A Thief’s Problem –chp2

A Thief’s Problem.


Sister Magdalena, a.k.a. Angelic DeMarco, finds evidence of more than just illegal art trade while recovering a stolen painting in the home of a known criminal. Her investigation leds to the US and a very problematic situation with the US Department of Justice.

by Snowfall and Jessie Wolf.

Dedicated to the men and women of the US Marshal Service.

Edited by my husband Paul, and AJC Snowfall.


This is a work of fiction an any persons in this work are purely fictional.

Chapter 2
Key West International Airport, Key West Fl, 0735
Rodrick and Pete had landed in Key West shortly after 0630 at the private terminal for EWY. The two men took their time, getting fresh coffee and donuts before heading over to the regular terminal. The two stood watching at the arrival terminal as the first two flights landed and unloaded their passengers. They knew that the Vatican operative was on one of these two flights.

“Tell me something Skip. You ever heard of this Iscariot Division before?” Pete asked not his CO, but friend.

“Just whispers in backrooms and dark alleys. According to Lyssa they’re something like the OSS, MI6, CIA, FBI, KGB, 3PLA, BND, Mossad, and just about every other Intel Agency in the world all rolled into one. From what I understand they can give classes on how to keep secrets to the rest of the Intel world. Shit, what am I talking about? Look who they work for. Probably the only person back home that really knows anything about them is Madam Maria and she is keeping her mouth shut tighter than the Major’s on the subject.” Rodrick grumbled.

“Damn. And I thought we were the great big, deep, dark, scary, black operation. If what you say is true. How long have these jokers been around and in operation?” To Pete the idea of there being an Intelligence Agency older than most European countries was just too much for him to grasp.

“Word is; they’re supposedly the oldest Intelligence Agency in the world. Dating back to the late fifth or early sixth century. That's all I got.” Then Rodrick got a thoughtful look on his face as he thought about how Samantha and Annette reacted to the news of the Apostolical Visitation. “I do know that Sam, and Annette are flat-out scared shitless over this Visitation. Don’t ask me why, because I don’t understand. I mean those two women are just as deadly as Krystel, Shawna and probably Tiffany. They have no problems with wet work.”

“No shit, Skipper. I swear the only people that I think can beat those two are Madam Maria and Lyssa in a straight up fight. Even then I’m not going to give or take any odds.” Pete got a faraway look in his eyes. “I’ll be honest, boss man. They scare the shit out of me at times.”

“Trust me, Pete. I know what you mean. You know what gets me even more?” Rodrick turned to look Pete in the eyes. “Between all of us on the island training them; Kasey and Kristine will make all us look like amateurs.”

“Think it'll come to that boss?” Pete asked him bluntly. “They’re teenagers. Sure, they’re scary good with computers and almost on the same level as Krystle. But they’re still teenagers.”

“Teenagers that have already stepped into their heritage as members of the DeMarco and Capizeo Families. Two families with a tradition of being the greatest trained assassins that go back hundreds of years. Maybe a thousand. Remember they earned their spurs on that Interpol Operation last year.” Rodrick’s blunt answer forced Pete to remember just who he was dealing with when it came to the island’s teens.

“I have to say boss. I never thought that you or Lyssa would be okay with what went down in Japan. I mean we all know that you were both pissed when the Madam went off the reservation like that. But when the Major told you that the op was ‘need to know, eyes only, burn on reading’ you both dropped it like a hot grenade. You’ve never done that. Hell, you both have Clearances that are fucking stupid level high. What the hell was so fucking important to lock you two out? None of us like it Skipper. It ain’t right. The Black Badge operations are not supposed to be above us.” Pete knew he was pushing the line with Rodrick, something he wouldn’t do with Lyssa, but he felt that their CO needed to know the situation with the military side of the house. Especially with bringing in the Vatican for this operation.

“I understand. Trust me, I do. Nobody likes it. Let it go, Pete. That's an order.” Rodrick growled. “Paul slapped that clearance on the Madam’s operation in Japan. He has his reasons. This is one of those times we shut the fuck up and deal. Even Lyssa has gotten over it. Is she still pissed; sure. But she got the drift that the Madam’s op fell under OpSec. The order is 'drop it', so we drop it.”

“Sure Skipper. So any idea of who we’re supposed to be meeting?” Pete got the meaning and changed the topic.

“Outside of the flight they’re coming in on? Not a damned thing. All Madam Maria told me was to look for a man or woman of the Cloth. That could be just about anybody. Outside of a catholic priest or nun; I won’t know what to look for. Hopefully there'll only be one on the flight!” Rodrick had no sooner finished his growl-fest than he spied the nun. It took him all of two seconds to recognize her. “Well now, fuck me in a dark alley. This just got interesting.”

“What’s up Skipper? You know her?” Pete turned to look at the nun that stepped over to the luggage carousel.

Taking in the solid black habit, coif, wimple, and veil. Both men could tell that this was no ordinary Nun. The dress part of her habit may have stopped at her knees but even her tights and shoes were still black.

“Yeah. You could say that Pete. You remember reading the reports on our operation in Europe with the Madam’s family?” Pete nodded his head yes. “That young lady is the Madam’s niece, Sister Magdalena, a.k.a Angelic DeMarco. One of the finest thieves in all of Europe, if not the world. Art Historian, expert in art forgery. Employed by the Art recovery division of Interpol for the Vatican.”

“Damn! She’s that nun?” Pete started to chuckled as he scoped out the young woman dressed in the Nun’s habit. “Aw shit! She's the one that Lyssa BASE-jumped with? She's a looker though. Bit of a waste, her being a Nun.”

“Don’t let the Madam hear you say that. She might not let it slide.” Rodrick chuckled.

