Driven from Normal. (Chapter 16)


Driven from Normal .

(Chapter 16)

Simon McKenzie started his week normal enough, but after a series of events he now finds himself standing in a bar wearing a cocktail dress. Chapter 16.

After what seemed like a lifetime of leaving me hanging, Mel pushed me back a little and raised her head to look at me.
“Yeah, I am worth it, so you’d better get your shit sorted out and work out how we can carry on being together!”

The smile that radiated from her face could have stopped time itself and her blue eyes had me completely lost in the moment. She squeezed me tightly, slapped my bum and started to get up,

“Come on, I'm hungry. You’re paying, so let's go!”

She offered a hand, and pulled me up when I took it, still a little confused about the sudden change in mood. Maybe I'd said something that swung her around? I wasn't sure, gez girls are hard to work out!

“So you’re ok then?” I asked.

“Yep! I’ll be right. You just need to come up with a plan if you want to keep getting a piece of this” slowly waving her hands up and down her sides.

"I'm on it, I’m on it! I’ll sort it!" I grinned as I grabbed her hips and pulled her in for another kiss.

Her soft lips against mine almost melted me to the spot, but the light sucking on my tongue could have finished me off. Softy, barely above a whisper Mel mentioned,

"Let's go get something to eat and just come straight back here after!"

I nodded, food really was now the last thing I was concerned about, I wanted more of Mel there and then, so badly nothing else mattered and so long as I was with her I'd be happy. We ended up at a takeaway restaurant not far from the flat but took the wrapped parcel of hot chips down to the edge of the lake. Finding a bench seat that wasn't covered in Seagull and duck shit was the toughest part. There was only one picnic table that was close to being suitable. We sat side by side looking out across the lake, sharing the chips straight from the paper wrapper. Sitting closer than we possibly needed to have been, due to the large amount of poo at either end of the seat, neither of us wanted to get our clothes covered in it. The view was nice but I found myself constantly looking at Mel, studying her face, taking in all the tiniest details. She must have sensed me staring, a grin grew and she asked what I was looking at,

"Just the prettiest girl I've ever seen."

Her head tipped back as she scoffed at my comment,
"Ah shit. That was shocking! I didn't order extra cheese!"

"I mean it! You're gorgeous! You should have been doing the modeling instead of me this week. They'd sell way more cars"

Mel's face flushed red and she dipped her head. She moved her hand under the table and placed it on my thigh, gently rubbing the soft fabric of my black tights.

"You're silly!" She whispered.

I leaned closer, kissing her neck and moved up to her ear. The hand on my leg stopped moving and the grip firmed up,

"I think we should go home now. I need to fuck the fuck out of you!"

I laughed, “Fuck, the fuck, out of me! That's charming”

She shrugged her shoulders with me immediately standing up. I didn't need a second invitation and screwed the paper up into a ball, quickly moving to stuff them into the closet rubbish bin. Mel had a cheeky grin and a look in her eyes of pure lust. She stood up when I ran back from the dumping the remains of our meal, I grabbed her hips then pulled her close, moving my hands to fondle magnificent bum along with a quick bit of pretend, friendly dry humping.
Our phones both simultaneously gave a new message alert, that stopped any further advances of PDA dead in its tracks. A single message to either phone wouldn't have normally warranted a look at that moment, but the fact we’d both had a message was too much of a coincidence not to have a quick peek at least.

The screen on my phone showed a message from Dylan, a group chat he must set up and added both Mel and me.
(hey guys. U 2 wanna meet up for dinner 2 nite? What time do u leave 2moro Simone?)

Mel was faster with her reply than me and her message interrupted my message being sent,
(soz, just 8 dinner. Maybe next time)
.. but I still sent mine anyway,
(just had dinner, flight is at 9.20)

We headed back up to where the car was parked holding hands and grinning at each other as we walked. The message alert fired off again,
(breakfast in the morning? My shout.)

“Gez, he's keen. But a free breaky sounds alright” Mel scoffed.

“Yeah I‘d say! Breakfast would be good” I replied, then cupped my breasts together. “Might be a bit tricky going out for that, and getting these taken off.”

“Ahhh true. Shit!”

My phone dinged again,
(sounds good, you could pick us up)

As I read the message and my face dropped,
Mel spoke up, “Sorry, I jumped the gun! I hadn't thought about that”

I was trying to come up with an excuse to avoid having to meet up with Dylan and explain why I wasn't actually Simone, the girl he had kissed and had a crush on. Before I had anything, the phones went again.

