Wrong Place Right Time Chapter 26

Wrong Place

Right Time

By Jamie Lee

Most often people talk about being in the right place at the right time. Maybe they achieved a beautiful photo of a sunrise, or the antics of children or animals. Maybe they found something someone lost and received a big reward when it was returned. But how often do they talk about being in the wrong place at the right time? If they do, it’s often about the death of someone or maybe witnessing a crime. And if this is the case, they are sad or horrified. Walter Williams often is in the wrong place at the right time, though his reaction to the incidents he encounters is much different than anyone would expect. And, life-changing.

Chapter 26

It was perhaps thirty minutes later when the front doorbell rang, causing Terry to get up out of her chair and go to the front door. This time, after Terry opened the door, Shelby could hear what Terry said, as he heard, “Jenny. Oh thank gawd you could come. Kathy’s in a tizzy, a meltdown. She’s been reciting the same thing over and over again since a few minutes before I called you. She seemed fine when we arrived home after eating out, then she is as you see her on Marge’s lap.” Terry had led Jenny into the living room, where the two women stood looking at Kathy, still in Marge’s lap, still reciting her mantra. Jenny then addressed Marge by asking, “Marge, will you be alright with Kathy for a few minutes? I need to speak with Terry and Shelby alone.” It wasn’t hard for the three adults to see the tears in Marge’s eyes, but she nodded, and it was Terry who suggested they go into the kitchen. Once there, Jenny started asking probing questions. How was Kathy yesterday? Was she upset at any point? Did anything happen today? It was with this question Terry and Shelby regaled Jenny with the day’s events, even what Glenda screamed at them. Word for word. And that Kathy seemed in a good mood going and coming from the restaurant. The two parents did tell Jenny about Kathy’s question about school tomorrow, and how to handle it since it was likely word had spread of the event.

After speaking with Shelby and Terry for a few minutes, Jenny now felt she understood what had Kathy frozen in her own thoughts, and a possible way to thaw out those thoughts. And help alleviate her fears. Standing, Terry and Shelby followed Jenny into the living room, where she proceeded to sit on the couch so she could see Kathy’s face. Gently, so as not to startle Kathy, Jenny touched Kathy’s arm as she spoke, “Kathy, sweetheart, it’s Jenny. It’s Jenny, sweetheart. Can you hear me, Kathy? Kathy, sweetheart,” and she gently shook Kathy’s arm to try and get Kathy’s attention. Kathy’s mantra faded and was replaced with, “J-e-n-ny...J-e-n-n-y?” Jenny smiled and replied, “Yes, sweetheart, it’s Jenny. Can you look at me, please?” Kathy had been staring at nothing down and away during her mantra, and ever so slowly raised her head so she was looking at Jenny. When Jenny was looking directly into Kathy’s eyes, knowing she had Kathy’s attention, she softly said, “Hi, sweetheart. I understand you’re really upset about school tomorrow. I’d like to hear why you’re upset, I think I can help you.” At the mention of school on Monday, Kathy started to drop her head, but Jenny softly placed her extended fingers under Kathy’s chin and gently lifted her head.

“Kathy, no sweetheart, keep your head up so I can see those beautiful eyes.” This time Kathy let her head be raised, and let the tears fall as she told Jenny, “I’m scared, Jenny. How can I face everyone tomorrow? Like everything else that happens at that school, it won’t have taken long before everyone knows exactly what happened. They’ll know those two bastards pulled off my skirt and panties, making me half naked. And that they were going to rape me, both of them. The boys will wonder what I looked like half naked, some girls will say I deserved what I got. How do I handle all that? What do I say? What do I do?” Marge held Kathy tight, as Kathy broke down and sobbed on Marge’s shoulder. Jenny had reached over and was gently rubbing Kathy’s back as she cried. Terry and Shelby weren’t doing any better.

