Driven from Normal. (Chapter 12)


Driven from Normal .

(Chapter 12)

Simon McKenzie started his week normal enough, but after a series of events he now finds himself standing in a bar wearing a cocktail dress. Chapter 12.

The building for the indoor kart centre was impossible to miss, it looked brand new, or that not far off new and it stood out like dog's balls as there weren’t a lot of other buildings around it.
The unmistakable sound of squealing tyres on concrete pricked my ears up as I opened the car door and hopped out.

The day had certainly warmed up a lot, the sun's heat reflecting off the new black asphalt of the footpath made it feel hotter again. I must have been far more eager than the others as I was first through the entrance door, the others lagged well behind, but I waited and held the door open being the gentleman I am. Arcade games lined the entrance area with a Laser-tag area on the left behind the counter. The kart track was straight ahead at the far end of the long building, it looked very flash with a large digital leader board showing each driver's name, kart number and lap times. The karts were all brand new and electric, so no fumes and they looked fast.

We headed over to the viewing area for a better look, Dylan was extracting a small boy in his kart from the tyre wall, he gave us a big wave and smile when he spotted us, then crossed the track to come and say hello. We talked and joked between Dylan needing to rush over to rescue a crashed kart every few minutes.
When the group racing finished and had their photos on the winners podium, Dylan told us to grab a helmet each off the stand, along with a new disposable hair net.

The hire helmets felt so heavy compared to the full carbon helmet I used when racing, but I didn't have mine with me so I had to suck it up and make do with what was on offer, it was either that or miss out. Mel found it hilarious when I put the hair net on, it half covered my eyes and she needed to get photos of me. Mel chose to sit out the racing and just watch us instead, maybe taking a few photos as well.

Dylan loaded our names and details into the system for the lap scoring, along with the three other people joining our session. Two other guys and a girl, probably late teens at a guess.
After a short safety briefing, followed by a run down of the karts and how everything worked, Dylan suggested it was a boys against girls team race. If only he knew that I was an undercover mole.

One thing I did like the sound of during the briefing, was a "Bump Sensor" in each kart's front bumper. If you hit another kart more than five times in one lap, the kart was then automatically speed limited for half a lap as a penalty, that was very clever, and maybe an opportunity in disguise. We selected our karts and headed out for two free practice laps. I battled for a bit to start with, I could still feel the tight muscles in my legs from the heels, thankfully the silicon prosthetic arse cheeks gave some padding for my bum in the hard seat.

The kart felt good, responsive torque from the electric motor, and it handled pretty well. Normally hire karts had a hard life, getting frequently damaged and having more hits than the Beatles with rookie, learner drivers. We lined up on the start grid, two wide and three rows deep. I was off the back with one of the teenage boys beside me, he was already talking up a big game while we waited for the teen girl's kart to be repositioned to the right grid spot by Dylan. As soon as the start countdown began on the big screen in front of us, the red race mist descended over me and I was in full race mode.

3, 2, 1, GO!

I had a blinder of a start, sneaking straight up the inside of Liam and Kamyla in the row in front of me. The teen girl didn't offer much of a challenge either, I drove around her at the first corner to claim second place. A few bumps from the teen boy behind was making it harder to get a clean shot around the other lad for the first place spot, I had counted three taps in a row from him, so with a deliberate, hard dab on my brake pedal when he wasn't paying attention, bump numbers four and five quickly dropped his kart well back.

I made the most of the free track space with the pest that was behind me now speed limited for half a lap, I could fully concentrate on hunting down the kart ahead.
It took another two laps before I slipped under him into a corner and took first, all without contact I might add. From there I put the head down and focused on the lap timer screen. It was now the only goal, each lap a split second faster than the previous, only dropping off when I caught up and lapped another kart.

