Wrong Place Right Time Chapter 27

Wrong Place

Right Time

By Jamie Lee

Most often people talk about being in the right place at the right time. Maybe they achieved a beautiful photo of a sunrise, or the antics of children or animals. Maybe they found something someone lost and received a big reward when it was returned. But how often do they talk about being in the wrong place at the right time? If they do, it’s often about the death of someone or maybe witnessing a crime. And if this is the case, they are sad or horrified. Walter Williams often is in the wrong place at the right time, though his reaction to the incidents he encounters is much different than anyone would expect. And, life-changing.

Chapter 27

The door to the girls locker room was held open by another of the football players as Marge came running towards the locker room. A ‘thanks’ was heard by Marge as she flew past him and towards her love. She heard the reason she’d been called the minute she entered the locker room, Kathy was having another meltdown. She rushed up to Debbie holding Kathy and softly told her, “I’ve got her, thanks,” before telling Kathy, “I’m here, baby girl, I’m here.” Marge pulled Kathy to her as she backed up against the bench in front of Kathy’s locker. Sitting down, she let Kathy crawl into her lap and held her as Kathy broke down even harder, now that Marge was holding her. The other girls found a place to sit, or quickly dressed, since their getting dressed had been interrupted by the ten girls coming into the locker room. Once dressed, they too sat down but in front of their lockers.

When Kathy had calmed down to a whimper, Connie then softly asked Marge, “Should I send for Jenny? I know you two have an appointment with her, but maybe she needs to help Kathy now.” Marge shook her head, telling Connie, “Thank you for asking, Mrs. O’Conner. But I don’t think Kathy is quite finished yet. I think she was about to tell the girls something and was overcome with emotions. This kind of thing happened a few times over the weekend, and usually resulted in Kathy finally being able to say what she wanted without melting down again, once the emotions were out of her system.” Connie watched as Kathy nodded her head in agreement with Marge’s statement.

When Kathy had completely calmed down, she took a deep breath, got off Marge’s lap and sat beside Marge, leaning her head on Marge’s shoulders, with Marge’s arm around Kathy’s waist. No one said a word, as Kathy took another deep breath and said, “I apologize to all of you for the meltdown. What was being said hit me harder than I realized it would. When you talked about your parents finding out what those two bastards made you do, or they’d go after your younger sisters. How about your parents finding out you’re turning into a girl? Or this entire school? Talk about being scared, I was terrified. Your parents would be horrified because of what you were made to do, you were already girls. But a boy transforming into a girl? How were my parents going to react? Can you imagine the fear I had at the time? The double fear? I was becoming a girl, how could I be a girl like the rest of you? All of you have grown up being girls, learning what it means to be a girl, and all the pitfalls. But I was being thrown into the deep end of the gender pool and told to swim as a girl. How? What did I know spit from anything about being a girl? I’d been a boy for the past fourteen years. I knew boy, not girl. Thankfully, my parents were there for me, as was this beautiful young woman holding me. A beautiful young woman I dearly love with all my heart. Another thing many would object to, and have. But the real fear which played on my mind was being accepted by others, and those at this high school. If you all would remember, things didn’t go well when I could no longer hide the fact I was becoming a girl because of that accident. Given the school news drums, I’m sure you all heard about the treatment I received from many in this school. At the time, I handled it like I would have when I was Walter, and got up off the ground and continued on.”

As the other girls listened, and watched, tears fell from Kathy’s eyes as she continued with, “And then Tony and his brother, Patrick, came to our school. Two animals who thought they could take from any girl what they wanted.” The venom Kathy put into those words caused chills to run up the spines of the other girls, none had ever seen Kathy so angry before. They hoped they never had her that angry at them.

Kathy continued by saying, “Those two assholes caused me to wonder why I was transformed into a girl. A person who boys and men only saw as having one function, to get between our legs in order to satisfy their animal desires. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying all men or boys think this way, but those who do, like those two animals, made me want to become Walter again. Something I knew was impossible. I was now a girl, like it or not. And I had to make the most of it by learning how to be a girl. My past fourteen years can’t help me now, can’t help me be the girl I am now. I can tell all of you how to be a boy without any problems. I was learning to be a boy while all of you were learning to be girls. I was getting along okay until last Friday, when I received a hard lesson on why being a girl can be scary.” She got quiet after that, Marge still holding her and Kathy’s head still resting on Marge’s shoulder.

The silence was broken when Debbie cleared her throat, wipped her eyes and told Kathy, “Kathy. Like I said before. We’re all sisters here. We’re all girls, though we sometimes don’t get along. We’re still sisters. And we have to stick together, even welcoming a new sister into our fold.” The others watched as Debbie stood up, walked over to Kathy, kissed her on the cheek, hugged her, and told her, “Welcome sister, I’ll help you any way I can.” Connie had to hide herself for a bit, as she watched girl after girl welcome Kathy into the sisterhood, in order to hide the tears falling from her eyes, as each girl followed Debbie’s lead. Marge and Kathy were the last girls to leave the locker room. With Marge still holding Kathy tightly, the two girls let their escort lead them to their appointment with Jenny, who would know about the locker room from the call she received from Connie. A tearful Connie.

The four football players with the girls watched as the girls went into Jenny’s office, before they left to do other things; School security would watch the girls now, making sure they made it safely to their ride when it arrived.

The minute Jenny saw Marge and Kathy, with Marge supporting a very distraught Kathy, she knew what Connie told her wasn’t as complete as she first thought. “Hi girls,” Jenny said as the two girls came into Jenny’s inner sanctum. Jenny could tell just by looking at both girls that they both needed water to replenish the tears they’d shed. “Here,” and Jenny handed each of the girls a bottle of bottled water, and told them, “drink a good portion of the water, you need it.” Jenny chuckled to herself as Marge drank about a fourth of her bottle of water, while Kathy drained her entire bottle in one drink. Jenny took another bottle of bottled water from her small fridge, handed it to Kathy and told her, “A little slower this time, yes?” A smirk played across Kathy’s lips as she replied, “Yeah, okay. I was thirsty.” Jenny smiled before getting down to business, prying information out of Kathy when Kathy was likely to be too embarrassed to say. Jenny then decided the blunt approach was needed at this moment, and told Marge and Kathy, “Mrs. O’Conner called me and told me about the events in the girls locker room. I’d like to hear the whys and wherefores from you Kathy, like why you had another meltdown that required Mrs. O’Conner to send for Marge.” Jenny sat back and waited until Kathy was ready to explain what happened.

Jenny watched as Kathy played with the security ring at the top of the bottle of water which had been attached to the bottle’s cap before the cap had been removed. Kathy spun it around one way, then the other. She lifted it up, then let it drop. She lifted one side, then the other. All the while not looking at Jenny. Jenny might have to ruffle some feathers as Marge said,” Kathy...,” but she never said any more as Jenny held up her hand. “Marge. I know you’re trying to help Kathy, and that’s admirable, and loving. But I need Kathy to tell me what happened. She needs to talk about the events in that locker room and why she had another meltdown. If she doesn’t talk about it, she’s going to keep having meltdowns and one day you won’t be there to help her. And if that day comes, she might go totally around the bend. And if that happens, her parents and I will have no choice but to commit her to a mental health center until she pulls herself together.” Jenny turned her attention back to Kathy and asked, “Is that what you want, Kathy? To be committed to a mental health center until you get your head straight on your shoulders? Because I will tell you, there won’t be any trying to bluff anyone. Those who work with you will know all the tricks and dodges. You will have to square yourself away or they will keep you for as long as it takes.” As Jenny watched Kathy for any reaction, she tried her hardest not to sigh as she watched Kathy continue to play with the security ring.

Jenny waited another ten minutes for Kathy to say something, anything, but the girl remained silent. Finally, after another five minutes went by, both girls heard Jenny say, “Kathy. I’m not going to force you to say anything you aren’t ready to say. But unless you’re willing to talk with me today, then the three of us are wasting our time here in my office. So, I’ll see both of you after school on Wednesday. And Kathy, you better think hard about what I said about having meltdowns and ending up being committed. Because as a licensed Psychologist I can have you committed over the objection of your parents if I feel you are a danger to yourself. And that’s what will happen if you don’t start talking to me. That means no more school. No more friends, or lover. It means you will go directly to a mental health facility and be there until they know you’re alright. I’ll see you both Wednesday after school.” Jenny and Marge watched as Kathy all but bolted out of Jenny’s office, Marge then hurrying to catch up with her.

When Marge came out of Jenny’s office, she found Kathy pacing back and forth in front of three school security people, they were not letting her leave until Marge was with her. As the three started to escort the two girls to the parking lot, they stopped and turned when they heard, “What the HELL is the matter with you? That woman in there is trying to help you, and all you can do is give her the cold shoulder? You want to be taken out of school and basically locked up? Because the way you’re acting right now that’s EXACTLY what’s going to happen. And to be truthful, I’ll help them get you there. Your mom and dad will have to know about this, if Jenny hasn’t already called them. And if I know your mom, as I do, she’s going to ream you a new one. And you know she isn’t going to beat around the bush when she does. GAWD, you’re so DAMN INFURIATING!” Marge started walking towards the parking lot, only to be held up because Kathy wasn’t moving. Marge walked back to Kathy, grabbed her arm and told her, “Let’s go, your mom is waiting for us. And I’ll be damn if I’m going to spend the night here just because you’re throwing a tantrum. Now COME on.” Kathy let herself be pulled along by Marge, not really caring what Marge did from now on.

When the small group reached the loading zone, Terry could tell something was dreadfully wrong, since Marge was basically pulling Kathy along with her. Marge thanked the security people, then opened the front passenger door and shoved Kathy into the front seat. She sat down hard on the front seat, slamming the door after she got into the car. Terry looked at Kathy then at Marge and asked, “So, which one of you is going to explain what’s going on. Because we’re going to sit here until I hear an explanation.” Terry had seen Marge angry, but never as furious as she was at the moment. Terry was really taken aback when she heard Marge say, “This stupid bitch had another meltdown, this time in the girls locker room. Some girls came in to thank her for giving them the courage to talk with Peter about those two pricks, and one of the girls said something and her highness went to pieces. And instead of talking with Jenny about the whys and wherefores, she acted like a clam and said nothing. Jenny told her if she doesn’t start talking, Jenny could have her committed because she’d be a danger to herself. Take me to my house, Terry. This stupid bitch needs to get her shit together before I’ll spend any more time with her.”

