A Thief’s Problem –chp4

A Thief’s Problem.


Sister Magdalena, a.k.a. Angelic DeMarco, finds evidence of more than just illegal art trade while recovering a stolen painting in the home of a known criminal. Her investigation leds to the US and a very problematic situation with the US Department of Justice.

by Snowfall and Jessie Wolf.

Dedicated to the men and women of the US Marshal Service.

Edited by my husband Paul, and AJC Snowfall.


This is a work of fiction an any persons in this work are purely fictional.

Chapter 4

I-95, Miami, Florida, 1300

Samantha watched the traffic as she worked her way north towards Fort Lauderdale. With just five adults for the assault teams it had been decided to send one ahead to scout the neighborhood of Ronald Vickers’ home. Bobby had wanted to be the one to go, but Maria overruled him. She knew that a woman looking at houses would draw less attention in the Rio Vista neighborhood of Fort Lauderdale. Sam and Annette drew straws to see who would make the drive and scout the neighborhood. Sam won.

While Sam was doing that, the others were taking care of finding a place for Gemini to setup shop. It didn’t take Bobby and Hunter long to figure out what the girls needed the most. Security. At least that was what they thought. Annette and Maria had other ideas. To them the most important thing was Concealment. When the four adults couldn’t come to an agreement Kasey was the one to put her foot down. The teenager pointed out that the Earth Roamer’s outside appearance was that of a small RV. It didn’t take them long to find a KOA campground that would make the perfect cover.

While Hunter, Bobby, and Maria took care of the girls. Annette was taking care of Angelic. The biggest problem was Angelic’s appearance. Maria had pointed out that her niece stood out among the general public. Annette volunteered to handle the problem with a short shopping trip to Saw Grass Mills. The whole team knew that Angelic would leave the mall with a whole new wardrobe. Curtesy of the OICA.

Sam smiled to herself as she drove through the metropolitan areas of southern Florida. The sights of the surrounding cities brought back memories of the last time she was here. It was one of her easiest Fugitive Recovery operations as a Deputy. The man was a con-artist who had escaped from prison during transfer for his Court Hearing. He had been on the run for only seven weeks before Samantha had tracked him to a high-end hotel in Miami. The man had a bad habit of targeting rich single women at such hotels. Samantha just checked into the man’s hotel and waited for him to come to her.

Samantha was brought back to the here and now by the exit sign for Davie Blvd. Sam got her head back in the game as she drove east down Davie Blvd towards the Intercoastal Waterway and Rio Vista. At the corner of South Federal Hwy and Ponce de Leon Dr Samantha pulled into the parking lot for the Southern General Animal Hospital and parked behind the hospital’s dumpster. With practice ease Samantha dug out her cover ids and camouflage for her truck. Fifteen minutes later Samantha was pulling back into traffic heading for Ronald Vickers’ neighborhood and home.

Parking at the corner of SE 7th and Ponce de Leon just down the road from Vickers’ house Samantha climbed out of the truck with camera in hand. Hanging the camera and name tag from her neck Samantha began to walk around the neighborhood ‘taking’ pictures of deferent houses. When she got to Vickers’ place, she got down to really taking pictures. Samantha took thirty pictures before Vickers Security got curious and took action.

“Care to explain what you’re doing around here?”

Samantha smiled as the blue suited security goon approached. “Good afternoon, sir. Doctor Lisa Kittridge, US Zoological Association.”

“That doesn’t explain what you’re doing.” The goon demanded.

“OH! You’re talking about me taking pictures. As I was saying I’m Doctor Lisa Kittridge with the US Zoological Association. We have received reports of a very rare bird in this area. The illusive Columba stoolis domestica. The last one report in the wild was in the San Francisco Bay over fifty-five years ago.” Samantha never let the smile slip from her face. Even as the goon’s eyes glazed over at the first usage of US Zoological Association.

“I’ll need that camera, lady.” The goon ordered.

Samantha let her smile drop. “Unless you’re a cop and have a warrant the answer is no. This camera is United States Government property.”

When Samantha turned to walk back to the truck the goon grabbed her arm. “Listen here sister. You’re going to hand over that camera now!”

Samantha didn’t think twice about her net move. At the top of her lungs she screamed. “RAPE! HELP RAPE!”

The more Samantha scream the more agitated the guard became. He let go of Samantha’s arm and tried to regain control of the situation. “Calm down lady. No need to get bent out of joint.”

Samantha ignored the guard’s pleads and continued to scream. The more she screamed the more people in the neighborhood turned to look. After about five minutes the security guard’s boss showed up. The only problem was the local PD was also showing up at the same time. Samantha figured out from the response time that someone in the neighborhood had called the cops before she even started screaming. She knew that the team was on the right track from the way the local PD acted when they climbed out of the car. They had their hands on their side arms ready to be drawn and there was more than just one responding.

Both security guards backed off of Samantha as she stopped screaming at the sight of the local police. Samantha though frantically ran over to the first officer she could. She wasn’t about to let this chance go. “Oh officer, please help. Those men were going to rape me.”

