Summer's Current: The Antarran Redemption 21-23

Summer's Current:
The Antarran Redemption
Antarran Redemption Hat.jpg


Chapter 21

“I’m coming in and I don’t want to hear that obnoxious answering system, Christina!” I shouted after alerting and porting over to the Pegasus.
Instead, the door ‘creaked’ open and I walked in while rolling my eyes in annoyance. My daughter had certainly found some attitude!
“So you really did delete us all from existence?” I asked gently. “I’m sure that was a mistake, right?”
“I didn’t mean to! I just wanted Zeus to stop punishing the people of Earth because of me being rude, mom.” She answered while wiping her tears.
“Let me guess- the run of nasty weather back in ’79?” I asked, but didn’t wait. “And did you apologize to him for doing that? I’d imagine he wasn’t too thrilled with what you did.”
“Yeah. Link, Artemis, and Demeter made us apologize to each other, mom.”
“Then everything is good, right?” I concluded.
“I guess so.”
“Good. So we can go back to the house and you can have some dinner before the girls put everything away.” I said as I went to turn.
“What is it, pumpkin?”
“I’m frightened… terrified actually! I’m becoming this…this thing… this monster! It seems…I think I’m more powerful than even Zeus and I’m terrified I’ll do something wrong or lose my temper, or…”
“Tell me this, pumpkin.” I turned back to her and gently placed my hand to her shoulder. “Have you done anything like that since gaining these powers?”
“No? Not that I know. Why?”
“Have you lost your temper since you gained your powers?”
“A few times? Why?”
“You’re a smart girl, Christina. You figure it out. I’m glad I raised you right. Now, let’s get something in your stomach. Maybe then it’ll stop making all that noise.”


“Everything okay, girls?” Louis inquired once he noticed we were back.
Christina lunged for him. I thought she was going to squeeze the life out of him and leave me a widow!
“Daddy, I’m afraid! I don’t wanna be a monster! I don’t wanna hurt anybody!” She cried on his shoulder.
Well, so much for our talk.
“Then don’t, sweetheart. You don’t have to be whatever monster you think you are. Just be you.”
Gee, now why didn’t I think of that?
I turned and went out to the kitchen to fix my pumpkin a plate and reheat it.
“Don’t look so sullen, Colleen. Every girl needs her daddy at one time or another. I’m sure you know that firsthand; just like the rest of us.” Hope smiled as she walked in and began putting the things I’d removed from the fridge back into it as I finished with them.
“I suppose so. I always thought my father was the submissive one though. Mother was usually the driving force in the family- especially after we arrived here.” I replied.
“Unfortunately, my pa wanted nothin’ to do with his new daughter on our return from FeLane. Both my parents treated me like a failure- like somehow making first contact with a new civilization didn’t amount to as much for Hope as it would’ve for Hopewell.” Hope revealed.
“That’s terrible! Man or woman, they should have supported you and been proud of your accomplishments!” I replied with a gasp.
“Well, as we stand here, it hasn’t happened yet, but I’m glad you think so, Colleen. I could’ve used more support from people like you… in about eight years.”
“Hope? If it could be called a valid guarantee, Louis and I will always be there…um… in one form or another… to support you! And… somehow… I think Christina will also be there to lend support… after she gets a handle on her powers, if she hasn’t already, that is.” I told her then thought I should modify that.
“In one form or another, that is.”
Hope began to giggle.
“So you’ve seen it too? That Christina doesn’t look like Christina every-so-often- and for only brief instances?”
I nodded.
“Well, the Olympians have said that Christina is still developing, and that she is still in a state of flux. Hell, nobody knows what the Olympians really look like… if they have a base ‘form’ at all!”
“Well, I guess we’ll find out in the coming weeks. Somehow, I have this gut feeling we’ll be parting ways with my little pumpkin once Louis and I get established on Antarra.”
“That’s a valid prediction, your majesty.” Savanna agreed quietly as she ‘popped’ in beside me.
“And just where have you been all day, munchkin?” Hope smiled deviously, like she already knew.
“I’ve spent a lot of time consoling three women rudely insulted by Scion. Apparently, Grandfather Zeus popped in on Christina… sorry, ‘Diana Prince’, just after she exited the courthouse where she established the corporation launching the Clinic.” Savanna answered.
“My Christina? She blatantly insulted three women? I find that very hard to believe! Louis and I didn’t bring her up that way!” I protested.
“Apparently, Grandfather Zeus sprung a surprise fieldtrip on the Fates and left no time for the three of them to ‘freshen up’. They had been working to ascertain Christina’s existence and purpose for about fourteen or so centuries.”
“Let me guess,” I grinned impishly, “she thought they were strung out, back street hookers and offered therapy?”
Savanna nodded.
“Plus, thinking Great-grandfather was spoofing her, she offered him psychological help for his ‘pimping’.”
Laughter exploded from my mouth as I couldn’t hold it any longer! Hope fought to contain her laughter but ultimately lost it a minute later.
“Well I don’t think it was humorous! Those three drive themselves well past the brink of exhaustion to provide Great-grandfather with the information he needs to keep everything running smoothly!” Savanna protested vehemently.
“Oh! Oh! So he is their pimp after all!” Hope managed as she convulsed in laughter.
“Grandmother Hope! That is not… what… it is…at…” Savanna countered, but she suddenly began to rethink things.
She started to howl in laughter!
“I… I guess he is at that…oh, by the Gods! That is hilarious!”
“Fruvolity? In the Everhardt kitchen? Unheard of!” Louis appeared with a smirk on his face. “What’s up, kiddo?” He nodded to Savanna and outstretched his arms in greeting.
“Not much, your majesty.” Savanna greeted as she seemed to relish the hug. “I just arrived so that I can lend my foresight to the planning of your faux demise.”
“You know?” Louis smiled, stepped back, and pointed between Hope and Savanna. “It’s easy to see that you two are related.”
My husband bowed ever-so-slightly then came over to the counter and poured himself another cup of coffee.
“Par-doan my interruption, my ladies.” He said before turning and walking back into the living room.
“His code array is fully Antarran now, majesty.” Savanna said, looking into my eyes. “The Scion’s finest work.”
“And I suppose he’s also a Mage now?” I asked sarcastically.
“A somewhat limited one, yes, your majesty.”
The smile on this one’s face left no doubt she was a member of the Summers clan!

