While My Guitar Gently Weeps

St. Holly’s Academy:
Gracie waves as her mother leave. She spots her friends and walks over to them. She liked coming to school and socializing with her friends. She spots Louie as his mother drops him off. He looked depressed for some reason.

She walks over to him “hey, what’s wrong?”

Louie looks at Gracie “oh, hi Gracie.”

Louie liked Gracie a lot. She was funny, smart and a good friend.

“You know the saying when it rains, it pours?”

“Yeah, I know the saying. My uncle Edward likes to say it a lot.” Gracie knew it was her uncle’s favorite saying.

“Well, it's true.” Louie couldn’t believe that the band he helped create had kicked him out of it.

They wanted to switch the type of music he wasn’t into. He tried to remind them that he was the one that brought them together. They had a big gig coming up and the person who hired them was expecting the type of music they played.

The group voted to expel him from the group. All the music he had written, belonged to the group since it was a collaboration between him and them. The next bad thing that happened, his guitar had been run over by a dump truck. He was riding home on his bicycle with his guitar strapped to his back when the straps broke. His guitar fell in front of a garbage truck and crushed his guitar inside the case.

“So, why is it so true?” Gracie could tell he was hiding something.

“I got kicked out of the band I was in and started. Then, my guitar was crushed by a garbage truck.” Louie tries not to let Gracie see how upset he was over the loss of his guitar.

“I’m sorry you got kicked out of the band. I’m also sorry that your guitar got crushed. If you still have it, I might know someone who might be able to fix it.” Gracie was thinking about her uncle Jack of Hearts. He built guitars and worked on them.

“I can’t pay for the repairs.” Louie knew his parents wouldn’t pay for the repairs. They didn’t like that he was in a band or playing the guitar.

“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. Come on, let’s head inside and head to class.” Gracie and Louie walk inside the school together.

They both had the same first-period class, which was Government. Gracie takes her normal seat and Louie takes his, which was a few seats behind hers. Gracie spots her friends Carolyn and Paige as they walked into class. She waves to them and watches as they come over to sit next to her.

“So, what’s with you and Louie?” Paige spotted Gracie talking to Louie before class.

“Nothing much. He looked depressed this morning and I was curious why.” Gracie takes out her laptop and book.

Paige and Carolyn take out their laptop and books as well. Their teacher instructs them to turn to page 127 of The American Constitution. He starts explaining the first part of the constitution as everyone in class takes notes on their laptop.

When the first period is over, they go to their homeroom class. Paige, Carolyn, Alice, and Ana sit together in homeroom.

“Are we still on for this weekend?” Ana looks at her friends for an answer.

“Yeah, my mom said I can go, as long as one of your parents is with us.” Gracie got permission from her mothers for the concert that was going on this weekend.

“My mom and older sister are going to be our chaperone.” Alice had asked her mother and older sister.

After homeroom, the girls head to their second and third-period classes together. It was during the fourth period that they split up. Gracie had a gym and this week they were playing volleyball. She was pretty good at it. Louie was in her gym class.

She walks into the girl’s locker room and changes into her gym clothes. When she comes out of the locker room, she notices her teacher was going to put them through a few warmup exercises. She didn’t mind, because her mother and Sandy always put them through warmup exercises.

She notices some of the guys in her class, were watching some of the girls like her with big breasts. She knew hers and several other girls in her class bounced when they did jumping jacks and such. After they do the warmup exercises, they pair off into teams and start playing.

Gracie spikes the ball a few times and blocks a couple of spikes as well. Her cousins were good at volleyball and learned from them. Also, she used some of her mother’s dirty tricks as well.

By the time gym class was over. Gracie meets up with Louie on the way to their next class.

“Hey, Louie. Wait up.” Gracie runs to catch up with Louie.

Louie stops as he waits for Gracie to catch up to him. He never realized how nice-looking she looked before in her school uniform.

“You did great in gym class today.”

