A Thief’s Problem –chp12

A Thief’s Problem.


Sister Magdalena, a.k.a. Angelic DeMarco, finds evidence of more than just illegal art trade while recovering a stolen painting in the home of a known criminal. Her investigation leds to the US and a very problematic situation with the US Department of Justice.

by Snowfall and Jessie Wolf.

Dedicated to the men and women of the US Marshal Service.

Edited by my husband Paul, and AJC Snowfall.


This is a work of fiction an any persons in this work are purely fictional.

Chapter 12
The Hampton’s home of Sylvia Price, Cutchogue Station, New York

Maria called in. “Stronghold, Bravo Actual.”

“Go Actual.” Lyssa replied.

Maria asked. “Have you penetrated Hard-site surveillance?”

Lyssa looked over to Krystel, who nodded, then replied. “Affirmative Actual. We own it.”

“How many personnel on grounds?” Maria asked.

Krystel answered. “Stronghold Three to Actual; three Hotel Charlies, five November Charlies, Tango Bravo and one undetermined are currently within the estate grounds.”

Kasey and Kristine both echoed. “Undetermined?”

“Price's secretary. In the kitchen is a chef and an assistant, various other household locations are housekeeping. Those are your November Charlies. Secretary is unknown.” Kimberly listed.

Maria mulled that over. In her mind, the secretary was in just as deep as the rest. “Stronghold, advise secretary is to be deemed a Hostile.”

“Noted. Concur. Subject is determined possible non-combatant, but Hostile. Secure Hotel November Charlie, value to be determined after.” Lyssa stated.

“Marshal, something fishy is going on. Too few on-site.” Hunter had turned to face Maria and the others in the back seat.

“What do you think Hunter?” Maria asked him with more than a little concern in her voice. “Do you think that Price is onto us?”

“Don’t know, Marshal. Whatever is going on, it ain’t good.” Bobby never took his eyes off the road but got a thoughtful look on his face. “You don’t think that Price is trying to suck up to her by pulling back her security?”

“That would fit with her sycophantic need to impress someone like Madam Maria ‘the Dove’ DeMarco. The idea of scaring off someone of the Marshal’s personage would be too great a fear. She needs the Marshal’s approval far too much to endanger scaring her off.” Angelic explained quickly as she took in the new information. “It would make sense. Too many security men would make her look endangered. Or worse, paranoid. No one wants to deal with either.”

“That would fit with the bitch’s need to suck up to the Marshal.” Bobby pointed out just as quickly. “I got a really bad feeling about this whole situation. One that reminds me too much of Fallujah on Friday night just before a firefight.”

“Stronghold be advised; Ground team shifting to Charlie now. Still Alpha. All elements; now in play. Over” Maria announced.

“Copy that.” Lyssa replied. “Eyes on hard-site. You are passing point X-ray, Go or No-Go?”

“Go, Stronghold. But according to Stalking Horse and Rumrunner something is off. What we don’t know. Over” Maria explained.

“Marshal, if you feel it, then it is, and it is already too late. Don’t get cocky Marshal. You’re are about to go into the wire. Over” Lyssa told her.

“That is why I’m shifting to Charlie plan now. Do you have our bodycam feeds? Over” Maria asked.

“We’re still missing the feed for the November Tango. Over” Kimberly answered the older woman with more than a little worry in her voice. Hearing this Kasey doubled checked Angelic’s camera and connection to her team phone. Kasey found the problem quickly and fixed it. “Got the feed now Bravo. Over”

Angelic realized it was she who was November Tango. She didn't understand why though and asked. “November Tango?”

Kimberly chuckled in response. “Nun, thief.”

“WHO CAME UP WITH THAT?” Angelic demand as the two teens erupted into laughter, followed by Hunter and Bobby, while Samantha giggled.

Lyssa answered blandly. “Me. You did need some designation on Operations. Meow.”

The meow set Maria off, finally, but only to chuckle. “And there is that warped sense of humor again. My dear, she has gotten you.”

“These people are not nice.” Angelic almost pouted.

“Stalking Horse, you may be able to neutralize the gate guard if he announces your arrival then receives confirmation.” Lyssa suggested.

Bobby grinned. “Copy that. Tag on confirmation.”

The limo pulled into the drive and drew even with the small shed.

“Looks like Tomson.” Hunter muttered. Both men were wearing dark sunglasses and clean-shaven. In short, they looked like ordinary VIP rented muscle.

Bobby lowered the window and barely turned his head to growl. “DeMarco party.”

