Vacation, Chapter 5

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Lowell's Vacation
by Leslie Moore
Look for it soon on Amazon!

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Another twist?

D. Eden's picture

Robert’s brother is the surgeon who gave Lowell his FFS? So just how far back does this little trio of deception go? How long has Claire known about Lowell? Did she know before he told her? Is that what attracted her to him in the first place? And just how long has her relationship with Robert been going on?

One little bit of confusion…….. I was under the impression that Claire and Lowell were already married. In the first version, Claire forged his signature on divorce papers and ended their marriage. I had thought the updated version took that little illegality out - all she did was draw up divorce papers, but they were never finalized. So, how is that Claire says, “I’m really enjoying my new fiancée. I’m kind of excited thinking about having a bride and taking her on a honeymoon.”

Aren’t they already married? Or is this just a symbolic wedding with Lovey as the bride?

I’m still not sure where Robert fits in either. Even Lovey raised that question.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus


Okay, so this story is starting to get tangled up like one of Shakespeare's comedies. I'm going to have to go back and clean up my mess. Whew! What would I do without you!

Lowell told Claire about the facial reconstruction surgery he'd had back between his junior and senior years when they started dating. He admitted to his sugar baby lifestyle. If you didn't catch that, I'll need to spend more time in Chapter Five making it clearer.

There was no deception going on, just a coincidence that his surgeon and Robert were brothers. Lowell never knew Robert except through Claire. She'd worked with Robert for years as corporate lawyers together. They were best of friends and while he comforted her when Lowell was starting his transition behind her back, there was never any sex between them.

Yes, and Lowell and Claire were still married even though she had the papers drawn up. And you helped me fix the divorce issue so there was never a forgery crime committed.

And yes, her proposal was to Lovey. It was symbolic when Claire told Lovey (who used to be Lowell, her husband) she wanted to marry her and make her a bride and her wife.

I don't know if they'd actually have to be divorced as husband and wife to marry as wife and wife. I just thought it sounded sweet when Claire said that, embracing Lovey's transition completely.

I did catch……

D. Eden's picture

That Lowell had told Claire about the surgery and his sugar baby lifestyle - I simply assumed that the name of the doctor wouldn’t have come up. Normally things like that don’t come up in conversation unless someone specifically has an interest in who did the surgery. As an example, I have had surgery several times now, and not once has anyone asked me who the surgeon was.

Why I had it done, what exactly was done, did it hurt, can I see it, etc., are all common questions - but the name of the surgeon has never come up. Because of that, it seemed strange that Claire would a) know the surgeon’s name, and b) have mentioned it to Robert to find out that it was his brother. That seemed, and still seems suspicious as it is not something that comes up in normal conversation. Hence my comment. Perhaps I have a suspicious nature - but like I said this is not something that would normally be general knowledge or discussed in depth.

As to the marriage, it makes sense that Claire wants a more or less symbolic wedding to Lovey, and it isn’t unheard of for couples to renew their wedding vows some time after being originally married. It simply isn’t a legal procedure, but rather more spiritual or emotional.

Kind of like my spouse giving me an engagement ring to match my wedding band. I still wear my original wedding band, which has always been rather small and dainty - almost feminine - but it looked strange without an engagement ring to match. So she went out on her own and bought me one; I cried for a good ten minutes when she gave it to me and told me that she would marry me all over again. Perhaps you could add that to your story.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

32 Ft/sec/sec

Its not a velocity of 32 Ft/sec. but an acceleration of 32 ft/sec/sec. Acceleration of gravity.

A human body has a terminal velocity of about 120 MPH in a belly down (sky diver position) to 180 MPH in a dive.


I purposely got it wrong so that Lovey could question whether it was worth paying attention to high school physics. But, I went back and fixed it. I said feet but corrected it to seconds just in case someone should test it out. I hope no one tries jumping off a cliff dressed as Alice in Wonderland. I don't think that a hoop skirt and petticoats would really become a parachute. It was just supposed to be a crazy moment in Lovey's mind.

Sage writers say to write about what you know. And if you've read my books, you know my antagonists thoughts are filled with flights of fancy. I do know crazy!

And I thought that seconds squared was the same as sec/sec.