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Part 3 of 11
Chapter 5
The girls went off to their bedrooms and I was left on the couch. I tried to figure out just what I was goin' to do, that talk of body bags had me scared. It all sounded cool and great fun when Uncle Jimmy got me inta the heist, but someone gettin' killed was a shit show I wasn't ready for. I fell asleep before I could do much more thinkin'. It had been a long, strange day.
I musta really been ripped cuz I woke up and there was light comin' in the window. I can't say the sun was shinin' cuz I couldn't see shit through the window. That freakin' blizzard hadn't quit and the steam was puffin' outta the radiators every once in a while with a sound like they needed to fart real bad.
I didn't need to fart, but I needed to piss in the worst way. I found the bathroom and pulled down those lousy pink pajamas and got rid of a load of piss. Did those girls really think I was hung like a horse? I didn't see no big difference in my tackle and the other guys in gym class, but you don't want to be lookin' too hard at some other guy's prick or it could get embarrassing.
I had to stop this philosophizin' cuz someone was bangin' on the door. I flushed and even washed my hands - Momma would be proud - and opened the door. Patty was skinnin' down her panties before she got halfway to the shitter and and it sounded like a deluge when she sat on the pot. I never thought angels would have to piss, it just don't seem like they talk about that much in Sunday School.
I just kinda stood there frozen like a dummy, I hadn't even been able to close the door before she started doin' her business. She had a big grin (I am not gonna call it a shit eatin' grin - have some cooth, OK?) on her phiz by the time she got done. I suppose I'm glad I wasn't lookin' in a mirror when I took my piss or I probly woulda seen the same silly grin on me.
It takes her a second to realize these silly pink pajamas are not on one of her girlfriends but on the guy who dropped in on them last night. Then she gets embarrassed, but she spreads her legs and wipes herself anyway, even though I'm watchin'. So OK, I've never seen a girl do that before - so shoot me, I was fascinated.
"Like what you see, Vito?" she asks.
"Uh, I… Jeez…"
"It's OK, Vito. You saw all of me last night and were a perfect gentleman."
What the fuck could I say to that? So she gets up and washes her hands, then comes over and hugs me. Her boobs are hotter than Hades against me and suddenly I got the biggest hard-on of my life. She notices cuz it's pokin' her right in her bush. She reaches down and strokes it and I think I'm gonna die right there.
"You're a cute one, Vito," she says. Just what a guy wants to hear standin' there in pink bunny pajamas with a sexy girl pushin' her boobs against him.
"Let's not stand here, my bed's more comfortable."
No shit! I know lotsa guys wake up with a woody, but I never thought girls would wake up horny. Not that I've ever had the experience. So she takes me into her bedroom and she shuts the door. Her bedroom is more like what I was thinkin' a broad's room would be like. She got these pink ruffly sheets on the bed and a poofy sort of quilt or somethin' on top of them. Course they're all wrinkled up and scrunched cuz she's been sleepin' on 'em.
There's a makeup table with a monster mirror with funny lights around it and a shit ton of bottles and tubes all over it, along with combs and brushes and who knows what all. Then there's a big honkin' dresser and a wardrobe with one door open and all kinds of girly things pokin' out of it.
She hugs me again and presses those titties inta me again and I get all hard again, I was startin' to fade a bit while I looked around. She looks at me and says "You've never done this before, have you?
That's somethin' a guy doesn't like to admit, after all we're supposed to be the manly types and the ones doin' the fucking. 'Course we was supposed to knock off the bank with no problems yesterday and see how that turned out.
So I admits it and she starts to take those silly bunny pajamas off me and then I'm takin' the pajamas off her and we end up in bed, where she shows me just how it's done. My balls are achin' and just about to turn blue cuz she shows me just where a girl wants to get touched by a guy, and just how to make it count. But I ain't gettin' it inside her.
It don't happen like this in the porn films, but she is really gettin' off so I seem to be doin' somethin' right. And then I start wonderin' just how long it can take to do it right.
I know the guys at school brag about how they make the chicks get wet for them, bein' the big studs they said they are, but Jesus, she got the sheets soaking! Once she showed me where to rub she started wigglin' and moanin' and I was afraid the other girls were gonna bust in cuz they thought I was beatin' her up or something.
Yeah, there was nothin' like this in Pop's porno collection in the basement or the time we snuck inta the porn theater and watched what happened. The guys in them movies just come in the door and put it in her, then pump away for hours while she screams how good it is. I know they must have used camera tricks and such crap, but it seemed to take forever before Patty got off.
She wasn't exactly quiet but she wasn't screamin' like the chicks in the movies. That's somethin' I never seen in the porno flicks either. I mean, the girl gettin' off. You just see the guy squirt all over whatever is in front of his prick and then the next scene starts and they do it all over again.
It wasn't anythin' like I imagined my first time would be, but takin' the time to get Patty off was real interestin'. Oh hell, I liked doin' it.
When she's able to talk again then she starts showin' me what she can do with my body. I mean, I'm laying there hopin' she's gonna start doin' something with my cock, but she starts playing with my nipples and then starts doin' other stuff to other parts that I had no idea anyone could do. I am just about to blow up with whatever she is doin' to me. Hell, I want to explode but she just won't let me.
By the time we got to the fuckin' part I barely lasted thirty seconds. Didn't bother Patty a bit, she tells me that we can do it again later when I've recovered and I'll last longer.
Cripes! If she lasts any longer the next time we're gonna need rubber sheets, a mop and some buckets and a coupla meals to keep up our energy.
