Wrong Place Right Time Chapter 20

Wrong Place

Right Time

By Jamie Lee

Most often people talk about being in the right place at the right time. Maybe they achieved a beautiful photo of a sunrise, or the antics of children or animals. Maybe they found something someone lost and received a big reward when it was returned. But how often do they talk about being in the wrong place at the right time? If they do, it’s often about the death of someone or maybe witnessing a crime. And if this is the case, they are sad or horrified. Walter Williams often is in the wrong place at the right time, though his reaction to the incidents he encounters is much different than anyone would expect. And, life-changing.

Chapter 20

When they entered the Courthouse, both Marshalls were waiting for them, as were the school attorneys. Everyone greeted each other before, with the Marshalls leading, headed to the Courtroom where their hearing was to be held. As they walked a woman came up to the group and asked if she could speak with the Marshalls and the other attorneys. The Marshalls knew the woman, Carol Backton, a lawyer in private practice with her partner Toni Sumer. “What is it, Carol?” Bret Sr. asked. “Bret, after Toni and I went over everything sent to us for this hearing, and asking those in the know, we tried our darndest to talk those folks out of this lawsuit. We told them they didn’t have a chance in hell of winning anything they sought. But they were adamant about going through with it, not believing they are going to lose. Toni and I are on your side, though we’ll have to put on the best case we can. I just wanted you to know there are no hard feelings between us on this one.” Bret Sr. took Carol’s offered hand, shook it, then told her, “Carol, there are never any hard feelings between our firm and yours. As long as it’s a good fight.” They both smiled at each other, before dropping hands and going towards the Courtroom.

They hadn’t gone more than a few feet more, when a woman stepped in front of Kathy and told her, “Well, well, looky here. Here’s that faggot queer who thinks he’s a girl. Well let me tell you something sissy boy, when we get through with you, you’re going to wish you’d never had a thought of trying to be a girl.” All four attorneys, Terry, Shelby, and Marge held their breaths, watching to see what Kathy would do.

Kathy didn’t shy away from the hateful look in the women’s eyes. She chuckled, got a big smile on her face, then told the woman, “I thank you for your opinion, but I think you’re going to learn something today you will find hard to believe. But true nonetheless. Have a good day.” Having said that, Kathy walked around the woman and continued heading to the Courtroom.

The group had almost reached the entrance to the Courtroom, when a big man stepped in front of Kathy and almost yelled, “If you were my son I’d beat the living hell out of you to knock that silly ass shitting idea of being a girl out of your head.” Conversation in that hallway stopped, and every head turned to look at Kathy as she started fully laughing. It was some minutes until she could stop long enough to tell the man, “Sir, there is no way I could ever be your son. It is no longer possible for me to be any man’s son. But thank you for your opinion.” As Kathy was about to step around the man, Terry saw the man start to bring his arm up and rushed to stand before him with fire in her eyes. Her breasts were pressed right into the man’s chest, as she growled at him, “If you want to walk out of this Courthouse with the same manly equipment you came in with, you best not raise that arm any higher. Or I WILL rip your equipment off your body and feed them to you.” Even though the man was a good foot taller than Terry, and several pounds heavier, the look in Terry’s eyes caused him to back up, turn away and go into the Courtroom. That was another exchange that hadn’t gone unnoticed by those in the hallway. Including all of the security cameras in that area.

The eight were finally able to enter the Courtroom without any further trouble, both Marshalls going up to the defendants table and the school attorneys sitting with the Williams family and Marge in the gallery. It wasn’t long before they heard, “All rise,” and stood up as the judge came into the Courtroom from her chambers. They then heard, “The honorable Judge Trudy Sharp proceeding.” Judge Sharp sat down, banged the gavel, then said, “You may be seated.” As they watched, the court clerk stood before the bench and read aloud, “Charles Templeton, et al. versus Walter Williams, case number 102562.” After he sat down, judge Sharp asked, “Is counsel for the plaintiffs ready?” After they said they were, she asked, “Is counsel for the defense ready?” And Marshall Sr. said, “Yes we are your honor.”

The Williams family and Marge were sitting directly behind the Marshalls. The two individuals, and many others of like mind, were sitting in one section of the gallery. Trudy had reviewed the case, even consulted her own specialists about some of the material in the case file. Even her own Ob-Gyn had looked at the images, and told her that she was looking at the images of a very healthy young girl. Every person she had consulted told her the same thing, this young girl was very healthy. And when she consulted a chemist friend she knew, after looking at the list of chemicals which had contaminated Walter’s body, she couldn’t believe the boy was still alive. When Trudy posed the main question to her, about transforming a boy into a girl, the woman could not give Trudy a definitive yes or no. There were just too many variables to take into consideration.

