She is closer to the God than any of my forbearers even realized. How or why Christina chose this universe to manifest in, even the Oracles cannot divine. She is the ultimate anomaly and exception. Some would even title her the Alpha and the Omega.”
“It sounds as if you’re terrified of my daughter, sir. Christina wouldn’t hurt a fly!”
“But I am, Louis Everhardt! And, it is not the flies I am worried she might extract her wrath on.”
“So you fear what she might do? Why? What have you and the other Gods done to deserve such punishment?”
“Punishments aren’t only dispensed to criminals and naughty children, Louis Everhardt. Punishments have also been given for the amusement of the giver.”
“Are you saying that Christina is malevolent?” Louis jumped to that conclusion instantly.
“The probability and option is always present.” Zeus answered sadly.
“She would never do that! Not our Christina! No! Not possible, sir!” Louis objected vehemently!
“Wasn’t it once said in a ‘Blockbuster’ Terran movie, that ‘With ultimate power comes ultimate responsibility’?” Zeus posed in response.
“Colleen and I brought our daughter up to be unbiased, just, and moral, sir! I have never known her to be violent or immoral!”
“And for that fact we Olympians have restrained ourselves from taking any actions… ineffective as they would be…”

Chapter 25

One standard hour until the Antarran defensive border, Chance.” Link announced from Navigation.
“Can Lyra take the safeties off now, Chance? Pleeeease?” Sinae begged pathetically.
“Withdrawals?” Mom said as she turned to me, but looked sideways at Sinae.
“Effin’ ‘A’ right! My finger’s been itchy since we left Terra!” Sinae bitched. I hadn’t seen her like this in several years.
“My Queen! Such vulgarity!” Tau scolded.
“Oh, up your’s, Tau! I wanna KILL somethin’!” Kitty Sinae snarled!
“As you wish, my queen.” Tau backed down and became very quiet at the back of the bridge.
“Hey. You okay, Sinae?” I asked gently- standing and walking over to her.
“Just feeling a little irritable today, Chance. I’m sorry, Tau. Sorry, everybody. I’m not feeling myself today.” She apologized, first to Tua then to everyone on the bridge.
“Why don’t you go below and take out some of that ‘irritability’? I wasn’t planning on announcing our arrival this time. Remember, we need to be two thousand years earlier in Antarra’s history. So sorry, we’re not going to blow up anything until possibly after we get back to our own time, Sinae.” I explained.
“A prudent decision considering Antarra was not allied with Terra or FeLane at this time in our history.” Aunt Cora agreed from her jump seat at the rear of the bridge.
“When we get there, put us into a geo-sync-plus-four thousand meters orbit above Norge, but remain cloaked.” I ordered.
“Aye, Chance.” Mom acknowledged crisply.
“Christina? I need you, Louis, and Colleen on the bridge in one standard hour.”
Copy, Chance. We’ll be there.


“It hasn’t changed much since the last time I saw it.” Colleen admitted in awe and relief of being ‘home’ again. “Granted I’d never been in orbit above Antarra, but I can remember seeing images from our orbital stations.”
“Several of the Governmental Buildings are missing by my reckoning, Peach Pie.” Aunt Cora said and began pointing out where the diplomatic wing of her royal mansion and the spaceport had yet to be built.
“Oh. My. God! Is this it? Is this Antarra, Aunt Cora? It’s beautiful!” Christina screeched as she- being the last to arrive- stopped and asked- dumbfounded.
“It is the Antarra of today; roughly the same one I left sixty-three years ago, pumpkin.” Colleen answered proudly and still a bit excited.
“But we’ll need to see the Antarra of two thousand-forty-six years ago, Scion, so if ready I will proceed?” I heard Nike reply.
She hadn’t asked this time to assume control and I let her know in no uncertain terms.
‘I think Christina should do it by herself this time, Lady Nike.’ I thought to her.
‘Of course, High Priestess. It escaped me how adversely affected we were last time.’
I felt Nike retreat.
“Sorry about that. Nike just got excited. She suggests you try this jump on your own, Christina.” I deferred, my hand motioning to her.
Christina Everhardt immediately started to go pale!
“I’m… I’m not sure I can do this, High Priestess.” She choked out.
“Nike says she has the utmost confidence in you, Lady Christina.”
‘I most certainly did not, High Priestess! Those are your words and not mine!’ Nike argued angrily in my mind.
“She urges you to try.” I added as I suddenly got a migraine.
Christina looked a little suspicious.
“Okay. Supposing I do this? What year am I shooting for?” She asked cautiously.
“It is written that Colleen and Louis Norge suddenly appeared right before an overpowering force of Heathens tried to lay siege on the Province heart of Norge’s Heath. So,” Aunt Cora stopped to do the math.
“Two thousand- forty-six years. The sixth segment; eighth day.” Aunt Cora paused again. “An hour before mid-day.”
“How about in Terran, Aunt Cora? I’m still not good with Antarran yearly cycles.” Christina asked.
Two thousand and one years; May fifth; 1030hrs.” Charli translated from Navigation.
“Oh, okay then. Here we go.” Christina said in slight annoyance as the huge city on our main display vanished and was replaced by forests for as far as our display’s resolution could render.
“Wow! What a difference a few thou can make!” Kate exclaimed after she whistled in appreciation.
“Charli? Could you zoom on the Keep, please?” Aunt Cora requested.
Caroline Norge seemed awestruck for a moment!
“I thought it would be bigger.” She said just above a whisper.
On the display, a smoky haze seemed to be hovering over a section of forest about five kilometers to the north.
“The opposing forces, Charli?” I asked.
It appears so, Chance. Sensors indicate about four thousand troops.
“The Royal Archives claimed the number at two thousand and ten. Chance! What changed?”
“Witch Corps hasn’t arrived on scene yet, Aunt Cora.” Savanna answered as she was suddenly standing next to Christina.
“Hey, Sinae? You still feel like killing something?” I asked over the comm.
“Thought you’d never ask!” She growled, having suddenly appeared behind Lyra’s Weapons Lockout console.
“My Lynxin sisters, you are ‘GO’ for an away mission. Whittle the opposing forces down to the required two thousand and ten, but remain unseen. It must look like an indigenous predator attack, if observed at all.”
Savanna looked to me and nodded.
“Tau. You have my bridge. Aquia? Mount up. I think we need to create some thunder in the sky- in the form of sonic booms to show the ‘Gods’’ displeasure. Kate? Since you’re the Coven pacifist, you’re at the helm. Charli, you’ll stay in Navigation and relay troop movements and other important intel…”
“Hey, now! Whoa there, Chance!” Kate interrupted. I may be a pacifist, but I like to have fun just like the next girl! Put me in, Coach!”
I noticed the bridge door had almost re-closed and Aquia was nowhere to be seen.
“High Priestess? It would be an honor to command your fine vessel and need I remind you that my AstroPiloting Certification is still valid and active.”
“Fine. Pegasus? Help our Prime Minister out if he starts getting sloppy. Dad? You too.”
Got it, Sweetie! You girls go have some fun. Tau and I can handle things up here. Wow! That girl gets faster every time she’s asked to fly! Chance, Pegasus15 is ready for departure already.
“Permission granted. Everyone stay on comm.”
Copy, P.C.; Pegasus15, Surf’s Up, ready for departure. See you in the skies above, ladies!” Aquia reported. She sounded extremely happy to be on a sortie again.
“Stay in Dynamic Camo, Water Lily.” I said with a wide smile.
Copy, Chance.
“Witch Corps! To uniforms.” I ordered.
“Everyone on the bridge popped into uniform, including Tau and Louis.
“Um… somehow I don’t think we’re very ‘stealthy’ in these uniforms, Chance.” Louis commented after clearing his throat.
“We’re wasting time, Chance!” Sinae growled as her uniform became a pastel green type camo pattern complete with a camo ‘Boonie hat’ that allowed her ears to poke through.
“Better, Louis?” She smiled, her canines very evident.
What was up with her?
Following her lead, we all changed from our normal uniforms into our ‘Forest Camo’.
“Ready for transport, Perfessor.” I winked to Christina.
We were suddenly standing in a dense conifer forest.
“Kitty, Kitten, Alley Cat. You guys fan out and start thinning their flanks. Porno, Laidy-in-Wait, Peaches, Duke, and Double-Take, you guys swing around to their frontline and keep their attention. Just pretend to be a ‘scouting’ party. Please. Stay out of arrow range?” I urged.
What about us, Chance?” Kate asked.
“We’ll go in from the back. First, let’s see what we look like with blue hair.” I told my squad.
“Ewwww! I prefer my real hair, Chance!” Mom growled.
“Fine!” I capitulated and removed our hair incantation. “Alert me when you all get into position.”
Kitty, Kitten, and Alley Cat were suddenly nowhere to be seen.
“Christina? Think you can play your ‘head games’ with these guys? Maybe pop straight into the center of their encampment and stir things up with the support staffers?”
“Aye, Chance.” She saluted and vanished.
“Savanna? Could you go to the Keep and alert the current Regent that help is being supplied by Clan Norge?” I asked into the partly clouded sky. “Give him a vague description of ruthless female warriors with blue hair, but say nothing of ‘Witch Corps’.”
I heard several female screams from far ahead of us. Christina had already started to have fun.
“Alright, ladies! Disable, disarm, and immobilize. Kill only as necessary. Move out!” I ordered.

Chapter 26

“So. Tell me again how this is going to distract anyone?” Coraline asked sarcastically as we appeared on a slight ridge that I hoped obscured the five of us from the invaders lookouts’.
“We need the lookouts of the Keep to see us, Sugar Plum. This way they know that we are on their side.”
No sooner after I had said that, I heard the thunder of horse hooves approaching from behind us.
“Those idiots! They’ll get us all killed!” I said as I slowly backed down from the ridge and hurried down the four-meter natural embankment to head the horsemen off before we were all detected.
“Whoa!” The lead rider commanded as I courageously waved my hands to stop them.
“You idiots!” I hissed, “You want to get us all killed!”
“It is you that shall be dispatched if you do not surrender, bosomy whore! Fetch your handler for I want an explanation!”
“Get off the damn horse and fetch him yourself, asshole!” I commanded and produced my wand.
With just a flick he and his five comrades were standing beside their mounts, completely flabbergasted!
“A witch? What meddlesome chaos do you wish to conjure! We have enough of that with yonder invaders!”
