The Trap


I know a lot of you don't like it when I write this femdom stuff. I wrote this after chatting to Freddie Clegg. He has written many stories set in "New Order" Britain.

It is a bit like Beverly Taff's "Feminine Queendom". The main difference is many of the women for some inexplicable reason seem to be into dominating men. Well this is just fantasy anyway.

Men need to be sponsored by a company or a women to get a livable wage. MCF in the story stands for Male Control Force.
There is a little crossdressing in it. I wrote this for another site and thought I'd share it here.


Toby rushed through the darkening streets hoping he could get home before the curfew. He couldn’t get an exemption pass as his shift at the coffee shop finished at 6pm. He had only two hours to get home.

When he could afford it he took the bus. That was a problem in itself. Male buses were like cattle trucks. They were infrequent and expensive. He did not really have enough money to survive now. Unsponsored males had to work for the lowest wages available.

It was such a come down from being a head master. The word “master” had no place in New Order. His deputy head took over and sacked him. She did offer to sponsor him, but he refused. She had an axe to grind with him after he had given her several written warnings on her treatment of the boys in the school. He suspected she would reinstate corporal punishment, with him as the test subject.

If he ran, he could make it home in ninety minutes. He knew that if he ran, he would get picked up for acting suspiciously by the MCF.

It would go on his record, and he would lose his poorly paid job. He would lose his tiny room with a shared bathroom five miles away. Not much to lose, but unemployed, unsponsored men wound up in work camps.

So he took a shortcut down a narrow ally. He heard the clicking of footsteps behind him.

“You! Stop where you are. Hands up.”

Oh my god, he thought. It was the MCF. He turned slowly with his hands up to see the officer pointing a taser at his chest.

“What are you doing here? Waiting to rape some poor woman I suspect.”

Out of nowhere she kicked him in the groin. He doubled up over and fell against a full dustbin.

“I.D. card now.”

He reached into his coat and pulled out his I.D. card. She scanned it and said.

“Well it seems you have been a good little boy. No convictions. I will add a note to your I.D. about acting suspiciously though.”

“Please I’ll lose my job.”

He was panicking now. Then he heard another familiar voice.

“Oh there you are. I just can’t trust you to find your way anywhere can I?”

He looked up and saw it was Abbi, a regular customer in the coffee shop. She was four years older than him, and rather plain looking, but right then she looked like an angel.

“Is he with you ma’am?”

“Yes, he must have gotten lost, he was meant to meet me at the end of the alley.”

“Oh, OK. You realise that’s why lots of women are keeping them on leads now don’t you.”

“Yes I’ll have to get one for him.”

“Where were you taking him. He’s unsponsored you know.”

“I know he was coming to my house to discuss me sponsoring him.”

“Allright. If he’s sponsored by the end of the week, I’ll delete his infringement.”

Abbi winked at him as he got up and brushed himself off.

“Come on Toby. I only live around the corner.”

“Abby, I won’t make the curfew I’ll be arrested!”

“You can sleep on my sofa. I’ll even feed you.”

The thought of not spending the night alone and eating just canned beans appealed to him. Abbi was always nice to him while he cleaned the tables. She even left him a tip on odd occasions.

Most women now he noticed, never used please and thank you when talking to men. One of the other men he worked with had told him since men had been relegated to menial jobs, women had more responsibility. Therefore, more stress. He told him women resented men for letting them take over.

That made no sense to Toby. They wanted to take over surely. Most of them seem to enjoy the power they had now.

They arrived at Abbi’s house. It was a pretty two bedroom semi, with an immaculate garden. Just as they got to the front door it was opened from the inside. A man struggled out carrying a bucket in one hand and a vacuum cleaner in the other. Toby stared at him. The man was dressed in a frilly, impractical French maid’s dress.

“Excuse me ma’am, I’m running late.”

“No problem Tony. Tell your boss same time next week.”

They went inside and sat down in the living room. Toby had to ask.

“Why was he dressed like that Abbi?”

“Surely you must have seen men dressed in what women had to wear doing jobs in the past?”

“Well yes. I’ve seen a few dressed as receptionists and cleaners, but that was normal clothes. That looked like a Halloween outfit.”

