A Thief’s Problem.

Sister Magdalena, a.k.a. Angelic DeMarco, finds evidence of more than just illegal art trade while recovering a stolen painting in the home of a known criminal. Her investigation leds to the US and a very problematic situation with the US Department of Justice.
by Snowfall and Jessie Wolf.
Dedicated to the men and women of the US Marshal Service.
Edited by my husband Paul, and AJC Snowfall.
This is a work of fiction an any persons in this work are purely fictional.
Chapter 3
Ram’s Rock Island, 0730
Lyssa, Kimberly and Krystel were waiting for the Black Badges as they walked into the hangar. Lyssa waved for them all to follow her into the briefing room. Once inside she nodded for Kimberly to start the briefing. Maria knew something was in the wind from the way they were acting and the fact that Rodrick was keeping Angelic out of the way for now.
“Marshal, Deputies; due to the very volatile nature of this operation it has been decided to update Reno Protocols. This includes you and your team.” Kimberly started off with as the eight members of the DeMarco household looked on as Krystel handed out eight folders.
Maria frowned at the new term to learn. “What exactly are Reno Protocols?”
“Code: Reno.” Bobby explained. “It's a SpecOps term. You're familiar with Code: Gloria; Imminent Attack. Code: Reno is for betrayal. Intentional Burn by the Upper Echelon to cover their asses.”
Hunter nodded. “Reno Protocols are the Escape and Evasion plans for an individual or unit in the event of an Intentional Burn.”
“So, we're at this point now.” Annette remarked.
Samantha looked around the table. “Shit definitely got real.”
Kimberly gave her a flat look. “Yes. We do understand that some of you may already have such measures in place. Please bear with us. Inside each of these folders holds Travel documentation. We’ve arranged for you all to converge in Montenegro. With its position on the Adriatic Sea you can be in Italy in under a few hours by boat or an hour by air.”
She stopped when Maria started to chuckle. As much as they wanted to remain professional Bobby, Hunter, Samantha, and Annette were right behind them while Kasey and Kristine blushed clear down to their breasts.
Lyssa looked over at the teenagers. “Okay Gemini; what have you two gone and done, this time?”
“Do not blame my granddaughters for this, Sergeant-Major.” Maria spoke up quickly. Lyssa focused when Maria used her rank. “About four months ago I set the girls a task as part of their continued training.”
“What was this task Marshal?” Kimberly asked, already putting two and two together. Kimberly could only groan at the grins the two teenagers’ were wearing, concerned the protocols would conflict. “Please tell me that it wasn’t setting up your burn packets.”
“Then we won’t.” Kasey answered with a smirk.
Lyssa, just shook her head and took a seat. “Why am I not surprised. Okay Gemini let’s have a look at your burn packets.”
Maria stood up. “Lyssa, please don’t be angry with the girls. They were only following my orders. I wanted to see if they could setup new identities for the whole team. I had them use not only our resources here on the island but also the backdoors into the WIT-SEC and Bureau of Indian Affairs databases. I had Krystle set it up as a training exercise to begin with. After they learned how I had them do the setups for real. Each one has five fully backstopped ids here in the US, two in allied countries, and three in nonextradition countries.”
Kimberly shook her head. “None of us are angry that they set up protocols. Our concern is that the protocols will conflict. Our objective is that all of us go under the radar but maintain connection. That would be imperative to survival.”
Krystel was the first to re-engage. “Wait a minute. When did you get a backdoor to the BIA?”
Kristine reached into her purse and pulled out her Reservation Id Card. “Um… we kind of had it for a while now. Ever since we visited Papa Bobby’s home. The clerk wasn’t very secure with her passwords. I kinda, well; copied them for a rainy day. Miss Krystel you said ‘always be on the lookout for legitimate ways into systems’. So we did.”
Kimberly held up her hands. “Okay let me get this straight. First the two of you used the WIT-SEC and BIA to setup a total of one-hundred separate clean back-stopped IDs. Secondly, you did all this under the noses of the Command Staff here on the island. Lastly not only were you able keep this secret from Krystel and me but erased all traces of the activity from the logs.”
“No ma’am. We only had to work up a total of sixty back-stopped IDs. The Marshal and Maid, already had back-stopped IDs for such emergencies. As for clearing our computer log usage. Um… you were the one to institute that policy.” Kasey explained before going on. “As for the number of IDs, Kris and I both felt that it would be best if each member of the team had more undercover IDs that could be used during our operations should the need arise. We used our undercover IDs from the South Carolina operation as a guideline for the others.”
“Kasey, Kristine, as the Roamer has yet to be loaded please go retrieve our undercover and burn packet IDs please?” Maria ordered. Both girls hurried to carry out their grandmother’s order. While Kimberly and Krystel looked to each other with uncertainty, Lyssa just sat there stoically. Maria knew that her friend was worried about the work that her granddaughters had put into the cover ids. Especially the ones that would be used in case of her team being burned. “Don’t worry Lyssa, their work will make Kimberly and Krystel proud. My little swans have learned their lessons well. I doubt even you will find fault.”
“Bear with me Maria, if I doubt their abilities in this field. These ids have to be more than just a quick cover job for a short term mission. They have to be more than just above reproach. They have to be completely infallible.” Lyssa expected Maria to contradict her. To say that Lyssa was surprised when Maria didn’t was an understatement. “It’s not that I don’t think they can do the work Maria. It’s just that they lack the experience to pull it off.”