“Just a minute.” The guard said then radioed in. “The DeMarco party have arrived, Sergeant.”

A response came back. “Roger that, send them through.”

Tomson called out to the driver. “Go on through. Don't stop, the gate closes.”

“Right.” Bobby called back as the gate began to swing open then brought up his silenced pistol and shot twice, putting two rounds through the man's face.

Hunter announced over the comms. “Gate secure.”

Bobby drove through before the gate swung back. Slowly he drove up the drive and slowed to stop in front of the front steps.

“Going hot now. All elements be ready to switch to Echo at a moment’s notice. Bravo-team. Out” Echo was the code for the total elimination of all personnel within the estate walls. That included the servants. Maria sighed and looked over at Sam, Angelic, Kasey, and Kristine. “When we get in there, if something feels off you know what to do. And girls, we leave no one alive. That includes any witnesses to our identities.”

“Are you sure about this mom?” Samantha asked her quickly. Samantha was already letting her mind go to that dark place when she killed.

“If we have to shift to Echo that means all personnel in that house are to be considered as hostile tangos. We cannot afford for our identities to get out. Understood?” Looking over at Kasey and Kristine. “Girls if you have a problem with this order let me know now.”

Both teens like at each other and then over at their grandmother. Kasey answered for them both. “We are Wraiths in the moonless night. Our passing must be unseen. We are but shadows and smoke. None shall ever see our faces.”

When Maria looked over at Angelic and the boys, they just nodded their heads. Hunter though was the one to put their feelings into words. “Sometimes collateral damage cannot be avoided. We do our best to keep the number of civilian casualties down, but this may be one time that we’ll get bloody.”

Hunter got out then opened the back door and assisted the ladies out.

“Then let’s get this done. And boys keep your eyes open for the ‘oh shit’ signal.” Maria turn and led the four females of the team to the front door of the main house. When she rang the doorbell, the door was answered by a young woman dressed in the formal black and white uniform for a maid. “Maria DeMarco and party. Ms. Price is expecting us.”

“Yes, ma’am. If you’ll follow me, please?” The smile that the maid gave Maria was lifeless, practically dead. When Bobby and Hunter went to follow the maid stopped them. “Ma’am your bodyguard and driver can wait in the control center or with your car. The mistress only allows her own personal bodyguard within the main house.”

“James, Robert, please wait with the car. I’ll call you when it is time to go.” Maria ordered the two men with just the right amount of snootiness. She started channeling her inner rich bitch the moment she stepped out of the car. “Oh, and gentlemen be sure to keep your phones on this time.”

“Yes ma’am.” Hunter replied with the bored tone of long-time bodyguards.

As Maria let the maid led them through the house to the main dining room Kasey and Kristine spotted the first sign that their cover may not have been blown. She made an obvious glance up to one of the cameras in the hallway. She wondered if those were still working.

The suspicion was confirmed by Kimberly. “All security systems are completely under our control. Some are already on loops. Hunter, Bobby; move to the opposite side of the car and start smoking. Face away from the front of the house. Good. Take another puff each. Standby. Standby. You're clear.”

That update put the whole team at ease. Maria knew that situation would soon change. Hunter’s mission was the elimination of the rover. She doubted the man would fail. She and the rest of the team had to handle the guard in the control center and secure Sylvia Price. As the maid showed them to the library, Angelic spotted something that shouldn’t be there.

Stepping over to the painting, Angelic kept the frown off her face. She knew that this was the real panting and not a forgery. Her background in art history gave her the needed training to spot the signs. Turning to Sylvia Price Angelic forced a smile. “This is a beautiful reproduction of the Just Judges by Jan van Eyck, Ms. Price.”

“Thank you, Miss. I know that the original was lost in nineteen-thirty-four, but this panting has always held a certain appeal for me. Ever sense I first saw it during a lecture on ethics in my first year of law school.” Sylvia smiled as she walked around the sofa to stand next to Angelic. “I take it that you’re one of the teachers for the school Miss?”

Maria chuckled. “Ms. Price allow me to introduce Doctor Catharine Martin. Professor of Art Appreciation and History. She is currently the head of the Fine Arts Department for the Terpsichore school for the preforming arts.”

“Thank you, Madam Maria. I must say that if Professor Martin is a member of the school’s teaching staff then they are extremely overqualified. I’ve never heard of a boarding school having a full professor on staff.” Sylvia gave Maria a questioning look as she gazed over at Samantha and the girls.

