Wrong Place Right Time Chapter 7

Wrong Place

Right Time

By Jamie Lee

Most often people talk about being in the right place at the right time. Maybe they achieved a beautiful photo of a sunrise, or the antics of children or animals. Maybe they found something someone lost and received a big reward when it was returned. But how often do they talk about being in the wrong place at the right time? If they do, it’s often about the death of someone or maybe witnessing a crime. And if this is the case, they are sad or horrified. Walter Williams often is in the wrong place at the right time, though his reaction to the incidents he encounters is much different than anyone would expect. And, life-changing.

Chapter 7

Marsha had just taken the last bite of the omelette she’d ordered in the cafeteria when her cell phone rang. She picked it up, accepted the call and Terry heard her say, “Okay, I’ll be right there.” As Terry was still eating the scrambled eggs and bacon she’d ordered, Marsha told her, “They’ve finished taking pictures, so I’m going down to see what they think. You sit here, finish your food, and make that phone call you’ve been putting off. I’ll come back and get you when we know more.” She kissed Terry on the cheek before walking off towards the imaging department. Terry’s last bite was rather difficult to swallow, since she knew she couldn’t put off calling Shelby any longer. She continued eating as she tried to think of all she needed to say to her husband. She chuckled at herself as the thought of, “Hi Shelby. Guess what. We’re going to have a new daughter any day now. No, I’m not pregnant. Our son will soon become our daughter.” She just shook her head at her own silliness. She ate the last bit of bacon she had, washed it all down with the rest of her coffee, went up to the cooler, took out a bottle of bottled water, paid for it and sat back down before taking out her cell phone and dialing Shelby’s number. When Shelby answered he asked, “What’s up, sweetheart.” With tears in her eyes she told him, “Shelby, you need to come home. They discovered Walter’s changing into a girl.” All he said in return was, “I’m on my way.” She folded her arms on the table top, put her head down on her arms and silently cried. She felt an arm go around her shoulders and pull her into a hug. She didn’t really care who was holding her just then, but was surprised when she heard, “It’s okay sis, we’re all here for you guys,” as Peter held her tight. When she asked, “Who?” Peter replied with, “Marsha.”

When Terry let go of Peter he let go of her, then pulled a chair around so he was sitting right next to, and facing, his sister. Terry took a tissue out of her purse, dried her eyes then opened the bottle of water and took a long drink. “What else have they told you?” Peter asked, while Terry drank. She shook her head as she swallowed, then recounted everything that took place from the time Walter hit the door jamb, to Gale taking him to imaging, to Marsha getting called to go there. She didn’t know any more. Peter gently rubbed the back of Terry’s neck, as she drank more water. He got up, went to the cooler, took out two bottles of water, paid for them before returning to the table and again sitting down next to Terry. She thanked Peter for getting the water, before opening the new bottle and taking another long drink.

It was 11:30 a.m. when Terry suddenly jumped up from her chair and ran off towards the cafeteria entrance. Peter didn’t know why she took off like a shot until he turned around and saw her fiercely holding Shelby; the luggage he’d been pulling forgotten behind him at the moment. He saw Shelby was speaking but couldn’t hear what was being said, though he felt it was clearly meant to put Terry at ease. When Terry and Shelby finally reached the table where Terry and Peter had been sitting, Terry didn’t realize Peter wasn’t there, until a tray was placed on the table, full of food and drinks. Peter put his arm around Shelby’s shoulders before asking, “How was the flight?” He didn’t have to ask ‘how are you doing,’ it was written on Shelby’s face. When Shelby and Terry saw what Peter had set before them, they both gave him a questioning look, because it was a little of everything they liked for lunch. Peter just shrugged his shoulders, chuckled, and replied, “I’ve been around the two of you far too long.” Terry gave her brother a hug then sat down and started eating, as did Shelby before he too sat down to enjoy what Peter bought for them.

Peter stood for a moment more, watching his sister and her husband, as they ate. They were going through something right now that might have torn other families apart. But these two people clung to each other when they were hurting the most. He just hoped he and Tina would do the same when their times came. He then sat down and grabbed something before his sister and her hungry husband ate it all.

Terry’s cell phone rang at 1:00 p.m., it was from Marsha. After taking her phone out of her purse, and accepting the call, all Shelby and Peter heard her say was, “Okay, give us a few minutes.” She put her cell phone back in her purse then told Peter and Shelby, “They’ve finished taking pictures and want to see us in the Imaging Department’s waiting room. But not before I use the little girl’s room.” Terry, saying she needed to visit the restroom, hit both men at the same time, as did a warning from their bladders. They’d been so busy comforting each other that they’d ignored the dire request from their own bodies. And both men moved at light speed to honor that now urgent request. In fact, by the time Peter took the tray and plates back, Shelby was nowhere in sight. But Peter didn’t question where he’d gone, as he saw the door to the men’s room, just outside the cafeteria, closing. And he was not far behind Shelby.

