Wrong Place Right Time Chapter 23

Wrong Place

Right Time

By Jamie Lee

Most often people talk about being in the right place at the right time. Maybe they achieved a beautiful photo of a sunrise, or the antics of children or animals. Maybe they found something someone lost and received a big reward when it was returned. But how often do they talk about being in the wrong place at the right time? If they do, it’s often about the death of someone or maybe witnessing a crime. And if this is the case, they are sad or horrified. Walter Williams often is in the wrong place at the right time, though his reaction to the incidents he encounters is much different than anyone would expect. And, life-changing.

Chapter 23

Because of the ‘show and tell’ in the Judge’s chamber at the Courthouse, and the exam by their chosen gynecologist, and the ‘show and tell’ held in the large conference room of the high school office wing, and the one held in the supply room of the first period science class, attitudes and opinions at the high school, and elsewhere, started changing. Those wives and mothers of students at the high school spoke to other wives and mothers of other students and made it abundantly clear there was no trace of Walter under any of the clothing Kathy wore on any given day. Even the girls who were in the supply room spoke with, and corrected, other girls at the high school who were still under the impression Walter was under the clothing Kathy wore. Even so, some still had a hard time believing what they were being told, and had to see things for themselves. Two of the girls who had to see things for themselves happened to be in Kathy’s last period PE class.

Mrs. Connie O’Conner, the girls PE teacher, had sent the last period girls class into the girls locker room to shower and get ready to leave school for the day. She had gone into her office for a few minutes but came out after she heard all of the showers shut off, to make sure the girls weren’t planning to leave school early; some girls in the past had left before the last bell rang to dismiss classes for the day.

Showering as a girl had been a new experience for Kathy, she was still trying to come to grips with some of the sensations she experienced while showering. Sensations which caused her body to react in new, and unfamiliar, ways. She had talked to her mom about this new experience, and was assured, they were normal for many girls.

Kathy was the last out of the showers, had toweled herself dry, and was standing in front of her gym locker with her panties in her hand. She was about to step into her panties when she heard, “Are those real?” Connie had come out of her office just before the question had been asked, stopping where she was so she could see how things played out. All of the other nine girls’ attention was on Kathy, so none but Kathy saw Connie standing near her office watching. Kathy surreptitiously nodded to Connie, letting her know it was okay, before looking at the nine other girls whose attention was on her. She then asked the girls who’d asked the question, “Are what real? My breasts?”

Carol Stigman was the shy one of the class, but intelligent in her own quiet way. Carol looked around at the other girls before telling Kathy, “Yes. Are your breasts real?” Kathy could see the fear in the girl’s eyes and knew from past times that Carol, while intelligent, lacked self confidence. Kathy smiled at Carol and replied, “Yes, Carol, they are real. They are the result of the accident I had in the supply room during my first period science class.” Kathy saw her explanation didn’t satisfy Carol so she told the girl, “Come see for yourself.”

Kathy saw Connie start to walk towards the girls, and again, surreptitiously, shake her head, causing Connie to freeze where she stood. Carol again looked at the other nine girls watching the scene before she slowly walked up to Kathy. Kathy could see how hesitant Carol was to touch Kathy’s breasts, and said in a soft voice, “Go ahead, it’s okay. I don’t mind.” Reassured by Kathy, Carol brought both hands up and started examining Kathy’s breasts. She felt how warm they were; how firm they were--Kathy’s breasts were pushing the boundaries between a ‘B’ and ‘C’ cup. Carol then examined the area around Kathy’s breasts, presumably looking for any indications the breasts were glued on. She then examined underneath Kathy’s breasts, looking for any indications the breasts had been surgically enhanced. When Carol realized she was ‘feeling’ real breasts on another girl, she jerked her hands back and with tears in her eyes told Kathy, “I...I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I...I thought what others were saying was true.” Even though both girls were still naked, Kathy gently put her arms around Carol and told her, “It’s okay. There’s nothing to be sorry about. You needed to know the truth, and that’s all that matters.” Only Kathy saw Connie smile.

After Carol backed away from Kathy, another girl, one who was ‘full’ of herself demanded, “Yeah, your breast might be real. But what about between your legs?” Kathy saw Connie start to move again, and again, surreptitiously, she shook her head, causing Connie to freeze where she stood. A pin could have been heard hitting the floor because of the girl’s question, and all eyes were on Kathy. Instead of reacting bitterly to the vehenmentaly asked question, Kathy told the girl in a compassionate voice, “If you need to find out for yourself, then come and see for yourself. I won’t mind.”

This girl, Debbie Marlow, was not timid. Had never been timid in her life, which had caused her some problems in the past. Unlike Carol, she walked right up to Kathy, who had spread her legs wide, and when Debbie started to reach for Kathy’s groin, Kathy grabbed her wrist and told Debbie, “Only the outside. Got it?” Debbie saw a look in Kathy’s eyes which said there’d be no debate, and when Debbie nodded her head, Kathy let go of her wrist. Debbie was not rough examining Kathy’s groin, but she was thorough. She felt Kathy from belly button to rectum, on both sides. She even bent down to look for anything which said ‘glued on.’ Still bent over, Debbie looked up at Kathy and said, “Damn, there’s nothing fake on you down here either.” Debbie had a puzzled look on her face as she saw the smile on Kathy’s face, and asked, “Why are you smiling? Are you trying to make fun of me?”