“Ah. Allow me to introduce the rest of my party then, Ms. Price. I believe that introductions will explain everything. The two students with us are Candice Vanderbilt and Margarite Castle. Both are students of my Toledo studio and teachers aids. The young woman standing next to them is Doctor Rachael Hill. Professor of Liberal arts. Terpsichore school for the preforming arts is not your normal boarding school. They carter to the elites of our nation.” Maria let just the right amount of arrogance fill her voice to sell the con. “They are also the reason for my visit today.”

“My assistant Carrie mention something about a school for the preforming arts. I take it that this Terpsichore is the school in question?” Sylvia asked as she rang a small silver bell. “Shall we discuss how I can be of help over tea? It’s a lovely Russian caravan blend.”

“That sounds lovely.” Maria took a seat across the coffee table from Sylvia in a Victorian high-backed chair while Angelic and Sam took the love seat. Kasey and Kristine moved to stand behind their grandmother. “As you know while I have retired from the stage, I am still active in the community.”

“I don’t think that there is anyone who doesn’t know you Madam Maria. You are one of but a handful of living Primas in the Bolshoi school of dance. Though I am a little surprised at your interest in such a small boarding school. May I know why you have approached me?” Maria could tell that Sylvia was trying to ferret out Maria’s motives behind being here. That and tried to figure out a hook to pull Maria in.

Before Maria could answer the maid from earlier stepped into the library with a silver tea service. Sylvia waved for the maid to serve Maria and the others first. “Black, with a twist of lemon.”

“Same for me, please.” Samantha told the maid.

“One sugar and milk, please?” Angelic asked.

When the maid looked to Kasey and Kristine, Samantha stopped her. “Sorry, but the girls aren’t allowed tea after three o’clock. They can have water, or lemonade. We try our best to watch our students’ intake of caffeine.”

“Of course, Doctor. Lisa, there should be some pink lemonade in the refrigerator. Please bring two glass for the girls.” Sylvia quickly ordered. The maid just curtsied and finished serving the tea. Once the tea was served and Lisa had gone to fetch the lemonade Sylvia got back to business. “Madam Maria I must say that I am slightly concerned with the background of some of the students at this school.”

“You did a background check on the school.” Maria sighed. “Yes, it is true that there a large number of students with criminal backgrounds. It is one of the reasons that the school was founded. To give those children a second chance in life. It has one of the highest success rates at rehabilitation in all of New York. However, most of the students are like the two here with me. Young ladies and gentlemen who come from wealthy families wishing to give their children a more rounded education.”

“Before we go further Madam Maria I would like to know more about the board of directors. Just who all is on the board? I don’t like doing business with faceless corporations.” Sylvia could already tell that she want this school. For no other reason that the at-risk students.

Maria had come prepared for this question and knew how to direct it. With a heavy put-upon sigh Maria looked down at her teacup. “I’m afraid that I am not at liberty to divulge the names of the other board members. What I can tell you is there are only three board members. All are each highly respected members of Manhattan Society. Not to mention personal friends of mine.”

“I see. So, you are here on behalf of your friends.” Sylvia could tell that Maria wanted a more privet setting for their conversation. “Doctor Martian I have several works of art throughout my home. Most are reproductions but I believe that your students would find them fascinating. Why don’t I have Lisa escort you through the house?”

Angelic turned to Maria who nodded her head. “Thank you, Ms. Price. That would be lovely. When we return you must tell me who your art forger is. They are a true master of their craft.”

“I use two forgers for my replicas Doctor Martian. Percival Aymond in Paris, Texas.” At Angelic’s questioning looks Sylvia chuckled. “Yes, I know. A Frenchman in Texas. It is the truth. My other forger is Malcom Stain John. A true born and raised New Orleans French Quarter native.” Sylvia pointed up at the painting on the wall that Angelic had examined. “You have already taken a close look at one of his pieces.”

“I must say that Mister Stain John is a fantastic artist. If I did not know that the Judges were stolen on April 10, 1934, possibly by the Belgian Arsène Goedertier and never recovered I would swear it was the original.” Angelic knew that the painting was real but played it off was a fake. “Are there other replicas such as this one in your beautiful home?”

“I have five other such replicas within my home. Two others on the ground floor, one in the master bedroom, and two in the upstairs hallway.” The maid walked back in at that point in time. “Lisa, show our guesses the rest of the household paintings.”

“Yes, ma’am. If you’ll follow me, please ladies?” Lisa said with a curtsy.

Angelic waved for Lisa to lead the way. AS she passed Kasey and Kristine. “Come along girls. Bring your purses. This is a good chance for you to learn about the deference between well-made forgeries and production run copies.”