“We’re here to help protect the Keep, now back those grass burners off so we don’t alert ‘yonder’ horde!” I continued angrily as I pointed back toward the Keep.
He seemed stymied a moment.
“Such strange use of language! Never the less, even though a witch, you will not give orders to the king’s advanced guard!” He pushed.
Christina was suddenly at my side glaring at the soon to be dead soldier. Six loud gasps risked alerting the opposition as to our whereabouts.
“Lady Caroline? I thought I advised to remain unseen by the invaders of my favored peoples. Lady Colleen Norge, when I assigned this challenge to you and your Valkyrie, I expected more finesse and definitely more competence!
“Goddess Christina, these men rode out from the Keep! I have yet to determine why they would do so when your commands were very specific. I had to thwart their advance as they almost violated our optimum observational location. But, as we speak, my other two squads are positioning themselves to reduce the enemy’s number.” Colleen explained- per our planning session earlier in the flight- as she reached the bottom of the hill.
“So the Assassins? They accepted your invitation as I prophesized?” Christina challenged.
“Exactly as you foretold, Goddess Christina.” Colleen smiled and bowed courteously. “With your blessing we might just win the day for Norge’s Heath!”
“Then you have my blessing, Colleen Norge, leader of the legendary Norge Clan and rightful heir to Norge’s Heath!” Christina smiled brightly, winked, and began to emit a moderate intensity, pure white light before she disappeared.
Again I heard the gasps of the soldiers.
Out of all of us, she seemed to be having the most fun.
“Will you six shut the hell up?! I will kill you all myself if the horde doesn’t find us first!” Simone growled viciously as she pointed to our new- noisy- arrivals with an extremely sharp looking curved sword she produced from behind her back. It was almost as long as she was tall.
I wondered how she could make use of such an immense weapon. Yet she wielded it with noble grace and great skill.
“Goddess forgive me, but if these simpletons create anymore noise or distraction, end them, Lady Simone!” Colleen commanded.
“Are you sure she should do that, my mate? They are the very citizens we are here to defend.” Louis countered quietly.
“The order still stands, Lady Simone!” Colleen growled.
“Still wondering who is in charge around here, Magistrate?” I questioned, finally remembering the ancient military and civilian ranks.
“That was the one true Goddess? Goddess Christina, Earth Mother of Antarra?” The conscripted civilian soldier whispered loudly.
It seemed he was still a few paragraphs short of keeping up.
Simone quickly and sinuously dropped into her ‘attack’ pose and snarled menacingly. Apparently, Kitty was more influential than I thought.
“I would never chance worship of any false Goddess, Magistrate. My sisters, my husband, and I all took oath to only worship the true Goddess of Antarra. To consider doing otherwise would result in fates much worse than death!” I answered reverently.
“Guards of the Regency! Return to the Keep to send word of our arrival at the battlefront. Clan Norge’s Valkyrie are here to protect what is rightfully Lady Colleen’s throne. Convey to the Regent that after reconnoitering the horde, representatives of Clan Norge shall arrive to discuss defensive tactics. Go now and prepare!” Colleen declared, thus guaranteeing what was written in Antarra’s history books was validated.
“It shall be done, majesty!” The Magistrate bowed with his fist to his chest then motioned his comrades back to the Keep.
We waited silently for the men to walk their horses away from our position.
“Damn girl! Fine job of sticking it to them!” I praised Colleen.
“Even I know that those morons would have called at least several dozen of the enemy down on us, Cora. It really doesn’t take a military expert to see that.”
“Understood, but you handled the situation just as I would, Majesty!” I explained as I bowed to her.
“Knock it off, Cora! I’m not the queen of anything yet. Should we continue our surveillance, or should we retreat to the Keep?” She warned.
“Our job is to create a distraction for our sisters to dwindle the enemy, Majesty.” Coraline reminded.
“Link is absolutely correct, Cora. We should disperse and begin our diversions. “Peaches, Witch Corps. The royals are in the house.” Colleen reported as she activated her Comm pendant.
Copy, Peaches. Let the festivities begin.” Chance answered.
Simone headed away to our right. Coraline to our left while I motioned for Colleen and Louis to move a few meters back in the direction of the Keep.
“Not a chance in hell, Cora!” Colleen hissed. This horde is my responsibility to vanquish. Now let’s do this!”
My sister conjured a very ornate longbow, set a very deadly looking arrow to it, pulled back, and aimed. Taking a deep breath, she centered herself, smiled, mumbled at few words, and let fly the archaic projectile.
THIS IS MY LAND AND YOU SHALL NOT HAVE IT!” She shouted at the top of her lungs!
We heard several screams of agony from about three hundred meters in front of us.
“Remind me to thank Kate for her incantation. The magical guidance system she told me about works amazingly well on these primitive weapons. Also… Louis? Thank you for teaching me archery, dear.”
“It was my pleasure, my warrior queen.” He replied with a bow and a satisfied smile.
“Real subtle, sister. That definitely got their attention.” Simone said over Comm.
It’s dismemberment time!” Kitty exclaimed, though a little too enthusiastically I thought.
Kitty Sinae:
Had I just proclaimed that? What had taken root in me to facilitate such aggression? I had only experienced this much animosity after Chance and Lokust had freed Dell, Simone, and I from conscription almost nine years ago aboard the Mare!
I stopped to think about that and noticed the carnage I had unconsciously brought around me.
Several fast-approaching armed warriors quickly reminded me of a soldier’s first rule: remain attentive; your life depends on it!
Kitten, Kitty. Cuz? Is there some unknown strain or tension in your life that we had not known about? It seemed like you were indulging a little too deeply in this endeavor. Remember that the comms are open, so we heard everything, my queen.
“Something about these Antarrans just irritates me to no end, cousin! The aggression stays paramount. I cannot define a cause for it. Ah! I’ve got the drop on a dozen more!” I said as I again went into action.
Once again I collected myself and was astonished by what I saw around me!
“I did all that? I don’t remember any of this! ARRRRRRHHHWWWWggg! What good is inflicting destruction if I don’t remember doing it?!”
“Did I just say that?”
You did, my queen. Whatever the cause, Kitten and I offer our support.” Greer’s voice tried to comfort.
Her voice sounding so much like mine though, I thought it my conscious.
“Assume it some ‘temporal’ bloodlust for now and continue our mission, sister. I beg you.”
Kitty! Swing around to your left for one hundred-twenty meters and re-engage. Sensors indicate a bulge in that flank. Kitten? Start sliding to your three and meet Alley Cat somewhere in the middle. Chance, you are approaching the encampment. Please be careful, sweetie.” Charli advised. She sounded very concerned when calling my name.
“Kitty copies.” I said as I stealthily hurried off.
So far all those that saw me would never again speak about what dispatched them.
Alley Cat copies.
Kitten, copies.
Got it Seeker.
Chance?” Hope called over comms. “I’m coming up on Kitty’s initial engagement point. By the Goddess! The carnage! To say the land runs red with blood is a vast understatement!
More savages were arriving…


Cousin? I fear your involvement is becoming too intimate. Please retreat to regroup to enable some modicum of recovery.” Lyra urged.
“I concur with Kitten, my lady.” Christina whispered from behind me. “It seems your passion for combat has aggressively presented itself. Continuing such behavior would not maintain your healt-.
The claws of my right hand were embedded in her left arm just below the shoulder and my eyes bulged as I noticed her bleeding out from the five deep wounds!
What had I just done!
As I fell to my knees, I realized I was back on Pegasus. Christina held me tightly in her arms as I began to cry heavily.
I hadn’t meant to attack my sister, why had I done that? Even now I could feel the urge to protect- to attack- to dispatch anything or one that came near me.
“Lady Kitty, you are not yourself today. Though, you have completed your assigned task. The northeastern flank has been reduced as expected.” Christina comforted as she looked up and behind me with sad eyes. “It is now time for you to seek peace and rest, my courageous sister-in-arms.”
Somehow that statement sent shivers through me and I began to retaliate then felt a relaxing fog come to me.
“No! please don’t…”

Chapter 27

“Christina?” Lokust asked as I carefully picked our sister off the deck. “What did she mean ‘please don’t put me down’?”
I gulped loudly.
“In my time, you ‘put down’ a sick animal- sometimes a sickly beloved pet- to put them out of their misery. Some referred to it as ‘putting them to sleep’. It is considered a more humane way of saying ‘euthanized’.” I explained as tears ran down my face and plunged to the floor from my chin.
“No! You didn’t jus-?” She exclaimed in horror!
“No! I just sedated her so she can rest, and also so we can determine what is going on.” I told her calmly.
“I think I’ve seen these exact symptoms in the past, Christina. Many times in fact.” Charli said as she appeared in my open doorway.
“I too have seen or heard tell of such behavior.” Tau added as he followed Charli into my room, though he had a quirky grin hiding just below his concerned expression.
“Okay?” I prompted to either one of them.
I’ve only noticed it in Lynxin females, Christina. Let me scan her to verify my theory.” Charli said as she conjured her DataTab and began scanning it over Kitty’s slumbering body.
Charli sighed, rubbed her nose in frustration, looked to Tau, and gave a slight nod.
Tau’s well-disguised grin emerged.
“About one standard month.” Charli reported.
I gasped, having done my own impromptu scan. “She’s gonna be so pissed!” I exclaimed.
Major, Seeker. We have a sit-rep on Kitty yet? Is it what we both think? Yes or no?
“Yes, but Christina gave her a sedative. She’s getting some much needed rest at the moment.”
Oh! She’s gonna be soooo pissed!” Hope sounded like she was laughing.
Major, Seeker. We have a sit-rep on Kitty yet? Is it what we both think? Yes or no?
Yes, but Christina gave her a sedative. She’s getting some much needed rest at the moment.
Oh! She’s gonna be soooo pissed!
Lady Hope sounded like she was laughing? It suddenly dawned on me why she was doing that.
Just as I smiled at the realization, I spotted Greer heading in my direction.
“I think we’re done here, Kitten” She said quietly. “Most of the enemy soldiers have retreated into a dense central group nearer their encampment. Our guerilla tactics are no longer useful.” She advised as we met, hugged, and dropped low for cover.
“Why was Major laughing at our queen’s overly aggressive behavior?” She asked quietly in confusion.
“I have heard tell of this condition, Alley Cat. It is not life threatening…well, only if it manifests on the battlefield- as we have seen- of course.”
“She’ll be okay though, right?” She asked innocently as we silently made our way to rendezvous with Chance.
“Our Queen will be fine, Greer. It’s PM Tau I am worried for.” I giggled quietly.
A hand on my shoulder stopped my progress.
“You mean she’s…?”
“Looks like you’re going to be an Aunt, Alley Cat.” I smiled brightly.
Greer gasped! “She’s gonna be so, so pissed!”
Caroline Norge:
Major, Seeker. We have a sit-rep on Kitty yet? Is it what we both think? Yes or no?
Yes, but Christina gave her a sedative. She’s getting some much needed rest at the moment.
Oh! She’s gonna be soooo pissed!
“Oh, you gotta be shittin’ me!” I exclaimed as I heard the conversation over our comms.
“What’s up, Cora?” Louis asked as he came up to where I was on point.
“The damn Lynxin is going to have a kit or kitten in eight standard months!”
“What?” Louis choked.
“She’s just like her great-grandma! She couldn’t keep her legs together either!” I spat.
“Jealous much, Aunt Cora?” Simone giggled.
I stopped walking and turned back to my squad.
“Hardly!” I hrumphed before turning and resuming our trek to the Keep at Norge’s Heath. “I prefer to adopt my heirs. Less painful. Easier on the royal figure.”
“I wouldn’t be against it, Aunt Cora.” Coraline admitted. The look on her face as I looked back only strengthened her statement.
“Which? Your adoption or your desire of birthing offspring?” I asked with a wry grin. “Cause, in order to do that second thing, you definitely need to be more than ‘against’ ‘it’, Sugar Plum!”
Coraline rolled her eyes at me, but a slight grin formed on her lips.
“Oh, you are the naughty Norge, Coraline!” I laughed as she instantly blushed and dropped back.
“You know…Momma always told stories about you royals.” Colleen laughed. “I can honestly say she was only half right!”
We had arrived at the first of many villages that surrounded the Keep. The tiny, very poor, settlement of maybe eight ramshackle structures was completely deserted except for the occasional stray livestock wondering here and there. We continued to walk through the village toward the next closer village being ever mindful of our surroundings.
“Strange that everyone appears to have evacuated to the Keep, isn’t it?” Louis observed. “I mean… there are always some pig-headed individuals that think they can outlast the coming storm.”
“Of course we’re being watched, Louis.” Simone confided, unbothered. “Six to our ten; three on our five; one whelp following at several dozen meters just seven on our six, and that guy up in the rafters high up on our two.” Simone listed- pointing in each specified position then finally pointing to the person on a thatched roof livestock building off to our slight right that quickly ducked back out of view.
“Porno, Chance. We have stockers. Might need Kitten and Alley Cat as back up.”
Copy, Porno. Kitten and Alley Cat copy?
On our way, Porno. Kitten, out.
I nodded to Simone. “Fetch the Whelp, sister?”
“I’ll be right back,” She said as she disappeared and quickly returned holding a mid-teens boy tightly by his ragged collar.
“Why are you following us?” She demanded.
“You’re a witch? What do you want here…with us?” He dared, though I could tell he was about to soil himself.
“We’re all witches, Sugarpie.” I smiled. “Now please answer my sister’s question.”
“You were watching the invaders. I was curious; why would you all do that?” He answered honestly. “You even loosed an arrow into their number. I have never witnessed a single arrow dispatch three armored men before.
“Why do you think we would be doing that, Sugarpie?” I proposed.
“I was hoping that maybe, just maybe, you might be here to help us repel Lord Christoff’s army.” He shrugged his shoulders.
“Smart lad.” Louis praised placing a hand in his shoulder. “And how did you arrive at such an interpretation, son?”
“My lord,” The boy bowed, “the witches… they all have ‘Sky hair’. Most of us have hair of Earth or Fire or Coal or wheat. I’ve only seen a ‘Sky hair’ once, and not an hour prior.”
“And who was this ‘Sky-hair’ you observed previous to us?” Simone asked with narrowed eyes.
“I know not her name, but she appeared as you did to me but surrounded in pure white light, my lady.” He replied.
“The Goddess Christina!”
As we had discussed earlier, I gasped and looked to my group dramatically and proclaimed, “The boy has seen our Goddess! The Goddess Christina is watching and protecting us! With her favor we will win this day, sisters and brother!”
“That was the Goddess Christina? She was beautiful and very kind to me, and she even gave me food and drink! She suggested I follow and supplement the next ‘Sky-hairs’ I see. That’s you, right?” He asked, completely enamored by meeting an actual Goddess.
“Majesty? What are we to do with the child since the Goddess has smiled upon him?” Coraline asked Colleen while bowing to her.
“Wait! You’re royalty?” The boy asked stupidly.
He was suddenly on his knees, head bowed to the dirt of the trodden path.
“Forgive me, majesty! I had no thought as to who you were.” He pleaded.
“Son? Please stand.” Louis sighed as he walked over and reached to help the respectful youth up. “You are more than welcome in the company of Lady Colleen and her Valkyrie- all being of Clan Norge. We require no prostration, but we would simply ask your friendship and possibly your loyalty… after we earn it, that is.”
The youngster gave us all a very strange look and remained quiet for a few minutes as he apparently tried to figure us out.
“Clan Norge you say? I’ve heard of you. According to the Goddess you are the fiercest fighters in all the lands- and the most honorable. She told me that your Clan once ruled over Norge’s Hea…”
The proverbial light came on over his head.