After about five minutes, I could feel my right leg starting to cramp, I tried to shift my foot to try and counter it, the slight reposition worked and after another few lap I managed to lap everyone again. Well almost, the teen girl, Liam, and Kamyla twice and I was reeling the two boys in when the leg cramp returned. I lifted my leg to relieve the pain. It didn't help at all, I couldn't carry on so I coasted into the pits, jumping out hobbling around to try easing the pain, which wasn't working.

Dylan ran over to see what was going on and when he'd worked out why I was dancing around, he sat me on a chair and raised my leg to his chest. I was told to straighten it out and push my foot hard against him. He held my foot firmly as he bent my toes back. Thank fuck the cramp instantly started to ease off. It was almost bad enough to bring a tear to my eye. Mel rubbed my back and was very concerned

As Dylan massaged the calf muscle as the race finished up and the other karts began pulling back into pit lane, he looked up at me, grinning like an idiot,

"This is becoming a bit of a habit young lady. I'm starting to think you enjoy my leg massages."

I rolled my eyes and scoffed as the two young guys climbed out of the karts and began to mouth off about how awesome they had been, and how they'd trashed everyone else.
Looking at the scoreboard it was pretty hard to disagree. "Tristan" had won, with "Damon" second, both a lap up on Liam for third. Kamyla had just edged "Steff" out for 4th. I had a big DNF beside my name, and it was flashing in green between my lap time, and the big DNF!

"Does it need to highlight my failure to finish like that?" I asked Dylan, waving to the scoreboard.

"What do you mean?" He asked as he turned to see what I was pointing at.

"The flashing… that's a bit much" I joked.

"HOLEY SHIT! That's a new lap record!" he said in total amazement.
"I thought you looked fast out there. Frig! That's unreal. Well done you!"

"REALLY?, shit!… Imagine if I hadn't got cramp then" I winked smugly, feeling very happy with myself.

The two teenagers went very silent and the girl with them started teasing them, a girl, crippled with leg cramp had just beaten them both. They went quiet for a brief moment then started making excuses and saying they still beat me because I hadn't even finished.

It turns out with a lap record comes great responsibility. I had to get a photo for the wall of fame and even a super flash certificate to remember the moment forever. We stood around talking for a while afterwards, joking about my big over the top, Hollywood cramp performance amongst other things.
Dylan had mentioned more than once how much he'd enjoyed the night out with us, then worked in the conversation about a party his mate was having tonight, I think to try and see if we wanted to go?

I could tell from the look on Liam’s face he had forgotten all about it, and the quiet “Oh shit, that's tonight!” basically confirmed it.
After he pressed us for our non existing plans for later on, Dylan officially us to the party. Liam was talking quietly to Kamyla, I assumed asking her to go as well.
Mel started to quiz Dylan thoroughly before committing to a firm yes, she needed the full details, location, who'd be there, theme etc. A casual pool party at his friends parents house with a few other mates and girlfriends was the short answer.

It sounded like something the three of us might be keen on. Mel grilled him further for more details, times address, what we needed to bring etc, leaving nothing to chance. I could almost see the “to-do list” forming in Mel's eyes, and when I gave her a "Meh, why not" we needed to go and get on with things before the party.
We said we'd catch Dylan a bit later after thanking him for the karting, he was adamant we didn't need to pay and it was his shout, a thanks for last night, he reckoned.

"Bring your togs! The pool is awesome" he yelled to us as we walked out the door.

"I haven't got any togs, so luckily I'm out for that!" I quietly mentioned to Mel as we walked back to Liam's car.

"All under control, don't worry your pretty wee head about it" she said, as she condescendingly patted the top of my head then ruffled the hair up .

"Hey Liam, can you swing in there for a mo!" Mel yelled out as we drove past the big shopping centre. Liam pulled into the next entrance, then parked in a free spot that Mel had enthusiastically pointed out.

"Right you. Come with me, quickly!" She barked at me.