“Yes, Professor Martian.” Both teens echoed.

Once Angelic, Kasey, and Kristine were out of the room Sylvia turned to Maria. “Now that it is just us Madam Maria. Let us get down to business. I know that ‘Doctor’ Hill is an alias. Just who is she really?”

Samantha sighed. “Very perceptive you Ms. Price. In truth I’m Doctor Jessica Howard. CFO for Terpsichore school for the preforming arts.”

“Thank you, Doctor. Just how deep in debt is the school?” Sylvia thought that she had the upper hand and now was the time to strike. “Please, don’t try to fool me again. I do have the financial background report for the school. I find that if I know all the facts before entering into a financial agreement that people are less likely to bullshit me.”

“Very well then I’ll get straight to the point. Our school is currently running in the red due to the Governor’s voucher program. While we have found a few very talented students the majority of them are nothing more than hip-hop street performers. No real talent in the lot of them. Sadly, we cannot legally just turn away the voucher program students.” Samantha spoon feed the cover story they had worked up at the hotel.

“What is it that you hope to gain from me? I don’t have any pull with the Governor’s Office. To be honest outside of local levels I have almost no political clout. While I’m not in favor of the voucher program there is no way around it that I can see. Other than getting the law changed.” Sylvia knew that she had her way in now. She just needed Maria or Samantha to suggest that she invest in the school.

“There is a way around that pesky law, Sylvia. I may call you Sylvia?” Maria asked sweetly with just the right amount of arrogance.

“Of course, Madam Maria. What is this work around and is it legal? As an authorized officer of the courts I won’t be party to something that is illegal.” Maria gave Sylvia a sideways look at this last statement. “I may have entered into the world of high fashion models and sports’ star management. But I am still a licensed and practicing lawyer in the States of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Pennsylvania. As such I do have a legal obligation to obey the law.”

Maria chuckled as Sylvia Price had just been the one to give the code phrase to take her guards down. She knew that Bobby, Hunter, Kasey, and Kristine were even now moving to carry out prearranged orders. Samantha didn’t even think twice as she lunged across the coffee table striking Sylvia with the flat of her right-hand palm just above the diaphragm. Even as her eyes were rolling back in her head Sylvia Price had no idea of what just happened.

The T.O.C. forty minutes previously:

Lyssa clipped on her comm-set. “Update.”

“Bravo team en route; thirty-mikes out. Annette will be here in twenty mikes or so.” Kimberly stated.

Krystel spoke up. “I have the surveillance system and alarms now. I borrowed a satellite and have real-time imagery. Standard only.”

Lyssa was using a terminal. “Contingency list.”

“Alpha to Mike. The girls covered the bulk of Murphy factors to recover.” Kimberly remarked then asked. “Are you setting up a separate net? Shawna's on-site?”

“Shawna and Tiffany. Designation: Phantom.” Lyssa informed them called out. “Net up. Designation: Phantom.”

“Copy, Phantom 1” Tiffany answered, followed by Shawna. “Phantom 2, copy.”

Lyssa updated them all. “Codes are as follows. On Whiskey; long-range engagement of Hostiles. Yankee: penetrate perimeter and interior, full sweep and clear, secure all intel, secure Tango One and sanitize site. Zulu: penetrate, full sweep and clear, secure intel, sterilize site. Confirm.”

Both repeated the codes and instructions.

“Phantom 2 monitor and record all radio chatter. Bravo team, on-site and off, are to be unaware of Phantom's presence. They are to believe they are on their own. Only I will have the alternate net. Continue Operation prep.” Lyssa instructed

Thirty minutes later Annette came in. “Sorry for being late. I think I'm getting into a serious relationship with food. I can't stop eating. You know how it is.”

“No, we don't.” Kimberly replied.

Lyssa didn't take her eyes off the main monitor. “Tell us about it, Annette.”

Annette flushed in embarrassment. She'd forgotten none of them could bear children at all. Nor could they contribute, as they had all never saved samples. All previous existence had been shut down. Even their military DNA entries had been removed to prevent identification. The only children any of them could ever have, would have to be adopted.

“I'm so sorry! I....” Annette apologized, only to be stopped by Lyssa.

Lyssa took a moment longer then said. “You forgot. The twins, Mindy; our status quo is very convincing. It needs to be. We can't do one, we sacrificed the ability for the other. Enjoy what you have Annette, there are so many others that would give anything for it. We have an operation ongoing. Focus.”

“Yes, Sergeant-Major.” Annette responded.

“And if I think you are over-stressing, I will order you out. Doctor's orders. You no longer belong to yourself Deputy, the one inside you has priority. Take your station.” Lyssa instructed and turned back to the monitors.

Kimberly nodded in agreement. “We both are aware of your profile, she's the Ops-Boss and I'm the OIC. The Marshal and the Major are supporting our discretion to your participation. This is where you say Yes Ma'am.”

Annette sat down at Kasey's station. “I understand. Yes Ma'am. Sergeant-Major.”

“Bravo net coming up. Checkpoint X-ray.” Krystel announced.

“Stronghold, Bravo Actual.” Maria called in.

Lyssa answered. “Go, Actual.”

After the exchange, Lyssa switched to the Phantom Net and quietly said. “Bravo team inbound, maintain position.”

Minutes later she called back. “Phantom, maintain Hostile radio checks.”

“Roger.” Tiffany replied then went silent as Lyssa switched back.

“Operation clock: running.” Kimberly announced.

The T.O.C. watched and listened quietly. Annette suddenly swore much too the command staff’s surprise. “Shit! Price just gave the code to go Hot!”

The whole command staff groaned as the bodycams all began to move at once. The biggest shock came from Samantha’s feed. For the first time in recorded history an outsider would see one of the strikes for the Sleep of the beautiful death and be able to tell the tale. Lyssa could tell right away that the blow would not kill, at least this time. With a simple change from a palm strike to knuckle strike, the blow would be a kill strike. One moment Samantha was sitting on the other side of the coffee table, two seconds later she was delivering the incapacitating blow.

“Holy shit! Where the fuck did that come from?” Kimberly demanded as she looked to Annette, who was smirking.

“I believe that is the first time that move has ever been recorded.” Lyssa told her Operations Officer while never taking her eyes off the screens. “That wasn’t a killing blow though. She's down, but not permanently. Still viable.”

“You’re right it wasn’t a killing blow. Price will sleep for the next sixty to ninety minutes or so. Plenty of time to remove her from the house if we need to.” Annette looked up to Hunter’s feed just as he came up on the radio.

“Rumrunner; one down, backside of the house. Over” Hunter called in.

“Gemini two; one down, in the control room.” Annette looked to Kasey’s feed and watched as her oldest daughter pulled the throwing knife from the back of Stone’s neck. “Control room; secured. Over”

Lyssa called over the net. “Stalking Horse, Rumrunner. Proceed inside, secure kitchen.”

The Hampton’s Home of Sylvia Price, Cutchogue Station, New York

Once Kasey had secured the control room, she left to help secure the household servants. Kristine entered and went to work on securing all the data on the household computer and Sylvia’s business servers. Angelic had found Carrie in Sylvia’s home office. Angelic had been selected on subduing the woman for questioning as ordered. Carrie threw the books at her and charged Angelic. The angry Nun didn't hold back in bringing her down, it took little effort.

“November Tango; one secure, office.” Angelic announced.

In the library Maria looked over at the unconscious form of Sylvia Price and sighed. “Do tell me that she’ll wake up at some point Samantha.”

“She’ll wake up in about twenty-minutes Marshal. I did not go overboard. I know that we still need information. Information that only this bitch can provide.” Sam never looked up from Sylvia. “What do you want done with the servants? Do we let them live or eliminate them?”

Maria knew that Sam would kill the household servants and not think twice about to protect her family. Thinking quickly Maria called out. “Gemini Two, have you secured your November Charlies?”

Kasey was quick to answer her grandmother. “Affirmative, Actual. Two November Charlies secured in the kitchen with staff.”

“Bring them to the library instead, Gemini Two. Kitty bring yours and rejoin us. Gemini One, how are you coming with those computer servers?” Maria ordered.

“Still fighting with the encryption on the backdoor files, Actual. I think we need to turn the hack over to Stronghold.” Kristine answered back quickly.

“What is the hold up and why do you believe you need to turn the hack over to Stronghold, Gemini One?” Maria was concerned over this last piece of news.

“There is some wickedly nasty security on these files Actual. I’m talking CIA, KGB, MI6, Mossade, and DARPA combined Level security. I’ve never seen anything like this before.” When Maria heard Kristine’s description of the security, she made a snap decision.

“Stronghold have you monitored the last communication?” Maria needed to know before she dropped this problem on Krystel.

“Affirmative Actual. Taking over system penetration now. Gemini One; open the backdoor to main router. I need ports 625, 514 and 443.” Krystel instructed.

Kristine just smiled to herself. All three network portals that Krystel named off could only be accessed directly at the router. They were disabled in the firmware of every router and could only be enabled though a direct connection. With a few quickly typed commands Kristine opened the servers for her mentor.

“Open, Stronghold.” Kristine said gleefully.

Krystel answered. “Okay, Gemini One, get the hell out of there and rejoin Actual.”

T.O.C., Ram’s Rock Island

The second Krystel opened the server she spotted what Kristine was talking about. She didn't like what she was seeing either. “AW SHIT! How in the fucking hell did the bitch get her hands on this?!”

“Talk to us, Krystel. What has you going off?” Lyssa asked.

“Jörmungandr. Bastard creation of one ex-CIA cyber-operations officer, a former KGB field agent, a disgraced MI6 Network Officer, a Mossad counter-cyberwarfare operative, and financed with enough Black funds to sink the Bismarck. A security protocol that took five years of development, and around thirty-five million dollars to produce. You trip it and every last bit of data on those servers goes bye-bye.” Krystel informed Lyssa. “The real bitch is this program has three integrated backup attack programs. Fenrir, Shöll and Hati Hróðvitnisson. One mistake and we’re talking Ragnarök here. As much as I hate to say this Sergeant Major, we need Sylvia Price’s passwords.”

“Wait a minute here Krys. Are you telling me that not even you can crack that security protocol?” Kimberly asked in stunned disbelief.

“Well, sure, I could crack it. If I had nothing else on my plate, working solely on just this one problem, for the next five to seven days. Maybe, just maybe, if I could get some of the Titans in Tartarus on it; a day at my luckiest, two at the very least.” Krystel said. “This one's pretty nasty.”

“This is your AO.” Lyssa said. “Tell us what you need.”

“Like I said Sergeant Major. We need Sylvia Price’s codes to open those files and servers. One screw up and everything goes in the shitter.” Krystel answered with an honesty that brought no comfort.

Lyssa keyed her mike. “Marshal, we need critical information from Price. Specifically, the codes for the servers. Can you handle the Extraction? Over”

“We can handle the Extraction Stronghold. We'll contact you once we have the information. Bravo-Actual Out”

Lyssa turned to face Annette. “Annette do you really think that Maria can handle the information extraction on her own, without Anna and her 'chemistry'?”

“She is not alone, Lyssa. She has Samantha with her.” At the blank looks of the command staff Annette sighed. “There is much, much, more to the true art of the assassin than just killing. Remember that historically assassins were used as the first real spies in the old world. Of all the great assassination families, none were more feared then the Capizeos and their Hemlock Rose. And the last Hemlock Rose walks beside the Lithium Flower on this night. If Sylvia Price holds any secrets, the Rose will drag them into the light of moon. One way or another.”

Annette’s voice held a note of finality that none of the command staff had heard before. Only Lyssa could truly tell just how badly Annette wished to be beside her mother and sister-wife.

Library of Sylvia Price’s estate.

As Samantha was securing Sylvia Price to one of the chairs, Angelic dumped Carrie into another. Kasey pushed the three household maids into the room. Maria looked over at her niece and granddaughter. “Where is Gemini One?”

“On her way ma’am.” Kasey answered quickly.

“When Gemini One gets here take those three and secure them in their rooms.” Maria ordered Kasey. “Soft-paws, go boil me a cup of water.”

“Ma’am, before we take them away, I think we need to question the maids.” Kasey told Maria while glaring over at the three maids.

“What are you thinking Gemini Two?” Maria asked.

Kasey didn't answer her grandmother right away. Instead she stepped in front of the oldest girl. The maid that Price has been calling Lisa. “Name. Country of origin.” When the girl didn't answer, Kasey repeated herself. Only this time she used Russian. “Name. Country of origin.”

This time the girl smiled.

“Astankova Bella Ivanovna. Moscow Russia.” The tall girl answered brightly.

“And the others? What are their real names?” Kasey demanded.

“Steva Arsi she from Belgrade Serbia.” Astankova said as she pointed at the smallest of the girls. Then pointing at the only black haired girl. “Adelina Anghelescu. She comes from Bucharest, Romania. Two others work as kitchen staff. One is kitchen maid, her name Leysa Zelenki she from Kyiv Ukraine. Other, girl is cook she named Katarina Velky, she from somewhere in Latvia. She no can talk. Mistress took away her voice as punishment. Katarina tried to run away. Make Mistress very angry.”

“How did you girls come to America, Astankova?” Maria asked the teenager.

“We all come here together on ship in big metal box.” Astankova told Maria with a tremble in her voice. “We were all to go to convents here in America.”