“That last part is only partially true, Sergeant-Major. What they lack, we, their parents; more than make up for.” Samantha looked across at the three operators. “Bobby, Hunter and I may have been in the Fugitive Recovery Office of the Marshal Service, but we’ve all three spent time working for WIT-SEC. As for Annette and mother Maria, there is more to assassination than just killing. One must be able to build a new personality for each assignment if needed. That means everything from educational, medical documentation to photo IDs. Unless you’re willing to pay top dollar for a forger every time that could turn around and sell you out. You learn to do these things yourself.”
“You mean to tell me that we have had a forgery division on hand for three years? One that is good enough to surpass just about every inspection in the world.” Kimberly asked of Maria and the others.
“No Kimberly. You are mistaken. None of us are forgers, nor are we a forgery ring. What we are is a highly talented and experienced group of individuals from a wide range of fields. Each individual with highly specialized skill sets. Skill sets that overlap sometimes. We just know where and how to use the system to hide in plain sight.” Annette told her young friend honestly. “Just as you, and the others have passed on your skills to Kasey and Kristine. We have done the same.”
About that time the teens returned to the room. Each girl carried a Toker’s black 24x16x6 aluminum zero attaché case. When they set the cases down and opened them Kimberly and Krystel both looked inside. They were surprised to find passports, visas, birth certificates and even wedding licenses; everything under the sun needed for the Black Badge Deputies to go undercover or completely underground at a moment’s notice. Lyssa joined her two Command Staff as they examined the documents. It was finally Kimberly that put their thoughts into words.
“These are perfect. They’re just as good as what we came up with last night.” Kimberly turned to Lyssa. “They did a good job. Do they even need us anymore?”
“Not true, Captain. We’ve still got a lot to learn yet.” Kristine objected.
“Kristine, Kasey; you girls have been two fine students, but Kimberly is right to ask that. You have surpassed your training. There isn’t much more that we can teach you. Your time to step out onto the world’s stage has finally come.” Lyssa nodded at each girl in turn. “Remember your training. Rely on it. For that is the one thing that will never fail you and may be the only thing will save you.”
The two teens smiled up at one of their mentors as they placed everything back in the zero cases. “We’re wheels up in forty, Marshal. Rodrick, LoneStar and Carl have the C-seventeen almost fully loaded and prepped for takeoff. We should touch down in Miami around zero-nine-thirty-hours. Miss Anna and Eddie already have their tickets for their connecting flight to Boston. They should land at Boston Logan International no later than twelve-thirty-hours. With projected travel time from the airport to the contact point of thirty minutes. Miss Anna should meet with the hitter’s coordinator no later thirteen-thirty-hours. We should have eyes on Ronald Vickers no later than eighteen-hundred-hours on the outside. We have taken in the needed travel time between Miami and Fort Lauderdale. We have tagged him as Tango-Three.”
“Hold up Gemini, why do you have the team going after Vickers first?” Lyssa asked quickly. This wasn’t part of the original mission briefing that was handed in by the teenagers. Originally, they were going after Sylvia Price first.
“Two reasons for change of targets and reordering of mission parameters, Sergeant-Major. Time and accessibility of targets. Currently Ronald Vickers is the only target within CONUS. Sylvia Price and Donald Abrams are overseas. This has been confirmed by multiple sources, Sergeant-Major. Price’s personal schedule currently has her visiting her European offices for the next four days. Abrams is currently working a multi-million Euro shipping deal for the UN forces in Afghanistan. Tango-One is trying to parley his success with US military munition shipments into a UN contract. These negotiations have no time limit at present. The only bright spot is the restrictions that Congress has placed on most US Flag carriers. Especially those dealing with overseas militaries.” Kristine figured the best way to explain their reasons for the change was to be blunt.
“Gemini just how bad is this going to get?” Kimberly asked her.
“To be honest, Captain. We have no idea. Until we can get some control over the situation in the field all we got is SWAG.” Kasey smirked.
“SWAG?” asked a very confused Krystel.
Both teens smiled then sang out together. “Scientific Wild Ass Guess.”
Lyssa just smirked then looked over to Krystel. “Give them points for that one.”
“Now I know how Tiffany felt. We trained them too damned good.” Kimberly complained then turned to face the teens. “Keep your heads down and watch your six out there, girls. Bring your team home. Safe and sound.”
The teens walked around the table and hugged Krystle tight. “Roger that Captain.”
“Alright people, time to saddle up. We got places to be, and people to kill.” Bobby popped off with only to get a dirty look from Maria. “Sorry mom, but we have three Lethal Findings to carry out. Which for once I have no qualms about.” He looked over at the only other male on the team. “What about you Hunter?”
“In the past three years I’ve had my doubts about a few of the scumbags we’ve gone after. These three aren’t even worth a second thought or the buck-twenty-five to blow their ass to hell. I want to get up close and gut that bitch Price.” Hunter snarled much to the surprise of Maria and the others in the Black Badges.
“What is it about this woman that has you so pissed off Hunter?” Kimberly asked.
Whenever the men of the Black Badges showed emotion like this the Command Staff always got worried. These men were always the ones that they counted on to hold the rest of the team in check.
“Read her file, Captain. You'll figure it out on your own.” Hunter turned and walked out of the room. Bobby was hot on his heels.
“Lyssa, I need to get my team in the air. If you want to know what has my two Deputies ready to kill this time. You’ll need to read the files that Gemini put together for the Command Staff.” Maria told them as she led the rest of the deputies out of the room to the hanger.
Lyssa picked up the file that they were given on Sylvia Price and began to read. By the end of the second page it was taking all of Lyssa’s considerable self-discipline to not jump on the C-17 with them. Looking up at Kimberly and Krystel, Lyssa waved the file folder in her hands. “Have you read these files?”
