On the Highway Chap. 5

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Sidney watches from Matilda’s cab at the manufacturing plant. She was watching the video feed from the back of the truck as Jochen and several guys loaded the trailer. She was asked by Jochen to remain in the cab because security was tight at the manufacturing plant.

She didn’t mind, because she could see what they were doing from the cameras in the trailer and the ones mounted high on Matilda’s cab.
She notices that there was security personnel were watching what was going on. Every time something was loaded into the trailer, they would inspect it and make sure that it matched what was on the manifest.

Sidney wonders why security was so tight for a bunch of medical equipment. She’ll have to ask Jochen once they leave and was on the road. As for the memory flashback, she had at the truck stop. It has been bugging her and she didn’t know why. Every time she thought about the image, she would start feeling scared.

The twenty minutes, Sidney continues to watch as the trailer is loaded and secured. Matilda beeps as a light on her dash flashes. Sidney watches as the light blinks on and off. She has no idea what it means, so she doesn’t touch anything on the driver's side of the cab.

Jochen doubles check everything as he watches as the tags are put on the lock. He knows if those tags are removed, it will alert the hub. Which would mean he’ll have to answer questions as to why they were removed.

“Alright, Jochen you’re all loaded and ready to go. You’ll have to two days to get to the Eastern hub.” Clint looks at Jochen with a smile on his face.

“Thanks, Clint. Is there anything special you want me to bring back from the Eastern hub for you?” Jochen knew Clint had connections at the Eastern hub.

“Not this trip. Maybe the next load you take to them. Just be careful out on the highway. There are rumors that a few trucks have been hijacked and their loads have been stolen.”

“Well, I would like to see that happen to Matilda. Those hijackers will get a lesson they will never forget.”

“Coming from you, I can believe that. Still, be careful out there, partner.”

“I will.” Jochen heads towards the cab.

As he climbs into the cab “so, are you ready to get going?”

“Yes, it’s been kind of boring watching you and the other guys work. Oh! Why was that light was blinking?” Sidney points towards the blinking light.

“That’s to let me know the load is secured and the security system is active. It will go off when I start Matilda.” Jochen starts Matilda up.

Sidney watches as the blinking light turns off. She had to admit that it was a unique idea.

“Why does it do that thou?”

“Well, some drives get in such a hurry, that sometimes they fail to get everything, or sometimes the connection between the cab and the trailer isn’t working right. So, this way we know everything is working.” Jochen puts Matilda into gear and starts pulling away from the loading dock.

Sidney sits back in her chair and watches as Jochen goes through the gears and navigates the streets back to the interstate ramp. She’s been enjoying the trip so far. She couldn’t wait until they get out on the interstate.

She just watches Jochen as he navigates the traffic and finally makes it to the interstate. She waves at some of the other truckers as they drive by them. Some of them have never seen a right-hand side driven eighteen-wheeler before.

Some of the State police and city police have never seen a truck like Matilda before. She checks what the weather is going to be on the route they were going to be taking.

“Looks like we're going to hit a nasty thunderstorm later tonight.” Sidney looks over towards Jochen.

“Nothing I haven’t been through before. These storms here in the states aren’t as bad as the ones we get in Australia.”

“Won’t lighting be a problem for Matilda?” Sidney was curious about what would happen to Matilda if she got struck.

“Nope, she’s protected. So, have you had any more of those flashbacks or know what the other one means?” Jochen glances at Sidney.

“I haven’t had any more flashbacks, but every time I recall the other one, I start getting scared. Something about the memory scares me and I wish I knew why.” Sidney hated not knowing what it meant.

“Well, give yourself time. Maybe more of your memory will return.” Jochen wonders what Sidney was like when she was someone else.

Most of the afternoon traffic was heavy. Jochen wanted to hit some of the drivers who all suddenly pull in front of him. He had a few that were trying to hide in his blind spots, but he was glad that Matilda had cameras that surrounded her.

As the afternoon continued, Jochen was starting to hate coming to the route he picked. Traffic came to a standstill because there was an accident up ahead of them.

“All this technology at my command and I still get stuck in traffic.” Jochen couldn’t believe he was sitting still.

A smirk appears on Sidney’s face as she looks out through the front windshield of Matilda. The interstate was a parking lot, as all the cars and trucks in front of them were sitting still as well.

“Can’t you bring up a satellite image to see how bad traffic is?” Sidney has been going over the owner’s manual.

“Matilda, lock onto Blake’s satellite systems and give me an overview of this traffic.”