Hearing this Angelic took over the questioning. She started off by pulling out her Rosary. The one marking her as a member of the Iscariot Division. Seeing this sign of office, all three of the scared girls quickly hugged the young nun rapidly talking all at once in Latin.

Raising her voice to just above their noise Angelic shouted in Latin. “Silence little ones! Behave yourselves as novices for the order of Saint Nicholas. My companions still need information.”

“WHOA! What did I just walk into?” Kristine gasped as she reached for her sidearm.

“Stand down Gemini One. Let the good Sister handle her charges.” Maria ordered her granddaughter with a nod to her professionalism.

Astankova looked at Maria, Samantha and the two teenagers she then quietly asked Angelic. “Solntsevskaya Bratva?”

All four of the Black Badges chuckled, but it was Maria who answered the girl’s question. “Da. We are all Solntsevskaya Bratva. You are not to tell anyone of this, understand?”

“Yes ma’am. We understand. We tell no one that the Bratva saved us.” Astankova answered for all five girls. “Not even our Mother Superior.”

“Good. Now what can you tell us about Ms. Price’s business associates?” Angelic asked of the five girls.

“There is book. Book is big.” Steva made motions with her hands to show how big the book was. “It has names. Many, many names. The Mistress keeps it in her office. Hidden behind the big picture of lighthouse.” Steva was pulling on Angelic’s shirt sleeve. “Come, I show.”

“Angelic go with her. Take the other girls with you. I have a feeling that your talents are going to be needed again.” Maria ordered.

“At once ma’am. Come along girls.” Angelic just turned and walked out the library with the three maids hot on her heels. Once they were alone Maria contacted the TOC. “Stronghold, we have a confirmed link to Abrams and Vickers. All five November Charlies are brides, I say again, all five are recovered ‘brides’. Over”

“Good to know Bravo-Actual. Over” Kimberly asked.

Lyssa spoke up. “We were listening. They know your faces, probably names too. Wondering how you intend to deal with them.”

“We are still Alpha. All three of those girls are old world. They know not to cross the Bratva. Those girls will go to their graves keeping our identities a secret from all but themselves and God. Any progress on those computer files? Over” Maria asked lightly.

“Fully downloaded to secure off-site server. Security protocols are still fully operational for all files. We’ll still need those passwords Marshal. How long until you can secure them? Over” Maria could tell that Kimberly was on edge for some reason.

“Stronghold, what is it about that security protocol that has you all on edge? Over” Maria demanded.

“Not over the net or in the field Marshal. Over” Maria knew that something was really screwed up if Kimberly was telling her that instead of answering her question. Before Maria could reply though Kimberly came back up on the net. “Shit. Marshal get to wherever the Kitty is now. Over”

“Is she in danger? Over” Maria demanded as she waved for Samantha to stay with Kasey, Kristine, and Sylvia.

“Oh, just another of those damn Harmon and Gary 45000 Heavy Security Safes again, with a digital lock this time.” Kimberly snapped.

T.O.C., Ram’s Rock Island

Kimberly was the first one to spot the make and model of the safe that was behind the painting. Even though she had no idea that the painting was real she did know that the safe presented a real threat.

Lyssa turned to Krystel who was already pounding on her keyboard. “These damned things are pissing me the fuck off Krystel. Find out about it.”

“I’m doing that as we speak. This is the second one of these cocksuckers in a week that the Black Badges have found. Both of which aren’t supposed to exist. What the hell is going on here Sergeant Major?” Krystel snarled.

“That does seem to be THE sixty-four-dollar question here. The Major has been kicking down every damned door he can think of over the last one they found. And still hasn’t found any answers. We’ve got safes and computer security programs that are Military and National Intelligence Service grade in the hands of civilians. Not to mention at least nine known stolen master pieces. Master pieces that are all presumed lost or destroyed in this one house alone. What all did we miss in Florida?” Lyssa asked.

“As far as stolen artwork goes, we’re good. There was nothing found in Vickers’ house.” Kimberly sighed. “So far the only good thing to come out of this op is the recovery of five of the missing novice nuns.”

“Sergeant Major I’ve found where that safe came from.” Krystel’s words could not have had a more profound impact. On those in the TOC and Maria DeMarco. “Some company by the name of Lithium Roses Construction installed the safe in Price’s office.”

Sylvia Price’s home office, Cutchogue Station, New York

“I’ll kill that son-of-bitch with my bare hands.” Maria snarled over the radio as she stormed into the home office of Sylvia Price. Angelic looked over at her very pissed off aunt. This was the second high-security safe that they had found on this case and knew that she would want answers. “Sister, what type of lock does that safe have?”

