Sometimes life takes an unexpected twist. In my business, I am paid an awful lot of money to forecast the unexpected, take the ‘un’ out of uncertainty and at the same time make a shed load of money as a result. Even so there are times when even my crystal ball gazing misses something. The prospect of that is what makes me get out of bed each day and come into work.
My name is Gordon McLeish. I live and work in New York, New York, USA. See I’m getting my own back on my American hosts who insist of suffixing London with England when showing a picture of the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben and the River Thames. Is there some London out in the boonies of the USA what has a duplicate building, river and everything? Pah. Just one of the annoyances that I have to live with to earn a daily crust. There are many others mostly based on what seems to be uniquely North American thing called Fraternities and what college went to. As I didn’t go to any University other than the ‘University of Life’ I’m not and never can be part of their club. Still, I’m only here for a while longer but more about that later.
I’m from Scotland, not England as even my colleagues forget despite my broad South Glasgow accent. I currently work for a multi-national bank in NYC as a trader. That means I make deals relating to the rise and fall of stocks that are traded markets around the world. I did work in London but the bank decided that NYC would be a better place to do my job despite it being in totally the wrong time-zone to work with the Tokyo, Hong Kong and all the other Asian exchanges.
Despite not having a University Education, I can speed read and digest a company annual report and all their other official documents with ease and what is more importantly, make pretty good guesses on what was left out of their documents. I consider the writing of annual and other formal company report a form of modern art. Most of the time, the contents on the page are strictly for the amateurs and hacks. It is what isn’t there is the real report. Many Fortune 500 companies are real masters of hiding the real problems in a company while shouting the positives from the rafters.
Based upon my understanding of those reports, a few guesses and a lot of intuition, my present employers seem to think that I’m pretty good at my job insofar that I made them a heck of a lot of money last year and I’m doing much the same this one.
I do however ask myself almost on a daily basis why I don’t quit and get another job back home. The answer to that is I am virtually my own boss. Because I make so much money for the bank on my desk, I have my own profit and loss line. The downside is that I have to share an office with a team of other traders. I’m a quiet sort of person but this lot are whooping and a hollering almost all the day. I regard it as a bit of one-upmanship.
The story of how my life in the Big Apple changed forever really begins on Labor Day weekend. By 5pm on the Friday, Wall St was shutdown for the long weekend and the office was deserted apart from me, the last man standing. I was finishing up some programmed trades on a few of the major foreign stock exchanges for the following Monday. If that went well, I’d have made a between $13M and $18M for the bank before the traders here lit their BBQ’s on Monday afternoon or watched their sports on TV.
Just before 6:30pm, I shut everything down and left the office ready to head home for the weekend.
The lift bell pinged and I stepped forward not expecting someone to want to get off.
“Oh, sorry,” I said as we bumped into each other.
I stepped back and recognised the person I’d bumped into.
“Ms Jenkins. I’m so sorry. I wasn’t expecting anyone to want to get off at this floor.”
She smiled back at me.
“Mr McLeish? Why aren’t you already somewhere nice for the weekend like everyone else.”
“Just leaving now. I had a few trades to setup for Monday.”
“Monday? It’s the holidays remember?”
“It might be here but London and Tokyo and pretty well the rest of the civilised world is open for business on Monday. Why are you coming back to the floor? Shouldn’t you be at home with your son by now?”
She did a bit of a double take.
“I… I forgot Luke’s present. I was distracted by Wendy-Sue. It was her last day before her baby is due.”
“Ah yes. Did you give her a good send off?”
“We did. But I needed come back for Luke’s present. It is his Birthday on Sunday.”
“Well go on then. I’ll wait here and walk you out.”
“There is no need.”
“It will be my pleasure.”
I waited in the Lobby while Ms Jenkins went off to retrieve her son’s birthday present.
When she returned, I pressed the button to call a lift.
“Your son is a bonnie looking bairn. No mistake.”
“Eh? Bairn?” she replied in surprise.
“Oh sorry. Bairn means child in Scotland. That photo on your desk shows a very happy boy.”
“Thank you, Mr McLeish. It was taken at Steamtown last year. He’s mad about trains. His Uncle in London sends him a Thomas the Tank Engine Book every so often.”
“I used to have the complete set when I was his age. I was obsessed with being the ‘Fat Controller’ one day but having the name ‘Gordon’...”
Then I smiled at her.
“I obviously failed, didn’t I?”
We both laughed as the bell sounded to announce the arrival of the lift.
