A Thief’s Problem –chp24

A Thief’s Problem.


Sister Magdalena, a.k.a. Angelic DeMarco, finds evidence of more than just illegal art trade while recovering a stolen painting in the home of a known criminal. Her investigation leds to the US and a very problematic situation with the US Department of Justice.

by Snowfall and Jessie Wolf.

Dedicated to the men and women of the US Marshal Service.

Edited by my husband Paul, and AJC Snowfall.


This is a work of fiction an any persons in this work are purely fictional.

Chapter 24
Airstrip, Ram’s Rock Island: 2230

The massive C17 rolled to its final stop just in front of the main hangar for Ram Air charters. Twenty minutes later all three of the Black Badge’s team trucks were unloaded. While this was happening, Maria headed inside to the TOC. With Vickers, Price, Anders and Abrams taken care of she knew there was only target left. A target that was a solo mission for one of her team.

“Welcome home Madam Maria.” Kimberly said.

“Give me an update, Captain.” Maria looked to the monitors on the wall then answered coldly in response to Kimberly’s greeting.

Kimberly could tell that Maria was less than happy with the completion of the mission.

“You seem upset still, why?” Kimberly asked.

“The last scumbag in our net.” Maria breathed out through clenched teeth. “That man has too many assets to draw on for my liking.”

Kimberly pointed to the flash drive in Maria’s hand. “Is that Angelic’s report on what she knows?”

“Yes, it is, and the Major is not going to be happy.” Maria snarled. “Let me correct that. I am not happy.”

Krystel had barely taken the flash drive from Maria. “How bad is it, Madam Maria?”

“I’ll give you the short version. Section twenty-one, of the Iscariot Division, has at least one operational Strike Team in every State. More in some of the States with larger cities. Ones like California, New York, Florida, but you get my drift.” Maria growled. “That doesn’t even count what the other Sections might have operating within our borders.”

“So, areas with high Catholic populace. Not good. Not good at all.” Kimberly grunted. “What about other countries around the world? Is their presence just as strong?”

“If what my niece and Samantha have been able to piece together is even halfway accurate; I’m forced to say stronger.” Maria sighed. “Especially in some of the Eastern-Bloc nations.”

“Holy shit! I knew they had their claws into the European and Latin Nations, but nothing like what you’re describing.” Krystel commented.

“It’s worse than that Krystel. Just open the file marked ‘Last Crusade’.” Maria ordered with a heavy heart. “We should have ended the Iscariots in forty-eighty when we had the chance. Damn mine and Samantha’s grandparents, parents, and all of our family their short sightedness. Just hundred-thirty-seven bodies and we won’t have this problem.”

“Damn Madam Maria. That’s harsh. Probably true, but still harsh.” Kimberly commented.

“No, Kimberly. Just a statement of truthful facts. If mine and Samantha’s ancestors had just wiped out the Iscariots five hundred years ago. We wouldn’t have the problems we’re now facing. We have been foolish in believing that the Iscariots and our two families could live in peace.” Maria sighed. “An attitude of live and live has led to what is now a tipping point to an international incident with a prelude to all-out war with the Vatican.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Kimberly asked.

“Kimberly, think about what would happen if word of this should get out? Currently, there is a small army of enemy agents currently working in inside our Nation’s borders. Before you say that is nothing new don’t. I know that every nation has their spies, and we’re no better, i.e. our CIA and other counter Intelligence Agencies. Why even our own family would fall into that very category.” Maria told the two operators as she waved her hand to indicate their current circumstances. “Now consider the current attitude towards the Vatican and Organized Religion currently in our country and others.”

“Point taken, Maria. But what can we do about it? We can’t very well hand out Lethal Findings on these people indiscriminately.” Krystel reminded. “And don’t even think about using your old mob contacts. The Major won’t stand for it.”

“Trust me, Krystel. I know. As much as I would love to end this with a simple blood bath of Mafia Justice. All that would get us would be an unwinnable war. As much as I hate to say this, I will not place innocent men and women in jeopardy on a hunch either. Which is what burning those possible Strike Teams will get us.” Maria grunted. “No, as much as it pisses me off, this is one time where we have to use political pressure to remove this threat from our borders. At least curtail it to an acceptable point.”

“Not the best of solutions.” Kimberly sighed then breathed out. “But one of the few that doesn’t end in an international crisis.”

“What have you been able to gather from the ledgers that were sent in?” Maria asked wanting to change the topic.

“Speaking of that, and Mob Justice. We had a problem with Annette and Anna, Marshal.” Krystel wasn’t shy in her rebuke of the two women as she placed the aforementioned ledgers on the briefing table. “They were, or still are, thinking of taking out over sixty contracts on the people named in those ledgers of Price’s.”

