A Thief’s Problem.

Sister Magdalena, a.k.a. Angelic DeMarco, finds evidence of more than just illegal art trade while recovering a stolen painting in the home of a known criminal. Her investigation leds to the US and a very problematic situation with the US Department of Justice.
by Snowfall and Jessie Wolf.
Dedicated to the men and women of the US Marshal Service.
Edited by my husband Paul, and AJC Snowfall.
This is a work of fiction an any persons in this work are purely fictional.
Chapter 15
Saint Nicholas Convent and School, Queens, New York, New York.
Angelic pull the limo to the private rear entrance of the convent. Angelic wasn’t worried about someone seeing her as she parked the big car behind the convent. She knew that the school was empty at this time of the evening. Then again, what child wanted to be near any school when they didn’t have to be. She turned and looked at the five girls in the backseat.
“Stay here until I tell you to get out. Understand?” All five girls nodded the head yes in fear. They knew that this woman had taken them from their mistress’ home was not one to be disobeyed. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
After giving her charges their instructions, Angelic exited the car. As she walked across the parking area, the girls spoke to each other for the first time in their long journey through the night.
“What do you think will happen now?” Lysa asked.
“If the Sister was telling the truth. She will be turning us over to a Mother Superior.” Astankova answered truthful. “At least, I hope that’s what happens. What I want to know is; what happens when we are turned over to a Convent?”
“Da, you speak truth, Astankova. How do we explain those people who saved us? They were Bratva. Why would they help the Church?” Asked a very frightened Steva. “You know that the Bratva kill those who talk?”
“We say nothing. We take our rescue to the grave. We owe this to the Brigadier and her Bratok.” Astankova explained their situation for the other girls. Then she looked out the window at the back of the strange Nun. “I believe that we say nothing of the Sister also. She is not regular Nun.”
Adelina spoke up for the first time with a voice barely above a whisper. “My momma told me of a shadow Order within the Church. One whose power reaches far beyond the Church. Momma told me that they were the Church’s Shadows. She walks as if one of these shadows. She must be one of them.”
The other four girls knew that Adelina was not one to makeup fanciful stories. If she was talking about this Shadow Order as if it was real. Then it was real, and they weren’t about to argue with her. Astankova made up their minds for them all with her next words. “We say nothing to anyone about tonight. Especially to the Mother Superior. Not even to a Father Confessor. I fear that we have entered a world where talking can get us all dead.”
“Very good, Astankova.” Angelic’s voice startled the girls. They had been so concerned with their talk that they all failed to notice the Nun’s return. “Let this be your first lesson in the Order of Saint Nicholas. Silence is not golden. Silence is expected for all. Now, come along. The Mother Superior is waiting for you. Oh, and bring the painting.”
Angelic returned to the rear entrance where the Mother Superior stood waiting. Drawing near, the Mother Superior gave her a harsh glare. “Care to explain why you have seen to awaken me and my Order at such time of the night, young lady?”
Angelic smiled and pulled out her ID for the Gendarmerie Corps for Vatican City. The Mother Superior took the offered ID and looked it over hard. Handing it back she asked Angelic bluntly. “What is it you desire, Sister?”
“I seek Sanctuary for five lost souls and a master’s work, Mother Superior.” Angelic pointed at the five young girls who were carrying the heavy painting. When the Mother Superior didn’t answer right away Angelic sighed. “I am a Shadow that seeks Redemption by bringing Retribution to those who would profit from ill-gotten gains.”
Reverend Mother Mary Robert had been a member of the Order for Saint Nicholas for over 40 years. In all her time, she had never met one of the Redeemed Ones; until now. For this young nun to actually use the strongest held secret of her order was more than enough. She would grant all that this young nun requested. “Then enter Shadow and lay down your burden. Stay for the night and rest your soul, while you seek Redemption.”
“I cannot stay, Mother. I must go. I still have far to travel on this night of Redemption. Be at peace and sleep well knowing that you have served our Order and Lord to the fullest.” As Angelic turned to head for the door she stopped as a thought came to her. “Mother is the phone for your office unlisted?”
“I have a number that can be rendered untraceable. Why?” The older woman asked with more than a little confusion. Not that she would deny this young Nun anything within her power to provide.
“A moment with your office phone is all I need Reverend Mother.” Angelic answered. Then waved for the Mother Superior to lead the way. Once in the office and she was alone, Angelic pulled out the phone that Kasey had given her. She hit the app that would allow her to talk with those mysterious women back on the island. “Stronghold this is November Tango.”
“Go ahead November Tango. What can we do for you?” The woman on the other end answered back quickly.
“Has the Marshal been able to locate the other missing Novices?”
“We have several possible locations for them Tango November. Why?” the woman asked.
“I have an idea for handling the problem of their rescue, but I need some guidance from the Marshal.” Angelic answered quickly. “One that won’t trace back to our operations.”
The voice that answered back wasn’t the one from before, but familiar and had the note of command. “What do you propose November Tango?”
