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Sayen wakes up the next morning before her alarm clock goes off, which for her is a miracle in itself. She gets out of bed and begins to get dress. Sayen hears her mother getting up and moving around in her bedroom. She looks over toward her big sister’s bed and notice that she didn’t come home last night. Sayen quickly gets dress and heads into the kitchen to make morning breakfast for everyone.
She knows the first thing her father is going to want, will be his coffee. Her grandfather and mother normally drinks tea. Sayen on the other hand is like her father. She likes a good cup of fresh brew coffee to start the day. As the coffee is brewing along side the tea. Sayen takes out some eggs, bacon, and English muffins from the refrigerator and starts cooking the eggs and bacon. She toasts some muffins for her mother and set the table with the home made jams and preserves they made.
By the time everything is ready, Sayen’s grandfather, father and mother all come walking into the kitchen.
“Good morning pumpkin, I thought I was going to have to get you up out of bed this morning.”
“Nope, not this time mother, I was up before my alarm clock went off.” Sayen fluff’s the scramble eggs with the whisk and turns down, the stove another level.
“The water is ready for yours and grandfathers’ tea and the English muffins are ready for you mother.” Sayen dumps the scramble eggs onto one of the platter plates she got down for them. She then takes the bacon and dumps it onto another plate and set both plates on the table.
“It would appear, you thought of everything this morning.” Marilyn picks up one of the toasted muffins and spreads some jam on it.
“Where’s your sister at?” Marilyn looks outside the nearby window to see if her oldest daughter is home.
“She never came home last night, Mom. I think her and Albert Two Moons had other plans last night.” A teasing smile appears on Sayen’s face.
Marilyn just shakes her head at her younger daughter’s teasing.
Jacob and John Red Feather comes walking in and both men head over toward the counter and make their tea and coffee. Sayen sits quietly at the table and watches her father and Grandfather. She knows both men do not like being disturb first things in the morning, till they have had their coffee and tea.
Marilyn joins her daughter at the table and begins fixing her plate. Sayen fixes her plate right along with her mother. Sayen prefers to drink her coffee at the table like she was taught, instead of hovering near the counter like her father and grandfather are doing.
“So which car are you three going to take?” Marilyn looks toward her husband and father-in-law.
“Sayen’s jeep, it has the winch on the front of it. We can use it to pull any thing up out of the debris we might find. It can also act as a back-up secure line for us.” Jacob looks at his wife and his daughter, while drinking his coffee.
“So, I have to remain in the Jeep, while you and Grandfather get to climb down?”
“Yep, kiddo., Your, job today will be to operate the winch and make sure everything is safe while we climb down. You heard your mother last night.” Jacob just smiles at his little girl.
Sayen looks toward her mother and notices the look on her face that says you better do what I said.
“Fine! I’ll be the good daughter today and do what you want me to do.” Sayen drinks her coffee and finishes her breakfast.
It takes them about an hour to get everything they will need for the climb and on the road. Sayen sits quietly in the back seat of her Jeep, while her father and Grandfather take the front driver and passenger seats. She can barely hear the music coming from the back speakers of her Jeep, because of the wind rushing by as they travel toward their destination. It’s been a while since she has ridden in the back seat of her Jeep.
The last time was when she was fourteen years old. Her brother and some of his friends had borrowed the Jeep from their grandfather to go to the rodeo. Riding in a vehicle with a bunch of teenage boys, wasn’t her idea of fun that day. They were noisy and full of energy. One had touched her several times on her butt or brushed up against her chest by accident. She was just glad by the time they got to the rodeo that she didn’t have to hang around with them.
“Dad, could you turn the music up back here, please?” Sayen looks toward her dad.
Jacob reaches forward and turns the knob for the back speakers up for Sayen. Sayen relaxes and listens to the music, while her father and grandfather talk. She watches as they pass the picnic area that John Red Feather had found her when she was a little baby.
“We’re getting closer Sayen. Have the spirits sent you anything else yet?” Jacob turns around in his seat to look at his daughter.
“No sir, not yet. I think that all the information they gave me is all I need right now.” Sayen pulls a loose strand of hair away from her mouth.
John looks into the mirror toward his granddaughter “How far did you say they went?”