Terry was completely stunned by what Marge just said, and the ferocity of her words. Terry shook herself, then took a hard look at Kathy. Only Kathy wasn’t there, her eyes were dead. The spark she always had was gone. Kathy was in a bad place at the moment, and Terry needed help. She got out of the car and whistled, getting the attention of the two security people who hadn’t gone back into the school. She waved them over to the car, then asked them, “Can you two stay here and watch the girls. I need to get Jenny.” One of the security told Terry that wasn’t necessary, as she took out her hand-held two-way and called Jenny’s office. When Jenny replied over the radio, the security woman explained the situation and they all heard Jenny say, “I’m on my way.” It was only moments later Jenny came running out of the school, out of breath, stopping when she reached Terry’s car. She saw the terrified look on Terry’s face as Terry told her, “Jenny. Kathy’s not here. She’s physically here but emotionally gone. This time is worse than previous times, and I don’t know how to help her. Even Marge wants to go to her house, she wants nothing more to do with Kathy until she gets herself together. What do we do Jenny?” Tears were falling from Terry’s eyes, as she pleaded to Jenny for help. Jenny bent down so she could look into the front seat and see Kathy’s face. ‘Oh, gawd,’ Jenny thought to herself. ‘She’s worse off now than when she was in my office.’ Jenny straightened, looked at Terry, and told her, “Call Shelby. Tell him you’re taking her to the ER, I’ll have phoned them by then. They’ll check her into the psych ward and start doing an evaluation on her. They’ll want you and Shelby to stay out, but let Marge in, since she has a positive influence on Kathy. I’ll go directly there from here. Now go…” The two women were surprised when they heard Marge talking to Shelby, telling him what happened and where they were going. Marge was still in a mood, because she told Terry, “Terry, you can’t stand around here talking. We need to get Kathy to the hospital NOW.”

No one had kept their voices low when speaking. No one had whispered when they spoke. Everything Jenny told Terry could be clearly heard inside Terry’s car. And yet, Kathy remained silent, didn’t react when Jenny told Terry Kathy needed to be checked in at the psych ward. She just sat there, emotionally gone. Staring straight ahead, with that same dead look in her eyes Terry first saw. Kathy had locked herself up emotionally. She had people who loved her, more than overly concerned about her, so wound up they were willing to use what could be considered drastic measures in order to help her. The last thing said before Terry took Kathy to the ER came from Jenny, as she told Terry, “Terry, look at me. I can tell you’re really wound up right now. But you need to calm down. It won’t do anyone any good if, in your state, you get into an accident. We’ll do all we can for Kathy, that I can assure you. What we don’t need is having to put Kathy’s mother in the hospital as well. Things are urgent, but not lights and sirens urgent. Do you understand me?” Jenny watched as Terry started taking deep breaths, attempting to calm herself down. Terry nodded her head, got into her car, and after starting the engine, drove sedately out of the parking lot, heading towards the hospital. She’d have her own meltdown later, in Shelby’s arms.

Terry couldn’t help glancing at Kathy as she drove them to the hospital, Marge was watching Kathy. Marge was also watching as Terry glanced at Kathy at the wrong time and almost ran a red light. The car screeched to a stop, just in time, and Marge told Terry, “You keep driving like that and we’ll all end up IN the hospital. Stop trying to watch Kathy and keep your eyes on the road. I’m watching her, she’s fine, so far, there’s no change. She’s still shut down.” Terry bristled because of how she was spoken to by a fifteen-year-old girl, but the look she saw on Marge’s face made her realize Marge was right. There was nothing Terry could do for her daughter but to get her safely to the hospital. Terry reached across Kathy, took Marge’s hand, and told her, “Thank you Marge.” Marge squeezed Terry’s hand in acknowledgement, and when the light turned green Terry took her hand back and was more careful as she drove them to the hospital.

After parking the car, Marge pulled an unresponsive Kathy out of the car, never letting go of Kathy’s arm. Terry came around to the girls, and taking Kathy’s other arm, the three entered the ER, where they were met by Marsha. Marsha was shocked by the lack of expression on Kathy’s face, or the missing light in Kathy’s eyes. No pleasantries were exchanged, she simply told Terry and Marge, “Come with me.” They’d almost walked out of the ER waiting room when they heard, “TERRY, WAIT!” Terry switched hands on Kathy’s arm as she turned to see who called her name. He got some dirty looks from the hospital staff as he came running into the ER, and shouted Terry’s name, but Shelby didn’t care. All he cared about was his wife and daughter, and the others could be damned. When he reached his girls, Terry threw her one free arm around Shelby’s neck, as he grabbed her in his arms. As he felt Terry’s tears on his shoulder, he asked, “How’s Kathy? Has there been any change?” Marsha walked back and put an arm around Terry, then Shelby, before telling him, “No Shelby. She’s still shut down. Come on, we need to get her upstairs. Jenny will meet us up there.” Shelby looked at Marge and could see the worry and concern on her face and in her eyes. He gently hugged her, kissed her lightly on the cheek, and told her, “It’s going to be alright. It has so far, hasn’t it?” Marge nodded her head as tears started running down her cheeks. “Yeah, so far,” she choked out. But thought to herself, ‘But so far it’s just been Kathy adjusting to being a girl, and not trying to get over what those two animals did to her.’ Shelby had his arm around Terry’s waist, as the three followed Marsha and pulled Kathy along with them.