“The Mother Superior has a hard line that can be rendered untraceable. I can make a call to the Queens SVU and leave an anonymous tip to their locations. We let them do the takedown and handle the cleanup. Our hands are clean. We’re Scott free and rolling to our next target.” Angelic laid out her idea for the hard women in Command.
TOC, Ram’s Rock Island
Lyssa muted her mike and turned to Annette. “The cellphone she is on is untraceable, why the hardline?”
“I don’t know a whole lot about the inner workings of Convents, but I do know that ALL Churches, Monasteries, and Convents have such a line. It is rarely, if ever, used. Usually the line's sole purpose is used for informing Rome of sensitive things. Such as someone with a political agenda or problem has requested Sanctuary, or a threat. The line is so secure that I believe it falls under a provision of the Geneva Convention or the like for some reason.” Annette answered as she thought about that phone line. Then to the amazement of the others Annette giggled. “Let her do it. If they NYPD traces the call. It’ll come back to an embassy phone line. One that originates in the Vatican.”
“Okay we can see that. What has gotten your funny bone?” Kimberly questioned.
“Let’s just say that it will be a nice change for the NYPD to be the ones to catch the heat with the Church. Also, if the NYPD’s SVU are the ones to hit all of Sylvia’s save houses we don’t have to involve the Marshals.” Annette was liking the way Angelic had planned out the solution to the safe houses. There was only one problem getting those kids the help they would need to recover. Currently there was only one place in the United States that was setup to handle such cases. Her mother’s school in Maryland. Before keying her mike, Annette looked over at Kimberly. “We still need to bring in the Marshal before we give the go ahead.”
The main screen lite up showing the inside of the ALOC and Maria’s face. “The Captain has me following the conversation with your cousin. Her plan has merits. The only change we need to make is to tie in that US Supervisory Deputy Marshal William Chandler. I have been following the young man and his team. He and his people are, without doubt, absolutely perfectly suited for these types of cases.”
“Billy.” Lyssa commented. “The former Nemesis Operator now working directly under Rose. Do it.”
“I’ll make the call Marshal.” Kimberly told Maria with a smile. She wasn’t surprised that Maria had been following his career as a Deputy Marshal. “I doubt that we’ll make ourselves popular by calling him at this time of the night though.”
“I’ll send him a fruit-basket as an apology for him doing his job.” Maria chuckled. “I doubt that he enjoys being woken at any time. Tell the Kitty that she is cleared to make her phone call then get the hell out of there. I don’t want the Mother Superior asking too many questions. ALOC out”
With that the screen went dead. Lyssa turned back to Annette. “Time to let your cousin have some fun, Deputy.”
Annette keyed her mike. “November Tango, Stronghold Four; you are cleared to make your call. Be sure to give no more information than needed. Here are the addresses for the safe houses.” Annette rattled off the list of addresses one at a time. When Annette finished, she heard a sigh on the other end. “We’re doing our best here Kitty. I know that is a lot of safe houses, but the SVU has the world’s second largest police force to back them up. They’ll get those kids out safety and deal with the scumbags holding them.”
“What about getting the help they’ll need afterward?”
“Let’s just say that the US Marshals will be handling that problem for us. Time to hand off the ball, Kitty.” Annette told her cousin.
“Copy that, Stronghold Four.”
Annette succumbed to an urge of humor. “Stronghold Four; mee-yowt.”
The women all chuckled as Angelic groaned, switching off.
Saint Nicholas Convent and School, Queens, New York, New York
Angelic disconnected from the TOC. They were all getting better at teasing her in a way to make her laugh too. She picked up the Mother Superior’s phone and entered the number to engage the embassy protocols. She dialed the number for the Queens' Special Victims Unit. She had heard the Special Victims Unit detectives handled specialized cases involving sexual assault crimes, such as rape, child pornography and the sexual and physical exploitation of children. Like all DeMarco’s who had joined Law Enforcement, Angelic respect the police who handled these very disturbing cases. Angelic knew that she could never work in an SVU division, she just didn’t have the constitution for it.
As she waited for the phone to be answered by the on-duty detective. Angelic thought about how she was going to phrase her tip. When the detective answered in a gruff no-nonsense voice Angelic almost chuckled.
“SVU, Captain Tutuola.”
“I apologize for interrupting you Captain but I must inform you that there are a number of places holding teenagers against their will. They are being trained as sex slaves. They are also holding several runaways there as well. Runaways that are undergoing radical surgery and mind-altering processes. Captain; this is neither a prank, nor is it meant to mislead you down a false trail. The situation that I have just described is very real and you do not have time to waste. This will be the last time I contact you directly. Please, take down those people and save the children. Here are the addresses.” Annette rattled off the addresses that Annette had given her. “Go do something good, Captain. Do not worry, you will have help.”
Angelic left the Mother Superior’s office and headed for the rear exit. She was met by the Mother Superior. “Sister, before you step back into the shadows of the night, I have a favor to ask of you.”
“What would you ask of me, Mother Superior?” Angelic asked, not liking where this going already.
“That painting you arrived here with. Tell me how it came to be in your possession?” The older woman demanded.
