Wrong Place Right Time Chapter 11

Wrong Place

Right Time

By Jamie Lee

Most often people talk about being in the right place at the right time. Maybe they achieved a beautiful photo of a sunrise, or the antics of children or animals. Maybe they found something someone lost and received a big reward when it was returned. But how often do they talk about being in the wrong place at the right time? If they do, it’s often about the death of someone or maybe witnessing a crime. And if this is the case, they are sad or horrified. Walter Williams often is in the wrong place at the right time, though his reaction to the incidents he encounters is much different than anyone would expect. And, life-changing.

Chapter 11

Terry had come back to her senses and was able to drive them safely to the ice cream shop. Once she pulled up in front of the shop, shut off the engine, the three went inside and a few minutes later, came back outside. Because it was a nice day, they sat at one of several outside tables the shop provided, and started eating. Terry did get her favorite chocolate fudge ripple, while Marge had chocolate. Walter, on the other hand, had the two women looking at her funny, since she had a scoop of strawberry, a scoop of grape (yes, that shop made grape ice cream), and a scoop of lemon. When Terry asked if she was sure that was what she really wanted, Walter said, “Sure, because the ice cream,” and she pointed to her bowl of ice cream, “is fruity and I’m toot…,” and the smile on Walter’s face disappeared, replaced with a somber and sad look, as she softly finished with, “...-sie.” Terry and Marge saw the look on Walter’s face when she said toot-sie, and it was a sad look. Terry knew why, but it was Marge who asked, “Why the sad face, Walter? And there’s no one near us, so can this be the ‘later’ you kept saying?” Walter suddenly went very quiet, looked down at her bowl and slowly ate her ice cream. It was hard for Terry to remain quiet, sitting there eating her ice cream, watching her child hurting. Knowing if she told Marge the truth, their relationship might come to an end.

As Walter ate bite after bite of her ice cream, tears slowly found their way down her cheek. Terry watched as Marge placed her spoon in her bowl, reached over and took the hand Walter was holding her spoon in, then took the spoon and put it in Walter’s bowl before asking her, “Walter, why won’t you tell me what’s going on with you? Why are you trying to push me away? Didn’t you understand when I told you I loved you, and have since grade school? Walter, please, tell me. We can get through this together, and your friends will be there for you too.”

Walter had been looking down at her bowl of ice cream as Marge spoke. She lifted her head and looked past Marge to her mom, having Terry shake her head and tell her, “No, Walter, I won’t tell Marge for you. This is something YOU have to do. You have to decide. And sweetheart, after tomorrow it won’t be a secret anyway.” Marge again had the puzzled expression on her face after Terry’s last statement. She turned back to Walter and asked, “What won’t be a secret after tomorrow? What’s tomorrow?”

Walter had dropped her head after her mom spoke, just looking at the ice cream in her bowl. Marge was still looking at Walter, waiting, when Walter said, “When I tell you everything, Marge, you’re not going to want me as your girlfriend.” Marge’s expressions ran through the gambit of emotions, until the word ‘girlfriend’ registered. “What do you mean, ‘girlfriend,’ Water? How can you be my ‘girlfriend?” Tears were flowing freely from Walter’s eyes now as she looked up at Marge and told her, “Because, Marge, we found out today that I’m a full functioning girl.” Marge turned to look at Terry and saw Terry nodding her head. She looked back at Walter, who had laid her head down on the table and started crying. In a broken voice, and with more tears flowing, Walter told Marge, “Don’t you understand? If we stayed together I could never help you have any children like a man would be able to do.” Everything suddenly clicked for Marge, as she scooted over on the bench seat, put her arms around Walter, who still had her head on the table, laid her head on Walter’s back, and told her, “Oh, you idiot! Having children, however you have them, is only part of loving someone. Children come after a person loves someone enough to want to spend their life with that person. And I want to spend my life with you, and we’ll figure out the children later.”

Walter sat up, causing Marge to sit up as well, but she didn’t let go of her. With a tear streaked face, and snot running from her nose, she asked in a broken voice, “Even though I’m now a girl, you still want to be with me? Want me to be with you? But I can’t give you children, and what will you parents say, two girls getting married some day? And...and...what will other people say, everyone at school? It’s going to be bad enough when I come to school tomorrow dressed in girls’ clothing. Three boys already attacked me once, it could happen again, and I don’t want to see you getting hurt because of me.”

Marge pulled Walter to her so they were almost touching noses, then told her, “Listen to me, Walter James Williams, you dopey girl, and I’ll say it slowly so you can understand what I’m saying.” Terry had to chuckle after Marge used all three of Walter’s current names. “ I...that’s me,” and Marge pointed to herself, “love...that’s the strong emotion someone gets for someone else, you...that means you, Walter James Williams. By the way, Walter is a dumb name for any girl. How about we start using Katherine Elizabeth Williams? Has a nice ring to it, sounds classy, like you. What do you say, Kathy?” Despite herself, Walter had to laugh at Marge’s antics. She looked past Marge to her mom, raised an eyebrow, and saw her mom nod her head in agreement; Walter did, after all, need a new name.