“Just, before you get on the bridge, Grandfather. The vision showed them blowing a tire and skidding off the cliff near the bridge. “
“You would think, that someone would, had seen the wreckage from the bridge?”
“I don’t know, father. I’m not familiar with the area near the bridge that much. What do you think Grandfather?” Sayen looks toward John.
“There are some ledges that the wreckage could have fallen on before hitting the canyon floor that you can’t see from the bridge. If it fell on one of those ledges, then it’s possible, that no one has seen the wreckage, but you have to know exactly where.” He looks up into the mirror toward Sayen.
“Lucky for us, we have a guide that can tell us.”
“Only if my guides tell me Grandfather. You know how the spirits are better than anyone.” Sayen looks at her grandfather.
“For you Sayen, I think they would come in person to help you. You are their chosen person and favorite. I’ve never seen the spirits as active as they are with you.”
“Which I don’t understand Grandfather, as far as I know. I don’t have any Native American blood in me and my birth mother, from the looks of her and me, are of some other nationality. I knew you, father and mother treated and raised me as if I was a native Lakota child, but why would the spirits choose someone like me? I don’t understand.”
Jacob reaches back and holds Sayen’s hand. “Cause to them your special, just like you are to me and your mother. You may not have been born from us, but you’re my daughter and nothing will ever change that. Besides, you only know of your birth mother. You have no idea who your birth father is or where he is from. So you can’t say for sure you don’t have any Native American blood in you, Sayen. We need to find out who he is and contact him. He may know that you’re alive and he may not. He might think you disappeared with your birth mother. He might be as worried about you and love you as much as I did the first day grandfather brought you home with him. So, don’t worry about the spirits. Just know they need you and have always looked after you. They will always be there like us, to protect you and help you.”
Tears fill Sayen’s eyes. Her father always knew what to say to her and how to say it. He has always loved her no matter what she did. Sayen reaches forward and wraps her arms around her father and gives him a hug.
“Thank you, Daddy!” Sayen places a kiss on his cheek.
About half-n-hour later, they come into sight of their destination. Sayen spots a fairly new black Jeep Wrangler waiting for them. She notices the gentleman sitting in the wrangler and recognizes the driver.
“What is Sam Bald Eagle doing here?” Sayen looks toward her father for an answer.
“I asked him to help out on this. I figure you might need some help just in case. I know how your shoulder is and your mother would kill me if you injure yourself helping me and Grandfather. So, Sam was available and since, the two of you grew up together. I figure that I can trust him with your safety. Why, is there something wrong?” Jacob looks toward Sayen.
“No, It’s okay daddy. I just wasn’t expecting him.” Sayen sits back in her seat. Her Grandfather pulls the Jeep right up next to Sam’s brand new one.
“I hope we didn’t keep you waiting long Sam.” Jacob looks at Sam.
“No sir, I wasn’t sure where the bridge was. So, I left home early to be here on time.” Sam looks toward John Red Feather and then Sayen in the back seat. A smile appears on his face.
“I notice you didn’t let your lead foot daughter drive today, sir?” a teasing smile appears on his face.
Sayen just sticks her tongue out at him for that comment.
“She hurt her shoulder yesterday at work, so I figure it would be best for my father to drive today.” Jacob notices the sly smile on Sam’s face. He figured Sam had feelings for his little Sayen.
“So, what are we looking for out here, Sir?”
“It concerns Sayen, and her birth.” Jacob and John both turn around to look at Sayen.
Sayen had been quiet, while she was looking at something only, she could see. She gets out of the Jeep and starts to walk away from everyone like she is in a trace. All the men watch her as she walks about 300ft. from them and over toward the cliffs edge.
“She went off over here Grandfather and Father. The van is just below here.” Sayen lays down on the ground and peeks over the edge of the cliff.
Sayen can feel the ground rumble as the two Jeeps move carefully over to her location.
“They’re down here. I can see the wreckage. It’s resting on a ledge.” Sayen stares down at the burn out wreckage of where her birth mother died. Sayen can feel her spirit hovering nearby.
“Mother!” Tears leak out of her eyes.
Sayen hears footsteps as they approach her. She looks up toward the sound of them and notice her Father and Grandfather. They kneel next to her.