“By my vows, I cannot, Reverend Mother. As one of the Redeemed; all that I do, is done in the shadows. Just know that the one who had that painting, shall never again do evil in this world.” Angelic answered bluntly.
“Then go with God’s blessing child. But know this, you are to never again darken this doorway again seeking Sanctuary.” The Mother Superior snarled.
“I can neither make that promise Reverend Mother, nor can you give that order. You know me for what I am. A Sister of your Order. Nothing more, nothing less. I go where the Lord commands. Most times I walk in His Heavenly grace by the light of day. He forgives the times when I and the others of our order who must step once more into the Shadows of Night to bring about true Justice.” Angelic snapped. “If you were a true member of our Order you would know this. I can tell you are one of the Blessed. Goodnight Reverend Mother.”
Reverend Mother Mary Robert stood stock-still as the young nun disappeared into the night. Looking to where the limo was pulling away, Mary Robert began to wonder if the tales of the Redeemed Ones were more than just legends. The secret Order of Thieves within her own Holy Order. In particular, one small group of thieves and a family of assassins from which some came. In a voice barely above of a whisper she asked of the one who could answer her question.
“Dear Lord, in Heaven, could I really have just faced one of the infamous DeMarcos?” Mary Robert’s question to the empty night air would be one that would haunt her for the rest of her days. It would also be one that she would never receive an answer.
ALOC, New York, New York.
Maria and the rest of the team had regrouped at the ALOC and were getting ready to updated the TOC on the mission. Only Maria seemed upset with the outcome of the mission. Mostly because it brought to light one more suspect in their operation. One that needed to be dealt with first, Nicholai Rossie. Her oldest nephew. The question was how she would deal with him.
Stepping outside the ALOC Maria pulled out her phone and contacted the TOC. “Actual to Stronghold.”
“Go Actual.” Lyssa replied.
She got straight to the point. “Stronghold, I need a direct and private connection to the Major. We, no, I have a direct connection to those safes. I need advice that only the Major can provide. Understood?” Maria ordered Lyssa.
“Understood Actual. Standby for the Major.” Lyssa answered.
Maria stood still as the grave as she waited for the connection to her husband. This was one decision that Maria didn’t want to make without some guidance.
Lyssa voice returned. “Affirmative. You have the Major, Actual.”
“Marshal I understand you need some advice. What does this concern?” The voice of Paul Dannigan brought some comfort to Maria.
“We’ve found out WHERE those safes came from. The real problem is WHO installed those safes.” Maria took a deep breath. “It was one of my companies Paul. And the manager of that company is my nephew.”
“Ouch! That's not good. Especially for him. I get that he is your nephew, Ria, but he violated national security directives. Those safes were NEVER meant to be in the hands of civilians. How did he even get his hands on those safes?”
Maria sighed. “Are we alone?”
“Yes, the TOC gave us a separate channel. It’s just us Ria. You have my word on that.” Paul told her politely.
“I believe it all came about from a set of government contracts that LFC, Lithium Flower Construction, picked up fifteen years ago. That was the first time LFC had such a contract come in without using certain connections. Nicholas was doing everything in his power to make a legitimate go of the company for me. When he approached me about those contracts, I gave the go ahead. It was all above board. The first six were for the local offices of the FBI, DOJ, ATF, DEA, IRS, and ICE.” Maria took a deep breath. She didn’t know how to explain the rest.
“Paul those six contracts led to one massive contract for the installation of several safes. All on each military post along the eastern seaboard. LFC shifted from construction to security system installation shortly thereafter. That has been their main source of revenue sense. Their specialty is high security safes and security systems of all types.” Maria took another deep breath. “Paul those safes are my fault. I should never have given the go ahead for those contracts. If I hadn't LFC would still just be a local construction company.”
“Maybe. Maybe it would have gone under. Remind me, Ria, do you run the day-to-day operations for any of your companies?” Paul asked, then answered his own question. “No; you don’t. You have always trusted in your managers for that. I doubt that your nephew actively sought out these customers. I have been pursuing my own investigation into those safes. Each one was authorized through the State Department on the grounds of National Security, due to connections within Government Agencies.”
“So, this might be nothing more than a comedy of errors?” Maria questioned. “At least on the part of LFC.”
“According to my investigation. Yes. By the way there are three other companies that specialize in the installation of those safes. My sources were not too happy about giving up that information. It seems that the two you have found plus the one found in Vickers’ home office are just the tip of the iceberg. There are another fifteen of those safes out there in the hands of civilians. I’ve already got with the DOJ on warrants for fourteen of those safes. All on the grounds of National Security. The last one belongs to your team. Charles Andrews is in possession of that safe, Ria.” Maria almost lost her shit over this last piece of information.
“Damn it! Can this mess get any more screwed up?! It feels like we’re fighting a hydra here. For every head we cutoff, two more are taking its place.” Maria sighed. “Paul, I’m going to release Samantha from the rest of the mission here in the States. It is time that we cut the head of this problem.”
“Maria, I have an idea of where you want to go with this. I just want to know, are you sure you are ready to unleash that kind of a nightmare, at this point in time?”