(sweet pick u's up about 7.30)

Mel assured me that it wouldn't be an issue, she was going to text in a bit and say she remembered that she needed to call into work before dropping me at the airport so we’d take her car. She thought it would only take five or ten minutes at the most to remove the prosthetics and it was only a short drive to the airport from Annas. I needed to be there about 30 minutes before the flight so we would have heaps of time to meet Dylan for a quick breakfast and still be ready in time.

With that all sorted we drove back to the flat and headed straight for Mel’s room, locking the door behind us. Kamyla wasn't home but we didn't want to risk any interruptions like earlier, our last night together for a while was certainly going to be a memorable one.
We tried a few different positions all with fantastic results then Mel suggested I put the lingerie set on complete with the stockings and strappy heels, insisting I do a show for her. I started to get dressed slowly while she lay on the bed and watched, with each item I added the more turned on Mel seemed to become. I tried to make the performance as sexy as I could, sliding the stockings slowly up my legs and carefully clipping the garter straps on. I was enjoying the attention as much as Mel was enjoying watching me. I kept my legs straight and bent at the waist to fasten my heels, as I slid the zip closed Mel slipped her hand down and started to massage herself, moaning in delight. That was too much excitement and my cock burst out the top of the panties like the periscope on a submarine. Mel smiled and beckoned me closer with her free hand, starting at the foot of the bed and deliberately took my time crawling in my hands and knees getting up over top of her. When I was within her reach she rolled me over and sat on top, grinding my crotch against hers. Mel leaned down close, kissing my neck and licked my jaw line until she reached my ear lobe, she took my earring in her teeth and pulled against it for a moment before blowing in my ear,

“Are you up for another go at that?” she whispered, pointing to the black box containing the strap on.
I nodded. Mel swung her leg over my head as she moved towards the dresser to retrieve the box and the tube of lube beside it.

“My turn for a sexy show now” I mentioned, as I repositioned a pillow under my head.

Mel grinned, and fulfilled my request with an erotic show that would have put any porno to shame working the dildo into position inside herself. It was then her turn to make her way up the bed, crawling towards me like a lioness stalking its prey. She raised my legs up over her shoulders and moved into position to peg me again, her hand gave my penis a firm rub before her finger traced the edge of my panties, moving down to push them aside and expose my starfish. I felt a cold glob of lube land on it moments before the tip of the purple question mark began to be pressed against me, flinching just a little as she started to push it in, the intense feeling of pleasure that quickly followed was even better than the first time we had experimented. I grabbed my bum cheeks and pulled them apart further allowing Mel to go deeper with it. Looking up at Mel's face with my stocking clad legs and heels wrapped around on either side of her torso was a memory that would more than likely be etched in my mind forever.
I was in heaven, I rested my legs on Mel's back and crossed my ankles, the heel of my shoe dug lightly into her back, she sighed and bit her lower lip as the rhythm and speed of her pumps increased.
Every sense I had was at full alert and amplified to the maximum, much like the vibration settings on the sex toy inside us both. There wasn’t a force of any kind that could have held back the orgasm that I had, semen shot from the tip of my penis and sprayed over my stomach, Mel watched the fluid shoot out of me and groaned loudly as she climaxed again.

The continuing vibrating of the strap on kept my orgasm lingering long after I had ejaculated, a sensation I had never experienced before. It was amazing, my toes tingled and my skin felt so sensitive, to even the slightest touch. Mel had stopped the thrusting but remained motionless in a state of ecstasy with the vibrations still working inside her as well. After a minute or so she unhitched herself (for the lack of a better description) and left the humming dildo inside me. My cock was still hard-ish, but when Mel grabbed the shaft and gave it a firm squeeze it stiffened back up.

“MMMM, I really miss having a cock!” she moaned, licking her lips.

Huh? had I heard that right, she misses having a cock! What does that mean?, was Mel transgendered? The look of absolute confusion on my face was obvious,
“What?” Mel asked

“You miss having a cock? Are you trans?”

“What?” Mel laughed, “No, you goose! I mean I miss having a cock around. You know, on a guy!”
She dropped onto her back beside me, still giggling to herself.

“Ah right, got ya now! Well then, I guess it's official! You’ve actually shagged me stupid!”

Mel burst into full on laughter and rolled back towards me,
“Not yet, but brace yourself blondie, because I ain't done with you!”

I don't know what time we fell asleep but it must have been getting late, or early?
It also must have been a very deep sleep, when the alarm went off in the morning it took a long time to register what the noise was. Mel hadn’t stirred either, I had to give her a nudge to wake her up. After realizing the alarm had been going for just over twenty minutes there was a bit of a panic to get up and get ready, the showering was a brief one for both of us.
I still had a towel wrapped around trying to dry myself as I quickly gathered my stuff up and shoved it into my suitcase, making sure I had everything. I grabbed some of my normal boy clothes to change into for the flight home and put them into the bottom of my backpack. I could change later when Mel had removed the breasts and hips then fly home looking like the old me again.

I had no issue getting my gaff and underwear sorted, that was easy. The only things left in my case that didn't need a wash or have stuff spilt on them were the black PVC pants and the white crop tee-shirt Kamyla had sold me. I thought it would look good on me and I didn't have time to sort anything else out anyway. My Puma shoes had been loaded into the backpack and I didn't want to wear heels so I put the white tennis sneakers on. Mel burst back in through the bedroom door in a fluster. Stopping in her tracks,

“Ohhh, you look good. Make a start on your makeup and I’ll help you in a sec!”

She then went about getting herself dressed as I grabbed the last of my things and forced the suitcase shut. There was a lot more stuff in there than when I had arrived last week, and most of it was now girls clothes and shoes. When Mel was dressed she started on her makeup in the mirror beside me, I had already managed to splash some foundation, eyeliner and mascara across my face.
As she picked up a tube of lipstick there was a knock at the front door. Mel thrust the lipstick container into my hand and told me to put it on as she turned and rushed towards the door.

I had just started applying the colour to my lips when I heard Dylan's voice as Mel opened the door. That added to the fluster Mel was already in, she’d forgotten to text him and tell him we’d go in our own car. From the bedroom I could hear Mel invite Dylan in then giving an excuse for us to take a separate car and he seemed to be ok with that and said he’d just follow us. I finished the make up and packed it all into the backpack. I almost didn't wear the earrings, but this was the last time I would be able to so I clipped them onto my lobes, they matched the necklace anyway, so it would have been silly not to wear them. As I lugged my case into the living room, Dylan greeted me with a big grin and asked if I was all set to go, I was but Mel suggested I’d need a jacket on as it was a bit nippy outside still and tossed a denim jacket towards me, and when I stepped outside I was glad she did.

Dylan insisted on carrying my suitcase to the car for me, it wasn't even heavy but he wouldn't take no for an answer. Squeezing in into the boot of Mel's car was the trickiest bit, the clutter wasn't just confined to the back seats it seemed. Mel locked the front door and hurried down the path to the car, she opened the door and put the key in the ignition.
Nothing happened at all when she turned the key, not even a click!
A quick check of the headlight switch, still in the on position from last night, confirmed what I had suspected. The battery was flatter than a flat thing.
Shit! It's going to be one of those days is it?

Dylan didn't have any jumper leads and there was no way to crash start the car being an automatic, we also didn't really have enough time to wait for the AA to arrive and still make it to the Studio to remove my enhancements before the flight check in time. I turned to see Dylan opening Mel’s boot again and taking my case out. He put it in the back of his car and said he’d take us for breakfast first, drop me at the airport, Mel at work and then he would sort the flat battery later.
We didn't have a lot of options, but how the hell was I going to get the prosthetics removed, then get changed and get to the airport now? I would have to confess to Dylan that I actually was a guy, and had just been pretending to be a girl. That sounded like a nightmare to be honest, maybe I could wait to tell him after I was changed, or come up with an excuse and just get an Uber from the studio after he had gone?

That last plan sounded like the easiest.

I relaxed slightly, now that I had a plan and climbed into the passenger's seat, Mel had already claimed the back for herself. The chat on the drive was tough to say the least, Dylan seemed to become really nervous and awkward and it was hard work keeping the conversation going, as hard as I tried not to be rude, I just ended up talking with Mel most of the way, occasionally including Dylan when I could. I wasn't really sure what to make of him.
Breakfast wasn't any easier, Dylan's answers were blunt and he didn't elaborate on anything either, other than telling us he was paying, he didn't say a lot more. Before the meals arrived I excused myself and headed for the toilet, Mel used the opportunity for a break as well and followed me in.

“Shit he’s hard going today, aye?” I said to Mel.