Chapter 22

A blue, 2098, Audi A6 traveling at the marked speed limit wound its way down the two-lane country road taking the turns gracefully and precisely. The dark windows only allowed the silhouettes of two people, the driver and a passenger, to be seen. As to their identities, the dark tint prohibited that entirely.
’T’-minus two minutes to estimated event, High Priestess.” Charli announced from her station.
“Why’d it have to be my A6?” Louis Everhardt moaned inconsolably.
We were camouflaged high above the tentative accident scene in Pegasus. Several members of our Coven lay hidden on the ground near the terminal location.
“Any sign of the Paranormalist, Kitty?” I asked.
He’s been spotted about five clicks to our south- heavily armed with photographic and video equipment, Chance. Kitten and Alley Cat are keeping a close eye on him.
“And ‘Chairman’ Tua?” I smiled as I thought about the handle Colleen Everhardt had given the ‘too proper’ Lynxin Prime Minister.
Complaining about the cold, of course. He’s good though.
“Acknowledged. Keep me appraised, Chance out.”
“Chance? I’m picking up chatter on a very low RF frequency- 27.115MHz.” Link reported.
Louis Everhardt began to chuckle.
“Something about that strike you as funny, dear?” Colleen questioned.
“Grandpa used to refer to that as the ‘Kindergarten channel’. He said it was the ‘Citizen’s Band’ channel that all the children used… way before texting or the internet. It was the social media of its day…the 1970’s and early 80’s. Those radios haven’t been used since, I think, early last century.”
“Well, let’s see what ‘children’ are playing on the radio today, shall we?” I giggled as I nodded to Link. “On the overhead, Double-Take.”

“Cronk, you in place?”
“Yeah, Glenn.”
“You idiot! You aren’t supposed to use your real
name over the radio! Copy?”
“Gotcha, Mastermind, sorry for the fuck-up.”
“Idiot! You aren’t supposed to swear either!”

“Geez! How old are these guys?” Louis Eaverhardt laughed. “I didn’t even know that!”

“Sorry about that, Mastermind… Hey, I see them
“Are you sure it’s them, Cronk?”
“Looks like them, boss. It looks like his car.”
“Snidely, you copy that?”
“Ready on my end, Mastermind.”
“Good, I’ll let you know when they pass my vantage
“Copy that, Mastermind. I’m ready to pull the pin.”

“He’s finally gone off the deep end, hasn’t he?” Louis commented as he stared up to the speakers. “What’s so damned important about our farm, anyway?”

“This had better work! I’ve already spent too much
time and money delaying my developer friends. We
stand to make a ton of money once the Everhardts’
are out of the picture.”
“What about that thing… Their daughter or
whatever it is, Christina, Mastermind?”
It’ll be so distraught; it’ll believe anything I tell it.
Once ol’ Louis and that bitch, Colleen are out, their
‘thing’ will sign its own life away.”
“Sounds like a good plan, boss.”

“Like hell she will!” Colleen declared heatedly as she instantly stood from her observation seat.
“You will sit down and restrain yourself, Colleen Everhardt! This is my ship and my operation!” I commanded angrily as I pointed back at her empty seat.
Colleen glared at me, but reseated herself begrudgingly.
“Let the girls work, Peaches. This is their operation. We don’t need you popping in and scaring the manure out of those imbeciles. They might not go through with it and everything from here on out might change for the worst.” Louis advised, trying to calm his wife.

“So how much we gonna make off this, boss?”
“Four-point-seven with a ‘B’, Cronk. Now, could
you keep the channel clea- Hey, they just went past
me! Get
ready, Snidely.”
“Got’em, Mastermind; in three; two; one.”

“They used an IED?” Louis choked as we watched the back end of his prized sedan jump a dozen or so feet into the air and summersault back to front several dozen times then land on its roof across both lanes and burst into an intense fireball.

“Quick! Pull that concealed deflection plate off
the road! We have to high-tail it back to the club!”

“My, God! That was a spectacular explosion!” Louis exclaimed excitedly.
“Wait! That was my Audi!” He moaned in defeat a second later.
We have a visual on our saboteurs, Chance. Not going to lie to ya, that was one awesome crash!” Kitty reported.
Alley Cat and I have visual on the other two, Chance.” Lyra reported a few seconds later.
Alley Cat, Chance. Are we sure the safeties are to remain engaged?
“Affirmative; observe, track, and report only, Alley Cat.” I said with a knowing grin. I could almost hear the disappointment in her voice.
“I hope they don’t follow too close, High Priestess. God forbid those morons have more explosives.” Colleen worried.
“Mrs. Everhardt, you’ve got four of the best trackers on Planet Earth hunting those yahoos! If you don’t believe me, have you ever watched a pack of lions on National Geographic?” Link smiled evilly.
Both Everhardts gulped loudly and became very, very quiet!
I’m receiving a 911 text from a burner phone alerting the State Police of the accident, Chance.
Location in relation to our agents?” I requested.
‘Paranormal Steve’, but he’s moving away now; the phone just shut off.
I nodded. At least someone alerted the authorities. “The bad guys?”
Kitten is within forty meters, Chance.” Charli reported. “Alley Cat has closed to forty meters of her prey also, High Priestess.
“How did she get there so fas…never mind?” Louis Everhardt began to ask then obviously answered his own question.
“Chance, Perfessor. Everything look like the accident photos you were shown at the Barracks tomorrow?” I asked; basically to make sure she was still with us.
“Perfessor? You copy?” I tried again a few seconds later.
“Perfessor, do you copy?” I tried again.
Want me to swing back and check on her, Chance?” Kitty asked in support.
I’m…I’m fine, Chance… Prefessor is fine. It’s just that… I’m fine. Everything looks pretty much like I remember, Chance. I’m making a few last minute… some minor changes then I’ll be up.” Christina finally responded.
“Your kid’s a real trooper, guys!” Kate praised Louis and Colleen from her station. “Takes guts I wouldn’t have to actually see the incident that supposedly killed my folks. Real balls, that one!”
“My compliments, Colleen. Christina certainly embodies the heart, stamina, and fortitude of the Antarran people and does Clan Norge proud!” Aunt Cora smiled and bowed from the weapons console to the Everhardts.