“No, I’m not. I just don’t see any other way to end this Paul. I either turn her loose now, or at the end of our operation here. As it is, I’m already looking at having to split my team up to handle the remaining two problems here stateside.” Maria took a deep breath. “Paul this is a situation that we have never discussed before accepting this operation.”
“How do you want to break them down, Marshal?” Paul asked her. “This is still your operation. You still have the option to pull out and dump this mess the laps of the regular authorities.”
“No, we’ll finish this operation, Paul. I was the one to decide to take it. As for dumping this in the laps of the civilians, that is not really an option. Andrews has similar connections as Abrams. The man will use to them to protect himself and his organization. How is that end of the operation going? Any word on where his family disappeared to?” Maria asked.
“That is something I’m still looking into, Ria. From what we have been able to gather the FBI has stepped in, along with Homeland and DOJ, to secure the Abrams family. From what we can see so far everybody and their brother-in-law with a badge is going after the Abrams family. Anna will have a totally clear path for her takeover in the morning.” Paul was chuckling towards the end of his fast briefing of the situation with GWT. “Tell me something Ria. Did you expect this kind of fallout?”
“Paulo, I cannot tell a lie. This is one time I expected the fallout to be much, much, worse. So far I’ve had the girls keeping a lid on the majority of the information they recovered from the GWT main servers.” Paul could hear the smirk in Maria’s voice.
He knew that his wife would wait to drop the really juicy intel when the time was right. “Have your fun, Maria. Just don’t put your team in danger of getting burned. I want to keep your team operating for as long as possible.”
“We’re doing all that we can to keep that from happening, Paul. This case has hit a little too close to home in some areas already.” Maria sighed. “Paul, I, no, we have held onto Samantha’s leash as tight as we can.”
“What is going on with her, Ria? I’ve never seen her act like this before. We know that she went off the reservation before coming to the island. She willingly turned off her bodycam this evening. I understand that there are certain family secrets that she doesn’t want to share. Do I like it? Not particularly, but I can make some allowances. Do I understand her reasoning? Yes, but she should know that she can at least trust us. That brings us back to those allowances. I can make some, but she has to give as well. Use her techniques, but I must have her results.” Paul figured he should point out the military side of the OICA could be trusted.
“Paulo, the secrets of her father’s family have to be the most guarded of all of Samantha’s family secrets. Not even I know the Secret of the Needles. Hell, Paulo, I don’t even know the first step in training my granddaughters in the Sleep of the Beautiful Death.” Maria sighed. “I warned you all that Samantha Justice, no let me correct that, Stephany Capizeo was the deadliest of us all when we first arrived on the island. And Paul, her Blood Oath will be upheld even if it costs her, her life.”
“Yes, you did, I just didn’t believe you. I just don’t like having an unknown factor under my command. And Stephany Capizeo is the biggest unknown of all the Black Badges. I was under the impression YOU could control her.” Paul reminded. “I may not understand how she has able to hide these abilities of hers from everyone else on the island, but from you is a different thing.”
“She does not always practice with the rest of the team. And when she does, she holds back in front of the girls. She does this out of respect for me.” Maria sighed again as she thought about her granddaughters. “Paul, I will be honest with you. The only person that now stands a chance against Samantha in a straight up fight is Lyssa. Tiffany may be a match for her, but I won't bet on it. Not now that Samantha has finally Mastered the Sleep of the Beautiful Death. Of course, those old associates of Lyssa's are quite unnerving. To be honest, I've never dreamed such men existed.”
“Are you sure about this Maria?” Paul hedged. He knew exactly how deadly the other two women were. “Has Samantha truly mastered the Beautiful Death?”
“Paul, there is no doubt in Samantha’s mastery of the art. She truly is the Hemlock Rose. The deadliest assassin of the old-world families. I witnessed her disable a target with but a signal strike. One that is not part of the Dancing Blade. One that I have only seen used by her mother.” Paul could feel the conviction in Maria’s voice. “Paul, Samantha has to have been continuing her instruction in the art on her own since resuming work.”
“Damn. Then she really is as deadly as you say. I watched the footage of that strike here in my office. I thought it was part of the Dancing Blade. But if what you’re saying is true, it would be prudent to evaluate her in some fashion. Do you think she’d accommodate?” Paul was thinking as a military commander now. He needed a baseline for an operative.
“I doubt it. She’ll tell us to go to hell. Then wait to disappear into the night. Samantha may love her family, but she will not share her family secrets with those she still considers outsiders. That includes all of the military members of the OICA. She may respect them, but she doesn’t see them as family. Samantha sees them only as allies, nothing more.” Maria confessed. “Starting to have second thoughts about bringing her into your fold?”
“No Ria, I’m not. If I had been, none of you would be operational. I’m just not sure about how to handle our current problem. Namely do we keep your team whole or split it up?” Paul answered her.
Taking a deep breath Maria made up her mind. “I’ll be keeping the team together. There is still too much that can go wrong. If, and this is a big if, I break up the team it will only to be to send Samantha and Angelic to Rome. Even then it will only happen after we have finished operations here stateside. I have a feeling that any operation that takes place inside the Vatican will have to be done by them.”