It was a feeling a father would have for his daughter. It was an expression of wanting a desire known to be wrong. But as they rode up in the elevator, Shelby said in a low voice, “Gawd, if I could have five minutes alone with those two animals, this world would be a better place.” Marge heard it first, then Terry, and finally Marsha. It started deep in Kathy’s throat, a growl that kept increasing in intensity until it was a full blown scream, and Kathy was lashing out at Terry and Marge who were trying to keep her from hurting herself inside the elevator. Marge was finally able to pin her arms at her side, as she’d done several times before, and she started to softly speak to Kathy in an attempt to calm her down. It wasn’t long before the light in Kathy’s eyes returned, and as best she could, with her arms pinned to her sides, she reached around Marge’s waist, pulled herself into her girlfriend and began bawling. She was still bawling as they reached the floor for the psych ward. Jenny met them at the elevator and could hear the crying even before the elevator doors opened. She even knew who was crying, as the elevator doors parted, and she saw Marge holding a bawling Kathy. Kathy crying was a start, but just a start, barely a start, because Kathy would have a long road ahead of her. She had gone through a traumatic event she couldn’t Walter away, as she kept trying to do.

Because Kathy was back, so to speak, Jenny had her room assignment changed from a room in the lockdown portion of the ward, to a private room where she could have visitors. One visitor, in particular, who would be crucial to Kathy’s recovery. One visitor who needed counseling as much as Kathy did.

Jenny told Shelby and Terry to go fill out the necessary paperwork to admit Kathy while she took the girls to Kathy’s room. Two of the nurses almost caused another meltdown as they tried to separate Kathy and Marge so they could take Kathy to her room. Marge kept trying to tell the nurses to stop, as Kathy was beginning to get agitated as they tried to take Kathy out of Marge’s arms. It took Jenny to rip some flesh off both nurses as she told them, “STOP, NOW! KATHY HAS JUST COME OUT FROM LOCKING HERSELF IN HER OWN MIND. THAT GIRL, MARGE, IS THE ONLY ONE SHE TRUSTS AT THE MOMENT. IF YOU TWO CAN’T SEE THE HARM YOU WERE STARTING TO CAUSE, THEN I’M SURE WE CAN FIND SOMEWHERE ELSE FOR BOTH OF YOU. LIKE ON THE UNEMPLOYMENT LINE.!” Jenny was pissed, and concerned for Kathy’s welfare. She didn’t need two stupid, rule following, morons to put Kathy back where she’d been for the past few hours.

The head of the psych ward came out of her office when she heard Jenny yelling. After asking for, and getting an explanation, she turned to the two nurses and softly told them, “Ladies, I realize we have rules on this floor for a reason. Most, if not all, are for our patients’ safety. I realize you two were only following the rules we have set up. But sometimes, like this one, it’s necessary to skirt the rules for the patient’s well being. This young lady,” and the head of the psych ward lightly rubbed Kathy’s back, without any adverse reaction from Kathy, “is rather special to all of us. And somewhat of a miracle. The two of you weren’t here several months ago when a boy came into the ER after he was in an accident in the supply room of his science class. It seems some shelves collapsed as he was reaching for something he needed on the top set of shelves. The shelves broke, and he fell into broken glass and a lot of mixed up chemicals, which caused those in the ER to thoroughly wash him down before they could stitch up the major cuts. He was brought back to the ER several weeks later, complaining of chest pains after slamming his chest against a door jamb. Imagine the surprise of those attending him when they discovered he was developing breast buds.”

The look on the two nurses’ faces caused their boss to chuckle, as she continued with, “The surprise on your faces was the same expression of those in the ER. How could a boy be developing breast buds, it was medically impossible, unless the boy was taking something. Which wasn’t the case with this boy. A thorough exam was then performed on the boy, which led to the discovery that his genitals were smaller than they had been when he first came to the ER. Well, to shorten the story, the girl you see before you, Kathy, who Marge is holding, was that boy who was involved in that accident. Somehow, which no one can determine, all of those chemicals he was exposed to caused his DNA to be rewritten and transformed him into a full functioning girl. Who, last Friday, was attacked at her high school by two predatory bastards who planned on raping her.” She chuckled again as she said, “But they bit off more than they could chew. Instead of raping her, she put both of them into this very hospital. The older boy won’t be fathering any children, and the younger one will have future problems with his foot because of the hole she punched through his instep and out the sole of his foot. This girl also gave other girls the courage to come forward and tell what those two monsters did to them. They also had the courage to seek help from us. So you see how special she is to us, and other girls? This young lady had been through one hell of a ride, so far.”