“I’ll admit that I haven’t yet. What about you Krystel?” Kimberly answered.
“No Ma'am. Been too busy with setting up those burn packets. Should have double checked with the Madam, damn it.” Krystel grumbled. Then looked her boss in the eyes. “Why? How bad is it, Lyssa?”
Lyssa looked through the empty doorway and out into the hanger. “Over the past three years that team has taken down some real worthless human beings. Some not as bad as others, some that never deserved the mercy they showed them.” Lyssa tapped the file for Price. “If Price is anything like the other two, then all I can say is God can have mercy on their souls. Because the Black Badges fucking won’t.”
“Damn. You know something boss, I haven’t always been on board with the Major’s choice of bring in the Marshal and her Deputies. But they always get results in situations that are messy as fuck to begin with. I know that we’ve trained Gemini to be better than us and their parents. Do you think that they’ll make a difference this time?” Kimberly asked as she joined Lyssa staring at the big cargo jet.
Lyssa knew that she had to hide her feelings on this topic. She was the CO now of field operations. “If anything, Captain it will be Gemini that keeps this operation from going nuclear. I have every confidence in their ability to keep control of the situation on the ground. Before you ask the reason is simple. They’ll be able to remain objective on this operation. It’s the guys I’m worried about.”
“Why them?” Krystel asked as she joined her friends to watch as the C-17 started its engines. “They’ve always been our stop gap for the others.”
Lyssa sighed before looking over at the other two operators. “Not this time. They’re going to end up facing ghosts on this operation. Especially Hunter. Here read the file on Sylvia Price, you’ll understand why.”
Krystel took the file from Lyssa’s hand and began to read. The more that she read the madder she got. “Oh fuck. This isn’t going to end until Price is dead is it?”
“No, it isn’t, not when it comes to Hunter. He wants her in a bag and buried.” Hearing this Kimberly grabbed the Price file from Krystel and began reading. When she got to the end of the second page Kimberly looked over at Lyssa with eyes filled by hate. “Before you ask, Kimberly. The answer is yes. Sylvia Price was once one of ours. First Lieutenant Sylvia Cutter, Judge Advocate Officer Fort Bliss, Texas. Hunter dealt with her during his time as an MP. I don’t know the whole story, but I will bet you whatever it is got him burned or somebody else burned so bad, he felt the heat.”
“Get the Major on the line?” Krystel asked.
“Not yet. We let Gemini handle things for now. I want to keep this on the Ground team for as long as possible. If he's needed, I want Maria to call him and say so.” Lyssa walked out into the hangar as the C-17 rolled down the runway. “Let’s just hope that they’ll be enough.”
Kimberly had followed her and asked. “Can you go? If it comes to it, can you?”
“Yes. We're just trying to avoid it. Others need to take up the fight. They're ready.” Lyssa replied then went to take the twin back home.
The Rose Tavern, Boston, Massachusetts, 1300
When the bell above the door rang in the empty bar Dianthia O’Leary looked up from the bar top. At first, she could not believe her eyes, then she didn’t want to. It wasn’t the man that just walked through the door to her bar that unsettled her. For her he was nothing more than hired muscle. No, it was the elderly woman just in front of him. “Ya’ hav’ som’ nerv’ walkin’ in ta me bar, Anna. Ya’ better have a good reason fer bein' 'ere. If nout, I’ll be puttin one b'tween yer eyes.”
“I’ve been sent here by the Madam, Dia.” Anna reached into her purse and pulled out a gold coin. After placing it on the bar top, she placed a twenty dollar bill under it. “An Irish neat for me and a pint for my friend.”
Dianthia fixed Anna her whiskey cocktail. When the man stopped her from pouring the beer smiling Dia was slightly miffed. But only slightly as he was polite and professional about it. “Thank you, ma’am but no thank you. I’m on the job right now. Best to remain clear headed.”
“Anna, since when did you start traveling with a side-boy?” Dia asked.
“Since Donna Maria, saddled me with the young man to mentor, Dia.” Anna sighed. The truth was it had been Anna to suggest the change that morning. Instead of sending Pete and Carl, two totally unprepared operators into set up the hit. Anna would go in on her own and make the deal. Maria agreed with the idea, with one change. Anna would be taking one of the men with her. When Anna tried to argue the point, Lyssa backed Maria. So here she was, six hours later in Boston, with Eddie as her escort. “It seems that my Donna’s grandchildren have grown quite fond of me.”
Dianthia looked the man over with the eye of a professional hitter. She could see the military markers and pure deadly intent behind the eyes. “I see that Donna Maria is at least pickin’ her spare muscle from the SAS.”
Eddie knew the comment about the SAS was supposed to piss him off. Instead he went for something she would never expect. “Don’t be insulting me, ma’am. I’m Fleet.”
It wasn't a lie, just not the whole true. He wanted her to put two and two together; coming up with twenty-two. He had been Fleet, Pacific Fleet, not a Fleet Recon Marine. She did exactly that.
“Marine, eh? How long and where?” Eddie saw what Dia was trying to do and just smiled at the older woman. Dia got the hint. “Okay lad I’ll drop it. Keep your secrets, protect Anna.”
“Thank you, ma’am.” Eddie now understood why Miss Anna and Madam Maria were worried about him and Pete meeting with this woman. She had to be retired IRA.