“I’ve been monitoring the talk in the TOC, Ria. I believe that you’re correct. I do have one question. Those maps in the Capizeo ancestral home. Is it true that only Samantha knows how to read them?” The big Spook had heard Annette’s story, Kimberly left her mic open on his channel for other updates.
“How did you find out about those maps Paul?” Maria snapped.
“Kimberly was sending me updates while Annette was talking to her and Krystel. To be honest I have more than a little interest in the history for the Moonless Night Wraiths. To think; that your family owes its very way of combat to an outlaw, Capizeo.” Paul let his respect for Rinaldo Capizeo fill his voice. He would love to have met the man. “Was he really as deadly as Annette was saying?”
Maria chuckled. “The legends of the first Hemlock Rose fall short of the truth, Paul. By a wide margin. I believe that the only Hemlock Rose to ever come close to matching the man was Mary Capizeo. Samantha’s mother.”
“Oh? Are you telling me that Samantha’s mother was deadlier than you my love?” Paul couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“I’m not joking, Paul. As good as I am, Mary Capizeo put me to shame.” Maria thought about that terrible night so long ago. “She and Marko had only one weakness. Their children. If Joseph had not killed those men and destroyed the Great Lakes Organization. I would have.”
“We all have a weakness when it comes to our children, love. I sacrificed being with you and Annette to keep you both safe as she grew up. Now, I have two beautiful granddaughters and a third grandchild on the way.” Paul sighed. “I just pray that Samantha is as good as she believes.”
“She is better than she believes Paul. When she finally faces Delicato a new legend for the Hemlock Rose will be born. You have my word on this, love.” There was a note of finality and conviction in Maria’s voice now. One that Paul had only heard once before when David Earp was murdered. “I have to go Paul. I still need to send in my report to the TOC.”
“Tell Samantha to mind her manners. Good behavior merits favor. Bad warrants imposition. We have enough problems as it is, don't need her adding or becoming one herself.” Paul reminded then ordered her. “Be careful Maria. Bring your team home.”
“First rule is in effect, Major. Get some sleep. Tomorrow will be a busy day.” With that Maria hung up her phone and headed inside the ALOC. “Where are Gemini and the Kitty?”
“Gemini just entered the south stairwell and should be here any moment. Kitty-Soft-Paws is almost at the hotel.” Samantha answered form her position at the com-set. “We heading over?”
“Have you sent in your AAR’S?” Maria asked.
“All sent and cleared.” Bobby answered her then looked concerned. “Mom we really need to have a talk with the girls when they get back.”
“Why? What have they done; this time?” Maria sighed. She knew that her granddaughters had to have done something to worry their fathers by the tone of Bobby’s voice and the look on Hunter’s face.
“They ditched that van in a part of town that is known for club girls being attacked. With the way they’re dressed right now. They're just asking for trouble. We not too happy with this Glitz and Ditz protocol.” Hunter pointed out the problem for Maria. “You need to watch the video replay again to understand.”
Maria just sighed. Then chuckled as she knew what the problem was without having to see the replay of her granddaughters’ mission. OPD, better known to the rest of the world as Over Protective Daddy syndrome.
“Boys, this is one those times that you need to put your shotguns, rifles, pistols, and knives away. They were given a viable plan that would target their mark’s greatest weakness. Their libido. I highly approve. The girls used their wits to accomplish their goal. Instead of brute force.” Maria chuckled. “Besides they were able to have some fun while doing their job.”
“Mom! That is not the point. Have you seen the way they’re dressed?” Bobby question his mother-in-law. “They look like a pair of party-babes on the prowl! OR HOOKERS!”
“Oh please, Bobby. You and Hunter have seen me in far more risqué outfits than those club outfits they wearing on stakeouts.” Samantha bitched. “Besides, they’re hardly the shrinking violets you think they are. They’re both highly trained old-world assassins now and learning how ninety percent of the female population act.”
“Your wife has a point here, boys.” Maria chuckled as a nasty thought crossed her mind. “Just think of what would happen if a pair of boys pressured those two into Prom night sex? Just imagine the paperwork we would have to fill out when they were done with those boys!”
Both fathers had the good grace to cringe at the images that ran through their minds. Right before they broke out laughing at Samantha’s comment on the topic. “I know that mom wasn’t too happy with what Catherine did to her Prom date. I think Carmine Cascara spent the next two months in a full-body cast for a pair of broken hips. If not more. I know he got off easy.”
“How can spending two months in a full-body cast be getting off easy?” Hunter want to know. “Those things are nothing but pain and misery.”
“He was still able to father children.” Maria told him bluntly. Both men reflexively winced as they crossed their legs.
The adults’ conversation was put on hold as the object of that conversation entered the ALOC. Kasey was the first to say anything. “Oh man! My feet are killing me. This is the last time I walk more than a mile in high-heels.”
“Next time you'd better have your own heels for an operation like this.” Samantha told her with a glare. “By the way, did you ask permission of mother Annette to borrow her good heels?”
“Yes ma’am.” Kasey blanched. “She kind of ordered me to use them. Well it was the Sergeant Major who gave the order, but momma Annette was listening. She gave her 'OK', between giggles. This Glitz and Ditz thing sure does work really good. It's kind of fun too.”
“Then I won’t bitch too much.” Samantha smiled at her daughters while the two men were having problems with swallowing. “Kristine you do need to apologize for using your father’s shirt without his permission though. The same goes for you Kasey. You used my good Lurex without asking. We don’t care if you raided our undercover bags for your mission. Just ask next time.”
“That will not be a problem for the next time, Samantha. It is time the girls had the needed clothing for a wider range of undercover work.” Maria corrected them all. “They’re old enough now.”
All three parents just sighed. They knew that Maria was right. Samantha looked at her two daughters. “Tomorrow morning we’re going on a shopping trip.”
“Do we have time?” Kasey asked her mother.
“We do. It won't take long. Both of you girls will need a higher-end wardrobe for tomorrow night’s operation.” Maria explained for the teenagers. “You will be with operating with your parents in an exclusive country-club setting.”
The knock on the door proceeded Angelic’s entrance.
“Did you have any problems with the drop off Angelic?” Maria asked.
“None that I wasn’t able to handle. I was also able to get the Queens SVU to handle the problem with the safe houses. They should be raiding them within the next thirty minutes to an hour.” Angelic answered honestly. “From what Stronghold told me, there is a US Deputy Marshal that will be coming in to help with the survivors.”
“Willian Chandler. He’s a good man, and a hell of a deputy. He and his team are death on these types of cases. They’ll make sure those kids will get the help that they need.” Maria told her. “For now, let’s all head for the hotel and our rooms. We all could use some sleep.”
With that Maria shutdown operations for the night. The adults stepped outside while Kasey and Kristine changed back into what they were wearing earlier. It didn’t take them long before they were all walking through the entrance of The Peninsula Hotel heading for the elevators. No one saw them except for the Night Time desk clerk.
The home of William Chandler, Arlington Virginia
The bedside phone rang waking William. “Chandler, this better be fucking important. As in Def-Con five.”
“Sorry, for waking you Bill. But we need to get our team to New York in two hours. We have a Code Black Star on our hands.” The voice on the other end of the line was his second in command, Bridgit Stevens. His team’s resident Profiler and psychologist. Her words brought two very distinct reactions from William Chandler. The first wiped the last of the sleep of fog from his mind. The second was to bring about his highly honed combat reflexes.
“Round up the team Bridgit. We’ll brief them on the plane. This is a full rollout. Combat footing.” William ordered. “Oh and Bridgit, why wasn’t I contacted directly? Why did the duty officer contact you?”
“I was here working on a profile for an open serial killer case in North Carolina for a friend in the FBI. He needed a fresh opinion on the killer and their methods.” Bridge answered her boss honestly. “I do this from time to time, boss. It pays to have friends in the BAU. Favor-trading.”
“Just so long as you don’t let it interfere with our own case load, Bridgit.” By now William had sat up. “See you on the plane.”
With that William hung up the phone and headed for the bathroom. “One of these days I’m going to get the guys in Tech Support to do an analysis of phone calls in the middle of the night and their relevance to the ‘Oh shit’ factor. There has to be some connection between the two.”
As William grumbled, he took care of the Call of Nature and grabbed a quick shower. After drying off he dressed and grabbed his go-bag. As he was leaving his home William pulled out his phone. After hitting the speed dial for his next-door neighbor, he waited for Sherry to answer. When the call was answered by a groggy voice he got straight to the point.
“Sherry, it’s me Billy. I need to go out of town for a few days. Yes, it’s a case. My team caught a nasty one. No, I don’t know how long it’ll take. Sure. I’ll get you one of those crazy tourist t-shirts. Thanks. Just bring in the mail for me. See you when I get back.” William disconnected the call and chuckled. “I swear that girl is crazy as they come.”
As he pulled out of his driveway William thought about his next-door neighbor Sherril King. At twenty-seven the young widow of a Virginia Highway State trooper was raising their son on her own. He had come to like the feisty blonde and her six-year old son. He even liked how she wasn’t sitting back and just living off her widow’s pension.
She was taking courses in forensic sciences. She had told him how she wanted to become a Crime Scene tech one night shortly after he moved into his house. He talked with his team’s Forensic Specialist to tutor her in her studies. Jimbo Hall was one of the best Forensic Specialists with the US Marshals. Sherry cooked Jimbo and William dinner every night that Jimbo came over to tutor her in her studies. For the two bachelors those nights were some of the best cook meals they had in a long while.
“I hope like hell I come home from this one.” He said to the empty air of his SUV. “I don’t want to disappoint that little lady and her kid.”
Special Victims Unit, Queens, New York
Captain Odafin Tutuola, Fin to his friends, looked at the phone on his desk. “If that phone call was a joke, it is a royally fucked up joke.” He stepped out of his office into the ‘bullpen.’ He called for his whole team. “Okay people. We just got a tip on seven white slavery safe houses.”
The youngest detective on his team looked at him with questioning eyes. “You can’t be serious Captain. Nobody just calls in a tip on something like that. It has to be a joke of some kind.”