Pete shook his head. “I don't have anything against joining up, I just always regarded it like the Legion. 'I joined to forget'. You know?”

“Maybe for some. Just keep in mind how protective Maria is of the girls and Mindy. Then think about how she treats Father Clancy and Sister Julian over in Freeport. Now, take all of that and apply it to a member of the DeMarco family.” When Rodrick finished describing the situation with Sister Magdalena he went in for the kill. “How do you think Madam Maria would react to someone getting fresh with someone like that?”

This time Pete winced, thinking about the ramifications. He had seen the video feed from when Maria had taken down John Casey Wait and the raid on Robert Hines’ farm in Italy. He knew that Lyssa respected the two oldest women on Ram’s Rock Island for a damn good reason. They were both DEADLIER than a Bengal Tiger with a lit torch jammed up its ass. Rodrick just chuckled as his friend’s sudden discomfort and held up a placard that read ‘RamAir Charter Service’.

Angelic grabbed her bag off the carousel and turned to leave the terminal. She spotted the two men right away thanks to the sign. Her Bishop had told her she would be met by a private air service in Key West. With her normal confidence of protection afforded to her by her habit. Angelic walked up to the men. “Excuse me, but I believe that you are waiting for me gentlemen.”

“I believe so; Sister Magdalena." Rodrick smiled.

Angelic's mouth gaped then she whispered. “You?”

“Please allow my associate to take your luggage?” Rodrick gave the young Nun a smile as he waved for Pete to take her bags. He was only slightly surprised when she refused to hand over briefcase, at the point of a knife that came out of nowhere. Rodrick just chuckled. “Just like your aunt Maria, I see. Only problem is I know that your vows prevent you from taking a life Sister Magdalena, your show of force is wasted. And, I was only being polite AND doing my job. You're a passenger on my plane, I'm supposed to see to your comfort.”

This time Angelic was the one to chuckle. “Sorry, senor but that is no longer the case. My aunt Maria should have explained that to you.”

It took Rodrick all of two seconds to realize there was a lot more behind the Iscariot Division than the DeMarco family let on. For the first time he truly took in the full meaning behind the young Nun’s new habit. The Iscariot Division were the special operations division for the Vatican. Pure and simple. Knowing the Vatican and the Holy Roman Catholic Church, that covered a shitload of nasty. After all, the Church was over two-thousand years old. Who knew what all they were keeping secret in their deepest vaults. Nor to what lengths they would go to, to keep those secrets. Rodrick knew that religion was one of the big three reasons for people going to war. The other two were money and imperialism.

He was shocked though when Angelic turned the briefcase to show them both the seal on the front. Pete knew the sign of the Papal seal on sight, the Triregnum with crossed keys, thanks mostly to the Tom Hanks movie. It was that movie, plus the way that the DeMarco family acted around the Clergy, that had gotten him and Carl interested in the history of the Catholic Church. The problem that they kept running into was the lack of real information. There was just too much of the Church’s past that was clouded in both the sands of time and mystery. The two men did learn a great deal about the symbolism surrounding the Church in their research though.

“Skipper, unless we both want to face the wrath of the Holy Church. She can keep the briefcase. I don’t feel like pissing off the Vatican just yet.” Pete stated over his shoulder. The moment he saw the knife, he had moved to block the view by people passing by. “Sister, we don't own this airspace.”

“I'd put that away, around all these civilians. They tend to panic easily.” Rodrick crooked a finger for her to follow. “This way Sister. We still have a one hour hop to our base of operations.”

“After you, senor. This is my first time to the United States.” Angelic answered with a smile that hid more than it revealed. Then she gave Rodrick a funny look. “You said we have another hour long flight to your base of operations? If it is not in the Continental United States, why was I directed here?”

“Oh, we’re part of the US. Our base just isn’t in CONUS.” Rodrick chuckled and led the way to the private terminal. As Pete loaded Angelic’s luggage into the cargo compartment Rodrick helped her up the stairs into the Lear jet. Twenty-minutes later they were airborne and headed for Ram’s Rock Island.

DeMarco house, Ram’s Rock Island, 0715
Maria waited patiently at her table sipping her morning tea for her family to come down to breakfast. She had already sent her granddaughters back upstairs to change once already. She knew that whoever was coming was the personal representative of the Pope. Didn’t matter that they were the lowliest Priest to the next members of the Preferiti, their visitor spoke for the Pope. Maria like her all of her ancestors was a devout Catholic, as were her daughters. As for her granddaughters they had come to embrace all of their new family’s traditions, to include the Church.

Maria paid for the fuel for their weekly flights over to Freeport out of her personal accounts. Just as Anna paid for any flights that she took off the island. Even when Rodrick explained to them that there was a fuel expense setup for such trips the Matriarch of the DeMarco family refused to use it. Always stating that it was part of their penance and she had more than enough money to last several life times. Anna would always make the same argument. Rodrick went ahead and accepted the payment then donated it to the local orphans' home without telling them. From hurricanes to school fees, the orphanage always faced difficulties and were grateful to the anonymous donations.

To Maria; making their weekly trips for confession and services was a way of reminding them of their place in the world. She also knew that Father Clancy was the only Priest in the islands that could hear her family’s confessions. Even Bobby and Hunter were spending their Sundays in Freeport. Just not in church. Those two were as about as religious as a prize steer in a meat market. The two GI’s had found themselves a lovely little beachside bar, for mostly ex-patriots from all over the world, to wait for their family. At first Anna and Maria disapproved of the two men spending their Sundays in a bar. That is until Samantha explained that this was their way of dealing with their past sins. Carl informed them that many of the patrons were former servicemen from various branches all over the world, but mostly American and British Navy.