“Hold on that is a bald-faced lie. We’re only trying to do our job.” The Security Chief countered quickly. “We’re only trying to secure that camera.”

The cop gave Samantha a harsh look. Seeing the camera hanging from her neck and the id badge he just sighed. “Okay, lady. The truth, now. Or you can spend the night in a holding cell.”

Samantha sighed. “Okay fine. Doctor Lisa Kittridge with the USZA officer. I’m just out here trying to do MY job. These two thugs think they can just confiscate government property.” Sam waved the camera around. “Namely, this camera.”

“Miss Kittridge, what is the USZA? I’m afraid that I’ve never heard of it.” The officer asked in confusion. He just knew that whatever it was, it was most likely a waste of taxpayer money.

“That’s DOCTOR Kittridge. As for who the USZA a is, we’re a small branch of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. We’re charged with identifying rare, endangered or unidentified Species. We go around the US investigating reports of species that are supposed to be either extinctic or endangered. Not to mention the supposedly mythological creatures such as the great swamp ape.” Samantha sighed over the last bit. Mainly because the local PD was going to laugh at the comment. When they did Sam just gave them a withering glare. “Gentlemen let me be clear on this matter. I have spent the last fifteen years of my life searching for proof of these creatures. They are NOT urban myths. In fact, they are based on known species that are indigenous to not only North America, but South America and Eastern Africa.”

“Wait a minute Doctor. Are you saying that there really is a swamp ape?” one of the cops asked in disbelief.

“That is exactly what I’m saying Officer. And it is my job to find the proof. As for why I’m in the area; I have already explained that to these two men.” Sam let her voice fill with contempt.

“About that Doctor.” The Officer didn’t get any further as he was interrupted by the Security Chief.

“You can’t really believe that bullshit? Give me a fucking break here. This bitch is no more a doctor than I’m the man in the moon.” The Security Chief bitched as he once again reached for the camera. Only this time he was stopped by the Officer placing his hand on his Tazzer.

“Okay buddy boy. Let’s break this down for you. One; I’ve seen her ID. Two; you haven’t shown us yours. Three; her explanation makes a fuck-load more sense than anything you’ve said so far. Now, do you want to let her finish, or do we just take your asses in for attempted assault of a Federal Employee in the performance of their duty?” The Officer ordered bluntly. Turning back to Sam. “Now, Doctor Kittridge, you were saying that you’re only here to verify an endangered species?”

“That is correct officer. The elusive Columba stoolis domestica. An extremely rare bird Officer. One so rare that if I can spot one, just one, on this street; the surrounding two miles becomes a National Wild Life reserve. If I can find actual mating pair; the surrounding five square miles becomes a nesting site. If that pair is on private land; that land-owner just got a massive tax break. For life.” The more Sam talked the more excited she sounded.

“Excuse me, just how large of a tax break Doctor?” The Security Chief asked.

“If your boss has a mated pair on his property, he’s looking at a tax-free exemption for life. A pair will return over and over. One of the young will take over with its mate when the original pair die.” Looking around at the neighborhood Sam smiled. “From the looks of things around here; that would be one hell of a savings.”

“Just how big of a savings are we talking about here Doctor?” The Security Chief saw something his guard didn’t. A way to get in good with the boss.

“Wait a minute here Doctor. Just what makes this bird so special? What does it look like? I mean can this bird be just anywhere?” The cop was already thinking about his own house and grounds.

“Well for starters, over the last twenty-nine years we have ever recorded only two-hundred-and-sixty. At present there has only ever been approximately one-thousand-five-hundred-and-forty-five sighted in the wild. The last confirmed sighting was March 21, 1963. Now, all of those were on the west coast, in the San Francisco Bay area. Until just a few days ago it was feared that the bird was extinctic. So, you can see why the very mention of there being just one of those elusive birds on the east coast is such exciting news.” Sam really laid on the overzealous Zoologist act.

“Damn, Doctor Kittridge. From the way you’re acting that bird could make you famous or something.” The Security Chief chuckled.

“Sir, I’ll have you know that we’ll ALL be famous if there is just one of these birds in the area. Especially if I can confirm it with photographic evidence. Please don’t scoff gentlemen, this would be like finding definitive proof of a living T-Rex.” The way Sam was spinning things she knew that she would soon have her needed access to Vickers’ estate grounds. She knew she had them all with the Security Chief’s next words.

“Officer, I think there has been a massive miscommunication here. I think that what needs to happen is simple. Let me go clear it with the boss. I’m sure that I can convince the owner to allow escorted access to the grounds.”

“How long would you need?” The cop asked. For him this was a win-win situation. He got to deescalate a potential situation that could involve a Federal Agency and still maintain the peace.

“Give me ten minutes.” With that the two security guards headed back to Vickers’ house. Sam smiled and turned to the police.

“Thank you for your speedy response gentlemen. I’ll make sure to mention you in my report to my boss.” Sam knew that the thought of ‘official recognition’ for the local PD was always appreciated.