I'm willin' to try.
It was late by the time Patty got done teachin' me how to make love. She says that real people 'make love', they don't fuck or screw or ball or plow or trash talk like that. That's a whole shitpot different than the way the guys talked about it when the subject came up, but I'm not gonna argue. Patty's way is pretty nice.
When we got done we had to take another shower. She tells me that since we were all naked together last night it don't make no difference if we're naked this morning, so we ran to the bathroom without puttin' on no clothes.
That was another first, showerin' with a girl. This was a joke among the guys in 1977, showerin' with your girl to save water, (probly still is today) but there I was actually doin' it. She washed my hair cuz my face had been in places my face had never gone before, and she used the conditioner again. Then I washed her hair and we started foolin' around again.
We got interrupted by a bangin' on the door and next thing I knew Jenny busted in and sat on the pot, ignorin' the both of us. Do girls like to piss with other girls watching? Somethin' I never thought to ask about before.
Patty gets this smile on her face and shuts off the water and we both get out of the shower before Jenny is done doin' her business. Jenny is lookin' like shit, which ain't surprisin' since she got tossed inta bed drunk as a skunk. I don't think she even remembered me, so she gets one helluva surprised look when I'm standin' there naked as the day I was born. She's still naked, too. I guess she didn't want to take the time to put nuttin on in her hurry to piss.
Patty just smiles and leads me back to her bedroom, leavin' Jenny gapin' on the shitter. That chick has one wicked sense of humor.
Despite what I mighta been hopin' for, she tells me to put the pink bunnies back on cuz she's hungry after all that exercise. Can't say I blame her, so on go the bunnies and she even has bunny slippers for me. She sure does give new meanin' to the expression 'fuck like a rabbit'.
So I sits down at the table and Patty starts doin' things for breakfast, which includes coffee so I ain't complainin'. Jenny wanders in and Wendy soon follows and the girls put together a damn fine breakfast. I'm pretty sure who's gonna end up washin' the dishes, but my Momma taught me that she ain't gonna clean up after she does the cookin' for the lazy men in her house.
Pops and I are right handy with a dishcloth, and to hell with anyone who thinks it ain't manly. They can have words with Momma if they want to argue, but let me be a couple of states away before they start mouthin' off.
So I just naturally start cleanin' off the table and Wendy turns on the radio to see when this blizzard will be done with. What we don't hear is weather but about the big robbery the cops foiled - they actually used the word 'foiled' - and how one of the robbers and one of the cops is dead. That's when I find out that Uncle Jimmy is dead.
"Damn!" is all I can say. "That's my uncle Jimmy."
"I'm sorry, Vito. I hope it was quick, at least."
"Shit, I liked Uncle Jimmy. He's a good guy. Was a good guy."
Then the guy on the radio ways they're lookin' for Vito Sabbatini who done the killin'. Which is me!
I dunno which of us said that or who was loudest.
"Sounds like your buddy with the gun told the pigs that you were the one who was shooting," Patty comments.
"That sonuvabitch Slim! That fucker wants to see me fry so he gets off!"
"Look Vito, I believe what you told us last night, it hangs together a whole lot better than you blowing away a cop and your own partner."
"I really can't believe you would do something like that and then just put my drunk ass into bed and go away. That ain't right," says Jenny.
"I damn well didn't do it!"
"None of us think you did, Vito. I'm not going to be making love to a murderer."
"For a while there it sounded like you were getting murdered," smirked Wendy
"Jealous, bitch?"
"Roommates should share and share alike. Can I be next, Vito?" asks Wendy.
There a times a wise man refuses to speak. This was one of them. I suppose they were tryin' to get my mind off my troubles.
"I've never know a man that doesn't dream of a threesome. Want to try for a foursome, girls?"
Patty was one smug lady. Me, I was havin' a hard time wonderin' just what it would be like…
"We could get Ginchy to come over with his video camera and make our own porn film. Might help to pay the rent," offers Jenny.
"We're trying to hide Vito, not put him on film."
"So we forget the camera and share him anyway," scoffs Wendy.
"He's mine. I got him first."
"I don't mind sloppy seconds."
"Think you can handle three in a row, Vito?"
"C'mon, lay off the poor guy. He has bigger problems than you horny bitches. We need to keep the cops from finding him."
"Especially since the crime happened right next door. Only a matter of time till the pigs start knocking on doors."
"You may be right. OK Vito, back to the bedroom.
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I like that this story is taking its time to slowly get to the inevitable kind of disguise the angels choose for Vito.
Still funny ...
... which, for me, is odd because I don't usually like stories written in a way to simulate accents (even when it's my own - eg DH Lawrence). I suppose it's obvious which way it's going in general but the particulars will be fun, I'm sure.
Writing wasn't a picnic, either
and my spell checker hated it. It does help the character come through, so it was worth it.
Thick as Thieves
Until the ain't. The other ol saying is there is no honor among thieves. Which obviously applies here. Point the finger at the other guy when things go to hell in a hand basket. "I ain't taking the chair over this one Louie. Listen copper, it was the little guy. He was the brains and did all the shootening. I didn't wants no part of it. I's here only to keep an eye on him."
Pretty cute story Ricky if one can wade through all the rough language. I feel like I'm reading a porno flick. Already had my bath for tonight or I'd go take another one. Might anyway. Not to be criticizing but rough language on it's own won't hold a story together if it is tossed in gratuitously.
Hugs Ricky
Life is like building fence, home, or relationships. When we look back do we still like what we see, what we did?
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl