The Surgeon's Lodger Part 21

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Sam woke up staring at a light fitting on the ceiling in a corridor. He was waiting assessment. Covid meant the hospital was nearly overrun. As his eyes focused he saw Suzi. He tried to sit up, but his head throbbed and he collapsed back onto the trolley.

"Suzi! Michelle?"

Suzi shook her head.

"No, no, god no please. "

"Sam please calm down. They are doing all they can, but she's in a coma."

Sam had thought she was dead. He had felt his world end.

"I'm sorry Sam, I thought you knew you came with her in the ambulance."

"No, I passed out. I thought she was dead."

He choked these words out. The lump in his throat would not go down. His chest ached with the thought of losing the love of his life.

"I must see her Suzi."

"Sam you lost a lot of blood. You should be alright in a day or two. Michelle is in a bad way. They didn't get her heart started until they arrived here. She may have brain damage. They don't know yet."

"Oh god no. Why her, she was protecting me."

Sam hands went to his face and he quietly sobbed. Suzi reach over her brother to try to comfort him.

"She is strong Sam, I'm sure she will be ok. I'll ask the doctor to see you. Maybe they will let you sit with her in ICU."

"What happened to that fucking bitch who shot us?"

"The police arrived just after the ambulance. They took her to hospital in handcuffs. I think you broke her jaw Sam."

"Good. I wish I had killed her. "

He shook his head. Doctors were meant to do no harm.

"They want to interview you when you're able. "

Later the next day Michelle's doctor and Sam had a long conversion about Michelle. She had extensive damage to her upper leg and groin area. If she came out of the coma she would need reconstructive surgery.

Sam was allowed to sit next to her bed. That was how Suzi found him the later that night. His head on the bed asleep, holding Michelle's hand.

"Sam, have you eaten?"

"Oh Suzi, no. I had a coffee a nurse got for me a few hours ago. I've been talking to her, but I don't think I'm getting through."

"I'm sure she hears you. Please go home. I'll stay with her."

"No I can't. Michelle has had such a hard life, now she might die because she met me!"

"Sam, we talked before you came home. You are her life, why do you think she put herself between you and the shotgun."

"Oh god, if only it had been me. "

Sam tears dripped on to Michelle's hand. He gently wiped them away. Suzi saw he wasn't going to leave her.

"Sam , I'll get you something from the vending machine. You must eat. Then I'll go home and get you some clothes.

Sam nibbled at the sausage roll and apple Suzi got for him. Suzi got him to drink all of the tea though.

"Try to sleep Sam. if anything happens they will tell you."

"I'll sleep here Suzi."

Suzi knew Sam always hated it when a patient died in the operating theater. He took it personally. She was worried how he would react if Michelle died. He cared so deeply for her.

I'll be back in a few hours. Please at least try to rest."

Sam stroked Michelle's hand. He talked to her about their wedding. She was going to be the most beautiful bride ever. They would kiss at he alter and she would be his wife forever. They would walk by the river, sit and watch the sun go down over the fields.

He had soon ran out of things to say, So he decided to sing. He cried as he remembered the last time he had asked her to play this song.

You are so beautiful
To me
You are so beautiful
To me
Can't you see
You're everything I hoped for
You're everything I need
You are so beautiful
To me
You are so wonderful
To me
You are so wonderful
To me
Can't you see
You're everything I hoped for
You're everything I need
You are so wonderful
To me

He choked out the last few words. The lump in his throat just wouldn't let the words come out.

"You look like shit Sam."

Sam looked at the door for Suzi, He could see her at the other end of the ICU. He turned to she Michelle's pale face smiling up at him.

"Michelle! You're awake!"

Suzi saw what was happening and alerted the the nurse who rushed over to check Michelle.

"How Sam? What did you do.?"

"I just sang her a Joe Cocker song. You are so beautiful."

"Oh yes , she told me she wanted that for the first dance at the wedding. She told me you asked her to play that the day she was going to leave. That was the day she fell in love with you you big lump."