“So, tell me, Anna. Why has the Nightingale come t’ ma bar? Wha’ need would you or the Dove ha’ for the Irish Rose? It’s not like’s you to take out a contract.” Dia knew that whatever reason brought this woman to her bar carrying a marker coin for Maria DeMarco was not one to take lightly. Placing her finger on the coin. “The Donna DeMarco doesn’t hand out these for no reason.”
“The Dove has an annoying little problem that has to be handled with kid-gloves. As you have most likely already guessed neither my Donna or I can handle this one directly. It is also a time sensitive problem.” Anna reached into her purse. She pulled out a photo of Donald Abrams. She slid it across the bar. “This is the problem. He has twenty-four-seven standing side-boys.”
“How much is the pay-out Anna? And where are the particulars?” Dianthia knew that taking this job would cause problems for her. When Saoirse Doyle called in her marker she made a deal that she would retire and stay retired. That didn’t mean she wouldn’t handle the contracts for her daughter Ryne.
“Forty large and it has to be a one shot, one kill. This is non-negotiable. It has to look like what it is. A direct attack on a war profiteer. A traitor to the cause. Donna Maria doesn’t care how you spin it. Just that it looks like an IRA attack.” The more that Anna explained the particulars of the contract to Dianthia. The more the woman wanted to take the job herself.
“D' ya have a file on the target?” Dia asked quickly. Then smiled as Anna reached into her briefcase. As always, the Nightingale came prepared. Dia took the file and began to look through it. The name was of course meaningless, but the man’s habits were laid out in great detail. Not to mention his personality quirks. “Bloody hell the man is a fucking robot. Does he ever spend time with his family?”
“Not that we have been able to find out. What we do know is that he is a true piece of shit that needs to find the bottom of the grave.” Anna reached over and flipped to the back page of the file. “Here are just his known crimes.”
Dianthia looked over at Anna, then down at the page. “Care to explain why Donna DeMarco is going out of her way to take out this scumbag?”
“What have the DeMarco’s always done, Dianthia? We take out the trash of the criminal world. This man is one of the worse. He should never see the inside of a courtroom. He is OUR problem. He would bring too much unwanted attention to our operations. He is to be a message to the rest of the scum who would traffic in human misery.” The was a fire in Anna’s voice. One that Dia had only heard once. At the point of a gun barrel. Dia knew that Anna was giving her a chance to repay that long held life debt.
Dianthia thought about what Anna was wanting. “I need to make a phone call. Come back in two hours. You’ll have your answer.”
Anna just smiled, picked up the coin and left the bar with Eddie right behind her. Once outside she stopped and sighed. “Damn it, that didn’t go as I was hoping.”
“Miss Anna, what just happened? I thought that once she saw the coin it was a done deal. What am I missing here?” Eddie knew that he was out of his depth. Something that made him very uncomfortable.
“Dianthia had her marker called in, and part of her deal was to retire.” Anna explained for Eddie as best she could.
“I take it that retirement for people in your old line of work is a rarity?” Eddie asked Anna quietly. “One that isn’t afforded too often? If ever.”
“Edward, there is one harsh and unforgiving fact amongst Hitters. Retirement is a luxury that few of us ever live to see. Maria and I are among the very few to have earned retirement. Dianthia O’Leary is one of the few people that we know to have reached our same age and retire. She has earned her retirement.” The wistful sound of Anna’s voice pulled at the Sailor’s soul. Eddie had never expected to hear Anna of all people to feel sorry for handing out a contract. “She is like a lot of Hitters, Edward. Most never want this life for their children.”
“If I’m stepping over the line tell me, Miss Anna. Did Madam Maria ever have second thoughts about training Annette to replace her?” Eddie tried to be polite about the question but couldn’t think of a different way to phrase it.
“The DeMarco and Capizeo families are different from other Hitters Eddie. Their family traditions go back for hundreds of years. Passing on those traditions is what has kept those two families from dying out. Even though Samantha now carries the name of Justice, she is still the last Capizeo. She is now passing on the Capizeo family traditions to Kristine. Just as Annette is passing on the traditions of the DeMarco’s to Kasey.” As Anna explained all this to Eddie, she could tell that he was having a hard time understanding what was going on. “My old friend Dianthia is in there right now calling her daughter Ryne. She is the one that has taken up the mantle of Irish Rose. The Impossible Sniper. If anyone can make the shot and get away with it, it’s her.”
When Eddie went to correct her, Anna held up her hand. “As good as Lyssa, or any of the other snipers are back on the island. None of them hold a candle to the Irish Rose. That family trains their children to make shots that even Samantha can’t. I’m talking about putting a bullet in the T zone at fifteen hundred yards through a two-by-two inch hole in a wall.”
“Bullshit! Nobody can make that kind of shot.” Eddie scoffed.
“Dianthia’s daughter made that exact shot four years ago in Belfast. Ryne killed a pedophile priest in front of his congregation during high mass on Easter Sunday.” Eddie like the others on the island had heard about the impossible sniper shot in Belfast.
None of them could figure out how the shooter had made the shot. Only Lyssa had kept silent and refused any discussion of it. Samantha replied with one word, 'Training'.
Anna could tell that Eddie still didn’t understand the difference between trained Hitters and family raised assassins. “Edward there are two types of Hitters. The first is your Mechanic. The other is your family raised assassin. You and the others back on the island are becoming familiar with the second one; assassins raised in the traditions of their family. That is what we have with the Madam and her family. The other type, the Mechanics. They are young men and women with military or Intelligence training. Some of them have specialized training such as Shawna, Tiffany, Rodrick and a few of the others back on the island. These individuals are highly sought after in the world of Hired Gunmen. They are the ones that Madam Maria and I worry over. A good many of these young men and women only enter into the life because they feel they have nowhere else to go. They also have very short lifespans once they have taken their very first contract. Normally I would include Prima Lyssa, but now that I have gotten to know her well enough, she's not like that and it would be an insult to her.”