Maria was brought out of her worrisome thoughts by the return of her granddaughters. Maria took in their tan dress skirts, white blouses, suntan hosiery and three-inch heels. Maria nodded her head in approval for what she saw. “Very good, girls. Where are your mothers? Still changing?”

“No, Nonnina. They are dressed the same way we are.” Kasey giggled. “It’s our fathers that are the hold up.”

“Oh really. I take it that both of them a fighting the dress shirts and ties tooth and nail?” Maria sighed as both girls giggled and nodded their heads. “Are they at least wearing pants instead of shorts and flip-flops?”

This time her answer came not from the teens, but the stairway. Maria could have heard the screech of Samantha’s voice clear down at the airstrip over the roar of the C-17’s engines. Even if it had been running. “I don’t care what you two want! You will wear a damned pair of slacks and dress shirt. You don’t have to wear the fucking tie, but those are a must, Robert. Hunter; if you don’t put on a pair of shoes and socks I’ll gut you myself! You will not embarrass us in front the Vatican!”

“Merda. Che pasticcio.” Maria placed her head in her left hand sighing. Looking back up at her granddaughters. “Girls, please do me a favor? When you leave the island and find someone to love; do try to treat them with a little more respect than your mothers treat your fathers. Promise me girls.”

Both teens giggled at their grandmother’s antics and pleas. “We promise.”

The second scream of frustration that followed caused both teens to almost pee their panties. “I DON’T CARE IF MUDDY BDU’S WERE GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU’RE OLD BATTALION CHAPLAIN! YOU WILL DRESS ACCORDINGLY!”

“Wow! Mama Annette is really mad, to be screaming like that.” Kasey smirked.

“Child! If she is screaming, then it is a good thing. It is when she stops screaming, that we need to worry. The last time that happened I got a call from her high school principal. She handed out five life altering beatings to cheerleaders.” Maria groaned as she waved her hand towards the stairwell. “If your papa Hunter comes flying down the stairs, we know they pushed it too far with your mothers.”

“No mama, they won’t be flying down the stairs. They may walk with a limp for a few days though.” Samantha told her adopted mother as she entered the kitchen just ahead of Annette. “But that's all I’ll promise. I won’t give any promises for Annette. She said something about ball bats and nutcrackers.”

“I said nothing about nutcrackers, Sam. Ball bats; yes, but no nutcrackers. Too much work involved, with those damned things.” Looking over at Maria, Annette smiled. “The boys will be down shortly mama.”

Maria gave her daughters the once over, as she had with her granddaughters, before nodding in approval. Before she could say anything, Bobby and Hunter entered the kitchen. Their shirts and slacks were clean and ironed, which for the two of them was a major concession. At least in Maria’s mind. “Let’s go.”

As they exited the house the DeMarco family heard the Bell 222 takeoff for Freeport. Bobby and Hunter both turned to look towards the airstrip and spotted the helicopter before the rest. Bobby chuckled as the helo wobbled a little before straightening out to fly level. “Look’s like LoneStar is letting Mindy get a little stick-time.”

“Wondered how long it would be before he started to let her get some in.” Hunter chuckled as he started to rub his hands together. “Can’t wait to see Pete and Carl. What day is it Bobby?”

“Hate to tell you this papa Hunter, but you lost the pool.” Kasey giggled.

“What do you mean I lost the pool? That has to be her first time behind the stick.” Hunter quickly griped. Only to see both teens shaking their heads no. “WHEN?”

“Mindy has been taking over on the stick after takeoff for the last week. Uncle Lonestar had her in the Textron Aviation AMV-90 multipurpose simulator for the last month. From what Lonestar was saying the other day by the time she is ready to get her license in four years, she’ll be a better pilot than he is.” Kristine told her family with a mile wide smile. “By the way, no one is supposed to know that she has been doing all the flying between here and Freeport, except for takeoff and landing.”

“NO shit kiddo. It’s just a little illegal.” Hunter told everyone quickly. “Now, if a licensed instructor decides give an impromptu lesson while in flight that is another matter. As long as he remains in the cockpit it's totally legal.”

Both Kasey and Kristine started to giggle. They had both had the same idea at the same time. Bobby gave them a look only a father could. “Okay, what are you two thinking about now? What’s got your funny bones?”

“I can’t wait until Mindy asks for the keys to the ‘family car’ for the first time.” Grinned Kasey while Kristine just bobbed her head. The five adults could only groan but smiled at the facts of the main transportation were aerial.

The sounds of the approaching Lear had them turning to face the far end of the island as the Klaxxon burped twice to signal inbound aircraft followed by Kimberly announcing. “Inbound aircraft. Marshal team report to Main Hangar.”

Maria immediately took control. “Time to go. I do not want the Vatican’s representative to be waiting on us.”

The business jet was just entering the landing pattern when they arrived at the hangers. Maria walked inside to hear Kimberly giving landing directions to Rodrick. Not wanting to bother the younger woman during this important time she returned to wait with the others at the hangar door.

“Maria, do you know who is on that flight?” Lyssa asked as she walked up.

“Not a clue, Lyssa.” Looking around her young friend Maria frowned. “Where are the twins and Warlock? Shouldn’t they be nearby?”

“I asked Anna to look after them for now. I ordered Warlock to stay in the house. I heard about what came in yesterday.” Lyssa looked out at the landing strip. “I’ll be blunt Maria. I'm not enthusiastic about having the Vatican anywhere near our operations. I especially don’t like having the Iscariot Division nosing around. They don't play well with others, worse than Kidon.”

Maria sighed and turned to Lyssa. Their friendship had been strained ever since she went off the reservation in Japan taking Kasey and Kristine with her. This newest wrinkle would either break their friendship or heal it. Maria wasn’t sure which.