“Well the service is called Milly, Molly Maids. So I guess that’s why. It’s one of the things New Order encourages. It’s hard to act like a big, nasty man while wearing a frilly dress and silky knickers.”

Toby had noticed those while Tony bent to load his tiny van. It was not ladylike at all.

“Right I meant what I said about sponsorship. Let’s talk.”

Toby thought he would agree if she wanted him. She was one of the nicest women he had met in the last few months. Before New Order he probably wouldn’t have looked at her twice, but now looks definitely were not everything.

What Toby didn’t know was that Abbi’s husband was unfaithful to her. She couldn’t and wouldn’t leave him in case she couldn’t get another man. She had always had a dominant personality. When she was young playing house with her older brother, she asked him to be the wife. He laughed and said never, that was a girl’s job.

She had caught him smoking when he was twelve. She threatened to tell their parents. So after that when they played dress up and house, he was the one in the dress and apron. He waited on her, bringing pretend dinners and drinks.

She saw how being dressed as a girl made him smaller and weaker. He wasn’t scary like that. She enjoyed this for six months, until their parents had caught him smoking and punished him. After that she had no hold over him.

When New Order took over she had such plans for revenge on Steven, her husband. She had joined the party and knew some of the plans they had. The problem was Steven was out of the country selling to a client in India. He heard about New Order winning the election and refused to return, like many other men.

He told her to email him the divorce papers and emptied out their joint bank account. She only held onto the house. New Order soon put a ban on men leaving the country, but Steven had slipped the net. She knew men were still being smuggled out, but now it looked like she would be getting a replacement for Steven.

She smiled, thinking about all the things she was going to do to be able to do to Toby now. If only he had known that she had been grooming him. When he left the coffee shop she had followed him. She had paid the MCF officer to rough him up to convince him he needed her.

He had fallen into her trap completely. In a few days he wouldn’t be working at the coffee shop anymore. She didn’t think she would need the services of Milly, Molly Maids for much longer. She sent him off to make coffee as she considered what she would make him wear once he had signed the sponsorship papers.

If Toby knew what was in store for him, he would have run for the hills.


The Trap Part 2: Training Advice

Abbi had it all planned out. She had heard from the women at work about the problems they had getting their men to fall in line.

The worst case was Ann who worked in her office. She was a petite woman, who was married to a 6ft bodybuilder.

She had read the New Order pamphlets and purchased the equipment. Her husband refused to kiss her feet, so she tried to paddle his backside.

In a fit of rage, he wrenched it from her hand, breaking her arm in the process. He went on the run, knowing how much trouble he was in. When the MCF caught him he made a fight of it. Even though he was tasered, he managed to break one of the officer’s noses.

It was in the news that he received a sentence of 30 years’ hard labor for his offences. New Order were sending out a message to men what happens if you resist.

Now every time a man was caught they made sure men knew what happened to them.

The sensible women introduced discipline slowly. Just a small smack when they had failed to do something. This grew until it was accepted. The turning point is chastity. She was told. Once your man had to rely on you for sexual release he was putty in your hands.

Two of the women she worked with, Sophie and Debby, had their husbands in the palms of their hands They told her that you needed to train men to never expect sexual release unless they pleased you totally. They said that it keeps them focused on you the whole day.

Debby had giggled when she told Abbi what they had done to Sophie’s husband last weekend. They had tied him naked and gagged to the wall in Sophie’s bedroom. They both stripped down to their underwear and started to make out. Graham, Sophie’s husband sprouted a huge erection.

Debby had said,

“Oh poor Graham. Does it turn you on seeing your wife have fun? I’ll tell you what. If you can pass our test, we will release your right hand and you can play with yourself.”

They both stripped off their bra’s and knickers, and hung them over his cock. He had to keep them on there until Debby brought Sophie to her first orgasm.

The sight of him straining to keep his cock pointing up, turned Sophie on so much, she screamed with pleasure in about two minutes.

“So did you release his right hand?” Abbi said.

“Yes we had to. If you don’t honor your threats of punishment or reward, training doesn’t work. It’s like training a small child or an animal. If they know by following orders they will be rewarded. They will be eager to please you.” Sophie said.

Debby grinned at her and told her.

“My Simon can only orgasm when I peg him now. The only time I let him touch himself is when he has a dildo in him. He begs me to do him every night. We are thinking of bringing Graham over to do it to him while we watch.”

Both women roared with laughter. They knew the men would have no choice, but knew how embarrassed they would both be.

“I’ll make sure Simon is dressed in some sexy undies, so Graham gets nice and hard for him. I have some old fishnets he used to like me to wear” Debby said.

This set them off again. Abbi returned to her desk. She felt her knickers were very “steamy”, after hearing all that.

She would take it slowly with Toby. She had filed the sponsorship forms with government now, and would move Toby in at the weekend.

She wasn’t a lesbian and had no interest in sleeping with other women. The idea of having a man who would be a slave to any of her desires was an incredible power trip.

She wished she had another spare pair of knickers in her handbag as she browsed the internet on her lunch break. She had a lot of equipment to order, and she was imagining using it on Toby.

She decided he would be leaving the coffee shop soon. She would talk to Kate Bowers, the owner of Milly, Molly Maids. Perhaps they needed another maid.


The Trap Part 3: Training

Toby moved in with Abbi as he was required to do. She showed him the “Sponsors Guide”. He was horrified by what he would be expected to do.

He knew some of the things that happened, as he had heard workmen moaning about their sponsors when they worked in the coffee shop. Men were very rarely customers. The tax and low wages made sure coffee was a luxury they couldn’t afford.

He shook his head as he read it, but realized life with Abbi meant warmth and good food. His own bank account was almost empty. Not that it mattered now, everything that he had was hers.

What he didn’t realize was he couldn’t back out. She could cut him free of the agreement, but he was stuck. If he just left, he would be an absconder. He would be hunted down and put in a work camp if he was lucky.

Abbi made them both dinner and they chatted about their lives and got to know each other. Toby thought her husband was an arsehole and told her. This seemed to please Abbi. Toby told her that he never had much success with women. Small men like him, he was only 5ft 6 inches, were not seen as prize catches for most women back then.

To Abbi the fact that he was 3 inches shorter than her was plus. Steven was 6ft tall, she always felt a little afraid when he was in a rage. She wasn’t sure how he would have reacted to her being in charge of him. She wouldn’t have to worry about that now. She had her little Toby.

Abbi let him sleep in her spare room the first night.In the morning Toby woke early and made Abbi some boiled eggs and soldiers, and took it to her in bed.

“I ‘m going to like getting used to having a man around Toby”

“Well it pays to keep in with the boss.”

“Toby, you realize I more or less own you now don’t you?”

“Yes, after reading that book yesterday I was in shock for a few minutes. Are you going to do all that stuff to me?”

“I have to, well at least some of it. There are inspections and standards I have to obey as a sponsor. If you stayed unsponsored, you would have ended up in a camp anyway. Unsponsored men are seen as a security risk.”

“I understand. It’s much nicer here than my tiny room. I’ll do anything I can to keep you happy.”

“I’m glad you feel that way. Go and make yourself some breakfast then come back when you’re finished.”

“Thanks, I didn’t want to eat your food without permission.”

“Good, keep that up, and you won’t feel my cane that often.”

Just saying this made her flush, she thought about all that was to come. He had to assemble the cage today. It was Sunday so she thought there was no rush, she would have some fun.

A little later Toby knocked on the door and came in when she told him she was “decent”.

“Shall I take your tray?”

“Later, I have something more interesting for you to do. Strip off.”


She put her hand under the cover and pulled out a 3ft long cane. She swished it about and the vicious sound it made caused Toby to step back.

“Listen, you know if you don’t obey I can have you sent to a camp, or a correctional facility. They will beat you black and blue. They will torture you until you are a blubbering wreck. I don’t want that for you, so don’t force me to do it. If you run, you will end up in prison. They make the work camps look like holiday camps.”

“OK…sorry I did.”

“Just strip. NOW!”

Toby stripped down to his underwear. She waved the cane at him and dropped those too. He turned red as she looked at his cock. He couldn’t help it. Being this close to a woman was turning him on.