Maria just sighed and shook her head. “I don’t doubt it.”

At Kimberly and Krystel’s blank looks of confusion Maria knew that she would have to explain her answer. “For Anna, something like this case alone would be grounds for an all-out mob war. One that she would happily carry out on her own. For Anna, it was people like these that profited from the occupation of Italy by Mussolini and his Black Shirts. Her family suffered under the rule of that man and his thugs. For Annette, the reason is far more personal. It was a man like those named in the ledgers that destroyed her childhood. It took her almost fifteen years to extract her vengeance.”

“Damn. If she waited that long to kill just one man. How long will she wait to kill this many people?” Krystel demanded politely.

“For as long as it takes her to have my grandchild.” At Maria’s blunt comment both women just sighed. “She sees these men and women as a direct threat to her child. Not to mention what she has fought so hard to regain.”

“What do you mean, Maria?” Kimberly asked giving her a blank look.

“Family.” Maria’s one word answer spoke volumes.

“Shit. Not good. Any idea on how to keep that from happening?” Kimberly questioned Maria with real worry.

“Just one. We hand all of this off to the CIA.” Once again Maria was letting her devious mind shine through.

“Okay, this I got to hear. How would turning this over to our ‘favorite’ agency keep Annette from going on a killing spree?” Krystel wondered.

Maria placed her hand on the ledgers that sat on the table. “We decode these ledgers, in certain a way. One that our friends with the Central Institute of Assholes will be forced to act. Just to protect themselves from a possible media fallout of epic proportions.”

“There’s only one problem with that, Maria. The CIA will just cover up any possible media leak as the ramblings of conspiracy-theorist nutcases.” Kimberly pointed bluntly. Then Kimberly saw the glint in Maria’s eyes. “Okay, what have we missed here?”

“What would happen if fifteen or twenty news media blogs were to all drop the same story at the same time? Think of the media feeding frenzy that would result.” Maria giggled. She actually at the looks of disbelief on the two operators’ faces. “It would be like chumming the waters off the Great Barrier Reef for Great White sharks.”

“Okay. So, every last alphabet agency would have to react to the media shit storm. Just to prove they’re trying to stop the corruption.” Krystel sat back in total amazement at the old woman’s uncanny grasp of the situation. “Hell, the threat alone from that kind of exposure would guaranty a rapid response from the CIA’s cleaner teams.”

Maria just smiled and held out her hands palms up. “And the light of wisdom doth shine down upon the unwashed masses.”

Both women rolled their eyes at the older woman’s antics. But they could tell by the way Maria laid out her plan she had done something like this before.

Krystel but their thoughts into words. “How many times have you pulled something like this Maria?”

“My dear ladies, the best form of Blackmail is not of the physical kind.” Maria gave the two operators a nasty grin. “The BEST Blackmail is the implied threat of the intangible’s exposure.”

“Wait I know that I can speak for Krystel when I say. What the fuck are you talking about?” Kimberly stated bluntly despite the disapproving glare from Maria over her use of foul language.

“I see that my granddaughters aren’t the only ones that benefit from Robert and Hunter’s classes in law.” Maria sighed at the two operators’ looks of confusion. “There are two parts of every crime. The first part of a crime is Actus Reus. Actus Reus is the act or omission that make up the elements of the offense. This is important because it's the physical act that the person committed. Men’s rea is the state of mind that indicates criminal intent. Also known as the guilty mind.”

“I get it. If a person thinks they’re guilty of something they act accordingly. The threat of exposing someone’s dirty laundry is enough to get them to falter.” Kimberly chuckled. “Now that is just nasty.”

“And that is why all the truly great Blackmail artists never see the inside of a courtroom. Let alone a jail cell.” Maria pointed out. “It is also why most of them usually fall victim to even better con artists.”

“I got to say Maria. I really do like this plan of yours.” Krystel said with real respect and admiration for the Criminal Master. “I would love to know where you learned how to pull something like this off. Hell, just half of the sneaky shit you know could fill novels.”

“My Uncle Christoff was my teacher for the art of the con and the deal.” Maria chuckled. “He wasn’t too bad of a fellow for a Lawyer. Sneaky, underhanded, and would stab you in the back over a lira just as fast or faster as any other lawyer I know. But, he was still good people at heart.”

“How did a DeMarco every become a lawyer? I thought your family were hitters?” Krystel asked in bewilderment.

“Who do you think make some of the best hitters in the world?” Maria chuckled. “Rule number one for all hitters. There is more than one way to take out a target. Besides, a multimillion dollar law suit is just as effective as a bullet to the head sometimes, not to mention much cleaner. No less lethal, just cleaner at times.”

“That sounds a lot like something Miss Anna said while you were gone.” Kimberly remarked then turned thoughtful. “It was something about high finance deals and a bullet.”

“That sounds like something Anna would say. And sadly, it’s very true. There are more corporate hitters nowadays than fifteen to twenty years ago.” Maria commented. “It’s has become a very competitive field.”

“Yeah, what she said was a real eye opener.” Kimberly said soberly. She decided to get back on topic. “How do you want to deliver the package? Electronic or hardcopy over the fax?”

“Both. Only we’ll be expanding the list of recipients. For the CIA we should use an electronic delivery, you would know best how to go about that. For the others we’ll use hardcopies delivered by certified courier. Preferably through the slowest form of snail mail possible.” Maria smirked at the looks of confusion of Kimberly and Krystle. “I never said that we weren’t going to release the information to the rest of the world.”

“So, who are the lucky recipients of our generosity?” Kimberly smiled.

“One full copy to each of the different Major News Media outlets. That way the vultures have to work for us for once.” Maria snarled.

“Damn Maria. You really do hate the newshounds. Care to explain?” Kimberly asked the older woman politely.

“July twenty-seventh, nineteen-ninety-six, Summer Olympics, Atlanta, Georgia a bomb went off in Centennial Olympic Park. A good man by the name of Richard Jewell, an honest security guard, was tried in the court of public opinion because of an overzealous reporter. A reporter whose very actions almost allowed the real bomber to escape. Because of her interference the FBI never looked beyond Jewell in their investigation.” Maria anger was enough for her to spit nails at this point. “Any chance that I get to fuck them over as a whole I will take. Just to get some form of justice for that poor man.”

“Damn. You take that family oath of yours to the heart. In more ways than one.” Kimberly said only to get a very dirty look from Maria.

“The oath of the Moonless Night Wraiths are not meaningless words, ladies. To my family and those who enter the Wraiths it means more than any oath sworn to any nation. Only two oaths hold any greater meaning for us. Our wedding vows and one other.” Maria told both women sternly.

“What other oath would be held in such regard?” Krystel wondered.

“A Blood Oath.” Maria’s three word answer drew the desired reaction. Both Kimberly and Krystle now knew what was pushing Samantha. “Which brings us to our current problem child.”

“What are your plans for US Deputy Marshal Samantha Justice? Or do we say Stephany Capizeo?” Krystel asked bluntly.

“She and Sister Magdalena will be leaving our island in the morning. Sister Magdalena will be escorting a fellow Sister of Saint Nicholas back to Rome. The reason is for an interview with the Archbishop for the Iscariot Division. Once in Rome Stephany will finally end her family’s private war with them.” Maria laid it out as simply as possible for the two operators.

“Okay, hold there. It can’t be that simple. Sorry, but no deal here Marshal. We do not deploy any Operator without a more comprehensive plan or detailed intelligence of any fortified installation.” Kimberly told Maria bluntly. “Especially one in a foreign enemy held territory.”

Maria chuckled. “This is one time where the hidebound traditionalist ways of the Vatican works to our favor. For the last nine-hundred years the Iscariot Division headquarters have stood in the same building. The very building that Rinaldo Capizeo reeked his own vengeance in just over four-hundred years ago. There are ways into that building known only to the Capizeo family. Ways that have been lost to time, but still known only to them.”

“Those Wall Maps in the Capizeo ancestral home. Maps that only Samantha knows how to read.” Krystel said as she and Kimberly nodded their heads in understanding. To them the idea of centuries old intelligence being hidden in plain sight was amusing.

“Exactly, ladies. In less than forty-eight hours after landing in Rome. Jonathan Delacorte will be found dead. Where exactly his body will be found is totally up to her twisted sense of humor and history at the time.” Maria told them both with a wicked smile.

“Why do I have this feeling that the Monsignor’s death will be a message to the rest of the Iscariot Division to get the hell out of our country?” Krystel asked.

“I certainly hope so, dear. One that will do more than drive them from our borders.” Maria snarled. “But make them understand that there will always be a Wraith waiting to rip their still beating hearts from their chests.”

“What will Samantha need from us Maria?” Kimberly asked in a businesslike manner that she did not feel.

“This is one time, that we must go outside of our normal resources.” Maria sighed as she looked towards the door and airstrip. “Can Lonestar provide us with a ride to Freeport in the morning?”

“Sure, Maria. No problem. Who are you going to see?” Kimberly asked more than a little confused.

“Father Clancy is more than a simple Priest, ladies.” Maria told them with a smile. “There is a reason he is the only one who can hear our confessions.”

“And it’s one that you won’t share with us.” Krystel grumbled at having another intelligence source that only Maria had access to. “I don't appreciate having my hands tied.”