“I’m sorry, baby.” Jacob rubs Sayen’s back carefully. He makes sure not to go anywhere near the wound from yesterday.
John Red Feather looks out toward the open sky in front of him and prays in Lakota. A gust of wind blows by and Sayen feels her mother’s spirit leaves along with the other spirits that were near her.
“No wonder, no one never saw the wreckage from the bridge.” He helps Sayen. Stand up and pull her close, to him and holds her as she cries. He looks over toward where the bridge spans the distance over her head.
Sam Bald Eagle watches everyone and keeps his distance from them. He has known Sayen ever since they were little. He knew about her being abandoned and adopted by the Red Feather family, but he never knew anything about her birth mother. Now he sees that maybe there is more why Sayen’s birth mother did what she did. That there are more pieces to this mystery then even he knows.
“Do you want me to call your son and the coroner, Sir?” Sam Bald Eagle looks toward Jacob. Sam knows that Jacob’s son Amitola has the only wrecker capable of pulling a wreckage up a distance like that.
“First, let’s find out if the wreckage can be brought back up safely and how many bodies’ are down there.” Jacob let’s go of Sayen and looks into her eyes.
“Are you going to be okay?” He brushes a lock of her red hair out of her eyes.
Sayen just nods her head yes. John Red Feathers just gives his granddaughter good shoulder a squeeze before heading over toward the jeep and grab the climbing gear.
Both men suit up in the climbing gear, securing their lines to the front loops on the jeep. Sam attaches the winch to the lines so that the two men could be pulled up just in case. Jacob goes over toward the ledge first.
“All right you two, I’ll call back up here in a few.” He makes sure the line is ready and that he has his walkie talkie with him as well.
He goes down the cliff face first. John watches as his son goes down first. He rechecks everything as he moves into position to go next.
“You two, be careful Grandfather. Don’t let anything happen to daddy. Mom, would never forgive me if anything happens to him.” Sayen looks at her Grandfather with a worried look on her face.
John notices the worried look on Sayen’s face “I promise everything will be okay Sayen.”
John goes down the cliff face next following his son. Sam controls the winch as the two men climb down toward the wreckage. Sayen paces back and forth worrying about her father and grandfather. She knows both men are capable climbers and are considered experts, but she can’t help, but not feel worried about them. Now she knows how her mother feels when she goes climbing with her father and brother.
Sam watches Sayen as she paces back and forth. He could see the worried look on her face. Her fair skin and fiery red hair give her an exotic look. Even with her hair tied into a ponytail and tucked up under her favorite baseball hat. She still looked beautiful to him. He watched her grow up and mature into the woman she is today. She may not look Native American, but she dresses, acts and talks like one. He knows if her shoulder wasn’t hurt, she would be right down there with her father and Grandfather. Sayen is a capable climber and he knows she can climb a cliff face free style without any gear at all.
Sayen stops and looks toward Sam Bald Eagle. She could tell or feel that he had been watching her pace back and forth. She was worried about her father and Grandfather. She wanted to be down there with them, instead of up here on the side lines waiting to hear what they found out. She just watches him as he recovers from watching her. A smile creeps onto her face. She always knew or felt that he had feelings for her, but he never ever told her, except those few times he would catch her speeding and makes that offer of dinner with him in exchange of dropping the tickets. She might have taken him up on that offer yesterday when he caught her speeding, but she knew her father didn’t like any of his children dating anyone under his command at the tribal police station.
“Sayen? Are you receiving?” Jacob’s voice cuts the quietness as it comes from the walkie talkie laying on the front seat of Sayen’s Jeep.
Sayen rushes over toward the jeep and grabs the walkie talkie “Your coming in clear daddy. Are you and Grandfather Okay?”
“Yes, sweetie, we’re okay. The vehicle looks like it can be brought up by your brother’s wrecker with some help from me and grandfather. We found a big lock box down here that survived the impact along with several other things. It looks like your birth mother was an archaeologist or something, Sayen. There’s a bunch of scatter shoves and other instruments down here. Put Sam on sweetie.”
Sayen hands the walkie Talkie to Sam Bald Eagle “Go ahead, Sir.”
“Sam, get on your cell phone and call David White Face and tell him, we have six human remains down here, also call my son and tell him as well. He’ll need to bring his flatbed to pull this wreckage up. Also, send down the camera from up there along with the duffle bag on the back seat. Disconnect our line from the winch line and use it to pull the items back up, after we get them secure.”
“Yes Sir.” Sam hands the walkie talkie back to Sayen, grabs the duffle bag from the back of the Jeep.
“Father, do you want me to do anything?” Sayen speaks into the walkie talkie.
“Yes, help Sam out with everything and show everyone to where we are.”
“Okay, Daddy” Sayen releases the talk button. Sayen holds the duffle bag open and puts a spare climbing rope inside, along with the camera her father had brought with them inside the bag. She secures the rope and gently lowers the duffle bag down to her father and grandfather.
Sayen listens while Sam makes the necessary arrangements. After a while the rope, that the duffle bag is connected to, is tugged and Sam uses the winch to lift the bag back up to the surface. He disconnects the bag and sends the winch cable back down to Jacob and John.
After about an hour, several tribal police cars, the coroner and Sayen’s brother shows up with the flat bed wrecker. Sayen stays out of every one’s way, while Sam handles everything.
Sayen’s older brother Amitola spots her sitting in her Jeep and walks over to her.
“So, what’s father and Grandfather doing down there?” Amitola looks over toward the cliff edge.
“They went down to investigate the vision I had yesterday about my birth mother. They found the vehicle that she died in along with the people she was traveling with. They also found some items that concern me and my history.” Sayen watches her big brother’s reaction.
“Does mom know about this?”
“Yep, she knows. I would have gone down with them, but I got hurt yesterday at work.”
“I heard. I don’t know what is wrong with Jake Crowfeet. I know he hasn’t forgiven you forgiving him that scar on his face.” Amitola watches his little sister.
“He shouldn’t have attacked me like he did. He knew better then to try and rape me. He should had realize you and father, would had shown me how to defend myself with my bare hands and with whatever is laying around for me to grab and use.” Sayen looks at her older brother.
“He tried to rape you. Is that how he got the scar from you?” Amitola faces starts to get red and his voice was getting angry.
“It was at Jessica White Deer birthday party. You were away at boot camp for six weeks. I went to the birthday party and someone had spiked my drink with something. I stumble outside behind Jessica’s house and was throwing up, when Jake and his friends showed up. Jake said that he wanted to prove that I was trash and had his friends try to grab me. I kicked one in the family jewels sending him to the ground in pain and the other one, I punched him in the nose like you showed me. Jake tried grabbing me from behind and I threw him over my shoulder, like grandfather showed me. I was barely standing after that. The drug that was put in my drink was taking affect. Jake got back up and wrapped his arms around me and was holding me extremely tight against him trying to kiss me. I manage to bring my left hand up and claw the left-hand side of his face. The bracelet grandfather had given me had come loose and I used it to dig into his face. He tossed me away from him and would have tried something else if it hadn’t been for Jessica’s brothers coming out the back door. They saw what was going on and would have stumped Jake and his friends into the ground if I hadn’t passed out. They called mom and she came and got me. I was out for a day and half. Mom and Dad, we’re, worried because of it. We decided not to tell you about it, because dad didn’t want to have to put you in jail for killing Jake. He knows how protective you are of me.” Sayen watches her brother’s face.
Amitola just shakes his head in disbelief.
“Dad was right. I would have killed him for trying to rape you. I’m surprise, Dad didn’t do it himself.”
“Mom cooled him down. She told him that it wasn’t worth going to jail over. We went to court over it, but Jake’s dad brought in a high-class lawyer and got the charges dropped down to assault. Ever since then, Jake has had it out for me. He is the reason I’m not down there with dad and grandfather right now. He shoved me yesterday at work and caused me to impale myself on a shelving peg that went all the way through my shoulder just under the bone. Mom doesn’t want me to reopen the wound up, so I’m up here on the side lines. Dad asked Sam Bald Eagle to come and keep an eye on me and to help out.”
“Sam is a good person to have at your side. We went to the same boot camp and served in the same group together. I’m glad dad had him come along. I know he has feelings for you, little sister.” Amitola just gives Sayen a friendly smile.