“Holister I don’t joke about tips on sex crimes. You should know that by now.” He looked around at the rest of his team. “As I was saying people, we have seven possible white slavery safe houses. We’ll need to coordinate with the other Special Victims units and SWAT. That means seven possible pooch screws. I want warrants for all seven locations. Call in every favor you got. We do this by the numbers.”
“Captain, you have a call on line three. It’s some US Deputy Marshal, sir.” The Desk Sergeant called out.
Tutuola grabbed the nearest phone. “Captain Tutuola.”
“Captain, we have a SOG team on their way to assist you in taking down a possible extreme white slavery trafficking ring. The Deputy Marshal in charge of the SOG team is one of the best. He and his people go to the ends of the earth. They never stop, they never let up, and they always get their man. You let him and his people help and you’ll be bringing home a lot of missing and abused kids.”
“When and where are they due in?” Was all Tutuola asked.
“JFK, around zero-three-hundred. Can you arrange for someone to meet them?”
Tutuola thought about what was bring asked and knew who to get ahold of. “I got a fellow Captain who can meet the flight. Captain John Munch with the Manhattan SVU. I take it by the sound of your voice that your team will be assuming control over this investigation?”
“Negative Captain. Deputy Marshal Chandelier and his team will only be taking over the care of the victims. All perps are yours to do with as you please. Personally, when it comes to the members of that team. They’ll turn a blind eye if you want to them ‘committing suicide’ in their cells.”
Captain Odafin had been a cop long enough to know when someone wasn’t joking about a prisoner having an ‘arranged suicide’ when in custody. “Damn. That team must be some real hardcore SOB’s.”
“Let’s just say, that Supervisory Deputy William Chandler makes normal SOG team leaders look like Choir Boys on his worse day. I won’t even talk about what and his team are like on their good days or when they’re pissed off. Let’s just say that Hell’s hounds, run from them.”
“I look forward to meeting Deputy Chandler. Thanks for the help. Have a good night.” With that Tutuola hung up the phone. “Looks like we got the Marshals coming to help out on this one people. Let’s get a move on those warrants and start coordinating with SWAT.”
He turned and head for his office. “I got a call to make.”
Company dispatch office, Phantom Lines.
“Gypsy Moth; report to Dispatch for load information.” Lacey's voice came over the speakers.
“Where am I going and who’s paying?” Silvia Petrescu, better known to her friends and co-workers as Gypsy Moth, as she left her office.
“You pick up in New York. This is a no restrictions run.” Silvia couldn’t believe what Troy Montaine her employer was telling her. “Hook up to your dry-box and load in two personnel modules. This is a WITSEC run. You’ll be meet by a US Supervisory Deputy Marshal William Chandler at the Queens NYPD SVU. You’ll be carrying an as now unknown number of personnel. You’ll be headed for a secure location; Garret County, Maryland. Anyone tries to stop you between New York and your final destination you’re cleared for lethal force. Understood?”
“Gotcha boss. The load goes through.” Silvia knew what her job was, and she was damned good at it. She retrieved her duster, helmet and gun rig walking to the garage for her bay, Silvia thought about this load. She had made other high security runs before with other drivers, but this would be her first solo run of this nature. As she neared her truck, she ran her hand over the fender of the light grey Western Star tractor. “Time to saddle up baby girl.”
Monkey came around the side of the truck. "Ya ready?"
"Yeah. Dry-box, two personnel modules, Monkey." Silvia replied.
He nodded and went over to the overhead hoist. Slowly a rack of seats came into view then lowered. It looked like a type of roll-cage. The mechanic quickly loaded it then brought over a second module and did the same. Almost fifteen minutes were spent doing that while Gypsy Moth hooked onto the trailer and connected the lines and cable then rolled up the landing gear. In the cab she went through the load pack. The doors were closed loudly, and the lights went on, signaling they were closed and latched. The actual locks for those doors were controlled by two switches on her dash, which she flipped. The locks engaged and the green lights went to red.
Ten minutes later Silvia was upshifting, coming off the cloverleaf, headed north to New York city. A place that she had always wanted to see as a kid. Now she was getting that chance and being paid to do it. She topped 95 mph in no time and began moving through the traffic. When the traffic thinned out enough, the main lights went off and sped up to 105 mph. Others noticed the truck coming and moved to make way.
Silvia would make four stops that night, fuel and to use the restroom. It would be just before seven in the morning when Silvia crossed the Gorge Washington Bridge on I-95. It would take her another hour to work her way over to the Queens SVU due to traffic, if she was lucky.
John F. Kennedy International Airport
William Chandler and his team cleared the arrival terminal just after three in the morning. “Doug, Ricky; secure transport. Two SUV’s big enough to hold the whole team. A long with our gear. Jimbo, when we hookup with the Queens SVU I want a full breakdown of the situation by the numbers. Bridgit, I want you to get with the local headshrinkers and medical corps. Round up as many of them as you can and have them on standby. We don’t know how many victims will be recovered, but they will need immediate attention. Deb, I want you to work your magic and find me our first target.”
