Wrong Place Right Time Chapter 21

Wrong Place

Right Time

By Jamie Lee

Most often people talk about being in the right place at the right time. Maybe they achieved a beautiful photo of a sunrise, or the antics of children or animals. Maybe they found something someone lost and received a big reward when it was returned. But how often do they talk about being in the wrong place at the right time? If they do, it’s often about the death of someone or maybe witnessing a crime. And if this is the case, they are sad or horrified. Walter Williams often is in the wrong place at the right time, though his reaction to the incidents he encounters is much different than anyone would expect. And, life-changing.

Chapter 21

Paula’s husband was the first through the chamber door. And when he saw Mary he angrily said, “Oh, so they’ve got you on their side now. How the fuck could you join them against us?” Chuckles could be heard as Trudy’s bailiff reached up and grabbed the man’s ear, pulling her toward her and telling him, “If I remember correctly, you were told to watch your language. So, keep a civil tongue in your mouth.”

When everyone was in the chambers, Trudy said, “Ladies and gentleman, we have had a doctor of your choice examine Walter, who now goes by Kathy, and YOUR doctor has told us that Walter is no longer a boy. But is in every way a girl, and quite capable of conceiving should she choose to do so one day. Now, Bret Marshall Sr. is going to speak with you for a bit, and explain what WILL happen when you lose this case. Bret…” Bet Jr. then took out six sets of papers and handed one to each couple. It became real quiet as page after page was turned, until the last page when the language ban was broken.

First it was Paula’s husband. “What the fucking hell? You can’t sue us for defamation of character. Who the fuck did we defame?” Then another cried, “Holy hell, how the fuck are we going to afford 200 million dollars?” And another, “You’re fucking with us, right? Hoping we’ll drop this fucking case, right? We are not dropping this fucking case. That faggot queer will not be going to our high school.” And the court reporter happily punched away at the keys on her machine.

Bret Sr. really played it up, as he said, “Oh, my, I’m afraid you misunderstand, sir. YOU won’t be paying the 200 million dollars yourself. It will come from all of you, together. Each of you involved in the lawsuit will have to pay your share of the 200 million dollars to the Williams family. You people have refused to believe the evidence put before you by not one but three doctors. You have caused problems not only for this Court but at a high school that is not yours alone. I assure you, we will collect the entire 200 million dollars from you as a group. And no Applet Court will go against us when they see the evidence we have.”

Trudy had seen some pig headed people in her time, but these twelve people took the cake. First they saw the documents, photos and images, and still think Walter is a boy in a dress. Then the women get to see Walter completely naked, she is examined by one of their Ob-Gyns, and they still refuse to believe what their own eyes tell them. She felt it was time to step in and explain more to them.

Trudy turned her attention to the still angry parents and told them, “I find all of you a remarkable group. There is a court reporter here in my chambers, recording everything said, and you continue denigrating Walter Williams. You are, all on your own, making Mr. Marshall’s case for him. You ladies. You’ve seen Walter naked, you’ve seen she wears no special apparatuses to make herself look like a girl, even calling in one of your own Ob-Gyns to examine her. And despite being told she is all girl, you simply refuse to believe. You are all simply remarkable pig headed fools, who deserve everything you’re going to get when Marshall and Marshall take you to court. Because there is ample evidence to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Walter is female, I’m summarily ruling for the defendants. This case is closed. Mr. Marshall, it’s all yours now.”

Twelve pairs of eyes stared at Trudy in shock, as their mouths fell open upon hearing her ruling. And when Trudy’s words finally registered, all hell broke loose. There were threats against Trudy, which was the wrong thing to do, as the husband who made the threat suddenly found himself in handcuffs and taken out of Trudy’s chambers. Others made threats to take this to a higher court, with Trudy explaining the result of doing that. Others made direct threats to the Williams family, which again resulted in handcuffs and removal from Trudy’s chambers.