“Thanks, you weren’t so bad yourself. Where did you learn to play as you do?” Louie was impressed with Gracie.

“My family, my cousins are good at playing volleyball.” Gracie loved playing with her cousins.

“I would like to meet them one day.” Louie didn’t have many cousins.

“I’ll see what I can arrange. Hey, do you think your parents would mind if you came over to my house, after school?” Gracie didn’t invite people over to her house that much.

“They wouldn’t care.” Louie knew his parents wanted him to be out more, instead of in his bedroom practicing his guitar.

Not that it matters much, because his guitar was damaged and he didn’t have the money to fix it. He loved his guitar and music.

“I’ll see you out front, after school. My older sister is coming by to pick me up.” Gracie was happy that Rose was done with touring until,

Normally, she would ride with Robyn, but she came to school on her motorcycle. Since she has been doing jobs their mother use to do. She has been working with the LAPD SWAT team. She had training with them after school. Her sister Rose was going to college at the University of Southern California. Her sister Bunnie was going over to the gym her girlfriend worked at as a physical instructor.

The rest of the day, Louie goes to his classes. Even though the school was a private school, there were still bullies in it. Two of the bullies Louie had to deal with, were the Mercer cousins. They thought since their father was an ultra-rich investor, they could get away with anything in school.

They learned to leave Gracie alone when she threw some of her mother’s itching powder on them. It took a week for the stuff to wear off and when their father threatened to sue Gracie’s mother. Sasha gave him a visit and threaten to release some nasty information she had on him. Gracie had told him about it. He wishes he had a mother like that.

He admired Gracie’s mother, not because of her stage magician abilities, but because she played in a popular band. She played the guitar in the band and was good. He has met her a few times.

As Louie is walking towards his next class, he is pulled into the boy’s bathroom by Andrew Mercer. He was the bigger of the two Mercers. Louie tries to break free from Andrew’s grip. When he does, he looks at the two boys “what do you want?”

“You already know what we want, runt. Hand over your lunch money.” Craig cracks his knuckles.

“I don’t have any money. So, leave me alone.” Louie tries walking past them towards the door.

He gets pushed back and almost loses his footings. He looks at both boys “I said I don’t have any money. So, let me go.”

“That’s not how it works, runt. You either pay us what you owe us or you get hurt.” Craig wasn’t about to let this runt not pay them.

“I can’t pay you, what I don’t have, you asshole.” Louie knew he was going to have to do something or these two guys were going to seriously
hurt him. He tightens his grip on his backpack.

“I guess you're going to have to pay us, some other way.” Craig rushes Louie with his brother next to him.

When Craig was close enough. Louie swings his backpack and nails, Craig, in the face with it. However, he misses Andrew and he catches the backpack. He fights Andrew for control of the backpack. As he is fighting Andrew for control, Craig grabs him and breaks his grip on the backpack.

Louie steps back and looks at both brothers. He knew something bad was about to happen. When both brothers rush him, they push him against the counter. They had Louie pinned and there wasn’t anything he could do. Both brothers were stronger than him.

“What should we do to him, Andrew?” Craig looks at his brother as he asks him that question.

Andrew reaches down into Louie’s pants and grabs his underwear. He yanks upward as hard as he can and twist Louie’s underwear to squeeze Louie’s testicles together. When Louie goes to scream, Craig shoves a dirty sock into his mouth.

“That should keep you quiet, runt!” As he punches Louie in his groin area.

Both boys had a sadist look on their faces. They were enjoying what they were doing to Louie. Andrew kept twisting Louie’s underwear.

“Hey, gave me those dirty underwear we took from that homeless guy.” Andrew had an idea in mind.

Craig pulls a Ziplock bag out of his pants pocket. Inside the bag was the nastiest pair of men’s underwear anyone had ever seen or smelled.
Craig knew what his brother was thinking about doing. He carefully takes them out and pulled them down over Louie’s head.

“There, that was perfect.” Craig had an evil smile on his face.

