Temporary relief for the oversexed male in your life

By K.T. Leone

Reuben was typical for a thirteen year old boy. He wasn't overly tall, but he also wasn't the shortest boy in class. His thick, brown, hair, though a little long for his father's taste, it was acceptable by most standards. For those who must know, his father preferred crew cuts and anything outside of the standard military style was for hippies and other outcast who wanted to thumb their noses at society. Since his father decided that duty only applied to his country and not his family, didn't have much input in such matters since he ran off with some bar fly from Pensacola. Reuben had brown eyes like his father, but certainly not his dad's chiseled physique. Everything about Reuben was average and at this stage of his life, where every quirk was magnified and multiplied and ridiculed, he was content with how people viewed him

Like most boys his age, Reuben enjoyed sports and hated school. He liked hanging out with his friends doing nothing in particular and detested doing homework. Spaghetti and Meatballs were his favorite, and if there was something green on his plate he would move it around and make it slip to the floor for the dog when his mom wasn't looking. Another way he was like any other typical thirteen year old, Reuben was becoming very interested in sex and with girls. Unlike many of his peers, however, sex was becoming a compulsion and how he acted out on his lust, left much to be desired.

Reuben was the younger of the two children born to Edward and Veronica Stamen. His older sister was sixteen and one of the more popular girls in high school. She was a constant source of both grief and ecstasy for the middle school boy who was looking forward to being in the same school as his older sibling as much as he looked forward to going to the dentist or shopping with his mother. Stacey, or Spacey as Reuben so often mockingly called his older sister, had no clue she caused either emotion in her brother. Like any typical high school junior, she was more wrapped up in her own life and, though she didn't find her brother a nuisance, she didn't share the same interest as he. The grief she caused her brother was not born out of spite, but more so out of neglect. With his father gone and friends going off on vacation or doing other things with their families, he oft felt excluded and alone. The ecstasy she caused was something new however. It certainly helped his fantasies that his sister was incredibly attractive. In Fact, Stacey was a downright hottie. Though he oft felt guilty that his mind wandered to his sister whenever he was aroused or wanted to become so, he didn't feel like he had control of the situation. If only he kept the sexual thoughts of his sister in his own mind, it probably wouldn't be a problem, but just thinking about his sister didn't seem to be enough.

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It was a typical Wednesday afternoon. Typical in the fact that Reuben was bored and there didn't seem to be much of anything to do. It was summer vacation and his friend Bobby, the last hope of his to have anything to do, went by his Aunt's house to go swimming and Reuben was uninvited. His mom was in the kitchen cutting out coupons, the supermarket sales circular always came with Wednesday's paper and it was a common ritual for his mom to plan her assault on the stores the next day. With all the clipping and comparing, she certainly didn't have any time to entertain a thirteen year old boy whose interest varied greatly from hers. Stacey was off with her friends, either at the beach or a water park or a dozen of other great locations that Reuben wished he could be at with her, but Stacey said he couldn't tag along and mom agreed.

Reuben was sitting on the couch, trying to find something to watch on television to no avail. He lowered the sound to virtually silent and briefly turned to telemundo. At least there would be a few seconds of skin to entertain him. He knew his mom wouldn't approve of him looking at bikini clad babes and the fact that the channel was in a language that escaped him meant he wouldn't be able to offer up much of an excuse as to why he was viewing what his mom considered smut. Still, the forty-eight seconds of fit senoritas in tight fitting thongs was enough to pique his interest. He quickly changed the channel twice, this way his mom couldn't back track and find out what he was looking at, turned the sound back to a normal level and then shut the TV off.

With the images still seared into his mind, Reuben gingerly stood up. He wasn't yet aroused, but knew his body could respond prematurely and then he really would have something to answer for. Stepping as lightly as possible, the thirteen year old made his way to the entrance way of the kitchen. Careful not to disturb his mother, Reuben wanted to ensure that she was occupied and that he could steal away a few uninterrupted minutes so he could entertain himself. Veronica didn't even raise her eyebrow to acknowledge her son's presence and the boy knew that outside of him setting fire to the house, she wouldn't budge for at least another half hour.