Walter snuffed her nose, reached up and wiped her eyes before telling Marge, “I like that name. And to be honest, I’ve felt the same for you just about as long as you’ve felt about me, only I didn’t know how to tell you.” Walter had been around Marge long enough to know that when she got a twinkle in her eye, she was about to do something. And Walter wasn’t disappointed, as Marge turned her head so their lips could meet, and gently kissed her for a long time. It took Terry’s throat clearing to bring the two back to earth, but they were smiling at each other when they landed.

When their ice cream was gone Terry decided it was time to take Marge home, and get home themselves. However, that’s not quite how it worked out, at least immediately.

Marge gave Terry directions to her house, and when Terry pulled her car up the driveway at Marge’s house, Marge dropped a bombshell by saying, “I’d like you both to come in and meet my parents. My step-dad should be home by now and mom works from home on her own business.” When Walter started to protest Marge reminded her, “Why not? Tomorrow everyone will spread the word about your change and then even my parents will know. Give them a chance to hear the true story, don’t let it be from rumors and made up stories. Pllleeeaaassseee, for me?” Walter couldn’t help herself and laughed at Marge’s antics. She looked at the innocent, pleading look on Marge’s face, leaned over and softly kissed Marge, before telling her, “I do love you, you monkey.” When Walter said, “Okay,” Terry asked, “Are you sure Kathy, we can wait until word gets out?” Walter nodded her head and told her mom, “I’m sure mom. Marge is right. It’s best they hear the truth before a bunch of made up stories start running around.”

Hearing Walter agree to meet her parents, Marge acted like she’d just won some pageant title that paid her thousands of dollars for life. The three got out of Terry’s car, Marge took Walter’s hand and they walked up to the front door of the house. Marge took out a key, unlocked the door, and led them into the house, yelling, “MOM, I’M HOME, WITH FRIENDS.” Marge knew exactly what was about to happen, because she’d been warned about it before. But as she had learned, it was a sure fire way to get both of her parents attention right away. And it was no different this time either.

As if it had been rehearsed, the three heard, “Marge Wanonna Stillman,” from a woman coming down a hall to their left. “How many times have you been told not to shout in the house?” And as the woman entered the living room she said in a surprised voice, “Oh, we have guests, sorry. But that’s no reason to yell, young lady.” Shortly they heard a man’s voice coming from the kitchen, and then saw him when he asked, “Why are you yelling? You know…,” and when the man saw who was with his step-daughter he stopped, looked at Terry and Walter, and siad, “Hello, Walter, Mrs. Williams. I didn’t know you knew my step-daughter.” It was Walter’s hospital chauffeur, the orderly.

Terry and Walter were looking at Marge as she said, “Mom, dad, this is Mrs. Terry Williams and her, um, ah…,” “Daughter,” Walter supplied. When Marge looked at Walter, she nodded her head and said, “Your step-dad already knows, why try to hide it?” Marge kissed Walter before finishing, “And her daughter Walter, soon to be Katherine Elizabeth Williams. And these are my parents, Dorothy and Thomas Markman.” Thomas gently hugged Terry before asking, “Are you doing okay, Terry? And you Walter, soon to be Katherine? How’re you doing?” Dorothy had followed her husband and first hugged Terry then Walter, telling the two, “You have to stay for dinner,” and with a pleading look on her face, asked, “please?” Walter looked at Terry before saying, “Now I know where she gets that pleading look from.” Marge playfully swatted Walter on the arm, gently kissed her, then said, “That’s not true, mom got it from me?” That got the reaction Marge wanted, as her mom playfully chased her a few steps before Thomas got serious and asked, “Terry, Walter, please. We’d like it if you both would stay for dinner. We’d like to hear how our daughter’s girlfriend is doing.” Thomas saw the shocked look on Terry’s face and told her, “Marge told us all about it, for the last several years, though it was Walter the boy.” And he looked at Walter and said in a soft voice, “And we can’t be more pleased.”

Terry looked over to Walter, who was trying to imitate Marge, then laughed out loud. “Give it up girl, you couldn’t do a pleading look if your panties were on fire. But, okay, we’ll stay for dinner.” Again Marge acted like the grand prize winner of the latest lottery, kissed Walter before running off, coming back later in a change of clothes, and sat down next to Walter on the couch. Thomas explained to Terry that he had talked with Dorothy about Walter, because he really felt bad for what she was going through and Dorothy always helped him get through times like these. But hadn’t told Marge because he felt she needed to hear the truth from Walter, or not. Walter then confessed she would be going to school the following day dressed in girls clothing, and was a bit scared how everyone would react. “As you know Mr. Markman,” and Walter was interrupted with, “Ah, Walter, at home it’s just Thomas, okay?” Walter nodded then continued “Oh, okay, Thomas. You already know Principal Stepel is my Uncle, so he knows everything, and won’t be a problem. It’s all the others who scare me. I’ve already been attacked by three boys, who my mom put into the hospital, before they were arrested. What if there are more like them? What do I do? If no one’s around, I’m toast.” Walter started shaking, causing both Terry and Marge to put their arms around her.