We have several News Service drones coming in from the North at two thousand feet.” Charli advised about ten minutes later. They seamlessly joined the single police drone circling the accident scene that had arrived within five minutes of the crash being reported.
Historic to live media correlation: 100%.” She added a moment later.
“Major. Take us into parking orbit but mind the spy satellites and other accumulated space junk.”
“Aye, up yers too, High Priestess!” Mom answered.
As I knew she would.


Pegasus3, vector has been sent, call the ball.” Kate announced happily as Kitty and Tua in Re-Tailed, were given permission to dock.
I am so calling it, Wrench!” Kitty responded.
Docking clamps and umbilicals engaged, Pegasus” She responded a minute later.
“Copy. Welcome home, Kitty.” Kate acknowledged brightly.
Great to be back, Pegasus! Can’t wait to hit the hot shower!” Kitty replied sounding relieved.
“Pegasus Control, Pegasus13. I have you on my display and request approach vector.” Lyra’s voice sounded from our speakers.
“Copy Pegasus13. Sending vector now and welcome back.” Kate smiled.
I should arrive tomorrow at around noon, Chance. I remember fighting all sorts of traffic and PaDOT road construction crews all the way up I-79.
“Acknowledged.” I nodded my understanding.
Pegasus is to remain in orbit unless she’s needed planet-side. In the meantime, Christina, Savanna, and I will transport our lucky participants to and from the various ground locations.” I ordered.
“Locust, you have the bridge. Louis? Colleen? Care to join me up in the lounge?” I added as I stood from my command console.


Louis’ mouth dropped open as we exited the elevator.
Actually, both Everhardts’ mouths’ dropped open as we exited the elevator.
“I take it this is the first time you’ve been in orbit?” I asked, knowing the answer simply by observing their expressions.
“The pictures of the big, blue marble don’t do it justice, ma’am.” Louis answered in astonishment.
“Never in a million years did I ever think I’d witness this!” Colleen gasped- completely enraptured first by our unobstructed view of Terra then by the view of Hello Kitty approaching and docking at her designated docking pylon.
Christina silently popped in while her parents were preoccupied; she quietly sat down on one of the comfortable couches after dispelling her winter camo gear. She sighed heavily in relief.
“Baby!” Colleen cried as she noticed her daughter and frantically ran over, pulled her back to her feet, and wrapped her arms around her.
“Baby, I’m so sorry you had to see that again! Can you ever forgive us?” She cried into Christina’s breasts.
“It… it had to be done, mom.” Christina comforted her mother quietly as she gently rubbed her back.
“Sweetie, that took mega-guts! I’m very proud of my little girl!” Louis praised as he walked over to the two women.
“But your car, Daddy!” Christina moaned.
“Where we’re going they don’t have any roads, Christina.” Louis exclaimed in a silly, imitated voice.
“Cute one, Daddy.” Christina almost grinned.
“Hey, don’t mind us kids, mom and dad are just going to get warmed up!” Kitty exclaimed as she and Tua rushed through the lounge and quickly disappeared into the VIP suite.
“Wow. They always like that?” Louis chuckled, not taking his eyes off the suite’s door.
Colleen elbowed her husband.
“Knock it off, wise guy!”
Pegasus, please enable noise cancellation around the VIP suite.” I requested with a Cheshire grin.
When the Everhardts looked at me in confusion, I made a disapproving face and scrunched my nose saying, “Cats in heat.” And shook my head in the negative several times mouthing ‘no’ with each swing.
Christina broke out in hysterical laughter, as did her father.
“God, I love you all!” She gasped out while trying to catch her breath.


“Status?” I asked as I entered the Bridge.
“Simone reported in about ten minutes ago. ‘Past Christina’ had just left autopsy. She’s requesting immediate extraction, Chance.” Locust reported, but added, “I think the smell is getting to her. She complained it was worse than a storage closet stuffed full of slobbering Hoblins.”
I laughed despite trying not to. Unfortunately, I could imagine exactly that smell, myself.
“Chance, Laidy-In-Wait. Do you have clearance for extraction?”
It took a moment for Simone to answer.
Unfortunately not, Chance, the coroner just came back in saying we have three more bodies to autopsy- a bad, possible DUI accident out on the highway. He asked me to stay and assist. I have to go. I’ll contact you as soon as I’m clear. Laidy-In-Wait, out.
“Chance, Water Lily. You have anything?” I asked. She was in position to observe our three homicide suspects.
Mastermind and Snidely are still hiding in place and drinking heavily. Last I checked on Cronk, he was pacing back and forth in his mobile home. Hey, why they call it a mobile home when it sits on blocks and obviously isn’t very mobile?” Aquia asked as she reported.
“The jury is still out on that question, Water Lily. I’ll beam down with your relief in one standard hour.”
Copy. Water Lily, out.
“Chance, Alley Cat. You okay down there? Anything to report?” I asked Greer.
I still have eyes on ‘Paranoid Steve’. He hasn’t moved from in front of his display in hours and is watching some kind of animated adventure that keeps repeating itself at roughly the same place in the stream. Some place that displays: ‘You died’.
“He’s playing a video game? I thought he would be devouring that juicy tidbit about the Everhardt assassination plot.” Colleen groaned.
“Priorities, Peaches. Priorities.” Louis laughed and shook his head while rolling his eyes.
“Savanna should be arriving any minute to relieve you, sister. Sorry I gave you the ‘slug’.” I advised.
Copy, Chance, it’s all part of the job, Alley Cat out.” Greer replied sounding disappointed.
“Greer really is chomping at the bit, Chance.” Lyra commented. “She’ll probably hit the exercise equipment pretty hard tonight!”
“Just as long as you two don’t injure each other too badly, sweetie.” Mom teased.
“And I thought the guys at the plant were bad!” Louis commented to himself as he shook his head side to side.


