A Thief’s Problem.

Sister Magdalena, a.k.a. Angelic DeMarco, finds evidence of more than just illegal art trade while recovering a stolen painting in the home of a known criminal. Her investigation leds to the US and a very problematic situation with the US Department of Justice.
by Snowfall and Jessie Wolf.
Dedicated to the men and women of the US Marshal Service.
Edited by my husband Paul, and AJC Snowfall.
This is a work of fiction an any persons in this work are purely fictional.
Chapter 25
Church Our Blessed Mother, Freeport, Grand Bahama: 0830
Father Clancy smiled as he tended his small garden. The four new Priests were already working to make themselves part of his island flock. The four young men had taken a walk around the church, orphanage, and residents yesterday after dinner. Then this morning shortly after breakfast with the children, the four of them headed for the Do it Center hardware store. When he asked them what they were going there for the youngest pointed to the Orphanage’s roof. Then said, “strong backs, and hands, can move more mountains than faith can Father. That roof needs replacing.”
“And were shall the money for this new roof come from, Father Peter? This is not the Vatican or Notre Dame.” Clancy countered.
The young man just smiled and held out a corporate card for the Iscariot Division smiling, while the others chuckled. They knew that their Strike team funds had yet to be cutoff.
“The good Lord shall provide, Father.” Peter smiled.
They knew that it would take the accountants for Section 21 at least 48 hours to cutoff their operational accounts. With this in mind, they were off to do as much damage as they could before the bean counters could act. They knew that their personal accounts should be left alone. But the few thousand dollars in those accounts wouldn’t last long.
The three new nuns were also engraining themselves to the orphanage. He was surprised to learn that all three held teaching credentials. He had to chuckle at the complaints that some of the children had about the new arrivals. All three of the new sisters were up before the crack of dawn, at six in the morning they were dressed and ready for the day. The children were not happy that the new nuns roused them all from their warm beds at a quarter after six. Nor were the children happy with having to perform exercises at that time of the day. Lead by those three extremely fit young women.
“Excuse me, Father Clancy.” Clancy turned to see Mother Superior Sophia standing a few feet away. The look on her face told far more of the story than her words. “Madam Maria DeMarco is here to see you sir.”
“Did she say why?” He asked as he stood up.
“All she said was that it was time for payback.” Sophia told him with a look of displeasure on her face. “Father Clancy, I overheard Sister Mary talking with Sisters Elisabeth and Jessica yesterday. After their arrival.”
“What did you overhear, Sophia?” Clancy asked with some concern.
“If what they were saying is true.” Sophia began only to drop her volume to barely above a whisper as she looking around to make sure they were alone. “The Vatican’s Wraith has returned, Danny boy.”
“Aw shit. This is not good Kitayna. If the Wraith has indeed returned, then our newest family members were burned to protect Delacorte’s section.” Clancy whispered. “Are you sure they said the Wraith had returned?”
“If I didn’t know how serious the situation was, Danny, I would swear you were questioning my loyalty. Yes, I’m sure.” Sophia snapped. “How do you want to proceed Father Clancy?”
The sixty-seven year old ex-mobster turned Priest reached into his pants pocket. Fingering the coin that he always kept there as a reminder of his past, Father Clancy O’Brian made up his mind. If it had not been for Maria and her contacts, he would have died in the streets of South Boston decades ago. Sure, she saved his life to repay a favor, but he had incurred a greater debt to her. One that he could never repay.
“We give her whatever help we can. We use every connection, every back alley and underworld resource, we have. We call in favors, markers, and every blackmail deal we ever made or collected.” Clancy told Sophia bluntly.
“Are you sure you want to get involved with this Danny boy?” Sophia whispered.
“Kitayna we owe, we pay. It’s that simple.” Clancy told his old friend. “What is your problem Kitayna? We both knew the price for her help when we took it all those years ago.”
“I know and remember the deal, damn it. It’s just, well, I don’t know how to say this. But Maria DeMarco scares the crap out of me. What I want to know is why aren’t you afraid of getting involved in her business?” Sophia demanded of her old friend. “We both know that woman and her family are the most ruthless and deadliest killers alive.”
“As deadly as Maria and her family are, they paled in comparison to the last Hemlock Rose and the Capizeo family. The deadliest of them all was Mary Capizeo.” Clancy breathed out quietly. “They say that when the Fates whispered in her ear. ‘You cannot stand against the storm.’ Mary Capizeo answered back. ‘I am the storm.’ If this new Vatican Wraith is truly a Capizeo then they are ten times deadlier than Maria DeMarco and her family.”
“Sweet Mother Mary, you make it sound as if the Capizeo family are some kind of blood soaked demons birthed in unholy violence.” Sophia shivered.
“No Mother Sophia. They are far worse than that. The Capizeo family were the bastard children of Archangels and thrice damned human souls. Born not of unholy violence, but bloody betrayal. A family cursed by the hand of Papal greed. Cursed to forever be our unholy vengeful conscience. All because of the actions of a few Iscariot Priests and a greed filled Pope over five-hundred years ago.” Both Sophia and Clancy jumped at the sound of Sister Mary’s voice. They spun around to find her stand just a few feet away. Neither of them had noticed the young nun’s arrival. “The Vatican’s Wraith of Vengeance has returned.”
“What do you know of the Wraith Sister?” Sophia asked her in hushed tones.
“Only what the legends tell us. That when the Faithful fall from Grace; the Wraith shall rise up and deliver them unto the Hosts of Hell.” Sister Mary walked up until she was standing just inches from her two superiors. In a voice barely above a whisper. “And the last Capizeo is why I was sent here. I have seen a photo of the woman. She was with Maria DeMarco.”
“Are you sure Sister Mary? Absolutely positive.” Clancy questioned the young nun harshly. Only to have the nun nod her head yes. “By the Seal of the Confessional; you’re never to repeat what you know to anyone. Trust us Sister. What you know can get all us killed. Understood?”
“Yes, Father, I understand. I just have one question? Is the woman waiting in the Narthex really Maria DeMarco?” When Father Clancy nodded his head yes, Mary crossed herself. “I swear by all that’s sacred; none shall hear of what I know or suspect. Have a good day father.”
Sophia and Clancy watched their younger counterpart walk away. Sophia quickly asked in a whisper. “Do you think she suspects us?”
“She does but won’t talk. She fears breaking the covenant of the confessional more than Maria’s blades.” Clancy chuckled. “That girl has a real, honest, bone deep, faith. One that is far greater than my own.”
“She is just like the rest of our new congregants. I’m sad to say.” Sophia chuckled. “Those young men and women were born and raised in a faith we only used to hide behind.”
“True. All too true, Mother Superior. What better place for a former mobster and cat-burglar to hide when on the run.” Father Clancy chuckled. “I better go find Maria. She doesn’t like to be kept waiting. Hopefully she is still waiting for me in Narthex.”
As Father Clancy turned to walk away Mother Sophia chuckled. “It’s hard to believe that Danelle ‘Danny boy’ McFeeters is afraid of an old woman.”
“You can bet your ass I am. Especially when that old woman has more confirmed kills than any hitter you can find in the world.” Father Clancy chuckled.
It didn’t take the good Father long to find Maria. Thankfully she was still waiting for him just inside of the Narthex. “Good morning Maria. To what do we owe this early morning visit?”
“Walk with me, Father Clancy.” Maria ordered the man. Clancy could tell that Maria was angered over something and had a good idea over what. Once they were well away from the Church, Convent, and orphanage Maria asked her first question. “Tell me about the new additions Clancy.”
“Six of them are a burned Strike Team for the Iscariot Division. Section Twenty-one personnel. All are members of the Roseline family and Rose Society. They all carry the tattoo. Even the two Sisters.” Clancy answered her quickly hoping that would be enough to assuage Maria’s anger.
“And the last one? The nun from Rome. Who is she? What Order or Section?” Maria demanded. She knew that Father Clancy was trying to hide something from her about the young woman. “I know that she has the stench of the catacombs about her. And Clancy. Don’t lie to me again.”
“Sister Mary is part of Section Twenty-one as well. Only she worked directly for Monsignor Delacorte’s secretary. A Father Daniel. I have it on good authority the young man is also a member of the Rose Society.” Clancy already figured out that Maria was beyond pissed. He saw no use in withholding what he knew from the formidable old world Donna. “They’re not a threat to you or your family Donna Maria. I swear before God.”
“I’ll hold you to that promise Danny boy. If I even smell a threat towards my family. I’ll turn the girls loose on your ass.” Maria snarled. “And you know that is no idle threat. My granddaughters would leave those Iscariot fools laying in a pool of their own blood. All without ever waking them from their slumber.”
Father Clancy swallowed hard at hearing this. He had known that the DeMarco family was deadly. But the idea of Maria’s two teenage granddaughters slaughtering seven people in their beds terrified him. “Understood Donna.”
“Good. We will not have this conversation again, Father.” Maria breathed out her anger then smiled. “Now, I have need of your less than savory contacts. Preferably a decent forger.”
“What in the world do you need a forger for, Maria? Your whole family could most likely do a better job than anyone I know.” Clancy stated bluntly.
“True, but what I need is three Vatican diplomatic passports. Ones with all the correct seals and stamps.” Maria told him with a crooked smile.
“I don’t need to go to a forger. We have all you need right here in the Church. I’m sure that we can provide you with the needed passports no later than eleven am. Will that suffice?” Clancy chuckled at the quizzical look Maria was giving him. “Maria, we have seven priests, one Mother Superior, six nuns, and eight novices. All with the needed passports. A little steam, a few pictures, and some glue. A wave of the hand and presto! Three perfectly untraceable diplomatic passports with all the needed seals and stamps. I only need to know who they are for and what sexes.”
“One full sister, and two novices.” Maria handed Clancy a manilla envelope. “Here are the needed pictures. And Father; no one is to know who those passports are for, understood?”
Clancy nodded as he opened the envelope to look at the pictures inside. What he saw made his eyes bug out, but he knew what Maria wanted. He waved the pictures asking. “Are you sure about this Maria?”
“Ask me no questions Clancy. Just get it done.” Maria told him honestly.
“Come back at eleven Donna Maria. I’ll have your passports for you.” With that Clancy turned back to the church.
The Southern Cross Bar and Grill: 0945
Bobby and Hunter looked up from their beers as Maria entered their favorite island haunt. Hunter looked over at the bartender and waved for the man to bring Maria her tea. The bartender just nodded and fixed Maria her drink. He was used to the old woman who would often came into his bar to chew out the two former American soldiers for drinking so early in the day.
As Maria took her seat, she gave Bobby and Hunter a cross look as she pointed to the beers. “A little early in the day boys.”
“In the words of that great philosopher Jimmy Buffet. It’s five o’clock somewhere.” Hunter smirked. Then pointing at the label. “Besides, these are nonalcoholic mom. Don’t worry we know were still not home.”
“Thank you, boys. I know that you enjoy your occasional six or twelve pack.” About that time the bartender arrived with Maria’s tea. “Thank you, James. How are the girls and Susan?”
“My daughters are giving me grief over their upcoming dance and Susan is ready to gut me for not helping her out with the garden.” The bartender James answered with a chuckle. “Thank you for asking, Mrs. Maria.”
“Quite alright, James. Now what can you tell me about the local smugglers?” Maria asked as she placed a twenty on his servers' tray.
“Depends on what you want. Most are trust worthy men. Stay away from the Washington brothers. Not worth the copper to send them to hell. Unless you’re smuggling illegal drugs.” James told her chuckling.
“I have several packages that need to be delivered to multiple points along the US southeastern seaboard. Who would you suggest?”
“Coconut Telegraph shipping. Let me make a phone call. I know the owner.” James returned to behind the bar where he made the phone call. After a short ten minute conversation James hung up and returned to Maria. “Morgan will be here shortly Mrs. Maria. I’ll send him over when he arrives.”
“Thank you, James. I only have one question. Do you trust this Morgan?”
James chuckled. “With my life, just not at the poker table, ma’am.”
“My type of scoundrel.” Bobby wise cracked. “Good man in a fight, and just larcenous enough to get the job done?”
“Exactly, Mister Bobby. Morgan is much like his namesake, the pirate.” James told the trio. “He is also a master of the sea.”
“That’ll be all for now, James. How much do we owe for the introduction?” Maria asked the bartender politely.
“This one is on the house ma’am. Repayment for what you did for the school.” James said with smile as he returned to his bar.
“Damn. I was hoping that no one knew about that.” Maria grumbled.
“Mother Maria, the people always find out. No matter how hard you try to hide your good deeds. Someone always sees, and invariably they talk.” Bobby told his mother-in-law with a half-smile and a wink. “It’s why I have always hoped to die while still a hero.”
“That is a rather gruesome attitude Robert.” Maria said before taking a sip of her tea. “It sounds like part of a quote.”
“There is an old saying among the military minded of the world, mom. It goes like this. Die a hero or live long enough to become the villain. It’s a salute to the Black Knights of the dark ages.” Bobby explained before taking a drink of his beer.
Hunter quickly picked up where he had left off. “Historically, Black Knights were usually someone who conceals their identity as well as any crests or other heraldry that would reveal their allegiance to any king or country. They did this so they can carry out dark and notorious deeds without consequence. Mercenaries and other Free-lances were known for burning their armor to turn it black. Over time black armor became synonymous with villainy. Mostly because of various stories, myths, and legends, most notably in the Arthurian Legends, where the Black Knight symbolized the villain, darkness, and/or death. Usually these Black Knights opposed the famous Knight-errant or White Knight.”
“The truth though doesn’t have anything to do with villainy. It was done more out of practicality. Back then polished armor cost a lot of money and the lack of a steady paycheck meant that those men had to think about practical matters first. Namely not going hungry, keeping their armor and weapons in good repair, and taking care of their horses. Even though throughout history there have been several standup people who earned the title of Black Knight. These include such heroic figures as Edward of Woodstock the Prince of Wales, James Stewart the Black Knight of Lorn, and Zawisza the Black of Garbow. The Knights Hospitaller, an order withing the Templars, were also referred to as Black Knights. There are even unconfirmed reports during the Second and Third Crusades of a fourth Templar Order of nothing but Black Knights. That's only a rumor though. Nobody knows if they were real or what their purpose was.” Bobby told Maria after picking up where Hunter had stopped.
“I never really thought of how history has been twisted by the view points of the different writers and story tellers. I guess the old saying is true. That history is written by the victors, and the losers are vilified.” Maria nodded her head at the stark truth of the saying. Her own family’s history was a good example of this. Depending on who you talked to, the DeMarco’s were either heroes or villains. It was even more so with the Capizeo family. After all they were still the most feared family of assassins in the world. Before Maria could say something more on the topic Hunter nodded towards the door. “Thank you for the warning Hunter.”
Both men stood up as a well-dressed businessman approached their table. He stopped about ten feet from them and slowly opened his jacket.
“I’m unarmed gentlemen. I understand that the lady wishes to discuss a business deal. My name is Morgan.” The man introduced himself.
Maria never looked up at the man or Bobby and Hunter. Instead she just took a sip of her tea. After setting her cup down Maria waved to the seat across from her. “Please take a seat Mister Morgan. My time is short, and I have much to discuss with you. Boys. Insure our privacy.”
Bobby and Hunter just nodded their heads and took up positions to cover the conversation between the two. Morgan watched as the two ex-military men placed themselves in positions to cover not just the table, but the whole room. From their positions they could easily handle any potential threat.
“I must say, Madam. Your men are extremely professional. I’ve rarely seen such here on the island.” As Morgan was taking his seat across from Maria. “James, my usual please?”
Maria eyed the man up and down. Everything about the man screamed success. From the lightweight Caribbean cut business suit, and ivory handled cane sword. “Do I have the pleasure of dealing with Donna Maria the Dove DeMarco?”
“You do, Mister Morgan. Though I must admit I’m not use to dealing with such well-dressed smugglers.” Maria chuckled before taking a sip of her tea. Setting her cup down Maria turned serious. “Shall we get down to business? I abhor small talk, sir.”
“I had heard that about you Donna.” Morgan said as James set a bottle of white wine and glass in front of him. Once they were alone, he again he got down to business. “James informs me that you have need of my irregular business practices. May I know as to what you wish to have imported?”
“This is an export situation sir. One that requires the use of means that are more or less untraceable.” Maria took a sip of her tea before continuing. “There will also be numerous destinations. With additional instructions for delivery on the other end. Will this be a problem?”
“Depends. I will say honestly that I will have no part in the smuggling of narcotics. I may be a man of loose morals, but I and my crews want no part in the poisoning of our young. Alcohol, refugees, and luxury items are one thing. But guns and drugs; I will have no part of.” Morgan told Maria with a smile. “I’m an honest crook Donna.”
“I must say sir. I find your brand of larceny quite to my liking.” Maria chuckled. “I can guarantee that there will be no guns or drugs. None of that. What I need is twenty packages delivered to US postal offices in several ports along the southeastern coastline. Can you handle the job?”
