Summer's Current 2: Witch Corps- Chapters 11-13

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Summer's Current 2: Witch Corps

Mutiny on the Pegasus? One Lynxin finds out what the price is for insubordination, but how does it connect to another mission to save the Galaxy?


Chapter 11

“So…where’s the ‘L-Iron Maiden’?” I asked in an infuriated tone as I entered the bridge.
Keats sprayed spittle all over his console while Samuel Redman remained deafeningly silent. I could tell that Sam had been reprimanded by the way he was positioned over the pilot’s console. Janet was quiet as a church mouse in Charli’s interface tube.
“The ‘Lion Maiden’ is right here.” Sonya Serangetti replied as she stood from my console and approached. “Lady Chance Summers. By order of the Galactic Council I hereby place you and Witch Corp on suspen…”
Snapping my fingers, we were momentarily surrounded by orange light. When it cleared we were on the Observation Lounge.
…sion. And as duly ordered, officially take full command of…” Sonya’s mouth dropped open as she realized where we were.
“As I’ve said before, Sonya, you and the Galactic Council have no jurisdiction over the Corp. And don’t attempt to strong-arm me!” I growled as I came in close.
“Is this a threat, Chance Summers?” She growled back.
“Take it any way you like, sugar! You can’t have my ship! EVER!” I challenged. Pausing a moment, I continued.
“Just to let you know? I’m through being challenged, poked, or… or tested! The ancient Current Mage, Morgana, I can stomach, but you…you, I have a problem with! What’s your deal, Sonya? Some sort of Power play? Revenge? Too much testosterone? Jealousy? Permanent Pre-menstration? What?” I questioned.
The defiant Lynxin went silent and stared, arrogantly, at me.
“Chance, Lady Janet? Travel time from here to the nearest sector of the Galactic Rim.”
Hold on a moment, Chance. I’m computing a course now. Uhmm, forty-eight hours to the closest Rim Outpost at full speed, High Priestess.” She replied.
“And at full AfterBoost?” I inquired.
Twenty-eight point four, M’lady. Shall I forward the coarse to our pilot?
“Not yet, M’lady, thank you. Chance, Keats. Top off Hope and a Pair’s fuel reserve, please. Sonya and I may have to take a quick trip out to the Galactic Rim…or beyond. Chance out.” I ordered as I gave Serangetti a defiant, ‘try me’ stare.
“You have no authority…”
“About as much as you have over me, Princess! Want to see which one of us wins this little pissing contest?” I challenged.
“You cannot talk to me in that tone…” She began but I held out both hands and materialized seven small devices in them.
“Can’t I? What would you do? Trigger these little babies and disable my ship and crew so that the Council can board and dissect her for her technology? How dare you insult my intelligence and our hospitality!”
The devices I held in my hands popped apart into smaller pieces and I examined them closely with my Current Sight.
“Since when did the Galactic Council start using tainted Current in any of its deterrent devices, Princess?” I asked as I purified and transferred the newly cleaned Current into one of Pegasus’ return conduits. The remaining parts fell to dust in my hands then disappeared entirely.
“Tainted Current?” Sonya gasped as she stared at my hands. “I didn’t know anything about tainted Curre…”
“Don’t shovel it so deep, Princess! What is your real objective? Obviously you’re a much better liar than I gave you credit for.”
“I didn’t know anything about the Tainted Current, My Lady! Truthfully!” She objected adamantly.
Is she telling the truth, I asked myself, hoping my earrings might add insight?
She is telling the truth. Somewhat.” I heard in my mind.
“So, you were informed of what the devices would do, but not of their construction?” The Lynxin’s mouth dropped open slightly. “Why? Why take my ship?!”
“The Galactic Council assigned me to gather technical information for use in new emergency response craft. I was told that if you resisted, I had authority to remove you. Their interest was stirred after my mate’s situational report crossed the defense committee chairman’s DataTab.”
Pegasus? Contact Witch Corps Base and recall all local Witch Corps members and their families. Defensive Posture: Alpha-Intruder; Repulsion Protocol: Omega-Disintegrate. Confirm defensive status after roll call is complete.”
Command confirmed, High Priestess. Membership security recall has been activated. Defensive protocols have been enabled on all viable perimeters of Witch Corps Base.
“What did you just do?” Serangetti demanded angrily.
“I just made it impossible for anyone other than active Coven members and their families to gain access to our Base. Anyone that tries will be reduced to atoms. The base A.I. has on file, all valid genetic, facial, retinal, and voice profiles, Princess. I’m sorry, but any operatives you may have trying to gain access to our base have just forfeited their lives.”
“NO! You can’t do that! Those people are only carrying out the orders of the Galactic Council! Stop this madness immediately! Rrrrrwwwwl! What was that?” Serangetti demanded as she grabbed my arm, but recoiled back in pain.
“Did you think I wouldn’t defend myself?” I asked as a bluish sphere popped into existence around the mutinous Lynxin.
“This will hold you until we can decide what to do with you.” I told her as I considered her fate.
Keats, Chance. All members of Witch Corp Flight One have docked.
I scanned my captive once more. Another small device appeared in my hand, became powder then vanished.
“Sorry, but we can’t have you doing anything stupid, now can we, Princess?” I smiled evilly and headed for the elevator. “You stay riiiight there. Okay?”
“Status on Witch Corps Flight Two.”
Lokust reports all the bad guys have been dealt with, M’lady.” Janet Redman reported from the overheads.
“High Priestess? Is momma…Lady Sonya going to be okay? Is there something wrong with her? Is she sick or something?” Lyra asked bashfully.
I looked at our junior member and began to think about how I wanted to handle this. Glancing to my daughter, I saw that Lyra had found my emergency supply of bottles and had been feeding Savanna.
“We’ve been playing, High Priestess. I hope you don’t mind.” She said noticing my gaze.
I smiled brightly at the kitten.
Savanna gurgled a few times and waved her tiny hands back and forth three times.
Lyra turned her head and nodded to her. “That’s right. We did.
“Oh, you did? I’m glad you two get along so well, honey.”
“Excuse me, High Priestess?” Mom asked as she, and the rest of my flight entered the Bridge. “Why is Lady Sonya confined to a bluish sphere up in the Observation Lounge? I saw it during Semper Fi’s docking maneuvers.”
“Momma wants to take Pegasus away from Lady Chance, Lady Hope.” Lyra blurted out innocently.
Mom, Chantell, Artie, and Simone rushed out of the compartment.
I found my Coven sisters surrounding Sonya Serangetti with wands drawn.
“For the last time, ‘kitten’, who ordered this?” Mom demanded, scowling angrily.
“I told you! The Galactic Council ordered…”
“Wrong answer, Bucko!” Chantell declared as she gave her wand a menacing flourish.
“The Defense Committee…”
“Try again, Traitor!” Simone accused as she too repositioned her wand.