I saluted, grabbed my purse and followed her into one of the large department stores. I had to do that weird fast walk, quick step thing to keep up as she ripped through the various sections of the shop. She honed in on what we were there for very swiftly, the swimwear section.

“Don’t worry about it. I can't wear a swimsuit anyway. Especially around strangers! What if my tackle falls out, or a tit drops off?”

Mel sighed, shaking her head at me then turned and continued to rummage across the racks.
There weren’t many options, but a high waisted bikini in baby pink was ideal I was informed.

“Ah, so we are doing this then?” I asked, already knowing very well what the answer was. Again, no answer, just an eye roll as we walked away, bikini in hand.

On the way to counter to pay, Mel swerved towards the footwear section and zeroed in on a pair of womens plain white tennis sneakers, with a thickish sole. Not really a platform, but thicker than normal.

"Try these on, they'll look better than those bloody black ones you live in!"

They were a size or so too big, but she found another pair on the shelf which fitted nicely, they were added to load with the bikini and away we went to pay.
The closest counter and the only one free from a queue, was the one at the Jewelry department. I placed the items on the counter and the lady started removing the security tags and scanning them.

“Ohh, that's cute. Could I have a quick wee peek at that one please?” Mel asked the lady, her finger was pressed hard against the glass top over a silver necklace with a small heart shaped pendant.

“Oh yes, it's lovely isn't it, It comes with matching earrings at the moment” the lady mentioned, opening the cabinet and passing Mel the necklace.

“What do you think? How's it look?” Mel asked me, as she held it around her neck.

“Yeah, really nice! It suits you”

Mel umm'd are ahh'd for a bit, not sure if she needed it or not, the price tag had a crossed out ($79.99) and the new price of ($49.99) added.

“It looks really nice on you” I said “We’ll take it please” I told the lady.

Mel started to argue, saying she would pay. I told her it was on me, a thank you for the help she had given me over the last few days. The protesting continued, and then she held it up against my neck,

“It suits you more, so you just keep it!” Mel said. And started off arguing again.

“Uhhh. Frig, you're hard work! Fine! We’ll take two then please” I said to the smirking lady behind the counter, hopefully putting an end to the discussion.
I turned back to Mel and said,

“Now we have one each, end of story!”

I was being stupid Mel told me. She could have just had the free earrings that came with it, and now I had a pair of earrings and no pierced ears.

“No! Before you say it, I’m not getting my ears pierced!”

The lady behind the counter had a huge smile on her face, listening to us carrying on like an old married couple, she interrupted us saying;

“There's a clip-on option in these earrings, I’ll swap them over for free seeing you've brought two sets”

I had no intention of wearing either the necklace or earrings anyway, but if it moved things along, so be it.
I nodded and thanked her as she loaded everything into a carry bag, I waved my credit card over the terminal and away we went. Mel, still telling me I didn't need to do that, it was her job.
I grinned at her and she stopped talking, I leaned closer and quietly whispered in her ear,

“They’re our Fuck-buddy necklaces. Only we’ll know what they mean” and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

A sly smile appeared as we continued back to Liam's car without another word being said.
The next stop was a bottle store for booze then a supermarket for snacks and nibbles.
Cyclone Mel was on a mission, we had an hour and a half to get ready then get over to the party house, located on the far side of the lake from Mel's flat.
The side that got the late afternoon sun. Ideal for a pool party, but it was going to be a thirty minute drive or so at least, with traffic so we needed to press on.

It was all go when we arrived back at the flat, a quick dash in to get changed was all we were allowed, no mucking around at all. In Mel’s room she told me to put my bikini on under my clothes to save any awkward issues getting changed, if I wanted to have a swim later on. Even if I didn’t swim, it would be less hassle and draw less attention to have a swimsuit on at a pool party.

The washing had all been done, and put into the dryer before we left, I found my padded, camel toe gaff in the pile, thinking that would be the most realistic in bikini bottoms.
It was also the firmest fitting and hopefully would be less likely to reveal something that didn't need to be revealed.