As Jenny gently rubbed Kathy’s back she softly said, “Oh, you sweet girl. You are adjusting to becoming a girl and then this gets thrown onto your back. Kathy, I’ve watched you as Walter, the boy who always got up when a situation knocked him down or threw something at him. I’ve watched you now as Kathy, and you still get up when a situation knocks you down or throws you into a mess. The heart you had as Walter still beats within the girl now known as Kathy. When you found yourself transforming, you could have gone several ways, none healthy. But you stood your ground, you accepted what was happening and continued on with your life. I’ve heard about the ‘show and tell’ sessions you held, which would have been impossible for some girls to do. Even being examined by a doctor in front of all those women, which is often embarrassing for most women. Kathy, your mom and dad have instilled in you a will to go on no matter what hits you or what you have to walk through. And it’s a good thing they did, because like some your age, they could be sitting here today wondering why you ended your life. What they could have done differently, why they didn’t see any signs of your impending death.” Jenny’s mention of suicide caused both Marge and Kathy to really lift their heads and listen to what she was telling them. And it shook Terry and Shelby because it wasn’t something they’d even consider Kathy might do.

And Jenny continued with, “But that’s not who you are, Kathy. You’ve gone through an event which would have driven other boys your age insane. You’ve gone through a horrendous experience which would have caused many girls to fold up and hide themselves away. And yet, you went through those experiences and are stumbling out the other side, trying to get your feet back under you so you can continue on with whatever plans you have for your life. Kathy, that takes an inner strength most people, adults included, don’t have. That alone makes you a very special young lady who will take others by storm in your future. And if you let this other beautiful young lady,” and Jenny reached over and lightly caressed Marge’s cheek, “help you through these times, and the ones to come, you are going to be a storm to reckon with at some point in your life. Both of you together.”

“Now, how to handle tomorrow at school? Well, how did you handle things when Walter discovered he was becoming a girl? What did you say to those who made fun of you or threatened you? You did exactly what Walter always did, you held your head up and continued on with your life. And that’s what I recommend you do tomorrow at school. So what if the school knows what happened? So what if they hear what those two animals did and were about to do? What they will remember, and talking about the most, is how you and Marge put them into the hospital. How the girls in that school will never have to worry about Tony attacking them or having offspring who will follow in his footsteps. You will frighten the boys who weren’t there because they will hear what you did to Tony and Patrick, and wonder if you’d do it to them if they bothered you. What I think you’re likely to find is a school who will stand up and protect you from now on. Because you stood up for yourself during a horrendous time and walked out the other side. Yes, you’re a little beat up, and rightly so, but you’re still on your feet. You aren’t folded up in a ball, unable to be reached by anyone. And you’re still alive to carry on with your life.” Jenny then leaned forward and gently kissed Kathy on the cheek, telling her, “Be Walter tomorrow, when he learned he was being transformed into a girl. And I’ll see both of you in my office at school after school tomorrow.” Jenny then lightly touched each girl’s nose with her finger before standing up and asking to speak with Terry and Shelby.

When the three walked into the kitchen, Jenny lowered her voice and told the couple, “I know some of what I told Kathy and Marge shocked both of you, especially about Kathy taking her own life. I know it isn’t something either of you would have considered because you wouldn’t think it was something Walter would do. And you’d be right. But we’re not dealing with Walter any more, it’s Kathy we’re dealing with, a fully functioning fifteen-year-old girl. Who now has a different mindset because she is a girl. And who now knows the terror an attempted rape can pose, and she’s going to dwell on that for longer than she did when Walter learned he was becoming a girl. Like you, I think her inner strength will keep her safe from herself, but we still have to be mindful of the other possibility, slim though it may be. Terry, you’ve grown up knowing about the possibility of rape every woman and girl is open to, let Kathy know your feelings about it, let her share hers with you. Encourage her all you can without pushing too many buttons. She was doing good adjusting to being a girl, until now. Now I think she might really want to be Walter again, a boy who would have never considered he could be raped. And because they are like two peas in a pod, let her lean on Marge as much as she has too. Believe me when I tell you this, as it’s something you might not have considered. Marge is kicking herself right now for not being there for Kathy. Right now she blames herself for the boys getting to Kathy because she wasn’t with Kathy. Marge needs Kathy as much as Kathy needs her. And they both need the two of you, since you’ve basically accepted Marge as your second daughter. And because you have let them be together. I don’t think either of you realizes how special you are as parents. Not only have you instilled in your child an inner strength which has gotten her through some terrific events, but you’ve accepted her falling in love with another girl. Many parents would have been up in arms, would have either beat their child to try and make them change their mind, or shunned the child completely. I know you were firm with Walter, and now Kathy, but you did so with love. And you continue to show that love despite everything that’s happened to Kathy.” Jenny paused as she looked at Terry and Shelby, both having wet eyes, before she said, “Well, I think I’ve done all I can tonight. I’ll see Kathy and Marge after school tomorrow,” and pointing at Terry she said, “and you Tuesday at seven in the evening at my downtown office. Right?” Terry nodded her head before she found herself in a hug from Jenny. Jenny hugged Shelby before the two walked Jenny out of the kitchen, and towards the front door. As Jenny walked by Marge and Kathy she softly bid the girls a ‘goodnight girls’ before opening up the front door, saying ‘goodnight’ to Terry and Shelby and heading home.

When Shelby had shut the front door Terry slumped against him, put her arms around him, telling him, “God, Shelby. How much more is Kathy going to face before she’s left alone? God I’m tired, Shelby.” Shelby pulled Terry into him, kissing her softly, then answering, “Honey, life is how it is. We can’t control everything in our daily lives. We can’t control the actions of others. All we can control is how we respond to the stupidity of others. As Jenny said, and told Kathy, she’s still standing, though a bit unsteady at the moment. We’re all hurting because of what happened; us because our daughter and her girlfriend are hurting. But we’re all still standing, while the two who caused this fell flat on their faces. The memory of all this will be with us for the rest of our lives, though it may dim with time. It’s the emotions that will eventually ease to the point where we can function again without letting the events bring us to the point we are right now. Oh, I don’t doubt we’ll shed tears when the memory is revisited, but we will have built up callouses to help us get through the time it does reappear. But we will still be standing, and ready to spit into the eye of the next situation that comes our way.” He then lowered his voice so the girls would hear him say, “Let’s get the girls to bed and I’ll help you shower. Then afterwards I’ll help you relax so you can get a good night’s sleep.”

The location of the front door was guarded by a short wall which stopped at the opening to the living room. For anyone to see the front door, or anyone standing at the front door, the person would have to stand at the opening to the living room. Knowing this, Terry began giving Shelby a passionate kiss, as one hand worked on Shelby’s excited manhood. When Terry paused the kiss, and pulled her head back from Shelby’s face, Shelby saw the school girl look on Terry’s face, the one which always told him Terry was eager for him to be within her. Shelby tried to softly clear his throat, as Terry continued her ministrations, then said, “Ah, sweetheart. With my desire for you at full tilt, and you doing that, it may be difficult for me to walk back into the living room without the girls understanding our pre-planned activity.” Terry’s hand continued its work, as she slowly lowered her head to Shelby’s neck, before telling him, “Tough. Let them notice,” then proceeded to lamprey her lips to Shelby’s neck. Shelby thought the moan which had escaped his lips had only been heard by Terry. But when they both heard the girls giggle, then say as one, “GET A ROOM,” then break down in laughter, Terry and Shelby realized they hadn’t been as quiet as they thought. And they both blushed.

The blush on their faces went from a light pink to a darker red, as they walked back into the living room and heard, “Oh, look Marge. Daddy must have burned his neck with a curling iron. And looky there, Marge,” and Kathy, smirking all the time, pointed to Shelby’s groin. “I think they have plans that don’t include us.” The smile Terry and Shelby saw on Marge’s face told them it wasn’t over yet, as she said, “No, Kathy. That isn’t a curling iron burn. That’s a hickey, and a nice one too. Your mom sure does a good job handing those out.” The darker red on Terry and Shelby’s faces increased even more as Marge finished with, “Oh, yeah, I see what you mean. Some beautiful lady is going to get lucky tonight. And I wager they don’t get much sleep.” Both girls sat on the couch, looking at Terry and Shelby with smirks on their faces. Terry looked at Shelby, and he looked at her, a slight nod was exchanged, and the two moved as one to trap both girls on the couch and began tickling them fiercely. It was one sided at first, but it only took a moment and the tickling was reciprocated. Their antics culminated in a group hug, the laughing doing its job of relieving a lot of tension the four had felt. Terry and Shelby were surprised when the girls broke their hug, stood up, then helped Terry and Shelby off the couch, telling the two, “You two go enjoy yourselves. Make each other happy, you deserve it.” Terry couldn’t help the tears she felt holding in her eyes, as she cupped the chin of both girls and told them, “You do the same.” And again, Shelby found he had something in his eyes.

The house got quiet after both showers ran for about an hour, at least for fifteen minutes. The silence of the house was broken by sounds emanating from both bedrooms, sounds ignored by both couples. But the four did sleep soundly that night, after they let sleep overtake them all

Each bedroom’s wake up call was how the couples ended their previous evening, including the length of their showers. When the girls arrived in the kitchen, dressed for school, they found Terry and Shelby as they always found them, with Shelby sitting at the kitchen table dressed for work and Terry fixing their breakfast. The girls sat down at the kitchen table, after setting their backpacks on the living room floor, and began on the bowls of fruit Terry had placed before them. The tension they all felt yesterday, while not completely gone, had lessened to the point of not weighing on them as it had the previous day. It also wasn’t hard for the four to see how each couple looked at the other, knowing how the intimacy they shared last night and early this morning had drawn each couple closer together. The girls giggled when they saw several ‘curling iron burns’ on Shelby’s neck. All three girls chuckled as they watched Shelby try and pull his shirt collar up to hide the ‘curling iron burns’ from their view. The girls then laughed as Shelby’s shirt collar refused to be drawn up where he wanted it to stay. Shelby just rolled his eyes and shook his head. They would crucify him at the office today.

It got serious after Terry set a breakfast plate in front of Shelby and the girls, then sat down at the kitchen table with her own. She looked at the girls and asked, “How are you two doing this morning? Kathy? Are you going to be okay going to school today? Maybe you need a few more days staying home or doing something else? After what you experienced, I don’t think the school would mind if you took a few days off.” Marge reached across to Kathy’s hand as Kathy told Terry, “No, mom. Jenny was right. I faced being Walter turning into a girl those first few days, as I did everything else, so I need to face today just like that. Running away from what others might say won’t accomplish anything. And if I start running, when will I stop? Running away isn’t me, mom, and you know it. It just took some loving people to make me remember that fact. Besides, if I know Uncle Peter as I do, he’ll have the whole security staff guarding me the entire day.”

If either Terry or Shelby had been wearing suspenders, they could have thumbed them in and out, proclaiming the pride they felt in their daughter at that very moment. Not many her age would have the courage to face so many in such a short time after such an attack. Terry held her tears, this time. And Shelby had dust or something in his eyes. Marge and Kathy could see it coming, as Terry smirked and asked Shelby, “Dear, might you want to skip work for a few days? Those ‘curling iron burns’ might cause you problems at the office today.” Terry smiled, the girls giggled, as Shelby gave Terry his ‘you just wait, woman’ look. The tables turned as Shelby smirked as he told Terry, “No, dear. It will be okay today. Of course I know there will be questions, and teasing. But all I have to tell them is that I married a lamprey woman who does good work. Besides, I feel certain when your work is admired, one of the women will want to make them less conspicuous. We do, after all, have a reputation which must be maintained.” Shelby then stuck his tongue out at Terry, causing them all to laugh. Chit chat followed as they ate their breakfast, with Shelby finishing first and after kissing his girls, left for the office. The girls helped Terry clear the table and put things away before they too left the house and headed to the high school, soon to learn how the school would respond to the attack on Kathy. Kathy had a death grip on Marge’s hand the entire drive to school, it didn’t lessen as they got out of Terry’s car and walked towards the front doors of the school.

Both girls were surprised as the front school doors opened and five boys walked out and formed a corridor for the girls to walk through. They were the five football players who escorted Kathy and Marge to the office that Friday after Kathy was attacked. Bobby stood at the head of the four boy corridor and told the girls, “We’ll be escorting you both to your classes this week. Next week five more players will replace us, and so on until the end of school. Or you two decide you’ll be okay as you were before. This is not up for discussion, we’ve cleared it with Principal Stepel. Besides, all of us have classes in the same wings as you both do, so it won’t be out of our way.” Kathy, more so than Marge, felt tears wet her cheeks, as Bobby took the lead, with two boys beside them and two following. The group stopped when they reached the spot where Peter stood, having waited for Kathy to arrive for the past thirty minutes.

“Hi girls, doing any better today? And before you answer, Terry phoned me and filled me in. So BS won’t be accepted today from either of you. Understand? You need to talk, go see Jenny or come see me. Got it? It was necessary to inform the school staff about last Friday, so neither of you will get gigged if you suddenly need to go talk with someone. Okay?” Peter saw the smirk on Kathy’s face, and knew something smart was coming his way. And he was right, as he watched Kathy turn to Marge and ask, “How should we answer all those questions? In reverse order or how they were asked? Or I could answer one then you could answer one, but I think one might be left over, so we’d have to flip to see who answers that one.” Peter saw by the smirk on Marge’s face there was more to come. “Oh, I don’t know,” Marge began. “If we answer them in reverse order do you think he can remember the first question he asked us? And if we answer them in the order they were asked, can he remember the last question he asked us? What if we start in the middle and work both ways? You can go forward and I’ll go down. How’s that idea sound to you?” By now, the football players were having trouble not laughing because of the girl’s antics. When Peter finally called a halt to the girl’s antice, the football players finally broke down and started laughing, receiving some haunting looks from Peter.

Kathy knew by the look on her Uncle’s face that he was dead serious now, as she told him, “We’re doing better, Un...um, Principal Stepel. Not one hundred percent, but better. Marge and I have an appointment with Jenny after school, and on Wednesday and Friday. I have a feeling we’ll see her for some time, since that attack caused other problems which need ironed out. Problems that were being worked on at the time. And yes, we understand about going to talk to someone if we suddenly have too. Believe me, we DO understand. I was hoping the whole thing could have been kept quiet, since there are those who are going to be snide about what happened. But I do understand you had to do what was needed.”

Kathy didn’t fool her Uncle, he’d seen her facial expressions too often. So when she told him they were doing better, he could see the fear in her eyes she kept from her face. Peter walked up to the girls, put a hand on each of their shoulders and told them, “Girls. Stop trying to pretend you aren’t scared to be here today, I see it in your eyes. After what you both went through, you have a right to be scared. I want you both to know there will be a security person shadowing you both wherever you go today while you’re in school. Along with your escorts. I think you’ll also find how the other students handle those who try to blame you both for what happened, so don’t be surprised how it gets handled. It’s time for certain lessons to be administered. Now, if there’s nothing more, off you go. Try to enjoy your time here today, okay?” Both girls said they’d try, as Peter stepped out of their way and with their escorts, headed for their hall lockers.

Peter had told both girls not to be surprised how those spewing snide remarks would be handled, so they went on their way as a girl standing near a wall yelled at them, “Stupid, cunt bitch. You got what you deserved.” The next thing the group heard was, “HEY! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING? GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF ME!!” They later learned how their shadow had taken the girl by the arm and frog marched her to the office. She was suspended for the week. She was also one of several girls who thought themselves better than everyone at school. Including the school staff.

A real surprise occurred the minute the group entered the classroom wing that housed the girls’ hall lockers, and their first period science class. A surprise which brought back something Jenny told the girls last night. Students were applauding as the group walked down the hallway. Many of the girls told Marge and Kathy, “Way to go gals. Way to go.” And some girls even shouted, “Thank you, Kathy and Marge. It’s so much better around here now.” The applause even brought those already in class, waiting for school to start, out into the hallway to add their own applause. But of course, there were the overtly made snide remarks, which immediately caused the offender to be frog marched to the office, shouting the whole way. Before the school day had ended, six students had been suspended the entire week, with a standing invitation to bring their parents with them the following Monday for a serious meeting with the Principal. And their future at West high school.

After their escort made sure the girls were safely in their first period science class, they left to go to their own first period classes. It seemed a message had been sent to everyone in their first period class because everyone was already sitting in their seats. And when the girls entered the classroom, they all stood up and began applauding both girls. Jenny had told Kathy and Marge they might be surprised how well liked they both were, and upon seeing everyone standing and clapping, they realized Jenny’s words were true. The scene was repeated each time the girls went into a classroom wing for their next class, and in each of their classes.

But the biggest surprise happened at lunch, as the entire lunch room crowd stood and cheered as the girls entered the lunch room. Kathy and Marge were really touched as the boy who Walter helped off the floor after he stepped on a wet spot on the floor, then gave him his lunch, approached them carrying two lunch trays. “If you ladies would follow me, please.” He led them down an aisle between tables to their usual table, where he sat the trays down then pulled out each chair for Marge and Kathy to sit down in. It seemed like an hour before everyone finally sat down to eat their lunch. And it was at that time, in that moment of silence before it too was broken, when they heard, “Too bad those boys didn’t get to finish what they started.” And as happen previously, they heard, “HEY, GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF ME. DO YOU KNOW WHO MY PARENTS ARE? MY DAD IS GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS FOR THI…” The boy’s rants were cut off when the lunch room door closed behind him and school security. The boy was another one who received a week’s suspension.

The experiences Marge and Kathy envisioned they’d have that day during school had been turned on their heads by what they actually experienced. Besides the applause when they walked to class, or in their classrooms, girls would often stop them and thank them for what they did to Tony and Patrick. The surprise for both girls were the times a shy boy would thank them, explaining how the two boys had been bullying the boy(s). If Marge and Kathy were surprised by the school’s reactions, Kathy was about to have her very own surprise. A surprise which occurred because of her standing up to the two boys and kicking their butts.

As usual, Kathy was the last girl out of the showers in her last period PE class, there was no need to hurry since school was almost over, and there were no more classes to attend. All ten girls were either completely naked or semi-naked when the door to the girls locker room opened and ten girls walked into the locker room. Nine heads snapped up and looked in the direction of the door when footfalls were heard walking in the locker room. Kathy wasn’t paying attention until she noticed the other nine girls had formed a wall in front of Kathy, blocking her from being seen by whoever had entered the locker room. When the ten girls were in sight, Debbie Marlow, never a timid one, asked, “What the hell do you all want?” Her voice was challenging and loud, indicating they weren’t going to take crap from the new girls, which brought Connie out of her office. Connie stood where she was, watching the new girls and her girls, waiting to find out what would happen before she acted; the new girls might not be a threat and if Connie reacted incorrectly, there might be more problems than wanted. The tension level dropped, somewhat, when they all heard, “Um...we’d like to speak with Kathy. She really did us a favor taking care of those two assholes. She also showed us something else.”

Debbie felt a hand on her shoulder, turned and saw Kathy standing behind her. “It’s okay, Debbie, they aren’t here to cause problems. But thank you for being my big sister in this.” Debbie got a surprise of her own as Kathy kissed her lightly on the cheek, before stepping between Debbie and another girl to stand in front of the other nine girls. As Kathy, and the nine girls in her class, stood looking at the ten girls who just came into the locker room, they all could see how embarrassed each girl appeared. How each girl felt as self-conscious as they looked, and how all ten were about to drop a boat load of tears. The real shock came when the girl who first spoke, did let her tears fall as she said, “We’re glad those two bastards are gone, I only wish we’d had the courage to fight back against them at the time.” Her lips were quivering now as she explained, “Those two pricks forced us to do things to them both. They threatened to do worse if we didn’t do what they said. The ten of us were so scared of what they’d do if we didn’t do what they told us. We were really scared of what our parents would do if they found out what they made us do.”

The question hung in the air until Kathy took it and asked, “How did Tony and Patrick force you to do anything to them? All you had to do was tell a teacher or go to the Principal, and tell them what those two pricks wanted.” The girl was crying now, and shaking her head, as the words stumbled from her mouth. “We...all...have...younger...sisters.” When the girl continued, her words were vicious, filled with hate, and venomous. “Those two BASTARDS threatened to go after our younger sister if we didn’t do what they wanted. We couldn’t let that happen, so we gave in to them.” Even though Kathy was naked, she stepped forward and pulled the girl into a hug, letting her cry on her shoulder. As the girl cried Kathy told her, “You might not believe this, but what you did for your younger sister was very brave of you. You could have thrown your sister to those bastards to save yourselves, but you didn’t. And I think when your parents learn why you did what you did, if they haven’t already, they will think you’re the bravest girl they’d ever seen. At least in your familys.” Nine naked, or semi-naked, girls each took one of the now crying new girls and held her as she cried. Connie watched as her girls comforted the ten girls, knowing what she’d like to do to two pieces of slime if she had the chance. ‘On the other hand,’ she thought to herself, as she watched the twenty girls in front of her. ‘Maybe those two bastards did this school an unexpected favor.’

The ten girls in Connie’s PE class had each stepped forward to comfort one of the ten girls who came into the locker room. Now, though, it looked as though those ten girls were comforting her girls, as Connie saw tears sliding down the face of each of those girls. She’d also watched the reaction when Kathy and Marge had walked into the cafeteria, and how students reacted when the girls, together or individually, walked down the halls to their classrooms. Those two bastards unwittingly had helped bring the students in West high together over a common foe. And at the same time, placed themselves in grave danger if they ever showed their faces at the school again. Connie had no doubt how the students, as a whole, would react if those two ever showed their faces here, at school, or anywhere, again in this City. She also had a feeling she knew what several parents would gladly do to those two.

There were giggles, when one of the girls said, “Oh, crap, I got your dress wet. I’m so sorry.” The giggles stopped when the girl said, “That’s okay, it was worth it. I really needed that hug. We were all so scared how all of you would react to what we had to tell Kathy.” It was Debbie who caused a cheer to go up from the twenty girls, and Connie to cover her ears, when she yelled, “BULLSHIT! WE’RE ALL SISTERS IN THE FIGHT AGAINST FUCKING BASTARDS LIKE THOSE TWO SHIT HEADS!” Connie would have a private word with Debbie later. The locker room got quiet as another of the ten girls who came into the locker room said, “We also wanted to tell you, Kathy, because of your courage being here in school today, after what happened last Friday, the ten of us went to Principal Stepel and told him everything we’d been through with those two animals. And why. And…” and here her story faltered, before she continued with, “um...he had to call our parents. So they know everything, and the why of it all. And you were right, they were proud of us standing up for our younger sisters, but sort of upset we didn’t come to them about it.” She started to cry again, and again was pulled into a hug.

The girl was still being hugged, but had calmed down, after several minutes. The other girls had been watching her, some tears leaking from their eyes. What caught everyone off guard was Kathy starting to chuckle, then outright laughing, which gained in intensity until she broke down and began sobbing so hard she made no sound. Debbie immediately grabbed Kathy and held her as she cried. Connie had been standing off to the side, watching the girls interplay, and now knew Kathy was doing more than just crying, not like she’d seen Kathy cry before. She went to the locker room door, poked her head out and told one of the football players guarding the door to go get Marge, it was an emergency. All of the boys escorting the girls knew the location of each class the girls were in, so Bruce, the boy Connie spoke to, ran off to Marge’s history class. He reached the classroom just as the last bell rang, dismissing school for the day. A student came out of that classroom so Bruce didn’t have to open the door and barge into the classroom. He saw Marge getting up from her desk and hollered, “Marge! It’s an emergency! Kathy needs you!” Thankfully for the other students in her class, when they heard ‘Kathy needs you’ they made ‘a hole’ as they watched Marge sprint out of the classroom; Marge would have run over each and every student in her way as she made her way out of the classroom.

Chapter 27

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