Artie surprised everyone as she conjured a large combat knife, flipped it once in her free hand and held it and her wand at the ready. “I grow impatient, Lynxin.” She warned ominously.
“My ladies. No harm can befall her while in my containment shield, however…” I said before snapping my fingers. “The field is now deactivated.”
With that said, I turned and took a seat on one of the lounge’s comfortable chairs.
“You choose to watch their torture of me?”
“The definition of torture depends on you, Lady Sonya. Be forthcoming with the requested information and ‘torture’ shall remain simply conversation. Lie, and…well, the definition will change.”
“But you cannot do that to me! I am protected by the FeLane Diplomatic Accords!”
“And Witch Corp was sponsored AND sanctioned by Queen Libra herself, Princess!” Mom shouted as she pulled her revolver with her free hand and took aim. “And I helped her write those accords!”
Serangetti was flabergasted! “You knew the great queen? My greatest aunt?”
“Wouldn’t shit ya, bitch.” Chantell shot back as she cocked the hammer of her revolver with her thumb.
“You cannot be that old!”
“Born, May 18th, 2075, Quantico, Virginia, United States of America, Earth, Princess! Yes, I’m that old.” Mom declared.
“November 21st, 2077, Dearborn, Michigan, United States of America, Earth, Kiddo.” Chantell added.
“Huh. I always thought you were older than mom.” I shrugged.
“You can be a real wise-ass, girlfriend!” Chantell responded.
“At least I’m not a traitor hell-bent on stealing advanced proprietary technology.” I countered.
“I told you that the Chairman saw the opportunity to advance our emergency response craft. If those entities could respond to disasters faster…”
“Other ‘entities’ could overrun the galaxy faster and the legitimate agencies wouldn’t be able to stop them, Sonya! Can’t you see the logic in that?”
“Chance is right! Why would the Defense Committee chairman have ANY influence over emergency responders or relief agencies? Other than defensive security?” Dell agreed. Her knife was still held at the ready.
“Dell’s got a valid point. The only reason the Defense Chair would be interested is for defensive purposes…or offensive campaigns.” Simone added. “With our tech, the Galactic Service would be unstoppable.”
High Priestess, Defensive Posture: Alpha-Intruder; Repulsion Protocol: Omega-Disintegrate has enabled. Confirmation has been received with Coven roll call completed. Witch Corps Base is secure and completely isolated pending your voice ident. All security measures stand charged at one hundred percent.Pegasus’ A.I. reported to the stunned gasps of my Coven sisters.
“Enact Protocols, Pegasus. Cmdr. Summers, Chance. High Priestess, EFMC Witch Corps. Enable.”
Command confirmed.
“Chance?” Simone asked in confusion.
“Alpha-Intruder locks Witch Corps Headquarters away from any and all aggressors. Effectively our base is completely isolated from the rest of Mare. Nothing in and nothing out.” I explained. “Repulsion Protocol: Omega-Disintegration means that the perimeter of the Base; the walls, doors, umbilicals, everything, is charged in a similar fashion to Pegasus’ hull defenses. Anything that so much as touches an exterior perimeter surface will be obliterated.”
“Fuuuuuu”, Chantell goggled in shock.
“Our families, the Corp, and our tech are of the highest priorities, M’ladies.” I said flatly.
“You put family and the Corps above everything else?”Serangetti questioned. “Above Galactic Security?”
“Especially above ‘Galactic Security’, Princess! Wouldn’t you?” I countered. “Our tech being compromised matters almost as much as the Corps or our families’ safety, Sonya! Without those three important commodities, Witch Corp loses efficiency and effectiveness. Can’t you see that simple concept? Has the Galactic Council brainwashed you so thoroughly?”
“I have pledged my allegiance to uphold the values of the Galactic Alli…”
“So you would throw us, Kimbou, and Lyra under the bus for the betterment of the Galactic Alliance? What? Did your brains and common sense leak out when they bobbed yer tail, honey?” Mom demanded confrontationally.
Sonya stared at my mother in confusion for some time.
High Priestess, I have Witch Corps Flight Two requesting docking permissions.” Keats interrupted.
“Go ahead, Keats, but authorize Pegasus 4 for immediate approach and docking. I want her up in Observation ASAP. Chance, out.”

Chapter 12

“You requested my presence, High Priestess?” Kitty asked noticing her cousin under heavy guard. She didn’t seem all that surprised.
“Have a seat. We have something to discuss. Something I feel the reigning Princess of FeLane should be included in.” I said motioning for her to take a seat.
“Chance? May I remind you that I have no right to the crown as father disowned, disfigured, and banished me from court AND my home planet.” Sinae responded calmly.
“All Regent decrees and rulings became null and void upon his conviction, Kitty Sinae. I believe that makes you the reigning sovereign?” Mom told my Coven sister.
“It does…technically, but…”
“Sonya is claiming exclusion from any prosecution accorded by the Witch Corps Code of Conduct.” I informed.
“Any and all exclusions via the long-standing FeLane Diplomatic Accords only apply to FeLane sponsored activitities such as peace talks, weapons reduction negotiations, and relief efforts to embroiled systems.” Sinae recited from memory. “Because of the sponsorship and sanctioned objectives of EFMC Witch Corps, some dispensation is permissible. What are the charges, High Priestess?”
“The Galactic Council wants to take and dissect Pegasus for her tech. Sonya here claims she has orders and legal right to relieve me of command and take over.” I answered.
“Galactic Council has no legal jurisdiction over EFMC Witch Corps, whatsoever, Serangetti Sonya.” Sinae began as she conjured her DataTab. She began reading from it. “By deliberate order of her majesty, Libra Delain Sinae, Queen of all FeLane, her possessions, and her legal territories; and in conjunction with the United Earth Defense Organization dated and ratified: January 15th, Earth year 2128, no form, version, or variation of mutiny shall be excused or rendered exempt by any diplomatic proclamation or accord including, but not limited to, the FeLane Diplomatic Accord of FeLane calendar date 2845:03:26. Provable and evidenced mutiny or highjacking is regarded as high treason and punishable by death or lifetime incarceration. Whichever is sanctioned by the vessel’s Commander and ship’s registry.”
Sonya stared at her cousin in complete fascination. Completely taken by her knowledge of Lynxin Law and her swift parsing of the legal document.
As were we all!
“What’s it going to be, Sonya?” I asked as Sinae dismissed her DataTab.
We waited.
“Is it really worth losing Kimbou and Lyra, honey?” Mom asked. “For once, think about your family and not your damn career!”
We waited while Sonya debated her options and made up her mind.
Serangetti sighed deeply. “The order came from Chairman Englert.”
“Who-freakin’-ray!” Chantell voiced our combined relief.
“How well do you know Chairman Englert, Sonya?” I asked as I motioned her to a close couch with a pleasant smile. “Have a seat, M’lady.”
“I know that he has been in charge of the Defense Committee for a number of years. His character is faultless and his orders are usually clear and logical.”