The nurses’ boss, while admonishing them, did so in a way which didn’t cause resentment to grow within either woman. What she did, with love and concern, was to offer an explanation why it’s sometimes necessary to throw the rules out the window. This time, instead of trying to separate Kathy from Marge, both women put their arms around Marge and Kathy and guided them to Kathy’s room. They thought no one noticed as each lady wiped a tear off their cheek. But they were wrong, as the four walked down the hallway to Kathy’s room, Kathy walking side-by-side with Marge, her arms around Marge, meeting on Marge’s right side. Her position changed as they walked into what would be Kathy’s room, she shifted so she was face on with Marge and her arms around Marge, meeting at Marge’s back.

When the four entered the room Kathy would occupy, Marge saw it wasn’t much different than the room Kathy had been in while in the hospital. The only difference were the security screens on the outside of the windows, and the dead bolt, which locked from the outside, on the door. Kathy lifted her head off Marge’s shoulder, looked around the room, sighed, then asked, “Now what?” One of the nurses told her, “Now we get you into a hospital gown.” When Kathy gave her a funny look, she laughed and told Kathy, “No, not the ones which let everyone see all of your back. No, these gowns are like granny gowns, just made of a different material.” Kathy laid her head back on Marge’s shoulder before saying, “Great. Just great. Now I’m going to look like a younger version of my grandmother.”

Both nurses chuckled as they let go of the girls, one getting the bed turned down, and the other going to a chest of drawers and pulling out the granny gown. But Kathy didn’t move, didn’t let go of Marge. The nurse holding the granny gown then said to Kathy, “Okay sweetie, let’s get you undressed and into this gown.” Kathy didn’t move. Marge could see the exasperated looks on the faces of both nurses, and just shook her head in disgust. She then turned her attention to Kathy as she told her, “Listen, you dope. You have to get undressed before they can put that gown on you. So let go of me and let them help you undress.” Kathy didn’t move, but raised her head to look at Marge and ask her, “You called me a dope. Why’d you call me a dope? I’m not a dope, I’ve gotten better grades than you have in almost everything. So how can I be a dope?” Kathy watched as Marge closed her eyes, mumbled under her breath, shook her head before opening her eyes and telling Kathy, “Oh, yes you are a dope. You’re trying to be Walter through this whole thing. You’re trying to laugh it off as Walter did. You’re trying to do it all as Walter did, not wanting any help because Walter didn’t need help. Well, you aren’t Walter anymore, you aren’t that boy who could laugh it off when something happened and continue on his way. You are a girl now, and whether or not you realize it, pushing your emotions down as you did as Walter...DOESN’T WORK ANYMORE! GAWD...you piss me off sometimes with your trying to be someone you’re not anymore. There are times, recently, I’d like to knock you into next week, just to try and bang some sense into that smart brain you have. Which at the moment is rather dumb.”

Marge then reached around to her back, grasped Kathy’s wrists, and pulled them apart. She then pushed Kathy back a couple of steps and told her, “Now, stop being a dope and let these two ladies help you get undressed so they can put that gown on you. GAAA…” And with that, Marge started pacing the perimeter of the room, or as much as she could, all the while mumbling to herself. Some of Marge’s mumblings could be understood as she walked past the two nurses helping Kathy undress, causing both nurses to eye each other and silently acknowledging, ‘it’s getting hot in here.’ One such pass of Marge’s allowed the nurses, and Kathy, to hear, “Oooo, I’m Walter, I can tolerate anything...the stupid bitch. I don’t know why I ever got involved with him, um, her. gaaaa…!” After hearing that, six pairs of eyes followed Marge around the room, catching more snippets of her mumblings as she continued to pace. One of the nurses caught the eye of the other nurse and mouthed, ‘We best hurry and leave. It’s going to explode in here, and soon.’ The other nurse nodded her head, and after getting the gown on Kathy, made a hasty exit of the room. As the nurses walked back down the hall to report to Jenny, and Beverly Staton, the resident psychologist, they saw the two walking towards them. They stopped when they reached the two doctors, and told them, “There’s a fierce storm brewing in that room, and from all accounts, it’s going to get ugly.” Jenny laughed after hearing what one of the nurses said, causing Beverly and the nurses to give her strange looks.

They gave her even stranger looks as Jenny said, “Oh, this is perfect. It’s exactly what they need.” She laughed a little harder upson seeing the faces of the three, explaining when she’d stop laughing, “Look, as a boy, Walter always laughed off any situation he encountered. It would happen, he’d laugh about it, get up off the floor, usually, and go on. He may not have known it then, but he gave a lot of kids the courage to ‘move on’ with their heads held high when they too encountered a situation. But he was thrown a real curve by being transformed into a girl, a situation not even as Walter he could see happening. And up until last Friday, Kathy gave the appearance of dealing rather well adjusting to being a girl. She had accepted there was no going back to being Walter. Or so she said.”

“And then the event of last Friday occurred, causing Kathy to question her desire to continue being Kathy if something like what she experienced is always a possibility. She had a meltdown over the weekend and one today, which shows she’s been trying to handle the transition, and attempted rape, as Walter would have handled it. Laughing it off and tamping down her emotions.”