Louie was choking on the putrefied smell coming from the dirty underwear. He was trying to keep from throwing up. When Andrew twisted one time on his underwear and pulled it up roughly. He felt his underwear tear, but not before his testicles were squeezed harder together.

He feels a punch to his stomach and hears Andrew’s voice.

“You better have our money tomorrow or things are going to get worse for you, runt.”

Louie feels another punch to his stomach and a smack to his face, as the slime inside the underwear rubs against his face.

Andrew punches Louie one more time in the stomach. He watches as his brother punches Louie and smacks the dirty underwear on Louie’s head. He knew there was slime inside the underwear.

He and Craig leave Louie slumped on the floor of the boy’s bathroom. They hurry to get to their next bell class before the bell rings. Both boys were laughing as they ran out of the boy’s bathroom.

Louie was crying as he yanks the dirty, smelly underwear off his head and toss them. He could feel the slime in his hair and on his face. He hears the next bell ring as he slowly stands up. His groin area was hurting from what Andrew did to him. His ruined underwear was hanging out of his pants.

He runs some water and washes his face and hair. He didn’t know what the slime was, and he didn’t care. He just wanted it off his head. His shirt gets soaked from him washing his hair and face. When he was done with his head, he steps into one of the stalls and takes his pants off, and remove his ruined underwear. He saw the welts where his underwear had cut into his skin from the wedgie he received.

Louie gets dressed again and tossed his ruined underwear into the trashcan. He was going to make the Mercer brothers pay for what they did to him. Once he felt better and his hair was dried a little bit. He heads towards his class, walking kind of funny from the rough treatment he received.

“Mr. Haver, can you explain to me why you are so late?” Mrs. Capes looks at Louie as he walked into the classroom.

“I had a bathroom emergency, Mrs. Capes.” Louie walks over to his seat.

“You seem to be having a lot of these emergencies, Mr. Haver. Maybe you should start wearing depends to my class. That way you can be on time.”

The class starts laughing at Mrs. Capes's comment towards Louie. Louie felt his cheeks get warm from the comment and embarrassment from

Mrs. Capes's comment.

“Yes ma’am.” Louie walks over to his seat and sits down.

He tries not to let her comment affect him, as he takes his books out. He does get a few smirks from some of the kids in his class. They knew the real reason and they were too afraid to snitch on the Mercer brothers. The last kid that did, they found strip naked, beat up, and tied up at the school’s front door.

Louie ignores the kids in his class as he copies what Mrs. Capes writes up on the blackboard. He tries to figure out what he could do against the Mercer brothers. It was his word against theirs and their father contributed a lot of money to the school.

He knew his parents wouldn’t do anything, except lecture him on defending himself. Every time he told his father what happened to him. He was asked what he did in return and if his father didn’t like the answer, he was called a wuss.

For the rest of the class, Louie sits quietly and doesn’t raise his hand or answer questions. He hated Mrs. Capes because she always finds a way to humiliate him in front of his peers. When the bell rings, he gathers his stuff and heads towards the lunchroom.

He had five dollars he had earned. He stands in line to get his lunch. He spots Gracie a few feet in front of him.

“Hey, Gracie, do you mind if I sit with your friends?” Louie smiles at Gracie as he gets his food.

Gracie turns around “not at all. You can sit next to me.”

“Thanks.” Louie gets his lunch and pays for it.

He follows Gracie over to her table. There were four other girls and at least three guys at the table already. Gracie sits down at her normal seat and pats the seat next to her.

He sits down next to her. He looks at the other kids at the table with them and hopes they aren’t going to tease him about what happened. He takes a bite from his food.

Lacey looks at Louie and wonders if the rumors were true about him and his band. She also wonders if he could play as well.

“Hey, Louie. Is it true about your band kicking you out, even though you helped form it?” Casey knew some of the guys in it.