Water Lily, Chance. Snidely seems to be making a call on his personal communication device.” Aquia alerted.
Alley Cat, Chance. Cronk just got a call.
“Chance, Water Lily and Alley Cat. Copy, Alley Cat. Water Lily just reported Snidely initiated it. Coordinate with her. I’m willing to bet those two are planning a meet.” I told both twenty minutes later. Greer had asked to shadow ‘Cronk’ instead of ‘Paranoid Steve’. “Keep me informed, Chance, out. Chance, Princess. Hold off on Alley Cat’s change out. She and Water Lily are in motion.”
Copy, Chance. I found something interesting at Mastermind’s base. We now know who holds Mastermind’s purse strings. Princess, out.
Just so you know Princess’ comm was seriously phase shifted, High Priestess.” Charli advised. “I wondered when she would finally figure out our Camo shift method.
“She’s utilizing Pegasus’ camouflage process to make herself invisible and immune to detection.” Lokust explained to Louis and Colleen. “Something I dreamed up while attending the Science Ministry with Chance, folks.”
“So you could check out the guys in the locker room, eh?” Louis winked.
“Actually it was the girls’ showers that I intended to infiltrate, sir. I hadn’t been activated yet, so I was a guy at the time. As was Chance.”
“Lou? You and Colleen don’t need to worry one bit about what our Ex-O just insinuated. It’s too long and twisted a story!” Kate advised.
“To translate. Don’t ask.” I rolled my eyes.
“Curiouser and curiouser.” Louis chuckled quietly to himself.

Chapter 23

Target has engaged Past Christina and is directing her to the Funeral Director’s office, Chance.” Aquia reported.
“Acknowledged, Water Lily. Alley Cat? Kitten? Kitty? Chairman Tau? You all copy?” I asked for confirmation.
Indeed we do, Chance. Kitty would also ask for clearance to engage post haste, my lady.” Tau confirmed; he sounded very concerned.
“Safeties are still engaged, team. Use as little current for the substitution as possible. We don’t want to give ‘Paranoid Steve’ too much evidence.”
You mean more than we’ve already given him, Chance?” Kitten giggled over Comms. “This guy defines the word ‘oblivious’.
I shook my head several times.
“As far as Perfessor remembers it took about fifteen minutes for her to sign all the transfer papers, so you guys ‘mingle’ as best you can, but mind your tails ladies.” I recommended, casually dismissing Lyra’s comment. “Chance, out.”
“Dear? I’m going back to Christina’s room to see how she’s doing. You have the bridge.”
“Got it, Chance.” Lokust acknowledged with a nod.


“Knock, knock.” I said from the passageway side of Christina’s door.
I found myself in the room with my staff in hand and powered up! I internally told my alter ego it was not a challenge or attack, but an invitation.
“When are you going to learn, sweetie?” I asked as I casually dismissed Nike’s Staff of Victory. “You know Nike is still sensitive about this sort of thi…”
Christina was watching a large, full color, floating, holographic display of what appeared to be the Funeral Home- particularly the small office where Glenn Darby and a distraught, ‘Pre-Antarran’ Christina were talking.

“So you see, Christina, your parents were very
much in debit to the bank by several hundreds of
thousands. I’m afraid there is no way I can see you
paying that sum back to keep the farm. It saddens
me to think a young…woman with such an exciting
and promising future, find herself financially
burdened at such an early age. If you sign the
property over to me now, I should have the clout
with the bank’s financial officer to negotiate an
amicable settlement where you will be free and
clear of the liens to resume your academic
“But Mom and Dad never said anything about
being in debt, Mr. Darby! I can’t lose the farm! It’s
been in the family for almost three centuries. Maybe
I can make some sort of arrangement where I can
make payments?”

Christina sniffed right along with her previous self on the display.
Though she was apparently crying; her eyes were also beaming a somewhat bright orange.
“Oh, I’m afraid that point has well passed, my
dear! The last ten loans have fallen past due by
several years. The bank is just days from seizing
your family property, throwing your belongings to
the street, and auctioning everything off. This may
be your only option, Christina, I’m sorry.”

“Can you believe how gullible I was, Chance?” Her voice echoed throughout the room.
That worried me.
“Not gullible, but certainly not in your right mind, sweetie. He had you at a very big disadvantage…one that he himself designed! Just remember that, Christina Everhardt.” I answered as I placed a hand to her shoulder.
“Sweetie, I know that look and I recommend you don’t do it. I kinda like my life and family and all my friends the way we are now.” I said. I tightened my grip on her shoulder as I said ‘family’.
The blazing orange beaming from her eyes subsided, but a dull orange glow still persisted. Glenn Darby’s voice on this stream- I had no idea how she was doing it- regained our attention.

“If the liens placed on the property are not
satisfied, I’m certain your scholarships will be
impacted or even revoked, Christina. Signing the
farm away to me will guarantee your continued
collegiate funding. If not too forward, I’ve prepared
the necessary forms and all you have to do to clear
this unfortunate mess is to sign where I indicate,
Miss Everhardt.”
“But I can’t lose the farm, Mr. Darby! What would
my Mom and Dad think?”
“I’m certain they would urge you to do as you think
best, Christina. As I informed you, they knew, and
remained silent to you, about their financial
burdens and shortfalls. I’m assuming so you would
stay in school. I’m sorry to have to bring this matter
to your attention during this very stressful time, but
the sooner this matter is resolved, the sooner you
can resume your academic life.”

Kitten, Chance. Hey, tell Perfessor to ease up on that weather thing she does! The clouds have started to roll in pretty fast down here.” Lyra suggested over our comm.
“Sweetie? Please back off the ‘Armageddon-style’ fire and brimstone thing? I’m sensing Nike is also getting very upset by the conversation we’re watching. Hell, I’m beginning to think of him as a level four Hoblin that needs cleansing!” I asked calmly though I noticed a slight anger tingeing my voice.
We sat, for several tense minutes as we continued watching the past version of Christina dutifully sign her inheritance away for nothing.

“Momma? Daddy? I’m so sorry I had to do this, but
I was left with no choice in the matter! Please
forgive me? Could you also have all the aunts and
uncles, and grandparents forgive me? I really didn’t
know things were that bad. I’m so, so sorry!”

The past version of our sister cried to the heavens after Darby had the nerve to gently grasp her shoulder in consolation then quietly leave her alone in the small office.
“The bastard looked so smug as he got up to leave! Had I seen that, I’d have decked him and taken those papers and ripped them to shreds, Chance!”
“Ask and you shall receive, sister!” I said with a smile.
“Chance, Kitty. You are ‘Go’ for substitution! Repeat. ‘Go’ for substitution.” I alerted over the Comm.
Impossibly, Christina’s display switched to a different location and we watched intently as Kitty, in her Terran disguise, slowly walked past a stone-faced, Glenn Darby. Because we’d switched to our Current sight, both of us noticed Kitty use the slightest bit of Current to swap out the legally binding, signed, Property Transfer papers for…ones a bit less ‘legal’.