Gaff on, boy bits hidden away, it was time to actually put on a bikini. Something that I hadn’t ever imagined myself doing, let alone doing to wear to a pool party, with people I didn't know. How I’ve changed in under a week. Weirder still was that I was looking forward to it, even feeling a bit excited.

I used my teeth to break off the little plastic things holding the tags and removed a weird clear, sticky plastic panel from the inside on the crotch. The new pink bikini was fairly plain, it looked just like a bra and knickers. It fitted pretty well, sitting nicely around my bum, the padded gaff making it look all natural. With the straps adjusted, the top section covered my boobs securely, and if I do say so myself, looked very pretty. The pink against my tanned skin colouring looked damn sexy.

I pulled the denim skirt on, and Mel loaned me a zip up white hoodie sweatshirt to go over the top. She lowered the zipper back down after I had pulled it up.

“Need to flaunt it if you’ve got it, and damn, you’ve got it!” she said with a massive slap on my arse.

My new roommate had gone with a similar choice, looking smoking hot in the rusty red string bikini, and the short denim skirt matched mine, sort of. She reused the pink sweatshirt she had on earlier. As much as I hated to admit it, the new crisp white sneakers did look better than my black shoes, they even made my legs look more tanned.

“Here, you need to put this on” holding the new necklace.

Mel placed it around my neck and did up the small clasp. I took the other one out of the bag and fastened it on her neck, then kissed her.

“May as well be full matchy-matchy twins” Mel said, grabbing the two packets of earrings.

The dangly silver hearts were snapped onto my ear lobe one at a time. I brushed my hair behind my ear to better examine how they looked in the mirror while Mel attached hers through the already pierced holes she had.

“Pretty” I said looking at the reflection of both of us standing together in the mirror.

“Right, let's go… ohhhh! Hang on” Mel said, spinning in the doorway.

Returning to the dresser, she grabbed two pairs of sunglasses from amongst the items scattered across the top and held them up for me to pick. I went with the classic mirror aviator looking pair. She tossed them towards me, turned back to the dresser and picked up the bottle of perfume from last night and came at me, squirting it on my neck.

“Now we're ready!"

She grabbed two beach towels from the big cupboard in the hallway and stuffed them into a beach bag she’d found. We collected our purses from the arm of the couch on the way back out the door. Kamyla has just beaten us back to Liam's car and soon as he was happy that we had our seatbelts on, we headed of to call in at Liam's place for him to get his stuff on the way.

Nobody noticed me leaning over the back seat and fishing a bottle of beer out of the new box, Mel was leaning forward letting Kamyla get a better look at her new necklace. When I cracked the cap open, the hiss stopped the conversation dead in its tracks and they all turned to look at me, I shrugged and took a long swig.

"Pass them round, Secret squirrel" Mel motioned her hand.

Liam's flat was exactly what I had pictured it would look like, pretty much the standard Batchelor pad for twenty year old guys. I'm not sure if I had become accustomed the pleasant scents of Mel's flat and the fresh clean smells of the hotel room, but his flat smelt like stale beer, feet and fart, overwhelming the senses to say the least. Dylan was home as well by now, trying to get himself ready. He was pleased to see us, mostly I think, because he could now get a ride to the party with us.

I ended up walking back out the car with Liam, the girls had already headed out while Dylan was still mucking around trying to find something.

"It's getting really hard to see any trace of a man in there now bro." Liam said after making sure no one else could hear him.
"Ya doing OK are ya?" He continued.

I smiled and shrugged,
"Yeah, I am aye. I should have been all back to normal by now. Seems the universe has other plans at the moment.” I sighed,
“No point getting too wound up, so I decided just to run with it. Make the most of the opportunity to see what it's like from the other side. It’ll be all over on Monday!"

I nudged his rib with my elbow and winked,
"Anyway, spending time with Mel has definitely been worth all this shit it if nothing else"

"Fair enough! She is pretty cool. And actually, I wouldn't have met Kamyla if it wasn't for you doing all this, so there ya go!"

The sunlight bouncing back off Liam's car windows hit my eyes, I pulled the sunglasses off the top of my head where they had been stowed and put them on my face. I adjusted my hair so it sat better around the arms of the glasses and my ears, Liam shook his head and smiled, saying nothing.

The four of us piled back into Liam's car and waited for Dylan to join us. He was lucky he showed up when he did, we were all getting sick of waiting, I thought girls took ages, but frig he pissed around. Then the big git nearly pulled the bloody handle right off the door as he opened it.

"Come on, scooch over!" He ordered, moving in beside me on the back seat.

The car might have had three separate seat belts across the back seat, but the middle seat was pretty much just a token one.
Dylan's larger frame meant the three of us had to squeeze up tight just to get the door closed. I tucked in as close to Mel as I could, trying to keep any possibility of a gap between Dylan and me. It didn't work, he just spilled over anyway, even having to put his arm along the top of the seat behind me for extra space. He had also been very generous when he applied his deodorant.

“Did you get some deodorant on, did ya?” I sarcastically asked.

He clearly didn't pick up on the sarcasm and sniffed his armpit,
“Yeah, heaps”

“Gez, I’ll say!” laughed Mel as she cracked a window.

I figured I'd crack another beer open, there wasn't enough room to reach over myself so I asked Dylan to flick me one out.
That led to a string of requests for beers from everyone else, including Liam, but Kamyla ended that, telling him that he could just wait until we’d arrived.

Without removing his eyes from the road, Liam cooked his head towards the back seat,

"You heard from Chucky?" Liam quizzed Dylan

"Nah! Last I saw of him he was sneaking out the door of that new pub with Pam" Dylan answered, really drawing out the pronunciation of the name.

"Arghhh, not again! What does he see in that fat midget? I reckon he's just too lazy to have a wank" Liam added, shaking his head.

Kamyla slapped his hand,
"Liam! That's a very terrible thing to say about someone!"

"Nah. It's true! She's fuckin' gross, and she's a real weirdo as well. I can't understand it either" Dylan said in an attempt to defend Liam's comment.

"A, Fat, Midget! That's really lovely." Mel laughed.

"Yeah, well it's true! I would say she'd be slightly taller laying down than she is standing up" Dylan replied without showing any expression.

While I was attempting to empty a mouthful of beer via my nostrils, Dylan leaned forward through the gap in the front seats and pointed,

“It's just down here on the left, by Matt’s work van” Dylan informed Liam frantically.

“I know! I've been here before ya dick” he replied. "And get ya friggin hand out of m' face!"

There were a few vehicles parked out on the street, a couple of work vans, utes and some other cars that clearly belonged to younger people than the rest of the vehicles parked along the street.
We ended up parking a few houses down from the party house and walked up carrying our bags, booze and snacks. The “Boys” offered to carry the heavy stuff, so I let them.

The house looked like every other house along the street, big, new, architectural with a short driveway leading down to the garage on a steep sloping section overlooking the lake.
It was very nice, don't get me wrong, but all the houses in the area all were, and they all looked a bit the same.

I could hear music coming from down the back, even over the blustery wind that had picked up again.
Liam and Dylan led the way through a side gate, and down a path beside the house to a large decked area at the back of the section.

We could see a hint of a pool before anything else, it had an infinity edge and sat at the very end of the deck with a large spa attached to it. High fences gave privacy from the Neighbours.
A wave of loud hellos greeted the “Boys” as they were spotted by the five or six guys already there.
My guess is most of them had been on the booze most of the day, the red sunburnt faces and volume level of the chat was a dead giveaway.

A brief round of introductions and polite acknowledgements followed, as the host, “Brad” offered us a seat and thanked us for coming.
Mel , Kamyla and I sat and arranged another round of drinks from the cardboard box that Liam had carried in for us.