“Yeah, I wanted to keep it the way it was, but they want to do more hard rock and such. Since I wouldn’t go along with it. They kicked me out and kept all the songs I wrote for the band. They claimed it was band property.”

“If you wrote it, how could it be band property? Songs written by an artist are theirs unless they sell the rights, to it.” Casey was confused.

“I wrote the original version of the song and the band changed a few things in it. Since it was considered a collaboration after that. I lost all rights to it. It doesn’t bother me, however. It’s not like I can play anymore.”

“Why not?” Charity was curious why Louie couldn’t play anymore.

“My guitar got ran over in its case by a garbage truck and was damaged.” Louie just sighs and pushes his food away from him. He didn’t feel
like eating any more after talking about his guitar.

“Don’t you know someone, Gracie that could help out?” Jerry looks at Gracie since she came from a musical family.

“I was going to ask my uncle Bachmann if he could help. He builds his own brand of custom guitars.”

Everyone at the table looked confused about who Gracie’s uncle Bachmann was. They knew most of her family already.

“Who’s your uncle Bachmann?” Terri was puzzled as she looks at Gracie.

“My uncle is better known as Jack Of Hearts from my mother’s band.” Gracie had a smile on her face as she looks at her friends.

“Jack of Hearts is your uncle? Why didn’t music magazine report that?” Kevin wonders why they didn’t cover that fact.

“Because we're not blood-related. Were only band-related, and Robyn, Bunnie, and Rose, all consider him our uncle. He made my snowflake-designed guitar.”

“I remember that guitar. Different lights flashed every time you played a different note and is shaped like a snowflake.” Jake liked it.

“Yep, and he made some custom guitars for Mystic’s daughters. You should see theirs.”

“Isn’t Mystic a joker like your mother?” Casey remembers reading something about him.

“My mom and Mystic are the pranksters in the band. When they start playing pranks, you better run for the hills, if you can.” Gracie remembers the pranks Mystic and her mother played on another band that thought their shit didn’t stick.

Her mother and Mystic paid them back big time. If there was one thing her mother was good at, was pulling pranks. Mystic was no slouch either. He could give as good as her mother.

The rest of lunch goes by fast. When the bell rings, everyone empty’s their trays and stack them neatly. Gracie and Louie head to their next class.

As Gracie and Louie are heading towards their next class. They are spotted by the Mercer brothers. They step in front of Gracie and Louie “where do you think you’re going?”

“To our next class, so move.” Gracie looks both brothers in the face.

“Make us!” Craig steps towards Gracie to prove a point.

Andrew noticed that Louie was getting mad “what are you going to do, underwear, boy? Hit us with some slimy underwear?” A smirk appears on his face.

Louie balls his fist up to get ready to hit both boys. He was mad for what they did to him.

“You clowns didn’t learn your lesson last time. I think it's time for a refresher course.” Gracie tosses some small pellets at the Mercer brothers.

She points towards her mouth, to let Louie, know. She hopes he gets the message as she drags him backward. She watches as the pellets explode and a red cloud surrounds the Mercer brothers. They start coughing and their eyes start watering.

Louie lets himself be pulled backward by Gracie and she points to her mouth, he understood her meaning. He takes a deep breath and holds it as the red cloud appears. He watches as the Mercer brothers start coughing and their eyes start watering. He could smell the strong scent of Cheyenne pepper and something else in the air.

He backs up with Gracie to a safe distance. He watches as the microfine red powder settles on the brothers, as they fall to the floor gasping for air.

“What did you do to those guys?” Louie looks towards Gracie.

“I tossed my mother’s tear gas pellets. Except, those pellets are meant to take down football players.” She had an evil smile on her face.

“Is that stuff going to harm them?” Louie had to admit, he liked what was happening to them.

“Not too bad. The red dust will settle and keep working as long as it's on them. It will also dye their skin a red color for a few weeks.”

“Oh, you are so mean. Will you get in trouble for that stunt?” Louie was concerned about getting expelled from school.

