Gina's New Daughter

“So, how did things go with your cousin?” Arnold looks at his wife as she packed their suitcases.

“Everything worked out fine. The people who were after the US Marshal’s witness have been arrested. The mole inside the Marshal office was arrested and the person paying for everything and was behind the whole thing was arrested as well.” Gina closes her suitcase.

“Sounds like you had plenty of arrests. I thought for sure Aylin would have killed everyone.” Arnold looks at Gina.

“You know, she has changed a lot. She’s not as crazy as she once was. She has even had laser treatment to remove the white permeant make-up removed from her face.” That had surprised Gina when she saw Aylin’s natural face.

“That is good news. It seems that your aunt has had a good influence on her.”

“I don’t think it's all my aunts doing. I think it’s been the friends she made and her boyfriend Mark.” Gina saw how much Mark loved Aylin.

“Aylin has a boyfriend?” Arnold had been surprised at that statement.

“Yes, Aylin has a boyfriend.” Aylin was just as surprised as her husband looked.

“Will miracles never cease.” Arnold didn’t know Aylin had a boyfriend.

“I know. I’m just happy she is happy. After the things that were done to her. It makes what I and Julia went through look like child’s play.

“Hey, what you suffered through took a lot of strength and will. You survived and found a family that loved you. If you hadn’t experienced what you did, I wouldn’t have found my soul mate and Arabella wouldn’t have found a loving mother.” Arnold walks over to his wife and holds her.

“You always know what to say to me.” Gina kisses Arnold.

Arnold returns the kiss and holds her. His life would be dull and lonely if he had never met her. He just holds Gina for a little while, before releasing her.

Gina looks into Arnold’s eyes and saw nothing but love there for her. She so wanted to stay in his arms all day, but they had to fly back to Montana with her aunt and members of the Golden Eagle squad. She was giving them some time off to spend with their mates.

“We need to hurry. We have to meet my aunt and cousins at the airport.”

“Don’t you mean cousin?” Arnold knew Gina’s aunt Basset only had one daughter.

“Nope, I mean cousins. My aunt is adopting Asher and Zoey.”

“Isn’t Zoey the witness you protected?” Arnold remembers Gina telling him that.

“Yep, and she is now going to be my cousin. My Aunt Basset is also adopting the young transgender girl Mouse found.” Gina was surprised to find out that her aunt was adopting Asher and Zoey at the same time.

“Boy! Your aunt came to find out what was going on with her daughter and now she gains two new daughters of her own. How ironic is that?” Arnold thought that was ironic.

“Trust me, it was a surprise to my aunt as well.”

“Well, let's head down to our ride and get to the airport.” Arnold picks up his stuff and some of his wife as well. It was a good thing he had got the trolley cart earlier to carry their stuff.

“Let go of me!” Jennifer struggles to get loose from the grip the guy had on her.

“Behave yourself or you’re going to get far worse.” Larry couldn’t believe an eleven-year-old girl had picked his pocket.

“If you don’t let me go, I’m going to scream!” Jennifer was still struggling to get loose from the guy’s grip.

“Go ahead and scream. These people just think you're being a disobedient little brat.” Larry figures he could handle anyone that decided to help the girl that picked his pocket. Plus, he had other plans for her.

Jennifer keeps fighting the grip the guy had on her. She tries biting his hand, but the guy moves it. She tries elbowing him as she tries to break his grip on her.

“If you don’t stop it, I’m going to shake you so hard, your head will fall off.” Larry was getting tired of this girl trying to free herself.

“At least I’m not into molesting little girls.” Jennifer knew what this guy did. She saw him molest her best friend and her friend’s sister.

“You don’t know what you are talking about, brat.” Larry squeezes the girl's arm hard.

Jennifer wasn’t going to give this guy the pleasure of screaming out. She knew this guy enjoyed hurting kids. She continues to fight his grip and drag her feet as he yanks her forward.

She spots a spot she could break free and run out into the traffic. Jennifer just hopes she doesn’t get hit by a car as she runs. She relaxes and when she comes to the spot, she kicks his ankle as hard as she could. She feels him loosen his grip, as she twists and breaks free from him. She runs out into the street as cars start moving.

Gina had stopped at a stoplight not far from the airport where she was going to meet her aunt. Just as the light turned green, she started moving forward. When out of nowhere a girl with long brown hair jumps out into traffic. She stops just in time, as the girl looks at her. She had a scared look on her face.

Arnold was surprised as well when he spots a guy coming from the same direction that the girl did. He watches as he chases after her.

“I think that girl is in trouble.” Arnold gets out of the car and chases after the two people.

“Be careful.” Gina finds a spot where she can pull over and turns the car off.

Arnold chases after the man and the girl. He spots the man grab the girl by her long hair and pull her back towards him.

“Come here, BITCH!” He turns her around and punches her right in the face.

Jennifer’s head bounces back from the punch to her face. She felt her nose break, as blood squirts down onto her shirt. She feels another punch to her stomach from the guy. She spots someone running up behind the guy.

“Hey, asshole! Why don’t you punch someone who isn’t a child?” Arnold turns the guy around and punches him straight in the face. He doesn’t tolerate grown men hitting children.

Arnold punches the guy a second time in his stomach. He spots the girl he had been chasing after on the ground on her butt, with her nose bleeding. He blocks a punch from the guy and counters with one of his own.

Larry was caught off guard by a guy behind him. Felt the guy punch him in the face and blow to his stomach. When Larry went to punch the guy, he was blocked by the person. He felt the guy land a blow to his kidney area.

Jennifer watched as a man wearing cowboy boots, faded blue jeans and a button-down dress shirt beat the hell out of the guy that grabbed her. Every time the other tried to hit him, he either block the punch or took it while delivering a punch of his own.

Larry couldn’t believe how well this guy fought. He tries to block the next punch but gets hit instead.

“Time to go night, night.” Arnold knocks the guy out cold.

He has been learning how to defend himself and protect Gina since he first fell in love with her. He takes his cellphone out and calls the
police. While Arnold is on the phone with the cops. He walks over to the young girl “here, uses this to stop the blood and lean your head back.”
Arnold pulls a handkerchief out of his pocket and hands it to the young girl.

Jennifer accepts the handkerchief and does what he told her to do. She listens while the gentleman talks to the dispatcher on the phone. She wonders who he is.

Gina finally caught up with her husband. She noticed the guy he chased after was laying on the ground, unconscious. She noticed the girl was sitting on the ground with her head lean backward, holding a handkerchief over her nose. She saw blood on the girl’s shirt.

“Well, it looks like you handled everything.” Gina was proud of her husband.

“He deserved what he got.” Arnold didn’t like grownups punishing kids.

Gina walks over and kneels before the young girl. She wonders why the man was chasing her “her, let me look at your nose.”

Jennifer removes the handkerchief so the woman could examine her. She watches as the oriental woman touches her nose, gently.

“Yep, it's broken.” Gina noticed how crooked the girl’s nose was. She also noticed the girl was going to have a black eye as well.

Arnold listens for the cops to arrive. He watches as Gina helps the girl.

“Where are your parents?” Gina looks at the girl.

“I don’t have any. I’ve been living on the streets.” Jennifer looks into the woman’s eyes. She could tell she didn’t believe her.

“Look, I’m not with child services. So, tell me what I want to know.”

“I ran away from the girl’s group home they put me in. My parents gave me up because I was too much trouble for them. I’ve been staying with friends until I saw that prick over there molest my best friend from school. He also raped my friend’s older sister. On top of that, he likes to beat up on little kids.” Jennifer looks at the guy as he laid on the ground.

“Do you have proof that he molested your friend and raped her sister?” Gina didn’t like a rapist and she didn’t like people who beat up on young children either.

“The only proof I have is my friend and what I saw.”

“Why was he chasing after you?” Arnold looks at Jennifer.

“Because I stole his wallet.” Jennifer was rather proud of doing that.

After a few minutes, the police showed up. Arnold tells them everything he learned and why he interfered. When the police go to take Jennifer with them. She grabs onto Gina and looks into her eyes “please don’t let them take me and put me back in that group home. Please, I beg you.”

Jennifer didn’t want to go back to the girl’s group home. She held onto Gina pleading with her. She knew several girls at the group home were going to beat her up if she came back.

Gina looks at her husband. She could tell that the young girl didn’t want to go back to the group home and could tell she was scared.

“Well?” Gina looks at Arnold to see what he thought.

Arnold looks at the cops “she’ll be coming with us. We’ll make sure she comes back to testify against whoever this fellow is.”

“I’m sorry sir, but she’s a runaway and she has to come with us.” Officer Koteas couldn’t let her go.

“Look officer Koteas, I’m a lawyer and I will sign whatever paperwork you need me to.”

Gina pulls her cellphone out and contacts a person she knows in child services in DC. She explains the situation to the person and agrees to certain conditions.

“Officer Koteas, I have someone who would like to talk with you.” Gina hands her cellphone to Officer Koteas.

Arnold looks at his wife “who did you call?”

“A friend of the family that lives and works here in D.C.” Gina had connections all over.

Officer Koteas hands the cellphone back to Gina Bounty. He looks at Gina “it seems you have some connections, Mrs. Bounty.”

“I have more than that. So, are you going to let me take her with us, or do I have to call the AG?” Gina will use whatever connection she needs to. If she had to, she would call some of the members of Golden Eagle Squad to help.

“She’s all yours, Mr. and Mrs. Bounty.” Officer Koteas looks at Jennifer.

“Thank you, Officer.” Gina holds Jennifer close to her.

“I’ll call your aunt and tell her we’re going to be a little late getting to the plane.” Arnold pulls his cellphone out and contacts Countess Basset.

“Okay.” Gina looks at Jennifer “Let's get your nose taken care of and you can tell me everything about you. That includes why you didn’t want to go back to the girl’s home.”

“Yes ma’am.” Jennifer gets up off the ground and brushes her butt off.

Arnold looks at Gina and Jennifer “your aunt said she already knows.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t.” Gina knew it must have been Zoey who told her aunt.

Arnold gives Gina a questionable look. He wants to know how her aunt would already know.

“I’ll explain later, sweetie. We need to get Jennifer here to the doctor and have her nose fix and pick up some clean clothes for her.” Gina looks towards Jennifer.


Three of them walk towards the rental car and notices someone left a traffic ticket on it. Gina looks at where she was parked “son of a bitch.”

A smile appears on Arnold’s face. It was rare when his wife gets a traffic ticket.

“It will teach you to look where you park, next time.”

Gina looks at the sign and noticed it said no parking from the sign down to the end of the block. She snatches the ticket off the windshield and gets into the car. She looks at her husband and notices there was a smirk on his face.

Jennifer sits back behind Arnold in the passenger seat. She wonders who these people were and why they were willing to help her.

“Tell us a little bit about yourself, Jennifer.” Gina wanted to know more about the girl she and her husband are sticking their necks out for?

“What would you like to know?” Jennifer looks at Mrs. Bounty’s head.

“Well, how old are you for starters?”

“I’m eleven years old and I was born in Washington D.C. on May 23. My parents put me into foster care after my tenth birthday. The reason they gave, was because they couldn’t control me. I and my birth mother didn’t get along. I’m a very intelligent person and my parents didn’t like it. They wanted me to act dumb because I was smarter than my two older siblings. They were more athletic and popular in school.”

“So, they put you into foster care?” Arnold wonders what parent would do that.

“Yes.” Jennifer had been heartbroken when she learned why her parents did what they did.

“Are you on good terms with your siblings?” Gina didn’t want anything to happen to Arabella.

“I and my older brother have a hate-love relationship. My older sister she’s kind nice to me, but I don’t fit her social status. She’s embarrassed to have a brainy for a sister.”

“Why didn’t you want to go back to the girl's group home?” That piqued Gina’s interest.

“Because I pissed off several older girls from the hood and they wanted revenge on me. I told the house mother they were sneaking out at night.”

“Do you know what they were doing?” Arnold had some ideas.

“Yes sir, I do.” Jennifer followed them one night.

Jennifer watches as Gina pulls into the driveway of a nice-looking house. She wonders what this place “what is this place?”

“It’s a doctor’s office. We’re going to fix your nose and afterward get you some clean clothes. Once we’re done doing that. We’ll be flying home to Montana.” Gina watches Jennifer’s reaction.

“You don’t live on the East coast?” Jennifer didn’t know if she wanted to leave her best friend.

“I sometimes work out here, but I and my husband live on a ranch with the rest of my family in Montana. You’ll also have an older sister as well. She just turned thirteen years old.” Gina wonders how Arabella will feel having a younger sister.

“Is she mean?” Jennifer has an older sister and even though they got along, somewhat. She could be mean at times.

Arnold smirks “Arabella isn’t mean. She is kind of like you, Jennifer. I think the two of you will get along just fine.”

“What is she like?” Jennifer was curious about this Arabella.

“Well, she’s into computers and makes friends fast. She likes the outdoors and enjoys horseback riding. She has a wolf for a pet.”

“She has a wolf for a pet?” Jennifer was a little startled at that statement.

“The whole family does, except Haylee. She has a coyote and a Border Collie for her pets.” Arnold knew how much Haylee loved animals.

“Plus, several horses as well.” Gina had to remind her husband about the horses her father bought Haylee.

“Wow! Why does the whole family have wolves for pets?” Jennifer was curious about that.

“Because my father bred them for what he does. If you never had grandparents, Jennifer. You’ll have them now. Also, this family takes care of each other. Now, let’s get you looked at and some clean clothes afterward.” Gina and Arnold get out of the car.

Jennifer gets out and follows them inside the doctor’s office. She wonders what Montana is like and if she will like her new family. Also, will they like her as well?

Two Hours Later:
Jennifer, Arnold, and Gina arrive at the airport where the rest of the family was waiting for them. Also, members of the Golden Eagle Squad were there as well.

“It’s about time you got here, cousin.” Sophia looks at Gina and her husband as they get out of the car.

She doesn’t recognize the young girl with them. She also wonders why the girl’s nose had a bandage on it.

“We had some things to do before we left. I would like for all of you to meet my new daughter Jennifer Harrington.” Gina stood behind Jennifer with her hands on her shoulder.

“Well, it seems I get new sisters and you get a new daughter.” Mouse looks at her cousin with a smile on her face.

“Jennifer, I would like you to meet my cousin's Mouse and Sophia. Mouse’s mother and my aunt the Countess Charlotte Basset. The woman standing next to my cousin Sophia is her wife Naeun. Their friends Becky and Sunny. The other people standing near them are employees of mine. The two children standing with Mouse and my aunt, are Zoey and Ashly.”

Jennifer looks at everyone gathered around them “is everyone going to Montana?”

“No, just family. Everyone else is heading to California to relax and take care of business.” Gina hopes the members of the Golden Eagle Squad will continue working for her.

They have become a valuable asset for the company. She was going to use their uniqueness for some unique jobs.

“Why don’t we all go ahead and board the plane.” Charlotte looks at her niece.

“Yes ma’am.”

Everyone boards the heavy Jet the company had hired to transport them. Once they were aboard and in the air. Zoey, Ashley, and Jennifer sort of coming together to learn about each other.

Gina looks at her Aunt “how long are going to stay in the states, Aunt Charlotte?”

“I don’t know yet. I want the girls to get used to me before we head back to England.” Charlotte was watching all three girls.

Gina could sense something was wrong when she looks at her aunt “out with it, Aunt Charlotte what’s wrong?”

“You know Zoey has a special talent.”

“Yeah, I remember. She can predict the future.”

“Well, last night she drew this.” Charlotte pulls out a piece of paper from her pocket and hands it to Gina.

Gina unfolds it and looks at it. It showed glimpses of bullets flying through a windshield. The bullets were coming from a group of guys in what looked like a large box. There were other vehicles in the drawing as well. It also showed the image of a wolf head colored like Sphinx.

“You don’t think someone is going after Julia, do you?” Gina looks at her aunt.

“If they are, they are asking for trouble. You know what your father will do.”

“Yeah, I know what that means.” Gina couldn’t blame her father and what he would do.

“Let’s find out if something has happened to your sister.” Charlotte spots the one called Becky sitting on her wife’s lap.

“Excuse me, Becky. Can you still transmit from your wrist com?”

“Yes ma’am, but my wrist computer is with my luggage.” Becky knew she couldn’t use it while in the air.

“Mom, we’ll be landing in an hour-n-half. Patricia is going to meet us at the airport. We can ask her when we land.”

Barbara looks at her oldest daughter “I know sweetie. I’m just worried what your uncle will do if what Zoey drew, is right.”

“If what Zoey drew is true, god help whoever ordered the hit on her.” Gina and Arnold both knew what Jack would do.

Zoey opens up the backpack that Charlotte bought for her before they left Alexandria and hands, Jennifer, some cookies. She also pulls some out for Ashley as well.

“What? I don’t get any?” Mouse looks at Zoey with a playful look on her face.

Zoey pulls out a pack of sugar cookies and hands them to Mouse.

“Thank you. I’ll share these with you, Zoey. I know how much you like them.” Mouse opens the package of cookies and gives some to Zoey.

Jennifer looks at Zoey and the art supplies she had with her. She wonders if Zoey was an artist like a friend of hers was.

“Do you draw, Zoey?”

Zoey shakes her head yes. She watches Jennifer and could see an outline of the wolf on her.

“She also paints and makes things from clay and such.” Ashley liked her new sister and what she could do.

Jennifer looks at Ashley “what are you good at?”

“Don’t know, but I have always wanted to do animation and creative video work.” Ashley loved animation and things you could do with video graphics.

Zoey pulls her sketchbook out and turns a few pages. She shows Jennifer a picture of someone sitting at a computer screen working on a project. She points towards Ashley when she isn’t looking.

Jennifer looks at Zoey and wonders how she would know that? She leans in towards Zoey “are you able to predict the future?”

Zoey shakes her head, yes some.


Gina looks over towards where the kids are sitting with Mouse-hovering near them. She spots her cousin Sophia and Sophia’s wife Naeun
talking in low voices.

“Sophia, have you spoken to your folks yet?” Gina knew they would be worried about her.

“Yes, Aunt Basset made me call them. It seems they asked Aunt Basset to check up on me.” Sophia looks towards her aunt.

“They were worried about you, young lady. They thought you might have stayed and joined another circus.”

“I thought about that, Aunt Basset. But Gina put me with a team she sent over from California. We worked with a bounty hunting group called K&P Services to send a message to a bunch of assassins from India.”

“Did you succeed?” Aunt Basset had gotten reports from her agents in India about the situation.

“We did. If the family ever needs backup for something, I suggest calling them.” Sophia liked working with Kat and her family.

“I’m going to have to remember that.” Charlotte wonders if MI 5 could use them for a job.

After an hour-n-half of flying, the plane lands at the airport in Billings. Gina spots one of her father’s Lear Jets waiting for them. It takes them twenty minutes to unload their gear and stow it on the smaller plane.

“How many planes do you guys have?” Jennifer looks towards Gina and Arnold.

“As a family or just my father?”

“You mean you guys own more?” Jennifer climbs abroad the Lear.

“Yep. There’s one stored at the ranch, there’s this one and dad has a few more stored.” Gina couldn’t remember all the places her father keeps some of his planes.

“Hey, Patricia. How have you been?” Arnold waves to their pilot.

“Busy. I should have you to the ranch in no time.” Pat makes sure everything is secured and her passengers are seated.

Sophia looks at her wife “it’s a short flight from here to my uncle’s ranch, sweetie.”

Naeun looks at Sophia “I have flown more in this lifetime, than any other time.”

“Well, you said I was your mate, and when we became mates, you inherited my family as well. You’ll be okay. Just remember when we land to stay near me. The wolves on my uncle’s property are well trained and will attack you if they don’t know you.”

“They won’t recognize you. Your scent has changed, and you have my scent all over you.” Naeun was a little worried for Sophia.

“I know, but the wolves know my voice and it hasn’t changed much. Plus, I still speak in Gaelic as well.”

“Is that what they understand?” Naeun knew Sophia spoke the language.

“Yes, but you have to know the commands.” Sophia has only visited her uncle maybe once or twice.

“Alright people, prepare for takeoff.” Patricia taxied down the runway, and finally took off.

Jennifer grips Gina’s hand. She was still getting used to flying. Today has been an adventure for her.

“Don’t like flying, Jennifer?” Gina looks at her.

“I’ve never flown so much before. Do you and Arnold do a lot of flying?” Jennifer looks at Gina and Arnold.

“I do, but Arnold doesn't. He stays in Montana and defends people.”

“I only defend people who deserve to be defended. Let’s get that straight. Sometimes the law or law enforcement officers can go too far.” Arnold has already seen some abuse of the system by police officers and a few government types as well.

As Patricia gets closer to the landing strip “Gina, I’m not getting any answer from the house. What do you want me to do?”

“Go ahead and land, Pat.” Gina wonders what is going on at the house.

Pat prepares to land. She brings the plane down and lands on the landing strip. She stops three-quarters of the way and slowly taxis to the hangar.

Gina opens the door when they come to a stop. She spots her sisters and daughter coming towards them in Alyona’s jeep. She walks down the steps and waits for them to come closer.

Jennifer looks out the opened door and looks at the landscape and the vehicle coming towards them. She wonders who they are. She was also amazed at how everything looked.

Alyona spots her older sister waiting for her by the landing strip. She pulls up to the hangar and parks her jeep.

“Mom!” Arabella hops out of the jeep and runs towards her mother. She was happy she was home.

Gina opens her arms for Arabella as she embraces her. She had missed her child and wonders where Julia or their mother was or even Selina.

“How have you been sweetie?” Gina looks into her daughter’s eyes.

“Okay, we’ve been having some problems lately.” Arabella couldn’t believe her aunt was in the hospital.

“Oh?” Gina wonders what is going on.

“Hey, sis.” Alyona walks up to her sister and hugs her.

Gina returns the hug. She looks into Alyona’s eyes “where’s mom or Julia or even Selina?”

“Selina sent us down here to bring you back to the main house. Tell Patricia there’s been a change of plans and she’s staying up at the main house.”

“What’s going on?” Gina wanted to know why everyone was staying at the main house.

“Selina will explain everything to you and Aunt Basset, sis.” Alyona was told not to say anything until everyone was up at the house.

“Alright. Oh, before I forget. You have a new younger sister, Arabella.” Gina looks at her daughter.

“You and dad had a baby?” Arabella was teasing her mother.

“Something like that. I brought you a sister from Washington D.C. I want you to be polite to her and show her around.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“You have a new daughter, sis?” Silvia looks towards the plane.

“Yes, you have a new niece.” Gina looks at her younger sister.

“Oh, boy. Dad and mom are going to be happy having a new grandchild.” Silvia knew how much her mother wanted a big family.

“Hey, guys, what’s going on?” Mouse walks out of the plane.

“Hey cousin.” Alyona and Silvia hug her.

“You’ll find out when we get to the main house.” Alyona knew Selina wanted to tell everyone what they just learned from a friend of Julia’s.

“Aunt Basset!” Both Alyona and Silvia run-up to their aunt and hug her.

They had fun last time they went to London and visited with her. They were hoping to go again this summer and visit her.

“Hello, girls.” Charlotte hugs her nieces. She enjoyed having them visit her last year.

Jennifer peeks out of the plane and saw Gina standing with a teenage girl with dark brown hair and wearing a pair of silver rim glasses. She was wearing a pair of faded blue jeans and a button-down light blue shirt with flowers on it. She also had on a pair of faded pair of cowboy boots.

“Jennifer, it’s okay to come out of the plane.” Gina motions for her to come out.

Jennifer steps out of the plane and walks over to Gina and the teenage girl. This must be the girl who is going to be her new big sister. She holds out her hand towards the girl “I’m Jennifer.”

Arabella shakes it “I’m Arabella. I guess I’m going to be your new big sister.”

“If you don’t mind.” Jennifer could see that Arabella was nice.

“I don’t mind. Do you like video games?” Arabella wouldn’t mind having a younger sister.

“I like some of them. I never got a chance to play that much.” Jennifer never had any game systems. The only time she played games, was when she was at her best friend’s house.

“Well as my first duty as your big sister, is to introduce you to some video games.” Arabella smiles at Jennifer.

Gina smiles as she excuses herself from the girls. She spots her husband and everyone else still on the plane.

“You guys can come on out. We’re going to leave everything on the plane for now. Selina wants everyone up at the main house. That includes you too, Patricia. You’re spending the night at the main house.”

“Fine with me. Let me secure the plane for the night.” Patricia didn’t mind staying.

“What’s going on cousin?” Sophia looks at Gina.

“I don’t know, but everyone is supposed to head to the main house.”

“I can go and get your father’s hummer to take everyone up to the house.” Arnold looks at his wife.

“It’s not that long of a walk. We’ll use the Hummer tomorrow to take the luggage.” Gina wonders what is going on.

Once everyone is out of the plane, Patricia goes about securing it for the night. It’s not the first time she has spent the night at the ranch. Arnold gives her a hand securing the plane.

“Thanks, Arnold.”

“You’re welcome. Let’s go to the house and find out what is going on.” Arnold walks with Patricia.

Off in the distance, several wolves watch them.

Story continues in The Heaviness of the Badge Chapter 11
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