Thomas got up out of the chair he’d been sitting in, walked over to Walter, kneeled in front of her, took her hands in his, and told her, “Walter, Dorothy and I have been hearing nothing but good things about you for a number of years. And not just from Marge. You really don’t know how many people you’ve helped over the years just by the way you’ve handled yourself when something happened to you. When your name comes up in a conversation, and believe me it does, a lot of parents say because you showed a strength and courage after those accidents, their children emulated when they had their own accidents. And even now, with your changes, people have watched how you’ve handled yourself during this whole thing. And Walter, you have a lot more on your side than you possibly realize. And not just parents. So when they find out you’re a real girl now, if anyone tries to give you any problems, student or parent, they best bring an army with them. Because you’ll have one at your back.” Thomas gently reached up and wiped tears finding their way down Walter’s cheeks. And like others have told her, Thomas said, “It will be alright, Walter. You will get through all this.”

Terry and Walter jumped when a horn sounded, causing Marge to laugh and Dorothy to chuckle before telling them, “It’s a timer we bought some time ago. None of us could ever hear the ‘ding’ of those other timers, and we happened to be at a swap meet, one time, and found it there. It means, dinner is served, or at least ready.” Dorothy giggled before telling everyone to gather around the dining room table. The rest of the time was about Walter and Marge and their relationship. And the problems they might face from those who had their heads so far up their butts they saw the world from the back of their throats. But there was a promise from all three adults, like what Terry told Marge and Walter in the car. All three would end up in jail, after killing the sons of a bitches. Terry and Walter helped clear the table, under protests from Dorothy and Thomas, helped with the dishes, again under protest, then Terry told the Markmans they needed to get home, Walter had homework and clothes to choose for tomorrow. As Walter and Terry were just about to walk out the front door, Marge grabbed Walter and played tonsil tag with her, until several throats cleared, several times. Terry looked at Walter’s eyes then said, grabbing her by the hand, “Come on, lover girl, let’s get you home. I’ll lead, you’re in no condition to walk straight.”

Walter was still in a daze after Marge’s kiss, so Terry had to help Walter into the car and put her seat belt on for her. She shook her head, and chuckled to herself, as she walked around to the driver’s side, got in the car, started the engine and drove them home. And when they got home, Walter was still in a daze, until Terry said, “Stirrups,” which immediately got Walter’s attention. Terry laughed then shrugged her shoulders, and told Walter, “Well, I had to do something to get your attention. You’ve been zoned out ever since Marge tried to pull your stomach out through your mouth.” Then she kissed Walter on the cheek before telling her, “But I’m really happy for you. You two make a cute couple. Now, homework, then we need to choose what you’ll wear tomorrow before getting ready for bed. Just so I know how to help, dress, skirt, or slacks?”

Terry saw the worried look on her daughter’s face, then heard, “I really don’t know, mom. I mean, I’ve only worn pants, so I wouldn’t really know how to behave wearing a dress or skirt. Still, I’ll have to wear them sometime. If I do wear a dress or skirt, would it cause trouble by those who’re going to cause trouble anyway? I just don’t know mom.” Terry pulled her distraught daughter to her, holding her as she told her, “We’ll figure it out, hon. Why don’t you go get your homework done, then we’ll see about the clothes, okay?” Terry kissed Walter on top of her head, before Walter let go of her mom and went up to her room. Terry wished Shelby was here right now so they could discuss all of this. Instead, she decided to call Peter and ask his opinion about Walter’s clothing for tomorrow. He was the Principal of the school, so should have a feeling how everyone would react depending on how Walter was dressed. She just hoped those who bothered Walter had good lawyers, because they were going to need them.

Peter cursed under his breath when his phone rang, he and Tina had been doing some interpersonal relationship discussions, with their lips. Tina laughed at Peter’s frustration, just before she swatted in the butt, getting a playful fist shown to her. “Hello, and this better be good. I mean, this is Peter Stepel.” Peter heard laughter on the other end of the phone, then heard, “Don’t tell me, let me guess, big brother. You and Tina were playing oral inspectors with your tongues?” And Terry laughed again. “Sis,” Peter began, “one of these days you and Shelby are going to be exercising that mattress in your bedroom and I’m going to call. And be able to laugh at you because your insertion play was interrupted.” Both laughed before Terry told her brother, “Brother dear, when Shelby and I are exercising on the mattress in our bedroom, we don’t hear anything short of the house falling down. He’s too busy making me scream for more.” Then Terry heard, “Oh, my gawd...tmi tmi tmi,” then, “Hmm…” and Peter looked at Tina with a wicked look on his face. Then, so Tina could hear what he and Terry had been talking about, said aloud, “I wonder if I could get Tina to the point where she’s screaming for more?”

Chapter 12

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