It's Just a Dance


It's Just a Dance
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2022 Melanie Brown

Sandy's friends had some plans for him



I hurried across the practice field, knowing that the area was about to be flooded with football players. They were going to practice. Duh.

An assistant coach blew his whistle and pointed at me. “Miss! You need to clear the field. Right now.”

Sheesh. In less than forty-five seconds I would have been on the other side anyway. School’s over for the day. I wouldn’t have trekked across if there had been any players on the field. And yes. He addressed me as “miss”. It happens all the time really. My hair isn’t as long as most girls, but I guess it is on the longish side. And since when is long hair the exclusive province of girls, anyway? My Dad’s cousin’s older brother was a nine year old hippie in the late ‘60s. So there.

I zipped my light jacket up a little as the temperature was a bit low. It was already late October, but still. It had no business being so chilly. I looked up to see several girls I knew… the few that would actually give me the time of day, were walking towards me. Well, realistically, they were walking towards the practice field rather than me specifically. Jeanette was dating Jeremy and the couple was affectionately known to all as “J&J”.

It was Jeanette who waved at me as they got closer. “Hey Sandy!”

Margie looked at her phone for a moment and then said, “At the tone it will be exactly five fifteen… bing!” She and Terri giggled. Ever since I’d mentioned to them that there were the only ones to give me the time of day, Margie always went out of her way to give me the time of day. Terri had a major crush on another of the players. Margie was always just a tag-a-long.

I rolled my eyes and grinned slightly. “Thanks.”

Jeanette giggled as she said, “You can probably guess why we’re out here. But shouldn’t you be home by now blasting aliens?”

I stepped up between the three girls and said, “That’s so last week. I hope my download of Call of Duty: Korea has had a chance to finish by now. But no. I got held after class.”

Margie’s eyes went wide. “What? You? Mr. Perfect got D-Hall?”

With a guffaw and a dismissive wave of my hand, I said, “Don’t be silly. Dr. Hartmangrűber wanted me to stay late and help set up the lab he’s doing for class tomorrow.”

Terri chuckled and then her smile faded as she looked behind me. “Ah crap. What do these assholes want?”

I turned around to see which assholes she was referring to. I should have guessed. It was Randy and Scooter. Sadly, Scooter is his actual given name. Randy is the nickname. His name is actually Randall P. Smith, Esq. Just ask him.

Randy grinned as he stepped next to us. “Well, just lookit here. Four of the most beautiful girls at Aubrie High.” The school was supposed to be named for Audie Murphy but the builder misread the blue prints. The school claims it doesn’t have the funding to change it.

Margie grinned at me. Yeah, Randy said four girls, not three. I just smirked back at her.

Randy continued, “I know there’s only two of us and four of you. But Scooter and I don’t mind sharing. So you can bask in all our testosterone glory, how about you girls come along with us for some cuddle time at the hidden garden at Racer’s Park?”

Margie and Terri both screwed up their faces in disgust. Jeannette just laughed. “Sorry fellas. I’m here to watch my boyfriend Jeremy practice.” Two obvious football players exited the school at that moment. One was Jeremy and the other was Tony, who’d I’d known for a couple years.

Randy pointed at Margie and Terri. “How about just you two, then?”

Terri said, “We’re here with Jeanette.”

Scooter made an obscene gesture at his crotch and exclaimed, “Come on girls! Let’s have some fun.”

Margie asked with some anger in her voice, “Do you guys mind leaving?”

Looking pissed, Randy pointed at me and said, “Okay, babe. Looks like it’s just you.”

Jeremy and Tony just got near us. I said with a grin, “I was waiting for Tony.”

Jeremy walked up to Jeanette and gave her a quick kiss.

Tony walked up to me grinning and put his arm around my waist. “Well, wait no more! So ladies, what’s going on?”

Terri frowned and exclaimed, “These jerks won’t leave us alone!”

Jeremy slung his arm casually around Jeanette’s shoulder. “Are you two clowns bothering these girls?” Jeremy and Tony both are big guys and look even bigger with their football gear on.

Randy backed up a few steps and with a worried expression said, “Hey dudes, it’s all cool. We were just funning with them is all.”

Scooter retreated back to stand next to Randy. “Yeah. That’s all we were doing.”

Randy said with a weak grin, “Hey. You guys all have a good day, okay. We’ll be moving along.” He poked Scooter in the arm. “Let’s go, dip-wad.”

After Randy and Scooter had run off, Tony asked, “Is everyone okay? We have to get to practice.”

I said, “Thanks, Tony.”

Tony grinned and ruffled my hair. “Anytime.”

Jeanette sighed, “I’m so glad you guys showed up when you did.” She gave Jeremy another quick kiss.

Grinning broadly, Jeremy said, “No problem, babe. Always glad to help out. Are you sticking around for practice?”

Jeanette nodded. “I am. I don’t know about these guys.”

Terri said, “I’ll stay and watch for a few minutes and then I’ll need to get home. My Dad’s already texted me twice.”

Margie and I both agreed we could only stay a few minutes.

“Catch you guys later,” said Jeremy as he and Tony both turned to run to join the other players.

Margie said, “I am so glad they showed up. Though I doubt Randy and his minion would have done anything.”

Terri said, “They pester every girl at school. You’d think they’d learn.”

Margie looked over at me with an goofy expression. “I think he likes you.”

Looking puzzled, I asked, “Who? Randy or his minion?”

Margie shook her head. “No, no. Tony. I saw the way he looked at you. Everyone confuses you for a girl.”

I chuckled. “No, he doesn’t. He knows me. He was just playing along.”