“This is one time that it isn’t 'won’t' Krystel, but truly 'can’t'.” Maria held up her hand to forestall any more questions or complaints. “How do you say it? Oh yes, compartmentalized for their safety.”

“Just what does that mean?” Kimberly snapped. “We’re cleared for a whole hell of a lot more than you are Maria.”

“Exactly what it sounds like, Captain. This is a situation where I’m the one who has to enforce Opsec. Trust me. There are far, far, too many innocent lives at stake for me to divulge information on Father Clancy.” Maria told them both bluntly. “Not even the Major knows what I do about the good Father.”

“Okay Maria, but sooner or later you’ll need to fill the Major in on Father Clancy. All Informants are to be vetted by us. Those are the rules.” Kimberly explained as she turned to Krystel. “Looks like we got a late night ahead of us, Krys. Let’s get to work on those hardcopy packets.”

“Kimberly, before you go ratting me out to my husband for having Informants outside of the OCIA don’t bother. Only Paul and Anna have played the game for as long as I have. He knows that I have a good number of snitches and back alley contacts around the world. More than just lowly owners of ballet studios. I pay extremely well to be kept informed of what goes on in the underworld of countries where I have businesses.” Maria told the operator. “My network of informants is what most Law Enforcement Intelligence agencies can only dream of having. One that has taken me thirty-five years to build.”

“And not one that you’re just going to blithely endanger.” Kimberly sighed. “Okay, I can see that. But what does that have to do with Father Clancy?”

The look Maria gave Kimberly would have made most hardened Mob Basses think twice. It wasn't enough to make the younger woman think twice about challenging Maria on Father Clancy. The man was too close to them all. Even Mindy joined the DeMarcos on Sunday services from time to time. She needed that information. Maria could tell that she was going to have to tell part of the story concerning Clancy.

“Father Clancy O’Brian was at one time a numbers runner and mid-level boss for the Winter Hill Gang. He was also one of Whitey Bulgar's crew in his late teens and early twenties. Back in ninety-two he did me a solid. One that I repaid in two-thousand-one. I got him out of the country. Part of the deal; was he joined the Order of Saint George and become a Priest.” Maria gave the two women a wistful smile. “He kept his word. When he got the chance to be posted in Freeport he took it. Knowing full and well that the Roseline Orphanage was part of the deal.”

“Maria, I have to ask you a question. What is the connection between your family, the Capizeo’s and the Roseline Orphanages?” Krystel wanted to know.

“It is one that has spanned a hundred years. Going all the way back to the First World War and the Depression years the followed.” Maria sighed. “The connection is really to the Capizeo family. Not so much the DeMarco family. They have always been more active in the Philanthropical aspects of the criminal life. At the end of the Great War Jocko Capizeo and his brother Roberto returned from the Italian front to find their village in ruin.”

“Wait I thought the Capizeo family were based out of Sicily?” Kimberly asked.

“Over time some of them had returned to their ancestral home in Italy. Not uncommon during the eighteenth and nineteen centuries. A few of them though headed further north. Into the region along the Austrian and Italian boarder. That area suffered as greatly as many of the areas in France and Belgium. At one point one out of every four families were wiped out due to hunger, decease, indiscriminate shelling and bombing from both sides.” Maria sighed as she thought about that dark time in history. “They were the ones to set up the first of the Roseline orphanages.”

“Why would they actively work with the Catholic Church?” Krystel asked in total confusion.

“During that time there was no government support for orphanages. Only the philanthropically inclined rich, or the Church, would support a true orphanage. After what Jocko and Roberto had seen in the frozen trenches of the Alpine front. The carnage heaped upon the civilians. They needed something to ease their nightmares. They saw a need and moved the heavens to fulfill that need. To that end, they started Roseline orphanages. They were also the ones to start the tradition of giving last names to orphans. Names of common men that died in the frozen hell of the Alpine front’s trenches at first. Following the Second World War, they used the last names of men who had died on all the fronts. Just so that those names would not be forgotten to history.” Maria explained. “That is why the unofficial name for the orphanages is the Bloodline orphanage.”

“So those orphanages have nothing to do with the Da Vinci Code and the whole Merovingian kings of France BS.” Krystel wise cracked.

“Nothing at all. But don’t mention the Da Vinci code, the Merovingian kings of France, Templar Knights, or the Holy Grail, around my niece.” Maria chuckled as she thought about what Angelic’s reaction would be. At the questioning look from Krystel, Maria knew that the young woman had already made the mistake. “Oh, my dear, poor woman. I hope you’re ready for an earful of conspiracy theory and contradiction of official Catholic Church Doctrine.”

“She did make a comment about it being the worse kept secret of the Church.” Krystel grumbled. “I take it that she is a believer in the conspiracy?”

“She is not the only member of the clergy who actually believes the theory. Believe it or not, a good number of them support it. Not openly of course.” Maria chuckled. “Before you ask, no I don’t support the theory. Kimberly, what just caused that frown to appear?”

“Nothing important.” Kimberly replied then added. “Among Lyssa's jewelry inventory is a ring. She said it was templaric, handed down through family. Her actual family. She never wears it though. I only saw it once. She said not to pay it any mind.”

Looking around the room and piles of evidence Maria sighed. “The rest of this can wait until morning, ladies. I know that you want to get started on setting up the packets for our ‘friends’ but I want to go over what we send them first. With a fine toothed comb.”

“What don’t you want them to find?” Kimberly asked with the keen mind of an operations officer.

“It’s not what or who but a when, Kimberly.” Kimberly gave Maria a skeptical look. “If there are connections to Delacorte. The CIA may overreact and place Samantha’s operation in danger with their response.”

“I get it. It’s not that you don’t care that the CIA knows about Delacorte. You just don’t want them infringing on Samantha.” Krystel guessed.

“No. I don’t want them placing her in a situation where she must kill someone needlessly. She has a target and one target only. Jonathan Delacorte, aka Alfonzo Delicato, the man who set all of this in motion eighteen years ago.” Maria almost snarled the last words. “Hopefully she’ll finally lay to rest her family’s ghosts once and for all.”

“Um… Maria, we’ve done a little digging into the original case file on the murder of Sam’s family. Is it true that she was the one to find the bodies?” Krystle asked the older woman with real concern.

“Yes. But there was more to it than what went into the report.” Maria cringed as she thought about that investigation by the Toledo PD. “The Defective assigned to the case didn’t put much effort into his investigation. The man was of the mindset that one mobster taking out another mobster wasn’t worth the taxpayers' money. Even if the other dead family members were innocents.”

“Why am I not surprised?” Kimberly sighed.

“They were more concerned with counting their payoffs. You have to remember that in those days a good number of the Toledo PD were on the payroll of at least one of the local crime families.” Maria sighed. “And like I said; to them, it was an open and shut case of mobster justice.”

“And when the local PD didn’t go looking for Sam or the killers of her family. She went on a one woman crusade of blood soaked violence and revenge.” Krystel grunted. “I still cannot believe she did all that and was only a half trained kid at the time.”

“Whoever said she was half trained?” Maria chuckled. “Joseph Capizeo had already mastered the Way of the Dancing Blade by his twelfth birthday. By the time he was fourteen he had mastered the first steps of the Sleep of the Beautiful Death. Make no mistakes ladies. Joseph Capizeo was a child prodigy in the art of assassination and martial arts. I believe wholeheartedly that if his earlier training hadn’t been interrupted. He would have become the most feared assassin in the world by the time he turned seventeen. Not to mention the most wanted, by both law enforcement and organized crime.”

“You’re placing a lot of faith in a major ‘what if’ there Maria. We know that Sam is good. We’ll give you that, but you make it sound as if she would become some kind of unstoppable and unkillable nightmare. Nobody is that good. Not even Lyssa. She knows she has limits and lives by them.” Krystel told Maria.

“When it comes to killers of the professional variety Krystel, I do not joke. Nor do I exaggerate their potentials. I would not have lived for as long as I have if I had ever made those two mistakes.” Maria looked in the direction of her home. “Mark my words ladies. As deadly as our dear Lyssa and her old friends are, they will find their match in Stephany Capizeo.”

“We’ve seen what she can do on her own when pinch comes to shove Maria.” Kimberly stated. “But Tiffany is a match. Lyssa is something else. She can be horrifying.”

“Believe what you will, Kimberly. But I’ve seen the video of her solo run. What you ladies, Lyssa, Annette, and Anna saw was nothing but a warmup for Stephany.” Maria grunted with more than a little certainty. “She is as deadly as they come. Her only problem is she suffers from the same one as ALL good Law Enforcement officers do. Suspect fixation. She get’s tunnel vision when she has her suspect within reach.”

“And finally, after what, eighteen years, she has the man behind all that pain in her sights. She’ll be pulling out all the stops and going full bore after Delicato. Damned be anyone who gets in her way.” Krystle surmised.

“That is why we will be using all outside sources for everything that Samantha needs. At least for this operation.” Maria held up her hand. “Ladies this is one time that the OICA must be totally hands off. Strictly for political fallout reasons between us and the Iscariots.”

“Wait. I’m kind of lost here Maria.” Kimberly said stopping Maria.

“She’s not the only one here Maria.” Krystel growled. “Instead of making progress, we seem to be getting more and more complicated.”

