Driven from Normal. (Chapter 4)


Driven from Normal .

(Chapter 4)

Simon McKenzie started his week normal enough, but after a series of events he now finds himself standing in a bar wearing a cocktail dress. Chapter 4.

It was a warmish night for late spring, but even so, waiting for our ride in nothing but a thin dress was chilly. Had my nipples been real, they would have been stiff enough to cut glass by the time our ride finally arrived.

The driver pulled up beside us, and was a little taken back when we confirmed that it was us he was looking for.
When he mentioned that it was booked under my name, "Simon" I realised why.
I quickly covered myself, telling him it was my Dad's account.

"You're such a Daddy's girl Dora" Mel laughed, as we climbed in.

The first few minutes of the ride we sat in silence. For the first time all night it almost felt a bit awkward between us.
I felt a light touch on my thigh and looked down to see Mel's outstretched arm gently rubbing my leg. I looked at her and smiled, she smiled back, then turned to look out her window.

As the hotel came into view Mel finally broke the silence.
"You know, I drive past here everyday on the way to work and I've never actually been in there…. Is it flash?"

"Yeah it is pretty nice, the room is pretty standard but the reception is flash" I replied, trying to not sound too much like a guy in a dress in front of the Uber driver.

"I should have a quick look, aye?…" Mel quietly mentioned.

"I guess I could give you a quick tour of the joint" I replied, again hoping this possibly, was the start of something more.

We pulled up to the front door, the driver must have been listening and asked if he should wait.
My anxiety levels ramped up waiting for the answer.

"Nah, you go, I'll book another ride soon"

My head was busy trying to work out what was going on, there were a million possibilities all playing out in my thoughts at the same time.
Trying to play it cool, I grabbed my bags and slid out of the back seat as lady-like as I could. Thanking the driver, before shutting the door.

A fairly lame attempt at an impression of a tour guide failed to get a reaction from Mel as we approached the front door.
We entered the reception, heading for the lifts. A night clerk on the desk smiled and offered a quietly spoken "Good evening" as we passed.

Two of the lifts were waiting with open doors. I pressed the button for my floor and nothing happened.
The second press also did nothing, but I noticed the card reader was flashing.
After retrieving the room card from my hand bag and swiping it, the doors closed and the lift shuddered into life.
Mel still wasn't saying much, but was smiling at me, I figured that was a good sign.

The lift stopped and the doors opened on my floor, after remembering which direction the room was we quietly made our way down the corridor past the several other rooms.
I still had no idea what Mel was thinking, her nonchalant smile was giving nothing away.

"This is me…" I said reaching the correct room number.
Still nothing from Mel…
I inserted the card into the reader waiting for the click of the lock releasing in the handle.
I pushed the heavy door open a few centimeters before pausing, then turning back to Mel.
"Would you like to come in for a look?" I asked.

Mel was gently biting her lower lip, still smiling. She nodded and lowered her head to look at the floor.

I pushed the door open hard against the stopper and held it for Mel to walk through.
She walked in, straight to the window and looked out at the view of the night lights reflecting off the lake.
I flicked the light switch beside the door and when I inserted the key card into the slot next to it, the small light lit up the entrance way between the bathroom to the right and the main room.
When the door shut with a clunk, she turned around and rushed towards me.

One hand went around my neck and pulled my mouth against hers for a kiss. The other hand unexpectedly cupped my stowed away genitals, and gave it a firm rub.
The gaff was now well and truly earning its keep as my penis strained hard against it.

"Let's get this off shall we?" Mel gasped out of breath between kisses.

Her hands started to reach under the hem of the dress to locate the waist band.
I took charge from then and lifted the dress enough to get my fingers under the gaff.
I slide the gaff lower down my thigh to free myself.

"That must feel better?" Mel groaned.

For reasons still unknown my nervous response was to ask her,
"Ever seen one of those emergency slides being deployed on a plane?"

Mel burst out laughing and pushed me onto the bed backwards. She tugged the gaff the rest of the way down my legs and over the heels before dropping it to the floor.

I lifted my leg to reach the zip on my shoe, Mel stopped me by grabbing my leg and pushing it back flat to the bed.
"Leave them" She said, climbing the bed straddling me.
"You make me so horny!"

We continued a passionate kiss before she paused. She sat up, grabbed my dress and started raising it up over my head.
I struggled in the heat of the moment to free my arms and sat with the dress bunched up around my head.
My exposed chest was a perfect target for Mel's next rage of passion.
I was pushed back down as she ravished my neck with her lips.

I yanked my head clear of the dress and quickly discarded it, freeing my arms.
I pulled Mel's head to mine and kissed her with every ounce of my being. I started to fumble with her clothes trying to get her as naked as I was.

The skirt was no problem but the mesh top wouldn’t budge. Mel took over and released a clasp between her legs,
“It’s a bodysuit silly” she said, now pulling it up and over her head and tossing it aside. .

I'm happy to say, that the sex that followed was the greatest, most spine tingling experience I could have ever dreamt of.
We explored every millimeter of each other's bodies and Mel's body was far beyond what I had even imagined she might look like under her clothes.

The resulting orgasim was emense, a sensory overload of Mel's touch on my sensitive hairless skin.
Mel wasn't letting me get off alone it seemed, as she screamed as she too climaxed.

We collapsed onto our backs puffing, trying to catch our breaths back.
I lay there for a few minutes before sliding my leg up to within reach of the zip at the back of my heels and kicking one off before repeating the move on the other side.

“That feels better, I was starting to get tingly pins and needles in my toes” I said with a loud sigh.

“I’m sorry” Mel said, she had a tremble in her voice that I hadn't heard until now.

“What for?” I rolled onto my side to get a better look at her. Her naked silhouette was softly lit from the lights coming in through the front window.

“For making you leave them on'' she replied again with a tremble.
“I don't really know what to make of any of this,” she continued.
“As a guy, I thought you were very cute, but with this girl stuff… I don't know… it really ramped it all up. All night I kept imagining us being together and how hot it would be, then I would have an internal argument with myself about how being attracted to a girl wasn’t me”

I gave her a cuddle, she moved in closer and buried her head into my chest.

“I’m not a girl though, I'm a guy with some stuff stuck to me. I know what you mean because it's been very confusing for me today as well. I don't want to be a girl, but it did feel nice to look and feel pretty tonight….And I really like being with you Mel. I think you’re great.”

“I like being with you too, I just don't know why the thought of you as a girl turns me on so much? It's like I was the only person to know a sexy secret about you and it was driving me crazy” she pushed slightly back and looked at me.

“I would never normally go home with a guy on the first date or that I’d just met, but I feel so safe and comfortable around you…”

With that she stood up off the still fully made bed and walked to the end grabbing a towel and wrapping it around herself.

“Are you going? I asked with a noticeable disappointed tone in my voice.

“Just to the toilet” Mel replied, disappearing into the bathroom.

I took the opportunity to remove the condom, pull the bed sheets back and put my phone on to the charger beside the bed before climbing in waiting for Mel.

I heard the toilet flush and Mel came back into the room. She bent over and picked her panties up before stepping into them and sliding them into position under the towel she still had on.

“Have you got a tee-shirt I can wear?”she asked looking around the room.

“Yep, help yourself in there” pointing to my suitcase sitting untouched on the small shelf beside the kitchenette bench.

"Could you chuck me a pair of jocks please?”

Mel tossed me a pair of my black stretch boxers that she found. I slipped them on under the sheets as Mel slid my tee-shirt over her head before bouncing over to the bed and gliding in beside me.
She snuggled in close, wrapping her arms around me, then went in for a quick crotch rub.
“MMMM, that feels nice,” she purred.

We must have both drifted off to sleep fairly quickly as I don't remember much.
I stirred as the sunlight started flooding into the room through the open curtains. Mel was still tucked in close and very much asleep.

The sun shone across her face and she looked even more stunning in the crisp golden glow of the early morning light than she did the night, and day before.

I lay there looking at her until my alarm went off a few minutes later.
Reaching over to stop the alarm, Mel stirred and whispered “Good morning” in a croaky voice.

“Good morning, sexy. I’m just going to jump in the shower” slipping my arm out from under her, placing my feet on the floor.

I looked down as was instantly reminded that, One; I had tits. Two; I had no hair on my legs, and Three; I'd had sex last night like that!

As I stood up and walked to the bathroom, my calf muscles ached, it actually took a bit to free up and get moving.

I looked over at my reflection in the large bathroom mirror, it was surreal to see my head stuck on a girl's body having a pee standing up.
I shook my head in disbelief as I finished.

I started the shower and turned for another look at my new assets in the mirror, waiting for the hot water came through.
I touched the breasts, they were warm and soft, and still very much stuck to my skin when I tried to move them around. The same story with the lumps on my hips and bum.

I stepped into the now steamy shower and felt the water envelop my hair free body. I wondered how long it would take to get used to the feeling, turning from side to side to let the water wet me all over.