“Except this time?” I asked.
When she nodded, I called Charli Anderson to the Observation Lounge.
“You wanted to see me, High Priestess?” Dad asked as she exited the elevator. She stopped when she saw all the ‘happy’ faces.
“Lady Charli. We need an in-depth briefing on Defense Committee Chairman Englert, please. There is reason to believe the Defense Committee- particularly Chairman Englert- has been compromised.” I explained, motioning her to a lounge chair.
“It’ll take me a minute or two, High Priestess.”
Sonya Serangetti looked stunned.
“How can she do that? Those files are classified and highly encrypted!”
“Here it is. Jameson Quincy Englert III, Home planet: Tasco; Current Chairman, Galactic Alliance Defense Committee. Graduated Magna Cum Luade, Calbri Military Academy, Calbri System…”
Again, Sonya was stunned as Charli went on and on- in great detail- about the man.
After twenty minutes, we were still no closer to narrowing down what his intentions were.
“Thank you, M’lady. As usual you have exceeded yourself.” I commended.
“Thank you. I hope I’ve helped, High Priestess.” Charli responded with a smile, but paused and tilted her head slightly to the left.
“If I may, High Priestess?”
I motioned for her to continue.
“It seems Chairman Englert’s personnel files do not reveal anything questionable. With your permission, I would like to access the Defense Committee chamber’s multimedia security archives and his private DataTab history. Maybe there we will find a discrepancy. I might also suggest accessing his schedule.”
“Do it.” I smiled.
“It will take possibly an hour to review the files, High Priestess. I will contact you when ready.” Charli said as she laid back and closed her eyes.
“Chance, Bridge. Lay in a course for Galactic Alliance Headquarters. Enable Deep Space Camo; Passive sensors only. Communications set to receive only. Full Stealth mode.”
As you wish, High Priestess.” Lokust acknowledged.
“What are you planning to do?” Sonya demanded as she stared at me.
“I plan on saving the damn Alliance! Are you with me or against, Sonya?” I answered.
“As I said, I have pledged my allegiance to the Alliance, High Priestess.” The Lynxin nodded to me.
“Good! Then you’ll need to be activated,” I said as she jumped in shock, “Welcome to the Corps, Serangetti Sonya, Princess of FeLane.”
“Girlfriend? Is that really a wise move- giving the detainee the same powers as us?” Chantell questioned.
“When the safety of the Galactic Alliance is involved, we’re on the same side,” I said as I turned to our new sister. “And if you don’t do everything I say, when I say it…if you even- once- question any of my orders, you might end up buried in this uniform. Crystal?”
“I understand, High Priestess.”
“Good! Now I want you to conjure your wand, Princess.” I gave my first order.
“Conjure my…?” She protested, but stopped herself and concentrated.
“Ask your Current and don’t demand of it, Sonya.” I strongly advised.
A minute of intense concentration was all it took before she held a slender, silvery wand with a pale blue crystal embedded in an artistically embossed, silver star at its end.
“Great. A cat girl in a witches costume holding a sailor girl scepter!” Chantell groaned. “This doesn’t remind anybody of an old Japanese anime?”
Lady Sonya examined her new wand with a puzzled expression. “Why did you assign such a thing to me, High Priestess? I assure you, I am embarrassed as it is.”
“The user picks the wand, Princess!” Mom decried. “Not the other way around- as J.K. Rowling would have it.”
“Who?” Four of us chorused.
“Never mind.” Mom replied in a flat, reticent tone.
Bridge, Chance. Course has been entered and we will arrive at Alliance Headquarters in five hours. Permission to break orbit, High Priestess?
“Make it so, M’lady. Engage.” I ordered then turned back to Serangetti.
“Don’t ever threaten me again, Princess! You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry. I’ll be attending Princess Savanna if anyone needs me.”
Orange filled my vision before the Bridge appeared around me.
Lokust shrieked in surprise, as did Cora when I asked for a status report.
“Damn, buddy! You almost gave me a coronary! How did you even do that?”
“Current travel. I’m not sure anyone but me can do it though. How’s my little princess, Lyra?”
“Okay? You didn’t hurt momma, did you, High Priestess?” Our junior Lynxin sister asked.
“Your momma is fine, Lady Lyra, though, she can be very stubborn and difficult.” I answered.
“Oh. Poppy says that all the time.” The kitten replied then went into an impression of her father.
“”Kitten?” She said in as deep a voice as she could manage, “It’s a wonder that your momma isn’t royalty. She certainly demonstrates the royal stubbornness on a daily basis!”
Lyra began to giggle hysterically.
The bridge door activated and Sonya Serangetti entered then stopped and stood to attention.
“High Priestess. Permission to resume my previously assigned station?” She asked stiffly.
“MOMMA!” Lyra squealed as she jumped up, out of her seat and flew toward the back of the bridge.
Sonya remained at attention and Lyra sadly landed before her and blinked her eyes once then again. The adolescent Kitten turned to me suddenly.
“You got momma to join the Corps?!” Lyra screeched in glee while she clapped her hands excitedly. Just as quickly she turned back to her mother.
“I wanna see your wand, momma! Does it look like mine? Show me! Show me!” She demanded animatedly.
Sonya stayed silent and remained focused on me.
“Permission to resume your station, Lady Sonya, but after you show Lady Lyra your wand.” I ordered.
“Lady Lyra should resume her station and not create a disturbance on the bridge.” Sonya responded.
“Seniority-wise, Lady Lyra out-ranks you, Lady Sonya. Just show her your wand, Princess.” I sighed in annoyance.
Sonya glared at me, produced her wand, and promptly caused uproarious laughter to fill the command deck!
“I think its soooo cute!” Lyra finally said as the laughter died down. She approached her mother and hugged her waist warmly. Sonya seemed to melt momentarily before gently extracting herself from her daughter’s embrace.
“Never, in my three hundred and twenty-five years, have I ever seen a wand quite so unique.” Aunt Cora offered as she looked upon Sonya’s still present wand.
“Unique is what I’d call it, too, M’lady.” Lokust smiled whimsically. “Buddy? Listen. I’m still pumped from the festivities, so I’ll take this watch. You and the rest of the Coven get some rest.”

Chapter 13

“Chance? Hey, buddy? Sorry to disturb you, but we’re thirty minutes out from Alliance Headquarters.” Lokust gently called as she held Savanna to her shoulder, patting her back softly. “Savanna started to fuss so I materialized one of your emergency bottles for her. Good idea, by the way. Gives you a chance to rest and regroup.”
I smiled at my friend and Coven sister.
“Thanks, I appreciate it. Who’s on duty?”
“Sam wanted some more helm time and Keats actually growled when Simone tried to relieve him at engineering. Dell relieved Cora at Comms about an hour and a half ago. Janet’s still in Navigation. Lyra is watching Sonya like a hawk at weapons- as is Kitty from the extra seats.”
Lokust passed Savanna to me, but remained quiet for a minute.
“Buddy? You really think Alliance Headquarters has been hacked? I mean, how could the big bad guy get in without being detected?”
“Don’t forget that their equipment isn’t as sensitive as ours, buddy. Sinae had a hard time detecting Cmdr. Serangetti’s double, too. These things seem to be very good at infiltration.”
“So how do we find it? If Kitty’s nose has a hard time, what can we use to augment that?”
“Need I remind you we have three activated Lynxin onboard? I’m sure between the three of them, one will detect something. My credits are on Lyra, she’s younger, has a more sensitive sense of smell, and is a natural Current Mage.”
“Chance, I really don’t like the idea of putting Lyra anywhere near that thing! She’s too young!”
Savanna gurgled and made fists of both hands.
“Definitely not, squirt! That isn’t going to happen even if your mother and I were coupled!” Lokust proclaimed.
Savanna suggested we pose as a family- she, Lyra, Grunfuller, and me- to covertly enter Alliance Headquarters to hunt our quarry.
“So,” I smiled, “you decided to listen with your heart.”
“It wasn’t that hard once I figured out the basics, Buddy. You know…she’s really smart for her age. Insightful, too.” Lokust giggled shaking her head.
“Artemis…Dell’s greatest gram…she hinted that Savanna was one of us…one of them…you know, an Olympian?”
“How’d I miss that?”
“When Artemis first appeared….”
“Oh, got it. Okay.”
We were quiet and stood looking at each other for several moments.
“Okay…well…we should be coming up on Alliance Headquarters soon so I’ll get back to the bridge. See you there, Buddy.”
“Wait… About Savanna’s suggestion, Lokust. It does have merit, but maybe it should be refined somewhat. If I can do that, we may just have our in.” I hurried to voice my thoughts before she left our room.
“We still need to hear from Charli on her investigation, Buddy, but I’m not one hundred percent against it. See you on the Bridge.” She said as our door closed.
Savanna fussed for a moment.
“Will you stop that? I keep telling you its complicated! Grunfuller asked to proceed slowly, remember?”
My daughter fussed a little bit more as she waved her little right hand.
“Oh don’t hand me that, young lady! Things like this take time; and your memory is almost brand new.”
I gazed upon her cherubic face for a moment before turning toward the passageway.
“We should be getting to the Bridge.”
“High Priestess, we are approaching Galahad. Should we alert them of our arrival?” Lokust asked as I entered.
“Negative. Maintain Comm silence. Camo mode to dynamic.”
“Why the deceit? They will know someone has entered orbit and will take defensive action.” Sonya questioned.
“Trust her, Cousin. Pegasus won’t be detected.” Sinae assured.
“How can you say that? You don’t know how advanced their sensors are? This is reckless and criminal, and will put Pegasus and this unit in unnecessary danger. It is arrogant and childish to endanger this unit in such a way!” Sonya complained as she stood from her station and stomped her foot in anger.
“Who’s being childish?” Dell commented with a giggle.
A crazy idea suddenly overtook me.
“What is it, Buddy? You come up with your ‘refinement’?” Lokust narrowed her eyes at me and smiled tensely. “I’m not going to like it, am I?”
“Lady Sonya,” I began as I looked to our furious, newly activated Coven sister. “I have an idea that should get us into Headquarters, but I need your skills. Can I count on you?”
“Do I have a choice, High Priestess?” Sonya asked as Lyra looked on curiously.
“You don’t. It has been suggested that a family unit would have greater autonomy on Galahad than the diplomatic division of Witch Corps. If you agree, I propose we masquerade as that family unit.”
“Define ‘we’, High Priestess.” Sonya narrowed her eyes as she dared me to go on.
“We being Grunfuller and Chance Lokust and their three children: Savanna, and her adopted older siblings, Lara and Sonya.” I answered.
Savanna gurgled and waved both hands a few times.
“Oh, you like that, do you?” I smiled.
Sonya stared at me in confusion.
“I don’t think I follow.”
“Lady Chance? Momma is too old to play an adopted kitten…isn’t she?” Lyra pointed out in confusion.
“Adulescens de transform in octo.” I recited after quickly producing my wand and pointing it at Sonya. Savanna burped.
After the blue sphere faded, an adolescent Lynxin kitten of eight years stood where Sonya had just seconds before. Her clothing matched Lyra’s.
“High Priestess! Where did momma go? What did you do with Momma.” Lyra cried in horror.
“I am right…I am right here, child.” The newly arrived kitten rubbed her delicate throat while turning to look up at me. “What have you done with my voice, High Priestess?”
The kitten seemed to freeze as she again looked to Lyra.
“How can I be looking almost eye to eye with my kitten?”
“By the Norges, Chance! She’s so precious!” Aunt Cora doted.
“Hard to imagine someone that cute could grow up to be such a pain in the ass.” Chantell observed in a subdued tone.
Lyra continued to stare, her mouth open and her eyes wide.
“What have you done to me! I demand to know what you have done to me!” The little Lyxin demanded as she stamped her foot.
“Now that response fits an eight year old perfectly.” Charli laughed.
Sonya’s unique wand appeared in her hand.
Just as quickly eight more wands appeared- only these were pointed back at the new kitten.
“Now that is about as cute as they come!” Simone gushed. “You’ll have to show me how you did that, Chance. It might come in handy sometime.”
“And the wand just adds to the effect, I’m afraid.” Keats snickered
Savanna brought her hands together as she tried to clap several times.
“No, I don’t think she’s in any mood to play right now, sweetie.” I replied.
“Are you saying this is momma, High Priestess?” Lyra questioned.
Sinae stood from her seat and gracefully walked the few steps to stand before her Lynxin brethren. She regarded the kittens for a moment.
“No. I believe this is your older sister, Sonya, Lady Lara Lokust.” Sinae leaned over and glared menacingly at her cousin. “Say hello to your younger sister, Sonya Lokust.”
Sonya glared eye to eye with Sinae for a few minutes before shying away with a look of defeat.
“Hello sister. I am happy to see you again, but I am not in the mood to play right now, thank you.”
“Lady Kitty? Are you sure this is my older sister? This girl is rude and seems a little snobbish to me. Not what I would expect MY sister to act like at all.”
Sonya glared at Lyra.
Savanna laughed a few times.
“She’ll get the hang of it, sweetie. Don’t you worry,” I told her with a smile.
“Well, I guess I best get ready too.” Lokust said as she changed forms.
Sonya stopped suddenly and stared up at Grunfuller as if seeing a Hoblin appear for the first time!
Apparently this was the first time she had seen my second do that.
“What are you?!” She gasped in fright.
“I’m your adopted father, Sonya Lokust. And I demand you pay me the proper respect or I shall turn you over my knee. Is that clear, young lady?”
A round of applause filled the compartment!