A hologram appears on the windshield and shows their location. The Interstate looked to be blocked for a good five to ten miles because of a five-car accident up ahead of them. The nearest exit to get off the interstate was at least five miles past the accident.

“Damn! We are going to be sitting here for a while.” Jochen didn’t like what he was seeing.

“That does suck.” Sidney had to admit she didn’t like just sitting and doing nothing.

Jochen selects some music to listen to as they sit there. He glances towards Sidney and notices she took out her Fire tablet and was reading a story she downloaded off the web. He leans back into his seat and just waits for traffic to start moving.

An hour and a half later, traffic starts moving. Jochen couldn’t believe how much time they wasted just sitting in traffic. According to the police reports that came over the scanner in Matilda, only two people had been hurt and had to be flown to the nearest hospital.

“I was thinking about skipping our planned stop for dinner, Sidney.” Jochen glances over to Sidney to see what she thought.

“That’s fine. I think we still have some sandwiches in the frig.” Sidney was glad they had stocked up on frozen sandwiches and dinners when they were at the truck stop.

Later in the early evening “Jochen, can you stop at the next rest stop, please? I got to pee and poop.”

A smirk appears on Jochen’s face “no problem. I could stretch my legs, some.”

“Thanks.” Sidney hopes she can hold her pee until they stop.

After thirty more miles, Jochen pulls into a rest area. No sooner does Matilda stops, Sidney hops out of the cab and sprint towards the bathrooms. Just as she enters the bathroom and drops her pants and panties at the first stall, her body releases its contents.

A sigh of release escapes from Sidney’s mouth as her body does its business. She was glad that Jochen stopped when he did. She was reaching her limit.

A smirk appears on Jochen’s face as he watches Sidney run her little butt off towards the bathroom. He checks her door to make sure it's lock before he heads towards the Men’s bathroom. If he had to, he had a plastic bottle he could pee in. As he is standing in front of one of the urinals, a guy comes walking in and takes the urinal next to him.

The guy was wearing dress slacks, a dark dress shirt, and a tie. Jochen spots a hidden gun on him, tucked into the back of the guy's pants. He has learned to be observant of people around him.

The man himself looked like he was some sort of agent or something. He the type of build Jochen has associated with some agents would have. He tries not to look too closely to see if he was an agent but didn’t see a badge.

He finishes his business and walks over to the sink to wash his hands. Once his hands were cleaned, he heads out of the bathroom and spots Sidney selecting a snack from the snack machine.

“You seem to be better. Did you make it to the toilet in time?”

Sidney turns to look at Jochen “yes. I barely made it.” Sidney opens the bag of chips she got.

“I’m glad you didn’t. Do you want to wait a while, before we continue, or are you ready to go?”

“I’m ready to go. The sooner we get on the road, the better.” Sidney didn’t mind continuing.

“Okay.” Jochen starts walking towards Matilda.

Sidney follows behind Jochen as they walked towards Matilda. As she is walking, she spots the same guy Jochen had in the bathroom and
she stops. A memory surfaces of two guys dressed in suits and carrying guns. A blinding white light flashed before her.

“Jochen!” Sidney drops to her knees.

Jochen turns around when he hears Sidney’s frightened voice. He watches as she drops to her knees, looking frightened. He didn’t know what caused it, but she was paled white. He runs back over to Sidney.

“What happened?” As he kneels next to Sidney.

“I just had another flashback and it scared me.” Sidney was shaking as Jochen held her.

The two guys in suits that triggered the flashback were looking towards Sidney and Jochen. One had a curious look on his face as he observed the man and young girl.

“What do you think that is all about, Quin?” Han was curious because he had watched as the young girl fell to her knees with a frightened look on her face.

“I don’t know.” Quin was curious himself. He has seen people before having episodes of remembering something they tried to forget.

“I wonder what scared that young girl so much?”

“That’s a good question, but we don’t have time now to find out.” Quin gets into their car.

“Yeah, you’re right.” Han gets in on the driver's side.

Jochen picks Sidney up off the sidewalk and carries her back to Matilda. He could tell she was scared to death. One of her memories must have surfaced and frightened her.

He unlocks Matilda and manages to put her into the cab and lay her down on the bed. He wipes some of her hair out of her eyes.

“You’re safe, Sidney. No one is going to hurt you.”

Once Sidney has calm down. Jochen tucks Sidney into bed and head up to the driver seat.

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I hope she can tell

Samantha Heart's picture

What happend & Jochen puts a few pices together.

Love Samantha Renée Heart.