Forsythe Saga -27- Meeting the Neighbours

[Hayley and Maxine had been talking about who would take over from Maxine should she get run over by the proverbial bus]

"Yes, I am serious. You asked me what would happen if I was run over by a bus… Well with some training, the answer could be you."

“You make it sound like an old advert for the National Lottery?”

Maxine laughed.
“I did a bit didn’t I?”

Hayley didn’t answer.

“Well? Are you up for it?”

“It isn’t as easy as that.”

"Why? Is there a problem with Sally? She very much left the decision about your future up to you, didn’t she?”

Hayley nodded her head.
“Then there is the little matter of having to give three months’ notice on my flat.”

“What if you found a new tenant?”

“The letting agents are complete barstewards. There was a leak from upstairs a few months ago and they tried to make out that I had to pay for the repairs to my flat. Total bollocks but it took a stern letter from Sally’s Company Solicitors reminding them that there was a comprehensive landlord insurance policy on the whole building. They soon backed off after that. Even so, it still took them almost a month to get a plumber in to fix the problem.”

“I get you. Let the clock run down and hope that you can get out without too many fines for damage?”

“Something like that.”

“What if we…? What if we don’t work out?”

“Is there any reason for it not to?”

"We haven't talked about much at all. Yes, you have told me what you want, but you haven't asked about what my hopes and desires are?"

Maxine was visibly stunned by Hayley’s words.

Hayley smiled and leaned over the table, and took hold of Maxine's left hand.

"Getting upfront and personal with a woman is a new thing for Maxine Forsythe, isn’t it?”

Maxine had no choice but to agree by nodding her head.

“I am not a business that can be bought and sold. I have feelings. I’ve always had feelings for you, but if you think that I don't have my own set of desires, then we have a problem."

"I'm so sorry, Hayley. You are right. I am a mere beginner at this romancing another woman thing.”

Hayley leaned over and kissed Maxine.

"I can help here… If you want to, that is?"

Maxine went red in the face again.

The couple talked long into the night once they were back in Maxine’s room. It was close to 02:00 before Hayley left Maxine alone and went along the corridor to her room.

Neither of them slept much. When they appeared for a late breakfast, no amount of makeup could hide that fact.

“We must look like a couple of old hags,” commented Maxine after Hayley had given her a brief kiss on the cheek.

“Speak for yourself… Darling!”

Both of them laughed.

“Did you sleep well?” asked Hayley.

Maxine shook her head.

“Nah. Too much to think about.”

“Same here.”

Maxine was in the process of picking up her coffee cup but put it down.

“Thanks for last night. I needed someone to talk to me like that. Adrian… Well, he was always there to keep me on the right track but…?”

“But since he has gone, you have ploughed on regardless?”

“Something like that. Cliff… bless his often-mismatched cotton socks has tried to help, but recently, it has been very much a case of 'Maxine knows best'. So, thank you for telling me straight that I was being silly with my plans.”

Hayley shook her head.
"No thanks needed. It was just that you needed someone fresh to look at what you were doing. Consultants earn thousands of pounds a day for that, and you got it for the price of a great meal and a bottle of wine."

“Cheap at half the price,” said Maxine with a huge grin on her face.

“Pah and Bah Humbug!”

Maxine broke out laughing.

“What’s so funny?”

“That’s exactly what my gran would say.”

“Great minds and all that jazz?”


“What’s the plan for today?”

“First off, I think that I should introduce you to Belinda and Nina. They are the brains and the energy behind this place.”


“I think we should drop in and see Delphine and Michel. There is something that I need to talk about with him.”

“As a result of our discussions last night?”

Maxine shook her head.
"No. The part of my now former grand cunning plan to rule this part of the world that involves our power supplies still stands. They require more power than their current system can supply. It is about the provision of that, that I need to speak to Michel.”

“I thought that you had already broached the idea with him?”

Maxine shook her head.
“Only in general terms. There is a chance that we can see the units that I would like us to buy on Thursday afternoon. I received an email about it late yesterday.”

“Why didn’t you say anything?”

“It wasn’t relevant to what we were talking about last night. That was more strategic whereas, the email was about more practical things.”

"That's where you are wrong. If we are going to make this thing work then, we need to not keep things to ourselves. I mean even those little bitty practical things to ourselves. Isn't that what we agreed to last night or… was it early today?"

“Sorry. I didn’t think to mention it earlier.”

“That’s where you are going to have to change.”

“I know but it will be hard at least at first,” replied Maxine.

“Apology accepted but I may not be so forgiving in future,” remarked Hayley as she buttered her toast.

Maxine sighed and took a big gulp of her second mug of tea. Then she began.

"I discussed the idea of big batteries with Michel, and he was supportive. Since then, I have been looking at options, and there is one company in the Midlands that may be able to supply us in a timely manner."

“What is a timely manner?”

"Before winter finally hits us or even the end of the year? That good enough?”

“Sounds like a plan. I suppose this visit will be all technical?”

“Very much so. Space for the units, capacity and delivery. That sort of thing.”

“What about the cost? These things can’t be cheap or everyone would have one already?”

“That’s very true, but for Michel and Delphine and myself for that matter, the price isn't an issue. These things are an investment not a cost. What is more important is to have a reliable source of power. Delphine hates it that they need to run a generator five or six hours a day in winter, just to be sure that they have enough power for the evening. Before they were married, Michel could just about manage on his own without the generator. With the two of them, it is impossible.”

“Can’t you run a giant extension lead from your new home?”

Maxine laughed.
"I did propose something like that. Michel explained to me how much power would be lost over the length of the run. I spoke to a retired transmission line engineer, and when he had picked himself up off the floor, he explained that it was possible but would not be cheap and would take at least six months to get planning permission if it was even possible. We might not be inside the National Park but… Getting permission for that sort of thing would not be easy.”

“Won’t you need that for yours? Planning can be a bit tetchy if you try to get around their petty rules.”

“As it is all inside an existing structure and as it contains its own fire control system, the two planners I have spoken to say no. It would be done under permitted development.”

Hayley wasn't sure if Maxine was leading her up the garden path or not but didn't want to argue with her again, and they still hadn't finished breakfast.

“Are you going from here to visit this place with him? I guess that you want him along with you?”

“No and yes. I have to go back to Reigate once the purchase of the cottage completes tomorrow morning. Cliff has the company accounts for filing at Companies House for me to sign off.”

“Can’t they wait?”

“Normally, they can but wait. But because of Adrian's illness, and everything, we were late filing last years accounts. That sort of excuse even, if it is true, does not work with the Taxman, so were put on warning so… They are due on Friday, and Cliff will courier them once I have signed them with off in the presence of our accountant."

"Gotcha on that. Mum missed paying a lot of bills after dad did a bunk. We were just days from having the Electricity disconnected when I discovered them hidden under the cushions of the chair that always she sat in. It took me a month to get things sorted."

“I remember that. Dawn thought that you were dissing her by not hanging out with her and her cronies. My mum soon put her straight, but you know Dawn."

“We all felt the end of her tongue at least once, didn’t we?”

"Those were the days, eh? All innocent and sweetness and light," joked Maxine.

It was late morning when Hayley and Maxine arrived at Michel and Delphine’s smallholding.

“This place is right off a chocolate box,” exclaimed Hayley when she saw the place for the first time. The ducks and geese were enjoying a brief period of wintery sun.

“Hi Michel,” said Maxine as the couple walked towards his charcoal kilns. Michel was working on something in wood.

“Oh, hi Maxine. Did you want Delphine? She’s up at the house.”

"Not especially. Michel, this is Hayley. She and I go back to our first days at school."

Michel saw that they were holding hands. He raised an eyebrow.

“Yes, we are trying to be a couple.”

"Good for you but, that isn't why you are here? Why don't you go down to the cottage and put the kettle on? I'll call up to the house and get Delphine down. I expect that she could do with a break?"

"Thanks, Michel," said Maxine.

When they were in the cottage, Hayley remarked.
“I see what you meant about Michel. He is a bit of a hunk, isn’t he?”

"He is and happily married to a woman who had found a new life thanks to him. When you see her, just try to remember that she was head of a tax collection department at the HMRC less than a year ago.”

Hayley was starting to understand Maxine and her understatements. This Maxine V2.0 was a very different beast from the old one of their teenage years. Then she realised that her sister Dawn had always made herself the centre of attention, and rabbiting on was Maxine's only way of reminding the others in their group that she was there.

“I can’t wait,” said Hayley with a degree of uncertainty in her voice.

Michel arrived in the cottage kitchen first. He was washing his hands when Delphine appeared.

"Hello, Maxine. This is an unexpected surprise. What brings you to our humble abode?"

"Hi, Delphine. This is my friend Hayley. We have known each other since we were five, and we are giving it a go at being a couple."

Delphine smiled.
"Pleased to meet you, Hayley. Look after this one. Maxine here is one very special woman."

“I know that she is, and I’ll try to keep her out of mischief,” replied Hayley.

It was clear that Hayley felt a bit excluded but soon relaxed when Delphine sat down next to her and put her arms around her.

“You are welcome here at any time,” said Delphine.


"When do you become the owner of Janice's house?" asked Michel as Delphine made the tea.

“Tomorrow morning.”

“That’s good. Are you going ahead with your plans for Solar and everything?”

“I am. That’s why I’m… we are here,” said Maxine.
“I have made an appointment to meet up with a supplier of Battery equipment on Thursday afternoon. Do you want to come along?”

"I do and, Thursday will be fine by me, won't it, Darling?" said Michel.

Delphine chuckled and shook her head. The smile on her face told the girls that she was on board with the plan.

“When and where?” she asked.

"Sutton Coldfield at three in the afternoon, but I'm not going up from here."

Delphine poured the tea and said,
"Come on, Hayley, let me give you the grand tour while these two grumpies talk shop?”

Hayley looked at Maxine in surprise before nodding her head. She and Delphine picked up their mugs of tea and left the kitchen of the cottage.

“Hayley seems a nice person,” remarked Michel.

“She is.”

“I sense a but coming?”

“Yeah. I’ve changed a lot since we dated as teenagers.”