It pleased her that she was causing him to get hard. Steven had never made her feel attractive. Toby was nowhere near as big as Martin, but she would enjoy riding him. She knew some at New Order would want do away with “prick sex” if they could, but she was only attracted to men. She had always wanted to dominate them, now she had the chance.

“We’re going to have to lock that up soon, you obviously can’t control it.”

“I’m sorry. I haven’t been naked with a woman, ever.”

“Are you a virgin Toby?”

“No, but I have only slept with one woman at a party. That’s it.”

“Oh poor Toby. I don’t mind. I can teach you what I like. Starting with this.”

She whipped back the cover, exposing her pussy. Her nightdress had ridden up, and she had parted her legs.

“Get down there and start licking ”

“I have never done that before. I don’t know how.”

“TOBY! Must I punish you?”

He got to the end of the bed and slid up until he was breathing on, and breathing in the scent of her. He felt his cock go ridged. He felt her grab his ears and pull him into her womanhood.

“Lick, you pussy slave!”

She ground herself against his nose and mouth. It felt so good. Steven had done it once and said he didn’t like it. So he refused to do it again. Now she was going to have it on tap. Anytime she wanted.

He was licking up and down furiously. She guided his head, and gave him instructions. She was close now. Suddenly she wrapped her legs around his shoulder forcing him in so he couldn’t breath. She cried out.

She had not come like that for years. Toby started to rise gasping for breath. Her hand found the cane, and she whipped it down onto his left buttock.

He screamed into her pussy. This turned her on again. She needed a minute to recover though.

“You stay there until I give you permission, pussy slave.”

She couldn’t help it. She wanted to be gentle with him, but the feeling of power was making her very aroused.

“Sorry Abbi.”

She brought the cane down hard on his right buttock, causing him to scream into her private parts again.

“You call me mistress now.”

Near to tears now Toby said.

“Yes mistress. Sorry.”

“Good slave, very good. Now start again and if I’m pleased I will give you a reward.”

Toby started again. He didn’t need as much guidance this time, He was learning what she liked.
She repeated her scream of pleasure, crushing him into her moist slit. He waited now not wanting another stoke of the cane.

“Good pussy slave. Stay until I tell you to move. I think you have done enough for a reward.”

She considered making him get on his back and riding him. Then she thought she would save that for when he had really pleased her.

“Stand at the end of the bed.”

Toby slid down, grateful to breath fresh air. As he stood his cock stood out load and proud. Abbi looked at it. He was about 6 inches. Big enough to have some fun when she wanted it. She squirted a handful of moisturizing cream onto her palm. She used both hands to smooth it up and down his member.

“Oh my god, that feels so good. No one has touched me for years.”

She stopped.

“My goddess you should say. I am now your goddess. You will worship me and please me. I can give you pleasure.”

She sped up her hand on his cock.

“Or pain.”

She swished the cane.

He was close now. Then she stopped.

“On your knees.”

She sat on the end of the bed and opened her legs. He was staring into the now familiar sight.

“You can finish yourself while you please me. I warn you don’t stop when you do “

It took Toby a few minutes to explode. He felt it running down his thighs. He moaned and paused to recover. Almost instantly he felt the white hot pain of the cane. He screamed and set back to his task.

Her hands wrapped around the back of his head as she climaxed so hard, she fell back dazed.

Toby stood up and saw the angry red marks left by the cane on his backside. He saw Abbi stretched out in the bed.

“Abb.. er, mistress?”

“Thank you Toby that was wonderful. I’m sure we understand each other now, don’t we?”

“Yes mistress. Can I please clean up? “

She saw his sperm dribbling down his leg.

“Yes and make sure you clean up any that got on the floor. Then get dressed. You have a cage to build.”

As Toby cleaned up he was confused. He hated the cane, and being forced to do what he had done. He had enjoyed making her cum. He had enjoyed her touch. His mind was in turmoil.

Abbi looked at herself in the mirror. She was glowing. She had never felt this empowered. She knew Toby was trying to process what his new life would be like. Pain and obedience, yes, but also some small pleasure. All controlled by her, His goddess.

The trap had been sprung now he was well and truly caught.

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