As Debbie straightened, Kathy gently took the other girl’s hands in hers, and looking straight into Debbie’s eyes, said, “No, Debbie. No one is trying to make fun of you. You don’t know what you’ve done, do you? You don’t know what you’ve done for the girls now in this locker room or out there,” and Kathy threw her head in the direction of the door to the girls locker room. “Debbie, I’ve seen how other girls look at me, how they examine me with their eyes. They look first towards my breasts then to my groin, asking themselves, ‘Is everything real?’ They think I’m Walter under the clothes I wear. They think my breasts are fake, that I’ve got something applied to my groin in order to appear ‘girl like’ down there. Can you even imagine how it feels to be a boy one day and suddenly start to become a girl the next?” Tears started forming in Kathy’s eyes, some even slipping out of her eyes. “Do you even understand how frightening that is, knowing you’re becoming something you never even considered becoming? And you have no control over any of it? Please,” Kathy said, as she looked at the other girls, and Connie, “there’s nothing wrong about being a girl. It’s just...it’s just not something I ever wanted to be. I was happy being Walter. I was so much freer than I am as Kathy.” Tears were now running freely down Kathy’s cheeks, and it was Debbie who reached up and wiped the tears off Kathy’s cheeks.

“How were you much freer as Walter, Kathy?” Connie asked, letting the girls know for the first time that she’d been standing there and listening to everything. Nine heads whipped around to look at Mrs. O’Conner, each showing uneasiness. “It’s okay, girls. No one is in any trouble. In fact, I’m proud of all of you for the way you’ve conducted yourselves in all of this,” Connie told the girls, which caused each one to visibly relax. “How were you freer as Walter, Kathy?” Connie asked again, causing the nine girls to once again focus on Kathy.

Kathy took a shuddering breath then said, “Do any of you realize how much pressure you are under by being a girl? Likely not, since it was applied a little at a time as you got older. Until it got to the point it all became ingrained. As Walter, a boy, there was no pressure to always wear something that fit my body correctly. There was no pressure to have my makeup applied correctly for this or that occasion. I didn’t have to worry if the shoes I wore matched the clothes I was wearing, unless I attended church, a wedding, or a funeral. All of you know how other girls look at you if your hair is not properly styled, or combed neatly. As Walter, that wasn’t a problem I had to worry about. I was a boy, boys often have messy hair. Boys’ clothing is often disheveled. Boys hardly ever consider fashion to be important.”

“But now as a girl, I’ve been thrown into a life I’m not familiar with. I went from a fourteen-year-old boy to a fourteen-year-old girl in a matter of months, and I don’t know all the rules and regulations connected with being a girl. And I’m frightened. Frightened I’ll make a mistake being a girl. Frightened I’ll upset someone because my mind remembers everything about being a boy. Frightened because, if the doctors are right, I’ll experience something in a few days that only girls experience and I don’t know how I’ll handle that time.”

All but two of the girls in the locker room had grown up with Walter, and watched how he handled the situations which wanted to knock him down. They’d never seen him frightened or scared, as Kathy was at this moment. They all watched as she let go of Debbie’s hands, turned, sat down on her towel, put her face in her hands, and openly cried. It was Debbie who bent down, put her arms around the distraught girl and told her, “It’s going to be alright, Kathy. We’ll help you learn to be a girl. We’ll even help when your period comes, though no hands on, you understand.” This caused Kathy to laugh, and reach up to take Debbie’s hands and tell her, “Thanks Debbie.” It wasn’t long before other hands were hugging Kathy, or rubbing her back, trying to let her know she wasn’t alone. That she was now part of a family that transcended being blood related.

Connie stood back and let the girls comfort Kathy, and mused on what Kathy told Debbie about what the girl had done for other girls. She chuckled as she bet herself that Kathy didn’t know what she’d done for other girls, girls who were shy or feeling left out or lacked a good self image. Connie knew how many in the school had been in school with Walter from kindergarten to this point in time. She also knew how many of them envied how he handled the situations which seemed to come his way. And how they now were watching Kathy to see how she handled a situation she’d been thrown into. Connie was brought back to the group of girls around Kathy when she heard Kathy say, “This situation I’m in is like the other ones I encountered. And like those situations, I have no control over what’s happened to me now. But I do have control over how I deal with it.” And in a softer voice, Kathy said, “And with help from all of you I think I can learn to be happy as a girl.” Connie just smiled as she watched a group pile-on group hug with the naked girl sitting on the bench in front of her locker. Connie hated to do it but, “Okay girls, you all need to let Kathy get dressed, and get dressed yourselves.” Connie just laughed as she heard ‘awww’ as the group hug broke up and the girls returned to the lockers and their clothes. Maybe the girls didn’t feel it, but it was there. That change of atmosphere in the locker room. Every girl was happier, even Kathy, as she got herself dressed. The last bell of the day rang, signaling the end of school. But not the end of an encounter which was really going to test Kathy’s ability to handle.