“Charli, We’ll need the appropriate credentials. Keats, ready Pegasus 1 and Pegasus 2.” I said after the noise died down.
“As you wish, High Priestess.” Both acknowledged.
I nodded my appreciation.
“I’ll go get the girls dressed for a trip into the big city. See to it that we assume a ‘geo-sync’ orbit and remain cloaked. Sonya and Lyra, please follow me.” I commanded as I motioned the two kittens from the Bridge and to my quarters.
Placing Savanna down in her crib, I looked at ‘my’ other two daughters.
“Okay, so…Lyra, I’m going to leave it up to you to change into something nice for the city. Maybe a nice pastel jumper? Because we haven’t had time to show Sonya how to manifest different clothing, I’m going to pay her more attention, understand?” I asked our junior witch.
In reply, Lyra’s clothing changed from her ‘junior’ uniform into a light yellow jumper with matching athletic shoes and white micro-socks.
Sonya’s eyes popped wide.
“That looks nice, sweetie…”
Can I try it on momm…I mean Sonya, High…mommy?” Lyra asked as she stumbled over the proper forms of address.
“Of course you can. I’ll be the first to admit that I have very little experience with what girls your age wear these days, sweetie.”
Sonya was suddenly dressed in a blue, pleated, short skirt and a white blouse with a blue sweater and light blue synthetic low-heeled slippers.
Sonya looked down at herself then stared in confusion at her younger sister.
“Marvelous, Lyra!” I praised. “Just think what you’ll achieve when you get older.”
Sonya turned to me with her mouth hanging open.
“Well. Now that you two are ready, I should get Savanna dressed.” I said as a new, cute little one-piece romper appeared on her.
Savanna clapped a few times with a cute little smile on her face.
My own clothing changed next- my uniform becoming a stylish knee-length red skirt, maroon, buttoned, silk blouse, red medium-heeled shoes, and gold jewelry.
Holding out my hand, I conjured my personal DataTab on a long strap, placed it over my head and adjusted it so it would lay flat and low on my hip.
“There. All set for a day in the big city.” I said as I picked up and held Savanna to my shoulder.
Sonya was still staring.
“Would you like me to show you how to change clothes like we can, big sister?” Lyra asked as we exited my quarters.
I didn’t hear any answer.
Re-entering the Bridge, Grunfuller stood and apprised the four of us.
“Well? Are my girls ready to go? We’ve got a long way to travel today.”
“High Priestess. Pegasus is now parked in synchronous orbit over Alliance City. No defensive actions have been detected.” Kitty reported, as she made an ‘I told you so’ face at Sonya.
“Time to get the girls buckled in, dear. You take Sonya and I’ll take Lara and Savanna.” I announced.
“Geez! What’d I ever do to deserve…sorry. As you wish, sweetheart. This way, sweetie.” Grunfuller choked.
“How is your tail, Lady Lyra?” I asked as we slid into the front chair of Hope and a Pair. I had just finished securing Savanna- in her carseat- into the rear chair.
“This is exactly like my bed, High Priestess!” She replied in excitement.
“This one actually works, sweetie, so I need you to behave and allow me to pilot us down to the planet, okay?”
“Okay, mommy.” She replied.
“Good girl. Hope and a Pair? Status.” I asked my ship.
All propulsion, navigation, and environmental systems are online and functioning.
I could feel the little Lynxin brimming with excitement, but she managed to hold it in.
Pegasus 1. All systems online. Awaiting departure vector and clearance.” I announced.
Copy Pegasus 1. Sending vector now. Departure is at your call.” Chantell responded.
“Let’s go, Hope and a Pair. Enable dynamic Camo.” I said before I disengaged our docking clamps and nudged the throttle and control stock. There was a quiet ‘clunk’ and Pegasus began dropping away.
Dynamic Camo enable…
“WOOOOHOOO!!!!!!” Lyra screamed and clapped animatedly being unable to contain her excitement any longer.
“Contact you when we’re on the floor, Pegasus.” I said as I rolled Hope and a Pair one hundred and eighty degrees. We were now looking up through the canopy at the blue, green, and white planet.
Copy, Chance. Keep Princess and…”, there was a pause in the communication, “Kitten…safe down there.
“Who’s Kitten, mommy?” Lyra asked.
“You are. Lady Chantell realized you didn’t have a call sign, so she gave you one- Kitten. If you don’t like it we can always think of a new one when we have more time.”
“That’s okay, mommy. I like it.”
Savanna giggled.
“I’m glad you like it too, Princess.” Lyra said as she strained to look behind us.
Savanna giggled again.
“I thought you would like your call sign too, sweetie.” I said as I shook my head and smiled.
Pegasus 1, on the deck.” I alerted before I told Hope and a Pair to disable her transmitters. She was to remain silent until we returned…or until Pegasus made emergency contact.
“Let’s go girls.” I said as I opened the canopy.
We had landed in a secluded area of the outer city that was wooded and showed little pedestrian traffic.
Lyra immediately hovered out of my lap the minute I released our harness. I followed her a moment later, but turned around and unharnessed Savanna’s carseat. With that in hand, I hovered away and lowered us to the warm green grass. What sun that shone through the trees felt wonderful on my face.
Nearby, Grunfuller suddenly appeared as he helped Sonya down out of his cockpit. Both looked a little harried.
“Rough flight, dear?” I asked as we got closer.
“I’m just not used to landing in such close quarters.” Grunfuller said, but glanced at our ‘oldest daughter’.
“Looks good to me. Shall we go?”
“Sooner than later, Buddy…I mean, sweetheart.”
With a smile to him, I reached for my DataTab and brought up Charli’s map of the city. To anyone looking, It appeared to be a tourism display, but to those of us with Current sight it gave every nook and crannie- every hidey-hole- one could need if being followed or chased.
Or hiding.
“According to the map, we go this way into Percival to catch the nearest transport to Alliance City Central.” I informed ‘my’ family as I pointed down a winding dirt path.
Placing Savanna and her car seat down it became a typical, nondescript three-wheeled stroller. I quickly checked the pouch under the push handle and counted eight clean diapers and two emergency bottles of my milk.
It had taken us a mere ten minutes to get to the transport station and another ten before it hovered to a stop at the loading platform. We were on our way in another five after entering and taking some seats.
What should normally have been a very quiet ride turned into a question and answer marathon about us- the girls, and the reasoning behind adopting two Lynxin siblings. Not one person seemed to pick up on the fact that they both had long, royal tails. This thrilled me to no end as I had cast a concealment spell on both to hide the trait in order to avoid attracting undue attention.
“Mom?” Sonya asked in a sugar-sweet voice. “When will we get there?”
“In about fifteen minutes, sweetie.” Grunfuller answered instead. “Be patient for a little while longer, Sonya.”
“Daddy? When will we get there?” Sonya asked again three minutes later. This time she had a barely visible grin on her face. I had a feeling I knew where this was going.
“Why? Do you need to go potty, Sweetie?” I asked, at normal volume.