Eddie could hear the pain in Anna’s voice. “Miss Anna, how many of these Mechanics have you met?”
“Too many Edward. Far too many.” Anna sighed as she led him towards the end of the block. Anna knew exactly where she was going. “How do you feel about corned beef? There is this lovely little deli the next block over.”
“Sure, I'm easy Miss Anna.” Eddie knew a change of subject when he heard one. “I would prefer a decent Philly cheesesteak sandwich though. I don't get up on the Northern seaboard much.”
“Edward, my dear boy, you really must broaden your horizons. Man cannot live on beer and Philly cheesesteaks alone. Much to your and Peter’s disbeliefs. Or those of Hunter and Robert. I know that Dianthia won’t have answer for us until an hour from now at the soonest.” Anna looped her arm through Eddie’s. “Besides, my dear boy, you can use a little cultural education.”
Eddie just chuckled and let Anna led him to the deli. As soon as they entered the deli the smells hit his nose and his stomach rumbled. Eddie had the good graces to be embarrassed. “Sorry about that. I didn’t realize just how hungry I was.”
“No need to apologize, Edward. Now, do you want some advice?” Anna asked him.
“Sure. I’ll be honest with you, I’ve never been to a place like this.” Eddie looked around sniffing the air. “Damn, it smells good in here.”
“Not something your lady-friend that works the resort in Freeport has at her cottage?” Anna chuckled and walked up to the counter.
The man behind the counter turned and took one look at Anna then smiled. “Anna, it has been too long. Your usual?”
“Not today Jacob. Two of your house specials please. Extra sauce.” Anna looked down the counterspace to a teenage girl. “Sophie, two birch beers with no ice.”
“Coming right up, Miss Anna. Are you in town for the Dracula ballet? I heard a Russian Prima is dancing the female lead.” The girl was almost bouncing at seeing Anna in the deli. Eddie was starting to worry about a breach of security.
“As much as I wish that were the case Sophie, I’m here on business.” Anna gave the teen a polite look that ended all further conversation. As Anna led Eddie over to a back corner booth, he noticed that the deli was mostly empty. “Yes, I picked this deli for a reason, Edward. There are two reason. Can you guess?”
“Ease of access to both the front and rear exits. And plenty of coverage if things go sideways.” Eddie was thinking exactly like Anna expected.
“Close but not exactly correct.” Anna nodded to the front of the deli. Eddie looked over his shoulder at where Anna was looking. “See those two men across the street?” Eddie spotted the two men Anna was talking about and nodded his head. “They belong to Saoirse Doyle, the local Irish mob boss.”
“I take it that you wanted them to see you?” Anna just smiled and nodded her head. Eddie gave it some thought but couldn’t come up with a reason for the locals to know that they were there. “Miss Anna, I don’t understand. Why do you want the locals to know that we’re here?”
“Two reasons, Edward. The first is respect. Saoirse Doyle, earned his way up through the ranks of his father’s organization. By letting them know that I am here they won’t panic and call for a sit down. I can operate with immunity. Up to a point.” Anna explained for Eddie. “The second reason I chose this deli is one that you would not expect. To arrange for a second hitter.”
Eddie’s eyes damned near came out of their sockets. He looked around the deli trying to figure out who could possibly be this second hitter. Everywhere he looked all he saw was a family run business. Mom on the cash register, dad behind the counter making sandwiches, two daughters working as waitresses, and a son washing dishes. There was no way that this was a contact point for a high priced hitter.
Anna chuckled at the young man’s confusion. “Not what you were expecting Edward? Don’t worry, the Fitzpatrick family are some of the best shooters in the field.”
Eddie dropped his voice to barely above a whisper. “You have got to be pulling my leg. There is no way that this is a family of hitters.”
Anna chuckled even harder. “Dear boy, I want you to look at the Madam and Annette. For fourteen years they posed as a mother/daughter ballet teaching combo. In that time; Annette earned her bones and carried out over sixty confirmed contract kills. No one ever gave them a second look.”
Eddie sat there thinking about what Anna had just told him. He thought about Maria and Annette. Everything that Anna told him was true. There could be no two less suspicious people in the world for carrying out contract killings. With the exception of the woman sitting across from him. Anna gave him a sly knowing smile as Eddie started to put things together. Anna made the sign of the cross. “And so doth thine light shine upon thy child.”
Jacob's oldest daughter walked up just then with their order. She placed the plates in front of Eddie and Anna chuckling. “Will you be needing to see the cocktail menu Miss Anna? Or do you want to order off the beer list?”
Eddie wanted to do a double take but fought his natural urges. Anna just smiled up at the girl. “Thank you but we won’t be ordering from either Lisa. Though I do need to talk with your father about catering a special dinner for two.”
“Straight away, Miss Anna. I’ll have him out here in a minute.” Lisa gave a short bob of a curtsy then headed for the kitchen. “Edward, whatever happens next do not reach for your sidearm. From here out we are in a very delicate situation.”
“Copy Miss Anna. Hands off the weapons. We’re deep in Indian territory. You going to smoke the peace pipe with this guy?” Eddie quipped only to get a dirty look in return. “Sorry for the smart ass, Miss Anna.”
“Eat your sandwich Eddie.” Anna gave the young man a smile to take the sting out of her words. As she picked up her own sandwich Jacob Fitzpatrick walked up to their booth. Not saying a word Anna reached into her purse and placed the coin on the table. “I need to make arrangements for a private catered dinner for two, Jacob.”