“Excuse me, boss, but we got a problem. Some clown with the NYPD SVU teams is supposed to meet us here.” Bridgit stopped William.
“Damn! What’s this guy’s name?” William sighed at having to deal with a bunch of Civilians. There were times when he missed the Army way of handling things. “Any idea of WHERE we were supposed to meet up, Bridgit?”
“Boss, we were supposed to be met by a Captain John Munch from the Manhattan SVU office. Well, they should have met us at the plane.” Bridgit told him.
A man approach them as William and Bridgit were talking. William took one look at the well-dressed man and placed him in his mid to late fifties. The man also had the air of a long-term cop. “Welcome to New York, Deputy Marshal. Captain John Munch, Manhattan SVU.”
“Nice to meet you Captain. I understand that you have a white slavery operation in your fair city. Care for some help?” William smirked.
“You bet your ass we can use some help. For starters, do you have any idea where that tip came from?” Munch stated bluntly.
“We have an idea. Captain, have you ever heard of the Black Badges?” William asked him.
“I doubt there is a cop that has more than three years on the job that hasn’t heard of that tall tale. Why?” Munch wanted to know where the Deputy was going with his question.
“Those tall tales are true. And if you go tracing that phone call, you’ll end up with a location somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic, the Great Lakes or a damned desert.” William chuckled. “Trust me, whatever intel you got from those people. Take it to the fucking bank. Because it is better than gold.”
“Do these people have access to Vatican and embassy phone lines?” William just chuckled at Munch’s question. “Well, that certainly explains Captain Tutuola’s beef with Tec-support.”
“Let me guess what happened. Your Tec-support people traced the tip back to a Vatican phone line, which has diplomatic immunity. And now you have the Holy See, via the local Diocese, climbing up One PD’s ass over it. How'd I do?” Chuckled William.
“Dead on the money. What I want to know is just how far reaching is this organization? Maybe you can fill me in on the way to Queens SVU?” Munch’s usual nose for conspiracy was showing.
William cringed slightly. He knew that he was getting close to a top-secret matter. One that everyone else in the Marshal Service was ordered never to talk about. “Captain I can only give you what I know, practically nothing. Compartmentalized above my pay-grade. All I know is these people operate so far in the dark that light stands a better chance at escaping a blackhole than anyone ever finding those people or how far they’ll go to accomplish their missions. I suggest that you and your people let the matter drop. You don’t want a visit from the people they answer to. They are not as polite as I am.”
Captain John Munch got the hint and knew to drop the matter. Somewhere out there in the night was an SOG team of Marshals that answered only to Lady Justice. And the justice they brought was at the point of a gun.
To all of my fans. As of midnight, last night all of the Black Badges books that have already been completed are now on Amazon in ebook format. I will be taking down books 1 through 5 starting tomorrow.
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Note at end
LoL I just checked yesterday, and Embracing Justice, and Manhunt were the only two there, glad the rest will be there when I check again!
Can't say I envy Delicato when Stephany's chains are removed.
Great story. The original part of this story was not among my favorite of those you have written and given to us. But it has grown on me and this last time line in this story has really caught my full attention and cant wait to see the next chapter. I hope we learn more about the Hemlock Rose in more detail. I wish you and your family the best success and health and to wish you the best of Holidays coming up
Men should be Men and the rest should be as feminine as they can be
I now have all five
Captain John Munch
giggles. as a fan of L&O SVU I loved you using the name
wow, looks like everyone is
wow, looks like everyone is getting involved in this operation even the road phantoms
The truckers are back!
I love the fact that the Road Phantoms are back. I wish we could see more of them.
Books not on authors page
The newly released books are not yet on on your authors page. Several older ones are missing too. Also links and series info are inconsistent. People need to know what books to search for and then find them. This can not be good for readers not already familiar with them.
Great Stories all.
~ Hypatia >i< ..:::
PS. now if only I can scrounge up some money
*adds these to her to buy list*.
Never thought that'd happen
If there are any bad guys at those safe houses they're going to need a change of underware when the SVU and others come through the doors. And hopefully there are no measures to eliminate the captives during the raids.
It is a wise decision to remove Sam's leash now before Andrews gets wind of what's falling down around him. More so as his get free cards are taken down. Even though Sam will honor her duty with the team, her full attention isn't with the team. Despite appearances.
Now that she has discovered who wanted her family dead, she's formulating the means to reach Andrews. She's also deciding the manor of his death and the length of time it will take.
He may act as arrogant as Silvia when her head was on the block. But once he discovers no calvary be rescuing him, his tone will change. And like Silvia, his death is going to be very painful.
John Munch? A Captain? Conspirity theorist Munch? Really, a Captain? Munch is the last person in that office anyone would have thought would make Captain. But the way the brass bounced Captains out the door, Munch was most likely the only one left they could promote.
John Much a Captain. Don't that beat all.
Others have feelings too.
My Feelings on Munch
I always felt that my man Munch got the short end of the stick. He should have been the one promoted over Olivia to Head up the SVU. I still love the show. THere just certain subjects they touch on that I can't watch.
May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf