Wrong Place Right Time Chapter 22

Wrong Place

Right Time

By Jamie Lee

Most often people talk about being in the right place at the right time. Maybe they achieved a beautiful photo of a sunrise, or the antics of children or animals. Maybe they found something someone lost and received a big reward when it was returned. But how often do they talk about being in the wrong place at the right time? If they do, it’s often about the death of someone or maybe witnessing a crime. And if this is the case, they are sad or horrified. Walter Williams often is in the wrong place at the right time, though his reaction to the incidents he encounters is much different than anyone would expect. And, life-changing.

Chapter 22

Chinese food had always been the Williams comfort food when the family was stressed or just needed to be supportive of each other. They were familiar faces to the restaurant owner, and as usual, when they walked into the restaurant they were taken to their usual table in a quieter part of the restaurant. After the all were seated, had ordered their drinks, and their meals, it was Terry who started off by telling Thomas and Dorothy, “I want to tell you both, it’s been one trying day for us, let me tell you. First those morons for parents forced a hearing to try and prevent Walter from having her name changed--which they lost, big time. And now Shelby’s stupid ass sister sicks the CPS on us because she believed we’d forced Walter to live as a girl. Even after we explained to her, several times, what happened to him. But the best part was finding out our daughters have pledged themselves to each other.” The look on Dorothy and Thomas’ faces didn’t go unnoticed by Terry or Shelby, and Terry asked, “You two knew about this?”

It was Dorothy who replied with, “Terry, Shelby, it wasn’t that we knew they’d pledged themselves to each other, specifically, but rather that they were head over heels in love with each other. And not some puppy or hormonal love either. They are genuinely in love with each other.” Dorothy shrugged her shoulders then said, “They are soulmates, and will be together until it’s their time to move on.”

The four adults then looked at their daughters, who were holding hands and reaching up to the other and wiping tears off the others’ cheek. As Kathy wiped Marge’s cheek, they heard her say, “Yes, we are soulmates. And will be with each other until our lives end.” It was at that moment the two girls turned and hugged each other, with Kathy telling Marge, “I love you Marge,” and Marge telling Kathy, “I love you Kathy.” Both Thomas and Shelby suddenly had something caught in their throats, as both tried to clear their throats and hoped no one saw them wipe their cheeks. Dorothy and Terry were women, so didn’t care if anyone saw them take tissues out of their purses and dab at their eyes. Men!

They received a nice surprise when it was the owner herself who brought out their meals, and other items which she placed on the lazy-susan in the middle of the table. When everything had been placed on the table she bowed to them and said, “Yuàn nǐ de shēng huó yǒng yuǎn bèi wēn róu de fēng suǒ zhù fú. It means, ‘May your lives always be blessed by a gentle wind.’” Then she told them, “Your meals are on the house.” She then kissed Marge and Kathy on their cheeks before walking back toward the kitchen.

It took several moments before all six of them were able to pick up their jaws from the floor, but when they did, marveled at the dishes placed on the lazy-susan. And the ones they’d ordered. When everyone had subdued their appetites it was Shelby who broke the silence by telling Dorothy and Thomas, “When Terry and I learned of the promise rings, while we were speaking with our attorneys, we knew the girls were serious about each other. And that there would be a wedding sometime down the road, we set up provisions for their wedding and the likelihood they both would attend College/University. Or would begin an endeavor of their own.” Terry held Shelby’s hand under the table as he continued. “So we instructed our attorneys to set up a Trust Fund for both Marge and Kathy from the settlement we received today. They will be able to use it for anything needed for their College/University education, and/or to start their own business if they prefer. If they attend College/University, it will cover all costs associated with their education, for as far as they wish to go. If they start their own business, it will be their seed money, and money to keep their business going until it stands on its own. We’d, um, like this to be considered our wedding present to the girls.”

The girls already knew about the Trust Funds and the other items Terry and Shelby had discussed with the Marshalls, so nothing Shelby said was new to them. It was Marge’s parents the four were watching. Watching to see how they would react to the news.

What the four saw on Dorothy and Thomas’ faces was the look of ‘dumb foundedness,’ mixed with surprise, mixed with happiness, since they’d both talked about how to finance Marge’s College/University expenses. They had no doubt there’d be scholarships in her future, but what Terry and Shelby had done was fantastic and went a long way to relieving a lot of stress in their lives. It was Dorothy who took a tissue from her purse and began dabbing her eyes, as they filled with tears because of what Shelby just told them. And this time Thomas was not bashful of wiping tears off his cheeks as he told Shelby, “That is a wonderful wedding present for our girls. And it takes a lot of stress off of Dorothy and my shoulders, because we weren’t sure how we were going to pay for a lot of Marge’s College/University. I never expected we’d be sitting here, becoming a big family, the day I first saw Walter wheeled into the emergency room.

“And, um, there’s one other thing we need to tell the two of you,” Shelby told Thomas and Dorothy. “We also set up a payout plan that will put something into both girls’ savings accounts. Over four years we determined there’d be a substantial amount for them to help start their lives together, or for schooling, or what they each decide. This is our way of saying thank you to Marge for her continued support of Walter and now Kathy.” He then looked at both girls and told them, “You both understand, these savings accounts will be inaccessible until you both graduate high school. You both may contribute to them, but that’s all.” He then looked at his watch and said, “Oh, dear, it’s getting late, and these girls have school tomorrow.”

Hugs were exchanged, as well as a kiss between Marge and Kathy, as the Markman family stood on the front porch and watched the Williams family get into Shelby’s car. They waved as Shelby backed the car out into the street, and drove away towards their home. After Marge had gone to bed, Dorothy and Thomas celebrated their fortune as a loving couple often does.

Kathy was already up and in the bathroom the next morning, letting the water from the shower head rinse off the body wash she had used. She shut off the water, rang as much water out of her hair as she could, toweled herself off, and wrapped a towel around her head. She then put on the clean pair of panties and the bra she brought into the bathroom with her. She played with her hair a bit more with the towel before getting out the blow dryer and giving her hair a good going over. Once her hair was dry, she put on her robe and returned to her bedroom, where she put on the clothes she’d decided to wear to school that day. She added a bit of makeup to her face, and when she liked what she saw in the vanity mirror, slipped on her shoes and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

Terry and Shelby were already in the kitchen, Shelby just finishing his scrambled eggs and sausages, and Terry just getting started on hers. When Kathy came into the kitchen, both parents could see a slight spring in her step, and watched as she took a plate out of the cabinet, spooned the rest of the scrambled eggs out of the pan, and added two sausage links. She sat down in her usual place, reached for one of the glasses sitting on the kitchen table and poured herself a glass of orange juice, before digging into her breakfast. Terry looked at Shelby and both raised their eyebrows, before Shelby asked, “Got a bit of spring in your step this morning. Care to share?”

Kathy had just taken a fork full of scrambled egg into her mouth, and held up a finger as she chewed the mouthful. After taking a sip of her orange juice to wash down the scrambled eggs, she said, “Sure, what do you want to know?” And put a bit too big of a piece of sausage link into her mouth. Both Terry and Shelby gave her the ‘too big of a bite’ look as Kathy quickly chewed the sausage before swallowing. She got the other look from Terry, the one that said, ‘you know what we’re talking about.’ Kathy took another sip of her orange juice before telling her parents, “I’m just happy my name has been changed and the thing with those parents is over. And, of course, the Trust Fund will be there when Marge and I go to College/University. And...that I have two of the most wonderful parents in the whole world.”

Kathy’s last statement caused both of her parents to wipe their eyes and clear their throats. It wasn’t every day they heard parents tell of a child who said that to their parent(s). With a choked voice, Terry told Kathy, “That last statement of yours means a lot to your father and I. Thank you. You do know how much we love you, right? Walter or Kathy, it doesn’t matter to us. You’re our child and will always be no matter what comes along.” Still chewing on another bit of sausage, Kathy got out of her chair and went around to her parents where the three hugged until someone rudely burped and polluted the air around them.

Shelby finished his breakfast first, taking his plate and drinking glass to the sink, where he rinsed both off and put them in the dishwasher. He then gave Terry a kiss on the lips, then Kathy on top of her head, before bidding his ladies, “Have a nice day,” picking up his briefcase, opening the front door and walking out to his car. Both women heard his car start up and listened as the noise faded as Shelby backed his car out into the street and headed to the firm’s office.

Kathy glanced at the clock on the wall and saw their hug fest had put her behind getting her breakfast eaten, and going to the bathroom to brush her teeth. It took Terry telling her, “Slow down, or you’ll choke on something,” before Kathy slowed her eating. When she finished her breakfast, she did as her dad did, rinsed off her plate and drinking glass and put them into the dishwasher. She then headed upstairs to the bathroom where she brushed her teeth and reapplied her lip gloss, a little darker color this time. She then went into her bedroom, grabbed her backpack, and went back downstairs, where she found her mom standing by the front door, keys in hand. The both went out the front door, Kathy closing it behind her, and got into Terry’s car. The drive to Marge’s house seemed to take longer to Kathy, but a pat on the thigh by Terry helped to calm Kathy down. And after pulling into the Markman’s driveway and Marge came to Terry’s car, both Dorothy and Terry thought they saw two lovers who’d not seen each other in years. It took Terry to tell them, “If you two don’t stop greeting each other you’ll be late for school.” That caused both girls to blush, as Marge got into the front seat first, sitting next to Terry. Once Kathy was in the car, and had closed the front passenger door, Terry backed out of the driveway and headed for the high school. As she glanced at the girls, she saw they were again holding hands, both still wearing their promise rings.

Instead of letting the girls out as Terry usually did when they arrived at the high school, she found a parking place, since she and Kathy had to go to the school office to get Walter’s name changed on all of his school records. As they walked into the school and turned left towards the office, several of the students already there said hi to Kathy and Marge, but as some walked by they said just loud enough to be heard by all three, “Oooo, there go the lesbian queers.” It was Kathy who turned around and said, “Morning to you too, Carol.” But Carol didn’t get very far, as one of Robert’s men also heard what she said, and he told her, “Turn around and follow me, Miss Burns.” And together they headed for the school offices, and a nice chat with Tina.

Margot was the first to see the three enter the office, and informed Peter that his sister, niece, and his niece’s girlfriend were here. Peter came out of his office and his first words were, “Well, how’d it go?” Both Terry and Marge saw the smirk on Kathy’s face, and shook their heads, as she walked up to Peter and said to him, “Hello, Principal Stepel. I’m Katherine Elizabeth Williams,” and held out her hand to him. He took her hand, shook it, and told her, “Well, it’s nice to meet you Katherine Elizabeth Williams. And congratulations. Was it bad with the parents?” The smirk was back, the heads shook, as Kathy told her Uncle, “Naw, I just had a show and tell with the wives. And we almost needed doctors to sew their jaws back on their faces.”

Both Terry and Marge face palmed themselves, as it took Peter a moment to understand what Kathy had just said. He got a bit red in the face before asking, “You mean, you,” and he mimed taking his clothes off. Kathy nodded her head and replied with, “Yep, bare as the day I was born.” All four turned as they heard Margot chuckle, then heard a “What?” as she questioned why they were looking at her. “Well, if those old bitties didn’t want to believe what they read, then showing them was the next best thing, right?” Peter said something none of the women could hear, before taking them to the reception desk and explaining what needed done to one of the assistans behind the desk.

Terry then produced all of the documents needed to get Walter’s name changed on all of her school documents. They even took new pictures of Kathy for her school ID that now included Katherine Elizabeth Williams on it. Once Kathy and Marge were no longer needed, Peter told them they best get to class, and took Terry into his office where the two talked for almost an hour. During that almost hour, Peter learned everything which had taken place in the Courtroom and Judge’s chambers. And he was more than surprised by the amount of the settlement they’d received in lue of going to trial. He also heard that the girls had given each other promise rings, which were not driven by hormones or puppy love. But a true love for the other person. Terry told Peter that he’d be invited to their wedding, one day, after the two graduated high school.

After Terry left, Peter called Robert and asked that he keep their eyes open for anything against the girls, and why. It wasn’t long until there was a knock on his door, and after telling the person, “Enter,” he watched as Tina and Carol Burns walked into his office after opening and closing the door behind them. “Principal Stepel, it seems Miss Burns has something against Miss Stillman and Miss Williams, and she expressed herself to them this morning.” Tina then turned to Carol and told her, “Tell Principal Stepel what you called them, Carol.” Carol looked at the floor and said what she’d called the girls. It was Peter who said, “Miss Burns, look at me.” When Carol raised her head and looked at Peter, he then asked, “What did you say to them, Carol?” Neither Tina or Peter could tell if the tears they saw in Carol’s eyes were because she was angry, embarrassed, or sorry for what she’d said. But she told Peter, “I called them lesbian queers.”

As Peter got up from the chair behind his desk, he motioned for Tina to sit down, and asked Carol to sit as well. He then turned one of the other chairs in front of his desk around so he was facing Carol and asked her, “Carol, why would you call those girls that? How did they react when you called them that?” Carol was looking at her hands she’d placed in her lap, before saying, “Because that’s what I heard my parents call them. And all Kathy said to me was, ‘morning, Carol.’” In a gentle voice, Peter asked, “Do you know what happened to Walter in his science class? The whole story? The true story?” When Carol shrugged her shoulders and said, “No, just rumors,” Peter proceeded to tell Carol the whole story. Even the morning when Walter discovered he was no longer a boy. When Carol asked questions, he corrected the rumors she’d heard, giving her the truth about the rumor. When Peter had finished, all Carol said was, “Oh, boy. I messed up, didn’t I? Guess I’ve got some apologizing to do, huh?” When Peter told her, “Yes you did, and yes you do,” he then gave her a warning to not let it happen again. Because the next time she would have known better and would get two weeks detention after school. When Carol assured Peter, and Tina, it wouldn’t happen again, Peter told her she could go. Carol had opened Peter’s office door, stopped and looked from Tina to Peter before telling them, “I’m sorry for having caused a problem for you two,” and walked out of Peter’s office, closing the door behind her. Tina and Peter watched where Carol had been standing before Tina turned to Peter and asked, “Do we need another assembly?” Peter shook his head, then looked at Tina and told her, “Let’s wait and see if it’s needed. See if any others have moms and dads like Carol’s. I’d hate to rake the whole school over the coals just because of a few students. But if we hear about any more talk like Carol’s, then I guess it will be necessary. And maybe not just for the students.”

Kathy and Marge walking to class holding hands had become a familiar sight in the high school, so very few watched them as they walked first to Kathy’s hall locker and then Marge’s. There were a few, though, who felt like Carol once did, and they vowed to make sure the two got the message loud and clear. And those same students didn’t go unnoticed by Robert’s team members.

Marge and Kathy were not the first to walk into their first period science class, nor were they the last either. There had been a buzz heard coming from the classroom before they walked into the classroom, which stopped the minute they entered the classroom. And those students involved in the session breaking apart and going to their usual seats. Who these students were was not lost on Kathy or Marge, but unknown to Brigette as she walked into the classroom just after Kathy and Marge. “So, care to share with the rest of the class when everyone is here?” Brigette asked those now sitting in their regular seats. “I did catch a few words that have me worried, worried enough to have all of you, except Marge and Kathy, taken to the office and explain yourselves to Principal Stepel. Worried enough to have all of your parents called, even the police, after what few words I heard.”

More students entered the classroom until everyone had arrived just as the second bell rang. “Well, I’m waiting,” Brigette told the students who’d had their own little session before class. “For those of you who are wondering what I’m talking about, before Marge and Kathy, and myself, came into the classroom, six of your fellow students were having their own little session, a session which sounded like they were making plans to explain the way of life to Marge and Kathy. Those of you I’m talking about please stand up. NOW!” The six who’d been talking stood, most looking at the floor or somewhere else, while two were burning holes into Brigette’s eyes, angry they’d been singled out in front of the entire class. Brigette looked at the two angrily looking back at her and said, “Well, it looks like the two of you are the ring leaders of this little group, care to share with the rest of the class, or take a walk and make your explanations known to Principal Stepel? I can assure you, if you go see Principal Stepel you won’t like the results. You may even get to spend two weeks extra after school. So, talk here or I’ll have that lady standing at the back of the classroom march you six up to see Principal Stepel.”

Everyone turned to see Bobbie Hamphil standing at the back of the classroom. They’d been so busy paying attention to Brigette that they didn’t hear her come into the classroom, as she intended. Bobbie was one of two women on the school’s security force, and a woman many found out the hard way not to take lightly. Several of the larger male students thought they could take the petite woman, until they ended up face down on the floor. They hadn’t known she’d been an unarmed combat instructor while in the military. And Bobbie just smiled at the students, which was enough to get two of the six to start talking.

It was Patty Palmer who spoke first, saying, “The six of us decided we don’t want that queer faggot in our class any more,” and she turned to look directly at Kathy. “Its a fake, its nothing but a boy perverting the way it should really be. Boys are boys and girls are girls, and they can’t be the other.” It was then Doris who added, “And when we can, we’re going to explain that in detail to it.” As Brigette and Bobbie watched, two of the six sat down, one saying, “We tried to talk them out of this, Mrs. Stokes, when they talked about hurting Kathy. But they threatened us if we didn’t go along with them. Our parents are the ones who want us to hurt Kathy, because they don’t believe Walter ever turned into a girl because of that accident.”

The serious atmosphere of the classroom was broken by the laughter of first Kathy and then Marge. Both girls were belly laughing so hard, Brigette first thought they were laughing out of the thought of being physically hurt. But when they’d both slowly stopped laughing, it was Kathy who spoke.

“My gawd, you people are dumber than two pet rocks. Yesterday, after some of your parents lost in a major way trying to block my name change, I was allowed by the Court to change my name from Walter James Williams to Katherine Elizabeth Williams. Walter Williams no longer exists, either on paper or physically.” She looked at Brigette and said, “Mrs. Stokes, if you’ll permit me a few minutes I think I can clear up this whole stupid thing.” And when Brigette told her to go ahead, Kathy turned to Bobbie and asked her to bring all six girls to the class’s supply room. With Kathy in the lead, and Bobbie bringing up the rear, the eight walked into the supply room. A few moments later the entire class heard through the thin door, “NO FUCKING WAY;” “OH MY GAWD;” “Well I’ll be damn;” “You didn’t have surgery?;” “My parents are going to blow a gasket.” And a few moments later six dejected girls followed Kathy out of the supply room, followed by a chuckling Bobbie.

All six girls took their seats, looking a bit green around their gills. Both Patty and Doris had their heads in their hands, Doris saying, “My parents are going to flip out when I tell them about this.” She then looked up to Brigette and said, “They aren’t going to believe me, Mrs. Stokes. They may even come up to school and demand Kathy be kicked out of school.” Then Patty told Brigette, “Mrs. Stokes. I can guarantee my parents will come up to school and demand Kathy be kicked out of school, after I tell them what I saw. They won’t believe me when I tell them Kathy is a real girl.” The six girls who were forced to attend Kathy’s show and tell, knew now how wrong their parents were to think ‘Walter’ was trying to present himself as a girl. And how wrong they were to listen to their parents. After all six apologized to Kathy, it was Kathy who told them, “You six are learning something my parents have taught me from the time I was little. Listen to everything others say, but decide for yourself where the truth lies. And never be afraid to talk to the person who is at the center of any controversy, because they know the whole truth about themselves.” She then looked to Brigette and Bobbie, who was standing next to Brigette, and asked, “Wouldn’t you agree a lesson has been learned here and now? And that things have been settled? And maybe Principal Stepel can be told how we settled things, instead of these six girls needing to talk with him?”

All six girls were staring at Kathy, realizing she was pleading for them. Realizing she was trying her best to keep them from having to face Principal Stepel’s anger, as some have done. Realizing Kathy wasn’t angry with them, but showing them mercy. And all six realized they had tears slowly sliding down their cheeks. It was Doris who asked Kathy, “Why are you asking Mrs. Stokes all this? We were really going to hurt you, thinking you were still Walter as our parents said.”

Kathy looked at each girl one at a time, seeing how their tears were now black streaks lining their cheeks. She looked at the expecting Brigette and Bobbie, shrugged her shoulders and told them, “Because it’s the right thing to do. And you realized you were wrong, and admitted it. I have forgiven all of you, you learned a lesson, what can be gained if you have to talk with Principal Stepel? He’ll be told the matter was handled and settled, which is what he would want.” Everyone had been so intent on the six girls and Kathy that no one noticed Bobbie had left the classroom, a sure sign she was no longer needed in the classroom. A sure sign she agreed with Kathy that the matter had been settled. It was Brigette who voiced what Bobbie felt as she left the classroom, “Yes, Kathy, I think the matter has been settled, and lessons learned. And speaking of lessons, let’s see how much of our today’s class lesson we can get through. Shall we?” And with that, Brigette started the lesson she’d had planned, knowing Kathy had just gained six allies who were likely in for a rough time when they got home and told their parents what they saw today in the supply room.

It was rather strange how Bobbie always appeared in Kathy’s next class, and how one or two female students learned the same lesson Patty, Doris, and the other four girls learned. And how Bobbie left each class after the same scene played out, with each girl saying the same thing about her parents.

And both girl’s predictions, and the predictions of the other girls, proved true, as the next morning found angry parents demanding to see Peter, and also demanding that the ‘pervert’ be kicked out of school. Patty also came to school with a rather large bruise on the right side of her face, something that warranted action by the school.

Peter had been told by each of Kathy’s teachers of the scene in the classrooms, and how each had been settled, and of the predictions from each girl. Knowing the predictions might come true, he’d called Terry and told her what had happened and that she and Shelby might be needed at school the next day. He also suggested they contact Marshall and Marshall and have them be at school in the morning. And bring their amminuation with them. His preemptive actions proved a wise move.

As the angry parents arrived at the school the next morning, parents who hadn’t been party to the lawsuit brought against Walter Williams, were shown, in turn, to the big conference room. Where they found Terry and Shelby Williams and two other men already seated in the conference room. It did take long for the parents to recognize Terry and Shelby, and for the threats and insults against Terry and Shelby to begin. None of the parents spotted the recorder that Bret Marshall, Sr. had already placed in front of him on the table. Or that he had started recording the moment the first set of parents entered the conference room. Five sets of parents ended up in that conference room, and it was five sets of parents who were recorded making threats and insults to Terry and Shelby. And Kathy.

When the door to the large conference room opened again, it was Peter and Robert, along with three of Robert’s team, who entered the room. It was also at that moment five sets of parents all began at once to holler at Peter, each threatening him, the school, and of course, Terry, Shelby, and Kathy. Peter ignored them as he walked to the podium that was at the front of the room, while Robert and his team took up positions at the back of the room. Peter let them rant and rave for a full five minutes before he reached under the podium and pulled out a small horn, which he let blast until everyone had quieted down.

“Ah, there now, it’s quiet. So let’s have no more outbursts or the people at the back of the room will help you leave the school grounds. Now, let me make introductions all around, shall I?” Peter first introduced Terry and Shelby, Kathy’s parents. He then went on to introduce the parents, and the name of their child in the school. And when he introduced Bret Marshall, Sr. and Jr., and when Bret, Sr. made it known he was recording the meeting, and had been recording when the first parents entered the conference room, all hell broke out again. Some claimed it was an invasion of their privacy, until it was pointed out that Peter had given Bret, Sr. permission to record the meeting. Others claimed they’d been trapped, until it was pointed out that it was they who decided to say what they’d said without provocation of any kind. And still others threatened a lawsuit if the recording was made public, again being reminded they were in a public institution.

When all the objections to the recording of the meeting had been voiced and quashed, Peter turned the meeting with the parents over to Bret, Sr., who opened his briefcase and removed all of the same documents, pictures and images used during the meeting in Trudy’s chambers. “Ladies and gentlemen, sitting on this table are the exact same documents used to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Walter Williams no longer exists due to the accident he experienced in his first period science class. There are doctor statements and reports. There are photographs showing Walter, now legally known as Kathy, when he, now she, first arrived at the emergency room at the hospital. There are also a series of images taken when he, now she, first arrived and of her subsequent checkups. Ladies and gentlemen, because of that accident, and Walter’s exposure, now Kathy’s exposure, to a wide variety of chemicals, the DNA of his, now her body, was affected and transformed him into the young lady she is now. Those parents of the lawsuit even called in their own Ob-Gyn who examined Walter, now known legally as Kathy, and their own Ob-Gyn certified Walter, now known legally as Kathy, as 100 percent female. In every way. I would advise all of you to examine these documents and see the truth for yourself. Otherwise, if you still persist in making these outrageous demands, you will give the Williams no choice but to take all of you to Court for defamation of their daughter’s character. And threatening the lives of the Williams family. And I believe one of you is already going to face questioning by the police because of the bruise your daughter is sporting today. So, take as much time as you like, look over these documents, and the five of us,” and he indicated his son, Terry, Shelby, and Peter, “will leave you to yourselves. Understand. If we go to Court, I will seek to drain every one of your bank accounts dry, and then some. And with the documents before you, it WILL happen. The choice is yours.”

And with that, Terry, Shelby, Jr., Peter, and Sr. got up out of their chairs and left the conference room, running into a police detective and a person from CPS waiting in the hallway of the school office. Also waiting down near Peter’s office were Marge, Kathy, and Patty, who was sitting between Marge and Kathy. The two girls appeared to be consoling Patty, as Patty dabbed her eyes several times during Peter’s viewing.

As the five waited on the parents, they talked with the detective and the woman from CPS. “Principal Stepel, I’m detective Brian Grom. And this is Patricia Winslow, from child protective services. With the help of your Vice Principal, Patricia and I spoke with Patty Lunker while you were in with the parents. Because this appears to be an abuse case, we were within our rights to keep the young lady away from her parents while we talked with her. And it was as you suspected. When she told her parents about Kathy’s condition, they called her a liar, and her father slapped her hard enough to leave that bruise. It didn’t help that the force of the blow knocked her into the trim of the doorway between the living room and the kitchen. We think that may have been the actual cause of the bruise. As it stands right now, once you are finished in there,” and he pointed to the conference room, “Patricia and I will have a word with her parents. And depending how they respond to our questions, will determine whether we move Patty to one of her immediate relative’s homes. What I’m hoping is what little I heard you say, Mr. Marshall, they’ll realize the mistakes they’ve made and be as upset by what they did to their daughter as they are about the lies they’ve listened to. Either way, there’s going to be mandatory counseling in their future.”

In the pause with detective Grom, they all heard a heated discussion going on in the conference room, with the men unconvinced after reading the documents and looking at the photos and images. Then all of a sudden they heard from one of the women, “You assholes wouldn’t believe anything unless you stuck your dicks into it, now would you? The women in here have seen enough images in their lives to know the real thing when they see it. And we’re telling you, jackasses, those photos and images are the real deal. That accident Walter suffered through transformed him into this Kathy Williams. A very real girl. And I suppose none of you men would believe us unless you could fuck her. Right? None of you would believe us unless you could feel her up. Right? Well, Tommy Donald Lunker, you better get this through your thick skull right now. That young lady was Walter Williams, a boy, and is now Kathy Willaims, the girl. And unless you want to spend the rest of your days alone, and pleasing yourself, you’ll change that tune you’ve been whistling ever since you listened to that moron involved in that lawsuit. And you know what it cost them, right? Well, buddy, it ain’t gonna cost us nothing, not if I have anything to say about it. And from here on out, I do.”

There were a lot of suppressed chuckles from those standing just outside of the conference room, and a lot of surprises too. It was only a few moments later that Mrs. Lunker opened the conference room door and asked Peter, “Principal Stepel, would it be possible if we spoke with Kathy Williams? We have a personal question to ask her.” Detective Grom and Particia were lost as to why they wanted to speak with Kathy, but Peter, Terry, and Shelby had an idea why. The women in that room wanted a show and tell from Kathy, one that would put a lid on the arguing they’d heard coming from the conference room. Peter walked down towards his office, where Marge, Patty, and Kathy were sitting, and told Kathy, “The wives in the conference room would like to have a word with you. If you don’t mind.” Kathy looked at Marge, and Marge looked at Kathy before they said in unison, “A show and tell, again.” They then laughed at their own silliness before telling Peter they didn’t mind. Peter reminded Kathy it was only for her, but Kathy reminded Peter, “Marge has been my support throughout this whole stupid thing, and I’m not about to drop her like a rock now. And I want Patty to come with us.” Hearing her name spoken, and why, caused Patty to give Kathy a questioning look. And all Kathy said after shrugging her shoulders was, “Friends stick together through thick and thin. And you’re my friend.” Patty couldn’t help herself, and the tears fell from her eyes. After all the things she’d said about Kathy and to her, Kathy considered her a friend.

When the four walked back to the large conference room, five very grumpy men were milling about outside of the room. Each mumbling to themselves about this and that, and it was all a bunch of lies. Peter stopped when he reached the conference room, but Kathy went right ahead and opened the door, closing it after Marge and Patty had gone in behind her. The shade on the window in the door was pulled, and low voices could be heard from those standing quietly outside the room.

“So, let me guess,” Kathy boldly proceeded, “you still have questions and want to see the truth for yourselves? Right? You want a show and tell? If I show you mine,” and Kathy never finished what the smirk on her face said she was going to say, as Marge cleared her throat and told Kahy, “I don’t think you should finish that statement. We aren’t here to embarrass these ladies.” It took a few moments for some of the wives to realize what Kathy was about to say, and chuckled at the thought of them showing Kathy theirs if she showed them hers.

Kathy asked the ladies to sit down, and then went on to tell exactly what happened the day the accident occurred. And about the subsequent days as her boy body started changing. She explained the number of tests she’d endured, and the lack of definitive answers from any doctor who’d been consulted, as to why those chemicals her body had absorbed were affecting her DNA. Affecting it to the point of transforming her into the girl that stood before them at that very moment. And after her story, she very calmly disrobed down to her birthday suit. Even allowing the women to inspect her to make sure what they were seeing was the complete, whole, truth. That she was now a young fourteen-year-old girl. In every way a girl could be. Once Kathy had redressed, Mrs. Lunker raised the shade on the door window, opened the door and unceremoniously told the husbands, “Get your butts in here, NOW!”

Because of the tone in Mrs. Lunker’s order, and the look on her face, all of the husbands were as little boys who’d been caught smoking out behind the shed by their mammas. None said a word as they filed into the conference room, a wise move once they saw the angry looks on their wives. One of the other wives ordered, “SIT DOWN, YOU MORONS,” and each husband found the closet chair and dropped into it. Each not saying a word.

It was Doris’ mom who said, and in a very tightly controlled voice, “You stupid assholes almost caused us a lot of trouble, listening to your ‘good buddies’ like you did. That young lady right there,” and she pointed to Kathy, “is as much a young woman as we ourselves used to be at her age. There is no boy under her clothing, she has everything that you’ve seen on us many a time during our marriages. But that could change at any minute, if you catch my drift. And I mean permanently. All those documents, photos and images, that you butt holes dismissed, are completely true. We tried to tell you that but, nooo, you wouldn’t believe us. Well, ask any of us and we’ll tell you the same thing. Kathy matches every photo and image, and doctor’s report lying on that table,” and she pointed to everything scattered on the table. “Gentlemen, your future with us depends on a few things. One, we’re going to marriage counselling. And it’s not an option. You may think our marriages have been peachy, but let me tell you they’ve been anything but, with all of you acting like you’re the king of your castle. And you’re going to get up off your butts and help more around the house. Nothing major, just cleaning here and there, and helping with the dishes and such. Because right now, gentlemen, you all are on the verge of being single again. Think about that for a few moments. And Mr. Lunker, I believe two people at the back of the room would like to have a word with you after we’re done here. Am I right, sir?” And she looked at detective Grom, who nodded his head.

After what Mrs. Palmer had just said, their husbands looked as though they’d had a severe session with the school principal. And most cringed when they heard the price of what their stupidity was going to cost them. But even though they were pig-headed in many ways, their wives still were in love with them, and honestly wanted a better marriage than what they’d had for the past several years. It was another of the wives who said, “Kathy, I can see all of this has been difficult for you, but I think it was meant to happen. I think you are meant to open people’s eyes to look past what people see on the outside and look to what’s on the inside of a person. My husband can be a jerk at times, like now. But he’s my jerk, and I want to grow old with him.” A lot of feelings were ripped open in that conference room during that meeting with Peter. And although it’s said grown men don’t cry, none of the husbands in that room seemed to have remembered that saying. As not one of them had a dry eye after what they’d just heard. Even Mr. Lunker apologized to Patty for hitting her, and asking her to forgive him. When Peter, detective Grom, and Patricia saw Patty and her dad hugging, both crying, they knew the mistakes which had been made were going to be mended in time, and the two people left the conference room.

The husbands then made the rounds, apologizing to Kathy and her parents, and to Peter for causing a needless problem. But what the one wife said resounded in the minds of Marge, Terry, Shelby, Peter, and Kathy. Had Walter’s accident actually been an accident? Or might it have been something more? Something that would bring out an attitude in other people, an attitude they never realized they had? Something that would help others grow in ways they’d never considered? Something that was meant to teach people to look at a person’s actual self, and not what shows on the outside?

Chapter 23

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