“I think you’re right, but what about dad’s rule about dating people who are under his command? I know you broke it when you went out with Sara Blue Sky. Dad almost went through the roof when he found out.”
“I don’t think it will bother dad too much. After all he was the one that asked Sam Bald Eagle to come and watch after you now wasn’t, he?” Amitola just smiles and walks away from his little sister.
Sayen follows behind her brother as he makes his way over toward the group of policemen and their father. She notices that Grandfather is sitting in the Jeep drinking some water and eating one of the sandwiches they had packed before they left the house. She heads over toward her Jeep to talk with him.
“Are you okay Grandfather?” Sayen sits down in the passenger seat next to her grandfather.
“I’m fine Sayen, what were you and your brother talking about?” John can feel his granddaughters’ emotions and thoughts.
“Jake Crowfeet and his friends. I finally told him, how Jake ended up with that scar on his face. Also, about what happened at the store and me being impaled yesterday. He took it better then, I thought he would.” She reaches for a bottle of water.
“He’s grown-up a lot, since returning from his tour of duty in Afghanistan. He would have stormed off to avenge you.” John takes a sip of water from his bottle.
“I know. He’s very protective of me and Kimi. I feel sorry for Albert Two Moon if he ever strikes Kimi in anger. If Kimi doesn’t throw him around like a punching bag, Amitola will use him as a punching bag. I’m glad you and dad decided to train us to defend ourselves, grandfather. So, what did you find down in the wreckage?” Sayen looks toward her grandfather with a curious look on her face.
“Several bodies, shovels, and other digging utilities. Some maps, broken cell phones, ruined clothes, and the stuff in the duffle bag.” John looks back at his granddaughter.
“I think your birth mother was traveling with a bunch of grave robbers and pottery collectors Sayen. Everything, which was down there, were items that had been buried. They’re in the duffle bag. Your father is trying to protect your reputation.” John’s face shows no emotion.
Sayen stares into her grandfather’s eyes and can tell he is telling the truth. His words ring true to her. Sayen had this feeling before, when she learned the truth about where she came from and how her Grandfather found her. A hawk flying overhead comes down and lands on top of the front windshield of her Jeep and looks down toward her.
“Your Grandfather speaks the truth little sister. You need to return and rebury the items that were taken. The necklace is yours by birth right. It was given to your mother by your birth father for you. He knew she was pregnant when she ran off. She was feeling guilty for disturbing the graves of his people and left him. You were born months later in the back of the van she was traveling in. Your birth mother was forced to abandon you because of her friends. They convince her you were a burden and poisoned her mind and body with their words and drugs. You will need to be careful in your quest, to rebury the items taken, little sister. There will be men who will try to stop you from exposing the truth about their collection and try to keep you from returning the items your father and grandfather have recovered from down below” The Hawk then spreads it wings and flies off.
Sayen watches the Hawk as it flies away from her. Tears start to slide down her cheek and she throws her arms around her grandfather. She buries her face against his shoulder and cries. John just holds his granddaughter and let her cry. He heard the message the Hawk gave his little vixen and feels sorry for her. He just holds her and let her cry. He knows if she doesn’t let her emotions out, it will turn inward and poison her pure soul.
Jacob notices his little girl cling to her grandfather. He saw the Hawk when it landed on the edge of the front windshield as well. That in itself was unusual, but the reaction on his little girl’s face was enough to break his heart. He knows Sayen is always outgoing and full of energy, but seeing the expression on her face just now, concerns him. He’s only seen that expression a few times and that was after something bad had happened to her. Even when she was told the truth, about how she came to be adopted by him and his wife. She felt like her birth mother didn’t love her and didn’t want a strange child like her. He walks over toward her after giving his men their orders and talking with his son.
“I take it, that the message you were given was bad news?” Jacob looks toward his father.
“Yes, the spirit of the Hawk just told Sayen the truth about her birth mother and the circumstances of her birth. He also told her that she has to return and restore what was done.” John just holds his little vixen. Sayen means a lot to the old man and to the family. She’s their baby and nothing will ever change that.
“I’ll ask Sam Bald Eagle to drive her home and we’ll finish up here then.” Jacob turns around and heads over toward Sam.
Sam was busy talking with a few of his fellow officers about what they had found when he spotted Jacob walking toward him.
“What’s up Chief?” He stands at ease.
“I need for you to drive Sayen back home for me. She just received some bad news and it’s best if she heads back home, till I get there. I don’t want her to be there by herself. So, it would be a big favor for me, if you hung around and watched over her for me.” Jacob didn’t feel comfortable having his little girl here upset or by herself either. He knew that Sam would watch after her and make sure nothing happens to her.
“Sure Chief, I can do that for you.” Sam glances over toward Sayen and saw how she was cling to her grandfather sobbing. His heart goes out to her. He knows about her gifts, but he really never put that much stock into it. Even tho, he is Native American. He is a man of the world. He didn’t really believe in the old ways or the mysticism of his people. He wanted to serve his people and protect them from outsiders and themselves sometimes, but as for the beliefs and traditions. He still had a long way to go before he could accept that.
John looks down at his granddaughter “Sayen, why don’t you go home with Sam and relax. Me and your father can finish things up here and we’ll talk about everything when you’re feeling better.”
Sayen looks up at her Grandfather, she wanted to stay here, but she knows he’s right. “Grandfather, I don’t want to be by myself right now.”
“I know my little butterfly. Sam’s going to stay with you and keep you company, til we get home.” John strokes his granddaughter’s long red hair that is sticking out of the back of her baseball cap.
Sayen wipes the tears away from her eyes and watch as Sam comes walking up.
“You okay?” He can see the tears still sliding down her cheeks. Her sky-blue eyes are all red and puffy.
“No, I just need to go home and figure some things out.” Sayen turns and walks over toward Sam’s black Jeep and climb in.
Jacob just watches his granddaughter and feels sorry for her.
He then turns and directs his attention toward Sam “she’ll be okay, after a while. She needs some time to think. Take care of her Sam.” The old Indian walks over and places his hand on Sam’s shoulder.
Sam couldn’t believe the trust Sayen’s Grandfather and father was showing him. True, he cares for Sayen and he suspected that she has feelings for him as well, but he has never expected in all his life, that he would be by her side now.
“I will Mr. Red Feather”
John Red Feather looks at Sam and he felt the emotions that this man has for Sayen. “Just give her time and stand by her. She has a lot that has been given to her and it will take time for her to work through it. Just be there for her and one day the two of you will be as one. As, it should be.” John removes his hand and walks away from Sam, who is looking perplexed at the old man’s words.
Sam turns around and watches as the old Indian heads back over where everyone is working. Why did that old man say Sayen and he will one day, be as one, as it should be? , What did he know that proved this? Sam just shakes his head and climbs into the driver seat and drives off with Sayen sitting next to him quiet.
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I'm a little worried by Sam's pessimism about the old ways. If Sayen is going to be the tribe's medicine woman, that's gonna clash with his disbelief. His immovable object is going to smack hard against her irresistible force, and the immovable object is going to have to give way.
''an archaeologist or something" Well, that's one way of putting it. Grave robber would be another. Not quite sure what resistance Sayen is going to run into returning those items. I wouldn't think the people that sent those kids to steal the artifacts wouldn't be watching the sites after they've already been looted. We shall see.
Add: Anybody want to bet that Jake is involved with the looting of the grave sites? He needs to have an accident. Maybe he gets drunk and has a car accident or something.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Poor Sayen
I have a feeling Jake Crowfeet will do EVERYTHING he can to get to Sayen keep her from reburying the items in order to discredit her infront of the councle. Call her a thief & that she is just another grave robber white man. What Sam Red feather was told was the spirits have told grandfather that he & Sayen are ment to be married one day.
Love Samantha Renée Heart.
Closing in on the truth
Discovering that her visions were true, and what was discovered, is another turn in Sayen's life. Add to that the message from the hawk, and Sayen has another load added to her shoulders.
Perhaps something in the remains will give a clue to her father. Perhaps it is someone she's had contact over the past seventeen years. Or someone her father and grandfather know. Or a Native American none of them know.
How will she know where to return the items found in the wreckage? Maybe there's a ledger or some other paper that survived that will tell her. Or maybe she be told by the Spirits.
With the number of people living in the area, and elsewhere, who's going to try and stop Sayen from returning the items to cover their tracks?
Others have feelings too.