The two men were waiting for Terry just outside both restrooms, as Shelby started to pace. Peter put his hand on Shelby’s shoulder, as he passed by, and told him, “You need to relax, we’ll get there when Terry is ready. She gave birth to Walter, so this is especially hard on her. And from the number of times I’ve seen her like this, since this whole thing started, she needs to take all the time she wants.” Peter’s words had the desired effect on Shelby, they made him stop pacing and realize his wife had been here by herself, and dealing with it all, by herself. A few moments later the door to the ladies room opened and Terry walked out, looking much better than when she went in. She’d combed her hair and fixed her makeup. Though she looked physically better, she was still a wreck inside. She latched onto Shelby and the three headed to Imaging.

When the three reached the Imaging Department’s waiting room, they saw Gale, Marsha, and a fully dressed Walter. Terry introduced Gale to Shelby before Gale suggested they use one of the small conference rooms to talk. She and Marsha led the way and all six entered the indicated room. As everyone took a seat, just after Terry sat down, Walter sat down in her lap, latching onto her. Terry kissed the top of Walter’s head before telling him, “It’ll be alright, baby.” Shelby was sitting to Terry’s left, and had put his hand on Walter’s shoulder just as Gale started explaining what they’d seen in the images.

“When we initially examined Walter, we believed he had developed breast buds, something a girl starting puberty would develop. And I know it isn’t what you want to hear, but they are developing nicely.” Walter lifted his head off Terry’s chest, turned his head to face Gale, and stuck his tongue out at her. She laughed before telling Walter, “Yes, I know, Walter. That isn’t something you want to hear. But would you want me to tell you something much worse?” Walter just shook his head ‘no’ before laying his head back on Terry’s chest. “Also, we know the average width of the hips of boys about Walter’s age. It appears his hips are slowly getting wider. And his pelvis is showing slow changes as well.” She held up her hand as Walter had again turned his head to face Gale. “Yes, Walter. I know, you hate hearing that too.” She watched as he put his head back on Terry’s chest before she continued. “And Walter, I really know you hate hearing this part, so go ahead, stick out your tongue at me before I continue.” Walter just laughed and stayed as he was against Terry’s chest. “We had several people look at the images of Walter’s groin, and everyone is in agreement, he is developing new structures in his lower abdomen.” Gale had become quite adept at reading the questions on people’s faces over the years, so when Shelby’s face was asking ‘what type of structures’ Gale told him, “Yes, Shelby. Ovaries, a uterus, and fallopian tubes. They are in the very early stages, but they ARE forming. And we believe once Walter’s genitals have totally disappeared, the vagina will then form.”

Terry felt her blouse getting wet where Walter’s head lay, and her tears were dripping onto the top of his head. Even Shelby had to wipe his eyes several times during Gale’s talk, but he never let go of his son’s shoulder. Peter had seen a small fridge in the corner of the conference room, and had taken three bottles of water out of it and placed them on the table in front of the hurting three. He looked at Gale and Marsha, pointing to the bottles of water, and both nodded to him; he got three more out of that fridge.

It was Marsha who took up explaining things to the three as she told them, “The blood samples we took were sent off for extensive testing, so it’ll be several days before we know the results. As was said in the exam room, we don’t know if only parts of Walter’s DNA are being affected or if his entire DNA is being rewritten, but we’ll know for sure once we get the results of the tests. For now we wait. Walter is in good health,” Walter turned his head toward Marsha and stuck his tongue out at her, before turning back to his mom’s chest. Marsha dropped her head, and laughed before telling Walter, “Yes, you don’t think you’re in good health by transforming into a girl. But you are, despite your likes or dislikes. The chemicals that entered into your bloodstream have all but vanished, the levels are acceptable. Your mom and dad are here and love you deeply, some aren’t so lucky, Walter. And,” and here she laughed a bit as she told Walter, “you get to go with your mom to buy your first bra.” Walter looked up at his mom and gave her a stink eye, before he did the same at a smiling Marsha. “Whoopie,” he said, and dropped his head back on Terry’s chest, causing her to tell him, “Hey, miss, watch what you’re slamming your head into.” Walter looked up at Terry and stuck his tongue out at her. That got a laugh from everyone.