“Lyssa, you can trust me on this. I don’t like them being here either.” Maria spit into her hand and held it out to Lyssa. “You have my word that if I don’t like the looks of the person who gets off that plane. They will never see the sun set.”

“Whose word do I have?” Lyssa asked quietly.

“The word of the Mistress for the Moonless Night Wraiths.” That was all Lyssa needed to heard to take the older woman’s hand. Lyssa knew that Maria would kill to protect the secret of Ram’s Rock Island. Even if it was a Catholic Cardinal.

“That works, thank you, Maria. But you won’t have to kill them. We’ll just send them packing. You can still walk away from this operation. The Major gave you full command authority for accepting this one.” Lyssa looked back to the runway and Lear jet touching down at the far end. “I’ll be honest; I wouldn’t think any less of you, if you did turn this one down. Something stinks to high-hell about this.”

“Like a city sewage plant at high-noon on the hottest of summer days.” Maria growled quietly. “Damn those Iscariot bastards.”

“Tell me something Maria. Is there any truth behind the rumor of the there being a whole section to Iscariot that does only wet work?” Lyssa asked the elderly assassin.

“Do not let their priestly robes fool you Lyssa. There are very few people in that organization that are not killers.” Maria hadn’t taken her eyes off the air strip. “Understand one thing Lyssa. They are not soldiers. They are not Operators. They are nothing like any of us in this agency. That includes both me and Anna.”

“Damn Maria I’ve never heard that kind of hate come from you. Anger, yes. Hate, no. What gives?” Lyssa was shocked by the venom in the old woman’s voice.

“This is not the time or place my friend for that conversation.” Maria took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Not to mention way too sober.”

As the Lear taxied to a stop in front of the hangar, to be met by Eddie to secure it, Maria’s mood darkened slightly. As did her thoughts as she was taken back to the only other time that she had dealt with the Iscariot Division. In a voice barely above a whisper that came from the grave. “It will not end the same way this time.”

Lyssa barely heard Maria’s whispered comment. “What was that Maria?”

“Nothing Lyssa, nothing.” With the plane stopped and the door now Maria stepped towards the plane. “Time to make the donuts.”

As Maria walked passed Kasey and Kristine, she asked one question. “Are you setup for your briefing Gemini?”

“All set, Marshal. Both laptops are connected with downstairs and the projector in the conference room.” Kasey answered quickly.

“Very good Gemini. Let’s beard this lion in the den and be done with it.” Maria ordered her family as she led them towards the plane.

Before Lyssa could ask what was really bugging Maria she had stepped out on to the tarmac with her family. “I hope like hell she doesn’t have to carry out her promise.”

Unlike Sam and Annette or any of the others on the island, Bobby and Hunter weren’t as unsettled as they were. They knew something was up with Maria, but they didn’t know exactly what. Not yet at least. Bobby looked over at Hunter. “Whatever is going on brother, keep your hand on that forty-five.”

“Read you loud and clear, partner. I’m still trying to get a read on this whole Vatican bullshit myself. What about you?” Hunter asked his friend and blood brother as quietly as possible.

“In more ways than one. I only know that whatever it is has mom massively on edge.” Bobby kept his voice low as the Lear’s steps were lowered.

Maria stopped her family twenty-feet from the plane and waited. Pete was the first to step off the plane. He was followed by a Nun dressed in solid black. The only color to the young woman’s outfit was the silver-white crucifixes that hung from her belt and at her neck. When the Nun looked up and smiled, Maria started to hold out her arms in welcome. That was until she saw the briefcase bearing the Triregnum with the crossed keys of the Papal seal. That was all Maria needed to see to go from a friendly family welcome to full blown diplomatic welcome.

“Welcome to Ram’s Rock Island, Reverend Sister. If you’ll follow us?” Maria’s cold welcome of her niece did not go unnoticed by the military side of the OCIA. Not that Maria cared. She knew that for her niece to be here wearing that habit, with that briefcase in her possession, that Angelic represented the Iscariot.

Rodrick, Pete, Lyssa and Kimberly were all stunned by the blunt harshness of Maria’s treatment of the Nun. They never thought that Maria would treat a member of the Clergy in such a manner. Especially if they were also a member of her family. Maria stopped Angelic at the hangar lounge before going any further.

Maria opened one of the lockers and pointed inside. “La pistola e il coltello per crocifissi si prega di Suor Magdalena. Solo i miei deputati saranno armati nel briefing.”

“Si.” Angelic complied by depositing her weapons in the locker then patted herself and genuflected to show she was now unarmed.

Maria went straight to the hangar conference room. She wasn’t about to show her whole hand just yet. Not even to her niece. Waving for her Deputies to take their seats around the table, Maria took her place at the head and waited.

“Okay, Sister. The ball is in your court. You have twenty-minutes.” Maria knew that her niece would get the hint. It was not a US Marshal that sat at that table, but her family’s Donna, and Mistress of the Moonless Night Wraiths.

Breaking the seal on her briefcase Angelic quickly pulled out four folders and a flash-drive. She handed the flash drive to Kasey before passing out the folders. Clearing her throat, she looked to Kasey. “The password for that drive is Psalm 23:4 be sure to use the colon. No spacing.”

Kasey gave her cousin a sideways look before plugging the drive into a secondary USB hub. “Don’t worry Marshal. That hub has secondary security features to prevent unwanted intrusions. We can look at whatever is on that drive without giving anything way. Sorry, cousin, but around here; In God we trust, all others we verify. Nobody gets a look at our babies’ insides.”

“I understand cousin. I would expect nothing less.” The whole Black Badge team was more than a little surprised by Angelic’s acceptance. Once Kasey and Kristine had opened the flash drive she gave them the files to look for. “The files you need are all under the heading ‘Market Place’.”

Kasey and Kristine looked up at her and smiled before displaying the requested files. What they didn’t show or say was that Kristine was already flash copying the rest of the drive into a secured location in ONYSSIUS. Once they were alone, the two teens would tear into the information on that flash drive with a fine tooth comb. They would crosscheck the data on that flash drive with the data that they had recovered from Japan and Vassago. If there was more to be found, they would find it.

Angelic took a deep breath as the first file appeared on the wall behind her. “Marshal, Deputies, allow me to introduce one of Europe’s most wanted. Dajon Borgatti. Drug lord, murderer, gun runner, dealer of stolen, looted, or forged art, antiquities smuggler and human trafficker.”

“Excuse me, Sister. But how does this man figure into our current situation. It says here that he is currently behind bars in the French Prison in Fresnes.” Bobby want to get to the bottom of the situation fast.

“Peace, Deputy Everbright. It is important that you should know the background for where this information came from.” Angelic knew that she was tapdancing on thin ice with her aunt’s family. They were not normal Law Enforcement. “It started with a standard Nazi looted art retrieval just short of four months ago, Deputy. We had been tracking this one painting for the last eighty-five years. It was first stolen from a Jewish owned museum in Würzburg Germany in nineteen-thirty-four. It was next seen in the personal collection of Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring, in thirty-eight. In forty-three; it, along with a good portion of the Göring collection, went missing. The painting was next seen in the personal collection of Hans Goodier in fifty-nine, where it was again stolen by Peter ‘the rabbit’ Hans. It next resurfaced in France on the black market just over two years ago. Before our agents could purchase the painting; one Dajon Borgatti, secured the painting. I was given permission by my Supervisor in the Stolen Art Division to scout and recover the painting. It was during the recovery of that painting that led to the discovery of this information.”

“Thank you, Sister for the explanation. By the way what was so special about the painting to cause the Vatican to send you in?” Annette asked quickly.

“The prominence of the painting makes it almost beyond priceless. For starters, it is one of the few portraits credited to Karel Dujardin. Commissioned during his earlier years before his first patron. It is one of the rarest paintings by the seventeenth century Dutch Master. The fact that it was stamped with the Star of David by the Nazis and was not destroyed makes it one of the greatest treasures of our times.” When Angelic finished Hunter whistled softly. “Exactly, Deputy.”

“I must say Sister. You most definitely have a flare for getting yourself into trouble. Other than the painting what else were you there for?” Samantha asked smiling at her cousin.

“Next file please Deputy Justice.” Angelic asked looking at Kristine. Kristine double clicked on the next file opening it up. “Besides the painting, I was sent in after this. The names of Dajon Borgatti’s contacts. These are the biggest three on that list. Sylvia Price, Ronald Vickers and Donald Abrams.”

“Shit. I know that last monkey-nut. So do you, Hunter.” Bobby spat out.

“Isn’t he the shit-bird that got recalled from France by Bush, or was it Clinton?” Hunter asked.

“Neither. Clinton installed him, Bush kept him for his connections. He was recalled by Obama in oh-nine for damned near ruining sixty years of diplomatic relations with the French in one night’s drunkenness.” Maria growled. “I could have taken his head for his stupidity. On pure principle.”

“Please my Donna, I have much to go over with you yet.” Angelic chuckled at her aunt’s anger over one of the biggest diplomatic nightmares in decades. Maria just glared and waved for Angelic to continue. “Each one of these people have ties in the stolen art and antiquities world. Not to mention illegal arms dealing, drug and human traffic internationally.”

“Oh wonderful. No wonder the Major said we could walk away from this one.” Sam quipped. “Okay cousin give us the break down on the scumbags.”

“Apt description of our suspects cousin. I wasn’t joking about their ties to the international world of smuggling of all kinds. For example, I give you our first contestant on the criminally challenged. Ronald Vickers. Known illegal arms dealer, drug trafficker and the second largest dealer in stolen or forged artwork and looted antiquities in the Southeastern United States.” The picture of the man on the wall made all six members of the Black Badges seethe. Angelic could tell that they all knew exactly who Ronald Vickers was and what he was wanted for. “I see that you know the man.”

“We’ve been trying to tie that cocksucker down for the last nine months. We have shit-ton of circumstantial evidence, but that's all it is. Just like what you’ve got there.” Kasey snapped just before she received a glare from Maria. “Sorry Marshal.”

“You’re forgiven Kasey, considering the subject of discussion.” Maria turned back to Angelic. “You still owe me two hours in the studio for the foul language.”

“Yes ma’am.” Kasey squeaked out as Angelic chuckled.

At the glare from her aunt, Angelic coughed then continued with her briefing. “Next up is one Sylvia Price. Wanted on the following charges, stolen art and antiquities dealer. Illegal arms dealer. Drug trafficking. Finally, human trafficking. The woman uses her legitimate business Trans-Atlantic Modeling, a two-million a year business, as cover for her illegal dealings. She is well known amongst the modeling world and is often seen in the company of Sports stars, businessmen, and political figures. In short, the woman is attracted to money, fame, and power. With her offices in Miami, Berlin, Mosco, Milan and Tokyo she is able to facilitate the flow of all illegal merchandises worldwide as the ultimate broker.”

“Is she the connection to our third contestant for scumbag of the week?” Annette asked grimly while pointing to the picture of the blonde haired, green eyed, woman in her late thirties to early forties.

“Sadly, the answer to that is yes, cousin. The connection between contestant one and two is contestant number three on this week’s episode of the World’s Biggest scumbag. Is the same one we opened the briefing with Donald Abrams.” Angelic waved for Kasey to put the man’s file up on the wall. “AS you can see the man has been a busy beaver since leaving public service.”

“Wow. He must have really gotten lucky or he knew somebody.” Kristine cracked.

“No cousin. He is not lucky, nor does he need to worry about knowing people. He got his money the old fashioned way. He inherited it and married more.” Angelic waited until Kasey put the second part to Abrams’ file on the wall. “As you can see the man has heavy connections in the shipping industry. Thanks in part to his ownership of Global Sea Transit. They are a seaborne transportation company; with assets totaling in the millions. For starters they have twelve Panamax, dry cargo haulers, and twenty Handymax dry cargo carriers. Those are just the seaborne assets. I didn’t have time to fully research the company’s holdings for their Port Everglades, Florida Headquarters. All I can say is that they are massive.”

Kasey and Kristine had been driving into the public image of Global Sea Transit. It didn’t take the two cyberwarfare operatives for the Black Badges to slide their way into the heart of the company’s server. Even as Angelic was talking about GST’s seaborn assets they were digging up what the company had in Port Everglades. Within minutes they had all of GST’s assets were displayed on the wall. GST truly was a heavy weight in the seaborne cargo transit business. Their greatest asset at Port Everglades wasn’t the warehouses, or Headquarters building. It was the four dockside cargo cranes that were the real money-makers in the port.

“Marshal, we might have a major problem with this last one. The first two we can take down with simple sting operations. Abrams has enough capital to tie up any legal action we take for years. He won’t even have to use his political connections. Which are considerable to say the least.” Kasey spoke up from her place at the end of the table near Kristine. All six adults turned to the two teens at the tone of her voice. They could tell that there was more that they were not saying.

Bobby prompted Kristine to talk with them. “Okay short round talk to us. What has you two on edge already?”

“Abrams has connections to two of the last three POTUS. He may have been recalled in oh-nine from his post in France, but he still has a lot of political clout at that level. Enough to get us ALL burned. BURNED badly.” Kristine explained. “Just look at his shipping contracts. If I didn’t know better the man is related to LBJ.”

“Are you saying this guy has military supply contracts, girls?” Hunter asked sharply. “Like what LBJ had during Vietnam?”

“That is exactly what we’re saying Sergeant.” Kasey knew that using Hunter’s rank would drive the point home for him and Bobby. “Of those thirty-two cargo ships; eighteen of them are carrying a military munitions load at any one time.”

“Oh fuck me, in a back alley, with a steel dildo!” Samantha blurted out. She turn to Maria before the old woman could correct her. “I’ll pay for that in the studio with Kasey mother. Sorry. I lost my temper.”

“No need Samantha. You just expressed the same feelings that I have.” Getting up from the table she headed for the door. “Angelic, continue with briefing my deputies. I need to make an emergency call.”

“Who is aunt Maria going to call?” Angelic asked the room.

“Cousin, this is one time you need to drop that line of questioning.” Kristine answered her faster than anyone else in the room. “What can you tell us about the home and offices for Ronald Vickers?”

“He currently has just the one home in Fort Lauderdale Florida. It is at the end of Ponce de Leon Drive in Harbor Beach. The back of the house backs up to a water way. The front of the house is protected by an eight foot high iron fence.” Angelic knew that the deputies would do their own recon once on site, but she wanted to show them that she hadn’t been idle during her flight.

TOC, Ram’s Rock Island. Current time.
Maria stormed into the TOC madder than a wet cat. Both Kimberly and Krystel looked up at the older woman in wonder. They had seen her pissed off before, but this was taking things to a new level. “Kimberly, get the Major on the horn ASAP. Call for Lyssa and Rodrick as well, please.”

“Ten minutes for the Major, Marshal. Lyssa and Rod are upstairs. Do you want the rest of the military house down here?” Kimberly answered quickly.

Maria stopped and thought about what she and her team were facing. “Yes please, dear. This is one time where I need the advice of the experts.”

Lyssa and the rest of the military for the OICA entered the TOC to find Maria pacing in front of the main screen. The sight of this formidable woman pacing like a caged tiger brought them all up short. Lyssa cleared her throat to get Maria’s attention.

When Maria turned to face her Lyssa got down to business. “Take a breath Maria and tell us what fresh hell the Vatican dropped in our laps, Marshal.”

“Just a political nightmare that makes our last mission look like a fucking CAKEWALK!” Maria screamed. Taking in the shocked looks of her younger counterparts Maria took a second deep breath before continuing with an apology. “Please forgive me the outburst, my friends. It was uncalled for and unlady-like of me.”

“If you’re raising hell like that Madam Maria. It must be a whopper.” Carl answered for the rest of them. “Are you thinking about refusing this operation?”

“THAT, Carl, is the million dollar question.” Maria growled out then sighed before looking down at her feet. “Sadly, I doubt that we can just walk away.”

Before she could explain further the main screen lit up with the face of ‘Major’ Paul Dannigan, Head of the OICA. He took one look at the very agitated Marshal Maria DeMarco. The woman who was more than just the head of the Black Badge division of the OICA. She was the woman he loved, mother of his daughter, and wife. “Talk to me Ria. How bad is the situation?”

“Paulo, we have a major situation on our hands. One that can blow up in our faces. We’re not talking about an IED either, Paul. This one is an ICBM with a MERV warhead.” Maria had taken to learning the military lingo so she could better understand her counterparts and husband at times. “Did you know about Donald Abrams being involved with this situation?” Maria asked him bluntly. “I need to know Paulo.”

“No. Remind me; who is Donald Abrams and what does he have to do with this situation?” Paul was just as confused as the rest of the military in the room.

“Former Ambassador to France, Donald Abrams. With ties to Presidents Clinton, and both Bush’s. CEO for Globe Sea Transit. Holders for twenty percent of our military munitions seaborn cargo.” Maria told him bluntly.