The soft face cloth seemed to be the best option for a wash, I still was unsure how the tan and body makeup would react so started off very gently, checking the cloth every few wipes for evidence of colour. It all looked clear, so I carried on washing my entire body.

I was midway through washing my hair, when I heard the bathroom door open, followed by a cool breeze as the shower door also swung open.

“Mind if I join you? Mel asked.

I hadn't given her a response before she grabbed my arse cheeks with both hands and pushed up against me.
There was still shampoo running down my face from my hair so I kept my eyes shut as we started kissing.
I was fully erect in a matter of milliseconds and Mel made the most of it.

I was glad I wasn't paying for the hot water as we made love in the steam filled hot box of the shower.
I was so careful not to accidentally scratch her with my still unfamiliar new pink fingernails, after I had poked myself earlier and felt the pain.

She shut the mixer off, stepped out, grabbed a towel off the pile before winking at me as she left me alone.
Still slightly stunned, dripping wet, standing in the rapidly cooling shower box.

I dried off in the bathroom before going back into the main room.
Mel was already putting back on the mesh top that I'd struggled to get off her last night. Then she pulled the skirt up, zipping it closed.

I grabbed a fresh tee-shirt from my case and pulled it over my head. The fit was very different with the new boobs I now had, and the material was pulled thin displaying the nipples. It was also riding up showing my tummy dispite my constant attempts to pull it back down.
I put on a pair of fresh undies as well, they also felt tighter with the extra hips and butt stuffed in there.

Getting my jeans on was the biggest hassle, after I tussled getting them over my new enhanced bum there was no way I could get the button done up around my waist.

It was Mel that finally suggested I give up on them and asked if I had anything else with a bit more give in it.
I found a pair of black rugby shorts and tried them on.
They fitted, just. But, they ended up being pulled really tight around the crotch.

The buldge was also now very obvious but the rest of me looked like a girl, with shaved legs and bigger hips.
Add to that my large breasts and nipples fighting to get out of the tee-shirt.
I figured I had only one option.
Run with girl mode rather than try to hide it.

With Mel back in the bathroom drying her hair with the hairdryer I seized the moment.
I removed the shorts and undies again and put on the nude colour gaff that Megan had given me.
I adjusted myself and lined the tip of my penis up in the slot she had cut in them.
Then I grabbed one of the new black panties she had supplied.
Turns out it was a hipster thong with lace at the back. I slipped them on and was pulling my shorts back on when Mel re-entered the room.

“Oooooh sexy bum!” she giggled, grabbing me by the hips, spinning me around for another passionate kiss.

When we broke apart Mel headed back into the bathroom with a small makeup bag she had taken from her handbag.

I straightend myself up then sat on the bed and put my Puma shoes on.
I figured they would be just unisex enough to work, and way better than the heels.

Mel called me into the bathroom.
“Yes?” poking my head around the edge of the door frame.

“I’ll put a little make up on you again to make you look a bit girly-er”
Armed with a fluffy brush and a small container she swept some powder over my face.
A coat of deep red lipstick followed. And then she used a black eyeliner pen around the edges of my eyes before a coat of mascara on the lashes.

“Viola,” she said, stepping back. “You look completely like a girl now!”

I turned to look in the mirror, she was right!
I looked like a 20 something year old girl!
The makeup made me look so much different.

The tee-shirt pulled tight from the breasts, hinted at an athletic, hourglass figure beneath.
The short shorts sat over my hips exposing the tanned, long slender legs that lead up to a firm shapely bum.
As far as anyone would be able to tell, I was all woman!

My gawking was interrupted with Mel mentioning how hungry she was, I was as well now that I thought about it.

“Let's go down and get some breaky aye?” I asked.

The restaurant downstairs did a buffet style cooked breakfast and my room included one per night. The thought of bacon and eggs set my stomach rumbling.

“We’d best get going then before you die of starvation!” Mel said, also hearing the loud tummy gurgle.

I gathered my wallet and phone, out of habit I went to put them in my pockets. The shorts didn't have any, so that was out.
I grabbed the handbag from last night and put everything in there. We only had about an hour or so before we both needed to be back at Anna’s so I grabbed my backpack as well and loaded it up with the other stuff I needed to take.

We held hands on the brief walk to the lift, both of us grinning like school girls.
We met an older couple in the lift ride down, so we didn't really talk much, other than the usual morning pleasantries.

When the lift doors opened the reception was busy with people, but I did notice the older tall lady from yesterday entering the conference room.
I excused myself from Mel and quickly ran after her, my breasts now jiggling when I moved. I opened the double door to the makeshift film office and interrupted the lady.
She turned to look at me and had a blank look on her face when I asked about the new contract I needed to sign.

I could almost hear the penny drop when she worked out who I was and what I was talking about.
“Well! My-my! They certainly have done a good job on you, haven't they. I can’t even pick you’re a man”

I wasn’t sure how to take that back-handed compliment. She leaned over a desk and found a brown folder containing my new contract.

“Your agent has signed it, I just need your signature on the marked pages” she said pointing to little coloured post note markers peeking out of the pages.

“I have a quick look over breakfast and drop it off again shortly” I said taking the folder.

“That’s fine, just leave it here” patting the top of the desk.

I turned and headed out the doors, I heard her say remarkable, or something similar as I walked away. Mel was standing just outside with an excited look on her face.

“How much are you getting for all this? Glancing at the folder.

“No idea yet we’ll have a look over breakfast shall we” I replied.

I asked the waitress in the restaurant if we could add another meal to my room number which was no problem, after signing the bill we were escorted to our table.

We hung our bags over the chair and I placed my backpack under the table before heading to the buffet.
I loaded the plate with everything that I liked the look of before getting a glass of juice and returning to the table.
Mel had a more modest amount of food on her plate and a cup of coffee when she sat back down at our table.

After a few bites of food and a sip of juice, I opened the folder and flipped through the pages looking for the magic numbers printed beside the dollar sign.
I did a double take when I saw the figure. It wasn’t anywhere enough to clear the mortgage but, man, it would take the pressure off if I used for that, as Chalky suggested. It would certainly buy some fun if nothing else.

I normally got, in round numbers, between one thousand to twelve hundred dollars a day, give or take depending on the job, for a normal filming job.
I had to pay my own expenses from that, flights, hotels extra.
Most months lately I had been getting at least ten to fifteen days work.
Pretty good money.
This deal was the equivalent to well over a usual month's earnings in three days.
I grinned at Mel who was watching me she mouthed “Well”

She took the folder from me as I handed it to her opened to the page.
She read down the page and I watched her expression change as she got to the amount printed at the bottom.

“FUCK!” she shouted, then quickly covered her mouth with her hand as the other patriots in the restaurant went quiet and looked over.

“That's nearly more than I get a year. Holy hell!” she whispered, glancing back and forth between the page and me, before handing the folder back over.

“I’ll sign it then?” I smirked, taking a pen from my backpack.

I signed the marked pages then placed the closed folder beside my plate on the table.
I went back to eating my breakfast, holding in a smile.
Mel had a shocked look on her face pretty much the whole time she ate.
The distraction of watching Mel at one stage, nearly caused me to drop a fork load of egg all over my tee-shirt.
I still wasn't accustomed to the boobs hanging out the front. I had to lean over the plate more to make sure the new chest veranda didn't catch anything dropping from my mouth.

We finished eating, gathered our stuff and headed outside to get an Uber back to Mel’s car.
I was getting the App open when I caught Liam out the corner of my eye walking past, swinging a set of car keys.

“Hey man, any chance of a ride?” I asked

Liam turned and smiled at us “I’m sorry, I'm working” he said politely before carrying on.

It was about half a step later when he spun around for another look, his mouth dropped open.

“Shit, is that you Simon?” he asked, second guessing what he had just said out loud.

“Yeah mate, it’s me, I need to get back to the studio to finish getting ready for today's shoot”

“Shit! Ahhhh, A ride? Yeah mate, no worries. The car is over here” his face was now bright red and he was struggling to look me in the eye.

“Any chance you could drop Mel off at her car on the way?”

“Yeah, yeah absolutely. No worries at all” he was fumbling his words as we walked to the car and got in.

“Wow, I didn't know it was you, it was the voice I picked up on” Liam said starting the car.

He asked the full gauntlet of questions about the how, when, why, and back to how I now looked to be a woman and even have tits.
I gave him a brief rundown of yesterday's events as he drove. Mel sat in the back seat listening and smiling.

Liam swung into the carpark and pulled up right beside Mel’s car.
I jumped out and said I'd see her soon. She was going to head back to her flat for a change of clothes before meeting me back at the studio shortly.

She opened the drivers door, threw her bag on the passenger's seat then gave me a full on goodbye kiss, being mind full of the lipstick we both had on.

She drove away and I climbed back into Liam’s car.
He was back to the mouth-dropped-open look.
“Did you and her… you know… last night… like that…. You lucky, lucky bastard” he said, shaking his head.

I never confirmed it outloud but the smile on my face probably would have given him the answer

“Lucky, lucky, lucky bastard!” he kept repeating.

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