“No need for that Doctor. We’re just doing our jobs. You know keeping the peace and all that. I do have a question. Why did you scream rape?” the cop asked out of curiosity.

“Over the last few years I have found that when dealing with Security goons that best way to handle things is in front of local PD.” Sam looked over at the Vickers’ estate. “For some strange reason most private security guards hate having the local police climbing all over their ass.”

The cops stood there for a second before busting out in laughter. Sam just stood there smiling as the police officers just laughed at her joke. The down side to her joke was the truth behind it. After all the joke may have sounded innocent but it was far from it.

“Yah, we can see how that is. I do have to wonder why you just didn’t show your credentials to the goon squad though.” The cop asked.

“Do you want to know what happens every time that I do that? I get either arrested or detained until arrested. I’ve lost count of how many times some goon thought that the USZA was some fake government office.” Sam let out a dramatic sigh. “As much as I love my job, there are times it can be a real pain in the ass when dealing with the public.”

The cops just chuckled at the look on Sam’s face. They quickly squared themselves away as the Security Chief returned. “Okay, Doctor Kittridge, here’s the deal. The boss has given permission for you to come onto the grounds. You can take your pictures and anything else you need to do on one condition. If you find one of those birds or a pair of them, you keep the name of the owner out of your reports. Just where you found the bird, Deal?”

Sam just smiled prettily for the guard. “Sure, no problem. He’ll be notified about the change in tax status if it should come about by mail.”

“Sounds good. Thank you, for being so understanding, Doctor.” The goon told her with a smile. As she had done so many times in her past, Sam used one of her greatest assets to gain needed intel. Her size and beauty.

Over the next hour and a half, thanks to a little flirting and choice name dropping Sam had gained almost unlimited access to the grounds. She was even able to use the drone in the back of the truck for aerial recon. The only sticking point came when the Security Chief question her on about the gun locker in the bed. Thankfully, Sam had a readymade and very believable explanation for both the locker and weapons.

“Have you ever been chased by a three-hundred-pound wild hog? Maybe, a North American Brown Bear female that weights in close to five-hundred-pounds. No better yet just for this area, an eleven-foot alligator. One that thinks you would taste good chase you through the Saw grass.” As Sam explained the possible dangers of her cover job the man blanched at the thought. “I have had each one of those happen to me sir. That’s why I have the gun locker and weapons. I don’t always get the nice cushy safe urban jobs like this one.”

“Have you really faced all of that Doctor? I mean don’t you usually have a Game Warden or backcountry guide with you?” The Security Chief asked.

“I’ve faced all of three of those, and more sir, on my own. As for the Game Warden and guides; that costs money. Money that my small department doesn’t have. We maybe part of the US Fish and Wildlife, but we’re the smallest department in the USFW. Sadly, because we’re a research department and what we research, we lack the respect of the rest of the department.” Sam let out a very heave put upon sigh. “We often find ourselves operating on our own, sometimes for weeks, in the wilds of this great country. But you know something, I do love my job.”

“No offence, here Doc, but are you crazy?” The Security Chief smirked.

Sam chuckled and batted her eyes at the man. “No. I’m not crazy. I get to go to some of the most pure and untouched parts of our nation. Areas that are so tightly governmentally controlled only our forefathers have seen it.”

“Can you give me an example Doc?” By now the Security Guard was totally sucked in by very pretty and petite Zoological Scientist.

Sam just smiled up at the man and launched the drone. “You know that whole area behind Mount Rushmore that is off limits? I had the chance to spend four weeks out there while I tracked a one of a kind sighting. An albino North American Ursus arctos better known as the grizzly bear.”

“Wait a damned minute Doc. Are you saying that you really went out there hunting down a fucking grizzly?” the security guard asked in amazement.

“Yup, sure did. Just me, and my partner Doctor Beth Marten, all by ourselves. That was when we got chased by the grizzly. Not the albino we were looking for, but a really big bull that thought we would make an excellent snack.” Sam told the man with a smirk.

The whole time she had been talking to the Security Chief she had made four full sweeps of the grounds and surrounding area. She knew that she was getting great Intel on their target. Intel that was being uploaded directly to the cloud and the team back at the KOA. When she made a fifth and final pass Sam landed the little drone in front of her. Picking it up she placed it in the bed of the truck. With a smile she closed and locked the hard top. Turning to the Security Chief. “Well, it’s been nice working with you sir. You show be hearing from our office in the next few days.”

“Say Doc, I know this is going to sound crazy, but would you care to go to dinner sometime?” Sam was almost surprised that Security Chief waited this long to ask her out. “Or just say coffee? I would really like to learn more about what you do. From the sounds of it, it can get really exciting.”

“Sorry, but I’m married. If you want to learn more about my job though that is easy. Me and my partner give guest lectures at U of M on the third Friday of every month. When we’re in town.” Sam was climbing behind the wheel of the truck as she fast talking her way out of the estate. “Why don’t you come to the lecture next week over in Carol Gables. See you guys later.”