“Depends. Do the packages have to arrive at the same time?” Morgan asked.
“Preferably. If not, then at least all within the same day.” Maria told him.
“In that case my crews can handle the job. Just have the packages delivered to my office down at the docks. My people will take it from there.” Morgan took a drink of his wine smiling over the rim of his glass. “All we need to do now is to discuss price.”
“Normally I’d never negotiate on price Mister Morgan. I’m willing to pay a far wage for your service and not one penny more. I suggest you quote your price accordingly.” Maria told him bluntly with more than a little steel in her voice.
“Two grand per package for delivery, another two secures your privacy. Do we have an accord?” Morgan knew that he was pushing things but figured it was worth it. He had heard on the street that Maria DeMarco was loaded.
“Two grand total for delivery and secrecy. No more. I told you that I would only pay a fair wage, Mister Morgan.” Maria snarled. Then let her Mobster side show. “Do not try my generosity again. You do and you’ll wake up with a horse’s head. You do not want me as your enemy. Understood?”
Morgan quickly realized that he had overplayed his hand. All of his resources had confirmed the rumors concerning this woman and her connections to the mob were well founded. He could tell that the woman wasn’t one to be played with. Clearing his throat. “I believe that we may have gotten off to the wrong foot, Madam. Might I make a counter offer? Say three grand per package for everything? It will cover my costs for fuel and pay for my crews’ time.”
Maria thought over Morgan’s counter offer. She had already decided to use the man and his crews for the delivery of the ledger packets. She may have said that she wouldn’t haggle, but that was just a bluff. It was all part of doing business in the islands. If this was Toledo or any of the other major cities with a Mob influence, she wouldn’t have haggled. “We have an accord sir.”
Morgan sighed and held out his hand. “Done. When can my office expect your packages, Madam?”
“My men will drop them off later this afternoon.” Maria stood up and placed a ten dollar bill on the table. “And Mister Morgan. Don’t even think of double crossing me. The last man to do so ended up missing.”
Morgan felt a shiver run down his spine at the ice in this woman’s voice. As he watched her leave the bar with her two men Morgan waved James over. “Tell me something Jim. Did I really just work a deal with the Dove?”
“Yeah you did, and Jack, don’t fucking double cross her. I do not want to attend a funeral with my sister.” James warned his brother-in-law. “If she doesn’t kill you herself, those two men with her will. Just to keep Donna DeMarco’s daughters from getting involved.”
John, ‘Jack’ to his family and friends, Morgan stood up and placed a twenty dollar bill next to Maria’s ten spot. “That is one piece of advice I didn’t need Jim. That woman’s mere presence scares the crap out of me.”
“Be thankful that you weren’t dealing with her daughters. Those two men with her are just her sons-in-law. And THEY scare the crap out of most of my customers.” James shivered as he thought about the two women that normally picked up the two men on Sundays. “Her daughters make them look tame.”
“Why do I feel as if I just made a deal with the Devil herself?” Morgan commented as he looked to the bar’s front door.
Conference room, Ram Air Charters: 1030
Anna and Krystel had gathered in the conference room shortly after Maria left for Freeport with Bobby and Hunter. They had, had their work cut out for them. With the other members of the Black Badges having their assignments given to them by Maria. Annette, Kasey and Kristine were finishing their team’s final AAR for the Major on their operations in the States. Samantha and Angelic were busy taking care of the teams equipment and firearms. Krystel looked up from the last ledger and sighed.
“Finished. I still can’t believe all the shit that’s in these books.” Krystel bitched only to get a chuckle from Anna. “Not funny Miss Anna.”
“I’m not laughing at you. Just at the situation.” Placing her hands on the stack of ledger books Anna smiled. “The next time you’re in our nation’s capital take time to visit the Organized Crime Wing of the J. Edgar Hoover Museum. Everyone believes that it was just one ledger like these that broke the back of Al Capone. The truth of the matter is there are over twenty of these such ledgers. Not to the mention hundreds of reels of tape from the wire taps and bugs that were planted. The sheer amount of evidence that was compiled against the man is staggering. Sadly, none of that hard evidence was ever used in a court of law. Only his failure to pay his taxes was ever successfully levied against the man. Damned IRS pigs. Let that be a lesson. Don’t steal, the Government hates competition.”
Both women chuckled at Anna’s joke about Taxes, the IRS and the Government. Krystel just smirked. “Damn. I just might have to take some Leave Time just to go visit the place. Hard to imagine the FBI was doing that kind of data mining in the twenties.”
“That is one of the reasons many Organized Crime Syndicates have gone back to hardcopy ledgers and cyphers such as these. It is also why our vaunted Federal Law Enforcement agencies have taken to paroling and hiring convicted thieves.” Anna chuckled. “Especially, the second story variety. Such as the Madam’s niece and the one gentleman that visited with Lyssa’s old unit.”
“You have got to be kidding me. Doesn’t that break several civil rights laws?” Krystel asked in amazement.
“It does and it doesn’t. While the actual physical evidence cannot be used against the Organization, it can be used to point the agency in the right direction for useable evidence. It is an extremely gray area of the law. One that has come about because of the First Amendment protections given to the media. Especially the news hounds and the protection of their confidential informants.” Anna explained with an evil smile.
“Okay let me see if I got this right. So long as the actual agency doesn’t perform the break in. They can use whatever evidence their contractor gathers to find actual evidence they can use in court. Is that what you’re saying?” Krystel questioned Anna.
“That is exactly correct. It falls under the laws that cover the use of Undercover Informants and criminals that have turned State’s Evidence. All of which are rather gray.” Anna chuckled.
“Gray she says.” Krystel commented as she rolled her eyes. “I’ve read over those laws. I swear I’ve never seen so much legal innuendoes and double talk in my life.”
“Krystel why on earth would you be reading up on the law like that?” Carl questioned the Cyberwarfare operator knowing that it had nothing to do with her field of expertise.
“Think about Gemini and their normal operations. They needed to know how to hack for a legal investigation. Where everything had to be done in broad daylight. I needed to know what could be done legally and in the gray. Just so their evidence wouldn’t get thrown out because of a legal technicality. Like not having a proper warrant.” Krystel said. “Now I wonder why I even bothered. All that effort has been for nothing. I spend most of the time now obliterating their digital footprints.”
“Say no more. I forget that they don’t always do things on the up and up.” The Californian remarked.
“Quite. Now, where were we?” Anna asked with a crooked smile.
“Trying to figure out how much we want to send to the news hounds?” Krystel growled and gave the books a dirty look.
“Oh, we’re done already. Now, we just have to figure out which bunch of vultures we want to use. I still say that my way is better.” Anna let her distaste for the media fill her voice. “And a whole lot cheaper in the long run of things.”
“Miss Anna, we’ve gone over this already. We cannot just issue sixty some lethal findings like that. No matter who the scumbag is.” Krystel sighed. “The same goes for taking out contracts. We’re not a branch of the mafia or some other Criminal Organization.”
“I know, I know. The Madam explained her displeasure with me and Annette quite thoroughly last night.” Anna grumbled. “In excruciating detail.”
Krystel had the good graces to not comment at Anna’s discomfort over that confrontation. “I’ve got the list of news outlets that Madam Maria wanted these to go to. How do we package them, and to who do we address them to?”
“To the senior editors. As for packaging, plain brown wrapping paper. We do have that, yes?” Anna asked quickly. Only to receive a nod for an answer. “Good, that will do nicely. Let’s get to work. We have an hour to get the packages ready for Lonestar’s return flight.”
With just ten minutes left to spare, the twenty packages were wrapped and addressed. Krystel had Eddie and Carl help load them into the Bell 222. Anna stood back as the helicopter took off for Freeport. “There goes part one of the Madam’s plan. I hope this works as she plans.”
DeMarco home, Ram’s Rock: 1000
Samantha looked up from the 1911 that she had finished reassembling. “Well, that is the last one. Good work on those rifles Angelic.”
“Thank you, it was kind of fun to work with an actual firearm again. Haven’t done this since I took my first vows.” Angelic sighed in thoughtful memory. “I used to do this with my papa all the time back in Sicily.”
“I really do envy you at times Angelic.” Sam admitted sadly as the childhood memories of doing this same thing her father came flooding back from the recesses of her mind. She was quick to wipe away the errant tear that formed in the corner of her eye. “Damn allergies.”
“Sorry for bring up painful memories, Samantha.” Angelic said quickly as she wrapped her cousin in a warm hug. “What are you going to do next?”
“Get my daughters ready for their next operation. It’s that simple.” Sam said as she went to find Kasey and Kristine. “Their close quarters knife fighting skills can use some improvement.”
Angelic watched as her cousin walked out of the room. There was an almost definitive air of death surrounding the last true Capizeo. “If anyone should doubt that Samantha Justice is the rightful Hemlock Rose. They’ll be in for a very rude and bloody awakening.”
“She earned her right to that title eighteen years ago, cousin.” Annette told Angelic as she entered the room. “Stephany Capizeo is deadlier than just about everyone on this island. Save for one. Even then I’m not going to take any bets. Because if those two should ever go head to head with true deadly intent luck will be the only deciding factor.”
“Is Samantha really that good?” Angelic asked.
“She was that good two years ago. Now, well let’s just say that I won’t want to face her in a straight up fight. Even cheating it won’t be easy.” Annette told her cousin honestly. “No matter what name you use, that woman is just flat out deadly. It doesn’t matter the weapon. Knife, firearm, bare handed, it doesn’t matter. My sister-wife has become the pinnacle of assassins.”
The sounds of Richard Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyries came from the dance studio. Annette turned and looked towards the studio with a smile on her face. “It sounds like Samantha is about to give a few harsh lessons to our daughters. You can bet they’ll be ready for Rome.”
“Are you sure that it’s a good idea to involve them in Samantha’s revenge?” Angelic asked her cousin with real worry showing in her face.
“They’ve worked in support roles before, Angelic. They’re more than ready for something like what they’ll be doing in Rome.” Annette assured Angelic. “Those girls are true cyberwarfare specialists.”
“Then they’re not actually going in with Samantha when she kills Delacorte. That’s good. At least they’ll be safe out of her way.” Angelic looked down at her hands. “Do you really think Samantha can get in and out without being noticed? We’re talking about the Headquarters of the Iscariot Division here.”
“What is the one thing that has held true for the Vatican throughout history?” Annette asked her cousin with a knowing grin.
“Nothing ever changes. Even the newest building is over five-hundred years old. Even the Iscariot Division Headquarters hasn’t moved to newer offices. They’ve been in the same building sense the time of the Great Betrayal.” As Angelic pointed out the greatest fundamental flaw in the Vatican she realized what Annette was saying. “The Secrets of the Capizeo. Samantha is the last one and she holds those secrets.”
“Exactly. Samantha knows how and where to get in without anyone noticing. With our daughters keeping the guards and video surveillance occupied. Even with all that modern equipment at their disposal the Papal Guard are still no match for a pissed off Capizeo hell bent on revenge.” Annette almost giggled at the look of surprise on Angelic’s face. “The time of the Moonless Wraith has come once more for the Iscariots and their Masters.”
“Do you think that Samantha will be showing your daughters any of the Sleep of the Beautiful Death?” Angelic asked wanting to change the topic.
“I doubt it. Not with that music. She’ll be going over the basics of the Dancing Blade with the girls.” Annette smiled evilly. “Only she won’t be showing the girls any mercy.”
“Can we watch?” Angelic asked hopefully.
“I don’t see why not.” With that Annette led Angelic towards the dance studio with a mile wide smile. “This is going to be good.”
True to form as Annette and Angelic entered the studio Samantha was facing off against the two teens. Only Samantha was bare handed, while the girls had their knives out. Sam stood in the center of the room letting the teens slowly circle her. The teens never took their eyes off Samantha. The girls moved as one coming in from each side at the same time. Then in the flash of an eye both girls were flat on their backs and Samantha held their knives to their throats snarling.
“Pathetic! You’ve grown weak! Gotten slow! Where are your heads?! You’ve been relying on your pistols too much! Get up and come at me again!” Samantha snapped at the girls. “And this time act like you fucking mean to cut me!”
“Samantha!” Angelic called out hoping to get Samantha to back down.
Only to receive a glare of death from the petite woman. “Shut the fuck up Angelic. This is between me and my students. If they’re not good enough to face me armed only with knives. Then I can’t begin to teach them the Sleep of the Beautiful Death.”
“Time to take the gloves off sis.” Kasey said as she tossed her knife to the side. Kristine just smiled and flowed her older sister’s example. With all three participants now on equal footing Samantha just smiled.
The two teenagers went at their mother with everything they had. Kicks, punches, flat handed knife strikes, backhanded thrusts, sweep kicks, all to no avail. Samantha just danced between the two as if she was preforming a delicate dance of death for the Kings and Queens of the world. Only Annette knew that Samantha was still holding back. Samantha took her time and wore the teenagers out before ending the practice with two well placed strikes at the end of the song.
“Very good girls. You’ve improved.” Samantha told them smiling. “Your actual knife skills still need more work.”
Both girls stood and bowed to Samantha. “Yes ma’am.”
“Mom you said that we’ve become too reliant on our sidearms.” Kasey said looking down at her feet. “What did you mean? We’ve been working more with our knives lately than our guns.”
“You have both fallen into the same trap that all modern people do. Like all modern people you believe that a gun is the great equalizer in a fight. Thanks in part to Sam Colt and his peacemaker pistols.” At the confused looks of her daughters Samantha sighed. “You’ve both heard the old saying of never bring a knife to a gun fight. Well there is a falsehood in that statement.”
“What do you mean there is a falsehood in that statement, Samantha?” Angelic asked with the same amount of confusion as the teenagers. “You point a gun and pull the trigger. Boom. End of fight.”
“Inside of twenty-one feet a gun is nothing more than a paperweight in the wrong hands. Fast reflexes and a sharp knife will win every time.” Samantha saw the doubt in Angelic’s eyes and chuckled. “I can see that a demonstration is in order. Annette get one of our inner pants holsters and one of the dummies.”
Annette just nodded head and did as Samantha asked. When she was ready Annette stepped the center of the room. “Okay Sam. All set. Let’s do this.”
“Okay girls, watch closely.” Samantha placed one of the practice knives in the waist of her sweatpants. Then walk to the far side of the room. “Now I’m just over twenty feet from your mother Annette. On three.”
“One, two, THREE.” Annette called as she started drawing the practice pistol. Meanwhile Samantha was also moving. By the time Annette had her weapon clear of her holster Samantha was on top of her plunging with the fake knife. There was no clear winner but both teens and Angelic were surprised by the result.
Samantha stepped back smiling. “As you can see. Even between two equally skilled opponents such Annette and me. A gun doesn’t win when there is less than twenty feet between them. Now understand that the odds will change with the change in distances. The closer we get the more the odds favor the knife. The further apart we get the more the odds favor the gun. Can you tell the reason girls?”
“Timing. That is the deciding factor. It takes time to draw and aim a firearm. It doesn’t matter the range, you still have to aim the weapon. Whereas with the knife it is deadly by its very nature. You pull it and use all in one motion.” Kasey answered her mother Samantha.
“Very good, Kasey. You’ve learned the most fundamental lesson that every good assassin learns early on. Under twenty-one feet a knife is a better choice than a gun.” Samantha told the three of them with a deadly smile. “Forget it, and you end up paying the price. Usually with your life.”
“Yes ma’am.” Both teenagers sang out. “We’ll never forget.”
Samantha smiled with pride as Annette just winked at them both. “Good. Now, let’s go again. And this time Kasey watch your damned inside core spacing. Kristine if you leave your off-hand side wide open like that again, I’ll leave you with a truly nasty scar as a reminder. The same goes for you Kasey. The time for play is over.”
“Yes ma’am.” The girls answered back. They could tell that their mother Samantha had changed. She was taking their training to a whole new and deadly levels. If she was talking about handing out scars, then they had better step up their game to match those new levels.
While Samantha had been giving out her advice Annette walked over to the stereo and started the music again. Once the music was playing Annette stepped behind Angelic. With a none too gentle push Angelic found herself in the middle of the sparring session. Finding herself in the unexpected situation Angelic did the only thing she could. She joined in the fight against the very deadly Samantha.
Even though Angelic had mastered the Way of the Dancing Blade before joining the Church. Angelic found herself at a major disadvantage against the petite woman. Even with three to one odds Samantha was wiping the floor with them. Nothing they tried worked. Samantha was just on a whole other level. Once again only Annette could tell that Samantha was still holding back as always.
“Enough Samantha. Quite holding back and finish this already. I’m getting hungry for one of my bagels.” Annette called out.
Samantha cleared the sweeping leg kicks of her daughters and rolled under the cross chest knife strike by Angelic. “Go ahead and get your bagel Annette. We’ll be out after two more songs. If these three can land one hit.”
“Damn it, Samantha! They’re not up to going one, two, or even three on one with you. You’ll be in here all day waiting for one them to land a single hit.” Annette bitched as she kicked off her sandals. She could see that Sam was having too much fun. “Time for you to get serious sister dear.”
With that Annette launched her own attack on the unsuspecting Samantha. At least that’s what she thought. Samantha spun and caught Annette’s leg and redirected her into the waiting teenagers.
“Oh Boy! Four to one! It’s finally getting to be fun.” Samantha giggled. The change was as lightning fast as it was subtle. Sliding to the far side of the room Samantha settled down in a fighting stance that none of them had ever seen her use before. Slowing down her breathing and bring her arms through wide swing arcs to be held in front of her. With her elbows bent, hands open and palms facing outward. Her legs were bent slightly at the knees with her left leg a half step in front of her right. “Shall we dance, ladies?”
The four DeMarco women all pulled up short. They could tell by Samantha’s stance that she was no longer using the Dancing Blade. All four could tell this was something totally new, deferent, and extremely deadly. Samantha’s whole demeanor changed as she settled into her fighting stance. Then with the blink of the eye Samantha was among them before they had a chance to react. Gone was the petite and feisty Deputy Marshal.
In her place was a whirl wind of flying feet and open hand strikes. The only one that Samantha took it easy on was Annette, because of the pregnancy. Samantha still put her sister on her ass with an off leg back sweeping kick that took Annette’s legs out from under her at the knees.
Standing over her four downed opponents Samantha took a deep breath before relaxing. Leaning down she slapped the faces of Kasey and Kristine. “Yeah, you two still alive?”
The groans of pain and humiliation were accompanied by burn in hell and drop dead looks from the two teenagers. The looks she got from Annette and Angelic weren’t much better. Nor was the rather vindictive words that accompanied those looks. Suffice to say, Samantha wasn’t a very welcomed person just then. If looks could have killed. Samantha would have been burning in hell or signing with the angels. She wasn’t sure of which just then.
“And that is why! You’ll do exactly what the fuck I tell you when we reach Rome. Especially while we are within the Vatican, girls. Make no mistake. We will be deep in the asshole of the enemy.” Samantha glared down at Kasey and Kristine. “Hit the showers girls. We’re done for the day. Annette go get something to eat. Your hunger slowed you down. Angelic, put some ice on those bruises and wrap your ankle.”
After handing out her orders Samantha left the house. Annette just got up off the floor then with Kasey’s help got Angelic to the kitchen. Kristine had headed up stairs to find an ace wrap for Angelic. Only once Angelic was seated in a chair at the kitchen table did anyone say something.
“We’ve always known that momma Sam was deadly as hell. But what the fuck is going on here momma Annette. She’s never handed me or Kristine our asses so easily before. What was up with that crazy assed bare handed shit she used back there?” Kasey demanded.
“That was just a small sample of your next step in training.” Annette told her oldest daughter honestly as she began to fix her bagel. “She took it easy on us today. I was expecting her to come at us full throttle with afterburns at max. Instead she only came at us at cursing speed.”
“Wait! That wasn’t her at full speed or power?” Angelic asked as she pulled her jaw up off the floor. “Then what the hell was it? Playing tag?”
“In a nutshell. That was exactly what Samantha was doing with us.” Annette smirked as she sat down in her own chair. A freshly toasted bagel with all the fixings in her left hand and a cup of hot coffee in her right. “Trust me. If she hadn’t been playing around with us there would have been broken bones, blood, and organs on the studio floor.”
“If that was her playing around. I don’t want to see her pissed off.” Kasey whispered. About that time Kristine returned with the ace bandage. “About damned time Kris. Where did you go for this thing? The main land?”
“Oh, bite me, Kasey. I had to dig through the emergency first aid closet for one that would fit cousin Angelic. I don’t remember the last time we needed a small ace wrap.” Kristine bitched. “The only person who uses them are mamma Sam and me. Mine are all in the wash and she hasn’t used one in ten months.”
“That’s because she hasn’t need too. Cousin Angelic got careless and paid the price.” Annette snapped and took a bite of her bagel. After chewing and washing it down with coffee Annette continued the ass chewing of her daughters. “Take a good look at all of your teachers. Do you see them taking chances with their training? Do you see them only giving a half-assed attempt at it? I’ll answer that for you. NO! Even Kimberly and Krystel give it their all when it comes to their training. You two girls have been slacking in your training. Part of that is our fault. The rest is all on you.”
“How can you say that Annette? It’s not their fault they’re not up to Samantha’s standards. That is all on Samantha for not taking the time to train them properly.” Angelic huffed in the defense of the girls. Then cringed in pain as Annette thumped her big toe. “HAY! What was that for?”
“To remind you that it is not your place to correct us on how we raise or train our daughters. What do you think your mother would have said or done if she had seen that little training practice of ours?” Annette snarled and took another bit of her bagel. “I know that I can tell you what would have happened. And she’s isn’t here to correct me.”
“She wouldn’t have said jack shit. She would have waited until after Samantha was out of sight and ear shoot. Then promptly beat me about the head and shoulders. All while chewing my ass out for not keeping up with my own training in privet. If she didn’t snatch my head bare for such a piss poor performance in front of God and everyone.” Angelic chuckled.
“You’re damned right she would have. There were four us in there all trained in the Way of the Dancing Blade. Two Masters and two well trained Disciples. Not one of us was able to lay a hand on her. I was the only one to even get close to landing a hit and I failed in spectacular fashion even with having the advantage of surprise on my side. I doubt that even my mother could have landed a solid or clean blow.” Annette surmised with a smile.
“Has Samantha really reached that level of Mastery?” Angelic asked wide eyed.
All three of the Black Badge Deputies gave the same one word answer. “YES.”
All four looked at each other in confusion.
Maria went over and stood directly in front of Annette. “Were YOU sparring?”
“Yes.” Annette replied and immediately had her head turned from the slap.
Maria's rage was evident. “NEVER DO IT AGAIN, UNTIL I SAY YOU CAN!”
As Maria stormed from the kitchen, swearing in Italian, comprehension hit Annette. “I'm pregnant. I was so damned stupid. Oh shit, Sam is about to get a beating she has no right but to accept. I just got incredibly lucky. I could have miscarried.”
Not even ten minutes later, Samantha walked in and found them all in the kitchen. The very red mark on her cheek was obvious.
“I apologize. I swear I will never spar with you again until you have a doctor's permission. I'm very sorry Annette.” Samantha said then turned to walk out. “That was stupid of me.”
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Samantha is truly scary
I'm glad she's on the side of the good guys
Oh yeah.
I am also glad that Samantha is on the side of the good guys.
I am enjoying learning about Sam's past and the Capizeo family.
I am looking forward to seeing how Sam get into the Section 21
Help Me!!!
Get me the brain bleach!!! I may be revealing my advanced years here, but I can't the movie, "The Trouble With Angels" out of my mind when thinking about Kasey and Kristine pretending to be novice nuns. (snort, chortle, cackle)
The suspense builds.
And as usual, I'm torn between wanting to see Alfonzo Delicato get his just reward and learning more of the DeMarco and Capezio backstory. Arrrgh! If only Wolfjess wasn't so good at keeping me in thrall to her saga.
Hello, my name is Guest Reader and I'm addicted to Wolfjess' adventures. Yes, this is the right 12 step meeting. Tonight I will stick to the coffee. I tried the alcohol last week. You did say alcohol, and I forgot you live in Garrett county. I wasn't expecting 120 proof straight off the still. Tasty, but geez, what a kick. I didn't try the cigarettes because I could swear I saw packs of Lucky Strike greens. Of course it may have been the shine that had me seeing things that weren't really there.
And so I sit here in this meeting, anxiously awaiting next weeks chapter and trying to time my re-reading of the chapters to this point in an attempt to satisfy my cravings for Wolfjess's saga.
Another wonderful chapter, even more threads that can be explored in this or future Death Dealer sagas and which will give rise to more speculations about what is going to happen.
HAY! That hooch was aged.
I'll have you know that we only serve the finest shine in these here mountains at our meetings. We let it age for at least 48hrs before serving. As for the smokes we have Paul Malls and Camels if the Lucky Strike greens aren't to your taste. We also have a new batch of Left hand rolled cigarettes. We only use the finest of homegrown stock. Oh I almost forgot. beware the coffee. It's peculated for 15min over a coal fired stove and the grounds are twice used so it has a real kick.
May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf
No complaints about the quality of the shine.
I just wasn't sufficiently awake to appreciate the nuance; when you said alcohol, I presumed it was the legal kind with a gummint tax stamp and somewhere between 86 and 101 proof.
As for the cigarettes. Lucky Strike changed the package from green to white in 1942. Okay I get it, you are selling vintage cigarettes.
I liked the coffee you served last week, it was just to my taste; the well used grounds hit the spot and the coal stove held a good temperature. As to the coal stove, are you getting the coal from the Georges Creek Coalfield or the Upper Youghiogheny Coalfield?
ATF and IRS moving soft targets
Around these parts ATF and IRS are dirty words that can get you shoot. As for the vintage cigarettes we have this lovely little store downtown. They carry all of those vintage brands as novelties for the tourists. Ms. Marry special orders them. Trust me you pay for those old vintage brand packaging. The product is new, but the packaging is old new stock. I really do love my coal stove. It keeps the house warm and toasty. I get most of my coal from 18 Mile Creek Mines. They're part of the Upper Youghiogheny Coalfield. I switched over from wood because to be honest. I got tired of all that work. Drop the trees, plug the trees, split the plugs, stack the wood in the drying shed, then drag the wood in during the cold and snow. With the coal I just order a 15 100lbs bags then stack the bags in the basement. Gets cold open bag take out what i need and start the fire. What i dont use during the winter i use for the forge during the summer when reshoeing the horses.
May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf
Coal country
Living in rural part of the world, you are fortunate to be in a coal region that is still producing. Not only is there a lot of work involved sourcing and preparing one's own firewood, it doesn't burn as cleanly as a good grade of coal. I don't know of that specific mine, but Upper Youghiogheny coal is bituminous with a decent BTU rating, not as high as semibituminous but still respectable and a lot more BTU's than firewood- not to mention less bottom ash and chimney soot.
Most importantly, not having to spend all that time turning trees into usable firewood leaves more time for writing!
local mines around Garret County Maryland
I have a lot of locally owned and operated coal mines to chose from around here. 18 Mile Creek is just one of them. What I like about the coal from 18 Mile is the size of chunks. 18 Mile doesn't sell the brickets that a few of the other mines do. 85% softball sized chunks and little to no dust. It's so much easier to use as well. I fill the coal bucket take it out to the stove, feed in a few pieces, close the door, and done.
But you're right. The best thing about coal is more time for writing.
May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf
Whoa!! That was freaking
Whoa!! That was freaking awesome!!! More! More!! More!!! (You know, when you get to it. It’s just that I’m really loving this story!)
Don't believe everything you think.
I wondered about sparing
I wondered about Annette Sparring. I didn't think it was smart.
What's in a name? Fear!
Maria's reputation causes the immediate atmosphere to freeze when she deals with someone who knows about her. And they realize they could end up somewhere that would keep their dead body very securely hidden.
Not only did Maria's name maybe make it necessary for some to need a change of underware, but hearing what her granddaughters are capable of caused a change in whatever plans had been brewing.
Danny and James are now on notice not to do anything that will cause Maria to speak to them again. Because if she has to have another talk with Maria, it might be the last thing they ever do.
Others have feelings too.