“Now we come to Marge, who has secretly been in love with Walter since grade school. And who stood up for him, in class, when he could no longer hide his transitioning into a girl. She has been with Kathy almost night and day. When Kathy was in the hospital the first time, Marge was there. When Kathy has had an emotional breakdown, Marge was there. Marge has been Kathy’s rock, and advisor. Kathy has accepted Marge as her rock, they have expressed their love for each other, but she hasn’t been willing to listen when Marge gives her advice. Marge is one smart cookie in the area of psychology, and can see what Kathy needs to do in order to come to terms with everything. And because Kathy ignores Marge’s advice, Marge has become frustrated with Kathy. So frustrated, in fact, I learned she wanted to be dropped off at home and not see Kathy again until Kathy got her head on straight. And then Kathy locked herself in her own mind, and well, Marge is here being Kathy’s rock.” Jenny then looked at the two nurses and told them, “What you two saw start in that room, between the two girls, has needed to happen for some time. Kathy needs to hear how her actions, or lack of them, have affected Marge. And Marge needs to vent, be completely honest with Kathy. They both need mine and Beverly’s help right now, only one of them doesn’t realize it.”

After Jenny finished speaking, the nurses continued on their way, as did Jenny and Beverly. When the nurses had left Kathy’s room, they’d left the door partially open, so it wasn’t hard for Beverly and Jenny to hear what Marge was saying. And Kathy’s responses. They stopped outside the room, out of view from either of the girls in the room.

Kathy hadn’t moved from the spot where the nurses left her. Instead, she was turning to follow Marge as she continued to pace the room. Every now and then Marge’s mumbling was clear to hear, as the one time she said out loud, “Gaaa...how stupid can an intelligent girl be? She’s got all these people who want to help her and she gets all, ‘Walter.’ What a dope. NO, not dope, a STUPID dope. GAAA…!” The confrontation came to a head during a time when Marge started walking right by Kathy. “Who’re you calling a stupid dope? Where do you get off calling me a stupid dope?” Jenny had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing out loud, causing Beverly to give her another funny look. “DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW IT FEELS TO GO FROM BEING A FOURTEEN-YEAR-OLD BOY TO SUDDENLY FINDING YOURSELF A FOURTEEN-YEAR-OLD GIRL? DO YOU KNOW HOW HELPLESS YOU FEEL WHEN TWO BOYS GRAB YOU AND DRAG YOU INTO A LOCKER ROOM, STRIP YOU DOWN SO THEY CAN RAPE YOU? HAVE YOU? DO YOU? WELL I DO. UNTIL YOU DO, STOP TRYING TO TELL OTHERS WHAT THEY SHOULD DO OR HOW THEY SHOULD FEEL.” Kathy was on a boil that showed in her face, as her eyes tried to burn holes into Marge’s face.


Marge had been the one Walter, and now Kathy, had turned to for a shoulder to cry on. This time it was Marge who turned to Kathy for a shoulder to cry on, and she did so in wracking sobs. Kathy held on the Marge for dear life, as Marge held onto her. Like Marge had done for Kathy, Kathy now did for Marge, as she softly told Marge how sorry she was for hurting her. And admitting she had been trying to handle things as she once did. Jenny and Beverly heard crying coming from the room, and stepping closer to the door, saw Marge crying on Kathy’s shoulder. They also saw tears falling from Kathy’s eyes. “Now we go in,” Jenny told Beverly. “They’re ready for the two of us,” Jenny said, as she softly knocked on the door to Kathy’s room, before opening it and walking into the room with Beverly.

“Hi girls,” Jenny said to Marge and Kathy, in a more cheerful voice than either girl was ready for at the moment. “This pretty lady with me is Beverly Staton, the hospital’s resident psychologist. Say hi girls.” Both women had to suppress giggles as Marge waved with her right hand and Kathy her left. But they did respond to Jenny, which in Jenny’s mind, was good enough at the moment.

It was Beverly’s turn when she said, “Nice to meet you girls, especially you Kathy. I’ve heard you had quite a go of it since the accident. And I must say, you’re much prettier than I’ve heard others say.” Kathy slowly turned her head to look at Beverly, while Marge took the time to snicker as she said to Kathy, “I told you so, you dope. Didn’t I tell you how pretty you were? Didn’t I?” Again both women had to suppress giggles as Kathy turned back to look at Marge, and tell her, “Shut up, you goofball.” The girls’ banter was making it hard for Jenny and Beverly to maintain their composure, as they heard Marge say, “Who’s a goofball, you dope? I’ll have you know that I’m the one who’s been pulling your fat out of the fires you’ve been in lately. And that can’t be done if the person is a goofball, you dope!”

To laugh quietly, or not make a sound while laughing, is difficult to do, but Jenny and Beverly were doing just that, as the banter between the girls continued. It went unnoticed until Jenny let out a snort, then two heads slowly turned to look in her direction. “And just what do you find so humorous, Miss Thomas?” Kathy had tried to be as serious as she could, in asking Jenny why she was laughing. But the way she asked, and the expression on both girls’ faces was too much for both psychologists, they broke out laughing. They were laughing so loud it brought the same two nurses to the room to make sure everyone was alright. And when Marge deadpanned to the nurses, “These two children are having trouble controlling themselves at the moment. Everything is alright,” it caused both psychologists to laugh even harder. Both nurses looked up to the ceiling, rolled their eyes, shook their heads, before walking out of the room, closing the door behind them and sliding the slider from ‘open’ to ‘do not disturb.’ It wasn’t long before both girls were laughing at the two psychologists, another good sign, to Jenny at least, Kathy was going to be alright after all.

Once everyone had laughed themselves out, Jenny suggested the girls sit on the bed while Beverly pulled two chairs over to the bed. “I must say,” Jenny began, “when we heard the exchange between you two before we came into the room, I wondered to myself why you’re here, Kathy. And how you responded after what Marge told you in the end, I believe you’re wondering the same thing, Kathy. Because what everything Marge yelled at you is correct. You are Kathy now, and with being Kathy a different set of rules apply. Lone wolf girls seldom fare well on their own. They tend to lock themselves into themselves, pushing everyone away because ‘they can handle things just fine.’ That worked for Walter because boys are expected to pick themselves up and go on as though nothing happened. But the chemistry for girls is much different than boys, and if a girl tries to handle situations like you experienced, Kathy, they lock themselves into themselves as you did after school today, Kathy” As Jenny was speaking, Beverly was watching both girls, trying to see if what Jenny was saying had any meaning to either girl. More importantly, to Kathy.

Kathy had laid her head on Marge’s shoulder as Jenny spoke. As the silence lingered, it was Kathy who broke the silence by asking, “I was Walter for fourteen years, Jenny. I’ve only been Kathy for a few months. How am I supposed to stop acting like Walter and be Kathy? I don’t know how to stop thinking like I am still Walter. My mom and dad always taught me to be self reliant, and I was as Walter, to a point. I’m not used to needing to lean on others when it hits the fan. How do I do that as a reflex? How do I undo fourteen years of not needing to do that very thing?” Marge felt Kathy’s tears wet her top, and put her arm around Kathy’s shoulder and pulled her in closer.

Beverly saw the honest love between the two girls, and felt sure they’d wed sometime in their future. “Those are honest questions, Kathy, and questions we’ll discuss as time goes on,” Beverly told Kathy. “Neither Jenny nor I know the trauma you went through when you discovered you were becoming a girl against your will. I believe you were told this, but many boys would have folded up and made it necessary to commit them to a mental health institution. But because of how you handled events as Walter, you had the knowledge and experience in picking yourself up and moving on. Not many learn that and end up miserable their entire life. While Jenny may not have been involved in a near rape, I have, and know what you went through. Fortunately for me, a rather protective dog I had made it clear to my attacker it didn’t like what he was trying to do. By the way, that guy had to have twenty stitches in the butt after my dog got finished with his explanation.” Jenny and Beverly watched as Kathy and Marge got far away looks, both believing the girls were trying to picture how the dog had bit the guy in the butt. It didn’t take long for both girls to start laughing, as they could picture how the guy reacted to being bitten in the butt. When their laughing slowed, Kathy asked, “You did reward your dog, didn’t you? Maybe something less rare and fatty?” Kathy’s last question started both girls laughing again, thinking about the man’s butt as rare, fatty, meat. Jenny looked at Beverly and gave her a slight nod, telling her they were going to be alright tonight.

When both girls stopped laughing, even the giggles they got picturing the guys fat, meaty butt, Jenny got serious. “Kathy, you scared the woo-hoo out of your mom and Marge when you zoned out after school today. Why’d you zone out? Did someone say or do something which took you back to Friday?” Jenny, knowing Kathy as she did, watched Kathy form her response. Watched as she gathered the correct words she wanted to use; she’d explain all this to Beverly later. When Kathy had it in her head, she said, “No, not back to just Friday, Jenny. But back to the accident and me becoming Kathy. Ten girls came into the girls locker room while we were getting dressed after class. Some of the girls thought they’d come to start something, but all they wanted to do is thank me for giving them the courage to go to Uncle Peter and tell him about those two bastards. It was when they mentioned how scared they were, how they didn’t know what to do, because Tony threatened to go after all of their younger sisters, that I lost it. I started chuckling and then laughing. I told them how scared I was being Kathy. How they’d grown up learning to be girls and how I was thrown into the deep end of the gender pool and told I was Kathy now and forever. Without having grown up being a girl. That’s when I wanted to be Walter again, to be who I knew. To not have to worry about some other asshole wanting to drag me off just to rape me. And I felt what’s the point of being a girl if I have to worry all the time.” Kathy put her head back on Marge’s shoulder, and let the tears fall.

Both Beverly and Jenny were nodding their heads, showing their understanding of what Kathy just said. And knowing she had a point. Girls learn day by day how to be girls. They’re treated as girls, nurtured as girls, even taught a few things boys would run from. Kathy HAD been thrown into being a girl, without all the experiences the years would have given her. And then experiencing the worst nightmare any girl dreads facing, the possibility of being raped. Kathy went from having a pile of bricks on her back, to a ton of bricks on her back because of two boys. Both women knew it wasn’t just a case of helping Kathy cope with her experience last Friday, but of helping her learn to be a girl. Helping her learn what years would have taught her as she aged.

It didn’t take a psychologist to see how tired Kathy and Marge were because of the stress of the last few hours. “Okay, girls, I think we’ve made a good start tonight. For tonight, you’ll both sleep in this room. Your parents have brought clothes for you to wear for school tomorrow. Beverly will be here in the morning to check you out from the psych ward, Kathy. However, tomorrow, after school, you’ll both come here and meet with me and Beverly, and will do so each day after school. We have a lot to talk about, and to teach you, Kathy. You two sleep well.” And with that pronouncement, Beverly and Jenny moved their chairs back where they’d come from before opening the door, moving the slider and walking out of the room. A few minutes later the two nurses came into the room to help Marge get into the same type of gown Kathy was wearing. And to show the girls a menu for their evening meal.

When the two nurses returned to Kathy’s room, carrying a tray for each girl’s evening meal, they found Kathy and Marge still sitting on the bed, leaning against each other, fast asleep. The first nurse said, “I sure hate to wake them, they’ve been through a lot today.” They both sat the trays on the table in the room, as the second nurse replied, “True, but they need to eat something.” Both nurses walked over to the girls, and very softly shook each girl, telling them it was time to eat. It took Kathy and Marge a few moments to remember where they were, and to stretch the sleep out of their bones, before going over to the table to eat what they’d ordered.

Marge paused as she was eating to watch Kathy shoveling her food into her mouth. “Um, Kathy? Why are you eating like this is all the food you’re going to get for the rest of your life? You do realize women don’t eat that way? Or us young girls? Slow down and take your time, we aren’t going anywhere tonight.” Kathy stopped chewing and with a mouth full of food, told Marge, “Imph phngry!” Marge just looked at Kathy, rolled her eyes, shook her head before telling Kathy, “I can’t understand what you just said. Swallow what’s in your mouth and say that again.”

Marge had watched nature programs about rodents, and had seen how fast they chew. At this moment, Marge was watching a replay of one of those programs, as she watched as Kathy chewed as though her life depended on it. Quickly swallowing, Kathy grabbed her drink, down half of it, before telling Marge, “I said I’m hungry. I haven’t had anything since lunch, and I was starving.” Marge snorted before telling Kathy, “Well, at least you can act like a lady as you starve. And eat like a starving lady too. Boys are expected to eat like pigs, whereas you, a young lady, are not. Take smaller bites, chew slowly, and swallow what you have in your mouth before taking another bite. Besides, I am NOT sticking my fingers down your throat to pull out some gross mess blocking your windpipe because you thought we were racing to see who could eat the fastest.”

The look on Kathy’s face said it all, she’d been acting like Walter again, when he was hungry. Sheepishly Kathy said, “Um...sorry. Guess I’ve a lot to unlearn now that I’m Kathy.” Marge could see Kathy’s eyes get wet, and got up out of her chair and went around the table to hug Kathy. “Oh, Kathy. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you by what I said. I should realize there will be times Walter will automatically show up, just because he was around for fourteen years. And I shouldn’t be so matter of factly telling you something I forget you haven’t learned growing up.” She laid her head against Kathy’s and told her, “You and I both really need to get it together.” Kathy reached up and took hold of the arms surrounding her chest, saying, “Yeah. We sure do.” Marge kissed the top of Kathy’s head before going back to her chair to finish her evening meal.

When the nurses returned forty-five minutes later, they found both girls in bed, with Marge spooned against Kathy’s back and her left arm over Kathy. Both never heard one of the trays hit the floor, as it slipped out of one of the nurses hand. The girls were sound asleep.

“Kathy, Marge, it’s time to get up and get ready for school,” a voice belonging to Betty Moore, one of the day nurses said to the girls. She had to laugh when Kathy replied, “Okay, mom. Just a few more minutes.” Betty used both hands to gently shake both girls, telling them, “Come on girls. Kathy needs to be checked out of the ward before you go to school today. And you two need to clean up before getting dressed.” One of Kathy’s eyes opened and looked at the woman speaking to them. “Oh, hi. You’re not my mom.” She then lightly elbowed Marge and said, “Marge, we got a new nurse with us today.” Betty chuckled when Marge answered with, “That’s nice. Tell her to go away. I want to sleep.” Marge had her face against Kathy’s back, so couldn’t see Betty or Betty see Marge’s expression as what Kathy told her sank in. “Oh, yeah, we’re at the hospital aren’t we?” Marge then lifted her head and told Betty, “Um...hi.” She then sat her chin on Kathy’s side and asked, “Guess we need to shower before getting dressed, huh?” Betty nodded her head and said, “Yeah, you should. I’d be a kindness to the other students.” Kathy had closed her one eye, but both popped open at what she heard Betty say. “Heey...are you trying to tell us we stink?” Betty laughed out loud before responding with, “Well, I wouldn’t say you stink. But both of you are rather aromatic this morning. Now come on, showers, bathroom routine, get dressed and I’ll have your breakfast here when you’re through.” Marge’s hand had drifted a bit south of where she had her chin on Kathy’s side, and as Betty was leaving the room, she heard, “Not now Marge, I have a headache.” The girls could hear Betty laughing as she walked down the hallway. Marge then kissed Kathy on the cheek before telling her, “Come on, get up. I have to pee buckets. And no funny business in the shower. You’ve got a headache, remember?”

Chapter 28

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