Sam quickly rolled out before the Security Chief or his guards could second guess her and start asking uncomfortable questions. It didn’t take her long to get back out onto the main drag and head for the highway. She didn’t stop until she was on the I-595 heading west. Even then her only stop was at the local Kangaroo station at the exit for the KOA. It took her less than five minutes and she on her way to the campground.

Hitting the speed dial on her phone she waited for Kasey to answer. “You’re a go for Command, White Swan.”

“Gemini Two, have you or One downloaded the Intel for Tango three’s hidey-hole yet?” Sam asked as she drove.

“Working on that now White Swan. We should have the full download by the time you get here. The Madam says good work on the Intel by the way. Looks like we got some really good pictures of the suspect’s primary location. Did you get a chance to use the drone?”

“Got five full sweeps of the area from inside the exterior wall, Gemini. I even got a firsthand guided tour of the property.” Sam wanted to giggle as she thought about how the Security Chief was going out of his way to help her. Once he thought he had a chance at a date with the pretty Zoologist.

“I can’t wait to hear this story White Swan. For now, be on guard when you hit the gate. They’ll be asking to see your creds. Before you ask White Swan, the campground has us off the beaten path in an area reserved just for Law Enforcement. We got everything we need for our operation here.”

This got Sam to thinking. “Gemini have you or sister hacked into Tango One’s home computer system yet?”

“We’ve owned that computer for the past hour, White Swan. Why? What are you thinking about?”

“There was one area that is on the fly overs that I wasn’t able to get any direct pictures of. Is there any way to get into the security system? The video feed for that area should be on the network.” Sam explained.

The phone remained silent for all of ten seconds. “Okay White Swan we see the area you’re talking about. We think. Is it on the backside of the boat dock near the canal?”

“That’s it, Gemini. Can you give me an idea of what is there? I got this real bad feeling about that area.” Sam knew that was ever there wasn’t good.

The phone remained silent for a few seconds before Kasey answered her. “The Madam has ordered a hold on all intel until full team debrief White Swan.”

“Copy that Gemini. ETA is just over.” Sam looked at her watch. “Ten minutes for the main gate. Say twenty until I’m on site.”

“See you in twenty White Swan. Command out.” The phone went dead, and Sam was left to wonder what was so disturbing about that area of the estate.

Smiling John’s KOA, Hollywood, FL, 1630

Just as Kasey had warned her, the gate guard for the campground asked to see her credentials. Once he saw her badge and ID the man handed her a map of the campground pointing out the team’s campsite. “Don’t worry Deputy. We keep that part of the campground reserved just for Law Enforcement.”

“Not to be a suspicious ass about it, but why?” Sam want to know why 15 campsites were held in reserve just for Law Enforcement by this campground.

“The Owners are both retired NYPD. As for the staff, more than half are former cops of one type or another. Two of them are even former DEA. It was their idea to keep those fifteen campsites separate from the others. Seems that we make a really great place to operate an undercover operation for people like you and your team. Especially if you want to stay under the radar for the local PD.” The guards blunt statement caused Sam to think twice about the campground’s security.

The man put her fears to rest with his next words. “We keep that area roped off. That is unless we have ‘special guests’.” Sam caught the air quotes on the last two words and smiled. “We have extra screen canopies for those guests and regular ten-man tents for rent.”

The smile let Sam know that the team, and more importantly in her mind the girls, were safe operating here. Not that the youngest members of the team need fear too many people anymore. Not with their training. The two youngest members of the Black Badge Deputies were deadly with just their bare hands. When you gave them their knives, sidearms, assault and sniper rifles; then it didn’t matter who they went up against. Those people were dead. They just didn’t have the good sense to realize it yet.

Sam took the campground map and set it up against the steering wheel. She followed the guard’s directions to where the rest of the team had setup their command post. What she saw as she rounded the final turn on to the out of the way trail surprised Sam. The only vehicles on the tenth of mile stretch of sandy road belonged to the team. The Gary Ghost was parked behind the ALOC. Black Beauty was parked off to one side of the campsite acting as a wind block for the ALOC. It also served as a defensive shield for the canopy and ALOC.

Taking her cue from the rest of the team trucks Sam pull in directly in front of the canopy. Blocking it from the dirt road and providing a more secure site. As Sam climbed out of Big Blue she was greeted by the teens with hugs.

After the welcome Sam turned to face Maria. “Looks like I missed all the fun. Where’s Angelic?”

“She in the ALOC changing clothes. The girl only had her habits and ‘working clothes’ with her. She stood out like a hooker in church on Easter Sunday.” Annette informed her with a smirk. Only to get smacked in the back of the head by Maria. “Sorry mama, but it is the truth.”

“That may be, Annette, but there was no need to be rude about it.” Maria corrected her with a frown. Maria then smiled to take the sting out of her words. “You have to remember that Angelic has spent the several years of her life with the Church as her soul support. You shouldn’t expect her to have a bikini in her suitcase dear.”

Samantha just chuckled as Annette had the good graces to blush. “I warned you about that. You know how mama gets when it comes to the Church.”