It was a Monday, a few weeks later, when Mr. and Mrs. Stoner, Jackie and Thomas, arrived at the high school with their two son’s, Tony and Patrick. They were walking from where Tom parked the car in the visitor parking, and had just started walking towards the school’s front doors when Tony spotted a gorgeous girl walking ahead of them--it was Kathy. As he watched the girl reach the front doors of the school, and pull one open, he became aroused, and decided right then she was going to be his, all his. And he was going to enjoy her to the fullest. Little did he know, then, how his lascivious desire was going to cost him and Patrick their freedom. Or their physical well being. But that was something Tony never considered when he was on a conquest. All he desired was to get between the legs of his target, and enjoy his time there. Whether she enjoyed it or not.

Thomas held the school office door open as Jackie, Tony, and Patrick walked into the school office. Following behind them, he watched as Jackie stopped at the desk of an older woman and asked where they registered the boys for school. Jackie then introduced herself, Thomas, Tony, and Patrick, before the four proceeded to the reception desk to register Tony and Patrick. As Margot greeted the four, she saw something in Tony’s eyes that rang every bell in her body, and when the four had passed, she picked up her notepad and pencil, went down the short hall to Peter’s office, knocked, and entered without waiting for Peter to say ‘enter.’ She then sat down in the middle chair of the three sitting before Peter’s desk, and remained silent.

Peter had looked up when the door to his office had opened and Margot entered without being bid to do so. And when she sat down he knew something was wrong. Very wrong. Margot had been with Peter the entire fifteen years he’d been principal, and he’d come to trust her when she was in the state he now saw her. Several times before she’d done this very thing, and several times before she was right on with her warnings. So he knew to give her a few minutes to calm herself or it’d take longer for her to give him the warning. But he wasn’t prepared for what she would be telling him.

“Peter,” Margot said after about ten minutes, “we just got a predator in our school. His name is Tony Stoner, and he looks really hungry. The parents are gems, and the younger brother is just a follower--might be Tony beats him to do what he wants, there are a few light scars on him. But it’s Tony you need to watch, he’s major trouble.” Margot was shaking now, a sure sign to Peter that she was shaken. Peter got up out of his desk chair and walked over to the small fridge in the corner of his office. He opened it, took out a bottle of bottled water, handed it to Margot and told her, “You sit and work on this bottle. I’ll go introduce myself and see what is with us today.” Margot looked at him with pleading eyes, before saying, “Please, Peter. Do something before he starts in on our girls.” Peter loved the older woman like she was his mother, and reached out to gently touch her cheek and said, “Don’t worry, Margot, we’ll do something.”

Margot was still shaking as Peter left his office and headed to the reception desk. As he approached the desk he saw the four Margot had spoken of, two parents and two teen boys, one of which was watching every girl behind the desk or walking by the four. Peter had no trouble recognizing what the boy was doing, and saw Margot was right, this boy was major trouble. He walked up to the adults and said, “Hello, I’m Peter Stepel, Principal at West High School.” Jackie and Thomas turned to face Peter and replied, “Hello, Principal Stepel, I’m Thomas Stoner and this is my wife Jackie. These two are our son’s, Tony and Patrick. Our company transferred the two of us here to this City to troubleshoot some problems the company’s facility in this City has been having. So we need to register our sons for school. We have all their school records from Tonga High School.”

Peter could see from looking into the eyes of Jackie and Thomas that they were good people. But not telling him the real reason they were here in the City. Peter shook hands with the two, then extended a hand first to Patrick then to Tony, the latter having a cold feel to his hand. Looking into Tony’s eyes, Peter had no trouble seeing what Margot had told him, this kid was a predator. But keeping the smile on his face, Peter told Jackie and Thomas, “Well, it’s great to have another family move into our City, and two more students in our school. I hope you enjoy your stay,” and turning to Patrick and Tony, “and I hope you two boys enjoy your time at our school. If you’ll excuse me, my paperwork is never done. It was nice to meet you.” Peter then turned and walked back to his office, where he found Margot much calmer and another bottle of bottled water in her hands; the empty one sat on his desk. He walked around to his desk chair, sat down, picked up the phone and dialed two numbers. When the person at the other end answered, Peter said, “Robert, please come to my office. We just inherited a major problem.” After hanging up he dialed two more numbers. And after a quiet word with the person at the other end of the line, hung up the phone and opened the bottom drawer of his desk. He removed several binders before he found the one he was after, the directory of every school in the State and the surrounding States.

More years ago than Peter’s been principal at West high, a Superintendent got really pissed when she was trying to find the phone number of a school in the Eastern half of the State. She finally found it, but it took over a half hour. That’s when she had the idea of a Statewide school directory which would include those surrounding States. She sent out letters to every Superintendent of every school district in the State and the surrounding States, stating her case and giving her reasonings. The result, after much collating, was the school directory Peter was now thumbing through.

“Tonga High School...T...To...Ton, ah here it is. Tonga High, Jessie Milner Principal. Oh my gawd, this should be real fun.” Margot sat quietly as Peter made the comment, knowing by his facial expression the fun he was really going to have. He picked up the phone, dialed the number for Tonga High School, and when it was answered he said, “This is Peter Stepel, Principal at West High School. May I please speak to Principal Milner? Thank you, I’ll hold.” Now with a smile on his face, Margot was sure some fun was about to happen.