Reuben smiled to himself as he retreated from the doorway. He knew what he was about to do was frowned upon by the women in the house, and they didn't even know the half of it. There was a certain allure to breaking this particular infraction when there were other people in the house. The possibility of being caught in the act somehow heightened the activity. Though it was certainly enjoyable on its own, like when no one was at home or he was in the shower with the bathroom door locked, the thought of someone walking in on him made his pulse race a little faster and his heart pound a little harder. Today Reuben decided to risk being caught at something he called level two.

“Mom thinks level one is bad enough,” Reuben had reasoned with himself. “I've been caught at level one and the lectures that mom gave about that were horrible enough. I never tried level two with someone at home and they don't even know it exists.” A mischievous grin came across the young boys face. He knew that if he was caught at what he was about to attempt there would probably be punishment involved. Most likely it would be extra chores and maybe a day or two spent indoors, but if the reward for getting away with level one were pleasurable, getting away with level two right under the nose of dear old mom might be doubled, tripled or even quadrupled.

With his mind set to at least attempt the deed, and see it to completion, Reuben made his way up the stairs. He practically tiptoed and made sure he to two stairs at a time near the top landing to avoid the step that squeaked. Though his final destination was going to be his room, where his bed was available, he made his way towards his sister's bedroom.

A large sign made out of pink construction paper read “Stacey's room — keep out — this means you Reuben” in large thick letters. Stacey's name was done in purple and gold glitter, the other words were simply written in magic marker.

The boy paused in front of the sign. The room was off limits to him and even with his sibling gone for the day he could still get in trouble with his mom. He peered over his shoulder at the stairway going to the lower level. Turning his head to the side, the teen tried to discern if he heard anyone coming his way. After a few seconds he realized that he was right in his earlier assessment, his mom was too busy with her sales circulars and coupons, and he was in the clear.

“Serves you right for not taking you with me,” Reuben said bitterly in a whisper.

Still not wanting to chance things, Reuben painstakingly turned the doorknob, held his breath as the latch disengaged and slowly pushed the door open. He popped his head into the room just to confirm that it was indeed empty and upon seeing it was so, he then entered it himself. The teen took a deep breath, he had just broken one rule and a few more were to follow. If he were caught now, he could come up with a good excuse why he was in his sister's room when he knew he wasn't allowed and would escape with just a verbal reprimand. Reuben could feel his heart beat in his chest as he closed the door, making sure that it didn't actually close all the way, but would appear so from the hallway if someone simply glanced that way.

The boy stood still just a step away from the door and again listened intently to make sure his mother wasn't ascending the stairs. Of course she would make more noise than he and it would be easy to distinguish that he was in jeopardy of being discovered, after all it wasn't like his mother to go sneaking around anyway. A few seconds of silence past and the boy let out a light sigh. Breaking the rules and getting away with them were exciting and knowing what he was eventually going to attempt only added to the thrill.

Reuben was in his sister's room, a place that was completely off limits to him,and the fact that he had yet to be caught made him feel powerful and daring. Stacey's room was a weird mix of girlishness, of being trapped between three ages. There were evidences of the little girl that his sister once was; teddy bears, dolls, and ribbons from meaningless gymnastic competitions were scattered throughout the room. Then there were clues that this room belonged to a teenager still in high school; posters of boy bands and teen heartthrobs from tiger beat hung on the wall, the past years yearbook that sat prominently on the corner of her desk, and a drivers ed handbook that looked as if every junior since the seventies had a chance to thumb through it lay haphazardly on the bed. Then there were a few clues of the woman his sister was becoming; a high-end makeup mirror rested on a small vanity, high heel shoes could be seen arranged neatly in the closet and a dress suit was hung on a hanger and carefully placed on the closet door.

The teenage boy could care less about the contrast in the room and gingerly walked over to his sister's dresser, a place he had no business being, but that never stopped him before. He was on a mission and nothing was going to stand in his way with his intent. Either he was going to succeed or he was going to get caught and face the consequences that came with it. The idea emboldened the child that was on the verge of manhood. Reuben carefully slid the top right drawer open. He knew what he was looking for and knew exactly where to find it. The drawer made barely a squeal as it revealed its contents. The teen paused in revelry as he looked at a dozen or so pair of his sister's panties.

Reuben could feel himself swell ever so slightly as he reached for the most intriguing pair of his sister's underwear that he could readily see. It was a pair of red satin bikini briefs that sat in the far corner of the drawer. He ran his finger over the material and enjoyed the coolness he felt. The panties felt so silky, it was as if his fingertips ran over a thin sheet of ice. As he was carefully about to remove the panties, as not to disturb the others around it and put them in his pocket a small jar popped out of them.

“What's this,” Reuben said to himself, intrigued. Though he wasn't allowed in his sister's room, it wasn't like her to hide anything.

Reuben picked up the small round glass canister that had a bronze colored lid and rotated it in his hand so that he could find the label. In big black letters the word “Ogasmicur” stared back at him. The word was written in regular block lettering and other then being an strange word, it didn't scream out that it was a product that was meant to draw attention to itself. In his thirteen young years, Reuben knew that those were usually the things to be desired. Often things of great value were hidden in plain wrappings and that intrigued the teenaged bandit all the more.

“Orgamicur,” the teen read out loud in a whisper. “Temporary relief for the overly-sexed male in your life. Give him an orgasm like he never had before.”

Reuben's eyes grew wider and wider with each word he read. The ramifications of such a product being in his sister's possession was almost too much for him to take in. “Oh my God,” Reuben made sure to keep his voice low, “Stacey is having sex.”

The thought of his sister being with a boy caused his body to respond even further. Though he was yet to be fully aroused, he knew it wasn't going to be that long before he was. He stuffed the panties and the jar in separate pockets; though he might get in trouble for the missing panties, he doubted his sister would report him on his other finding.

Reuben slid the drawer of the dresser back close and made his way to the door. He carefully opened it and made sure the hall was clear before he vacated his sister's room. Though being in the hall was as safe as could be, he still didn't want to be seen by his mother. He quickly darted across the way and made it to his own room. He made sure he closed his door gently but once on the other side he knew he was going to give in to reckless abandon.

“This is going to be good,” the boy said to himself as he emptied his pockets, putting both the jar of Ogasmicur and his sister's panties on his bed.

Being a teenager and being impatient go hand in hand and Reuben wasted no time in peeling off his clothing. He discarded his shirt and denim shorts in record time. He kicked his sandals under the bed and slid his underwear to the floor.

Completely naked, the barely pubescent boy climbed into bed and lay. Though he had no pubic hair of which to speak, he wasn't exactly behind any of his peers in other areas of development. Right now, though, he didn't want to think about how he compared to the other boys in his class, his mind was fixated on his sister and exactly who she might be having sex with.

“I bet it's Jeff,” Reuben thought to himself, thinking of the guy his sister occasionally dated that seemed to him the most desirable of choices. After all, Jeff played sports and had a car. “Lucky, lucky, Jeff.”

Reuben grabbed his sister's panties that were laying on the bed beside him. He took them to his face, and practically smothered himself with them. He took a deep inhale and enjoyed the scent. Though the pair of undergarments had the same rainforest scent as the rest of the laundry the family had, the teen thought he could smell the scent from what his sister had between her legs.

“Yes,” he said into the panties, “Stacey was certainly wearing these the last time she was with Jeff. And boy was she hot for him that night.”

The boy could feel his penis grow as he got aroused about thinking of his sister sitting in Jeff's car with her legs spread slightly apart and her boyfriend's hand resting just above her crotch. “I bet she loved it. I bet with that stuff he was an animal.”

Reuben lowered the satin panties to his penis, wrapping it around his dick and enjoying the feel of the cool material around his member. At first he just let it sit there, allowing himself to become even more aroused. He didn't have the discipline to do just revel in the sensation for an extended amount of time and after a few seconds he wrapped his hand around the panties and gave his cock a few jerks.

“Yeah, I bet you did that for Jeff. Didn't you.”

The boy felt himself starting to breathe heavy and knew it was time for him to begin. Though he didn't have much stamina when it came to masturbating, he tried to hold out as long as he possibly could before giving in to release.

Reuben gave himself a few more strokes with the panties around his member before he remembered the mysterious bottle he had found along with the garment. The promise of a better orgasm made him stop before his hand really got going to work. He put his sisters panties by his side and found the jar of ointment fairly easily. With one full turn, the bronze colored metal lid was off and he had access to the clear, jelly like cream. With two fingers he took a liberal amount of the peppermint smelling cream and placed the goo in the palm of his dominant hand.