Sam wanted to just hug her and take her home. He knew she was going to need further surgery, but he was more relived than he had ever been in his life.

The love of his life was going to be alright. He would make sure of that. He would look after her.

©Leeanna19 2022

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BarbieLee's picture

Leanna, I have no idea why his singing rubs me so wrong. I'd rather listen to the cats screeching at one another late at night than listen to that man. Now that I insulted everyone on the channel...
Hon it's a lovely story filled with True Romance and the right kind of love, no strings attached, pure love. The way couples who fall in love with one another should be but seldom does reality match the stuff of Romantic Tales.
Hugs Leanna, love your story.
Life is meant to be lived not worn until it's worn out.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Never a fan

Maddy Bell's picture

of JC, i should probably be more loyal regarding another Sheffielder. He did record some great songs but to be truthful i prefer other people singing them!


Madeline Anafrid Bell

Sorry, But I'm With Barb...

...on this one. My first thought when Sam started was that he'd set the bar about as low as he could if he was comparing his voice to a professional's.


Thank goodness for Sam's singing..

Lucy Perkins's picture

It did the trick, and brought Michelle back. Oh my, you had me going with that chapter Leeanna. All through the emotional rollercoaster.
Sam and Michelle are just so perfect, lovely people. They deserve happiness, old age together watching the sun set over the mountains and all if that.
As for Joe Cocker, well he is a Sheffield lad, so I should really stuck up for him. I know it is a very different song, but he did win an Oscar for his duet with Jennifer Warnes "Up where we belong" from the classic " Officer and a Gentleman"
Who knows what tomorrow brings
In a world few hearts survive
All I know is the way I feel
When it's real, I keep it alive
The road is long
There are mountains in our way
But we climb a step every day
Love lift us up where we belong
Where the eagles cry
On a mountain high
Love lift us up where we belong
Far from the world below
Up where the clear winds blow

Makes me cry every time!

"Lately it occurs to me..
what a long strange trip its been."

i always loved that song.

leeanna19's picture

I always loved, You are so beautiful . Most women as they get older look in the mirror and see what time does to their looks. They often think they are not good enough for their men. Men frequently age better. I've seen some 70 year old trans and cd's that look like 40-50 year old women. Women see younger women going with older men. How often do you hear "it's alright for you"

Some men are very shallow, but most see the mother of their children, the women they fell in love with, the woman that looks after and cares for them. They are still beautiful to their men, but they won't accept it.

That's why I like it ,that and the emotion he gives out when he sings it.

Sorry I'm a romantic idiot.


I Love This Story

joannebarbarella's picture

But then I am a soppy old romantic.
For a musical accompaniment I would prefer James Blunt's "You're Beautiful" even though it doesn't quite capture the vibe.

Joe Cocker

Robertlouis's picture

I can go hot or cold on Joe Cocker, but there’s no doubt that when you saw him in live performance that he almost physically felt the music. It was quite transformative and immersive to watch. He was a hugely passionate performer, and whether you like him or not, you have to admire that part of him.

And I’m another soppy romantic, so like Joanne, I love this story, Leanna. xx


Thanks, I used the Joe Cocker

leeanna19's picture

Thanks, I used the Joe Cocker song way back when Michelle was going to leave. So I wanted to use it again. I still love it though.



Robertlouis's picture

I saw him several times in his heyday, and yes, he had problems with drink and drugs, and his performances could appear to verge on the histrionic, but there’s no doubt in my mind that they were sincere and genuine.

I’m a songwriter and performer myself, and I can tell. He lived the music, whether it was his or someone else’s.

Oh, and I used to know Hertford pretty well way back. Nice Georgian town with a beautiful high street.


Hi Robert, I come from North

leeanna19's picture

Hi Robert, I come from North london , but have lived in Hertford for 35 years now. Surrounded by country , but still only 12 miles from London. The town is over 1000 years old too.