When those parents left in Trudy’s chambers had quieted down a bit, Bret Sr. went to work. “You three ladies, and you three gentlemen, I propose to you the following settlement. As my son has researched everything there is about all twelve of you, we know my proposal isn’t going to hurt any of you. Each family involved in this lawsuit will pay my clients ten million dollars, payable immediately. Should we find it necessary to take all of you to court, we will ask for the original two hundred million dollars, plus the needed amount to cover our firms’ fees.” Bret Sr. could see their faces going from white to pink to red, so he held up his hand to forestall any replies until he was finished talking.

“Before any of you speak, and get in deeper than you are already, let me assure you that all of you have the needed capital on hand to pay my clients without any problems, as I already said. Our firm also knows about the separate accounts your husbands have and what’s in each of those accounts, which is a drop in the bucket of what we’re asking in payment.” The husbands still in Trudy’s chambers with their wives all got disgusting looks from their wives. And the wives whose husbands were taken away, because so enraged they were speechless. And the husbands still in Trudy’s chambers knew the other wives would tell their wives about their separate accounts.

Everyone on the defendants side, including the court reporter and Trudy, had to school themselves severely in order not to laugh at the way the wives were acting towards their husband or saying what they were going to do when they saw their husbands. Then Bret Sr. dropped the bomb, by telling them, “I will expect to have your certified checks in my hand by one this afternoon. If I don’t have your checks, all of your checks, by one this afternoon, then my firm will see all of you in court.” And the rush was on. Husbands asked how they could see their wives. Wives asked how to see their husbands. And the husbands and wives still together, were still giving each other what for, with the wives promising something about taking their husbands to the cleaners. Trudy’s bailiff took the herd out of Trudy’s chambers and down to the holding cells, once again bringing silence to Trudy’s chambers. Since their business was concluded, Trudy dismissed the court reporter, asking the Marshalls and Williams family, and Marge to remain.

Trudy got up out of her chair, asking if anyone wanted something to drink. When she heard water from everyone, she motioned them to help themselves as she’d opened the small fridge in her chambers. When everyone had quenched their thirst, she had everyone sit down around the conference table. “Now, providing those boneheads pay what they owe, I don’t see any reason why I can’t hear the petition for Walter to change her name this afternoon about two. Katherine Elizabeth is so much more fitting for such a beautiful young girl.” And Trudy looked directly at Kathy and told her, “And don’t you let anyone tell you differently, young lady. You got that?” Kathy smiled, then nodded her head, blushing as she did so. Trudy saw the time, 11:30 a.m., and told the group they should go get lunch while they wait to get paid. And if all went well, she’d know about it and then would see them again at two that afternoon. She still had to deal with those parents who’d caused problems; perhaps a hefty fine would ring their bells some.

As the Marshalls, Williams family, and Marge were eating lunch at a nearby cafe, Bret Sr.’s cell phone rang. When he answered it, it was a Court employee, informing him that six families were waiting for him at the Courthouse. He told the others to continue eating, excused himself, and walked the one block to the Courthouse. When he arrived, he was shown into a conference room where the parents waited. Also there was a Court employee who would record the transaction so there was a record of the payments having been made. He also saw several husbands with red handprints on their faces, no doubt created by their angry wives. As their names were called, each handed Bret Sr. a certified check for the ten million dollars stipulated in the settlement, with each transaction being recorded. As soon as that was done, the wives, to a one, got on their cell phones and started giving orders, orders Bret Sr. didn’t hear as he left just as he heard the name of several lawyers he knew. He didn’t go back to the cafe, but phoned his son to give him the good news, and to have everyone meet at their offices; they’d have time to return to the Courthouse by two that afternoon.

Bret Sr. wasn’t about to carry sixty million dollars worth of certified checks on his person longer than he needed to arrive at their firm and place the checks in the vault. After he had done that, and everyone else arrived, they got to work getting the files ready in order to petition the Court for Walter’s name change, saying they’d come back to the offices and discuss what their fee would be and give the Williams family advice as to what to do with the money. Bret Sr. was one who believed it wasn’t necessary to give the Governments all of their winnings. And he and Bret Jr. could provide excellent advice on investing it right off.

At 1:50 p.m. the Williams family, Marge, and both Marshalls walked into the Courthouse. At 2:30 p.m. Terry, Shelby, Marge, Bret Marshall Sr., and Bret Marshal Jr. walked out of the Courthouse. Along with one Katherine Elizabeth Williams, the girl whose name was suggested by the young woman whose hand she was now holding as they walked to the Courthouse parking lot.

They returned to the offices of Marshall and Marshall, where Bret Jr. began the process of getting the name on Walter’s other documents changed. As the Williams family, Marge, and Bret Sr. were sitting in his office, he told them, “We shouldn’t have any trouble getting Walter’s name changed on the other documents, now that Walter’s name has been legally changed. I do see, however, a problem when it comes to getting the name, and gender, changed on the birth certificate, given the less than intelligent people we dealt with the first time. Junior and I may have to talk to their supervisor and slowly explain all of the evidence we have that proves Walter is now a girl, whose legal name is now Katherine Elizabeth Williams. And if their supervisor is as slow as those we dealt with, or balks at making the changes, we’ll have to take them to court. And Kathy,” Bret Sr. turned his attention to Kathy, “if we have to take them to court, hopefully we won’t need you there to prove who you are. But if we need you, we’ll let you know. And if they act like those parents did, we’ll have to jump through the same hoops to prove you were Walter the boy, who now is Kathy the girl because of the accident. And,” and he hesitated before saying, “we may even have to do another show and tell. Even another Ob-Gyn exam in front of them.”

All eyes turned to watch Kathy, to see how she’d react after what Bret Sr. just told her. She pursed her lips, shook her head, took a breath and told him, “Mr. Marshall. If those people are as dumb as those parents, a show and tell may not even convince them. However, if it’s necessary to put on our circus act again, then count me in. I’ll even suffer another cold speculum if it proves our point. Or…” It was Terry who knew what Kathy was going to say next and interrupted her with, “Oh no you won’t, young lady. And don’t even say it.” Kathy and Marge giggled, Shelby and Bret Sr. just looked at Terry with puzzled looks. Seeing the looks on her husband’s and Bret Sr.’s faces, Terry looked to the ceiling, closed her eyes, shook her head, then looked at the two men before telling them, “Kathy was going to suggest if those people didn’t believe all the evidence we have, then they could have sex with her and would then know she was a real girl.” Shelby facepalmed himself, while Bret Sr. chuckled, saying, “Oh that would indeed prove you are the young lady we know you are. But may also get them in trouble with the law, since you are a minor. No, we won’t do anything as drastic as that, Kathy. But if we do go to court, I think there’s a certain Judge who could explain what they will be facing. And that we will likely seek damages because of their ill will towards you, Miss Williams. But let’s not jump on that horse just yet. Let’s see what roadblocks my son runs into first, then make our plans. Okay, everyone?”

Once it was understood they would wait on Bret Jr., they started discussing Marshall and Marshall’s fee for handling their case. Bret Sr. never got the chance to suggest an amount when Shelby asked, “Bret, would fifteen percent of the settlement be a fair amount for all the work you’ve done and are doing?” Bret Sr. raised his eyebrows at hearing the sum proposed by Shelby, and told him, “Well, Shelby, it is a fair amount but perhaps a bit more than we were prepared to ask for. You have been good clients over the years, and we wanted to keep you as clients, so didn’t want to take advantage of your sudden windfall.” When Bret Sr. proposed a lower percentage, Shelby shook his head and declared it was too low for all the work they are doing for his family. In the end, though somewhat reluctant, Bret Sr. agreed to the percentage proposed by Shelby. After the firm’s fee was settled, Bret Sr. started talking about how to deal with their settlement, and avoid paying the Governments a substantial amount of their settlement.

There was a knock on Bret Sr.’s door, before it opened and Junior walked in. “Ah, son, I was about to call and have you join us,” Bret Sr. told his son, as they all noticed the smile on Junior’s face. “I have some great news, dad, that’s why I came. It seems we have fulfilled this State’s requirement for getting Kathy’s birth certificate amended. We have already attended a Court hearing which granted our petition for Walter’s name to be changed, so all we have to do is fill out the necessary papers, submit them and within a few days a new birth certificate will be issued. So, what did you want to see me about, dad?” Their fear of a Court battle to get Kathy’s birth certificate changed was now behind them, so Bret Sr. explained to his son the need to invest the settlement so the Governments wouldn’t take the lion’s share right off the bat.

Then it was Shelby who said, “Bret Jr., at the firm I’m partnered with, we have set up several investments, including a trust for each of us for our retirement. What I’d like is to not only set up strong investments but two trust funds, one for Kathy and one for Marge, for them to use if/when they attend College/University or whatever endeavor they pursue. If they attend College/University, it will be used to pay for tuition, books, fees, room and board, meals, and any other essentials. But with stipulations, such as keeping their grades up, that sort of thing. And if they pursue another endeavor, then it will be used as seed money to start the endeavor and pay for all necessary items needed for that endeavor. Plus to keep it running until it stands on its own. At our firm, our Trust Funds are invested, with the interest going back into the Trust. With both girls now fourteen, and four more years before it will be needed, if what I’ve seen our’s do, their Trust Funds should be substantial by the time it’s needed. And, with a provision to revisit the use of those Trust Funds should it be necessary.”

“Mr. Williams, I can’t possibly allow you to do all that for me. I think my parents would object even more than me,” a shocked Marge said after hearing what Shelby wanted to do. Shelby got up out of his chair, walked over where Marge was sitting, knelt before her, took her hands in his, and told her, “Marge. You have been Walter’s friend since you both started school, though he didn’t know it at the time. You have stood by him when all this happened and are standing by Kathy now. And, dear child, I may be considered old by kids your age, but I’m not blind. I can see how much you loved Walter, and how that hasn’t changed now that he is Kathy. And the love you both share isn’t some hormone driven desire with both of you, it’s a real love. It’s a love that weathers storms that come along. It’s a love that lasts no matter what others might say. You are Kathy’s life partner, just as she is yours. And you both deserve something that will help you get off to a wonderful start when it comes time to start your lives together in the real world. And yes, your parents might object, but I think only a little bit after they hear why I’m doing it. Besides, consider this a very early wedding gift. Your parents will, I think.”

When Shelby mentioned marriage, there were tears in both girls’ eyes, as they each reached into their purses and pulled out small boxes. Marge opened the small box she was holding and showed it to Shelby, saying, “Kathy gave this to me a few days ago, I just gave her one. We were afraid to wear them, thinking others might get upset by our pledging ourselves to each other.” As tears flowed down Marge’s cheeks, Shelby took the promise ring out of the box, took Marge’s left hand, and placed the ring on her ring finger. He then went to Kathy and did the same, telling both girls, “It’s not your problem if others don’t like what they see on your fingers, it’s their problem. Wear those rings proudly, knowing one day you’ll give each other real engagement rings. And Marge, unless your parents are blind, they already know you and Kathy are going to live your lives together someday.” Kathy reached out her right hand towards Marge. Marge extended her left hand, and the two held hands throughout the rest of the meeting with the Marshalls.

Shelby sat back down in the chair next to Terry, she reached over and took his hand, smiling at him with that smile which told him she was going to give him the ride of his life later.

As Bret Jr. stood up from his chair, Shelby made one more want known. “Bret Jr., one other thing. I would also like you to consider setting up monthly payments that aren’t hair raising, but enough to slowly build up savings accounts over the next four years. I’d also like you to take five million and find five of the most worthy organizations that would benefit from a one million dollar donation; filed with the IRS but with a provision they keep the donation quiet.” Terry gave Shelby another smile which told him he might be very sore when she was finished with him later that night.

Junior excused himself, left his dad’s office and returned a short time later, carrying several pamphlets with him. He then started explaining the different options they could choose from in order to invest their money and the different payout methods that would be taxed when the payouts occurred. He told them about the pros and cons of each one, and that going one route with one could be less risky than going another way with another option. He even showed them one option which offered insurance so that they’d be paid their entire principle should all of their investments tank. Choosing this option allowed their guaranteed payout, in case of a complete loss of their initial investment, to increase when their investments increased. That would then become the new guaranteed payout in case of a complete loss of their investment. He also explained the maximum amount that could be invested in any one plan, so they’d likely end up with 30-60 separate accounts if they decided to go with that option. He also explained the fee Marshall and Marshall charged for handling investment accounts, which they would charge for handling all of the Williams’ accounts.

Shelby had dealt with investing at his firm, since they needed to do something with much of the money they earned from their clients. He pointed out the investments his firm engaged in and that they returned a steady rate of return so far. The returns weren’t huge, but they were steady. He told Junior that he wasn’t completely at ease putting all their money into one option, but felt it better to split it into two or three different plans. That way if one died, they’d still have the others to work with. Once it was decided the plans, and how much would go into each plan, there was nothing more they could do until the paperwork was started and investments selected. Before the Williams family and Marge left the offices of Marshall and Marshall, both Junior and Senior cautioned them about the sudden onrush of hands coming their way. It would soon be public knowledge about the amount of the settlement they received, and they’d soon have every charity from the sun to the moon asking for money. They also might find out they had more relatives than what was actually in their family trees. When this started happening, they were instructed to tell these people to contact Marshall and Marshall and they’d deal with these people. Gladly.

Handshakes were exchanged and the Williams family and Marge left the offices of Marshall and Marshall. Once they were in Shelby’s car he asked, “Is anyone as hungry as I am? I also think we should celebrate our new daughter’s name change and our victory over a bunch of idiots. And I think maybe it might be a good time to talk with your parents, Marge. So why don’t we go to your house and invite them along for our celebration?” Neither Terry or Shelby heard anything from the back seat, in answer to his question. When they turned to find out why it was quiet, they saw Marge and Kathy exploring each other’s mouths. Terry smirked and gave Shelby an eyebrow, before saying, “OH MY GAWD! THERE’S A SNAKE IN THE CAR!” Terry didn’t know about Marge, but Kathy was not a fan of snakes, and reacted like Terry thought she would, she screamed. When Terry and Shelby started laughing, a visibly upset Kathy told them, “Not funny.” Shelby was still laughing as he told the girls what he’d asked them, getting a yes from Marge.

When they arrived at Marge’s home, there was a strange car parked on the street in front of her house. “I wonder who that is?” Marge asked, as Shelby pulled his car into the Markman’s driveway. The four got out of Shelby’s car, started walking up the walkway to the front door, and were halfway to the front door when it opened and Thomas stepped outside. “Shelby, Terry, there are some people here looking for Walter,” Thomas said, causing Shelby and Terry to wonder who’d be looking for Walter, which was no longer possible.

Thomas led the way into his home, and as Terry and Shelby entered after Thomas, they heard, “Mr. and Mrs. Williams? I’m Eileen Foster, and this is Joel Dunker. We’re from CPS and are looking for Walter Williams. We were told if you were not at your house, you’d likely be here. We have a complaint that you and your wife have been sexually abusing your son, forcing him to dress and live as a young girl. We’re here to take custody of him. The two of you will be summoned to Court in order to face the charges against you. If you do not surrender your son, I will be forced to call the police and have the two of you arrested. Now, where is your son.”

The response Eileen and Joel were expecting didn’t happen, but they were puzzled as first Kathy started laughing, followed by Marge, then Terry and Shelby. Shelby got control of himself a bit, pulled out his phone, dialed a number, spoke to a person, giving that person the Markman’s address, cut the connection, and began laughing again. When Thomas gave Shelby a questioning look, Shelby nodded his head. When Shelby stopped laughing a bit, he told Thomas, “They’re looking for Walter.” It then dawned on Thomas what Shelby meant, and why he had nodded his head, Walter no longer existed. Walter’s name had been changed. He told Dorothy what was going on, and they both started laughing along with everyone but Eileen and Joel. Laughter could still be heard ten minutes later when the Markman’s doorbell rang. When Thomas opened the door, he stood face to face with Bret, Sr. and Bret, Jr. Marshall.

Eileen had tried to get things under control, telling Shelby and Terry if they didn’t produce their son, they would be arrested for violating a Court order. Instead of causing Shelby and Terry to fear being arrested, they simply started laughing again. Harder this time. When Terry and Shelby saw the Marshalls arrive, they were able to stop laughing, telling the two why “these two” were here. By now everyone had stopped laughing, and Bret, Sr., asking Thomas if he could use the dining room table, asked Eileen and Joel to sit down and read through all of the documents they brought with them. Bret, Sr. saved the best for last, as he produced the Court decree that Walter Williams was now and forever known as Katherine Elizabeth Williams, female.

Eileen threw the Court decree back into Bret, Sr.’s face, telling him, “I don’t give a damn what some fake piece of paper says. You will produce Walter Williams or all of you will be arrested.” Then Bret, Sr. got a nasty look on his face, as he asked Eileen and Jeol, “Miss Foster, can you and Mr. Dunker and your department stand to lose a 200 million dollar lawsuit? Can the two of you stand to lose your jobs and have to pay the rest of your lives your part of that 200 million dollars? Because that’s what you and your department will face if you take this any further. By the way, where is your paperwork? I don’t believe you bothered to show it to us. Oh, and just one moment.” Bret, Sr. then went to the front door, waved his hand, and in a few moments, their secretary came walking into the house. Terry had an idea what Bret, Sr. was going to do and beat him to the punch by grabbing Eileen’s hand and telling her, “Come with me, dearie. It’s time you see the truth.” And with that, Terry pulling Eileen with her, Dorothy, Marge, Kathy, and the Marshall’s secretary went back to Dorothy’s bedroom. And all the men heard, before the bedroom door closed, was, okay girl, strip. Joel started to get out of the chair he was sitting in, but Thomas held him down, telling him, “Terry was telling her daughter to strip. Not Eileen.”

What none of the men heard was Terry telling Eileen the story of how Walter was now Kathy, a complete girl, inside and out. They also didn’t hear Terry relate the Court battle they had in the morning with parents who didn’t believe Walter had been transformed into a girl. Terry told of the doctors who certified she was a girl. Of the parents’ own Ob-Gyn who certified Kathy was now all girl. And it was only when Judge Trudy Sharp gave a summarily decision, and the threat of a 200 million dollar lawsuit, that settled everything. Or that Terry made it explicitly clear it was the same lawsuit Eileen and her department were facing if they didn’t see reason, given all the evidence presented to them.

When the bedroom door opened, and the six women came out into the dining room, Shelby told Terry, “Gina instituted this whole thing. My dumb ass sister.” Terry did her look to the ceiling, shake her head, roll her eyes, then said, “It could only be her. She has her head so far up where the sun don’t shine, I’m surprised she hasn’t flushed it down the toilet.” Shelby pulled out his cell phone, dialed his sister’s number, and when she answered, said, “Hey, sis, it’s me, Shelby. How’s it on the nut farm? Just called to tell you to get a real good lawyer, cause you’re going to need it. Oh, and tell that jackass of a husband you have to figure out how he’s going to pay us 100 thousand dollars,” and Bret, Sr. held up two fingers, “um, make that 200 thousand dollars for all the crap you’ve caused by sicking the CPS on us. We’ll see you two morons in Court.” And he hung up.

The minute Shelby hung up, Joel asked Eileen, “Well? What’d you discover? Is that young lady really Walter Williams or not?” Eileen was shaking her head, telling Joel, “Joel. The evidence is on the table before you. Walter Williams no longer exists. What you and I read in all of those reports is true, Walter Williams was transformed into Kathy Williams. She is every bit the young lady we see before us.” Eileen caught what Joel said, but he said it so softly only ‘Gina’ was heard. It was Shelby who voiced, “So, it seems Gina is in hot water with more than just us.” Joel started nodding his head, as he told Shelby, “That she is, Mr. Williams. She’s in big trouble for filing a false report. I hope she takes your advice and finds herself a good lawyer. She’ll need it.”

Eileen and Joel made their apologies, and Bret, Sr. promised to messenger them copies of everything they had, and when the Marshalls and Eileen and Joel had left, it was Marge who said, “Mom, dad, we have to talk. But we came to ask if you’d like to go out to dinner with us?” And she waved her left hand in front of her mom and dad. Then Kathy waved her left hand in front of Thomas and Dorothy. Both frowned for a few moments before they realized what the rings meant, and the four had a group hug. Thomas and Dorothy then told the girls how happy they were for the two. When the group hug broke up, Shelby said, “And there’s more you need to hear about. Chinese?”

Chapter 22

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