“Mmm I was thinking the same thing as well. But more importantly how the fuck are we going to get from work to the airport without him? I don't really want to be mean or anything, he’s a nice guy”

“No idea, I can book an Uber, that's no issue, but how do we politely tell him we don't need a ride. I really don't want to tell him I'm a guy, he might not react very well now”

“Yeah, I dunno…. We’ll think of something, worst case you get changed at the airport before you check in”

We returned back to the table to find our meals waiting and Dylan already eating his.
“Sorry, I’m starving. I couldn't wait” he said with his mouth full.

Dylan's mood appeared to improve as he ate, maybe he was just really hungry. He started to talk and joke around like the Dylan I had thought I knew. He made short work of the huge plate of food he had ordered and relaxed back in his chair as we finished ours off.

“So, I need to pop into work before we go to the airport and fix Simone's hair up a bit if that's ok. We’ll just get an Uber from there to the airport” Mel told Dylan as she sipped her coffee.

“Nah, that's cool, I can wait, I don't start work till ten anyway so it's no hassles to hang around for you’s” was Dylan's nonchalant response as he spent an extraordinary amount of time digging something out of his teeth.

“I don't want to muck you around, you've already run around after me this morning and brought us breakfast. I’ll just get an Uber” I replied, hoping to convince him to leave me so I could go back to guy mode with any dramas.

It didn't work. Dylan was insistent that it was no problem at all to hang around and drop me off. With breakfast all finished up, Dylan paid and we headed back to the car, I was now panicking inside wondering how this was going to play out, should I just cancel my flight and get another one later on. I really do need to get back for my meeting tomorrow, so that probably isn't an option...
The good news was there had already been a courier delivery and a small group of packages were stacked up, waiting at the front door of Anna’s studio. I gathered them up while Mel unlocked the door and disarmed the alarm system. We found the one package we needed containing the adhesive solvent and headed out the back to make a start while Dylan had made himself comfortable on the couch in the waiting area.
I guessed that I'd be getting changed at the airport after all.

Mel started on the hip pads first. It didn't take very long at all, once the edges had been exposed the rest came away relatively easily, it was a little gross underneath from a week of wearing them and had left a bit of white gunk underneath. It was a similar situation with the bum pads, we gave them all a good wash and wiped my skin down, Mel suggested I place them back on until I got to the airport and changed, my tight pants should be enough to hold them in place. Good in theory I guess, but as soon as I slid my pants back up the bum pads shifted and it just looked like I had shit myself.

Plan B! Mel found some water based adhesive, it was only good for a few hours tops and would release easily with warm water, or even by gently pulling it off. So I ended up having the hip and bum pads glued back on. I removed my top and bra and Mel worked the edges of the breasts applying the adhesive remover with a small cotton bud. It was the same situation as the other prosthetics, as soon as the edges were freed, the rest came away pretty quickly. The two lighter coloured circles that remained on my chest had us both laughing, the tan lines left behind looked hilarious and it didn't help that the skin was all wrinkled and a bit slimy from being trapped for almost a week behind the silicone mounds.

I did find it very strange not looking down and seeing the breast forms and the lack of weight hanging from my chest now felt unusual, but the biggest thing I noticed was how sensitive the area was, even the air on them was intense. I sort of missed them after just a few minutes, how weird is that? It was like wearing a watch or something all the time then taking it off, it just felt strange. Mel cleaned my skin with a wet wipe then reattached the breast forms using the temporary water based glue just in case they shifted at the wrong time. The outer seams didn't stick as well, but nobody would see that anyway they just needed to last until I could find somewhere to change at the airport and take them off.

Dylan was still sitting on the couch when we reappeared,
“Your hair looks good.” he said, staring at my head.
It took a second to get myself on the same page, Mel had told him she needed to fix my hair, DUH!

“Ahh, yeah. Thanks” I replied, tucking some of the hair behind my ears.

“Ok, we’d better get going. You need to check in shortly!” Dylan said as he stood up and swung the front door open.

He was right, I now only had just shy of forty minutes to be at the airport and checked in. That wasn't giving me a lot of time for a change of clothes now. Mel locked up and Dylan sped us off towards the domestic terminal car park. At no point in my planning of how I could get changed at the airport did I factor in just how busy it would be on a Monday morning, or the amount of people everywhere, walking through the foyer towards the self-check-in terminals I realized there was no way I was going to be able to go into any of the toilets looking like a girl and walk out as a boy.