“This is going to be awesome,” the boy said to himself as he rested his head against his pillow and liberally lathered his penis with the ointment. He had used lubrication before and figured that at worst, at least it would help him get off easier.

Reuben closed his eyes as he pictured his sister and her boyfriend Jeff in the back seat of his car. He wrapped his hand around his penis, pleased that unlike some other boys in his grade he could wrap all his fingers around himself and still had part of himself sticking out from his hand.

The ointment felt cool at first, much colder than his sister's satin panties. It caused him to flinch ever so slightly, like often happens when a sensation takes a person by surprise. It still didn't deter him from the course of action he had set forth for himself.

He pumped himself a few times. Heat started to radiate from his hand, not a burning sensation, but a pleasant warmth. He took a deep breath with a down stroke and slowly worked his hand back to the tip. It was unlike him to savor the activity so much, usually he viewed it as a race to reach the finish line before he got caught.

He could feel his member throb in his hand as pleasure overtook his mind. He was now lost in the activity. Envisioning his sister with her legs spread wide, awaiting her boyfriend to perform the first penetrating thrust, only enhanced the experience.

Lost in his lust, Reuben failed to realize that not only was his entire hand encompassing his penis, he was down to using just three fingers to do so. He somehow sensed that, but at the same time could feel his raging hard on enter into his sternum.

The teen could feel himself breathing heavier as he brought his hand further down, trying to get to the base of his penis that now seemed to be an inch or two inside his pelvis. It didn't bother him that it seemed his manhood was trying to flee from his hand, it still felt amazingly good.

Reuben pictured his sister receiving a passionate kiss as she was being entered and exited by her boyfriend. “Oh yes.” He whispered to himself as he imagined her bra being unfastened and removed.

Reuben now held his penis with just his thumb and forefinger as he worked back and forth. With his free hand he rubbed his chest, bringing the little fatty tissue together in a lump. He didn't have as much there to work with as his sister, but squeezing his faux chest felt wonderful enough for him to quit worrying about his ever shrinking member.

Heat encompassed the boy as ray of ecstasy emanated from his crotch. All he knew was that the more he rubbed, the better he felt. It was getting more and more difficult to reach the part of his body that was bringing him such joy, but that did not deter him. He plunged two fingers into his pelvis in order to still rub the tip of his organ. It felt so good that he didn't want to think about what was happening, only to keep on experiencing the ecstasy.

Reuben let out a slight sigh as his finger rubbed across an opening that he didn't realize was being created. The more and more he rubbed, the better and better he felt. He had no clue that the small bump that he was now rubbing was no longer his penis, but a clitoris. He dove his finger deep into his newly formed vagina as he imagined that Jeff was steadily humping him. His free hand cupped his a-cup breast and shivers of excitement ran through him like never before.

“Oh God, Yes,” Jeff screamed as he brought himself to climax. Shivers ran through his whole body as his leg shook involuntarily.

With the last troughs of passion subsiding, the door to his bedroom swung open.

“Mom,” Reuben let out a shriek as he realized he was much noisier than he ever intended.

His mother stared at him in disgust. “Just look at you.”

Reuben shook his head. “I was just.”

“We both know what you were doing. You were so involved using your body like a carnival ride you don't even realize what happened. Do you?”

Reuben thought for a second and then looked down. He could see that his body was drastically changed, that instead of a penis, he anatomy now matched his sister. “Wh-wh-what happened.”

“Serves you right,” his mom responded with an air of victory.

“You made me a girl,” Reuben accused.

“You did it to yourself,” Veronica told her son.

“You set me up. Why?”

“What, you think your sister didn't realize you were using her underwear for something disgusting. You think we want your stains in our panties. You think I want to raise some kind of pervert. Maybe this will teach you a lesson.”

“But I'm a girl,” Reuben exclaimed as he almost jumped out of his own skin.

“Just be glad I got the temporary kind. It should wear off by the time you go back to school. We catch you being disgusting again and I will get the permanent.” With those final words she walked out of the room and closed the door behind her.

Reuben stared off into nothing as he wondered what the next few weeks were going to have in store for him.

Author's note: It's been a while since I wrote anything, but this idea came to me the other day and I sort of enjoyed it. I hope I pulled it off, so to speak. I think I failed, but I tried. I might write another story soon, if I can find time. Please comment and kudo.

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