Kelly's Journey -5- No More Kelly Boy

Kelly's Journey
Chapter 5: No More Kelly Boy
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut
and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

After agreeing to be a date for one of Mister Woods clients sons, young Kelly finds that the "fire" she had as Kelly boy is there for her as Kelly girl

"Thank you Auntie, Momma told me about you just before you arrived and how you were afraid of me. How could I ever want to hurt you? It didn't matter to me that you were a boy like I am and it still doesn't. We've had so much fun whenever I visited you in the past. I need for you to know now that I am in your care that I never hated you." [ How can I ever hate her?]

"I admit that I was afraid of you, but when you started to dress more as a girl more this year, I saw myself in you and I grew afraid for you. I was deathly afraid that you'd be hurt like I was. That is why we have not been together since school started. I was afraid that my nightmares would return. I'm glad that never happened, if it had, I don't know if I could have lived with myself," she sighed. [She is much more stronger than I was back then, please LORD, let us help her.]

"When Momma said that you were afraid of me Auntie, I knew there had to be a reason, are you having nightmares now?"

"No, I'm not. And I won't have them anymore. I told her that because I couldn't face you. Until now, I never knew that I had this strength in me."[Thanks for believing in me Dad.You knew that I could face my fears.]

"Then why am I here? What changed?"

"Your Mother told me about you and Johnny and I had to come and get you before you two hurt each other as I was hurt," she sighed as she remembered what happened to her that turned her into Debbie. " If not for my Daddy, I'd have died back then, but he gave me the will to live when my life as a boy was taken away from me." [Thanks for being there Daddy, NOW I hope that you can be there for Kelly.]

"And I will learn from you now? What will I be learning?"

"Yes, from me, you will learn to develop your inner strengths as I teach you the fine arts of being a Lady by taking you to a charm school and learning domestic skills with your Granny. Kelly, just wait until Granny gets a hold of you, she will teach you what I can't." {This will be an experience for all of us.]

"Domestic? What do you mean by domestic? I don't want to be some guy's maid."

"Yes,domestic, and no, you will never be a maid."

"Good, then what are you talking about?"

"Think of what all it takes to keep a farm house clean and you'll know what skills you need to learn. Me, I think that you'll have fun learning how to can and preserve as well as sewing, kniting and crocheting from Granny." And will make you self reliant too.]

"What about Grandpa? I want to learn from him too."

"Oh, he'll teach you all about farming," [giggle]" All types since we have a bit everything here on this farm."

"He taught you?"

"Yep, and I loved learning it too. Going to the fair will be quite an experience too."

Then I thought about the fact that we were both single. Was she a virgin like I was? "Why haven't you ever married Auntie? You are so pretty that I'm sure that some guy would have already married you."

[The little imp, she knows how to get me talking and she doesn't realize it yet.] "Oh I have a guy that likes me, but he is waiting to get his own farm before I become his partner." [giggle]

"Why not as his wife, surely you're more than worth it to him."

[Just like her Mother.]"He wants to court me properly and in his eyes, that means we see if we can stand each other before we tie the knot. And he knows that I know a lot about farming."

"Does he know about your secret?"

"Yes, he knew me when I was a boy. After we dated for awhile and got to know each other, we found that we loved each other."

"He sounds very wise."

"To me too Kelly, me too."[Waiting for him is hard too, but he is worth it.]

Then I noticed that her stereo had been playing love songs," Auntie?'

"Yes Kelly?" [No doubt she'll inquire about the music.]

"Why are you playing love songs? Not that I mind."

"Because you need to listen to them. you are in love with Johnny and listening will help."

"Help me? How will they help?"

"They help me to be away from my beloved Danny, I hope that they help you too."

They did, listening to them eased my heart so that I was not pining away for Johnny as I was at first. I still missed him, but I was in control of my emotions.

By that time, we pulled into her garage where we were met by Granny and Grampa. They both were smiling big time and Granny had a pie resting on a shelf near by. I jumped out of the car as Auntie killed the ignition and ran into their out stretched arms. "Grandma, Grandpa, it's so wonderful to see you again."


Grandpa Joe is a gray haired version of my Daddy. He grows a bit of everything upon his farm.with those greenhouses of his.and sells his produce to Mister Woods for his stores and restaurants. He also raises cattle, pigs and poultry. His farm is the largest privately owned farm in the state thanks to Mister Woods helping him to incorporate.

Granny Lizzie Jane is gray haired version of my Momma. She loves canning, preserving using Grandpa's produce. She has won many an award at the county fair for her entries in cooking, quilts and bedspreads from sewing, knitting and crocheting that are keepsakes that she either give a presents or els and gives the proceeds to the church..


"Kelly child, I never thought that I'd see you looking so pretty. I guess that I gotta teach you about being a farmer's wife now." I heard Grandma giggle. " And you will be a true Southern Belle too thanks to Debbie teaching you manners and my Joe teaching you farming." [Sweet child, so innocent and still pure, we got her in time.]

"And I get to teach you all about farming now too, my way of farming, not the impersonal way of big business either." I heard Grandpa chortle.[Oh Kelly my grandson turned granddaughter, I hope that you'll find yourself with us now that you're here.]

"So, you know about me wanting to be a girl?" I sobbed into their shoulders.[Would they turn me away after I got here?]

"Yes child, we know about you wanting to be a girl, that is why your Grandpa, Debbie and I agreed to help you when your Momma called us. We are all here for you when you need us."[Sweet child, who could ever harm this beautiful rose. Any that do will feel my wrath!!!]

"Thanks Grandma, for a second, I thought that you guys might send me away."

Then Grandpa took me by my shoulders and looked right into my eyes. I could see a depth of wisdom and a deep anger that was a terror to arouse. "Kelly, you are our precious grandchild. You can never do a damned thing to stop us from loving you. And now that you are here with us, we will never send you away. Only YOU will decide when or if that happens."[I must make Kelly understand that we will never abandon her. We never abandoned Debbie and now we will be there for Kelly too.]

Then I hugged them closer closer in a warm embrace as I wept tears of joy, "Thanks for loving me so much.I have been afraid of rejection ever since I hurt my Johnny. I should have never doubted you, none of you."

"That's alright child, you were worried, now no more fretting about being here." I heard Grandma giggle."

"Besides that, your Granny has a pie just a waiting for us to eat, it's cooling over there for us. Now let's get inside and eat it with some ice cream and soda." Grandpa chuckled.

Then we all went inside to sit down to eat the pie ala mode and soda. I felt so much warmth and love from them that I forgot about my problems and became their granddaughter in my heart of hearts. After we had eaten the pie and cleaned the dishes, we up to bed where I found that they had prepared for me.

"Come over here Kelly and see your bedroom, said Grandpa. It was a real girls bedroom with a canopy bed, and matching furniture. I saw a bookshelf filled with my favorite books and a computer ready for my use.

"When your Grandma and I heard that you needed a place to stay, we redecorated your Momma's old room to look like your room back home," he chuckled. " We wanted for you to have a connection with your Mother, so we bought copies of your things and a new wardrobe too when we saw that you were going to need us when school started."

"But what about Momma, where will she stay when she visits?"

"Child, don't you fret none, we have the guest room here. Silly girl, you can be so forgetful at times," Granny giggled.

"Thanks Grandpa and Grandma, I am sorry to be putting you two through so much trouble." [sniff]

"You are no trouble at all Kelly, This is your home too."[So innocent and trusting, she maybe nearly an adult, but she is still so child like in her need for love.]

"Thanks Auntie." Then I gave them all a hug and went into MY bedroom where I found that they had laid out me a sleep shirt along with lingerie and hose. I scooped them up and went into my bathroom and got ready for bed. After my shower, I donned my hose, then lingerie then my night shirt which went to mid thigh on me, then I went into my bedroom and they came in to tuck me in.


That morning, we kids spent the day in the pool with our parents as a reward for our being a part of the party later on. Johnny would be there to escort the couples to their seats and help our mothers by refilling any drinks while Julie and I wore those gowns.

Well, the next evening Julie and I were both fitted for our gowns Momma decided that since we were both to dance some rather risque' dances that we'd both have built in panties. THAT way no boy could explore.

Truth to tell, I liked practicing with Julie. I might have been in a dress, but I have to relieve myself or "Little Kelly" would have caused a few problems.


"Yes Kelly?"

"Why is the gown like a leotard?"

"Well, you are growing up and you don't want to hurt Julie."

"You mean by "Little Kelly" saying 'Hello,' Huh?"


"OK momma, but what about the bathroom?"

"You simply pull the gown off at the shoulders."

"Then I go?"


"What about the PANTYHOSE?"

"If YOU want poopy hose, THAT'S up to you."

When fitted, our gowns flowed with a matching slip and cape. I was determined to be a perfect date until Johnny came running up with his tux ripped.

"What happened Johnny?"

"[huff] Kelly, [huff] get daddy! then Johnny fell into the pool where he swam to the steps.

"DAMNIT JOHNNY! DON'T YOU DARE DIE ON ME!!" I yelled as I jumped into the pool in only a leotard. By the time I got to him I heard a splash and Mister Woods was there , carrying his son out of the pool.

"You breathe while I pump for him Kelly."

"Daddy, I'm alright, but if Kelly wants to smooch..."


"You just tell us WHY your tux is ruined."

"Besides dunking into the pool that is Johnny."

Daddy, you know those two boys that you have Kelly and Julie being dates for?"


Well, I overheard them at the tux shop saying how they were gonna score on their dates,"


"MY GOD CHARLES!! THE GIRLS ARE ONLY TEN!!" exclaimed Mrs. Woods.

"Remember Lynn, my Kelly can take care of himself, reminded my momma.

"And I will make sure that if they try anything, that they'll rue crossing my path, right Johnny?"

Right you are Kelly. I'll be there to help trounce them with you."


Then I saw Mrs. Woods pick up her rather distraught daughter, "Julie, have you EVER taken any martial arts classes?"

"Well, No. I've been too busy dancing and cheering. You know that!"

"Well, those two have and Kelly recently trounced a larger opponent too."

"But he trounced a GIRL!"

"Yes, to protect You and the Mascot."

"Guess that I'm being silly, huh mom."

No, not really, your heart is in the right place, but you need to let the boys handle things."

"Charles, are you sure that letting those boys dance is wise?" asked momma.

"We only have Johnny's word to go by. Besides, to NOT let them dance would let them know that we are scared to let them dance. I'll talk with their parents and if they are like the boys, THEY are out of my employ!"


"Yes Johnny?"

"Kelly and I can start teaching Julie a few moves."

"What level are you two?"

"We're both Black Belts."

"Let's show him Johnny."

"Show me?"

"Wait here daddy," then Johnny went into the Playhouse and came out with our Karate gis.

I donned mine after I went to the Playhouse to change and found Julie in a black leotard, hose and my spare gi, Since Johnny is still a bit weak, you'll teach her Kelly."

"OK Mister Woods."

Julie proved to be quite adept at learning the move and was soon able to even take down her dad who is a tall and strong man. Like his wife, they have maintained their bodies just like momma.

"Well Julie, you can handle yourself if need be." I said after she had thrown her daddy for a flip.

"Yeah, but that was practice, NOT real life. What if they know Karate?" she asked as she wiped her brow.

"That's why I taught you how to fight dirty."


"Yeah sis, those moves would have got you expelled from any competition," explained Johnny who had recovered.

Then we went and got into our gowns and Johnny into his tux. All went quite well for awhile until a slow dance, Julie and I were both on the floor when I felt a pinch on my butt.


"What slut?"

"I take it from your tone and words that you expect me to "put out."

You got that right. And if you and your friend don't, our dad will NOT deal with Mister Woods."

"Thanks, That's all that I needed to know."

Then I grabbed him and threw him to Johnny who quickly corralled him and put him in a storeroom that we had set aside for troublemakers. The Woods saw what happened and went to find the boys parents while momma called the Police.

Then I heard what I was most dreading, "KELLY!! HELP!!!" Julie was being accosted by her date and he had ripped the front of her gown, revealing her trainer bra and chest.

I ran over and planted a fist upside his nose, breaking it while Julie ran to her dad. As I pivoted around, he tried to grab me, but I simply flipped him onto his back and stood over him.

"AT EASE KELLY!!" Came the order from Mister Woods.

"Is Julie OK?"

"I'm fine except for my gown, DAMN IT!!"

"Little girls need to watch their language," said a portly man in a greasy tux.

"Shut up Myron!! It was your two boys that caused all of this," announced Mrs. Woods.


"Yes, your two sons decided that their dates were gonna "put out!" said momma.

"Well, boys will be boys..."

"Sir, your sons wanted sex with ten year old girls! Are you saying that Julie and I are tramps?" I asked.

"No, but I must admit that you sure did bloody Aaron's nose for him, he chuckled.

"Does that mean that you approve of what I did?"

"Yes, Aaron and Bret have been out of control ever since they joined that gang led by that defrocked preacher.

With his permission, his sons were soon in Juvenile Hall where they were deprogrammed thanks to Mrs. Woods and her connections with the psychiatric community. As for Julie, she soon caught up with Johnny and me in Karate and never needed our help against any fresh date.


After that, my popularity with the girls grew because NOW the girls saw me as a brother, except for Julie who saw me as a boyfriend. Because of that and their parents trust, I got invited to chaperoned slumber parties. I might have seen them in their undies or sleepwear, but NOT their birthday suits.

In junior high, my antics as Kelly girl was well known, yet the boys never did gang up on me in fear of me being a queer, or whatnot. They knew that those antics were at Halloween or some occasion at school where I could dress as a girl and it became quite popular to guess what I would be.

What was fun was that a few of the guys wanted to ask me out on a date. I became popular as the SAFE DATE. All we did was go out & eat at Ronzi's; the local teen club. There, I helped the date to make up with his girl friend. I was always wearing the same shorts set with hose.

"Hey Kelly, you got a minute?" .

"Sure, Paul, what'cha need?" I had just closed my locker, and was ready to head home.

"Well, everybody in school knows about how you dress as a girl for Halloween and the school's special events, and I was just wondering if ...." He was so nervous that I could easily guess what he wanted.

"Let me guess, you want to know if I'd dress up as a girl for you, right?" I couldn't help it, but I giggled at him.

"Yeah, please do it for me!!"

"Why should I? You've been so mean to Julie, my best friend."

"I will apologize to her, Kelly, I need for you to be a girl for me!"


"Laura dumped me and I need for you to talk to her and help patch things up."

'I'm willing to help, but why as a girl?'

"Because only girls are allowed in the back of Ronzi's and she agreed to see you there as a girl."

"Very well, [sigh] I'll do it, but you pay for my dinner there and cover all my expenses."


Well, that was the first of my many trips to Ronzi's as a girl. Everybody was in on my open secret and I became quite popular as a girl. Best of all, I did not look too much like a guy, so strangers never knew the truth.


About this time, Julie began to see me differently 'Kelly has become quite a charming young woman when he becomes a girl. After all of these years, I never thought that he'd be the student body's unofficial SAFE DATE for the boys. But he has become the most popular girl in school. Too bad there is no category for him in the Yearbook's Who's Who section.'

And her Dad was having similar thoughts as well 'Me, I never thought that I'd ever get to see Kelly going to the high school wearing one of my daughter Julie's cheerleader uniforms from the junior high school. I must admit that he makes a very pretty girl too. He's certainly blossomed as both a fine young man and as a pretty young girl. My son Johnny sure does like him as both a girl and a boy, but does he want Kelly as a girl? And what about Kelly? Which does he see himself as?'


On Spirit Day, I wore one of Julie's Cheerleader uniforms from Junior High, the boys could not believe that it was me. At Halloween. I won best costume almost every time too. I usually went as a lady superhero, but not this time. I won for best costume too. It was actually fun to go up on stage in Assembly and receive the award from the Principal and kiss him on the cheek too the approval of everybody.

"Well, the votes are in on Best Costume. Along with a plaque and coupons from local businesses, the winner will also enjoy becoming a member of all clubs and organizations here at school and the Community Center. The winner for Best Costume is; KELLY LEE MOORE!!"

I stepped up onto the stage and kissed Principal Franklin on the cheek much to the approval of the student body, only a few malcontented Goths didn't applaud, but then again, I was never friends with any of them.

"Kelly, I have had the pleasure of being your principal from elementary all the way through high school. You have always been one of the best students here. When you started coming to school as a girl on Career day, Spirit Day and Halloween, you opened up the eyes of many to the fact that we tend to peg people into stereotypes. Thanks to you, boys and girls are starting careers in field that they wouldn't have the courage to try if not for you. it gives me great pleasure to tell you that you have been given a complete scholarship to any university of your choosing."


When I was a freshman in junior high school, we had to see a doctor due to a new school policy. The one that I saw was Doctor Benjamin Rhodes. I didn't know it at the time, but he was a psychologist. (That means that he could 'doctor' your mind and your body.)

When he saw me, he got all excited, after my physical; he asked my Momma if he could talk to me. She agreed only after he agreed to see me with another adult present. I went into his office and we began to talk about me.

"Kelly, I saw you dressed as Tinkerbell for Halloween, why were you dressed as a girl?" ['Is he trans-gendered in any way?']

"Mrs. Woods had picked up the wrong package at the costume shop." ['Why ask me about that?']

Why didn't she exchange it?" [Did the mistake bring out the girl in him?']

"By the time that we knew about it, the store was closed."

"Wasn’t there another costume that you could wear?" [' Surely they kept the old ones.']

"Only Julie's Wendy costume, we're both the same size."

"Why did you not switch with her then?"

"Because she was wearing it already."

"Did you enjoy being Tinkerbell?" ['I wonder if being Wendy would've made a difference?']

"Yes I did, it was fun." [' does he want to know why I wear Julie's clothes?']

"I understand that you've worn other girl's costumes since then. Why?"

"I found that I actually like it."

"Are there any other times that you dress as a gill?"

"Well, kind of."

"When is that?"

"The Woods let me wear Julie's tops and shorts with my undies and shoes."

"Do you look like a girl then?"

"No, the clothes have no frills or lace, I think they're called unisex."

"Would you like to be able to dress as a girl in public?"

"Not really, I am a boy, even though I dress as a girl on Halloween and at the Woods, I like playing with Johnny Woods."


"Yes, we both play on the same sports teams at the Community Center, Church, and middle school."

"When do you have any free time?"

"The Community Center is always on Saturday mornings with practice just before. The Church is on Sundays between Worship Services, and middle school practices weekday afternoon with the game on Thursday nights."

"What about Julie?"

"She's a cheerleader for our teams."

"Would you like to cheer with her?"

"Only if I was a girl, then I'd cheer for Johnny."

"Why him?"

"He's my best friend."

['Kelly shows definite signs of being trans-gendered. I can tell from his body language that he is confused about his sexual identity. According to the Blood Test results, he has a very low testosterone count when it should be off the scale like his friend Johnny. There is only one thing to do to remedy the situation.']

Then he excused himself, & came back a moment later with a needle and a bottle of pills, "Kelly, this is a vitamin shot for you and these are a vitamin supplement."

"Am I sick Doctor Rhodes?"

"No, but your physical shows that you need this booster to help jump start your puberty, otherwise, you'll stay as you are."

Then he gave me the shot and after talking with Momma, I took the pills with me. But the shot and pills were meant to turn me into a girl. I started to show changes in my butt and chest before we learned the truth. It was six months later when I went to see our family doctor for my flu shots.

"Kelly, you look different."

"What do you mean Doctor Addams?"

"Well, you look more than a bit like your Mother looked like at your age."

"Come on Doc, I can't be turning into my Momma, I'm a boy!"

"True, may I take a few blood samples?"

"Sure, what for?"

"By now, you should be going through puberty, but you aren't."

"That's what Doctor Rhodes said, he gave me a shot and pills to take."

"Did you bring them with you?"

I handed him the bottle which was empty, "Yep, here they are."

Then he looked at the bottle and got a weird look on his face, "Kelly, what did he say these were?"

"Vitamins. Why?"

"Wait here Kelly," then he marched out the door and returned with my Momma. She looked worried as she sat by me.

"Momma, is anything wrong?"

"Kelly, Doctor Rhodes did not give you any vitamins, he gave you pills to turn you into a girl," Doctor Addams cried.


Then Momma hugged me tight as the doctor explained," The pills and shot he gave you have given you a girl's butt, and waist as well as chest."

"You mean that I'll look exactly like Momma, but be a boy?"

Then he slumped in his chair and wept," I'm sorry Kelly, but you can never be a Father now, the pills have made that impossible."

"What does he mean Momma?"

"Remember Rex, the Seeing Eye Dog for Scott?"

"You mean that I am like him?"

"I'm sorry son, but yes, like him."

"Why did he hurt me Momma?"

"I wish that I knew honey," Then she looked at the doctor and her voice became hard as iron, "Doctor Addams, I don't care what it takes, I want that bastard to pay"

The doctor looked at us and he sat up and his voice was filled with authority," Mrs. Moore, I vow to make sure that he pays in full."

When the Woods found out, they got furious! That's when I saw just how mean Mister Woods could be when he wanted to be. Momma and I had just returned from seeing Doctor Addams when they found out.

"Hi Mrs. Moore and Kelly, are you here for Daddy's cookout? He's made some scrumptious kabobs and roasted corn on the cob."

"Scrumptious Julie, where did you learn that word?"

"Well, I learned it from Mommy, she loves to find new words to describe Daddy's cooking."

Then I began to cry bitter tears because now I was face to face with the only girl that I'd ever thought of marrying. NOW, I can never be a father like my Daddy!! I wanted to die right then.

"What's wrong Kelly?" asked Julie as she hugged me close.

"Oh Julie, I have terrible news!!"

"Want me to go get Mom and Dad?"

"No need sweetheart, we're here. Come, let's sit down," said Mister Woods, then he walked to the patio and sat down. Mrs. Woods and the twins sat on the patio love seat, leaving me and Momma to sit on the patio lounge chair. After everybody was seated, he gestured to me and momma to speak.

"I am still in shock over what I'm about to tell you, please be patient," she wept.

"Then Mrs. Woods handed Momma a napkin," What's so terrible?"

"Let me Momma, The doctor that I saw about my physical. [sniff, sniff] gave me a shot, [sniff, sniff] and some pills that, [sniff, sniff] were turning me into a girl."


"That's right Charlie,[sniff, sniff] Kelly is sterile now, [sniff, sniff] If our doctor hadn't found out, [sniff, sniff] Kelly could go through a girl's puberty." [sniff, sniff]

"You men that Kelly will grow breasts like I will?" "YUCK!!"

"No Julie, [sniff, sniff] the new doctor has given me pills so that won't happen, [sniff, sniff] I will stay small like you, [sniff, sniff] not grow bigger like Johnny"

Then Mister Woods picked me up and hugged me as he cried for me," Kelly, I promise you that Doctor Rhodes will pay for what he has done to you!!"

Then he handed me to his wife, "Kelly, I know that you and Julie love each other, your Mother and I both think you make a cute couple. As far as I'm concerned, you're still a cute couple."

"Kelly, I will ask the doctors that I work for about anything that can be done for you."

"Kelly, you are still my boyfriend."

"And you're my best friend."

"Thanks everybody."

Then Mister Woods came over and announced," Well, it's been done, Rhodes is in prison now, without bail."

Doctor Rhodes never made it to trial, he died in prison.

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