“Unlike the last one, this one is fitted with the digital lock option. Why?” Only the slight tremble in Angelic’s voice was the only sign that she was upset. She had already danced with one of these demon safes from the darkest depths of hell and had no desire to do so again. Not even for her aunt.

“How many digits?” Maria demanded. Angelic knew that her aunt was onto something and double checked the LED display.

“The lock has an eight-digit input, ma’am.” Angelic answered quickly.

Over her earwig Maria was the only one to hear Lyssa question. “What’s going on here Marshal? Do you know who installed that safe? Over”

“A moment, Stronghold. Over” Maria turned her attention back to the safe and Angelic. “Does that safe have a master installers' code?”

“Damn Marshal that’s brilliant. If you give me a few seconds I can get you that code. Over” Krystel told her over the net.

“Yes, ma’am. All of these digital locks have to have a master installer’s code. One that cannot be deleted for law enforcement reasons by law. Only the installation company has the code on file. The customer never knows the master installer’s code. Now because each company has a different code, sometimes multiple codes, there is almost no way of knowing the master code. Why?” Angelic was no longer scared but was extremely curious as to why Maria was asking her such questions.

“Stronghold, how sure are you of the installation company’s name?” Maria was praying that Krystle was wrong.

“Absolute.” Krystle almost snapped. The thought that Maria was questioning her data mining skills was almost enough to piss her off, but considering the safe they were dealing with, Krystel understood.

Maria didn’t answer Krystel or anyone else in the TOC she just walked over to the safe and began to enter a set of eight numbers. Zero, four, two, six, one, nine, six, six. Grabbing a hold of the locking handle Maria gave it a sharp twist and pulled. To the disbelieving eyes of Angelic it was as if her aunt Maria had just performed a feat of high-end magical theft. Even those in the TOC were stunned by this simple act.

Lyssa asked. “How did you know that override code? Shall I guess?”

“No need. Yes, I own the company that installed this safe. One of the requirements that I put in place for all security systems is the use of an eight-digit code. One that I have used with all my construction companies that specialize in that type of work. Lithium Roses is one such company.” Maria sighed. “The company is based in Hackensack, New Jersey and definitely NOT supposed to be doing this type of work. For anyone, not even me.”

Angelic looked over at her aunt not believing what she was hearing. It couldn’t be the person that she was thinking about. “Not cousin Nicholi?”

“I’m afraid so, Sister.” Maria snarled. “Time to pay a late-night visit to your cousin after we have finished here.”

Lyssa switched nets. “Phantom, as they leave; move in and bring it down. To the foundation and shatter that. Burn the dirt.”

“Roger.” Both replied.

“Give me Stalking horse only.” Lyssa looked over to Kimberly then keyed her mic at the nod. “Stalking Horse.”

“Go Stronghold.” Bobby answered.

Lyssa instructed him. “You and Rumrunner police up the two bodies outside. Gate and Rover. Deposit them and the Control room body in a downstairs closet.”

“Copy that, Stronghold.” Bobby answered.

Back on full net, Lyssa called out. “Gemini 2.”

“Gemini 2, go ahead.” Kasey replied.

“Gemini, were any faces seen by the kitchen staff?” Lyssa asked.

Kasey answered. “Negative Stronghold. I struck both from behind. They never saw me.”

“What are you thinking Stronghold?” Maria asked.

Lyssa said flatly. “That if they didn't know your names, they can be removed. If they do know your names, they will have to remain.”

“Yes. There is that. We will verify and update you to that.” Maria sighed. “I take it, you have the boys cleaning up?”

“Affirmative. All the trash in one place. Finish up. Take all untraceable cash, bonds, jewelry, some of the clean art and all the black-market art. Make it look like a simple no frills straight up B-n-E gone bad. Price and the secretary disappears.” Lyssa explained.

Samantha had been listening, as they had. “So, this is to look amateur hour.”

“Lucky amateurs that finally got something right.” Lyssa remarked.

Maria shook her head at Samantha. “She has far too reasons to be angry. Too many things are happening that shouldn't.”

“True.” Kasey agreed.

Maria looked to Kasey. “Secure the contents of the safe. Angelic, get those girls changed into something that will help them be unnoticeable. Kristine search the rest of the house. You find anything, secure it and then contact me. Samantha, we will see to our business. I want those passcodes before we turn this place into nothing more than a foot note in the long and sordid history of the Hamptons and Long Island Sound.”


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