The panic levels were right up there, Mel could see the look of terror on my face and rubbed my back as we walked while Dylan mistook it for nerves about flying and offered some support.
We found a free self-check-in kiosk and I swiped my credit card for the I.D. Mel distracted Dylan while I confirmed “Simon McKenzie” from the screen and entered the remaining details before the printer spat out a boarding pass and the baggage label.
The boarding pass got quickly stuffed into the ridiculously small pockets on the denim jacket before Dylan had a chance to spot (MCKENZIE, MR SIMON) blazoned right across the top of the ticket, luckily the baggage label didn't have my name on it, I wrapped it around the handle and Mel sent Dylan off with it to put on the conveyor belt.

“How the frig am I going to get changed now? Look at all these people!” I whispered to Mel.

“Don't worry, just go through security and get changed in there. I doubt there will be as many people near the gates.”

“Shit! Security! They’ll probably arrest me or something for being dressed like this. What if they need to scan me. Shit, Shit, Shit!”

Mel gave me a hug,
“Relax, as long as you haven't got a knife on you they won’t give a toss. They don't even check I.D. I've flown out of here heaps of times and it's pretty relaxed. It’s only domestic, not international”

It didn't really help, but she was right, I needed to calm down and it popped into my head that I had used a unisex wheelchair toilet in the departure lounge last time I was here when all the other toilets were all full, that would be the perfect place for the old switch-a-roo. I took a few slow deep breaths.

“It’s pretty funny that a girl that can drive so fast in a kart is scared of flying.” laughed Dylan as he walked back over to us.

“I'm not scared of flying! I’m nervous about... “ I had to stop myself from continuing to say the real reason,
“I'm just nervous about crashing.” I added.

“Bahahaha! Ahhh, you’ll be right!” he roared loudly, as we started walking towards the queue at security he swung his arm around me and gave me a squeeze.
A call over the speakers that my flight would be boarding in approximately fifteen minutes and for passengers to make their way to the departure gate was the last thing I wanted to hear.

“That’s you!” Dylan beamed.

I nodded and took a long slow breath looking at the line of people moving through the security screening area. Dylan gave me a hug and told me to have a good flight before he snuck a quick kiss on my cheek. Mel’s goodbye was much harder because I just did not want to let her go. Maybe I should cancel this flight and rebook? The hug didn't last anywhere long enough either, her hands pulled my bum in tight and she laid a big kiss on me, before pushing me back and saying I should get going. I walked towards the back of the line, ready to be outed as a boy dressed as a girl by the Civil Aviation Authority.

“Ring me when you land!” Mel yelled at the top of her voice.

I turned and smiled, Dylan gave me two thumbs up, Mel gave a small wave and blew me a kiss as I placed my backpack into the small plastic container and pushed it along the rollers towards the x-ray machine. The two people in front of me walked straight through the metal detector and carried on leaving me up next. I was waved through by a politely smiling lady with a scanner in her hand. I held my breath and stepped through, all clear! The lady just smiled again and wished me a safe flight.

I stepped out of the way of the group coming through behind me and waited at the end of the conveyor to retrieve my backpack and jacket that I had to remove. The guy watching the screen paused on my backpack and pointed out something to the other man behind him; he turned towards me and asked if it was my bag. I nodded as my gut twisted in all kinds of directions,he placed the pack on the desk at the end of the rollers and unzipped it.
Shit, I’m busted I thought as he began rummaging through it. It was silly really, don't know why I felt guilty it just had my change of clothes and some other bits and bobs.
He pulled my phone charger cord out and the headphones came with it along with a small makeup bottle tangled in it.

“Ah, there we go! That's all it was. All set. Thank you ma’am. Have a nice flight” he smiled and handed everything over for me to repack.

I grabbed the pack and jacket, smiled and scurried away letting out a massive breath as I tried to work out what direction my gate was.
“Gate 2” was off to the left, and just my luck, rammed full of people, adding to my anxiety was the crowd of people lined up outside the one toilet. I took a seat as close to the wheelchair accessible toilet as I could and waited, hopefully the crowd would thin a bit and I could make my move. I would need to be fast, the plane was already at the gate so I maybe had five or ten minutes max. Almost on cue, it was ten minutes the lady on the overhead speaker said, ten minutes until they would start boarding. Great!
The toilet queue hadn’t changed and a group of old people had heard the boarding call and all chosen to go before they got on the plane. I looked around the terminal from my seat for another option; anything at all, there wasn't one.
My head dropped and I shut my eyes.
How was I going to get home now, there was no way they let me on the plane like this.
My eyes opened and I looked down at my leg crossed over the other, my hand still with the long French tip nails resting on my knee. The black PVC pants revealing my smooth tanned ankles as my foot nervously bobbed up and down in the white tennis sneakers.

I glanced around the departure lounge, desperate for an idea or a plan to form. There was a guy with dreadlocks, tie dyed clothes and barefoot dancing to the music in his head, his dance partner was a similarly dressed, clearly bra-less woman in a thin crochet top. A larger lady was slumped across two seats in a dirty tracksuit at least three or four sizes too small, and next to me now sat an older gentleman with a jet black toupee, wearing a suit from the seventies that stunk of mothballs.

I suddenly relaxed and a feeling of calm washed over me like warm water in the shower, my thoughts cleared from the foggy panic they had been in. It may have been from the overpowering aroma of mothballs from the old chap beside me rattling his dentures, but it occurred to me that if those weirdos can get onto a plane, so could I. Even if I was outed I still wouldn't be the weirdest person here, and anyway I had been dressed as a girl all week and nobody had even batted an eyelid, no one had picked me as a guy in drag, no one had seen me as anything but a girl. Hell, I even had a guy kiss me, not to mention the swag of dick pics I’d been getting sent on Facebook.

“You know what! I can do this” I told myself, and embarrassingly out loud. The old man sitting beside me looked over and smiled, I felt my face redden up. Frig, I’m a dick! To distract myself and also avoid a possible unwanted conversation, I grabbed my phone and had a look through the Facebook notifications, leaving the old man alone to continue doing whatever the fuck he was doing with his false teeth.
More friend requests, likes and comments on photos, and I had been tagged in a few more posts, or to be exact, Simone had been. I sent Mum a quick message saying I was about to get on the flight and I'd see her in an hour or so. She came straight back with a love heart emoji. It looks like she will get to see me as the daughter she never had after all, I wondered how that was going to play out when the lady over the speaker said we could begin boarding.

I stood up, swung my backpack over my shoulder looped the jacket over my arm and cautiously walked towards departure gate number “2”.
I picked a gap in the forming queue between a young family with a screaming baby and a group of the old people, thinking the lady at the gate scanner would be distracted or too busy to notice me. It worked, the boarding pass was scanned and I was hurried through with the oldies pushing from behind without any real incident. I made my way up along the air bridge to the next hurdle, the stewardess waiting at the aircraft door.
She smiled after a slight double take when she checked my seat number on the pass, pointed me to the left side in the middle of the plane. and said, "Thank you Mrs. McKenzie"
Maybe she thought the name was Mrs. Imon McKenzie? Who knows, but it didn't matter, I was now on board without being stopped, laughed at or called out for being a cross-dressing weirdo. PHEW!

When I finally settled into my seat with the belt on, I had another quick check of my phone, when I opened the email app on my phone one new message came through from Chalky’s email address.

(Hey Mate,
I've been trying to ring you but it's been going straight to your voicemail.
Just a quick question, who is Simone Lilly, I see you are friends on Facebook?
I haven't heard of her but she listed me as being her agent over the weekend and that seems a bit strange.
Anyway, if you know how I can get hold of her, please let me know ASAP. I have already had a huge stack of requests come in over the weekend about booking her for jobs, and a heap of enquiries for more information. I need to contact her and find out what's happening and see if I can get a contract in place.
I’ll make it worth your while if you can help me hook this deal, it looks like there will be quite a bit of coin to be made there.
Judging by the attention I’m getting she might be the next big thing.

See you Tuesday for our de-brief and a catch up, and it's your turn to bring the coffees!

Chalky. )

I smiled as I re-read the short email message a couple of times, maybe this wouldn't be the last Simone was going to be seen after all. I had dozens more social media notifications waiting for my response but they could all wait. I set my phone to flight mode before I shut it off, placed it in my handbag then slid it under the seat in front of me ready for take-off. The future suddenly looked much different, I had options, all of which I was now in complete control of. Whatever happens with Simone from here on in is my decision. She could coexist, or not. She could disappear forever or maybe just for a while. It was up to me!
I don't really think I want to say goodbye to Simone just yet anyway. Despite my initial reluctance and fears about the situation when it was first suggested, being Simone over the last week had been a lot of fun. Other than feeling slightly disappointed that even though I was a guy, I had so easily been accepted as a girl and now even had job offers coming in. I had met new people, made new friends and had started a relationship with a person that I think I might really care about. If I allow myself to admit it, I even enjoy feeling beautiful and the attention that comes with all the clothes and makeup.

Was that normal? It's hard to say, but this week I'd definitely been driven from normal!

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