Jeanette said, “Are you sure? He sure looked interested to me.”

I frowned. “Okay. It’s nobody’s else’s business, but just real quick so you’ll know what’s what. Last year, Tony mistook me for a girl…”

Margie interrupted with a laugh. “Just like everyone else in school.”

I frowned at Margie. “If I may continue… Tony mistook me for a girl and asked me out on a date. Tony’s very sweet and very shy and he had to build up his courage to ask out “a girl”. Tony’s a nice guy and all and so I, without trying to embarrass him, I let him know I wasn’t a girl. Common mistake as Margie so helpfully noted. We laughed. He apologized and I told him to forget it. For a joke every once in a while, we’ll flirt and he’ll ask me out again. Just kidding around kind of stuff.”

Terri nodded at me. “Yep. He most definitely likes you.”

Margie laughed. “I totally agree!”

I shook my head. “Knock it off, guys.”

Terri looked at her phone again. “I need to jet before my dad calls out the posse.”

Margie picked up her book bag. “Yeah, me too. See you guys tomorrow.”

Jeanette waved her arms and exclaimed, “Oh! Hey wait. I’m having a pizza party Saturday night. I invited all the cheerleaders, but you guys are certainly welcome too.”

Margie shouted, “I’ll be there!”

Terri just waved.

I shrugged and started to walk away. Jeanette called out, “You’re invited too, Sandy! I hope you can come!”

I nodded and said, “I’ll try.” I sighed. It was nice of her to invite me, but I don’t know. It’ll be only girls there. There is something to be said about that. And I’m sure no one would object to me being there. Both the cheerleading coach and Jeanette begged me to try out for cheerleader. They insisted no one would care. And maybe they wouldn’t. But there’s already enough people confused about me as it is.

I paused in walking away to turn to look one more time at the players out on the practice field. Jeremy is easy to spot even if I didn’t know his number. He’s the tallest player on the team. He wanted number 69 on his jersey, but the school nixed it.

Tony was a little harder to spot. He’s a big guy, but most of the team are big guys. From where I was, the distance made reading the number on his jersey difficult. But after a moment, his stance made him easy to spot. I turned and headed towards my house.

*          *          *

“You’re coming to the game tonight, right?”

I was in my own little world as I walked to my next class and the words jarred me back into reality. I looked over and saw Jeremy and Jeanette standing near me in the hallway.

Having not really thought about it, I said, “I don’t know. Maybe. I’ve never really been that big into football.”

Jeremy grinned. “Hey, you really need to come and support the team. Tonight’s the big game.” By big game, he meant the cross town rivalry with Annie Taylor High, The local bookies were putting the odds for the game in ATH’s favor this year.

Jeanette frowned. “You should be there with us anyway. Coach practically begged you to try out for the squad. And no, she didn’t care you considered yourself a boy.”

I chuckled. “Considered?”

I got a light punch to my shoulder and saw Tony hurrying past me. “Coming to the game tonight, right?” He hurried off not waiting for a reply.

Jeanette touched my arm. “That’s right. You have to come see your man play.”

I scowled at her. “Will you knock it off? I should never have mentioned my encounter last year with Tony.”

Jeremy tugged on Jeanette’s arm. To me he said, “Come support the team, okay?” They both hurried away to their next class.

I stood there a moment fuming at Jeanette’s suggestion there was anything between Tony and me.

I wound up going to the game. Despite my general disinterest in the game, I did get excited and cheer along when Tony made the final score right at the end of the game. As the team lined up on the field along with the cheerleaders for us all to sing the alma mater, Tony saw me and waved. Jeanette noticed me wave back and grinned.

*          *          *

I stood in front of the door to Jeanette’s house for a moment before knocking. She was texting how now her pizza party was a victory party. Did I really want to go to a party full of cheerleaders? I laughed to myself. Why *wouldn’t* I want to go to a party full of cheerleaders? I knocked on the door.

Jeanette opened the door and exclaimed, “Sandy! Thanks for coming! Pizza’s already here, so grab a piece.” She hugged me as I came through the door.

Walking over to the table with the boxes of pizza on it, I did a quick scan of my fellow party attendees. Jeanette was still next to me so I asked, “Are there just girls here?”

Laughing, Jeanette said, “Yep. It’s just us girls.” She stepped away to help in the movie selection. Her use of the word “us” wasn’t lost on me.

As I sat down with my slice of pizza to watch whatever movie that was picked, a girl I only knew by sight, sitting across from me asked, “Hey Sandy. Why didn’t you try out for cheerleader? Everyone agrees you’d been perfect as a cheerleader. It’s a lot of work, but we do have a lot of fun.”

I didn’t want to get into the fact that I’m not a girl so I didn’t really think I would be all that perfect. I said, “I’m allergic to fun.”

The girl laughed. “Yeah, right. Aren’t you dating Tony?”

I heaved a heavy sigh. I should probably just leave now. I said, “No. I’m not. Seriously.”

Jeanette said, “Well, we all saw that little wave between you two when we were down on the field.”

Rolling my eyes, I asked, “What? I can’t wave at a friend? I should probably go.” That was a good idea actually.

Jeanette laughed. “Oh chill out, girl. We’re just having fun.”

Frowning, I mumbled, “I’m not a girl.”

Things settled down a bit. I was actually enjoying the movie. I hadn’t seen it before. I said with a chuckle, “I’m shocked. I thought I’d seen all of Nathan Adams’ movies, but I somehow missed this one.”

Margie, who’d managed to slip in with me noticing said, “I’m not surprised you’re a Nathan Adams fan. He and Tony are a lot alike.”