Sonya turned red in embarrassment and glared at me a moment.
Only a moment, though.
I grinned to myself in triumph.
The arrival announcement for Gallactic Alliance Headquarters drew my attention and within a minute we had arrived and hurried to offload both us and our baggage from the transport coach.
“Oh my goodness! Aren’t you the perfect looking family!” A woman of maybe forty decried.
“How old are they?” She asked inquisitively.
“Sonya is eight, Lara is six, and Savanna is a month.” I bragged politely.
“Only a month? You look amazing, dear! How did you lose it so fast?”
“Thank you! I found this ‘magical’ workout routine; tried it, and it just melted away. I feel like I never went through a pregnancy in my life.” I chirped happily.
“Well good for you, dear! But why adopt before you had one of your own?” She pressed.
“Their parents were good friends of ours, Ma’am”. I told her as I looked down sadly.
“But they’re in a much better place now, mommy. Isn’t that right, Sonya?” Lyra or Lara on this mission, asked her sister innocently.
Sonya glared at her then the woman, and looked away.
“I’m terribly sorry to have been so nosey. I’ll be on my way. Good bye now.” She apologized politely then hurried on her way.
“Well played, sweetie. The sullen look was perfect.” I praised while I think Grunfuller fought to keep a straight face.
“Hi. We were here taking in the sights when my boss sent me this cryptic message that he had to see me right away?” Grunfuller greeted the receptionist as we entered the building housing the Defense Committee chambers and offices.
“Daddy? Can we see where you work? Can we? Can we? Can we?” ‘Lara’ cried in unbridled enthusiasm.
Grunfuller smiled. ‘Can’t disappoint the kids now, can we. Hopefully, whatever it is won’t take too long. I promised them we’d go up in the Alliance Center building to the lookout deck today.” He continued as he passed his DataTab under the sensor.
It beeped and a green indicator turned on.
“Everything seems to be in order, Mr. Lokust. Your party will need to display these permission pins at all times in the building. I saw Chairman Englert enter earlier this morning. He didn’t seem to be in such a good mood.” The man informed us.
Grunfuller and I exchanged a dour look.
“Just a friendly warning.” He smiled nervously. “Something big must be going on. I’ve never seen him this upset…ever.”
“Wonderful. Thanks. I go on vacation for three weeks and this happens in the last few days…”
“Honey? Maybe the children and I should stay here.” I suggested worriedly. “I don’t want to make a bad situation any worse.”
“Nonsense! I’m sure whatever it is, Englert will be all smiles when he sees these three.” Grunfuller motioned to ‘our children’.
The receptionist smiled politely and waved at Sonya and Lara.
“See you later girls.” He said as he shook his head in amusement.
“Please step through the scanners one at a time.” A security guard instructed as we approached. Sonya stopped dead in her tracks!
“First time through one of these ay?” The guard asked as Grunfuller tried- in vain- to get her to advance.
“They don’t come into the city all that much. I on the other hand, am here entirely too much!” My ‘mate’ told him.
“I understand that, brother! How I wish I could wing it out in the wilds!” He replied wryly.
“Suburbia isn’t getting any better, dude.” Grub empathized.
“I’ll go through, sissy!” Lara announced as she marched straight through valiantly. The scanner remained quiet.
“See? I didn’t melt, big sister!” Lara teased.
“Just walk through like Lara did, sweetie. It can’t hurt you.” I reassured her and gave her a wink for encouragement.
Cautiously, Sonya began walking to and through the device, eyes closed tightly and wincing with each step.
“There, that wasn’t so bad now, was it?” The guard chuckled in amusement.
Sonya’s eyes flew open and she looked around and back at the- in her mind- deadly scanner.
Savanna and I went through next followed by Grunfuller.
“That wasn’t so bad, was it, sweetie?” Grub smiled while he patted Sonya lovingly on the head.
“Resist the grind, guy.” Grunfuller waved back to the guard as we moved to the elevators.
“Now do you need the potty, sweetie?” I asked deviously. Unfolding my right hand to show her what I had, her eyes popped wide open in surprise.
“I’ll bet you were worried about this, weren’t you?” I asked as the small capsule in my hand fell to dust then disappeared completely.
“Oops! No more security-tracking device. Sorry I broke it, sweetie.” I teased evilly.
“I’m really starting to dislike you…mommy!” Sonya snarled. “They could have shot me if detected!”
“Well then it’s a good thing I found and deactivated it before I left Pegasus, isn’t it?” I smiled wickedly. “For Elcano.” I added with a snort.
“Fifty-eight.” Grunfuller specified as the elevator doors closed. We began our ascent to the fifty-eighth floor.
This is floor…fifty-eight.” The ancient elevator announced just before the doors rattled open.
I quickly pointed to the corner of the car and planted one of my taint sensors next to where I knew the multimedia sensor was hidden. It was programmed to stop the lift between floors, alert us, and prevent anyone from escaping should it detect tainted Current.
Glancing to his DataTab, Grunfuller nodded over his shoulder. “This way, ladies.”
“Chairman Englert? Grunfuller Lokust. I received a message that you wanted to see me, sir?” We had just walked straight through his unattended outer office and now Grub had opened his unlocked door slightly and knocked to announce himself.
“Enter.” A deep, male voice commanded.
“Excuse me, Chairman, but why did you summon me? I’m still on my holiday and here in the city with my family. What’s this all about? If I may be so bold.” Grub inquired.
“I made no such request, young man. Now tell me who you are and you’re purpose here today.” I heard the baritone voice counter.
“It smells like something died in here.” Lyra…Lara whispered. Sonya began sniffing the air, too. I tried but couldn’t detect anything out of the ordinary.
“That’s what your cousin described that afternoon on Mare’s Bridge, sweetie.” I told my young Lynxin.
“I’m picking it up, too. It’s way too light to get a direction, though.” Sonya corroborated.
“I’ll find it.” Lara said as she ran into the main office.
“Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Is this the guy you work for? Is he? Is he? Is he?”
I had to hand it to the girl! She seemed fearless and willing to do just about anything.
“Lara? Sweetie, I asked you to stay out there with your mother.”
I took that as my cue.
“I’m sorry, dear! I took my eyes off her for a few seconds to fix Sonya’s hair and she took off. I pleaded as I walked into the large, tastefully decorated office with Sonya in one hand while pushing Savanna’s stroller.
“Forgive me sir. I’ll just take her back out in the hall. Come on, Lara. Daddy needs to speak privately with his boss.”
The Chairman- a tall, well-groomed, middle-aged man was silent for a moment before he smiled.
“Now, now. The child was only curious about the mean old monster her daddy works for…though, for the life of me, I can’t remember where or what you do for me, Mr. Lokust.” He said politely.
“Mom? I need to go.” Sonya tugged on my skirt to get my attention.
“Not now, Sonya. Don’t be rude around daddy’s boss.” I scolded.
“But Mooooom! I need to go!” Sonya insisted.
“Are you sure, Sweetie?”
She nodded adamantly several times.
I rolled my eyes. “I’m sorry Lara interrupted you, sir. I think I need to take this seriously. Please excuse us.” I said as I led my three girls out.
Once in the hall, I stopped and looked for the nearest restroom.
“Over here, mom.” Sonya said as she took my hand and led me down the hall. She held the door open for me to get the stroller through then pushed the door closed and leaned against it.
“Thank Queen Libra it’s not him.” Sonya sighed in relief.
“Big sis is right, mommy. I couldn’t smell it as much in his office or on him.” Lyra confirmed. “It was definitely stronger in that outer office.”
Seeker, Chance.” My comm. activated.
“Chance here.”
Sorry to get this to you so late, but I just finished the movie and the main character didn’t do it.
“Yeah, we just came to the same conclusion down here. Do you have anything on the supporting lead? Kitten and Lioness smelled stale popcorn in the lobby.”
I’ll check the credits and get back to you. Seeker, out.
“Alright. I’m thoroughly confused. What did he just tell you?” Sonya groaned as she held her hands to her hips.
Lyra giggled. “Lady Charli just told mommy that Chairman Englert is not a Hoblin double, but because we smelled death in the outer office, he’s going to check out the Chairman’s assistant. Big sister? Why couldn’t you figure that out by yourself?”
“Okaay. Are we done here girls?” I asked before my two Lynxins got into a sisterly (maybe not so much) scrap.
Savanna coughed once and waved her hand once.
I looked down at her.
“Well? Might as well do it now. We’ll wait. I’ll just fold down the changing table and prep for surgery.”
“Um…Lady Chance?” Sonya asked shyly.
“What is it, sweetie?”
“I…I really need to go…for real.”
I motioned to the stalls and rolled my eyes then waited for two of my girls to finish their business.
“I’ve checked my DataTab logs and I can find no communication sent from me to you, Grunfuller. I have, however, discovered where I’ve seen you before.” I heard just as we arrived back in the chairman’s outer office.
“Probably on the Devlin Four relief campaign, I’d imagine. That was eight years ago, sir.”
We heard something smack the desk.
“Why, of course! That’s it! You were the tech that almost caused the complete failure of the mission!” The baritone voice shouted out humorously.
I could picture Grub blushing profusely right now.
“I think you’re still the only soldier to ever be confined to quarters by planetary decree.” The Chairman teased gregariously.
“You really didn’t have to remember all that, sir. Really.” Grunfuller requested, sounding embarrassed.
“That was the most fun I’d had on a cruise! You were also the inspiration for what not to do on diplomatic ventures to other syste…” Englert continued mercilessly.
“That is enough! Grunfuller has moved on from that one incident! I would appreciate it if you ceased teasing the man I love, Chairman Englert!” I shouted as I hurried into the room. I had heard enough and I was not going to stand for this!
Both Grunfuller and Englert stood silent and stared at me in surprise.
Englert broke the silence first.
“Are those new on the market?” He asked me.
“Huh?” I answered intelligently.
“Those ocular implants, I’ve never seen ones that glow orange before. Interesting option.”
Englert slapped Grunfuller on the back.
“Fine woman you have there, Grunfuller! I imagine it’s hard to find one with enough guts to stick up for someone with such a rep. Also, I envy your fortitude for adopting two Lynxin kittens. You two must be gluttons for punishment.” Englert chuckled openly. “Either that or saints!”
“So,” he continued after a few seconds of awkward silence, “mind telling me what you’re actually doing here?”
“Sir?” Grunfuller asked.
“Come now, Mr. Lokust. I may be a politician, but I’m a politician that actually reads the reports sent to him.” Englert looked directly at me and smiled pleasantly.
“And it is truly an honor to meet you in person, High Priestess. I trust this is not a social call, but a covert investigation? I do carry a level twenty-eight security clearance, Lady Chance Summers.”
“So what gave us away?” I asked in curiosity.
“Several things actually. I must admit; I was completely unaware until… those eyes… never in all the worlds I’ve visited have I seen eyes like yours, High Priestess. They are, to put it mildly…quite unique.” He shook his head and chuckled again.
“And, not to spoil a good disguise, but, I HAVE met Commander Serangetti’s kitten once or twice. Nice to see you again, Serangetti Lyra.”
Lyra waved and smiled nervously.
“Lastly, I just adore and am fascinated by your scepter, my dear kitten.” He smiled brightly at Sonya.
“It was supposed to be a wand.” She hissed in embarrassment through tightly clinched teeth.
Englert burst out in laughter!
“And a wonderfully original wand it is, too!” He managed between laughing spasms as he began to settle down.
“Though, I would wager it is just as deadly as any other Witch Corps wand. Am I correct, High Priestess?”
“Batting a thousand, sir.” I admitted.
“So. Getting back on topic. What brings Witch Corps to Galahad? My last intelligence briefing had you responding to the Hoblin epidemic in the Magellan system.
Lyra gasped in surprise.
“Calm, little one. I’m on the distribution list for all defense forces- covert, black, or otherwise.” He told her.
“So why send Serangetti Sonya to take our ship from us, Chairman Englert?” Grunfuller accused in anger.
Englert looked stunned!
“As you undoubtedly already know, the Alliance has no jurisdiction over Witch Corps, Mr. Lokust. Nor does any government or military organization! I definitely can say- without doubt- that order did not come from this office or me!”
“But it did, sir.” Sonya said as she angrily flourished her hand to manifest a DataTab.
“Good! You’re finally learning, sweetie.” I praised.
“This is her DataTab, sir. Here is the order! It clearly states this office as its origin and is signed and approved by you.” Sonya accused.
“My. You certainly are training them young these days, M’lady.” Englert boomed.
“Why was this order given?!” Sonya pushed. “As you can see it specifies acquiring the Pegasus and all her technology for implementation in all Galactic Alliance Rapid Response craft! Who sent this order if not you?!”
“First things first, my young, impatient kitten! An eight-year old child should mind her manners and speak only when spoken to! Second. You will address me with the respect due me in my current position, Serangetti Sonya!” Chairman Englert growled as he glared down at her.
“Yes, I know it’s you Sonya. I’d recognize that attitude and temper anywhere!”
The Chairman turned to me.
“May I assume this is punishment for her erroneous and failed attempt to commandeer Pegasus, High Priestess?”
“Actually, she volunteered for this mission, sir.” I admitted.
Englert scoffed.
“I hardly believe that for a second, M’lady, though I understand you’re wanting to protect such an asset as Serangetti Sonya. She could be quite useful to the Corps.”
“She already has been, sir. Very useful.” I told him. “She proved herself on our mission to Magellan…that is… before she tried to take over my ship!”
“Correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t high-jacking and mutiny punishable by death in the Corps. High Priestess?”