“Oh, shut it you. You’re worse than me about not showing respect for the Church. If mama didn't drag your ass to confession, you would never go.” Annette countered quickly as Bobby and Hunter chuckled at their wives.

Kasey and Kristine just stood back as their parents had their fun. Everyone’s attention was draw to the ALOC when the door opened. It was not Sister Magdalena who stepped out. It was Angelic DeMarco who now graced the Black Badge Deputies with her presence. Dressed in black 505 jeans, a little powder blue peasant blouse, and Reebok tennis shoes; Angelic was the picture of a South Beach socialite out for a day in the country.

Both Bobby and Hunter let out a wolf whistle while the girls just clapped their hands. Angelic blushed at first then let her smartass bone take over and curtsied. “Thank you, thank you. You’re most welcome.”

Maria chuckled at the antics of her team before calling them down. “Alright children we have business to take care of. Let’s get to it. Gemini have you downloaded White Swan’s scouting report yet?”

“Already done Marshal. We’ve been printing out the photos she took of Vickers’ estate. We were just waiting for Agent DeMarco to clear the ALOC.” Kasey answered her grandmother. Then headed inside to grab the printouts.

Kristine waved for the team to gather around the picnic table under the canopy. As she waited for her sister to return with the photos Kristine setup two laptops, a projector, and a portable movie screen. The teens had already hung sheets to block out the harsh light of the early evening. For once they had prepped their truck with everything. Everything that they thought they would need. On top of the extra ammo the teens had packed extra reems of printer paper and ink.

As the adults took their normal places around the table Angelic found herself lost as to where she should sit. This was solved by Kasey’s return. “Your place is over there by the Marshal, Agent DeMarco.”

Angelic smiled and took the empty places next to Maria. “Thank you, Deputy.”

Once everyone was seated the teens handed out half inch-thick folders. Kristine started off. “Marshal, Agent, Deputies, allow me to introduce to you nine-seven-four-eight-eight Ponce de Leon dr. A two and a half acres of prime real estate in the heart of Fort Lauderdale Florida. Compete with fence, electric gate, property guards, waterway access, boat dock, boathouse, full size swimming pool, pool slash guest house and ten room house.”

“Excuse me Deputy, this area over here behind the boat dock and boathouse. Is that some type of rampway?” Angelic asked once she had Kristine’s attention. “The only reason I’m asking is because it is wide enough for a small seaplane to exit into the waterway.”

“We thought that as well at first Agent DeMarco. Until we dug into the actual waterway access rights. That ramp not cannot be used for a seaplane. Legally.” Kasey answered her before putting in the cravat. “The problem is that doesn’t stop someone from coming in between one and five in the morning.”

“Why during those times Deputy?” Sam asked for everyone there already knowing the answer and not liking where this was going.

“Those are the best times for a small seaplane to work its way through the waterway almost undetected.” Kasey sighed. “To be honest mama Sam that ramp is listed as a boat ramp, but it is just too wide to be your normal boat ramp. That thing is nothing less than a seaplane ramp.”

“Girls, couldn’t that ramp also be used for an airboat?” Hunter questioned.

“Yes sir. But it doesn’t fit with our suspects normal MO. At least not from what we’ve been able to find so far. The man may be a sleezy sewage rat, but he holds himself up as this pillar of the community. Something like an airboat or seaplane would draw too attention to his operations.” Kristine explained their reasons for discounting the ramp as a smuggling point. “That doesn’t count it out as an emergency exfiltration route though.”

“Just how small of a seaplane could be stored in that boathouse or outbuilding Deputy?” Angelic asked quickly.

“We would need to consult an expert on that Agent DeMarco. This is way outside of our experience.” Kristine told her. “Before you ask, we have sent in the request for that information and are waiting for a reply.”

“Good work kids. Now what can you tell us about that security system? Personally, I’ve never seen one like it.” Sam asked next.

“We know that is it a Grayson and Hickman forty-four-hundred, Deputy. After that we’ll have to ask a resident ‘security infiltration’ expert.” Kasey answered truthfully. “This is one system that has all of its information about it totally off the books for some reason.”

Angelic swore in Italian. “Fuck me blind with a ten-inch steel dildo!”

“ANGELIC!” Maria wasn’t the only one shocked by her niece’s outburst. “I know that your mother taught you better than to use that type of language.”

“Sorry auntie.” Angelic bowed her head in embarrassment.

“You’re forgiven, but I expect you to report this breach of behavior to your confessor, once you’re home. Understood?” Maria chided her. When Angelic nodded her head, Maria continued. “Now what has you so upset over the system?”

“The Grayson and Hickman forty-four-hundred is the top of the line in residential fire and anti-thief currently on the market.” At the blank looks of her cousins and their husbands Angelic sighed. “Grayson and Hickman design each forty-four-hundred for individual sites. No two are exactly the same. These are truly custom designed security systems with multi-tiered redundant backups. Each layer consists of laser trip sensors, motion sensors, sound sensors, glass break sensors, and hidden pressure plate flooring. That doesn’t take into account the multi-tiered video coverage and roving guards. After that really it gets to be fun.”

“Who in their right mind would put something like that in their home?!” Annette asked for the rest of the team.

“Someone who doesn’t want their home broken into. These systems are normally only installed in museums or art galleries. That system was originally designed with those types of institutions in mind. If there is a roving guard, they must enter a code before entering each room. After that the guard has a set time limit to reach the other side and enter a second code. They fail and the alarms sound. By that I mean at both the security center and the local triple nine dispatch office. There they roll fire, ambulance, police, and the local SWAT Team. The standard response time for this system is under ten minutes for everything.” Angelic explained.

“That is a shit load of response Angelic. Are you sure about that? Not that I doubt you, it’s just a little overboard.” Hunter questioned the disguised nun. “The cost for that kind of response is a little prohibitive.”

“That is one of the reasons why that system is normally only in museums and art galleries Deputy. Grayson and Hickman pride themselves on their ability to gather that kind of response to one of their systems. They not only install the systems, but they insure the systems. Sometimes upwards of half a billion dollars if not more.” Angelic answered Hunter. “To be honest there is only one other system that is deadlier than the forty-four-hundred.”

“What system is that Agent DeMarco?” Kasey asked out of curiosity.

“The Steranko Security System. It is without a doubt the toughest security system in the world. So much so your very Pentagon leaders call it ‘Overkill.’” At the very stunned looks of the Deputies Angelic explained the Steranko in words that they would understand. “It’s as if the designer took one of those supercomputers that can beat like a hundred people at chess, then gave it a brain the size of a fifty story building, hooked it up to military grade infra-red, ultra-sound, and motion sensors, and then gave it the personality of a pissed off Rottweiler. That’s just the everyday Steranko. Each one is custom built with their own heuristic algorithm that allows each system to adapt to your every move and evolve a strategy based on your response. They learn, they hunt, they kill.”

“Holy shit! Those systems are more like assassins than security systems. Talk about using a nuke to kill a fly.” Kasey asked quickly as she and Kristine knew it would be their job to disable that system for their parents. “Does the forty-four-hundred system have any weak points?”

“The only time that I was ever able to beat one of those systems was from the inside.” Angelic picked up the photos of the outside walls. At thoughtful expression came to her face. “There may be a way with this one. Do we have any photos of the roof?”

“Thanks to Deputy Justice we do have flyovers of the whole estate Agent. If I can have a few seconds to bring it up?” Kasey told her and opened the file on her laptop. When the projector came to life Angelic could tell that the drone’s camera had been upgraded. During the first flyover of the house Angelic spotted the week point in the system.

“Can you hold it there please, Deputy?” Kasey paused the feed. “Zoom in as best that you can on the skylights please?” Kasey did as asked. She knew that Angelic was the expert. “Just as I thought.”

“What do you see Angelic? What are we missing?” Maria asked.

“When Grayson and Hickman installed this system, they overlooked the second floor and the skylights. I fully expect that we would never be able to bypass the ground floor array, but the second floor is wide open with the exception of the windows. See how there is no tape on the skylights?” She asked.

Kasey looked around the table at the adults. Seeing the looks on their faces she put their feelings into words. “Train to insane and crazy becomes doable. We have to go through the roof and work our way down.”

“What is this we? Your job is to secure that damned security system.” Maria told the teens hotly. “As for going in through the roof that falls to Agent DeMarco. She is the only one with the needed skills.”

“Marshal as much as I would love to have my young cousins secure that system from offsite. It’s not possible. The Network security on those systems is equal to that of a police or military grade mainframe.” Angelic told her aunt. She knew that is was almost impossible to break the encryption on the Grayson/Hickman Forty-four-hundred.

To answer her niece’s challenge Maria smiled up at her granddaughters. “Girls how long have you had control over Vickers’ home computer system?”

Kristine looked down at her watch. “Just under two hours now, Marshal. The house has a Cisco Systems SG300-28 Rackmount switch and Cisco EPC-3010 modem. These are not your ordinary switch and modem for home use. Instead they are commonly used in small businesses. This is both good news and bad news for our purposes. Good news is that all Internet traffic runs through that switch and modem. Bad news is that all traffic runs through that switch and modem.”

As both girls giggled at their parents facepalms Sam gave them both a dirty look. “We really do wish you girls would stop using that movie reference. Now, please explain why the good news and bad news is the same. And use words that we’ll all understand.”

“Okay the good news first. Now that we are already in the system. We own the modem and switch. Thanks mainly to the fact that they are independent units. The bad news is that if the forty-four-hundred is tripped we will have less than five seconds to override the system lockdown.” Kasey explained.

“Excuse me, Deputies. If you own the system as you say. How can the security system lock you out?” Angelic knew that her expertise wasn’t in computers and her cousins' was. This didn’t make sense to her.

“That was the one thing we were able to find on the Forty-four-hundred. It has a stand-alone cybersecurity system. This system gave us both a nasty surprise when we first penetrated the Network. If we hadn’t been looking for traps, and back traces that system would have spotted us in under twenty seconds. As it was, we were able to convince the system that we were administrators performing offsite updates.” Kristine told her.

“How long do I have from the time I enter the upper floors until the system spots me?” Angelic asked with a smile, knowing that the girls couldn’t answer her question this time.

“Two minutes to clear the second floor, and thirty seconds for the ground floor. Unless you cross one of the laser sensors. Then you have less than five seconds to find somewhere to hide.” Kristine answered quickly.

Angelic just sat there blinking her eyes. She couldn’t believe what the teenagers just told her. They were right of course but she wasn’t expecting such an exact answer on the time. “Are you sure Deputies?”

As much as Kristine want to snap the head off of Angelic, she remained professional. “Yes ma’am, Agent DeMarco. During our dive of the system we figured the response time for the ground floor sensors. Until you explained about the rest of the system’s passive sensors, we were planning for a ground floor insertion of the house.”

“Understandable Deputy.” Angelic smile up at the teenager. “I was not questioning your figures but the way you came about them. To tell you the truth I had placed the response time at just over three seconds. How did you figure out the two-minute window for the upper floor?”

“The second floor is the only floor with bedrooms. Even the servants’ quarters are on the second floor. Those are in the third wing going off the back of the house. Which is also the one wing that must be avoided until the security room is under our control.” Kasey answered her.

“Kasey, you said that the servants’ wing needs to be avoided at all costs. Why? What aren’t we seeing now?” Hunter asked his oldest daughter.

“Sir, that wing is the only wing with full time residents.” Kasey decided to give the team the shitty news now. “Our tango may not be home. This is his winter home. Before you ask, we only found this out an hour ago. We’re currently working to find out if he is even home.”

“Wait! Are you saying that our bunny might have already jumped?” Hunter asked before looking down at his folder. “I thought we had definitive proof Vickers was at this locale. What happened?”

“Hunter, if you will give the girls a few seconds to explain. I’m sure that all will be brought to light.” Maria said calming the man down.

“It’s like this sir. Until we get visual confirmation, we have no idea if Vickers is home or not. We won’t have that confirmation until eighteen-hundred hours at the soonest.” Kristine explained. “We do have an update on the connection to Tango’s One and Two.”

“We have solid evidence of their complicity in a multi-national smuggling operation. Hard records stripped from Vickers home computer.” Kasey said with smile that was a mile wide. She almost chuckled when Angelic tried to swallow her front teeth hearing this. “The forty-four-hundred maybe a hardcore security system Agent DeMarco, but it is a trusting soul. You show it the proper credentials and it will let just anybody walk through the door.”

“Good Lord! If they have been able to do this in just a short time with just what is in that truck. What can they do with more time and a server farm?” Angelic let her amazement over what she was seeing fill her voice. The teenagers just giggled at the unintended compliment.

Bobby, Hunter, and Samantha just chuckled as Annette smiled at her cousin. “There is a reason we call the girls Gemini, Angelic. They are our twin goddess of information. What they can do with computers at times is in the realm of the godlike. It is their ability with computers that worries us, and why we take so many precautions with their safety.”

“I can see why.” Angelic looked over at Kasey. “Tell me Deputy, have you figured out how we’re going to crack this nut?”

“Until now we only had one way to go at this. At first, we were considering a full team water insertion from Colee Hammock Park across the New River canal. With this new data we will need at least twelve hours to revise the plan.” Kasey answer honestly. “Thanks to that new data we now know that we need three penetration teams. One water, and two land. With one of the land teams coming in through the roof.”

“Any ideas as to how we should break down into teams Kasey?” Hunter asked

“Team one is Stalking horse and Rumrunner for the water insertion. They have the most experience with this type of tactic.” The adult members of the team saw no reason to disagree with her, so Kasey continued with her breakdown. “Team one will also be the only two-man team. Teams two and three will come in from the street. Team two will consist of the Dove, White Swan and Black Swan. Their job will be the neutralizing of all exterior roving guards. The last team consisting of the Kitty and Gemini will have the job of coming in from the roof.”

Only Bobby and Hunter objected to the team ups. Sam, Annette and Maria just sat back.

Bobby voiced his and Hunter’s objection. “Who’s going to run ops? That’s your job Gemini. Or did you forget that?”

Kristine was quick to answer. “We turn ops over to Schoolhouse. Like we should have done in Japan. We made a mistake there. We learned from it. Let us do our jobs, Rumrunner. We know what we’re doing. Of all those here the Kitty and Gemini are the best for the rooftop penetration.”

Before Bobby or Hunter could raise another objection, Maria raised her hand. “Let them explain their reasons boys.”

“Thank you, Marshal. For starters, both Gemini one and I have had the most recent training in scaling vertical walls. Second is our size. All three of us present smaller targets for the sensors. While the Swans could do the job just as easily. The Dove is going to need their experience when dealing with the roving exterior guards. Remember that the interior guards will most likely be older and not paying attention to their surroundings. Unlike the exterior rovers who will be on the bounce. We’re good at hand to hand but not good enough yet to handle the crop of guards that Vickers has working his estate grounds. We got lucky in Japan. We had surprise and speed on our side. This operation calls for stealth not speed.” As Kasey outlined their reasons, both bobby and Hunter were forced to concede.