I rolled my eyes. I just can’t win.

The movie finally ended, Margie exclaimed, “Hey, are we going to do any make-over’s tonight? I want Terri to do me. She’s practically a pro.”

Terri stood up. “I’ll get you next. I want to start with Sandy. I don’t think Sandy’s ever gotten a make-over.”

Horrified, I said, “Yeah. With good reason!”

Smirking, Jeanette said, “Yeah. She never comes to our parties.”

I shook my head. “Why don’t you do Margie? I’ll watch.”

Several girls at once said, “Oh come on. Do it! It’s fun.”

Terri pointed at a chair. “Okay, sister. Put your butt into this chair and we’ll get started.”

Margie said, “You’ll really love how you’ll look. Terri is an artiste.”

I knew I was outnumbered, so to save time, I capitulated and sat down.

Grinning, Terri picked up some brushes and said, “You’re going to be so amazed.”

Forcing a smile, I said, “I can’t wait.” Terri giggled.

Another movie was started and fortunately, I was positioned where I could watch. I couldn’t watch a lot with Terri dusting my face with a brush and almost poking out my eyes various other tools of her trade.

After half an hour, Terri stepped back wearing a wide grin. “Ladies. I present to you… Sandra!”

Every eye turned to look at me. I was greeting with many surprised expressions. Margie exclaimed, “Holy shit, Sandra! You’re gorgeous!”

I said, “My name’s not Sandra. Sandy isn’t short for anything.” I had lipstick on and it felt weird to talk.

Several girls looked at me wide eyed. “You look beautiful, Sandra.” Perfect. Now I’m Sandra.

One of the girls said, “Wow, Terri. You’re awesome! I want to be next!”

Margie stood up with her arms extended. “Stand back, ladies. I’m next.”

Terri held up a mirror for me. “Whatcha think?”

I gasped at the mirror. “Holy crap, Terri. Is that actually me?”

With a smug expression, Terri said, “Mmhmm! You should definitely wear make-up more often.”

I looked at my reflection in complete amazement. I honestly couldn’t believe how I looked. I had to admit that I was beautiful. I couldn’t stop looking at myself.

Margie nodded. “I agree with Terri. Yes, you’re pretty without it. But with make-up…it’s just OMG!”

The doorbell rang. I thought it was odd as I’m sure the party is close to winding down. I heard Jeanette exclaim, “Jeremy! You did show up! And hey Tony.” She giggled for a second. “Do we have a surprise for you!”

Oh my God! Tony’s here! Where’s the back door?

I heard footsteps approaching. Tony asked, “Oh? What kind of …?” His eyes went wide when they fell on me. His mouth fell open in shock.

“Sandy? Oh my God, is that you?” I just shrugged with a lame smile. How did he get to be so much taller than me? “You… you’re gorgeous!”

I smiled weakly. I was blushing so bad, the heat off my cheeks could melt diamonds. A boy has never told me I was gorgeous before. What do I say to that? “Thanks,” I said quietly.

Tony just stared at me. He reached up and touched my hair. “You’re unbelievably beautiful.” Embarrassed all to hell, I just looked down at my feet.

Jeremy put his hands on Tony’s shoulders and said with a grin, “I think you found your date for the football banquet.”

Suddenly looking embarrassed himself, Tony said, “Oh no. I can’t ask her to that.”

Jeanette poked Tony’s shoulder. “Of course you can! She’s right here, waiting for you to ask her!”

Suddenly alarmed, I blurted, “Ask me what? What are you talking about?”

Smiling, Jeanette said, “The annual football banquet and dance. Jeremy has already asked me to go.”

Tony shook his head. “No. I can’t just spring a question like that at Sandy.”

Jeremy laughed. “Dude! Of course you can! It’s not every day you have such a beautiful girl just standing in front of you practically begging to be asked!”

This couldn’t be any more embarrassing. The whole cheer squad, plus a few other girls staring intently at us both, begging Tony to ask me to be his date. Tony knows the score. We’ve been down this road before. In fact, it was this very same event he asked me to last year.

I could see Tony starting to crumble under the pressure. He looked at me and his eyes just consumed me. He looked down, and then back to my face. He said, “Sandra, I would be very honored to take you to the banquet.” His expression was so earnest.

Now all eyes turned towards me. Does this really have to be a spectator sport? In a breathy voice, Margie said, “Oh say yes, Sandra! Say yes!” Why am I suddenly Sandra now?

Jeanette smiled at me. “Come on , Sandy. Have some fun. It’s just a dance.”

Yeah. It’s just a dance all right. A dance where I’ll be expected to wear make-up again, wear a dress, and probably high heels. And God knows what else. All Tony has to wear is a clean shirt and a jacket, not even a full suit. This is nuts. I’d be insane to say yes to Tony. I looked at Tony’s eyes and took a deep breath.

“Yes, Tony. I’ll go with you.” A cheer erupted behind me. Well, they are cheerleaders.

*          *          *

“Hey Mom.”

Mom didn’t look up from her computer screen when I entered the house. She said, “Hi Sandy. How was the party?”

I plopped down on the couch near where Mom was sitting. She started to turn towards me. “Did you know many people th…” She stopped and squinted at me. What’s that on your face?”

I sighed. “It’s make-up.”

She turned in her chair. “I can see it’s make-up. I guess I’m asking why my son is wearing make-up?”

I shrugged as I turned the TV on. “They wanted to do make-overs and thought doing me would be fun.”

Mom smirked, “I have to say you are very pretty. You’re actually kinda pretty anyway. So, did all those mean girls gang up on you?”

I nodded with a frown. “Actually, they did. But that’s not the worst of it.”

Raising her eyebrow, Mom asked, “Oh? And what was that?”

I stared blankly at the TV as the shopping channel it was on tried to sell me all those fantastic memories from the 60’s CD collection only available on that channel. I said, “I have a date next Saturday night.”

Mom chuckled. “That doesn’t sound so bad. All those cheerleaders are very pretty. Not as pretty as you right now.” She giggled.

I kept staring at the TV thinking it really would be nice to have that collection of Beach Boys CDs. I said, “It’s not with one of the cheerleaders.”

Mom wrinkled her brow. “Hmm. Is it anyone I know?”





“Me,” I said. “I’m the date.”

Mom frowned. “Honey, you’re not making any sense.”

Turning towards Mom and sounding exasperated, I said, “I have a date with a boy. A football player. You know him. Sorta.”

“You have a date with a boy?” asked Mom not believing me. “And it’s someone I know?”

“Remember last month at the fair, those kids from school we ran into?” I asked as I returned to watching TV. “Remember the one with dark hair? Big guy. Football player?”

Mom looked thoughtful for a moment. She suddenly remembered, “Oh yes. That one really nice boy who won a stuffed animal for you on that ring toss game.”

I nodded. “That’s the one. That’s Tony.” I would never admit it, but I still have that toy on my bed.

Incredulous, Mom asked, “How in the world did you manage to get a date with this…what’s his name? Tony?”

I looked over at Mom as the TV shifted to a Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons CD collection. “It’s complicated. I kinda got roped into it.”

Mom frowned at me. “Did you forget how to say ‘no’? Even if you were a girl, you shouldn’t just let yourself get talked into something you don’t want to do.” Mom looked down her nose at me. “You didn’t want to do this, right?”

I kept looking at the TV. I didn’t know that was a Frankie Valli song. Dad would have. Poor Dad. He went on a three hour boat tour and was never seen again. “I was kinda guilted into it. Tony is the only player who didn’t have a date for their annual banquet. Every girl at the party has this crazy idea that I like him.”

Mom folded her arms. “Do you?”

Looking over at Mom, I said, “He’s always nice to me.”

“Do you like him?”


*          *          *

I felt like I’d been transported to an alien universe.

Just a few short hours ago, I’d been spending a typical Saturday immersed in mortal combat in the Halo universe where I usually spent my Saturday mornings, blasting people I don’t know personally. And having a, pardon the pun, blast doing so.

But now I found myself in a strange and bizarre universe, more alien than any fictitious universe ever devised by the mind of men. I was seated, virtually locked in a chair as three girls who had somehow become my new BFFs fussed over me to transform me from Sandy to Sandra. Talk, that mere hours before would have sounded to me as a collection of mindless prattle had morphed into intense and juicy news about all manner of student life at AM High. For example, until this afternoon, I had no idea the school had a new basketball coach, fresh out of college and was totally hot.

I imagined myself as a princess being attended by three fair maidens, two of whom would have to leave soon to prepare themselves for the same event they’re preparing me for. That morning, I’d shaved everywhere. I’d hate to have to do that all the time.

Terri was working her magic again applying my make-up. She said she’d be doing a super professional job for me today letting me know, more than once, how much her services would have cost at a salon. Jeanette was expertly doing my nails. I’d never painted my own nails, much less let someone do it for me. Margie was styling my hair. Without a doubt, this was truly the most bizarre experience in my life.

Terri had also graciously let me borrow her Home Coming dress from last year. Along with the dress came shoes and a matching clutch purse. All three girls agreed I should start looking now for a prom dress. I told them they were all crazy as I had no interest in going to prom. They all giggled knowingly. They were all also upset my ears weren’t pierced and that I should get that done as soon as possible, I think they’re all insane.

They finally finished and had me stand up and rotate around a few times. They all smiled at me and Jeanette said, “Girl, you are so gorgeous! If Tony isn’t already, he’s going to just fall in love with you! Okay, Terri and I have to go get ready ourselves. See you at the banquet!”

“Bye guys,” I said sincerely. “Thanks for everything.” Am I really? They’ve prepared me for my descent into an ever more darker and strange universe. Otherwise known as a date with a boy. Now *that’s* terrifying.

Mom had retreated to her bedroom during my transformation. She really didn’t totally approve, but she wasn’t going to stop it either because I made the mistake of not definitely stating I didn’t want to do it. I didn’t want to hurt Tony’s feelings. Stupid, I know.

Mom came into the living room after I closed the door behind Margie. “Can I come out now?”

I laughed as I turned to speak to her. “No one told you that you couldn’t stay, Mom.”

Mom just froze. She sucked in her breath and just stood there. “Oh my God, Sandra. Just look at you! You’ve become a beautiful young woman! I… I… I just can’t believe it.”

I frowned. “Mom, are you going to start calling me Sandra too?”

Mom just shook her head. “That’s a gorgeous dress you’re wearing. You look too feminine to be a boy. You’re going to be turning heads, that’s for sure.”

Terri had basically said the same thing. She said the eyes of every boy would be on me. Is that what I really want? The thought of being stared at by every boy at the banquet kinda made me ill.

Mom grinned at me. “Go ahead and sit down. Your date won’t be here for at least an hour and you’re going to get awfully tired standing in those heels. Did those girls leave you any lipstick? You’ll need it for touch ups later.”

I nodded and shook my clutch purse. “It’s in here. Terri bought me all new make-up. Well, I paid for it.”

As I started to sit as directed, Mom said, “Oh, hold on a second. Come into my room.” I followed her into her bedroom.

Mom opened a box on top of her dresser and removed a pair of dangly earrings. “I’d like to give you my good diamond earrings, but I have these cute clip-ons you can wear. You need to get your ears pierced. And here. I’ll help you put this necklace on. It really goes with your dress.” I turned around so she could clasp the necklace. I have to say, if even for a moment if I thought I’d ever need to wear earrings again, I’d get my ears pierced. These were uncomfortable to say the least.

Just as I turned to leave her room, Mom picked up a bottle and spritzed me with perfume. Chuckling, Mom said, “Your father always got a little frisky when I was wearing that.”

I frowned. “Oh great, Mom. The last thing I need is for Tony to get frisky.”

I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV hoping to calm my fraying nerves. Today they were selling the hits of the Big Bands.

I felt like a man watching the clock in anticipation of his execution. I hoped my deodorant was holding up. As zero hour approached, I kept getting up to check my make-up. It was perfect every time.

Right in the middle of a clip of Tommy Dorsey playing Song of India, the doorbell rang. What do I do?

Mom calmly said, “Go to your room, honey and wait for me to call for you.” Mom walked over to the front door as I hurried down the hall. The damned doorbell rang again. It seemed louder. More terrifying,

Standing just inside my door, I heard Mom open the front door and after a pause, she said, “Oh! You must be Tony.”

I heard a slightly nervous Tony say, “Yes ma’am. Is Sandra ready?” I was worried that if I checked my driver’s license right now, it’d show my name as Sandra.

Mom said, “She should be almost ready. Have a seat and I’ll go let her know you’re here.” Almost ready? I’ve been ready for an hour and a half.

Mom walked up to my door and whispered, “Tony’s here. Give him at least four or five minutes before you come out.” She then turned and walked back to the living room. I could hear her say, “She’ll be ready in a few minutes. So. You’re on the football team?” I guess Mom wanted to engage in a little small talk.

It annoyed me that Mom referred to me as “she”. I sighed. Well, what else could she do? It would make Tony uncomfortable if she said something like, “Yeah. Just give my boy a minute while he shaves his dick.”

I stood in my doorway for several minutes wondering if it might be best if I just climbed out the window. That would probably just break a nail, so I decided against it. Finally I thought times up. I’ve waited long enough. Time to face my fate. With any luck, Tony would just laugh and say it was all a joke. I took a deep breath and started walking down the hall, my heels clicking along the way.

When I entered the living room, Tony stood up with a goofy expression. He had something in his hand. With my hands in front of me, I said quietly, “Hi Tony.”

Grinning wide, Tony took a step towards me. “Hello Sandra. You… you’re stunning! So gorgeous.” Mom stood to one side looking extremely proud.

Embarrassed, I looked down at my feet. Looking back up, I said, “Thank you. You look very nice.” And he did. They let the girls choose however they want to dress up for the banquet. All the boys were required to wear a button down shirt, tucked in, slacks with a belt, a tie and a jacket. Bathing optional.

Despite rumors, I honestly don’t spend my time looking at guys. But I have to say, Tony wasn’t just handsome. He was gorgeous. I’m not being hyperbolic. Whatever that means. I couldn’t take my eyes off his clean shaven face. He’d gotten a haircut and cleaned under his fingernails.

He took another step towards me and held out the box he was holding. The clear plastic lid revealed flowers inside. “This is for you.” He removed the lid and extracted a wrist corsage with carnations. “I… I hope you don’t mind. I asked your mother last week what your favorite flower was. She said carnations. I hope that’s right.”

I smiled at Tony. Honestly, I have no clue what my favorite flower would be. I did know that my Mom loved carnations. Works for me. I smiled. “Yes it is.”

I held my hand out and he slipped the corsage past my fingers. I smiled. “It’s beautiful.” More firsts for today. No boy has ever bought anything resembling flowers for me and I’ve never worn a corsage of any kind. My emotions were bouncing all over.

Looking way too happy, Mom held up her phone. “I’ve got to get pictures of you two. So adorable.”

I stood next to Tony and he put his arm around my waist. He pulled me close as we both smiled for Mom’s picture.

Tony looked from me to Mom. “We should probably get going.”

Mom smiled at us. “You two have a good time. She needs to be back home by eleven.” I have a curfew? I’ve never had a curfew before. Granted I don’t go out all that often. There was that one LAN party where I was out until almost five. Mom got pretty hot about that.

Tony smiled. “I’ll have her back on time.” He turned towards me. “Ready?”

I nodded. Am I really ready? Tony took my hand and led me through the front door and out to his car. I looked down at my hand. Like I’ve said, Tony is a big guy. But it seemed so odd to see how small my hand looked in his. And then there was my nail polish.

Being a gentleman, Tony opened my car door and held my hand to steady me as I navigated into the seat of his deep blue seven hundred horse Dodge Challenger Hellcat. He got in the driver’s seat and fired up that rumbling 6.4 liter V8 HEMI to life. If I had a vagina, I’d be wet about now.

With a squeal of tortured tires and a cloud of burning rubber, we accelerated away from the curb and headed towards the banquet.

I grinned as I turned my head to look at Tony. “Holy shit. I love your car!” I really do!

Tony chuckled. “I got it for my birthday. I’ll take you riding any time you want.”

“Do you race it?” I asked.

He shook his head. “No. Cops tend to frown on street racing in this town. Plus I still need to break it in.”

We rode in silence to the hotel where the banquet was being held. Silence in this case meaning not talking while being blasted by the heavy metal issuing from the car’s sound system.

As we rumbled into the parking lot of the hotel, Tony lowered the volume a few decibels. As he shut the engine off, Tony turned to me, taking my hand he said, “I really want to thank you, Sandy for doing this. I know you didn’t have to and everyone was pressuring you. You still could have said no.”

I threw my arms up in the air. “Oh, now you tell me.”

Tony chuckled. “Sorry.” He squeezed my hand. “But I’ll definitely be with the most beautiful girl there. You truly are gorgeous.” He shocked me by lifting my hand and kissing my fingers.

I stared at my hand with the pretty nail polish, in Tony’s hand. I said, “You’re very sweet, Tony. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else than here with you right now.”

He smiled as he gave my hand a little squeeze. “Keep your calendar open for prom.” He then opened his door and stepped out of his car. I sat there stunned for a moment. Did he just ask me to prom? It’s not even November yet.

He ran around the front of his car to open my door. He extended his hand towards me and gingerly took my fingers and helped me out of his car. Holding hands, Tony led me to the banquet hall at the swanky hotel.

It’s bizarre how a little change in clothing can affect your world perception. As we entered the banquet hall, Tony was immediately greeted by his fellow football buddies. I’ve known several of these guys at least since I started high school. Not buds, but been around them in various classes. But now, wearing a short tight dress with high heeled sandals, wearing make-up and nail polish, I felt totally intimidated by all these large boys. I was so thankful for Tony’s arm around my waist. I knew I wasn’t in any actual danger, but I felt so small around these boys.

And it bothered me, that many of the boys Tony introduced me as his date, knew me from school and not one gave how I was dressed a thought. Tony was complimented on the beauty of his date, and girls with the other football players complimented my dress and or my hair. It was weird being told my nails are pretty. I didn’t say anything when Tony introduced me as “Sandra”. What bothered me most was that it was if I’d always been Sandra. A couple of girls even said it was about time I stopped being such a tomboy.

Feeling a bit claustrophobic, I told Tony I needed to go to the restroom. I didn’t really. I just wanted some space. I had to leave the banquet hall and walk a short distance. I was shocked to see I was the only one inside. I went to one of the stalls and remembered to sit down. The last two games have made Tony extremely popular and I just felt closed in. And remembering what my Dad once told me about never passing up a chance to use the restroom, it turned out I needed take a tinkle anyway.

While I was sitting, I decided to check my purse to make sure my lipstick was still there as I was sure I’d need it after we ate. I never had to worry about that before. Since I had put it in there an hour before Tony arrived to pick me up, the lipstick hadn’t snuck out of my purse. My purse. Yes, it’s technically Terri’s purse, but I never thought I’d have to carry one. Since arriving it’s also been driving me crazy that there aren’t any pockets to put my hands into.

Since getting the purse, I hadn’t really taken inventory of what was inside so before I left the stall, I thought I’d browse through the contents. The compact that Terri had bought for me was in there and then… and then… OMG! The music from the murder scene in the movie Psycho started pounding in my head. There they were. Lying all innocent like. Two tampons! The humanity! I was actually carrying tampons! And then OMG again! Two packages of condoms! What the hell did Terri think Tony and I were going to do?? Calm down. Terri last wore this dress to a dance last year and I’m sure they’re hers. Who was she dating last year? OMG. She was dating Jeremy! That skank. Should I tell Jeanette? They’re like best friends. How could she? Oh wait… Jeanette stole Jeremy way from Terri. Why are these thoughts even in my head?

I opened the stall door and stepped out after making sure everything was still in place. I was shocked to see Jeanette checking her make-up.

Jeanette looked up and smiled at me in the mirror. “You took long enough!” She turned to look at me. “You look totally gorgeous, girl. How’s it going with you and Tony?”

I shrugged. “Things seem to be going well. It got a little too intense with all his friends around him. What bugs me though, is that no one remembers that I didn’t always wear a dress.”

Jeanette chuckled. “I heard someone talking about that after another person said they could have sworn you were in their boy’s PE class last year. Someone helpfully explained it. They suggested that everyone who thought you were a boy are suffering from something he called The Mandela Effect. He said you’re obviously a girl.”

I laughed. “I’ve heard something about that. That idea will be shattered when we’re all back in school on Monday.”

With a shrewd smile, Jeanette asked, “You sure?”

I barked a laugh. “It’ll be obvious I’m a boy.” I leaned into the mirror to check my lipstick.

Jeanette opened her purse and slammed a twenty dollar bill on the little shelf under the mirror. “My twenty bucks says the only thing said to you on Monday will be a compliment on your dress tonight or at least your appearance.”

Frowning, I opened my purse and removed a tampon and slapped it down on her twenty. I sneered, “You’re on! Sorry. I don’t have any cash, but you can take that as an I.O.U. But I guarantee someone will ask me what the hell I thought I was doing.”

Grinning, Jeanette handed me back my tampon. “I trust you. Here. You might need this later.” After a quick glance in the mirror, she said, “You should probably get back to your boyfriend.”

Jeanette and I returned to the dining hall.

Tony waved me over to him. Actually looking worried, he said, “You’ve been in the restroom this whole time? I was worried that you’d fallen in.” He was probably worried I’d run off.

Tony slid his arm around my waist again. He herded me over to another group. Pulling me close to him, he said, “Coach! I’d like you to meet Sandra.”

The coach extended his hand towards me. He just lightly grasped the tips of my fingers. He grinned and said, “So you’re the young lady Tony’s been talking about.” He wore a cowboy hat, a wide leather belt and cowboy boots. I expected to be referred to as a little heifer. He chuckled. “You’re all he talks about. Nice to meet you.”

Looking confused, Jeremy asked, “So you’re the girl Tony’s been talking so much about? I thought that was a joke the other day on the practice field. So you really are a girl?”

Looking sheepish, Tony said in low tones, “Sorry. I was always being bugged about being the only one without a girlfriend, I made one up. Because of the history between us, I named her Sandra.”

I frowned. “We don’t have any history between us!”

Looking puzzled, Tony asked, “What about all that flirting?”

I just kinda stammered. I didn’t know what to say.

Tony smiled at me as he put his arm around my waist again. “Has anyone ever mentioned how gorgeous you are?”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Hey bucko. That flattery stuff isn’t going to work on me.”

Jeanette came up to us and said, “Come on guys, they’re wanting everyone to take a seat. They’re about to serve. You’re sitting next to us.”

As we sat down, Tony turned to me and asked, “Honey, are you mad at me?”

As I smoothed my dress under me, I hissed, “You made me up!”

Tony grinned. “You know you like me.” Oddly, even though he’s a boy, I do like him. Or I did. I feel tricked now.

I calmed down some as they brought our dinner out. Six ounce sirloin steaks with baked potatoes and ice tea catered by Out Back. A last minute donation saved us from a taco dinner.

A couple of times during dinner, Tony would place his hand on my thigh and play with the hem of my skirt. I kept moving his hand away. He’d just smile at me.

When the eating was starting die down, the coach stood up. He was seated a table with mostly adults. He said, “I think everyone would agree that was a great dinner. Let’s have a big hand for Ms. Johnson for making all the arrangements. Looking embarrassed, a woman in her forties stood slightly, more like a bow as everyone applauded. Other than the bringer of streaks, I had no idea who she was.

A person I recognized as the assistant coach reached under the table and started setting a few trophies and plaques on the table. One large plaque he set to one side.

The coach said, “Now, we have a number of awards to hand out tonight. Everyone on our team is a winner, but we want to recognize of few of you for outstanding achievement.”

The coach started announcing names. I knew a few of them and applauded politely when they walked up to get their award. Jeremy got a trophy for something. Until they called his name, I wasn’t really paying any attention. Jeremy got a handshake from Tony, a kiss from Jeanette and a “woo hoo!” from me.

After a few minutes, the coach had handed out all the awards except the largest one still on his table.

Smiling, the coach said, “And now it’s time to present the award for the most valuable player. While every member of the team is needed to win, there’s always that one player who excels above what is just expected. A key player who brings home win after win. So tonight, I am proud to present this award to just such a player. Tony! Come up here and get recognized.”

There was loud applause and I actually let out a squeak. Tony gave me a hug and stood up to walk over to get his award. Janette tapped me on the arm. When I turned to look at her, she mouthed the words without making any sound, “Kiss him. On the lips.”

I shook my head and mouthed, “No way in hell.”

This time I could just barely hear her as she hissed, “Kiss him!”

When Tony worked his way back to our table, he set the award down, turned to me, put both arms behind my back at the waist and pulled me close to him. He looked me straight in my eyes and before I knew it, his lips were pressed solidly against mine. He started to push me backwards, so I had no choice but to sling my arms around his neck. He kissed me long and hard. Around me I heard applause, cheering, whistles and people calling out.

Oh my God! I was just kissed by a boy. And kissed very publically. I couldn’t breathe for a moment. I was terribly embarrassed. Shocked, I sat down. Tony’s smile you could see a mile.

The coach then said, “And as we all know, behind every great man, is a great woman who inspired him. So, I’d like to recognize Sandra for being the inspiration Tony needed to be MVP.”

The room burst out in applause and cheering again. I’m going to be sick. Jeanette shouted, “Stand up girl! Take a bow.”

I stood up and smiled nervously, my cheeks blazing red. Tony turned me around, bent his head down to me and softly pressed his lips against mine in a kiss that curled my toes.

Grinning, the coach announced, “Alright! Let’s change this banquet hall into a ballroom!” Several boys from the team started moving tables around opening up space for a dance floor. I don’t know where he was hiding, but a DJ suddenly materialized along one wall.

The DJ announced as he started a slow song, “First up is our sweetheart dance. Let’s have our football sweethearts, Tony and Sandy out here on the dance floor!”

I gasped. Oh my God. Please make it stop! I wanted to turn around and run from the building.

Jeanette touched my arm and whispered. “It’s just a dance…”

Tony took my hand and led me out onto the dance floor. “May I have this dance?”

Oh what the hell? I said, “Yes. I’d love to.” I don’t know if I’ll ever recover from the trauma of all this embarrassment. The whole room got quiet except for the music being played. Holy crap. Everyone was looking at us. They turned the house lights down to super romantic level.

Tony took my hand as I placed one hand on his shoulder and placed a hand on my waist. I have no idea how to dance, but I’ve seen this in a zillion movies. Surely I could fake it. I placed my head on Tony’s shoulder.

I don’t know if it was from a lack of oxygen or what, but I did start to feel dreamy as we rocked back and forth to the music. Tony whispered in my ear, “You’re the most beautiful girl. I’m so lucky you’re mine.” How did I become his all of a sudden? I was worried that before the night was through, I’d be married to him. “You smell so nice.”

I whispered, “Just don’t get frisky.”

He kissed me again just as the lights came back up to normal romantic levels. So everyone saw us kissing.

As Jeremy and Jeanette came pirouetting by, Jeanette gave me a thumbs up and grinned. I looked around and Terri seemed lost in another world dancing in the arms of her boyfriend.

The coach came up and touched Tony on the arm. “May I cut in?”

Looking annoyed, Tony said, “Of course, coach.”

The coach was taller than Tony. He towered over me. He took my hand and placed his other hand on my waist. I suspect from his manner of dressing he’d preferred doing the Cotton Eyed Joe. But he was actually a very good dancer. Yee Haw.

Smiling at me, the coach said, “I had to get a dance in with the woman who turned Tony around to be our best player. He seemed unfocused at the start of the season and fumbled the ball a lot. He credits you for straightening him out. So miss, I’m very thankful. We have a shot at state this year.” It bothers me that Tony has been lying about me. Why can’t he take credit for his own success?

“May I cut in?”

The coach inclined his head towards me as if he was tipping his hat. “Thank you for the dance, miss.” He backed away and Jeanette took his place.

“Well, this is a surprise,” I said as she took her dance position.

Giggling, she said, “I figured you would be busy the rest of the evening. I just wanted to talk to you for a second.”

“I’m here,” I smiled back at her.

“First, just how long have you been seeing Tony? With you being the woman behind the man and all that.”

I shook my head. “I have no idea what’s up with that. That afternoon at the practice field when he and Jeremy sent those two creeps on their way? That’s about the first time since school started that I’d talked to him.”

Letting a little smirk get by, Jeanette said, “Well, it seems everyone thinks he’s your boyfriend.”

Annoyed, I asked, “Why does everyone now think I’m a girl?”

She stopped dancing and just stared at me for a moment. “You’re gorgeous. You’re wearing a gorgeous dress. And you’re here with the second most gorgeous boy. Why do you think?”

I frowned. “I’m a victim of circumstances.”

Tony stepped up to us and said, “Do you mind if I dance with my girl? Especially if you’re just going to stand there?”

Jeanette frowned. “I told Jer that award would go to your head. Fine. I’ll talk with Sandra later.”

Tony grinned as he resumed his dancing position. I laid my head back on his shoulder as we started dancing again. “I really love dancing with you, Sandy. But maybe we should go someplace more private.”

The memory of those two condoms in my purse suddenly flashed before my eyes. I said, “I like it here. Nice to be surrounded by friends. Lots of friends.” Tony shrugged as he gave me a curious look.

After another twenty minutes of dancing, I had to sit down and take my shoes off. My feet were killing me.

Tony walked off to chat about our teams future chances with his football friends. Terri plopped down next to me.

Grinning at me, Terri said, “Congratulations, girl.”

I looked sideways at her. “For what?”

Smiling wide, she said, “For landing Tony as your boyfriend. That was the goal right? And you’re welcome. I’m sure my make-up job helped.”

“Tony’s not my boyfriend,” I exclaimed. “And it certainly wasn’t the goal.”

Terri chuckled. “Well, I just heard for the third time, Tony telling his friends that you’re his girlfriend. I think one more time and it’s a common law marriage.”

Shocked, I asked Terri, “You’re joking, right?”

She shrugged. “Just enjoy it, girl. You’ve made him popular. Cute, popular boys like Tony don’t stay with one girl for very long. Maybe longer if you put a ring on it.”

“I honestly wasn’t out to get a boyfriend,” I said sincerely. “I was just helping a friend.”

Terri’s expression darkened slightly. “Just remember, Tony really could have any girl he wants, but he chose you.”

*          *          *

Tony’s car slowly pulled up to the curb outside my house. He had held my hand all the way home and we stole kisses at every red light. I felt very confused. I’ve never had any real interest in Tony or any guy as far as that goes. But looking over at Tony, I was feeling very warm and gooey inside.

As he opened his door, Tony said, “Here we are. With ten minutes to spare.” I just sat there, watching him walk around the car. I truly did not want this night to end. He opened my door and helped me out of his car. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him as we walked up to my house.

Standing on the porch, Tony took both my hands in his and looked deeply into my eyes. “I had a wonderful time tonight, Sandy.”

“Oh I did too!” I gushed. I was about to turn into a puddle of girly goo.

Still holding my hands, Tony said, “You were the most beautiful girl at the dance tonight. Would… would you like to go out again sometime? Maybe a movie next Friday?”

Wide eyed and breathy, I said, “I’d love to!”

There was an awkward silence for a few moments, and then he put his arms around my waist and pulled me very close. I put my arms around his neck and looked up. Even in heels he’s taller than me. He bent his head down and his lips brushed against mine. Why do I love his lips so much? With his fingers, he swept some stray hairs from my face.

I parted my lips slightly and suddenly his lips were pressed against mine. I breathed heavily with desire. I was in heaven and if I wasn’t holding on to his neck, I’d probably be a puddle at his feet. I wanted his kiss to last forever. At which point did I switch sides? I didn’t care. I just wanted my Tony to hold me.

Tony slowly pulled away. “I should probably let you go now. It’s almost eleven and I don’t want your mom angry at me.” I still had my arms around his neck. I pulled him down for one last kiss. I hope I’m not falling in love.

We finally separated. One last embrace and he quietly returned to his car. It rumbled into life and I watched it as it disappeared down our street.

As I entered my house, Mom stood up from sitting on the couch where she was reading her Kindle. She grinned as she put her hands on my shoulders to hug me. “From the expression on your face, I really don’t need to ask how the evening went.”

I grinned dopily at Mom and hugged her. My life had irreversibly changed that night as the solitary condom in my purse bore mute witness.

*          *          *

Monday I lost twenty bucks to Jeanette.

*          *          *

The End

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