“You are here to liberate us and reclaim what is rightfully yours? The Goddess is truly wise and all-seeing!” He gushed excitedly.
Colleen turned, set an arrow, and let it fly so fast that I had almost no time to jerk out of the way.
A man in heavy metal armor on horseback rode into view behind us from the distant enemy line. He fell, lifeless, just before we moved out of the galloping steed’s way. A large hole- but no arrow- in his chest indicated the probable cause of his demise.
Simone walked over and rolled the corpse over.
“It was a through-and-through, majesty. Nice shot!” She reported.
“How was the arrow not stopped by his battle armor, majesty?” The boy asked, baffled by such a feat.
Simone quietly held her hand out and conjured the blood stained projectile in her upturned palm.
“Enchanted arrows.” She grinned.
“Have you a name, Sweetiepie?” I asked placing a hand on his shoulder as Simone handed the retrieved arrow back to Colleen.
“Thomas, my ladies. Thomas of Norge’s Mill. My village is several stones’ throw away in that direction.” He answered and pointed over to our left, into a lush, forested valley.
“So what brings you into such close proximity of the invading forces, Thomas?” I asked.
“The Regent; he called for young agile men to go forth and gather important information of the enemy’s whereabouts.” Thomas answered.
“So you’re a spy for the Regent. Doesn’t he already employ scouts, pumpkin- experienced scouts that better know the trade?” Colleen responded.
“Those skilled men he retains around the Keep to maintain security and morale, majesty. I am honored to be called into the Regent’s service.”
You’re expendable!” Colleen accused angrily then looked to me. “Why sentence a kid to certain death and define it as an ‘honorable service to this Regent? He sounds like a coward to me!”
“You call the Regent a coward, majesty?’ Thomas asked, confused.
“I do indeed! Why would any competent ruler hold his experienced scouts- the men best equipped to carry out the needed reconnaissance- within the Keep just for ‘security’ and ‘morale’? I would think the Keep’s Guards better suited to those issues, while the army and scouts do their designed tasks.” Colleen continued, anger still tingeing her voice.
“It is most strange now that you mention it. Now I feel conflicted by the Regent’s decries, majesty.” Thomas answered with finger and thumb holding his chin.
“Are we still being watched, Simone?” Colleen asked quietly.
“You speak of the men to either side lying in ambush? I have seen only two of them on my few visits to the Keep.”
“Let’s meet them, shall we?” Colleen grinned evilly. Coraline, Simone, and I returned her grin and I concentrated on where I wanted to transport to.
“Hey, boys! I don’t suppose you’d want to come with me quietly, would you?” I said in a cheerful voice as I appeared behind three men- each hidden behind individual trees.
“You! How?”
I called my standard uniform.
“Um, witch?” I continued to smile as I pointed to my pointy hat.
“Hah! With clothing like that, outlandish whore?”
“That was the wrong thing to say!” I warned as I conjured my wand and took quick aim.
The ground and pain came quickly as I found myself face down in the dirt. As I wrestled with my unknown assailant, I wondered why my early warning system hadn’t alerted me to a fourth member of this group.
Our continued struggle saw me ultimately pinning my attacker, back to the ground, and him smiling broadly and hungrily.
“So! You like it rough?” I declared as I easily held him on his back, my legs splayed just below his hips thereby pinning his legs.
He began to laugh haughtily.
A whoosh of air past me and the sound of three men getting their bells rung caught my attention. I noticed Lyra had arrived and quickly subdued the other members of the group.
Although this was a very interesting exchange- one that promised some excitement on any other day- one punch and my attacker joined his cohorts in brutally instilled unconsciousness.
“Now is not the time to indulge, Aunt Cora!” Lyra giggled playfully.
“This one- depending on which side his loyalties fall- has possibilities, sister,” I said as I picked up my hat, dusted it off, and placed it back on my head. “but only after the day is won.” I decried royally. “Shall we deliver these heathens to her majesty Lady Colleen?” I suggested.
Lyra, in her Terran disguise, nodded and picked up two men on her shoulders and I in turn took the other two on mine.
Thomas’ mouth dropped open as Lyra and I arrived back to my group with our unconscious prisoners.
“I’d like a word with Lady Simone. Is she returned?” I asked as I walked past the balking young man. “She needs to learn to count better.”
“Lady Lyra. Thank you for the assist, my lady.” Colleen said in gratitude.
“I was in the neighborhood, Lady Colleen.” Lyra grinned deviously with a shrug of her shoulders.
“Majesty! I recognize these two!” Thomas exclaimed pointing to the two that Lyra had tossed to the ground. “They are two of the Regents men.”

Chapter 28

“Wake them.” Colleen ordered.
One of us, but not me, manifested two wooden buckets filled with water- each bucket hovering just above their victim. They dumped their contents simultaneously and both men startled awake.
“Why were you watching us?!” Colleen attacked with her wand pointed menacingly at them.
“We weren’t watching you!” One man declared. “Why would we spy on a wandering troop of insignificant whores?”
A blue bolt of Current shot from Colleen’s wand and struck the ground between his out-splayed legs.
I noticed Thomas gasp at her aggressive action.
