No Child Should Be Mistreated Chp. 15

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Ionita Brothers Residence:
Ted watches the address he had been given to him by Nika’s friend. He was going to punish the brothers first and then go to see the person who hired his niece. Afterward, he was going to have a talk with his niece and try to get her to stop stealing cars. She was a good mechanic and she shouldn’t be wasting her life and skills, doing something so illegal.

He takes a sip of his coffee and watches the monitor. The high-power camera he had aimed at the address recorded everything. He glances at his watch as he sat away down from the address. He was going to make these brothers pay for hurting his niece. He wasn’t going to kill them, but he was going to make them wish he had killed them.

After a few hours of waiting, he spots two similar cars pull into a garage. A few minutes after that, two men come walking out with some women carrying cubes of beer. A sly smile appears on Ted’s face as he watches them walk into the house.

He waits till it starts getting dark before he stealthily moves towards the house. He peeks in and notices that the brothers were treating the women roughly. One brother was holding the head of one woman against the groin area of the other brother. It looked like the woman was having a hard time breathing.

The other woman that had enter the house was hanging by her breasts on her tiptoes in the middle of the room. As Ted continued to watch, her body would shake every few minutes. He could tell the woman was in pain each time she was shocked. All he could see from his vantage point were wires going to her crotch area.

When he turned his attention back to the other woman. He noticed she was being held by her long black hair by one of the brothers who held her head. He starts raping her and when he was done with her. His brother would take over.

“Well, that changes things.” Ted was going to be easy on them to a certain degree, but after seeing what he just saw. All gloves were off.

He waits until they pass out from drinking too much. The woman that was hanging in the middle of the room, they had fun with as well. After both of them had used her body. One brother plugged both her holes with butt plugs. They moved the wires attached to her groin area to the butt plug he put in her anal opening.

After the brothers pass out from drinking the two cubes and several bottles of Jack Daniels. Ted breaks into the house and checks the women first. The woman that had been raped by both brothers was going to need medical attention. The other woman he noticed had black and blue marks all over her body. It looked like she had been whipped by a cane or something.

He noticed that the wires connected to the butt plug were connected to a shock box. There was a timer on that could be set to deliver a shock. He disconnects the wires, after turning the shock box off.

He finds some rope and ties both brother's hands behind their backs. He finds the keys to their car and carries them out to their car and dumps both bodies in the trunks. He noticed they put a kill switch in their car, to keep it from being stolen again.

Ted knew if he could spot it, his niece could as well. He starts the car up and heads to a location he had already scouted and set up to teach these men a lesson.

Melody and Carol, Mall:
“I can’t believe mom got shot.” Carol looks at Melody as they walked from one store to another.

“Mom does seem to m-m-make enemies real e-e-easily.” Melody has been working on her speech.

She still stutters, but she has been seeing a speech specialist to overcome it. She knew Kelly and Nora were very proud of her.

“Only when someone is dumb enough to come after her or us. I would hate to see when mom is pissed.”

“I wonder how momma Nora became so dangerous?” Melody knew her mom was a former DSS agent, but she has proven to be more than that.

“Aunt Cheshire trained her.” Carol liked Cheshire and her cousin Tizzy.

They haven’t met Cheshire’s newest children yet. They continue to shop and enjoy the day. Carol has been dressing more and more like
Melody because she liked her big breasts. She was trying a new estrogen pill that would increase her breasts.

“Let’s go over to Applebee's and get some lunch?” Carol figured they could enjoy a nice meal.

“Okay.” Melody didn’t mind. Applebee’s was just across the street from the outside mall.

As they are crossing the huge parking lot. A black van starts coming towards them.

“We better move it, Melody.” Carol grabs Melody and starts running towards the edge of the parking lot.

Ping and Wong have been looking for the red hair girl, but they never saw her leave the house. However, they did see the blonde hair girl, along with another girl. They had watched as the two girls visited different stores. When the girls started walking across the parking lot, they figured they could grab them.

As Wong speeds up to cut the girls off. Ping opens the side door and manages to grab Melody. He tries to pull her into the van.

“Let my sister, GO!” Carol punches the guy holding Melody.

Melody grabs the guy that had her and falls backward out of the van with him. She had her fingernails dug into his arm. She lands on her back with him on top of her.

Carol pulls the taser out of her purse that Nora gave all her children to use and taught them how to use it. She uses it on a patch of exposed skin on the back of the guy's neck. Melody was getting out from under the guy.

Wong stops the van and jumps out to go and help Ping. He wraps his arms around the blonde hair girl and tries to pull her off of Ping. He manages to pull her off of Ping.

Carol felt grabbed from behind and pulled back. She raises her foot and brings it down hard on the person holding her. She elbows the person as hard as she could with her elbow.

Wong felt the wind knocked out of him, as he let go of the blonde-haired girl. His foot was hurting from her stomping on it. Then he had the wind knocked out of him, as her elbow connected with his abdomen.

“Take this, you creep!” Carol sprays the attacker in the eyes with the pepper spray she grabbed out of her purse.

The strength of the spray was a police-issued. Carol made sure to spray right in his eyes with the spray. After spraying, she hits the guy right in his throat as hard as she could.

Melody looks at the guy on the ground and stomp as hard as she could on his groin area. She was going to make sure he never got up. Her mother taught both of them to hurt their attacker as much as they could, so they couldn’t chase after them.

Several huge guys go running over to them. They had spotted the girls being attacked and started running over to them. When they get to them, they had to pull the teenage girls off their attackers.

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NEVER mess with the Midnights

Samantha Heart's picture

Even the girls will hurt you! One way or another. If they don't hurt you enough Norra WOULD!

Love Samantha Renée Heart.

NEVER mess with the Midnighs

Samantha Heart's picture

Even the GIRLS will hurt you & if you hurt them...... Nora WILL hunt you down get what she wants information wise then kill you.

Love Samantha Renée Heart.

Yeah, let's grab one of Nora's kids

Jamie Lee's picture

Those brothers are going to be very surprised when they wake up, and sorry when they do. How they treated those women caused Ted to change his plans for them, plans which were for shoting Nika.

Yeah, let's go grab one of NORA's kids. Nora's kids, who been shown a thing or two about defending themselves. Who have just taken down two men who tried to grab them.

Wonder how long it will take before pull strings to speak with the two? Or how long they remain silent when she asks the 'who sent them' question?

Their employer is on borrowed time, except he doesn't know it, yet.

Others have feelings too.