“Pardon me, Miss, but could you do that again?”
“I’m sorry? Who are you and what do you want me
to repeat?"

Kitty glared indignantly at ‘Paranoid Steve’.

“Oh, I’m very sorry, Miss…?”

Kitty didn’t bite. She just glared at the slightly overweight man still waiting for her name.
Of course, he capitulated first.

“Steven Pollock, Miss. I’m a friend of the family.”
“Kathryn Sinae. Colleen and I were adversaries
back in the day, Mr. Pollock, now, if you will excuse
me? I have my condolences to convey to young
“You mean ‘Christina’. You do know that she has
begun her transition?”
“Of course I know that, Mr. Pollock! Have you not
had a slip of the tongue before?”

Kitty groused in annoyance.

“Sorry, Miss Sinae. At best, I’m very awkward at
these type gatherings; terribly sorry about your
friend, Ma’am.”

Pollock silently moved closer to the vestibule doors, completely neglecting to follow through with whatever he had asked Kitty to repeat. As he did, Glenn Darby exited the Funeral Home.
We have him, Kitty. Alley Cat and I will tail him to wherever he’s headed and report back.” Lyra reported over our Comms.
“He’s probably on his way to the bank to file the damn papers.” Christina’s eyes seemed to surge brighter.
“Yes, and won’t he be surprised when you confront him after he finds out we liberated some kindergartner’s drawings for him to show his banker friend.” Chance smiled deviously.



“Thanks for seeing me on such short notice, Blaine.
I just landed the mother of all windfalls!”

Glenn Darby spoke with a moderate amount of excitement in his voice.

“So you finally talked the Everhardt’s into signing,
eh? This wouldn’t have anything to do with their
‘accident’, would it?”
“Their ‘daughter’ signed the papers all legal-like.”
“So you took advantage of that poor girl? That’s
cold- even by my standards, Darby! To take
advantage of a distraught young woman at her
parents’ funeral…eh! Despicable!!”
“So when can we meet with the investors and when
can I get my money, Blaine?”
“First, let’s see the transfer papers. I want to make
sure neither of you missed a signature line.”
“Fine! Here they are! Read ‘em and weep!”

The Bank officer opened the interoffice mail folder handed him and glared at the other man.

“Darby? What are these? What kind of horseshit
are you trying to pull?”
“What are you talking about? I just came from the
Funeral Home. That ‘thing’ just signed away
everything to me!”
“Do these look like transfer papers to you, Darby?
They look like a Kindergartner’s rendition of a farm
house and farm to me!”
“That’s impossible! I watched ‘it’ sign them myself!
I stood right over ‘it’ as ‘it’ scrawled out ‘its’
fictitious name!”
“Get out! Don’t come back until you have the
real documents, Darby! Maybe I can still catch the
betting down at the club! There’s the door, Darby!”