“We, the Coven, have discussed that with her at length, sir. We consider it ‘handled’.”
Seeker, Chance.
“Go ahead, Seeker.”
Chance, Pegasus’ sensors show that you’re in Chairman Englert’s office. Is he safe?
“Quite safe, Seeker.” Englert responded.
Good to hear, sir. Chance, I’ve traced the Chairman’s assistant, Trudeau de Sallenger, through the last fifty days of his schedule.
“Let me guess, he visited the Magellan system in that period of time?”
Got it in one, M’lady. I’m currently scanning Galahad for his location, but so far I’ve come up empty.
“Understood. Oh. Could you send Porno down? I think we have a guest eager to help in the search.”
So. Is the home invasion all cleared up?
“Also related to the crime wave, Seeker. Have Porno contact us when she’s ready. We’ll supply coordinates for pickup.”
Copy. Seeker out.
“According to our intel, you have a hangar just big enough for one of our Brooms on floors sixty through sixty-three. Would it be possible to clear it of all personnel so we can provide transportation to Pegasus for you, sir?”
“Wouldn’t that be breaching protocol, High Priestess?” Englert questioned, eyeing me carefully.
“In as much as Serangetti Sonya was a breach of protocol, yes, but the Coven will understand.”
Chairman Englert enabled his DataTab to make the necessary call.
Porno, Chance. I’m ready for those coordinates.
“Give us a few minutes. We’re arranging an LZ now, Porno.”
“That’s right, Lt. Harkman. I want everyone below clearance level twenty-seven out right now. We have a level thirty guest arriving and they value their privacy.” Englert said, not thinking it loud enough for us to hear.
“Yes there is a level thirty, now clear out. They will be here any moment. No, they will not be staying. Yes…in and out and your group didn’t see or hear a thing, got it?”
“Good. I’ll contact you when they leave and I’ll be leaving shortly after. Good day, Lieutenant. Thank you.”
The Chairman turned to me.
“Here are the coordinates, High Priestess.”
“Thank you, sir.” I said as I glance at his DataTab and relayed the data to my aunt.
Coordinates received, Chance. I’m on my way. ETA ten minutes.
“Maintain Stealth mode, Porno.”
Copy, Chance. See you in ten. Porno out.
“Anything you need to grab before you get called to a classified emergency security meeting, sir?” I asked before we headed up a few floors.
“Let me just grab my ‘Go’ bag out of my des…” He said as I held my hand up to stop him.
Blinking, I scanned his desk as I motioned him to slowly open the drawer. I motioned ‘stop’ to him when the drawer opened about an inch. Motioning for him to remain quiet and back away, I appraised the tainted device in the desk. It was small, but bizarrely shaped. The taint though, carried the same intensity as Sonya’s detention devices I had disabled and destroyed on Pegasus.
Producing my wand, I disarmed this device and levitated it out of its hiding place.
Englert’s eyes widened! “Is that a…”
“Yes it is.” I answered as the device fell apart, turned to dust, and vanished.
“Lady Chance! I smell Hoblin.” Lyra announced excitedly.
My Current Sight searched the room.
The monster wasn’t very big- probably a scout. I had no difficulty dispatching it just after it materialized opposite us across the large oaken desk.
Both Sonya and Englert gulped as they stared at me.
How did you move so fast? I’ve never seen anything like it…” He began.
“On any world I’ve ever travelled to.” Lokust and I chorused, and began laughing.
“I’m starting to understand just how unique the illustrious Witch Corps is, High Priestess. He said as he shifted his attention to my second who had changed form.
“M’lady. Why did you activate? I had this one.” I asked Lokust.
“I thought you said the children came first, Buddy.” Lokust explained as Grunfuller quickly reappeared.
“Incredible! Simply incredible!”
“What was so incredible, Chairman Englert? I didn’t see anything. Did you, girls?”
“No, Mom(my)”, my two Lynxins chorused. Lyra began giggling.
Englert lifted his bag from the desk and shook his head.
“So starts the adventure of my life.” He said to himself, but looked to us.
“It’s sort of a tradition. I say that every time I leave on a ‘business’ trip.”
“Where is this… ‘Porno’, High Priestess? It’s been over fifteen minutes.”
“Oh, she’s here and waiting, sir.” I assured.
“Chance, Porno. You can decloak now.” I giggled.
About time! I’m starting to get bored!” Aunt Cora complained as Pin-Up appeared in front of us.
Englert wobbled slightly in shock as he studied the sleek, chrome-skinned craft.
His mouth dropped wide open though when the canopy opened and Aunt Cora climbed out!
“Chairman Jameson Quincy Englert III, Lady Caroline Norge. Aunt Cora, Galactic Alliance Defense Committee Chairman Jameson Englert.” I introduced the two.
“You’re Antaran?” He gasped. “Caroline Norge…Norge…Norge?” The man’s voice raised and he immediately bowed.
“Your majesty! Jameson Englert at your service. Welcome to Galahad.” He greeted formally.
“I might just take you up on that if I feel the need, Chairman Englert.” Aunt Cora flirted.
“Ready to go? I’m double parked.” She continued.
“But I don’t have a flight suit.”
“Don’t worry, Sugar Plum. My girl here is as smooth as Weaver silk! Even naked she’s a sensuous ride!”
“Lady Cora, please. The children?” I pleaded.
“Oh come on! At least one of them knows exactly what I mean, Chance.”
Sonya was grimacing. It looked so cute how her face scrunched and contorted.
Aunt Cora smiled then turned toward her new passenger.
“Up the ladder, Sugar Plum. Back chair. Stow your bag behind it. Get fastened in. I’ll be right there.”
“We’ll be about fifty-five minutes behind you. We’re out on the outskirts in a regional park. Kitty is to provide security.”
“He should be safe on Pegasus, Chance. Why the security?”
“For us. I said as I leaned down to kiss her forehead.
“See you in a bit.”
Aunt Cora returned my gesture and before her hands touched the ladder, she was hovering up to her cockpit.
“Show off!” she declared as I settled her gently into her seat.
Grunfuller and I motioned for our family to move back as Cora started her checklist, translated Pin-Up and re-engaged her stealth camo mode.
The ‘Lokust Family’ entered the elevator and descended to the lobby after again stopping on fifty-eight.
We waved to the security guard at the screening checkpoint and continued on toward the doors.
“Everything go okay, with the Chairman, Mr. Lokust?” The receptionist asked as we passed him.
“Yes, but our meeting was cut short when he got Tabbed. He grabbed a bag and headed for the elevator. It took a while for it to come back down.”
“Daddy? I wanna go home.” Lyra moaned tiredly.
“We’re starting for home now, Lara. Think you can last a little longer?” Grunfuller asked her.
“I wanted to see Alliance tower!” Sonya grumbled.
“Well, so much for our trip to the big city.” Grunfuller raised his arms in defeat to the Receptionist.
“Later.” He said and waved back as we activated the doors to the street.

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