Peter had been quiet throughout the entire talk; he was sitting to Terry’s left. He got out of his chair, pushed the chair out of the was so he could kneel where Walter could see his face, and told Walter, “Walter, look at me.” Peter had been watching Walter all through the presentation, and had seen his stare but not ‘see anything look.’ It was still the look he saw when he told Walter to look at him, he wanted Walter to focus. When Walter’s eyes finally sought his Uncle, Peter went on with, “I’ve seen how you dealt with those incidents at school. Your mom has told me how you’ve dealt with all of the incidents while you’ve been in school. Even the ones you encountered when not in school, and each time you took them in stride and laughed at them all. You need to hang onto that attitude now. Now is not the time to start acting anything but you are in your heart. You’ve proven you’re better than anything you’ve experienced, and what you’re going through now is another of those experiences. Don’t let it make you bitter, and DON’T get angry and take it out on those trying to help you get through this. They are truly concerned about you and love you very much. As Marsha said, some aren’t as lucky as you are, having so many wanting to help you. Some parents would have kicked their own children out of the house, even if it was no fault of their own. It wasn’t your fault those shelves broke. It wasn’t your fault that bottle was on the wrong shelf. Your only fault was thinking you could get that bottle without any help, a fault you seem to have developed early in your life. It’s okay to depend on yourself most of the time. But, like now, and in getting that bottle, there’s nothing wrong with asking for help. Or letting others help you.”

Peter was the only one who could see Walter thinking about everything he was just told. But everyone heard him say, “You’re right, Uncle Peter. I’m just really scared, more so than I’ve ever been. I feel like the dog that’s been beaten so much it can’t tell the difference between a loving hand and the one that’s going to hit him again. And it’s hard for me to ask for help when I’ve been doing a lot of things for myself for so long. I feel like I’ll let me down if I do.” Peter reached up and wiped tears off Walter’s face before telling him, “Self reliant can only get you so far, Walter. Sometimes it’s necessary to ask for help if you want to get anywhere.”

Peter could see Walter thinking about what he just told Walter. He saw another look on Walter’s face, before Walter said, “So, one day I’ll get married, oh, wait. That would mean we’d, um, that he would,” and he looked up at Terry and continued with, “that means you and dad...I think I’ll become a nun.” Terry and Peter facepalmed themselves. Marsha had fallen backward laughing so hard. Gale sat down hard in a chair laughing, and Shelby was shaking his head and laughing. Terry reached with her left hand and gently cupped Walter’s chin, lifting it so he was looking at her. “Don’t you think that one was a bit over the top, even for you?” And then Terry got a softer look to her as she told Walter, “Soon to be daughter of ours. When you have your soulmate in you it’s the most wonderful feeling in this world. At that moment the two of you are one,” and she turned her head to look at Shelby. “And in that moment, you lose sight of all the other problems you think you have.” Shelby had wiped his eyes because of what Terry was not only saying to Walter but to him as well.

Peter saw the smirk again appear on Walter’s face, as Walter continued to look at his mom. “Um...mom? You mean it only lasts a moment? Isn’t that rather a short amount of time to, you know?” Shelby scrunched his eyes closed, then held his face in his hands, shaking his head as he did so. Marsha, Gale, and Peter lost it, and the room was again filled with laughter. Terry, on the other hand, slowly turned her head back to look down at the innocent smile on her soon to be daughter’s face. “Young lady! If it only lasts a moment, then it isn’t love, and you better be getting a good price for your services, or part of the movie rights?” When Terry said that, Shelby could be heard saying, “Oh, gawd, not that,” and looked up at the ceiling, again scrunching his eyes closed. It was several minutes before Peter, Marsha, and Gale could stop laughing. Even Terry couldn’t hold back laughter because of the banter between her and Walter. She actually felt relieved because she knew Walter was back. She didn’t know if it was because of what Peter told him, um, her, or if Walter finally realized he’d need all the help he could get. She didn’t really care, he/she was back.

Peter had helped Marsha up off the floor before he went to the small fridge in the corner and took out six bottles of water, giving one to everyone. It was Walter who posed the question of, “What now? Do I need to do anything special? I mean, this turning into a girl is all new to me, or becoming one at any rate. And I don’t know how to be a girl.” Peter had pulled his chair back to the table and sat down. He looked over at his Nephew, reached over and wiped off tears that had escaped from his eyes. He looked at Walter and told him, “Nephew, you have three very experienced women in this room who might be willing to help you in the girl department if you asked them nicely. Plus, you have several cousins who would love to help.” It was a subdued Walter who asked the question no one could answer, “How are others going to take me becoming a girl? How about the rest of our family, will they understand? Will anyone who’s known me as a boy understand when I become a girl?” He let his tears fall freely as he buried his head in his mother’s chest. Terry didn’t try to stop her own, as she fiercely told him, “Walter, to HELL with what others think. If they can’t understand this was caused by an accident, then to HELL with them. And if anyone gives you any grief at school, they’ll have to deal with me, regardless.” Shelby had reached over and placed his hand on Walter’s back, rubbing it to help sooth his new daughter. What Shelby said next was with a voice Walter had never heard him use. “And I’ll deal with their parents, daughter of mine.” For the first time since they met in the small conference room, Walter turned around, got off Terry’s lap and went over to Shelby. Walter wrapped his/her arms around his/her father, was pulled into Shelby’s lap, and let out his/her frustrations and hurt while being held by Shelby. And Shelby couldn’t help letting his own tears fall. He hated seeing his child hurt to the point he couldn’t do anything to make things better.