“That’s our cue, Christina.” I said and found both of us looking at the inner vestibule doors to the bank.
“I hope you looked around before you transported, sweetie.”
“It just happens to be Sunday, Chance. No public business should be conducted today.” Christina informed me with an evil smile. “No ‘legal’ public business, anyway.”
Glenn Darby was just entering the main teller’s lobby through a door at the rear of the larger room. He appeared very angry and didn’t seem to be looking where he was going. He stopped dead in his tracks as soon as he cleared the inner vestibule doors.
“Who are you two?” He demanded.
“Apparently your worst nightmare, Glenn Darby.” Christina sneered and I found us back in Pegasus’ Observation Lounge.
“What is going on? I demand to know what and who you people are!”
“Oh, so now I’m ‘people’? Up until five minutes ago I was an ‘it’ or ‘thing’. Make up your mind on your choice of my pronouns, Mr. Darby.”
The man’s eyes seemed to widen in recognition.
“Everhardt? What did you do with your hair? And…and where’d those come from?” He stuttered and rudely pointed to her boobs.
“Oh these?” She motioned to her chest. “They developed over the last fourteen hundred years, Mr. Darby.” She admitted with a predatory grin. “You like them? Pretty sexy for a ‘thing’, right?”
“And who are you?” Darby- I’m not quite sure how he was holding it together- questioned my identity. I was sure he hadn’t looked around yet.
“I’m your very close ‘second worst’, nightmare, Glenn Darby.”
As I said it, my staff appeared in my out-stretched hand- its gem was shining very brightly!
“High Priestess? Please, I’d like to handle this issue. If there should be a problem, I think Mother and Father should be present.
Louis and Colleen Everhardt exited the elevator onto the Observation Lounge as if choreographed.
“That is certainly true, Christina.” Colleen agreed with a nod of her head. Louis just smiled devilishly.
“No! You can’t be alive! I watched your car burn! You can’t be here!” He screamed in terror!
“Do you even know where ‘here’ is, ‘old friend’?” Louis asked sarcastically- his evil smile broadened while pointing up to the ceiling.
Darby was instantly on his knees, staring, unblinkingly at Terra… I mean Earth! I expected him to pass out any second now.
“What did you put in my drink at the Funeral Home?!” He stood and turned to Christina demanding an answer.
My sister’s ‘aura’ flared!
“You are in no position to demand anything, you insignificant-!” Christina’s voice echoed loudly throughout the lounge.
“Sister? Patience, please. He needs to exist for a couple more minutes.” I told her calmly.
Her eyes softened to a dull orange glow.
“As a heads up; I wouldn’t piss her off too much, Glenn. Christina isn’t the same wonderful, shy, young woman she once was. As you can see, she’s come into her own.” Louis suggested in warning.
“What is ‘it’?”
It?” I questioned in anger. “We’re back to that again, Mr. Darby?”
Regarding him a moment, I answered his rude, vulgar question.
“Fine! Lt. Christina Everhardt is a beloved member of the Everhardt family and a beloved, esteemed member of EFMC’s Witch Corps, Mr. Darby. Incorporated locally 31 May, 2117 at U.N. Headquarters, New York, NY.”
Colleen, Christina, and I were instantly uniformed- our wands pointing at Darby’s head!
“Dude. Whatever you do, don’t dis’ their uniforms! They are very protective of their uniforms!” Louis chuckled as his clothing changed. He now wore what looked like a magician’s Tux and Tails complete with a Tophat.
“Hey! Now these threads are comfortable, High Priestess! Thanks.” He added, nodding to me.
Christina and I looked to each other and shook our heads. We hadn’t done it. Both of us looked to Colleen.
She was looking at us in confusion.
Quickly, all three of us shook our heads to dismiss the notion that Louis did it himself and re-centered our attention to our ‘guest’.
“Halloween was several months ago.” Darby began to gloat and laugh- thinking he had everything figured out. “Such a vivid ruse won’t keep me from that property! Property I now own fair and square!”
“You mean our property, Glenn!” Louis chuckled as he held out his right hand. A manila, interoffice folder possibly containing several sheets of paper appeared in it. Louis opened the folder and, piece-by-piece, he showed our guest.
“I must say, Christina, your handwriting has greatly improved over the years.” He praised his daughter.
“Well, I don’t have the sudden death of my parents stressing me out now, do I?” She answered.
“I’m so glad our doppelgangers fooled the authorities, Pumpkin. I had no idea you could create life or such a close approximation.” Colleen praised.
“But I still lost my A6, ladies! Let’s not forget that! I loved that car!” Louis said as he turned his glare to his ‘old friend’. “You wouldn’t happen to know where I could pick up another one would you, Glenn?”
For everything that he was experiencing, Darby just shook his head and looked completely stunned and dumbfounded.
Kitty, Chance. We have eyes on Mastermind’s henchmen. Please advise or I’ll assume the safeties are off.” Kitty reported over our comm.
“Location, Kitty?” I asked in curiosity.
Snidely and ‘grape-ape’ just showed to pay their respects.” She answered.
“How very decent of them.” Christina deadpanned. Still, her voice echoed malevolently in the lounge.
“Now, pumpkin! Not everyone is as cold as Glenn, here.” Colleen suggested hoping to calm her daughter down.
“Is the location secure, Kitty?” I asked.
A holy man just arrived and has called for everyone to join together. All attention is toward the viewing room. I have no confirmed lock on Cronk, though. Repeat no satisfactory resolution on Cronk.” Kitty informed me.
Alley Cat, Chance. Kitten and I have eyes on Cronk and we are green. Cronk is green.” Greer alerted.
I nodded to Christina who smiled evilly and nodded back.
Glenn Darby, Bob Garfield, Frank Welch, and Sol Strankovic were now all in Pegasus’ Observation Lounge.
“Welcome to Pegasus, gentlemen. Unfortunately, I use that term too loosely.” Louis Everhardt greeted.
Robert Garfield expressed his surprise, “Fuuuuuu”, before he passed out.
Frank Welch looked up to our ceiling and dropped silently to the floor!
Solomon Strankovic seemed completely unaffected by his new situation and location! “Cool!”
“I take it you’ve been out here before, Sol?” Louis asked while shaking his head and stifling his laughter.
“Alien abduction when I was fifteen.” He answered nonchalantly.
Colleen looked to me. “High Priestess?” She giggled.
“Naw. We only seek out ‘intelligent life’ or we risk breaking our prime directive.” I laughed.
“Soooo we just broke your ‘Prime Directive’ by transporting these four here?” Louis couldn’t contain himself anymore and began laughing gregariously! “Busted!”
“Daddy!” Christina giggled.
“Wow! What a rack!” Solomon gasped, as he must have just noticed Christina.
“Would you like one of your own, Solomon Strankovic?” Christina asked calmly as she took aim with her wand.
I had no doubt she would do it too!
“It would be a waste, pumpkin. Save your talent for a more worthwhile opportunity.” Colleen suggested.
“Sisters and brother Everhardt? What would you like to happen with these murderous criminals?” I asked as Garfield and Welch started to recover.
“I wish to see them face the law for the charges as they should, High Priestess. As we are currently in the past, our jurisdiction has yet to institute. It is only right that they face the current laws and court system for this planet.” Christina spoke as representative of her family.
“Truly well spoken, sister!” I praised and bowed slightly.
“Your majesties? Do you concur with your daughter’s logical, heartfelt, and charitable assessment?”
“We do, High Priestess.” Colleen answered as all four men’s heads instantly turned toward her and Louis.
“M-m-mmmajesties?” Glenn Darby stuttered in disbelief.
“Majesties, Glenn Darby. On my world, blue hair and a very large ‘rack’- as you barbaric, heathenistic animals call it- are the premiere attributes of planetary royalty. Wouldn’t you agree my noble family?” Colleen exclaimed loudly and Cora, Link, and Simone suddenly appeared.
“For over two-thousand years now, greatest-grandmother Colleen.” Aunt Cora replied.
“Please tell me that we are not transporting these”, Link made a sour face as she looked down to the four men’s groins, “these… underdeveloped… uncivilized… things back to Antarra, greatest-grandmother Colleen? We have far too many infantile penises to humor as it is.”
I fought very hard not to burst out in laughter!
Simone moved closer and rudely reached down and squeezed Garfield’s genitals through his pants.
“This one is the biggest of the lot and still nowhere near our minimal acceptable size! Throw it back… throw them all back, Christina! Lest we be accused of poaching the nursery spawn!”
“I think we’re being insulted, boss.” Strankovic suggested quietly.
“Shut up, Sol!” Darby hissed.
“We can’t just return them to their natural environment, High Priestess! Our existence must never be revealed to a pre-contact civilization.” Link remarked.
“So what shall we do?” I tried hard to sound serious and noble.
“Let’s give them each a prehensile tail.” Colleen suggested with unbridled glee.
“No can do, greatest-grandma. The Lynxin are our allies and we surely don’t want to insult them! They are proud, accomplished hunters and lethal assassins.” Aunt Cora reminded.
I couldn’t resist!
“Let’s make them part of the tour!” I shouted excitedly, gesturing to the ceiling with my right index finger to emphasize my brilliant idea.
Christina, Louis and Colleen, as well as I, burst out laughing!
“If you freaks are done mocking and insulting us, return us to Earth right now!” Glenn Darby demanded in extreme anger.
Where was he finding all that courage?
Mom and Charli exited the elevator.
“High Priestess?” Mom asked looking very serious and demonic. “Did I hear someone call for an ‘Anal Probing’?”
She instantly conjured what looked like a very lifelike 36cm dildo and held it high over her head waving the semi-rigid device excitedly.
Solomon Strankovic dropped to the floor and assumed a fetal position while sobbing hysterically!
The guy definitely had issues.
“They’re fucking with us, you idiots! This is all some sophomoric prank to get me to release their property! Well…it ain’t gonna work!” Glenn Darby growled angrily and made a move to snatch the interoffice folder from Louis’ grasp.
“I’ll take those!” He commanded.
The folder vanished.
“Looking for these, Glenn Darby?” Christina cackled as she shook the folder at him.
“Gimme that you unholy abomination!” He demanded.
That… was the wrong thing to say!
Darby suddenly shrieked out in extreme pain and Christina was ablaze in her pure white aura!
I think we all took an involuntary step back!
I know that Nike was certainly on the defensive, as I had to fight to keep her from taking over!
Meanwhile, the folder floated right up in front of his twisting and pain-filled face. It began to turn brown at one edge and transitioned to black as the whole paper folder and its contents became consumed by an invisible fire. It fell to ashes in the matter of several seconds and the debris floated down to the deck.
You call ME an unholy abomination?” Christina’s malevolent voice reverberated loudly throughout our Observation Lounge! “How can you qualify that declaration when, just five days ago, you and your accomplices MURDERED MY PARENTS?! Who is the bigger monster?!”
Christina’s aura pulsed. “Ah! Maybe you need shown what a true monster is?”
Darby’s body began to hover then distort, twist and change proportions. His shrieks of pain began to sound familiar!
Very familiar!
Colleen and Louis both gasped in horror!
Still, everyone except Christina had their wands pointed at the writhing, screaming, howling Hobgoblin.
Christina conjured a full-length floor mirror so the hideous thing could see itself.
“How does it feel to be one of the real monsters, Glenn Darby?” Christina demanded.
Nike demanded I release her to this world! It was increasingly more difficult to hold her back. The only thing in my favor was I knew something like this would happen and had prepared.
Glenn Darby was suddenly Terran again, but still hovered several dozen centimeters above the deck. The mirror vanished.
That is just one of the true monsters this galaxy contains, gentlemen. I can demonstrate several more examples on ol’ Glenn if you’d like?”
“I believe you made your point, Christina.” I said as I continued to hold Nike from taking my body over. “Nike grows extremely restless, sister. Time we should end their part in all this.”
That got the four men’s attention!
“May I suggest a guise that will make them unable to lie?” I offered after I let the four men’s minds race a while.
“To keep this time sequence on track, the crime can never be solved, High Priestess. We all know this as fact. I agree with a guise, but suggest something more…subtle. Something… more personal.”
“Continue, Lady Christina.” I motioned her to elaborate.
“First: a guise to secure our anonymity. Next, a compulsion that will have them rethinking their digressions and evil deeds- and not just against us Everhardts! A wise man once said: ‘the best retribution is not revenge, but retrospect and remorse.”
“Oh! I’ve heard that one before. It does seem appropriate. Who said that again?” Aunt Cora asked Christina curiously.
“An Antarran Prince- Lord Louis Everhardt Norge, Lady Cora; about nineteen-hundred-and-fifty-five years ago. Relative to Christina’s childhood home.” Savanna said just after she popped in beside me.
Our four ‘guests’ jumped with a start- even Solomon Strankovic.
“Including self-cleaning decks to Pegasus’ design has proved useful over the years, High Priestess. Do get up and act like a normal-spined- Terran male, Solomon Strankovic. We are not ‘that’ subspecies!” Savanna giggled while evilly regarding the still sobbing man.
“Are you sucking your thumb, dear man?” She added in shock as she took a few steps around him in curiosity.
“Apparently, he has…issues, Lady Savanna.” I giggled.
“But incontinence is so easy to alleviate in this ‘modern’ age, High Priestess! I shall remedy this small problem forthwith.”
Strankovic’s soiled trousers were instantly replaced with an adult-sized diaper.
“There! See, my sisters? All better.” Savanna said with an evil smile just before she popped out again.
Christina began laughing hysterically again as she pointed to the cowering man.
“She-ssssshe even gave-gave him… a binky!” She forced in between labored breaths!
“Lady Savanna? The fun has concluded. We need to finalize this intervention. Please remove your spell so we can apply our agreed upon guise and compulsion.” I called to the ceiling.
Savanna’s voice giggled around the lounge. “As you require, High Priestess. He-he-he.
Strankovic was suddenly dressed in his normal clothes with not a mark or stain in sight.
He was also standing upright and gazing around in terror.
“You shall not remember this visit, gentlemen, but you will remember what you’ve all done.” I said as I nodded to Christina.
“High Priestess. I think it appropriate that those damaged the worst by these men’s nefarious actions be given warrant to continue?” She nodded to Colleen.
“Thank you, pumpkin.” Colleen nodded as she again pulled her wand and took aim.
Those of us standing behind our guests and likewise in the line of fire or ‘splash’ quickly cleared the area.
“Now that makes me feel confident.” Colleen groaned. She thought a moment and gently flicked her wand.
“Done, High Priestess.” She bowed courteously.
“Lady Christina? Care to do the honors and relocate our guests to their previous locations?” I prompted.
With a nod from our sister, all four cowering, sniveling men disappeared.
Kitty, Chance. Both players are back in place.
Kitten, Chance. Cronk is back in place.
Water Lily, Chance! Mastermind re-appeared out in the middle of the street! He seems extremely disoriented. Should I assist?
Both Charli and Christina sadly shook their heads.
“Negative, Water Lily. Mastermind is on his own from this point. Prepare for recall.” I said nodding to Christina.
Copy. Water Lily is clear for-
“-transport, Chance. Geez! Is somebody in a hurry here?” Aquia complained as she glared at Christina.
Kitty, Chance. Chairman Tau and I are outside the location and clear for-
“Yeah, thought that might happen!” Kitty deadpanned as she nodded to Christina. “Thanks.”
Tau hurried from the lounge into their suite without saying a word!
“He’s still not used to that, Sinae?” I questioned with a lopsided grin.
She shrugged her shoulders with an impish grin then sauntered back to the suite herself.
“Chance, Alley Cat and Kitten. Status for recall transport?” I asked. Lyra and Greer were our last landing party to be recalled.
“Standby, Chance. We have a possible situation.” Greer reported.
“Christina? Can you call your Holodisplay, please?” I asked.
Mainly to see if she could repeat the talent.
The full color display popped into existence and we watched Greer’s perspective.
Lyra could be seen engaged in conversation with ‘Paranormal Steve’.
“Say the word, High Priestess.” Christina hinted.
I nodded.
“I must disagree with you, miss, according to my instruments you…are…definitely…” Steven Pollock argued before he apparently finally realized something wasn’t right.
“I knew it! Where am I?” He asked after a few terrified seconds. He looked to the ceiling.
“Oh SHIT!” He exclaimed then gasped for air.
“Welcome aboard EFMC Pegasus, Steven.” Colleen greeted.
“Thank you for the swift transport, Lady Christina.” Lyra acknowledged. She and Greer bowed slightly.
“Steven? May I introduce you to our High Priestess, Chance Summers and the other esteemed members of the Earth Force Marine Corps’s Witch Corps Unit…?” Colleen welcomed and proceeded to introduce everyone present in the lounge.
“Of course you’ve already met my husband, Louis, and our daughter, Christina.”
Sinae- in her normal form- exited her suite.
“So, Tau will be okay in a few; what’d I mis-?” She asked, noticed Steven Pollock, and immediately snapped to full alert in her uniform, wand, and claws!
“I hope there is a reasonable explanation for him being here, High Priestess!”
Pollock turned white instantly- in fact; I think he paled faster than Sinae could fully manifest her uniform!
“Steven Pollock? Her Royal Highness, Kitty Sinae of the FeLane Confederation. She is a Lynxin.” I announced.
Pollock just stood there, not moving a muscle.
“This is where you say something respectful, like: ‘Your Majesty’ and bow courteously.” I prompted in a stage whisper.
Pollock gulped and bowed. “Your m-mmajesty?”
His eyes never moved from Sinae’s razor-sharp, fully extended claws on her left hand!
Aunt Cora cleared her throat.
“Also Queen Caroline Norge of the Norge Trade Federation… No, I didn’t forget, Aunt Cora.” I rolled my eyes, annoyed.
“I’ve heard a lot about you, Mr. Pollock. Please tell me you haven’t been intensively investigating our Matriarch over the last several years?” Aunt Cora requested.
“M-Matriarch? I’m a paranormal investigator, Majesties. It is my job to investigate the strange and unknown.” He bowed to Sinae and Aunt Cora separately.
“So, do you see anything here out of the ordinary, Mr. Pollock?” Aunt Cora smiled. “Or are you referencing Colleen Everhardt Norge as strange or an unknown entity?”
Again, Steven Pollock swallowed loudly and almost choked this time.
“Neither, your highness. I’ve just been investigating the strange occurrences around the disappearance of Christina’s twin sister several years ago. I noted several distinctive energy readings that registered substantially higher than normal during the incident- a reading that- normally background noise- flew off the scale for the briefest of seconds.” He explained without pause or fear.
“Here, put these on, Mr. Pollock.” I offered as I conjured a pair of Current sensitive spectacles.
“What you recorded is called ‘Current’, Energy, Lifeblood, or even ‘Essence’ and is present in all living things, Mr. Pollock. These glasses will allow you to view its presence.”
Placing them, Pollock began to look toward the front of our lounge then turned and quickly shaded his bespectacled eyes.
“It’s beautiful! But why are you and Christina so much brighter than the others, High Priestess?”
“Intelligent sort isn’t he?” Simone commented.
“What you see is the concentration of Current each one of us is currently holding. Chance and Christina are the most powerful of us. None of us though should be trifled with, Mr. Pollock.”
“Speaking of ‘trifled with’; cut the bullshit, Steven! Who are you really?” Colleen attacked.
“Ah. You’ve caught me, and seeing as you all have me at a disadvantage, Colleen, my real name is…” He paused with a huge smile. “Dr. Steven Samuel Pollock. I am a Paranormal Research Scientist investigating the ‘phantom energy spike’ I recorded 11:53AM, Feburary 20th, 2095. I have continued that investigation on the premise of where one spike hit, chances are more will follow. Satisfied, Mrs. Colleen Everhardt…Norge?”
“I like him, Chance! He’s a real smartass!” Sinae laughed. Her clothing changed back to what she had been wearing, dismissed her wand and retracted her claws.
“So you are a Lynxin? I don’t mean to be rude, I was just seeking clarification.” Pollock asked, looking completely infatuated.
“Yes. Our peoples meet several years from now, Mr Pollock. From there we become allies for the foreseeable future.” Sinae replied with a smile.
“I have soooo many questions.” Pollock said ecstatically to himself, but his exuberance turned to sadness.
“Too bad I’m not going to remember any of this.” He continued in defeat.
“Why would you say that, Mr. Pollock?” I asked in curiosity while cocking my head to the side.
“Really? Come on; I’m an unknown variable- an outsider, and a liability, High Priestess. I can’t be trusted with such secrets as Time-travelers or Magical Girl Marine Units! By my reckoning, your unit would be considered ‘blacker-than-black’ and way higher than ‘top secret’. Am I missing the mark here, ladies and gentleman?”
He nervously waited for any objections.
“Oh…I get it now.” His face saddened even deeper. “I’m not going to be released, am I?” He shook his head in despair. “I’m written off as just another missing person in your future, aren’t I?”
Receiving no rebuttal, Pollock nodded sadly, closed his eyes, and seemed to make his peace.
Did he really think we were going to silence him forever? Kill him? Really?
“Assets are rarely discarded, Steven.” I said as I approached and placed a kiss on his sweat-laden forehead.
“Keep the glasses, Mr. Pollock. My only request is that you memorize Lady Hope’s face,” I pointed to mom, “and when next you see her you make every attempt to give her your full support.” I said just before I nodded to Christina.
Steven Pollock vanished from our lounge.

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