“WHAT?!” Paul yelled out. “Lieutenant Commander verify that information, now.”

“Aye Sir. Already working on it, sir.” Krystel called out from her position. With a few minutes Krystle had the needed information. “Sir, the Marshal and her team have underestimated the percentage. It is actually closer to twenty-five percent. Most of which is medium to heavy ordinance.”

“Oh, bloody fucking hell.” Paul whispered. “Ria, when you said this was a nuke waiting to blow. You underestimated the payload and fallout.”

“Just how bad could this one get Paul?” Maria asked bluntly. “I need to understand the full impact of taking this bastard down.”

“Marshal, without those shipments, our overseas troops could be shorted needed supplies at a critical point in time. By that we mean everything from MREs and batteries to rifle and artillery rounds. The loss of those types of shipments will always be a danger.” Lyssa answered from her place on the far side of the room. “One that could cripple our troops. Not only their morale, but their very ability to carry the fight and defend themselves. You’re right in the fact that we should think twice about going after this guy.”

“Oh, I am going after him. I just need advice on how to do it.” Maria growled.

“What kind of advice are you looking for Marshal?” Lyssa asked with a strained smile. “You already know how to go after him from both a Mafia and Law Enforcement point of view. What more do you need to know?”

“I need the advice of a military mind Lyssa. I will not endanger troops in the field. How can we keep those supplies flowing and still take the man down?” Maria fought to keep the anger out of her voice.

“Major, there is only one way we can keep this from blowing sky high and keeping those shipments flowing.” Rodrick said as he stepped forward. “We use the Navy and Coast Guard. Board and escort all GST ships. We let the Marshal and her team remove Abrams and his playmates from play, however they wish. Personally, I say Lethal Finding for them all. But that is at your discretion.”

“Marshal, I know this is going to sound crazy. How would you have handled this twenty years ago?” Kimberly wanted to know.

“Twenty years ago, hell, just ten years ago, I would have placed a contract on Ronald Abrams’ head. Then waited until the company became unstable during the infighting to see who the next CEO would be. Once that happened, I would go in for a hostile takeover. GTS is publicly traded stock. The problem is Abrams has a son, old enough to step in immediately for his father. Sorry, but I will not kill an innocent. I am not a terrorist. The DeMarco Family is many things, but first and foremost we are the oldest and most honorable Guild of Assassins in Europe.” Maria knew that she was preaching to the choir.

“We know that Maria. We don’t either. The problem is how do we remove Abrams while keeping his son out of the picture for the takeover?” Lonestar pointed out.

“Why not use the old way and still have the Navy and Coast Guard secure those ships?” Kimberly asked the room.

“Okay? Just what are you getting Captain?” Paul asked her.

“We do exactly what the Marshal suggested. We use the Marshal’s old Mafia contacts and place a hit on Abrams. We let it get out that there is a terrorist threat against GST. Using the threat as a definitive reason the Navy and Coast Guard can board, then secure all of GST’s ships under the Patriot Act.” As Kimberly outlined her idea Maria saw exactly where she was going.

“I know of an independent contractor that can handle the job. One that specializes in the impossible shoot. It will take a short trip to Boston though.” Maria told them all with a wicked smile. Turning to Pete and Carl. “Well boys, feel like playing out your inner mobster fantasies?”

Carl gave Maria a quirky look before thumbing his nose. Using a cheap and extremely fake New Jersey accent. “Sure ting, Bahs. Whose do you wants us t' whack?”

Maria just chuckled as the others groaned. “Boys, you will need new suits for your meeting. As for the rest of what you will need; come by the house later.”

“Excuse me Marshal, but what else do they need?” Lyssa asked her, trying not to laugh.

“They will need one of my coins, plus a letter of introduction from me. If they don’t have that, the person I am sending them to see will gut them both.” At Lyssa’s blank look Maria explained. “You don’t just post a want-ad in the local paper for a hitman or on the Internet. Nor do you go through just any fixer. You must meet with a hitter’s contract coordinator.”

“Okay Maria, just who or what is that?” Lyssa asked, then slyly added. “Did you ever have one?”

“Oh, Lyssa, of course I had a coordinator at one time. Just as Annette did before joining this little merry band of cut-throats.” Maria waved airily with her nose in the air. “Yes. There are certain protocols, shall we say, that must be followed about such things. The first of which is paying respect to the Hitter’s family head.”

“Is that why we're headed for Boston?” Carl asked.

“Exactly, Carl.” Maria turned to look up at Paul. “Major, this is only the first part of our operation. The next two parts will have to be taken care of by the ground team in the field. We’ll be beginning full operations tomorrow. This is a full tactical rollout for the Black Badges, Major.”

“Understood, Marshal. You taking the Maid with you?” Paul knew that Kasey had her driver’s license now. There was no real need for Anna to travel with them. Both Kasey and Kristine were more than able to defend themselves, not to mention handle the Earth Roamer.

“Negative, Major. The Maid is retired from all further field operations. Her place is here. Looking after those we leave behind. Until she takes her leave of us.” Maria almost snapped but held in her tongue.

“Understood and approved, Marshal. Here are your orders, Marshal. Take down these people by whatever means is necessary. I’ll have the Lethal Findings for all parties before sunset.” When Paul finished, he gave Maria a concerned look. “Be careful Ria. At any point in time you feel the need; pull the plug and drop this shit on the FBI and Homeland’s laps. Understood?”

“Clear as a bell, Paul.” Maria gave him a smile. “See you when this is all over. Command out.”

Paul put on his command face before disconnecting. “Go to War, Marshal.”

With the assurance of her commanding officer and husband Maria turned to the others in the TOC. “While that was informative, I still need some advice here people.”

Lyssa looked around at the rest of the military in the room. “Maria, this is one time that we cannot help. This is truly a diplomatic nightmare. We are all WAY outside of our depth. As much as I hate to say this. You and your family will need to return to the roots of your family.”

“Lyssa, I want you to think about exactly what you’re saying.” Maria looked her friend and fellow Prima in the eyes. “I do this; it will mean breaking a promise.”

“Sometimes Maria, it is better to break a promise to preserve the peace than it is to let evil men prosper.” The cold dead eyes of her friend let Maria know where Lyssa stood on the matter. “Follow your heart on this one, Donna DeMarco.”

Maria just turned and head for the door. She was not shocked nor was she concerned by Lyssa's answer. The truth was she expected nothing less from the Operator. As she reached the door Maria stopped. Turning towards Lyssa and the others. “You know that once I open this Pandora’s Box there will be no going back?”

Rodrick answered for the rest. “Hell is only half full of fools and criminals.”

Maria had only one answer to the man’s comment. “I am but a shadow that passes through the moonless night. I am the right hand of Lady Justice. None are above the Justice that I bring. All shall feel my blade. Let the rich and powerful know. In the darkest of night, that Justice comes on swift and unyielding wings. We are the Wraiths of the Moonless Night. Fear our passing. For we bring death and justice to those who believe they are above the LAW.”

Once Maria had left the TOC Kimberly turned to Lyssa. “What was that little speech about Lyssa? You know more about the Madam’s family traditions than any of us.”

Lyssa Looked towards the empty doorway. “Something I have prayed to never hear, Kimberly.”

“Okay Love, what the fuck are you getting at?” Rodrick asked Lyssa bluntly.

Lyssa looked around the room at the rest of the OICA. “In my travels I have met only two people like the Madam. One is a soldier. The Madam is the other.”

“What does that have to do with that little speech of hers?” Carl asked.

“Maria DeMarco, just said goodbye to all of us.” At the blank looks of her fellow military Lyssa sighed. “Maria doesn’t expect to return from this operation. That was her family’s final goodbye to those they respect.”

“HOLY FUCK!” Peter yelled. “You have to be shitting us?”

Lyssa sighed as she looked over at the man. “No. One way or another, Maria DeMarco will end this threat. Even if it costs her, her life.”

Looking around the room Lyssa could tell that this revelation was almost too much for her fellow operators to grasp. Maria was not one of them. She could walk away from something like this operation. To think that a civilian would willingly die to complete a mission was more than they could contemplate.

“Remember something people.” Clearing her throat Lyssa looked them all in the eye. “Maria DeMarco is the Mistress for the oldest Guild of Assassins in all of Europe. Her two daughters have trained to replace her from the time they were old enough to walk. Before you ask, the answer is yes. The Major knows exactly what he has unleashed on the world.” Lyssa turned back to the doorway. “Ladies, and gentlemen Death walks the night in the guise of Justice. The Lithium Flower has come again once more to bring Justice to those who believe they are above it.”

“Lithium Flower? Who or what is that Lyssa?” Krystel asked.

“Just one of the deadliest flowers known to man, Krystel.” Lyssa turned to her friend. “Pray that she comes home.”

“What does that mean?” Lonestar asked her.

“Because if Maria does not return. Controlling Hunter, Bobby, Kasey, and Kristine will be the least of our problems.” Lyssa gave Lonestar a look that said more than words. “Samantha and Annette will do more than rise up to avenge their mother. Their family honor will demand blood for blood, a life for a life. They will call down the full relentless might of the DeMarco Crime Family. They will make the mobs wars of the twenties seem like child’s play. Those two will make the streets run red with the blood of innocent and villain alike. And not care.”

Pete groaned. “Aw shit!”

Lyssa nodded. “I want the room. Kim stay.”

Everyone else left, leaving Lyssa and Kimberly alone.

“Get Shawna, Tiffany and the Major.” Lyssa instructed.

Kimberly made the connections then brought the split window up on the main monitor.

“What's up Sergeant-Major?” Dannigan asked.

Lyssa gave a hard look. “The Black Badge team may not accomplish this mission. They may accomplish this mission and be blown or burned. The whole of this installation may become compromised.”

“State your request.” The big spook directed.

Lyssa paused for a moment then spoke clearly. “Update the Code: Reno protocols.”

Code: Reno. The BlackOps signal for being betrayed by the Powers That Be; Intentional Burning of operations as damage control. Dubbed that after Major Marcus Reno of the infamous 7th Cavalry, who had been blamed for abandoning Custer resulting in the failure at Little Bighorn. He had been cleared of the charges after review, but the stain remained. Many testified that it had not been cowardice or drinking, only that they had been overwhelmed, had to retreat and Reno designated a scapegoat. After the review there had been allegations that the testimony hadn't been truthful. Reno never escaped the stigma attached to him and later forced out under charges of Unbecoming. Now his name was used as a signal for being intentionally burned by Higher-ups to cover their own asses.

Every member of the military side had a plan should the entire unit be revealed. Abandoning the island with facilities to self-destruct and exfiltrate to non-extradition treaty haven countries undercover. Within an hour, all could be scattered to the compass. Lyssa was fairly sure Maria, Annette and Anna had similar plans as well. Samantha may have one in the very off-chance she was compromised, but the others likely did not. That was Lyssa's concern.

Dannigan now considered that as well. “Understood. Update Reno Protocols and brief all personnel. Ghostmoth, update protocols. Steel Dove, verify protocols and update as needed. Pray it doesn't come to that. Proceed. Out.”

“Out.” Lyssa acknowledged then turned to Kimberly. “We have work to do.”

Kimberly nodded. “It's going to be a long night. I'll get Krystel back down here.”


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