Peter claimed he had something in his eyes, as he wiped them. Marsha and Gale were not ashamed to let their tears slide down their cheeks, and when everyone had calmed down, Gale told Terry and Shelby, “I think we’ve told you everything we know up to this point. It seems to be the chemicals absorbed through Walter’s skin that have started the transformation process, and I’m sorry we didn’t have a way to remove any of it. Terry, Walter will need something to protect his developing breasts, you’re likely to remember how sensitive they are when they start developing. And Walter. Look at me Walter.” Walter lifted his/her head off Shelby’s chest and turned his/her head to look at Gale. “Walter, I realize all of this is hard on you. But don’t try to fight what’s happening to you, you’ll only get more upset. Let your mom help you, learn from her, learn from your other girl friends. I won’t trivialize that some people aren’t going to like what’s happening to you, and they may get downright nasty. Some will even call you a liar when you explain how it happened. But what I know of you, and everything Marsha has told me, there are a lot more people who will be there to help you when you need help. Williams family, go home. Eat, sleep, plan. And we’ll see Walter next Wednesday.” Walter got off Shelby’s lap, and walked over to hug first Marsha then Gale. Terry and Shelby shook hands with the two doctors, and thanked them for all they were doing for Walter.

Peter followed his sister, nephew, soon to be niece, and Shelby out of the small conference room before he told them, “I’ll clear Walter for being out of school today. Please let me know if Walter will be there tomorrow.” They hadn’t taken but a few steps when Walter said, “I will be, Uncle Peter. I may be changing but I’m not sick.” Peter smiled at his soon to be niece, and put his arm around his/her shoulders. Terry put her arm around Walter’s waist before she brought up a subject Walter was going to love to hate. “Um...I think before we head home we need to find the appropriate protection for those breasts you’re developing, daughter of ours.” Walter let out an audible sigh then said, “Yeah, I guess you’re right, mom. I hope no one gets upset tomorrow if they discover I’m wearing a bra. Some of the guys could get awful mean about it.” Terry pulled Walter to a stop, looked down at him and told him, “If anyone gives you any trouble you first let them know it will be me and your dad who they will have to deal with in Court. They will be charged with a hate crime, and I’ll work my butt off to see they go to jail. You tell them that.” Peter knew how angry his sister could become when something pressed that button. But this was new even to him, she was actually breathing fire as she spoke to Walter. “And Walter, if you do have any problems I want to hear about it. If you can’t get to me go to a teacher, I will be briefing all the teachers; Gads, I’ll even have to go to the school board. But that’s my cross to bear.

They went their separate ways, when they reached the parking lot. Peter had a lot on his mind and faintly heard the three goodbyes as he walked to his car. He waved a hand in the air but never turned around. “I hope the school board doesn’t give him any grief over this,” Terry said to the air. Shelby put his arm around Terry’s waist and told her, “He won’t be the one they come after. It will be us. But I think we have them over a barrel because of the accident, and those faulty shelves. We’ll have to wait and see which way the wind blows.” Neither Shelby nor Terry saw the smirk on Walter’s face, as he stuck his left index finger in his mouth then held it up in the air. “Um, dad, the wind is from the southwest today.” Both Shelby and Terry dropped their heads to their chests and shook them. “Walter, sometimes I don’t know about you, or where you inherited that quirk. But I love you all the same.” Terry said, then pulled Walter into her, kissed him/her on the top of the head just as they reached their car.