“Who is insignificant here, you insolent worm?” Colleen demanded as she adjusted her aim slightly closer to his body. “Answer my question!”
“I shall not.”
“Have it your way.”
Another Current bolt came even closer to the insolent one’s crotch.
“Majesty? Why do you toy with this one when I know you much more capable than this?” Coraline seemed confused. “These men obviously hold no regard for the Goddess or her loyal followers.”
“Then maybe we instill in them the requisite reverence?” Colleen suggested as she conjured a bluish-hued hemispherical force field over the two men.
“The shield surrounding you is quite unbreakable. Each refusal to answer my questions will result in the shield collapsing a little bit more.”
The more boisterous of the two tested Colleen’s shield and jerked back as he received a moderate shock from it.
“Majesty?” Thomas called. “They have sworn allegiance to the Regent. They do his bidding exclusively.” He explained.
“The ‘Regent’ is but a placeholder- an interim representation of the Norge throne until the true heir has appeared and been elevated to her righteous position due her birthright, young Thomas!”
“You wish to depose the Regent?” The insolent prisoner questioned while his partner continued to remain quiet.
“And what business is it of yours if I do?” Colleen snarled.
“He will see you dead!” He shouted with hatred. “The Regent will not be removed from his rightful throne!”
HIS rightful throne?” Colleen cackled as her face took on a predatory grin.
“That is such a shame. Had you just answered my initial question instead of giving me more reason to dispatch you, you and your fellow would have been safely escorted to the border of this realm, however-.”
The shield’s diameter began to decrease.
“Lady Colleen? Should you not hear their case?” Lyra suggested. “I, for one, am quite interested in the foolish reasoning conveyed them disguised as orders.”
Colleen sighed.
“Goddess! I hate it when you’re right, Lady Lyra!” Colleen groaned as she dispatched her wand and the force shield, but glared at our prisoners. “Let’s hear your defense then.”
“If I may suggest a compulsion, Lady Colleen?” I offered, remembering it had worked on Eden 3 way back when.
Colleen nodded and I concentrated and gracefully ‘flicked’ my wand.
I nodded back.
“What did you just do, foul witch!?” Our boisterous prisoner demanded.
“Were you sent to kill us or at least dissuade us from arriving at the Keep?” Simone asked the first question. “Why?”
There was a brief look of extreme defiance on his face before he forcefully expelled an answer.
“To kill you all! The Regent doesn’t recognize your claim to his throne.” He spit out then looked appalled that he’d actually answered. His partner looked stunned by the admission.
“Cassius! You did not relate that part of the Regent’s orders! Why dispatch these women? Why not merely force their withdrawal?” His partner questioned.
“They are Clan Norge! It was prophesized the realm would again be ruled by that ruthless Clan when the ‘Blue-hairs’ re-appeared. The Regent demands it not happen! The prophecy said nothing about witches!” Cassius spat.
“Did you personally read that prophecy, pumpkin?” Colleen asked with a sly smirk.
Again he fought the compulsion.
“No, I have not the education to read.” He answered in severe distress.
“You can’t read, Cassius? Why, I never thought-.” His partner gasped.
“You oaf! How are you one to judge! You have not the education to read or write!”
“That is where you are wrong, my friend. I read and write quite well- in fact, I was hoping to join the Regent’s notary staff before his decree to disband the art form from the realm ten cycles ago.”
“He outlawed reading and writing?” Louis choked in disbelief.
“Is it not that way throughout the lands, my lord?”
“Hardly!” Louis hrummffed. “We embrace the written language where we’re from! Ignorance only leads to abuse of control and power, whereas literacy promotes education and in turn reasoning and morality. We are not sheep to be left ignorant and led around oblivious!”
“Here, here, Lord Louis!” Coraline, Simone, Lyra, and I cheered.
“My husband speaks the truth and without a compulsion to do so. You should take his example, Cassius.” Colleen recommended.
“You will not make it to the Keep! There are others if we do not succeed!” Cassius shouted angrily.
“There are no ‘others’.” Greer announced as she emerged from behind a large tree. She was also in her Terran disguise. “Lady Colleen, all stocking assassins from my sector have been… neutralized.”
“Very well, Lady Greer, thank you.” Colleen responded with a slight bow.
“It is an honor, my lady.” Greer returned the bow.
“Ladies Greer and Lyra, I think it prudent you two guard our rear flanks to make sure Lord Christoff’s spies don’t get any ideas.” Colleen ordered. “As for you two,” she paused to consider appropriate action, “you will be placed where you shall not cause any unnecessary diversions.”
Both men dropped into unconsciousness then promptly disappeared, as did the two other unconscious men.
“I transported them to that turret in the wall of the keep we can see through the trees.” She told us calmly as she motioned in the direction. “They’ll wake up tomorrow not remembering our encounter.
“That turret, majesty?” Thomas pointed to the Keep.
“That very one, pumpkin, why?” Colleen smiled.
“Rumors have it the Regent holds his personal concubines there, majesty.”
“Lucky bastards!” Louis grinned.
Colleen glared at Louis.
“Let’s get to the Keep before any other misguided ‘loyalists’ decide to interfere.” She recommended. “We have yet to find the Keep’s main defensive force.”
Pegasus’ VIP suite:
“Christina? I think she’s starting to come around. I’m not looking forward to this part.” Lokust worried.