“We all change a lot when we have responsibilities.”

“That’s very true. It will take us a bit of time to get used to each other again.”

"Patience Maxine. She can't replace Adrian, and you aren't him. Your personal drive is different from hers, and it will take some time to get them into sync. It was the same when Vivienne first came here. I’d got so used to being on my own… Well… it was hard but worth it.”
The gleam in his eyes told Maxine far more than a few words could ever do.

“I know that she can’t ever replace Adrian, so I'm going to have to work hard.”

There was a brief silence between the two, so Michel changed the subject.
“As my dear wife asked, when and where?”

“The place is Sutton Coldfield. That is just to the north of Birmingham. The when is three on Thursday afternoon. I could pick you up at Birmingham International Railway Station. I can bring you back here afterwards.”

“Sounds like a plan. Will this place sell us what we need?”

"According to their website, they can. If they can meet what we want, then it is just a case of when can they deliver and how much."

Michel grinned.
"She, who must be obeyed has given me instructions on that matter. Get it no matter what. She has become rather fed up, with having to feed the generator. I have to agree with her on that matter."

Maxine laughed.
"You'll do anything for her, won't you?"

"I will, and it is thanks to you that I have such a wonderful woman in my life, and she's made me want to live again. She's right on this. We don't have enough power to support the lifestyle we both want."

“I’ve been wondering where you will generate more power from?”

“I was wondering about that as well until Delphine suggested the end of the lane.”

“You mean beyond where you turn off into your yard?”

"Yeah. That overgrown mess of brambles. I've got a local farmer coming in with the hedge cutter attachment on his tractor next week. Once it is clear, we can see how much space we have to play with. I estimate that we should have a space for solar panels that is a bit larger than that of your cow shed.”

Maxine smiled.
“Sounds as if you have a solution then?”

“I have no idea about how we can set them up though. I’ll need to give it some thought. It will need to be movable otherwise the planners will get a bit shirty. They hate fixed structures.”

Maxine knew exactly what Michel was talking about. They'd had all sorts of issues with getting planning for the solar array that was in the field behind the hotel. The timely intervention of the local wildlife trust on their side had swayed the day in their favour.

“Planners are the bane of our lives at times,” remarked Maxine.

“Are you ok for Thursday?”

“I’ll have to be, won’t I?”
Then he laughed.
“I don’t have anything important lined up for that day that can’t wait so yes, I’m ok. I’ll get a train up from Totnes and change at Birmingham New St.”

"Just text me your arrival time, and I'll meet you outside the main entrance to the NEC [1]. That is just a short walk from the main entrance to the station."

“Sounds good. Shall we go and find the others?”

Michel and Maxine found the others up at the house that Michel had built himself. Delphine was giving Hayley a demonstration of her pole dancing exercises. Hayley was enthralled by how supple Delphine was even, with her waist restricted by a corset.

"I wish I was as supple as that," remarked Hayley.

"I could install a pole in your new home if you want?" remarked Michel, half-joking.

“Don’t go giving her ideas darling. Dancing the pole isn’t for everyone you know,” said Delphine.

“This is a lovely home you have here,” said Hayley changing the subject.

"Thanks, Hayley. It was Delphine that put the finishing touches to what you see before you. Before that, it was a bit bare but, now it is a real home.”

Delphine went a bit red in the face.

“Michel did all the hard work on his own.”

Michel gave his wife a big hug.

“It is time we were going,” said Maxine.
“We have another call to make today.”

Hayley looked at Maxine with a surprised look on her face.

Maxine took hold of her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"After tomorrow, we will be neighbours. I'm moving some of my things down on Friday, so don't be strangers, ok?”

“We won’t… neighbour,” said Delphine.

“Delphine is quite a woman,” remarked Hayley once Maxine had driven them away from her home.

“She is. Meeting Michel was the best thing that could have happened to her. She is being allowed to act out her fantasies by a loving husband. How many couples can say that eh?”

“Does her fantasy include going commando?”

Maxine laughed.
"She has given herself to Michel. That includes allowing him to have sex with her at any time and anywhere he wants. I expect that might be exactly what they are doing right now."


"Yes, now. Delphine told me a while ago that she has become a bit of a nympho, and after twenty-odd years of being a dutiful mother and grandmother, she is loving every minute of it. Is that so wrong?"

"No, but I'm sure that a lot of people would turn their noses up at their slightly hedonistic lifestyle."

“That is very true.”

For a while, Hayley was silent as Maxine drove towards Plymouth.

“Maxi, did you ever… ever do it with a woman?”

Maxine gripped the steering wheel so tightly that her knuckles turned white.

“I take it that you didn’t?”


“Where are we going?” asked Hayley changing the subject.

“To buy a bed. I’m getting rid of the old one that I have in Reigate and if I’m going to stay down here, I’m going to need a new one.”

“And you need my help with that?”

Maxine looked at Hayley and sighed.
"Ok, we are going to buy ourselves a bed. Is that so bad? That is if you want to try living as a couple, that is?"

[to be continued]

[1] National Exhibition Centre. This is adjacent to the Railway Station and Birmingham Airport.

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