“For what? They have to prove it was me.” A smile appears on her face because Gracie knew no one will snitch on her. Everyone hated the Mercer brothers.

“I need to get some of those pellets.”

“I’ll talk to my mom when we see her.” Gracie starts walking towards her class. She had a smug look on her face as she walked by the Mercer brothers.

She heard some teachers try to get close to the brothers, but when they did, they started coughing. Some of the teachers got smart and put on masks to approach them.

“You could have warned the teachers, Gracie.” Louie thought she would.

“And they could have intervened to stop the bullying, but they didn’t. So, they deserve what they get. My mom says evil wins when nobody does anything to stop or prevent it. Every teacher in this school knows the Mercer brothers are bullies but don’t do anything to stop it.”

The rest of the afternoon Louie and Gracie attend the same classes. When school ends, Louie changes out his books for the classes he has homework for. He meets up with Gracie out front of the school. He spots her talking to her friends from lunch.

When he walks up, they say goodbye and leave. He looks at them with a puzzled look on his face.

“Did I just cause your friends to walk off?” He looks at Gracie for an answer.

“My friends would never do that to you. They were telling me what the Mercer brothers did to you before lunch. I’m sorry.” Gracie lays her hand on Louie’s.

“How do they know, what happened?” Louie knew there were only three of them in the bathroom.

Gracie pulls her cellphone out and goes to a secret webpage all the students use to post embarrassing things about each other. There were a
few on the site about her, Robyn, Bunnie, and her sister Rose.

“Because Craig posted this on the site of you.” She shows Louie the video.

Louie looked at the video and felt embarrassed and shameful standing next to Gracie. Tears start to leak from his eyes.

“I’m so sorry, Louie.” Gracie knew what it was like to be shamed.

Her adopted sister Bunnie gets it a lot because of the two rabbits on her back having sex. She had been shamed on the same site as Louie when someone posted a picture of her small titties, compared to her classmates.

“But it didn’t happen to you, Gracie.”

“True, but I have suffered through things no one else had,” Gracie remembered the day her mother rescued her.

Louie looks at Gracie and could see a shameful look in her eyes. He didn’t know much about her, but she has always been a kind and caring person. He knew she had lesbian parents, instead of a father and mother.

The two of them hear a horn honking at them. Gracie breaks out of her memory and spots her sister Rose and her baby blue BMW X3.

“There’s my sister Rose.” Gracie waves to her and starts walking towards her car.

Louie follows behind Gracie as she heads towards the baby blue BMW. He spots Gracie’s older sister Rose sitting behind the steering wheel. He waves to her as well.

Rose spotted her younger sister Gracie standing and talking with a guy that had shoulder-length dark hair. The clothes he was wearing looked a little beat up. She watches as they came walking towards her. Rose wonders who the boy was with her younger sister.

She watches them as they come walking up to her car. She unlocks the doors and watches as her sister and friend climb into her car.

“Hey Gracie, who’s your friend?” Rose smiles at her little sister.

“Louie, meet my older sister, Rose. Sis, meet my friend Louie Haver.” Gracie puts her seatbelt on.

“It’s nice to meet you, Rose. I’ve heard so many things about you.” Louie knew Rose uses to sing in her mother’s band, Wildfire. Afterward, she and some of her friends got together and formed a new pop group called Six Outlaws.

They already had two albums out and have been on several shows as well. Their music was considered pop and Hip-Hop rap as well. Some of her members were good at rapping.

“And you, Louie. So, what’s the plan, sis?” Rose looks at Gracie for an answer.

“Can we go by Uncle Jack’s place so Louie can have his guitar looked at, please?” A playful smile appears on her face.

“I don’t see a problem with that.” Rose turns to look at Louie “Where do you live, Louie?” Rose didn’t see a guitar case with Louie.

“Over on Rose Petal Rd. It’s only twenty minutes from here.”

“Okay, just tell me how to get there.” Rose starts heading towards the exit of the parking lot.