“She won’t do anything too destructive.” I comforted before looking to Prime Minister Tau.
“You might want to be on high alert though, sir.” I added.
Kitty’s right fist shot into the air and Lokust barely had time to move her face out of range!
“Nice try, Sinae! I’m onto that one.” Lokust laughed as she barely avoided Kitty’s left roundhouse also.
“Where am I? What happened? Last thing I remember… Christina said she was putting… me…,” She gasped loudly, “to sleep!”
“I assure you that you are still with us and are safely aboard Pegasus, my queen.” Tau comforted, his hand moved gently to Kitty’s arm.
Kitty looked to me in fear.
“Why?” She asked- her face filled with confusion.
“You were going full-on berserker down there, Lady Kitty. The bloodlust appeared to be growing worse and, had I let things continue, the culled ranks of the opposing force would have dropped below that recorded in history. Not only that, but I was worried you might have some strange temporal illness.”
“I’m fine. Beam me back down, Christina.” She replied calmly.
“You aren’t ‘fine’, Lady Kitty; you’re pregnant.” I revealed.
“I’m…WHAT?!!!!!!!” She shouted then instantly sent ‘death rays’ toward Tau. Figuratively, thank God!
“About a standard month, Kitty.” Charli added.
Kitty began to cry.
“My queen? Kitty? I’m so, so sorry.” Tau looked defeated.
“No you aren’t, Tau. Neither of us is sorry. I just wasn’t expecting this to happen so soon.” Kitty said as she looked back at him with tear-filled eyes. “And I am the one that is sorry, my love.”
“I thought you told us a long time ago that being a Current Mage makes it tougher to get pregnant, Dad.” Lokust asked Charli.
“In Terrans, yes. Lynxins seem unaffected.” She answered. “Sometimes they seem worse than rabbits.”
I had to laugh at that, but Lokust obviously had no clue about the old axiom.
“Well? Now that you know, you have a choice, Kitty.” Charli proposed. “You can stay aboard Pegasus or Christina might find it in her heart and your wellbeing to transport you back to the surface.”
“I wish to complete the mission as planned, Charli” Kitty stood then looked to Lokust.
“Ex-O, I wish to complete the mission. I want to re-engage!”
“Only if you are chaperoned, Sinae. Tau? Would you agree to accompany Lady Kitty back to the surface?”
“I would, Lady Lokust, if Lady Christina is of like mind?” Tau answered.
“I am, Prime Minister. Would you like me to activate your disguise here or on the surface?” I asked in answer.
He nodded.
“Cora’s group is closing on the Keep’s main forces, Christina. I’m going to alert Chance so her group can rendezvous.” Charli reported calmly.
I nodded and Kitty, Tau, and I were standing slightly ahead of Aunt Cora and Mom. Simone instantly pulled her wand but lowered it after determining who we were. She hurried over to Kitty- who was now in disguise- and embraced her.
“Congratulations, sister and welcome back!” She greeted happily. Simone then offered her hand to Tau. “And congratulations to you also!” She added as they shook hands.
“Lady Charli reported that the Keep’s forces are just ahead.” I reported.
“One hundred meters.” Simone answered with a confirming nod. “Should we stand our ground?”
A sudden feeling come over me, and Simone began to look around as if searching for me.
Was I invisible?
“Christiiiiinaaa! Where did you go?” Simone hissed in annoyance, but turned around quickly.
“Halt! Identify yourselves!” A deep penatrating voice echoed from the forest.
At least two-dozen horsemen appeared ahead of us out of the trees.
“My Ladies. Hold.” Mom requested calmly as she held her fist skyward.
“Commander! Blue-hairs! Four of them!” The rider to the left of the lead horseman whispered loudly.
Counting me there should have been five ‘blue-hairs’. I must be invisible!
Their leader simply and silently held up his gauntleted right hand to silence the murmurs that erupted following that voiced observation.
“Introducing Lady Colleen Norge of Clan Norge and her Valkyrie, sir knight.” Daddy announced with a bow toward the horsemen.
“Ah, so you are them that have been prophesized to regain this realm’s throne. The Regent warned us of you ‘blue-hairs’.”
“So we have heard, sir knight. We have recently engaged two of the Regent’s… men.” Mom responded calmly.
“Then you know the Regent has ordered your heads.” He said nodding sadly.
“Aye, and you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that will not come to pass.” Mom smiled wickedly.
“I have read the prophecy, yes, but I cannot disobey my standing orders, my ladies.”
“Strange. The two gentlemen we recently spoke with revealed the dissolve of all reading and writing here. How should you know of the full details of the prophecy, sir knight?” Daddy asked in curiosity.
“To not be literate would be a disastrous miscarriage of humanity, sir! To remain ignorant only breeds more ignorance.”
“Then… from one learned man to another, I welcome you, sir knight.” Daddy greeted with a slight bow.
“Alas, after such welcome and true beauty here, we must now dispatch our orders.” The knight sadly bowed his head as he reached for his sword.
My sisters were suddenly aiming their wands at the imposing cavalry.
Even Daddy held a wand?
“Ah, so that is what was prophesized as ‘Valkyrie’. I see.” The knight sighed as his head slouched forward. “We stand little or no chance of victory here today. Still, my orders are clear…”
I had to stop this and I began to concentrate on something spectacular.

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