The man placed a napkin over the coin and slid it back to Anna. “Sorry but our catering service is currently booked for the foreseeable future Miss Anna. I would suggest talking with the Rose Tavern. If they are not available; might I suggest Kelly’s Dinner or the Blackwater Café. They are both highly recommended.”
“Is that Kelly’s on Independence Ave and Blackwater over on K street?” Anna asked politely. As if she was wanting street directions instead of pointing out cities.
“No ma’am. That’s Blackwaters on Boardwalk.” Anna just smiled and slipped the napkin back towards Jacob. This time Jacob just picked up the napkin but left the coin. “We don’t charge for sending customers to qualified competitors.”
Anna picked up the coin and put it back in her purse. “Thank you, Jacob. Please be sure to send me an email for Lisa’s wedding.”
“Why am I not surprised that you spotted the ring. Go on and get out of here. Your meals are on the house. Have a good day, Anna.” Jacob walked back to the kitchen.
“Okay Miss Anna, what just happened?” Eddie asked quietly.
“For starters I just found out a good deal of information. First, Jacob informed me that they cannot handle the contract. Second, we need to take a trip back to the Rose Tavern and talk to the Irish Rose. Third, if the Rose cannot take on the job, we have two options. We’ll have to do a little traveling if we need to use the other two options. Both of which are more than qualified for our needs.” Anna took a bite of her sandwich chewed then swallowed. “The first of which is the Scotsman in Philadelphia. Biron Kelly, Bad Conduct Discharged Sergeant for the SBS, trained sniper with eighty-two confirmed kills and all-round scoundrel.”
“Sounds like you admire the man Miss Anna.” Eddie smirked. “And the other option.”
“Someone that I hope we don’t have to use. I’ll call the Donna and the job myself first.” The retired assassin turn cold as the frozen North. “Markus Black. Third generation Canadian Army, Dishonorably Discharged, and a real sadist. Trained in antiterrorist tactics and explosives expert. The man doesn’t care about collateral damage or the number of civilian casualties.”
“Damn. Talk about your no-win situation with that guy. At least we try to keep Joe public in the dark about what we do.” Eddie griped. Eddie thought about what Anna had just told him. “Would you really take the job yourself Miss Anna? I mean Madam Maria has retired you from active operations. You don’t have to do this. We can turn it over to Tiffany or Shawna.”
“That is not an option here Eddie. Listen very carefully to what I am about to tell you. This is a matter of honor between the Donna Maria and me. If I cannot secure the services of either the Irish Rose or the Scotsman, the contract falls to me.” the steel in Anna’s voice left no doubt that she would complete the contract. Even at the expense of her own life.
“Why?” Was all Eddie could think to ask.
“Because if I don’t then the deadliest sniper on Ram’s Rock Island will step out of the Shadows once more. Something that Donna Maria is trying prevent.” There was something about Anna’s eyes and voice that grabbed Eddie’s undivided attention. He knew that Anna wasn’t speaking about Lyssa or any of the other military trained snipers on the island.
He thought back to how Anna referred to Annette and Samantha earlier. “Miss Anna, just how good is Samantha? Really.”
“Edward you and the other military members of the OICA have seen Samantha work with a sniper rifle. She was trained from the time she was six to use a rifle for assassination. She earned her place among the Wraiths at thirteen. She fulfilled her first contract by putting a bullet between the eyes of an informant from over fifteen-hundred meters. As good as military trained snipers are, I've seen none can match her skill with a rifle. Only the Irish Rose can do that.” Eddie wanted to call bullshit on what Anna just told him, but he had seen the way that Samantha handled a rifle. He was forced to accept the fact that Anna was telling him the truth. What Anna said next brought a chill to Eddie’s spine. “The day that Stephany Capizeo takes up a sniper contract is the day that we should all fear.”
“Miss Anna, I have to ask what you mean by that?” Eddie didn’t like where this conversation was going. He knew that he needed to send warning back to the TOC because Lyssa hated unknown variables.
“Because the last time Stephany Capizeo took up such a contract two whole Criminal Organizations disappeared from the face of the earth.” Anna put down her sandwich and gave Eddie a hard look. “Edward, throughout history there has only ever been one family that was more feared than the DeMarco’s. The last member of that family wears the badge of a US Deputy Marshal. You know her as Samantha Justice. I knew her long ago as Joseph or Stephany Capizeo. The world knew her as the Silver Bullet Ballerina. The deadliest sniper outside of the Irish Rose.”
Eddie had to fight back the choking fit that threatened to overtake his natural need to swallow. “You have to be shitting me.”
“No Edward, I’m not. I wish that I were. Samantha Justice is truly that deadly with a rifle. AS good as Lyssa, Rodrick, Bobby and Hunter are; they pale in comparison to our petite and feisty Samantha with a sniper’s rifle.” Anna took a bite of her sandwich chewed and swallowed as Eddie thought over what she had told him.
Anna could tell that Eddie was having a hard time processing what she told him. Not that Anna blamed the young man. Most people had problems seeing Samantha Justice as a threat let alone a stone cold blooded killer. Anna and Eddie finished their sandwiches in silence. When she finished Anna looked down at her watch.
Smiling she stood up. “Time to go Eddie. Dianthia should have an answer for us by now. I hope it is a yes.”
Anna walked to the counter, paid the bill and led Eddie out of the deli back to the Rose Tavern. As they walked up the street Anna waved at the two Doyle mob soldiers. Eddie just chuckled as the men turned red with embarrassment and shuffled off towards their waiting car.
Eddie commented. “That was just wrong Miss Anna.”
“Oh phawsh, Edward. Those two need to learn a lesson about keeping a lower profile. If Saoirse Doyle doesn’t want to have his operations pulled down around his ears, then he will give those two the needed education. In the long run he will thank me.” Anna quipped just before she chuckled at Eddie’s stunned look. “I did that as a courtesy for Saoirse. If I wanted to be a bitch, I would have shot them in the ass or knee. Something to give them a limp.”
“Damn that is just mean Miss Anna. Would you really have shot them to teach them a lesson? It’s not like they did anything wrong.” Eddie countered.
“Not only would I have shot them, I would have done so with no qualms. There is a certain amount of respect that is expected between the Families. They saw that I was here with just one, I repeat, one bodyguard. That I was visiting known fixers for contractors. I have made no move towards their operations. I acknowledged their presence and left them alone. All of this was done out of respect to their boss, Saoirse Doyle. They should have returned the respect by leaving before we finished our sandwiches. That or contacted their boss. Which they did neither.” Eddie could tell that Anna was pissed over the two mob soldiers show of disrespect.
“Should we be expecting a visit from their boss anytime soon Miss Anna?” Eddie wanted to make sure their cover was still intact. That they were safe.
“Depends on what my old friend Dianthia says.” Was all Anna told him. Walking inside, Anna wasn’t surprised to find Dianthia had company. The man was well dressed wearing dark sun glasses with a white, red tipped cane leaning against his stool. “Well now, I’ll be damned. What are you doing here?”
“So, it is true. The Nightingale has a job that she needs handled by an outside contractor. I never thought that I’d live to see the day.” The man said as he picked up the cane. “Oh wait! I didn’t live to see the day, and never will.”
“You were warned to stay away from the McFeeters family, David. Be thankful to still be alive.” Anna told the man as she walked up to the bar. “Annette wanted to kill your ass outright. Madam Maria was the one to hold her back.”
“She could have left me my sight, Anna. You know what that means to a shooter.” The man responded with more than a little heat.
“David you were told to back off. You didn’t. You paid the price. Be thankful that you still live. The contract stated dead or gone for good.” Anna told the man. Anna looked over at Dianthia. “Will Ryne take the contract?”
“There’ll be no business conducted here until you answer for what was done to me, Nightingale. Doyle promised me that.” The blind man said waving for two men to join them from the back of the bar. “Let me introduce.”
That was as far as he got before Eddie took both men down faster than David or Dianthia expected. None had any idea who Eddie was or the places he'd been. Though an aircraft mechanic in the Navy, he had been deployed on carriers for the Pacific Fleet. He had been in more waterfront dive bars than could be counted. One thing all sailors learned, was to expect any fight to be dirty. He pulled an old trick on the two men. He moved, making them think they had the advantage. One facing him and the other behind. It was exactly what he'd wanted. The man behind him wasn't paying attention to what was behind him.
When the front man came at him, Eddie grabbed him and slung him past, directly into the other. The back-up guy reacted accordingly and to his doom, by backing up. The table behind him surprised him and diverted attention, giving Eddie the upper-hand for his real attack. In the far-east this was done with people. He used furniture and still pulled off a perfect 'ShangHai Surprise'.
Two broken arms, one knee and a shattered shoulder blade later, Eddie stood up straight and popped his neck. “Amateurs. Next time pay the extra and get some real talent. They might last longer than ten seconds.”
“Now now Edward, there is no need to be insulting of the local talent. Just because they think they can handle someone in your league there's no reason to be degrading.” Anna smiled down at the two hired muscle. “Though, I do see your point. Not really up to snuff, are they? What do you think? Local dojo?”
“Not even. Just a pair of dock-rats looking to make some extra cash. No training at all. I would say that your boy there hired them on his way over here.” Eddie explained.
“I see. Thank you, Edward.” Anna placed her hand on the shoulder of the now very scared blind man. “David, this will be the last time I or anybody else will warn you. Get out of the game and stay out. The next time you end up dead.”
“You will pay for this, Anna. You and those DeMarco bitches; will pay.” David said as he pointed to his blind eyes.
It was the last threat the man ever made. Anna moved faster than Eddie would have expected. With a twist and wrench of David’s head, a sickening crunch sounded in the almost empty bar. The blind man dropped from his chair to the floor dead.
“I truly wished that he had not pushed things so far. He had suffered enough as it was.” Looking over the bar, Anna found a smiling Dianthia. “I take it that David has been pressuring you and Ryne?”
“Tha’ lil' bastard, has been using Doyle’s goons to chase off me payin' customers. Doyle has been trying to get his hooks into me and Ryne ever since I got me marker back. He really doesn’t like the fact that the Irish Rose is no longer under his control.” Dianthia explained as she spit on David’s cooling body.
“Dia, if I promise to get Doyle off your back, can you get Ryne to handle my little problem?” Anna asked quickly.
“You get Doyle off me back and out of my business we have a deal. If Ryne can’t handle the job then I’ll come out of retirement to handle the job, Anna.” Dia knew that there was only one person that Doyle feared more than Anna. That person wasn’t currently in Boston, thankfully.
Anna just pulled out her phone and dailed the number from memory. On the second ring the call was answered. “Doyle, Anna Fonticello here. Yes, I sent them home to have a nice chat with you. You did? Good. I really do hate to see such incompetence in underlings. Yes, you’re quite right. Such things should be handled in-house. Speaking of in-house problems. Did you authorize pressure tactics on Dianthia O’Leary? You didn’t? Well that’s strange. You see I’m standing over two of your street boys in the Rose Tavern. Yes, I said standing over. No, they’re still alive, just in need of medical attention. David Whitehall on the other hand needs a Priest. You know the rules on trying to force contractors to take jobs or go exclusive Doyle. You know how Donna Maria gets when family heads interfere with contractors and their coordinators. She won’t stand for it and neither will the other families. I’m sure that this is all a misunderstanding. One that you will be happy to sort out before the end of business today. Thank you, Doyle. So nice to hear from you. Goodbye, and have a pleasant day.”
Anna hung up the phone and smiled. “Taken care of, Dia. Do you want the rest of the file on the target.”
“I take care that Miss Anna.” The voice was light, airy, with a touch of Irish to it. Anna and Eddie turn to find the owner of the voice standing in the doorway to the backroom. “Besides, me ma’ is retired. I handle the actual ground work now.”
Anna smiled at the five foot six inch tall redhead who was the spitting image of a true Irish maiden. “Hello Ryne. It has been a long time. You've grown rather lovely?”
“That it has Miss Anna, thank you. I take it that this one is to be a political hit?” Ryne replied and gave a nod of acknowledgement to Eddie who nodded back.
“That is exactly what we want, Dear. A hit with enough fallout to force the rest of the family into hiding and the Government to step in to secure their shipping assets. Do you think you can get the job done?” Anna knew that Ryne’s answer held more weight than her mother’s.
“When, where and who do you want blamed?” The young woman asked.
“No later than three days from now. In Europe. Who you blame is up to you. Me I would prefer that it look like an IRA hit on a war profiteer.” Anna knew that getting the IRA involved was touchy.
“What do you think ma’? IRA sniper attack, high noon, the Cross Guards Brigade for the blame?” Ryan asked her mother.
“Use the Black Brigands instead. Never did care for those arrogant lil' shits. Everythin' else easy enough.” Dianthia told her daughter.
Hearing this Anna placed her briefcase on the bar. Opening it up, Anna took out the contract file then stacked four ten-thousand-dollar packets on top of the file. Placing the money and file on the bar top Anna put a gold coin on top of everything. “Four days and done. Here is everything we have on the target. As agreed upon; forty thousand. Paid, up front, in full.”
“Done.” Ryne said.
Anna took Eddie's arm as he escorted her out saying over shoulder. “Ladies.”
Out on the sidewalk Anna smiled. “Very nice work in there Edward, where did you pick up that clever trick?”
“One time, I was in Shang Hai for shore-leave. This little place, with cold beer and cute honeys, just called 'come on in Sailor.' I did. What a rowdy night that was!” Eddie smiled.
Anna chuckled. “And what was the name of the young lovely that made it so?”
“Honey.” Eddie smirked. “And oh how sweet, she was! Rather ironic, running into her again. In Freeport. At a certain resort.”
Anna had no choice but laugh. “You scoundrel, no wonder you visit there so much!”
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Lol, Go Eddie! It is nice to see a bit more of the supporting cast.
Failure to disappoint
The best ways to read Jess's stories is to set aside the day to read one chapter after another till your eyes go gaga...
Unfortunately we can't do that with this current story. Bummer.
I really enjoy reading Racing Angels and that story has certainly set it's hook into me. It is still a new and developing story. On the other hand, OICA and the Black Badges have a history and hence a better hook for me to be sooo impatient for the next chapters.
Is it too much like wishful thinking that there would be more from Death's Own Daughter at some stage...
Robyn B
“Very nice work in there Edward,"
Beantown happenings
Saiorse Doyle is greedy. He doesn't show respect and it will create problems either in this contract or a later one. He forced Dianthia to take the job on Hines' mercenaries by calling in a marker that wasn't his- it was a personal marker to his late father. His soldiers didn't follow well established protocol after Anna acknowledged them- it is obvious that he doesn't respect others who are following protocol; he didn't expect Anna to show up or he would have followed the rules only because he fears her. His denials notwithstanding, David Whitehall and the two thugs were there on his orders. Not smart. He may have worked his way up through the ranks of his father's organization, but he really doesn't understand how to play the long game, so sooner or later he will become a problem for either other families or Donna Maria and the Black Badges.
Dianthia O'Leary, OTHO, is smart and plays by the rules. She got a paid contract, a long held serious marker repaid and had Saiorse Doyle taken off her back. When Saiorse gets himself in a jam, the Irish Rose won't take a contract at any price to help him. Anna and Donna Maria are now in her good graces for the outcome of Anna's visit. It wouldn't surprise me to find Dianthia and Ryne passing information on to Donna Maria and Anna as a way of a thank you.
Robyn's fault
Agree, agree; But, And;..The whole universe of Death's own is at the top of additional installments desperately requested!
Ryne- should be spelled Rayne
Another story that I love i’m so glad that Rayne is finally getting some trigger time after teasing us with her last time I do really need to go back in and finish writing her back story though I have been currently focusing on my fantasy novel
Forgetting the rules
For much of all this to work, someone else is going to take the fall. However, Sylvia may be the exception, since her demise will be personal.
No organization can survive without rules and regulations, legal or illegal. Those on the legal side crossing the line are asked to leave the organization. Those on the illegal side crossing the line end up dead, no ifs ands or maybes. David crossed that line by not caring about the rules or regulations, and paid the price.
Anna did a favor by killing Davis and getting Doyle off Dianthia's case. Because of this, Ryne might have taken the contract for free.
Others have feelings too.