“The third reason for the Kitty and us making up the third team is simple. We earned our bones on our last mission. She is not yet ready to do what must be done. It’ll be our job to ensure her safety while she deals with the security system. Once that is down you can make entry.” Kasey waved at the five adult members of the Black Badges. “It’ll be your job to secure the outside estate grounds. Especially, that boat dock, ramp, and boathouse. I cannot emphasize the importance of this Team One.”

Bobby and Hunter looked at each other before asking the same question. “Why?”

“If our target is there, and he escapes to that area. Then we will lose him to the night. We know for a fact that Vickers owns a thirty-eight-foot Wellcraft Scarab KV cigarette-class boat. The specs are as follows. It’s powered by twin five-oh-twos with ten-seventy-one Blower Shop blowers, with Super Chillers making seven-hundred horsepower. Bravo one-XR with Bravo four blade twenty-eight P props, Mayfair hydraulic steering, two-eighty K-planes, mechanical indicators for drives and K-planes, halon system. In short, the thing is a monster built for the open ocean. He gets to it and he’s a ghost. We would be forced to call in for the Bad Boy back at Schoolhouse to put it down.” Kasey’s description of Vickers getaway boat drove the point home for the water and grounds teams.

Bobby turned to Hunter. “We still got that C-four onboard Black Beauty?”

“Enough to send that piece of shit to the moon.” Hunter said coldly. “Though I was hoping that we wouldn’t need it until we got to New York.”

“Excuse me, but why would you need high-explosives?” Angelic asked.

Maria sighed and looked over at her niece. “Angelic, please understand that my sons-in-law live by a certain saying.”

“What saying?” Angelic asked.

“There is no problem that is too big that it cannot be handled with the application of the proper amount of high-explosives.” Maria said.

Bobby and Hunter raised their arms high. “BOOM! No more problem!”

“Oh Lord; please save me. I thought those Deputies in Europe were insane, jumping off the cliff. With me strapped to her no less! My cousins’ husbands are pyromaniacs. On an epic scale.” Angelic groaned.

“No. We’re not pyromaniacs, Angelic. We just know that some problems are best dealt with total destruction. This situation is just one such problem. If Vickers should reach that boat this whole operation will be for nothing.” Hunter went on to explained quickly. “The boat that Gemini detailed is an extreme high-performance offshore racer. Those boats have an extremely long range that belies both their size and performance rating.”

“The best way to deal with a boat like that is to destroy them before they can leave the dock. If you can’t do that you have to chase them down with an air unit. Like a high-speed helicopter that is armed with machineguns. Just like the Coast Guard uses.” Bobby explained for everyone there. “Trust us, Sister Magdalena; Hunter, Samantha, and I have worked enough with the Drug Interdiction Units to know just how hard those boats are to stop.”

“I don’t doubt you, Deputy. I just wonder if blowing up the boat will be adventitious to our overall mission.” Angelic felt she should explain her feelings on the matter.

“We’re not going to blow the boat, Sister. We’re going to drop the boathouse on top of it.” Hunter smirked. “You see, one of the things that rich assholes like Vickers have in their boathouses; is private fuel stations.”

“Fiery explosions are common among these types of boathouses. The local Fire Departments have special gear just for dealing with boathouses and docks.” Bobby smirked. “Set a fire in the right place, and boom. No more boathouse.”

“That takes care of the seaborn escape route. What about overland? What are your plans if Vickers tries to escape through the city?” Angelic asked.

“That’s why we’ll be using Gray Ghost and Big Blue to deliver teams two and three. Those two trucks have the needed power and performance for a highspeed chase. Not to mention the size to force just about any factory standard vehicle off the road.” Kasey pointed out for Angelic. “Black Beauty also meets the needed requirements. It’s just in a bigger package.”

“What of your ALOC? Does it not also have the same capabilities?” Angelic asked wondering about the heavy truck.

“The ALOC has more than enough power to escape just about any pursuit. It also has off-road capabilities. It just isn’t designed for pursuit.” Kristine glossed over most of the ALOC’s capabilities for the simple reason of OpSec. The beeping of Kristine’s laptop drew everyone’s attention. “That should be the information update on our Tango.”

With a few key strokes Kristine opened the monitoring program she had running on Vickers estate. She let a small smile grace her lips. “Ladies and gentlemen the rabbit is in the hole. In seven and a half hours we strike. Oh, and Schoolhouse added 'The Bad Boy is prepped for launch, Ramrod and Lonestar can be on station in thirty minutes'.”

Maria nodded with a smile. “Bless those two. Well, we are now covered and have a plan. Let us prepare.”

After Angelic crossed herself Maria hugged her niece. “My dear, you are not in Purgatory. This is nothing more than duty and service. We will do this and prevail. We must. We will!”


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