Peter had put the phone on speaker, so when Principal Milner answered, she said something Margot knew wasn’t Principal etiquette. “Oh gawd, Stepel. Don’t tell me you’re still having problems working quadratic equations. I thought I’d taught you how easy they were to solve.” Margot saw the biggest grin on Peter’s face as he shot back, “Yeah, no problems with quadratic equations today, Jessie. But since we’re bringing up old times, who pulled your butt out of the fire in your chemistry class? As I remember it, you couldn’t even grasp what a chemical was at the time.” The two old friends sat back and laughed at the banter between them, before Jessie asked, “So, Mr. Principal at West. How ya’ been Peter? And what can I do for you?” Peter thought how good it was to hear Jessie’s voice again, they made a wicked pair in undergrad and graduate school. “I’ve been at West fifteen years, Jessie. They’ve been some of the best years of my life. And I’m doing fine, actually getting married soon.” Margot tried not to laugh when she heard, “Wwwhhhaaattt...some gal wants to put a saddle on you? How much did you pay her, Peter?” Jessie laughed after what she said, and waited on Peter. “Jessie, she isn’t putting a saddle on me, just a ring. And no, it isn’t going through my nose. She’s the school’s Vice Principal, and yes, you’re going to be invited to the wedding. So don’t ask.”

Then Peter got serious and told Jessie, “Jessie, I really wish this was a social call, but we have a problem and I need information from you. I understand Tony Stoner was a student at Tonga, as was his brother Patrick. What can you tell me about the boys?” All Peter and Margot heard at first was, “Aw fucking shit!” They then heard file drawers being opened and slammed shut. They then heard Jessie yell, “Barry, get me that file on that Stoner kid. And make it yesterday.” There was several minutes of silence before they heard a male voice say, “Where’d those two bastards end up, Jessie?” And when Jessie told Barry, Margot and Peter heard, “Hope someone doesn’t kill them this time. Good luck to you whoever you are.”

Peter and Margot heard Jessie shush Barry, as Jessie started talking to Peter. “Peter, Barry is right about hoping someone doesn’t kill Tony this time. Tony is a predator, pure and simple. The parents are gems, and how Tony ended up like he did is anyone’s guess. His younger brother is a freshman, and follows Tony, though I think Tony beats the hell out of him if he doesn’t do what Tony says. Peter, that animal abused ten girls here at the high school before they picked the wrong girl to go after and they ended up in the hospital. We never heard about the ten girls before the boys got their butts kicked, because Tony threatened to do worse to them if they talked. Why they didn’t end up in juvie for the remainder of their teens, I don’t know. It was taken out of my hands. I will tell you there were ten fathers who wanted five minutes with both boys, and I didn’t blame them.” While Jessie spoke about Tony, there was a soft knock on Peter’s office door and when it opened, Robert stepped in and closed the door behind him. Peter indicated a chair and put his finger to his lips. Robert just nodded and sat down next to Margot, taking her hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. The look on Margot’s face told him all he needed to know. Margot smiled at Robert, returned the squeeze, then returned her attention to the conversation with Jessie.

“Peter, you got to put someone on Tony the whole time he’s at school. He’s a sneaky bastard, and will try to get an unsuspecting girl to go with him using some excuse or other. And unless I miss my guess, he’s already picked out a target at your school. So watch him like a hawk, Peter. And Peter, pray someone doesn’t kill him when they learn he’s done something to one of the girls at your school. We had to confine all of our students to their classes when the EMT’s came to take them to the hospital. Especially our football players. Several of them had sisters Tony abused. I’ll send you a copy of his complete file, if it isn’t too late already.”

The three in Peter’s office could hear Jessie sigh then say, “Peter. I can only say two more things. Good luck with Tony, and I’ll see you at your wedding. Can’t wait to see you in a monkey suit, you dog. Bye Peter, take care.” And the line went dead. Peter hung up his end, then turned to Robert. “Tony and his family are still at the reception desk. I need your crew to keep an eagle eye on that kid. Keep someone on the cameras the entire time he’s at school. Hopefully we can keep him from doing anything, but that’s wishful thinking. Margot? You doing better?” Margot nodded her head then told Peter, “Yes, I’m better now that we know what we’re dealing with. I best get back to my desk.” Peter watched as Margot got up from the chair, walked to the door, opened it, and closed it after leaving Peter’s office. Peter ran his fingers through his hair then whispered, “Awww shit. Just what we don’t need.”

Robert didn’t say anything, as he got up from his chair, picked up a spare clipboard, shoved some paper under the clip, and left Peter’s office, heading for the reception desk. He saw a man and woman with two boys at the reception desk, focusing on Tony’s face. He walked in behind the reception desk and acted like he was checking the counters which were kept on the far wall. As he watched Tony, he could see what the boy was doing, as Tony watched every girl that walked by the desk. Robert walked over to a phone, picked up the receiver and dialed two numbers. Very quietly, he spoke with the person on the other end. And out of sight of the Stoner family, a camera moved and focused on Tony. Robert then told the person to follow that kid everywhere he goes, not to lose sight of him. And to pass the word to have everyone meet in their offices. The Stoners had finished registering the boys and had started walking back to the entrance, papers in hand of the boys classes and school regulations. Robert stealthed his way behind them, watching Tony as he continued watching every girl that walked by. He followed the family until they turned into the bookstore, and he then continued on to his offices. This kid was trouble, big trouble. Trouble like they’d never had. Trouble which could get both boys killed if they messed with the wrong girl.