The three drove to a mall that was a ten minute drive from the hospital and their home. Terry could hear Walter mumbling the whole time during the drive. When his/her mom looked at him/her, she had an understanding look on her face. “I can appreciate how you feel about this, son, but believe me your chest will feel much better with something protecting your developing breasts. And I’m going to guess it itches too, right?” Walter nodded, then told his/her mom, “Yeah, been like that for a few days now. And again, I just thought it was something I was allergic to or something about the shirts I was wearing.” Terry nodded her head and answered with, “I can see how you could think that, given you wouldn’t expect to be developing breasts like a girl your age. Walter, and I’m serious, if there’s anything else you’ve noticed, tell us. No more surprises, okay? You have to remember what may not be important to you, may be important to Marsha and Gale. And to me.” Terry reached back, across the front seat, and gently stroked Walter’s cheek, as he nodded his head in understanding.

When they reached the mall, Shelby was fortunate to find a parking place near one of the entrances. As they left their car and walked towards the entrance, Terry said to the air, “First we find bras, then panties while getting the bras. Then while we’re here, look for tops, skirts, dresses and shoes.” Terry was so intent on her mental shopping list, and Shelby was walking with Terry, that neither noticed Walter had stopped walking several feet behind them. Terry turned her head to the left to ask Walter a question and noticed he wasn’t there. “Shelby,” Terry said, as she stopped and turned around. What they saw broke their hearts.

There was Walter, shaking as he was standing there, with his hands covering his face, crying. “Oh, Lordy, what have I done?” Terry said as she ran to her son and held him tight. Tears were flowing down her cheeks as she told Walter, “Oh, Walter, I’m sooo sorry. My excitement to help you got out of hand. I should have talked to you first and told you my idea. Instead, I decided how we were going to do things. I’m such a fool.” In a muffled voice Walter replied, “No you’re not, mom. You’re a very loving mom. But I do wish you’d told me your idea first, instead of springing it on me. I might have been able to handle it better.” Shelby had been standing next to Terry as she held Walter. He put his arm around his/her shoulders before telling him/her, “Walter. If you want, we can just get the bras so your chest feels better then go home. There isn’t any rush on the other items.”

Shelby could see Walter was shaking his head ‘no,’ when he said, “No, dad. Mom’s right, I’ll need those things. We’re here so we might as well look for the things mom mentioned. A girl needs to learn how to shop. And what better teacher than her mom?” Shelby bent down and kissed Walter on the top of his/her head, then told the two, “Come on, let’s go tear up some shops.” Walter just chuckled, then said, “Okay, let’s.” This time as they walked to the entrance, Walter walked between his parents. Terry with her arm around his/her waist, Shelby with his around his/her shoulders. It was the best support a kid could get.

Walter’s facial features took after Terry, with an oval face, an almost button nose, high cheekbones, and a more feminine brow ridge, and he had the bluest eyes anyone had ever seen. He’d always kept his hair shoulder length, so it wasn’t unusual for him to sometimes be mistaken for a girl.

The mall had several stories which catered to the ‘tween’ girl, so when they entered the ‘tween’ lingerie store, a woman came up to them and asked, “Hello, madam. How may we help you and your daughter today?” Walter looked up to his dad, rolled his/her eyes, then shook his/her head. Shelby bent down and whispered in Walter’s ear, “Just go with the flow, kid. Go with the flow.” Walter nodded his/her head and kept his/her mouth shut. Terry explained, “That their ‘daughter’ had just started puberty and needed a few training bras. They also wanted to get her more panties, a few slips, and some sleepwear.” Walter again looked up at his/her dad, with a disgusted look on his/her face. Shelby just patted his/her shoulder before saying, “Just remember what I said.” Walter did three things at once. S/he rolled his/her eyes, shook his/her head, and nodded, all at the same time. Shelby chuckled at Walter’s antics, then put his arm back around his new daughter’s shoulders.

After Terry told the woman what they wanted, the woman turned to Shelby and said, “Sir, if you’d like to wait, we have a small waiting room right over there,” and she pointed to a small alcove just inside the store. Shelby shook his head and replied, “No, that’s quite alright. I’ll stay with my family. It’s not everyday a father gets to see his daughter get her first bra.” Hearing himself referred to as his father’s daughter, made Walter turn right into Shelby, hugging him and saying, “Thanks dad. That means a lot right now.” The woman had a questioning look on her face that Terry answered with, “Her father has been working out of town until recently. And she’s been missing him terribly.” The woman told Terry, “Oh, I understand,” and led the three to find the items they wanted. Terry looked at Shelby, shrugged her shoulders, causing Shelby to laugh, as they followed the woman deeper into the store.

It was three hours later, plus a pit stop at the food court, that Shelby became their pack mule. Terry and Walter each had four bags, and Shelby carried the other eight. The dread Walter felt before they entered the mall faded as Terry allowed her to decide on most of the items they purchased. She also explained things as they shopped, so Walter wasn’t as clueless as he’d been. And Walter found out she was more comfortable wearing a bra.

Chapter 8

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