Trudy had always been of the mind that as long as a person wasn’t harming another person, they had a right to control their own body. And that included operations which changed the person’s gender. She’d had a few friends over the years that were transgendered and saw how much happier they were after their operation. But what the documents, medical reports, pictures and images showed, was not a boy who’d had an operation to change his gender, but a boy who had been transformed after being contaminated by a wide variety of chemicals. And she couldn’t understand how Charles Templeton, et al. couldn’t see that. After she read through all of the documents, and consulted others, she’d decided on trying to nip this whole thing in the bud.

“Will Counsels approach the bench,” she said, then waited until all four attorneys were standing before her. Trudy put her hand over the microphone on the bench, then addressed the lead attorney for the plaintiffs by saying, “Ms. Backton, have you talked with your people about all of this? Gone over everything you have about this case? And I don’t mean just a glancing blow, I mean covered everything in detail?”

Carol Backton was the lead attorney for the group of parents who were out to stop Walter from changing her name and going to school dressed as a girl. “Your honor,” she began, “I’ve talked to them until I’m blue in the face. My partner and I brought in specialists who went over everything and came to the same conclusions we have. And they told those parents that very thing. But, your honor, they will not drop the suit. They don’t believe what our specialists said or what we say. They simply do not believe the accident at the high school changed a boy into a girl. They are of the opinion he is still a boy who is trying to be a girl.” And that was the opening Marshall Sr. had hoped for.

Bret Sr. asked, “Your honor, may I confer with my client for a moment? I think we can shorten this hearing by several hours if I can have a few moments.” Trudy nodded her head, and Bret Sr. walked back to the defense table, walked around it and leaned over the rail to ask Kathy, “Did your mom speak to you and ‘show and tell?’” Terry and Shelby had leaned over to hear what Bret Sr. softly asked Kathy, and it was Terry who said, “We talked about it, but I left it up to Kathy to make the decision.” Kathy nodded her head at what her mom said, then told Bret Sr., “I have been thinking about it. Though I’m worried that if I do that, those old bittys will each have a heart attack.” There were chuckles all around, before Kathy said, “But yeah. Let’s go give those pricks a thrill.”

Bret Sr. walked back up to the bench and told judge Trudy, “Your honor, we have a solution that would shorten this hearing my hours. If you’d approve.” Both Trudy and Carol had puzzled looks on their faces, with Carol asking, “What’d you have in mind?” Bret Sr. smiled and told Trudy and Carol, “Show and Tell.” It was Trudy who caught on first and asked, “You mean, your client undresses and shows the plaintiffs the truth? All of the plaintiffs? The men too?” Bret Sr. shook his head and replied, “No, your honor, just the women. Have everyone assemble in your chambers. We show everyone Walter’s fingerprints, the ones on file with the high school and those taken when he was admitted to the hospital. And if they contest that, then Walter can give another set of fingerprints and they can bring in their own consultant to verify the prints. Of course that will take time, and maybe give them something more to think about so my client doesn’t have to undress in front of anyone.”

Carol and Trudy were nodding their heads at Bret Sr.’s idea. Then Trudy told the two attorneys, “They won’t have to find their own fingerprint consultant, we have a fingerprint man upstairs.” Trudy motioned to one of her bailiffs, who came over and heard, “Go upstairs and get, oh, what’s his name? The fingerprint guy. Tell him to bring his equipment to my chambers, pronto.” The bailiff nodded, then left the Courtroom. Trudy then had Carol and Bret Sr. step back, took her hand off of the microphone, and said, “I want to see all parties in this case in my chambers.” She banged her gavel, the clerk said, “All rise,” and everyone involved in the case followed Trudy into her chambers. Bret Sr. held the Williams family back to let the angry parents go first, he didn’t want any more incidents. He told Marge she’d have to stay in the gallery, but Terry told him it was best if she stayed with Kathy; she helped keep Kathy calm. Bret Sr. understood, and led the Williams family, Marge, and Bret Jr. into Trudy’s chambers.

Trudy had taken off her robe, hung it up and walked over to a small fridge to get a bottle of bottled water. She’d just sat down in the chair behind her desk when the first of the parents started walking into her chambers. She could tell it was going to be trying, when one of the men asked, “What the fuck are we doing here? Why aren’t you out their roasting that queer’s butt?” Trudy had just cracked the cap on the bottle of water when the man asked his questions. She sat the bottle of water on her desk and told the man, “Sir, you don’t not dictate what goes on in MY Courtroom. And you do NOT come into a judge’s chambers making any demands or use that type of language, unless you want to be a guest of our exquisite accommodations.” The man knew she meant jail, so backed up to try and hide himself in the crowd of other parents.

It got even nastier as the Williams family, and Marge, walked into Trudy’s chambers. “What the fuck is that sissy boy doing here?” One woman asked. Another said, “He should be taken out and fixed so he can’t breed any more queer perverts.” When Terry stepped in front of a man who started for Kathy, Trudy shouted, “ENOUGH. EVERYONE SHUT UP AND BACK UP!” Seeing the look on Trudy’s face caused all of the parents to move themselves to one side of Trudy’s chambers, while the defendants stood on the other side. There was a knock on the chamber’s door, and when it opened, the bailiff came in with a man carrying a case behind her. “Here he is, your honor,” she told Trudy.

The court reporter had set up his machine in a corner that kept him out of the way. He sat down, poised his fingers over the machine, and began pressing keys when Trudy started speaking. Trudy turned to face the still angry parents and told them, “I have reviewed everything about this case. I even consulted experts on a lot of the material for this case, and I have to tell you people, you’re a bunch of idiots. You don’t have a chance in hell of winning this case. I know your attorney will put on a good case, but after the defence calls expert after expert, you will lose. Now, there is a simpler way to handle this mess and that’s to show you copies of Walter’s fingerprints that are on file with the high school, that were taken at the hospital, and that will be taken here today. And if you still aren’t convinced Walter isn’t the young lady you see before you today, then all of you men will leave my chambers and you ladies will get to see Walter in the buff. What do you say, parents?”

Carol was standing with the parents, nodding her head at them. But even her encouragement wasn’t enough to prevent some of the husbands to say, “You’re not going to have that fairy undress before my wife. I’ll kick your fucking ass if you try it.” Trudy didn’t say a word, as the bailiff still in her chambers walked over to the man, told him he was under arrest for threatening a judge, handcuffed him and took him out of Trudy’s chambers. That caused several other husbands to abruptly close their mouths. Trudy saw the reaction and said, “A wise move, gentleman. Now mister fingerprint man, Tommy, oh gawd, I remembered your name. Now Tommy, if you would be so kind as to get Walter’s prints so we can compare them to the other prints we have, maybe we can get this case settled. And go home early.”

Tommy then asked for Walter to step forward, and watched as Kathy stepped over to him. He set up everything he’d need to take fingerprints, and when he was ready, instructed Kathy to, “Just relax your hand. Let me do the work, okay?” When he’d taken prints of both of Kathy’s hands, he handed her a wipe to clean the ink off her fingers. He then took the prints Trudy held out to him, laid all three out on her desk and began comparing the ones he just took with the ones Trudy handed him. One of the women was a bit impatient and angrily asked, “Well, is that the queer’s fingerprints or not?” Trudy looked at the woman and gave her a Judge’s look, which shut the woman right up. Those on the defense side just smiled, as the court reporter kept pressing the keys on his machine. After a few minutes Tommy looked at Trudy and told her, “All of the prints are a match. One hundred percent.” Trudy thanked him, told him he could go, and listened to the parents complain that prints don’t prove a damn thing. And it was the very thing they’d been leading up too.

When Trudy gave the parents the ‘look,’ they all shut up in a hurry. “People, we felt just fingerprints wouldn’t be enough to prove this young lady is indeed a young lady,” and she pointed to Kathy, “so I want all of you gentlemen to leave these chambers, you ladies stay. Mr. Court reporter, please get your replacement and have her come into my chambers.” All hell broke loose when Trudy told the men to leave. “I’m not going anywhere and leave my wife in a room with that faggot. Not today, not no time.” Another said, “What the fuck do we have to leave? I’m not going anywhere.” When the husbands got upset, Trudy’s bailiff had stepped out of her chambers. And when she returned, there were four other bailiffs with her, each holding two pairs of handcuffs. In a calm voice Trudy asked, “Well, gentlemen, what’s it going to be? Leave on your own or join your friend in our fine accommodations? Your choice.” The husbands quickly got quiet, and started walking out of Trudy’s chambers, followed by both Marshalls and Shelby. A woman now sat where the male court reporter had sat, fingers poised over the keys of the machine.

“Ladies, you’ve failed to believe what your attorneys have told you. You’ve failed to believe what the experts they brought in told you. Now you’re going to see for yourself that Walter Williams is no longer a male. And before you ask, no, he has not had any surgery. What you will see is the result of being exposed to chemicals during an accident in the supply room of the science class.” Terry and Marge both shook their heads as they saw not only the smirk on Kathy’s face but a feral look as well. And both palmed their faces as Kathy said, “Ladies, you might want to sit down for this.”

When all of the wives found a place to sit, Kathy reached behind her and pulled down the zipper of her dress, handing it to her mom. She stepped out of it and took off the slip she was wearing, also giving it to her mom. She was now standing before the wives in her panties and bra, and asked, “Ladies, I will undress further but am hoping you’ve seen enough.” One of the wives snarked, and said, “Bullsht, you’re wearing breast forms and have tucked your dick between your legs.” Kathy just laughed, as she reached behind her and unhooked the straps of her bra, giving it to Terry. She then used her hand to demonstrate to the woman that she wasn’t wearing breast forms, that her small breasts were real. Then, and Terry and Marge saw it, Kathy took her time pulling down her panties and sexually stepping out of them. Twirling them around one finger before handing them to her mom. And there she stood, completely naked before the wives, who were shocked by what they saw. The woman who accused Kathy of tucking her penis, came over and actually bent down and looked closely at Kathy’s groin. When she stood up, she said, “Oh holy shit. She is a girl.” One of the wives wasn’t as convinced and walked up to Kathy and started to touch Kathy’s groin, but had her hand grabbed by Kathy and told, “Sorry, you aren’t my type.” She gave Kathy a dirty look, and stomped back to the other women.

While Kathy stood naked before the wives, Trudy asked them, “Well, ladies. Convinced?” The woman who tried to touch Kathy’s groin, and two others, told Trudy it was all a hoax. That Walter was wearing something that made him look like other girls down there. Trudy just smiled at the women and asked, “Do any of you have a gynecologist you could call to come to the Courthouse? You could have Kathy examined by that gynecologist. Oh, and don’t forget to tell him, or her, why you want them to come to the court house.” Several of the women pulled out their cell phones and made the call. All but one were unable to come to the court house, and the one who would, would be there in about thirty minutes. Trudy told Kathy to get dressed, no sense of her standing around naked for thirty minutes. Trudy asked for the doctor’s name, then had her bailiff go to the foyer and wait for the doctor.

Thirty five minutes later there was a knock on Trudy’s chamber door, which opened and her female bailiff came in carrying a blanket and pillow, followed by a woman carrying a black bag. When the woman saw the assembled group, and one woman she knew, she asked that woman, “Paula, what’s going on? And why am I needed?” Paula’s spine was still stiff and pointed and said, “That fa…,” but never finished the word as Trudy gave her a Judge’s look. “That thing over there thinks it’s a girl, but it’s actually a boy underneath those clothes. We saw it naked, but its put on something so it hides its boy parts and fake breasts.” Seeing the smug look on Paula’s face made Terry want to walk over and slap the woman into last year.

“Ah, excuse me, but could you please address me, Doctor…?” Trudy said to the woman talking to Paula. “Oh, excuse me, your honor. I’m doctor Mary Tuner, Ob-Gyn. But why am I here?” Mary was very confused, why had she been asked to come to the Courthouse? Was there an emergency of some type? “Um, your honor. I’m rather confused. Is there a medical reason I’m here?” Mary asked, and Trudy nodded her head and asked Mary to sit down. When Mary was seated, Trudy explained the nature of the case, even giving her Trudy’s own case file. Everyone was quiet as Mary looked over everything in the folder Trudy gave her. Mary held some of the images up to the light, before looking at Trudy and asking, “Okay. All of this pertains to a normal teenage girl, about fourteen, I’d say. So, why am I here? Surely the doctors who examined this girl can help you better than I can?”

Trudy took a deep breath, then told Mary, “That’s part of the problem, doctor. You see, those ladies over there won’t believe their own eyes or listen to anyone connected with this case. They think everyone is in on trying to pull the wool over their eyes. You are here to give that young lady,” and Trudy pointed to the folder Mary was holding, “a complete gynecological exam.” When Mary looked over where Marge and Kathy were standing, Kathy raised her forearm and wiggled her fingers at the doctor. “Hi ya, doc. Those are my insides you’re looking at,” Kathy told the woman in a casual voice. Mary stared at Kathy for a long moment before asking, “And these photos of the boy with all the cuts. That’s you? And in the other photos? You as well?” Kathy nodded her head and simply said, “Yep, that’s me before now,” and ran a hand from her head down to her feet.

Mary turned her attention back to the photos, and found the one whe wanted. Then she said, “If you’re really the boy in these pictures, then you should have a cut, or scar, just below your right shoulder blade. Mind if I look?” Kathy turned her back to the doctor and told her, “Be my guest, doc.” Mary got up out of her chair, walked over to Kathy, pulled the zipper of the dress down far enough to expose Kathy’s shoulder blades, and without difficulty, saw the still pink scar just below Kathy’s right shoulder blade. She zipped up Kathy’s dress, then returned to her chair, returning to the folder and the reports from Drs. Taylor and Stomer. She then turned to Paula and asked, “So you think all this is a hoax? That there’s a boy under those clothes? Because I have to tell you, after examining these documents, that young lady is no longer a boy. But a girl in every way.” Paula started to say something nasty, but one look from Trudy and she snapped her mouth shut.

Trudy got Mary’s attention by saying, “Doctor Tuner. You can use the conference table over there,” and Trudy pointed to the far end of her chambers. “I had my bailiff bring a blanket and pillow so Walter doesn’t have to lay directly on the surface of the table. Doctor, I’m trying to help these, um, ladies over there, see they are not going to win the lawsuit they’ve brought before this Court. And they won’t be satisfied until someone not involved in this case proves, or disproves, what they believe. So, will you help us?” Mary turned to Kathy and said, “Get up on that table, young lady.”

The chairs were pulled away from the conference table, as Kathy once again got completely undressed. The bailiff spread the blanket over the surface of the table and laid the pillow where she thought Kathy’s head would lay. Mary had sat her bag down on the right side of the table, opened it before going to the sink in the chambers and washing her hands. When she came back to the conference table, she pulled out a pair of disposable gloves and put them on. She then took out a towel, placed it on the conference table, and then a speculum and set it on the towel. When Kathy saw the speculum she asked, “Um, doc? Have you warmed that thing yet? It was quite a shock during my first ever exam because it was so cold.” Mary chuckled and told Kathy, “I’m afraid not. At least for your second exam you’ll know what’s coming.” When Mary was ready she instructed Kathy to get up on the conference table, with her feet facing her. She had Kathy just lie on the table, legs straight, and arms at her side. And Mary proceeded to give Kathy as complete an exam as she could given the circumstances.

When Mary had finished her preliminary physical exam, she had Kathy move up so her butt was at the edge of the conference table. With Terry and Marge acting as stirrups, Mary then proceed to give Kathy an internal exam. Kathy’s “geez that’s cold” caused Terry and Marge to laugh, but did nothing to warm the speculum. When Mary was finished, she told Kathy, “You can get dressed now, dear. I’m all through.”

As Terry and Marge helped Kathy get off the conference table, and Mary wrapped the speculum in the towel, put it into her bag, then went and washed her hands, Paula couldn’t remain quiet any longer. “See, what did I tell you, Mary. That faggot has something on him to hide his dick and balls. See, didn’t I tell you?” As Mary washed her hands, she started shaking her head. “Ahh, sorry to burst your bubble, Paula. But that young lady IS a young lady. She has a vagina, a curvex, a uterus, and the other two organs necessary to have children. In short, Paula, she is a girl.” Mary turned off the water, dried her hands, then walked back over to sit in the chair before Trudy’s desk. “Your honor, that person right there,” and she pointed to Kathy, “is one hundred percent female. Her breasts are real, not fake. Her vigina is real, not some appliance. And there’s not a chance that what I observed inside her is fake. So, Paula,” Mary said, as she turned to face Paula, “still think she’s a boy underneath those clothes? Because if I’m called to testify I’ll tell out there what I’m telling you in here.” Then Mary turned to Kathy and said, “Young lady, be very careful, because it doesn’t look like you’d have any trouble getting pregnant.” There was a screech before Paula and the other six ladies stormed out of Trudy’s chambers, with Carol trying to catch up with them. When Kathy was dressed, Trudy told her bailiff to let the Marshalls back into the chambers. She had a feeling they’d have a few questions for Mary. And they did, which confirmed what everyone had been telling the parents who brought the lawsuit.

After a few minutes there was a knock on the chamber door. When the bailiff opened it, Carol walked in with both an angry and frustrated look on her face. All she said was, “Those damn fools still don’t believe Walter is now a girl.”

Trudy had tried to be patient with everyone. Meeting in her chambers was out of the ordinary, but not illegal. She even agreed to have their own Ob-Gyn doctor examine Kathy, but now she’d had enough of their foolishness. She looked at her bailiff and said, “Bring those stupid people back in here. It’s time they learn what they’re facing when they lose this case.” She then looked at Bret Sr. and asked, “Are your other documents prepared?” Bret Sr. had a predatory smile on his face when he answered, “They are your honor. And have been since this case began.” Nodding her head, Trudy said, “Good. Let’s show those fools a bit of reality, shall we?”

Chapter 21

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