The next day a courier arrived at West High School. He stopped at Margot’s desk, telling her he had a special delivery for Principal Stepel. Margot signed for the package, then got up and went to Peter’s office. After knocking on his door, and waiting until Peter said ‘enter,’ she went into his office and handed Peter the package from Jessie. “Margot, have Tina handle anything while I read through this material. And field my calls, tell them I’m in a meeting and will call them back when I’m free.” Margot nodded her head after Peter spoke, then left his office. Peter took a deep breath, then opened the package and began reading. He didn’t realize how loud he had said ‘oh shit,’ but Margot heard it and knew something was bad. She knew just how bad when Robert passed her desk, knocked on Peter’s office door and walked right in. Margot’s intercom buzzed a few minutes later, meaning Peter wanted her in his office. After waiting to hear ‘enter,’ Margot walked into Peter’s office and saw Robert looking out the only window in the office. Peter never said anything but handed her the file to read. It didn’t take a mind reader to see how upset Peter was and Margot had been around Robert long enough to see he too was upset. Actually, Robert was really pissed. When she finished reading the file, she asked, “How has that kid kept from being jailed? West is the fourth school he’s been in in the last year, and he’s been expelled from the other three. Who’s pulling strings to keep him out of jail? I don’t get the feeling it’s his parents, they don’t seem the type to let something like his behavior slide. Any ideas, Peter? Robert?” She sat and watched both men, as Peter shook his head and Robert shrugged his shoulders and shook his head. Peter picked up his phone and dialed Jessie’s number, finding out she was out of the office until late afternoon.

It was Robert who spoke first by saying, “Whoever is keeping that little shit out of jail has a lot of juice. Enough to influence three other Cities. I know some people who might be able to find out, Peter, if you’d like.” All Peter said was, “Do it, Robert. Quietly.” They had to find out and find out quickly, before Tony struck at their school. Robert pulled out his cell phone, as he left Peter’s office and called the one person who could find a fly on the moon. When the person answered, Robert gave her the score and was assured he’d have his answer in about an hour. Exactly sixty-five minutes later Robert’s cell phone rang, and Robert learned who was pulling strings to keep Tony out of jail. Students stepped out of Robert’s way as the big man made his way to Peter’s office; they’d seen the look on his face before. Robert went right past Margot without a word, knocked on Peter’s door, and walked right in, closing the door behind him. Peter knew what the look on Robert’s face meant, and knew to let Robert speak first. Peter saw the big man work to keep his emotions under control as he told Peter, “It’s the fucking grandmother who’s pulling strings. She’s got money pouring out of her ears, and knows people. That fucking bitch is enabling her grandson to continually abuse girls. I made another call before I came here, Peter. Her days on the free market are about to come to an end. If that little shit does anything this time, his ass IS going to jail. And everything in his recent past will be added.” Robert said “no more,” as he angrily left Peter’s office. Peter knew why this grandmother grated on Robert’s nerves, he’d seen something similar when he was in the military. And it took everyone involved blowing the whistle to bring down the officer who was pulling strings then.

For three days, Robert’s team kept an eye on Tony no matter where he went. There was always a member of his security team walking any of the halls where Tony had a class. They made sure he went to class and made sure he came out of class to go to his next class. When he went into the restroom, they made sure no one came out of that restroom in worse shape than they went in. And made sure Tony came out of that restroom in time to get to class.

Robert had made it clear to his team they needed to find out which girl Tony had targeted, and fast. It had been the second day of his time in school that security started noticing Tony was in the same area as Kathy Williams. They noticed how he paid attention to where she went and at what time; Tony always was looking at his watch when around Kathy. They even caught him following Kathy at one point, but he turned into another wing for his next class. By the fourth day Robert was certain Tony was going after Kathy Williams, but couldn’t provide proof to substantiate his feelings. So they continued to watch Tony and let the boy string out his own rope. It was three weeks later when all hell broke loose at West High, when Tony finally struck.

It was on a Friday that started calm and peaceful, like it did every Friday. Everything was fine until after the last bell of the day had rung, and an event occurred which drew the attention of school security away from watching Tony. One of the kitchen staff was cleaning a piece of equipment when something caused a fire to start on that piece of equipment. It acted more like a burner which had been turned up too high, but it drew a lot of attention to get it put out.

At the same time, Kathy came out of the girls locker room from her last period PE class, when Tony and Patrick, who’d been waiting near the boys locker room door, grabbed her and pulled her into the boys locker room.

At the same time Marge, followed by Bobby, were coming out of the class wing where they both had history. Marge heard a scream and when turning to the sound, saw Tony and Patrick pulling Kathy into the boys locker room. She yelled at Bobby, who was walking the other way, “Bobby, that little piece of shit and his brother have grabbed Kathy and taken her into the boys locker room.” She’d started running towards the locker rooms as she yelled at Bobby, so didn’t hear him whistle and yell to other football players who were in the main corridor.

When Marge ran into the boys locker room, she could hear Tony talking to Kathy. “So, the bitch thinks she’s too good for me, does she? Well, bitch, you’re going to get a good lesson in manners when it comes to me. I’m going to have so much fun with you and leave you with a reminder who it was who gave it to you.” Marge heard a slapping sound, followed by a cry from Kathy. When Marge rounded a set of lockers, she saw Tony standing in front of Kathy, his jeans and underwear down around his ankles, and his penis fully erect. Patrick was behind Kathy holding her by her arms, her skirt and panties lying on the floor off to the side. Marge didn’t mince words as she yelled, “WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU ASSHOLES THINK YOU’RE DOING?

Marge’s intrusion caught Tony and Patrick off guard, and they turned their heads to look at Marge. This slight distraction was all Kathy needed. Kathy was so enraged by what the two boys had done, and were about to do, that the force of her right leg snapping up, and the instep of her foot slammed into Tony’s naked groin, actually lifted the boy off the floor a few inches. Tony screamed, grabbed his groin, before dropping like a rock to the floor, ending up in a fetal position still holding his groin. Kathy then brought her right foot up and slammed the heel of her three inch high heel shoe into the instep of Patrick’s foot. She was so angry that the force of her strike drove the heel of her shoe completely through Patrick’s instep and sole of his foot, striking the floor beneath his foot. She pulled her shoe free just as Patrick started screaming and released her, himself dropping to the floor and holding his punctured foot as he screamed.

Bobby was the first of the football players to arrive in the boys locker room, and watched as Marge picked up Kathy’s skirt and panties and led her towards the showers to help get Kathy redressed. Bobby walked over and blocked the path to the showers, just as the other players arrived. Bobby pointed at Tony and Patrick and growled, “These two pieces of shit went after Kathy. Two of you drag that piece of shit,” and he was pointing at Tony, “and two of you take that piece of shit,” and he pointed to Patrick,”to the office, and don’t bother putting their clothes back on. The rest of you stick around, we need to help Kathy when she gets dressed.” A few kicks landed on both boys as two players picked up Tony and two picked up Patrick, and as someone held the locker room door open, four football players dragged, or carried, the boys out of the locker room and towards the office.

When Marge and Kathy came out of the area of the showers, Bobby could see how upset Kathy was, and how Marge was supporting the girl. Bobby tried to help Marge with Kathy but it caused Kathy to move away from Bobby. Bobby had turned and started walking towards the locker room door, but his friends stood firm and shook their heads; they knew what Bobby planned to do but wouldn’t let him get himself in trouble. Instead, with Bobby leading the way while the other players followed, and Marge and Kathy between them, they slowly headed towards the office. The small group hadn’t gotten far when several school security came running toward them, then tried to get the football players to move along when the security people reached the group. The small group stopped, and five angry football players formed a line in front of Marge and Kathy. It was Dwight who told security, “You want to come with us, fine. But we’re going to escort both girls to the office. And if you want to argue about this, bring it on. We need to kick the shit out of somebody today.” All five teens stood a good foot taller than most of the security people, and outweighed most of them by a good one hundred pounds.

It was Robert who arrived last and pushed his way through his people, before he stood in front of all five boys. Robert was probably the only man there who could take on all five boys and end up with only a few bruises, and the boys knew this. But they weren’t moving. When Robert finally spoke, he used a soft voice, attempting to keep his anger under check. “You five continue guarding Marge and Kathy as you take them to the office. I’m going to have Millie and Susan go with you, the girls need women with them until their parents arrive. Keep a lid on it, boys. Don’t do anything to get yourselves into trouble. I know exactly what you want to do to those pieces of shit, it’s what I want to do as well. But we can’t, unfortunately. Millie, Susan, go with this group to the office. Put the girls in one of the meeting rooms, and stay with them. No one but school staff, police, or medical gets in to see the girls. Got it?” Robert received two ‘yes, sir’ before the boys regrouped around the girls and the group continued towards the office.

Peter was standing in the office hallway when the four football players brought Tony and Patrick into the office. “Where do you want these pieces of shit, Principal Stepel? We’ll throw them wherever you want them.” Sam Wilson was one of the players Walter, then Kathy, tutored in math so he could remain eligible to play football, and he was pissed. Peter knew exactly how the four felt, Kathy was, afterall, his niece. “Take them down to the big conference room, and don’t throw them onto the floor. Set them down, away from each other. We have to handle this the right way, though I totally understand how you boys feel,” Peter told the four, who followed Peter’s orders to the letter. It wasn’t long before the second group arrived, and Peter could see how upset Kathy was because of what two animals almost did to her. “Take the girls to one of the small conference rooms,” Peter said to Bobby. Bobby nodded his head and led them to the first small conference room they came to. Millie and Susan waited in the room with Marge and Kathy, while five tigers stood guard in front of the door to that room.

At the Williams’ home, Terry was going nuts after receiving the call from Peter. Her car was in the shop so she had to wait for Shelby to come by to pick her up. She never let Shelby shut off the engine of his car, as she opened the front passenger door even before Shelby had completely stopped his car. “Go...go...damit, GO, Shelby,” Terry almosted screamed, as Shelby accelerated away from the curb in front of their home. Shelby was doing the speed limit, which didn’t sit well with Terry. “DAMIT, SHELBY! GO FASTER. BREAK THE SPEED LIMIT. DO YOU HEAR ME! MOVE!” Shelby pulled the car over and stopped, turned to Terry and said in a firm voice, “Terry, I will not endanger our lives to satisfy your need to get as quickly to the high school as you need to get there. Kathy is in good hands, and there’s nothing we can do if we end up in the hospital. So sit back, calm down, and we’ll get there in a few minutes.” The look on Terry’s face after being lectured by Shelby could have cracked granite, but she did as he said, and Shelby put the car in gear and drove them safely to the high school. Once in the parking lot, at the loading zone, Shelby had to throw the car into Park, and jump out of the car to catch Terry before she got too far. He caught up with her just as she entered the school, grabbed her shoulders, spun her around, shoved her up against the wall and told her in no uncertain terms, “Damit, Terry, stop it right now. If you go charging in there and do what you want to do, you’ll blow whatever case an attorney had of convicting those two assholes. NOW, stop it right NOW. You WILL stay right here while I go park the car. You WILL wait for me and we WILL go into the office together. And you WILL keep your mouth shut and let Peter tell us everything. Do you understand me, Terry?” Terry had never seen Shelby in such a state with her before now, but she knew he meant every word he said. So she simply nodded her head and watched as Shelby went back outside to move the car. When he came back into the school, he gently took her hand and together they walked into the office wing.

When Shelby and Terry walked into the office wing, Peter took them into his office and started explaining everything he’d been told. Shelby put an arm on Terry’s arm, as he saw her start to rise out of the chair she was using. All he said was, “No, Terry. Stay seated.” Peter then took them down to the small conference room where Marge and Kathy waited. When they approached the room, the five boys parted to let them enter the room. Shelby let Terry enter first, a wise move since Kathy rocketed out of her chair and practically jumped onto Terry. “Oh gawd, mom, what they were going to do to me,” Kathy said as she held onto her mom with a death grip. “If it hadn’t been for Marge, they’d...they’d...oh gawd…” and Kathy broke down and started sobbing. Shelby gently pushed Terry further into the small room so he could close the door behind him. Once the door was closed, the five tigers once again made it impossible for anyone but authorized personnel to enter the room.

Sometime later there was a knock on the small conference room door, and two women entered. One was in a police uniform and the other in plain clothing. They saw Millie and Susan, nodded to them, then looked at Marge, Shelby, and Terry holding a still distraught Kathy. All were sitting around the table in the room. “I’m detective Barbara Stevens, and this is officer Jo Dunnley. I realize this is a bad time but I need to speak with Kathy and Marge.” Looking at Terry and Shelby, Barbara said, “I take it you are Kathy’s parents?” When both Shelby and Terry nodded, Barbara told them, “Good, you need to be here so I can legally question Kathy.” She then looked at Millie and Susan, and both shook their heads, they were not leaving the girls alone. Barbara understood, but was a bit miffed.

“Kathy,” Barbara asked, “do you think you can answer some questions for me?” Kathy was sitting in Terry’s lap with her head on Terry’s shoulder. She lifted her head, turned it towards the detective, and told her, “Yeah, I think so. What do you need to know?” For the next thirty minutes, Barbara asked the usual questions: ‘Where were you when the boys grabbed you?’ ‘Did you do anything to encourage them in any way?’ ‘What did they do to you?’ ‘How did they get hurt?’ ‘How did Marge help you?’ As Kathy answered each question, she became calmer, almost angry again, but didn’t go off the rails. When Barbara had all the answers she wanted, she told all of them she would be back after she questioned others. When Barbara opened the small conference room door, she almost ran straight into Peter, who was trying not to drop an arm full of bottled water. He backed out of her way before going into the room and setting the bottles on the table. With the door closed behind him, everyone reached for a bottle of water; Shelby got three, handing two to Terry and Kathy.

Peter sat down in one of the chairs, and told the four, “Well, the EMT’s arrived shortly after the police arrived. We sent them directly to check on Tony and Patrick. Kathy, you really did a number on both boys. But I don’t blame you. They had to give Tony a muscle relaxant in order to check his injuries. From what they saw, he won’t be giving his parents any grandkids in the future. But that’s not the worst thing I could hear. Boy, girl, you must have been really pissed to punch a hole straight through Patrick’s instep. They said you missed any major vessels, or bones, but it’ll take some time for that hole to heel. Where’d you learn to do those things anyway?” He watched as Kathy looked at his sister, then turned to him and tell him, “After I fully transitioned, mom thought it a good idea if I took lessons from a friend of hers who helps people relearn how to walk, eat, that sort of thing. Mom said just because I turned into a girl, it didn’t mean I knew how to walk like a girl. And as it turned out, mom’s friend also taught self defense classes. No Martial Arts stuff, just plain old ‘poke them in the eye’ type stuff. She’s the one who taught me where to hit a guy when it was him or me.” Peter chuckled, shook his head, then said, “Smart mom you got there, kid.”

They were making small talk when there was a knock on the small conference room door and Barbara and Jo came into the room. “Principal Stepel, Mr. and Mrs. Williams, the two boys are on their way to the hospital. I’ve spoken with their parents, and your’s, young lady,” she said, pointing to Marge, “and took statements from your guard dogs just outside the door. I’ve done all I can do tonight, but I will need everyone to come to the station tomorrow morning and give a formal statement of the incident. Mr. and Mrs. Williams, it might be a good idea to take Kathy to the ER and have them give you a good check up. Just to make sure she didn’t get hurt when those two dragged her into the locker room. And Kathy. I understand you’re new to being a girl. I’m so sorry you had to experience something like this. Something every girl fears might happen to her. It’s a hell of a way to be introduced into girldom. Thank you all for being so patient with me, and giving me your time at such a horrible time. One thing I can assure everyone, those two boys won’t be returning to this, or any other, school. I hope you all can have a better evening.” And with that, Barbara and Jo left the room, letting everyone finally leave the room as well. When they stepped out of the room, all five football players were still there. Terry turned to all five and told them, “Guys, thank you very much for looking out for the girls. Shelby and I really appreciate what you did.” With Kathy and Marge’s parents there, the five boys walked out of the office to head home. As the small group watched the boys walk away, it was Kathy who said, “One day some lucky girl is going to get quite some guy for her boyfriend. And he’s going to treat her like a princess.”

There was a slight fuss when Shelby told Peter they’d take Kathy to the ER as the detective suggested. Kathy agreed to go, but only if Marge came with her. Shelby and Terry tried to reason with Kathy, telling her Marge might be very tired after everything, but it did no good. Shelby looked to Dorothy and Thomas, Marge’s parents, and they agreed letting Marge go with Kathy was a good idea; the Williams could bring Marge home afterwards. As Peter watched another small group walk out of the office, he said to the older woman standing besides him, “Damn, Margot. Will that kid ever get a break? Is there something she’ll do in the future that requires her to go through all this crap?” Margot patted Peter on the back and told him, “Only time will reveal that answer, Peter. Why don’t we close this place up and get out of here? Don’t you have someone waiting for you?” Peter chuckled and openly agreed with everything Margot said, before doing exactly that.

Marsha was standing at the reception counter in the ER when the doors swished open, causing her to turn to see if she was going to be needed right away. A big smile formed on her face as she saw Shelby, Terry, Kathy, and Marge walk into the ER. That smile faded as she saw the look on all of their faces, this causing her to quickly make her way to the group. “Hi, guys,” Marsha cautiously said, “is everything alright?” Marsha watched as Terry and Marge both put their arms around a visibly upset Kathy, who was again starting to shake; her mind was replaying the events which had taken place only a few hours ago. Shelby stepped closer to Marsha, lowered his voice, and told her, “Marsha, Kathy was attacked at school by two boys. They dragged her into the boys locker room and had torn off her skirt and panties, and were about to rape her when Marge showed up. They never got the chance to do anything more to her, as the distraction of Marge showing up gave Kathy the chance to take care of both boys. We need to have her checked over to make sure she wasn’t hurt by the boys as they dragged her into the locker room.” As Shelby told Marsha why they were in the ER, Marsha looked over at Kathy and saw the tears freely flowing down her cheeks. It then hit her, and she asked, “Did one of the boys have sandy colored hair? And the other a dirty blonde?” When Kathy nodded, Marsha realized she had treated both boys when they’d been brought into the ER. Marsha stepped over to Kathy, gently took the girl’s hands, and told her, “I initially treated those two boys when they were brought to the ER, both were a mess. The older one is now up in surgery, his testicles were severely damaged and will have to be removed. The younger one was taken up to the surgical floor so the doctors could evaluate how to repair the hole in his foot. Sweetheart, I’m so sorry you had to experience something like this, but you did good in defending yourself.” Marsha then asked Shelby to wait in the waiting room, called over two female nurses and told them to prep exam room three, and asked the woman to follow her.

Shelby stood rooted where he was as he watched Terry, Marge, and Kathy follow Marsha through the doors leading to the exam rooms. He wanted to do more than kick one of those boys in the groin, and punch a hole through the foot of the other. He wanted to kill both of them, slowly. But he resigned himself to let the law deal with them, as it should and would, if he had anything to say about it all.

When Marsha and the three women reached exam room three, Kathy laughed when she saw the number on the door. That laugh caused Marsha, Terry, and Marge to look at Kathy, but she shook her head and told them, “No, I’m alright. It’s just, this room is where it all began. It was in this room where Walter was examined after the accident. And it was in this room Kathy found out she was a total girl. And it’s in this room I’m going to find out how banged up I am.” Kathy smiled at Marsha and asked, “Guess you still have those revealing gowns to wear?” Kathy’s question, and her recollection of past events had two effects. The gown question caused all of them to laugh, Walter’s butt had always been flying in the wind. Kathy’s recollection brought tears to Terry’s eyes, memories of a hurt boy lying on the exam table and the loss of her son rushed back to her. Then Walter popped up as Kathy said to Marsha, “Maybe you should rename this room ‘The Katherine Elizabeth Williams Exam Room,’ Marsha. Or maybe I should try and gain squatters rights to the room.” The smile on Kathy’s face after what she said spoke volumes, and Marsha knew it. It was the way Walter had handled the situations he’d run into. It was Marge who said, “Well, someone is feeling better.”

Chapter 24

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