“We took on this operation as a personal favor for the Major. I’ve known of the political ramifications from day one. Just as he has. There is only one man within the Vatican that has the kind of pull to call in the OCIA for an outside investigation. Bishop Karl Ferdinand, head of the Iscariot Division.” Maria grunted then sighed. “I believe that when, not if, the Bishop is notified of who the rats are within his house. He will take extreme measures to exterminate them himself. But the delivery of that notification needs to timed and done with a certain amount of modesty.”

“You want Samantha or Angelic to be the one who makes that delivery?” Kimberly spotted where Maria was going. “He’ll pull all those Strike Teams on his own. We don’t need to burn them.”

“Very astute, Kimberly. Though not quite on the money, you’re close. Very close.” Maia gave her a smirk. “What is the worst thing to happen for a spy?”

“They get burned by a rival nation or organization.” Krystel stated.

“Wrong Krys. Past experience says, the worst thing that can happen to any spy is to be deliberately burned by their own people.” Kimberly answered with honest anger. “And to be left with no way out or back. A kite. Set on fire and cut loose.”

“True. And this is exactly what our dear sweet Maria DeMarco here wants to happen.” Krystel pieced together with the speed of thought that allowed her to dance among the glittering world of the Internet. “She’s going to force the Bishop Karl Ferdinand to either recall or burn his own operatives.”

“Exactly, my dear. It is also one of the reasons why Samantha must use only her outside contacts in the underworld to handle this problem.” Maria answered the younger woman with a sad smile.

“What’s the other reason Maria? The truth.” Kimberly asked quietly.

“It is time for me to pass the torch as it were. Kasey and Kristine have reached the point where there is nothing more that I can teach them.” Maria told the two young woman she had come to see as part of her family. “While you can still teach them much in the ways of Clandestine Operations, I have nothing left to give except the love of ballet and a grandmother.”

“I doubt that Maria. I highly doubt that. You still have a great deal to offer them and this team.” Kimberly corrected Maria with a chuckle. “Gemini still has a lot to learn from you. We all do, when it comes to organized crime. Not that we deal with it much.”

“Oh, I can still teach you all a few things about the criminal mind.” Maria chuckled. “No what I was talking about is the ways of assassination. Samantha has Mastered the Sleep of the Beautiful Death. The last of Gemini’s training now falls to her and her family’s secrets.”

“What does that have to do with Samantha’s mission to Rome and her only using underworld assets? It doesn’t make any sense. It’s not like she has to prove anything to your granddaughters. Or you for that matter.” Kimberly pointed out with a grin. “We know that Sam is capable of mongoose operations.”

“It is the last task that she faces in her ascension to the Mistress of the Moonless Night Wraiths Guild.” Maria sighed. “When she returns, I shall step aside and finally give Stephany Capizeo her rightful place as the Head of our guild. One that she earned eighteen years ago.”

“Do you really believe that she can pull it off on her own Maria?” Krystel asked her with a good deal of doubt. “We know she’s good. But I mean come on. She’s facing one of the most secretive organizations not to mention one of the heaviest guarded installations in the world.”

“No joke here Maria. We’re talking about trying to infiltrate the fucking Vatican’s biggest secrets, here.” Kimberly jumped in. “Even if Sam can find her way in with those wall maps. How long do you think she’ll have before the Swiss Guard are all over her ass? Every major nation has agreed the Swiss Guard of the Vatican are hands-off. The U.S. Intel services agreed never to exploit clergy in general due to it making all vulnerable.”

“As I said before, the hidebound traditionalist ways of the Vatican works to our favor. Each eight hour shift has a fifty-fifty mix of standing and roving guards with one exception. The midnight watch. Their mix is sixty-forty with double the number of guards. The majority of them working as rovers. The hole in this setup is the sheer area that the guards must cover. With their priority being the protection of the historical treasures.” Maria chuckled. “Not so much for the office and living areas.”

“Why? Shouldn’t the barracks be a higher priority? You know protect the Clergy and all that jazz.” Kimberly asked as she cocked her head.

“Only the Cardinals and up get that kind of attention from the Svizzera Pontificia, ladies. The rest are left to the tender mercies of the Gendarmerie Corps of the Vatican City for their safety.” Maria snarked. “A respectable branch of Law Enforcement to be sure, but not up to the standards of the US Federal Marshal Service. Maybe the NYPD or LAPD at best.”

The two operators couldn’t help themselves as they chuckled over Maria’s slight of the NYPD and LAPD. “I must say Maria. I never really saw you as being partial to Law Enforcement.”

“Oh, I’m not too awfully fond of most peace officers at the federal level, Kimberly. But there is law enforcement, then there’s Law Enforcement. I have always respected the Marshal Service, local PDs, and the officers that carry those particular badges. It is the members of the IRS, FBI, and other alphabet agencies that I do not care for. Thugs with guns and badges.” Maria snorted. “The biggest thugs of them all are Interpol.”

“And this coming from the woman with a brother and three nephews in Interpol. Not to mention two son-in-laws, two daughters, and two granddaughters who all carry a US Deputy Marshal badge.” The two operators chuckled as Maria come back to Kimberly’s joke. “Not to mention she carries one herself.”

“It is so much worse than that I’m afraid. I had Gemini run a search on my extended family. I currently have at least one family member work in or with each of the European national police forces. It is truly a sad day.” Maria threw her head back and placed the back of left hand striking a classical pose only to cry out dramatically. “Oh, the inhumanity of it all! Oh, how low the great and powerful DeMarco Crime family has fallen. From such grand and lofty heights, only to become honest citizens with badges.”

By the time Maria was done hamming it up. Both Kimberly and Krystel were having a hard time. Both women were laughing so hard that they were close to losing control over their bladders. The old woman’s overacting and spontaneous comedy were rare, but were always welcomed. Just as were her little lessons in law and crime. Both actions were part and principal for one of the granddames of the island. To the younger members of the island population they looked forward to the times when they let their mischievous sides come out. More than one prank had been pulled by the wily old ladies. Much to the amusement the other members of the island’s population.

“It is late enough ladies. Those copies, both hard and electronic can wait until the morning. As for the Major’s update, I’ll take care of it at home. Both of you. Go home and get some sleep. I doubt that Lyssa will need you tonight. Before you ask. I had already figured out that she and Rodrick had deployed. I take it that Anna and Annette are taking care of the twins?” Maria asked as she turned towards the door. “Besides I need to make my preparations for what I will ask of Father Clancy.”

Kimberly's reply stopped her cold. “The twins are at home with Rodrick.”

Maria spun immediately. “WHAT? Why, what is going on that she deployed alone?”

“About that.” Kimberly nodded to Krystel, who left them alone. “This is what I've been able to find out and it goes absolutely NO further.”

Maria's eyes narrowed. “Tell me she hasn't gone to Rome.”

“She hasn't. We wish she had. She should be making her HAHO jump somewhere over western Africa right now. Exactly where, we don't know. Everybody is locked out.” Kimberly said. “All reports for West Africa are restricted. If we go in, it'll cause serious problems. We can't even piggy-back a satellite on-station there. In fact, any satellite that tracks over is now locked. Only the NRO and two other agencies are on access.”

Maria was now confused. “What does all that mean?”

“It means, Lyssa is on a one-way trip. If she does what needs to be done, good. If she does what she needs to do and comes back, better. If she fails, she is required to not leave much of her body behind.” Kimberly explained.

“But why can't you find out more?” Maria asked.

Kimberly shook her head. “This came down from three different Congressional Committees, State and DOD. Whatever is going on, is so bad they don't want anybody to know if it gets worse. I talked to Whisper, even their unit is locked down. Nobody knows, and anybody that does, won't say anything. In short; this is as bad as it gets. It's as bad as our own nukes being used against us.”

Maria crossed herself. “Holy Mary, let her come back from this.”

“Oh, before I forget. One of Mindy’s school friends’ father sent you a message.” Kimberly gave Maria a hard look. “I don’t like her being used as a drop courier, Maria.”

“Neither do I, Kimberly. ALL of my informants in Freeport know to speak to Lonestar or Edward if they must. Preferably they wait until Friday and Sunday, when they can come directly to me or the boys down at the Southern Cross. Do you know which father made the mistake of going to Mindy?” Maria’s eyes flashed with true anger though her voice barely rose above a calm level tone. This was a sure sign of the old woman’s rage. Somebody was going to pay for breaking her rules. Especially the big one. Never to endanger her granddaughter Mindy.

“It wasn’t the father himself, but his son. The father is one of the cabdrivers that works the seaport and airport. When he picked his son up from school, he spotted Lonestar and Mindy. He sent his son over with the message.” Kimberly cut in before Maria had Lonestar fly her over to Freeport that night. She could tell that Maria would happily gut the father for using Mindy as a drop courier that night.

“What was the message Kimberly?” Maria asked as she breathed out her anger. “But you can rest assured that I’ll be having a long talk with Jefferson.”

“How did you know which driver it was that screwed up?” Kimberly asked her in surprise. “I never mentioned his name.”

“I only have three cabbies on my payroll that work both the seaport and airport. Of the three, there is only one with a son that is Mindy’s age. Jefferson Morgan, his son’s name is Michael.” Then Maria snickered because what she was about to say would throw the fox in the henhouse for Kimberly. “Young Mike is rather sweet on our little Mindy. She is turning into quite the stunner after all. She takes after her mother in many ways.”

“WHAT?!” Kimberly screeched at the top of her lungs. “Oh, that’s it! I'll take her to school personally!”

Krystel had come back in to that and just sat back, quietly laughing her ass off at Kimberly’s reaction to Mindy being someone's crush. Then she remembered something that really amused her. All of Mindy’s family were Operators, Combat pilots, Sailors, Assassins and US Deputy Marshals. Two of which were only a few years older then Mindy.

“Oh god! I almost pity the poor boys that try to date your daughter, Kim.” Krystel roared with laughter even harder.

“Why do you say that?” Kimberly growled.

“Think about it. All, and I mean ALL, of Mindy’s family are either Special Operations, an Operative, Old World Assassin, SOG Deputy Marshal or some combination thereof. And those are just her parents, aunts and uncles. When we throw in her two cousins, and grandparents things get totally fucking nuts.” Krystel crowed.

“Ah but you missed one important fact, Krystel.” Maria chuckled at Kimberly’s look of consternation. “Half of Mindy’s family are old world Mafia.”

“OH MY GOD! I can just see the shotgun cleaning party when she brings home her first boyfriend to meet the parents.” At this point Krystel had to run from the room. Her bladder couldn’t take any more.

Maria gave Kimberly a loving smile while chuckling. “I’m done making fun at your expense Kimberly. What was the message Mindy’s little friend sent?”

Kimberly pulled out the folded piece of notebook paper and began to read. “Madam Maria; the Rose has seven new blooms. Three penguins and four stiff shirts. They have the stink of the catacombs.’ Does any of that make sense?”

“Well, now we know where that burned Strike Team from Miami ended up. At least six of those new people over at Our Blessed Mother are that Strike Team. The last one, it’s a good bet, that someone is trying to protect someone with information on the Monsignor. This all smells of the Rose Society.” Once again Maria was showing that her mind was still quicker than a steel trap.

“How do you figure that, Maria?” Kimberly asked in confusion.

“The last line of that message. It’s old mob slang for a member of the Clergy that is on the run. I just took what you asked of Angelic and Samantha earlier then what I know about the situation with Delacorte. Then I took in the total of the message. The number of new people, minus the number of Strike Team members, plus the comment about someone on the run. It all equals someone within Section Twenty-one protecting members of the Roseline family.” Maria summed up for Kimberly.

“Who the hell are the Rose Society and the Roseline family?” Krystel asked as she reentered the room.

“The Roseline family are the orphans that grow up in the Roseline orphanages and join the Church. As for the Rose society, they are more than likely some of those same orphans working to change the Iscariots. Sadly, I have no proof of their existence other than rumors and half-truths.” Maria explained. “Well there’s nothing I can do tonight. I’ll just have to verify that message in the morning when I talk with Father Clancy.”

“Damn. This op is like the Clap. The gift that keeps on giving.” Kimberly grumbled. “Maria, I have got to ask. Why the fuck would the Major even think of taking on something like this?”

“I can only guess, Kimberly. You know how I feel about making those.” Maria told her honestly. “This is one time that I have a feeling that this goes back to a time in Paul’s past. Back when he still wore the uniform of a line officer and the men he served with. And as much as he loves me there are certain things that we do not discus. That is one of them.”

“But doesn’t he know all about what you’ve done?” Kimberly jumped to call Maria on what she thought was a sure thing.

“There are a great many things that I’ve done in my past that Paul has no hint of. Take some advice girls. Every woman should have a small air of mystery about them. No man should know everything about the woman he loves.” Maria winked at them both. “It helps keep the spice in the bedroom.”

Kimberly gave a look of 'oh, right'.

“Goodnight ladies.” Maria said and went out.

Krystel looked over. “You want the room?”

“Yes.” Kimberly answered.

Krystel got up and left. Kimberly typed at her terminal and the room's lights flickered as a sound came from the door. The TOC was now sealed. She put on her headset and typed again. All the monitors changed, and a room of people was displayed on the main screen.

“Captain.” The man at the head of the conference table greeted.

Kimberly saluted. “Sir. Ready to engage here.”

“Very good, Captain. Seize all information coming out of Mali, Burkina Faso, Ivory coast, Ghana, Benin and Togo. Nothing is to go international. Intercept EVERYTHING! If Steel Butterfly fails, Burn all traces. It has to be this way. Not just for our own country.” He ordered.

“Understood, Mister Chairman. Engaging; now!” Kimberly said as she sat down and began to type, her mic off. “Please, let this work out her way.”

Even though he hadn't heard, the Chairman sighed. “God help us all.”

“Indeed.” A man with a British accent seconded.


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