I thought it may have just been me, but it felt that the atmosphere had dulled slightly since we had arrived. The half pissed boys were now trying to act sober, and not really doing a very good job. Mel gave me a raised eyebrow and rolled her eyes as she took a mouthful from her bottle. It wasn't just me then.

“Bit of a sausage fest here isn't it Shagger?” Liam said to Brad laughing, “Where’s your Missus?”

“It’s not now!” a very sunburnt, big ginger guy offered up, tipping his bottle towards before Brad answered,

“Hahaha, settle down cock! You’ll scare them off. Nah, Kelly’s inside somewhere giving the girls the grand tour” Brad replied.

Almost on cue, three girls appeared from inside led by a very tall skinny girl, Brad introduced us to his partner Kelly, then Evie and Sophia, We had to repeat our own names as he could recall them.
The girls sat with us and chatted about nothing in particular, the normal questions followed about where we were from, what we did, how we knew the boys etc.

Kelly worked in admin for Brad's father who owned a construction firm in Queenstown. I didn't really understand what Evie did, something in banking, but not for a bank, it was too confusing and I'd stopped listening.
Sophia was a primary school teacher in Cromwell.
Evie and Sophia pointed out their respective boy friends, who at first glance both appeared to be completely fucked from a long afternoon in the sun, drinking.

The ice had started to thaw and the noise levels had risen back up, with loud laughter from the guys, who had all gathered in a group around the massive built in barbeque. The afternoon sun was intense and I removed my hoodie to try and cool off, sitting with a bikini top and skirt certainly did that. I could feel the soft breeze across my exposed back.
Normally I would have been in that group instead of sitting here, discussing someone's top or skirt etc. Each time there was a burst of laughter, and someone yelled another comment over the top, I glanced over. Mel must have picked up on my longing stares at not being with the boys and nudged my rib, smiling.


The very sunburnt Ginger guy seemed to be intent on being the loudest there, his voice would have carried right across the other side of the lake I reckon.
It was possibly a combination of alcohol, sun stroke and just being a wanker, but he was wearing thin and wasn't even thar near us.
I had half overheard a couple of comments he had made about either me or Mel, and Dylan warned him to shut it, but big red, in his shirtless pink glory, just laughed it off.

Kamyla asked to use the bathroom and Kelly was giving directions when big red interrupted, with “Just go in the pool love!”

Straight faced Kamyla looked at him and responded with,
“You want me to make a shit in the pool?”

Maybe the best comeback line I had ever heard in a while, the crowd erupted with laughter and some yelled “OWNED!”
He quieted down for a while, but that didn't last long. When Kamyla returned it couldn't help himself,

“That was a fucken quick shit!” he laughed and looked around for support, there wasn't any.

“Hey two cocks! Just calm down and stop trying so hard” I told him, which got a few sniggers from the boys.

“Why two cocks?” he asked with a confused look on his face.

“Why? Because no one could be that much of a wanker only pulling one!”

That well and truly broke the ice, even big red saw the funny side joining in with the laughing. The two separate groups moved together more and even the conversation relaxed with the girls as well, luckily! It had been fairly punishing chat up to that point to be fair.

The next hour or so rolled on like any other party, laughs, drinks, the occasional trip or stumble from someone feeling the effects of the booze. Brad and Kelly were good hosts, providing plenty of snacks and cranked the barbeque up to provide something more substantial to eat. Mel asked about the house, Kelly explained Brad’s Dad built it as a Showhome a few years ago.

Brad also worked for his Dad as a builder, most of the other guys there also turned out to be tradies of some sort.
Big Red was a sparky; Sophia's partner had his own plumbing business, and Evie’s man was a motorbike mechanic, who I had thought since we had arrived looked familiar.

I couldn't place him until Evie told us that he worked for the same franchise as Dad's shop. I remembered that we had been at the same new motorbike model launch event a few years ago, I figured he probably wouldn't recognize me anyway looking like this, but came up with a plan to say I was my sister. It seemed the simplest option, I hadn't had a lot to do with him then anyway, so it was more than likely not needed.

It was Big Red that ended up in the pool first, a lost bet meant he had to swim a length. He jumped in doing a huge bomb splashing water everywhere, leaving us all soaking wet. Evie wasn't impressed and let him know, Kelly then suggested we should move into the spa and the boys could serve us drinks as punishment.
Brad raised his eyebrows in an attempt to protest then thought better of it and just agreed.

The Spa pool itself was huge, custom built and probably enough room for about ten adults to be comfortably spaced.
We left our tops and skirts sitting on a table, well away from and stray splashes from the silly antics of the boys, who had now all jumped in the main pool.

I felt a strange amount of confidence walking across the deck in a bikini with Mel. The fears I had earlier had all but disappeared with the temporary powers from the alcohol. The boys in the pool failed horribly at being discreet, watching us lower ourselves into the warm water. By shit, it felt good too.
I thought my legs had recovered from the night of wearing heels, but they felt much more relaxed after a few minutes being pummeled with the bubble jets.

Mel slid next to me and used the camouflage of the bubbling water to sneak in a feel up of my crotch, I tried hard not to give away our underwater secret interactions, and sipped from the bottle I had in my hand. I didn't dare even look at her in fear of not being able to contain myself. Sophia had moved over on my other side to talk, but I was struggling to concentrate on anything she said and tried to blame the noise of the jets.

Which probably would have worked if Kelly hadn’t turned them off, making it easier to talk. Mel quickly removed her hand, but was a little slow in doing so.
Sophia quickly worked out what had been happening and smirked,

“Are you two together?” she asked in the quietest whisper, trying to save any embarrassment. I nodded.

“Cool” she responded, “I'm pleased! At least I don't have to worry about either of you babes takin’ my fella!” she winked, and raised her bottle towards mine in a toast.

With that out of the way I actually had a good conversation with Sophia.
She asked about my job and how I’d gotten into it, without thinking I mentioned that Dad owned a bike shop, Evie’s ears pricked up and she called out to her boyfriend, asking if she knew my Dad. He dropped into the spa beside her and asked me about Dad's shop. Before he said anything, I got in first saying my brother worked in the parts department and did he know him?
He nodded, and said he remembered meeting him(me?) at a bike launch a few years ago.

Dylan also joined us in the spa, and immediately told everyone how I’d blitzed the karting earlier in the afternoon, all while nursing a nasty leg cramp. The girls seemed to be genuinely impressed, and offered some congratulations.
Brad was called over to refresh our drinks, Kelly certainly him well under control but there was a whip noise from one of his mates as he did what he was asked, which I also found a bit funny.

I was starting to feel a bit light headed from sitting in the spa for so long so I stood up, and climbed out. I dried myself off a bit with my towel before wrapping it around me, higher up over my breasts rather than around my waist like I normally did. I found a free spot to sit near the spa so I could still be a part of the conversation. Big Red moved in beside me and tried the worst attempt at a pick up line I had ever heard, I mean I've used better as a joke.

“You’re pretty tidy, you could be a model I reckon!”

I didn't want to be to nasty, or just be a bitch so I replied,

“Thanks, I've actually been doing some modeling work this week for a new car TV ad”

"Wow! I bet you were awesome!" he said, sounding serious for the first time since I'd arrived.

"She did! She looked amazing as well!" Mel chimed in.

That started a new line of questioning, I tried to keep the answers as truthful as I could without giving away my true identity. It didn't take long for someone to ask about the pay, I just said "Not too bad"
Mel scoffed loudly, but never elaborated as the conversation steered itself away from being all about me, which I was very thankful about.

Being the center of attention has never been my thing, and less so dressed as a girl. be continued.

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