“Take a right.” Louie watches as Rose follows his directions.

When they arrive at Louie’s house. There wasn’t anyone home.

“Do you normally come home to an empty house, Louie?” Rose looks at Louie for an answer.

“Yes. My parents and brother don’t get home until late. I’ll be right back.” Louie gets out of the car and run-up to the house.
Rose looks at her younger sister “what’s with you and this guy?”

“Nothing, he’s just a friend. The band he started, the guys in it threw him out of it. Then his guitar got ran over by a garbage truck.”

“Poor guy. I might know a group that is looking for a new guitar player. Their old player got offered a position in a new band and took it. If you like it, I can talk with the lead singer and arrange an audition for your friend.” Rose knew the new band; the digits were looking for a guitar player.

“But he needs a new guitar if his old one can’t be fixed.” Gracie was thinking about paying for it herself.

“I’ll take care of it, sis. Uncle Jack has a nice collection of guitars in his shop.” Rose spots Louie coming back outside with his guitar case.
Louie locks the door behind him as he walks out of the house. Doesn’t think his guitar could be fixed, but he was willing to try. He gets back into the car “okay, I’m ready.”

Rose heads towards their Uncle Jack’s music store. He sold other instruments as well, but his specialty was guitars. It takes Rose about thirty
minutes to arrive at their uncle Jack’s store.

Rose parks her BMW next to her uncle’s Jack’s van. It was an old 70’s van that had characters from the playing cards painted on it.

“Wow! Your uncle is really into playing cards, isn’t he?” Louie gets out of the car.

“You haven’t seen anything, yet.” Gracie knew Robyn was into playing cards as well. Especially, The ten of spades and the ace of spades.

They walk into the guitar store and spots Jack working on a guitar, while customers look around. There was a young lady that worked for Jack manning the cash register.

“Hi, Uncle Jack.” Gracie walks over and gives her uncle Jack a hug.

“Hey, munchkin. What brings you up here today?” Jack returns the hug.

“My friend’s guitar, uncle Jack. It needs your special touch.” Gracie motions for Louie to bring the damage case behind the counter.

Jack watches as a long dark hair boy comes behind the counter. He spots the guitar case and the damage done to it.

“What happened to it?”

“The case got ran over by a garbage truck, sir.” Louie watches Jack as he opens the case carefully.

Jack lets out a low whistle as he looks at the damaged guitar. It was a black and white Fender. Vintera '50s Telecaster. It had some wear and tear on it, but it was in good shape, before the accident.

“I can fix this. How soon do you need it back?” Jack looks at Louie with a smile on his face.

“How long will it take to fix it?” Louie liked his guitar.

“I have three ahead of you. You’re looking at about three to four weeks before I can get to it. However, once I start on it. The work won’t take long.”

“So, about a month, uncle?” Rose looks at her uncle.

“Yep, kiddo.”

“Will the repairs be expensive?” Louie was worried about the cost of the repairs.

“Don’t worry about the cost, Louie.” Gracie looks at Louie with a smile on her face.

“I can’t ask you to pay for the repairs, Gracie.”

Jack looks at Louie “you forget, Louie. She comes from a family of musicians. She knows what a musical instrument means to its owner. Besides, while this one is being repaired, you’ll need a replacement and I have the right guitar for you.”

Jack walks from behind his workbench and over to a section of his store that had a bunch of used Guitars that were for sale. There was a nice black and white Ivory one that has been in his store for a long time. It has been waiting for the right person.

Jack carries it over to Louie “here, try this one. I think you’ll like it.”

Louie accepts it and looks at it. It felt nice in his hands. He puts the strap over his head and strums the strings. He adjusts the knobs and starts playing one of his songs. He loses himself in the music as he plays.

Gracie, Rose, and Jack of Hearts listen as Louie plays. Jack closes his eyes and could see the notes of the music as Louie played. He loved how the music sounded. There were a few places that could use some rework, but overall the music was good.

Louie stops after a while and looks over towards Jack of Hearts, Gracie, and Rose. He could tell they were captivated by what he just played.

“I think, that guitar just found the right owner.” Jack has been waiting for the right owner to come along.

“I can’t afford to pay you for this guitar.” Louie goes to take the strap off.

“You don’t need to, Louie.” Gracie looks up at her uncle “right, uncle Jack?”

“Yep.” Jack just smiles at Louie.

Louie strums the strings of the guitar. He really liked it.

“I think it won him over, Uncle Jack.” Rose could see how Louie felt.

“Good. I’ll still fix this one for you as well. Let me get you the case for that one.” Jack goes into the back to grab the custom case for it.

“Now, to put you in touch with my friend for an audition for her band.” Rose pulls out her cellphone and dials her friend.

Gracie watches Louie as he held his new guitar. She knew Uncle Jack would have the right one for him, while his old one was fixed. She’ll put the cost of the guitar on the family account. She knew her mother would understand.

Jack comes back out with the case “here you go. This case belongs to that guitar.”

“Thank you.” As Louie accepts the case.

“You’re welcome.” Jack always felt good when he help out a fellow musician.

Gracie, Rose, and Louie hang around the store and listen to stories from Jack. He tells them about some of the dives they had worked at and some of the pranks pulled by Sasha and Mystic. It was getting late and rose knew their mothers would be home soon.

“Sorry to go, uncle Jack, but our mothers will be home in a little while and we need to get dinner going.”

“I forgot about that.” Gracie forgot she and Rose were supposed to get dinner prepared.

“Save me some dinner girls. Louie, it’s been nice meeting you. I’ll let Gracie know when your guitar is ready.”

“Thank you and thanks again for the Guitar and case as well.”

“Anything to help out another performer.” Jack smiles at the three of them.

Gracie hugs her uncle. Rose does the same thing, just before they leave.

“Thanks again, Mr. Bachmann.”

“Any time.” Jack watches as his nieces and their friend leave.

Thirty minutes later, Rose drops Louie off at his house. There wasn’t anyone home.

“Are you going to be okay, Louie?” Rose was concerned.

“I’ll be fine.” Louie wanted to go in and practice on his new guitar.

“Alright, if you need anything, just call us.” Rose didn’t feel comfortable leaving Louie behind.

“Thanks for everything Gracie and Rose.” Louie looks at them with a smile on his face.

“Enjoy the guitar, Louie.” Gracie was happy she could help a friend out.

Louie heads into the house as he watches Gracie and Rose drive off. He heads to his bedroom to start practicing with his new guitar.

“You did good today, sis.” Rose looks at her little sister with a proud look on her face.

“Thanks.” Gracie sits back and enjoys the ride back to their house.

The next time Gracie, Louie, Robyn, and Bunnie show up at school. They find the Mercer brothers hanging from the flagpole wearing adult diapers, makeup, baby booties, and baby pacifiers stuck in their mouths.

Gracie leans next to Robyn “the baby pacifiers are a nice touch.”

“I have no idea what you are talking about.” An evil smile appears on Robyn’s face.

Louie looks at Gracie and wonders what she was whispering to her sister Robyn. He has been practicing a lot with his new guitar. He got a call from Rose that the group called Digit wants him to come in next week for an audition.

“Did you have something to do with, Gracie?” Louie looks at Gracie for an answer.

“Nope, I had nothing to do with this.” Gracie just smiles as they stand there and take pictures of the Mercer brothers.

A week later, Louie tries out for the group called Digit. There were at least six other guitar players that showed up. He had to come three more
times before he was selected for the group.

The group was unique, because the lead singer was a male, but looked female. The bass player was a woman with a wild look about her. The drummer looked like he belonged to a White Supremacist group and the keyboard player was a woman and dressed like someone from one of the eighties bands.

When he was accepted, he was very happy. The band accepted him and he was grateful to Rose for putting a word in for him.

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