The city was very quiet but swelteringly hot. After a pretty sleepless night on Saturday, I raised up the white flag and decided to leave the place and go somewhere hopefully not quite as hot or as humid. I hailed a taxi just after 06:30 and got it to take me to Kennedy Airport. I wasn’t flying anywhere but I was going to rent a car for a couple of days. I wasn’t heading for the beaches of Long Island or New Jersey but instead, I was heading inland towards Pennsylvania.
My hunch proved correct and while there was a good crowd of people at my destination it was nowhere near as crowed as it would have been at the coast. Very soon I was in my element, surrounded by sleeping beasts. I’m referring to the exhibits on show in the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania. They were all crying out to me, ‘make me live again’. The machines were built to steam and travel the iron roads of the Country as living fire breathing beasts not lying dead in Museums.
I shook myself out of my depression and began to admire the workmanship and sheer craft that had gone into their construction. It did make me wonder about the people who’d worked their asses off to build them. Some of those fire and water breathing beasts only had a very short service life as they were replaced by smelly Diesels after just a few years.
After a while it got a bit depressing. There was no doubt that I was missing ‘Lucy’. ‘Next year’, I said to myself, ‘next year’. I left the Museum and went across the road to where there was one of these beasts in steam on the Strasburg RR. Seeing, smelling and hearing a loco at work would make me happy again until I could return home that is.
I was watching the Loco ‘run-round’ between trips when I felt a tug on my trousers. I looked down and saw a small boy looking up at me.
“Mister, my Mommy wants to know if she can buy you a soda?”
I looked around and to my surprise, I saw Ms Jenkins standing a few feet away. She was smiling at me.
“Ms Jenkins? What on Earth are you doing here?”
She smiled.
“I could say the same for you? Please call me Maureen. We aren’t at work now.”
I laughed.
“Please call me Gordon and I’m just visiting the Railroad Museum and taking a ride on the Strasburg Railway. Much like you I suppose.”
I looked at her and said,
“Your turn.”
“I’m taking this little one for his first ride on a steam train. My parents live only an hour away so we came down from the city yesterday and… well, here we are.”
“Well, it is really nice to see a friendly face. Let my buy you both a drink?”
I knelt down to get to the child’s eye level.
“You must be Luke. Happy Birthday and I hope you get to see Thomas one of these days.”
“Thank you but Mommy says that Thomas is a long, long way away.”
“Thomas travels on rails. He may come to you one day.”
“I hope so.”
We boarded the train a little later for the journey to the picnic area. Luke waved at the train as it left the little station. Lots of passengers waved back which seemed to make his day. It certainly made Maureen’s day. She was beaming from ear to ear.
We returned to the depot on the last train of the day. I was happy to see that Maureen and her son had enjoyed my company.
“Thank you for a lovely afternoon,” I said once we had alighted from the train at the Depot. “It was most unexpected meeting you here but very enjoyable. Luke seemed to enjoy himself as well.”
“Are you going back to the City now?” asked Maureen.
“Not tonight. I’ve a room in a motel just of I-95 near Newark.”
“Newark? Why not go home? You are almost there.”
I grinned back at her.
“Sorry, Newark Delaware. I want to do some shopping at the Mall tomorrow and not pay the New York sales tax.”
She laughed back at me.
“You really are on the ball aren’t you.”
“Us canny Scots have a bit of a reputation when it comes to money. I’d be a fool not take the opportunity when it presents itself so close by.”
“Why not come home with us. My Mom will have plenty of food if I know her. They only live fifteen minutes from I-95. Her food will be an awful lot better than some fast food joint.”
I thought for a second or so. Then I heard,
“Please come Gordon. Grandpa would love to hear about when you saw Thomas and the Fat Controller.”
For half a second, I hesitated. Then I looked at Luke’s face.
“If you are sure it won’t be any trouble then I will. Thank you for the offer.”
“Yay!” came the cry of obvious pleasure from Luke.
The evening was very enjoyable once I’d persuaded Maureen’s father that I did not have any romantic intents towards his daughter. I explained that I was only in the Country for a limited time and furthermore, we had to work together in a place where workplace romances were very much frowned upon.
Thankfully, Maureen backed me up by recounting the time when a couple were both ‘let go’ just two days after they’d announced their engagement. It was that sort of place.
The following morning, I went to Christiana Mall to do my shopping. Yes, paying no sales tax was part of the reason I was here, but only part. The other part was to be able to buy what I wanted without risking being seen by anyone from work. Even though Maureen’s family were not that far away, any fears that I would accidentally bump into her had been allayed by the invitation from her father to attend the community BBQ lunch. I already knew about it and that Maureen would be expected to help out at the event so I felt safe in declining the invitation and going shopping instead.
I headed into Neiman Marcus less than fifteen minutes after the store opened. I knew what I wanted and thanks to the Internet, I knew that this store had it in stock. Twenty minutes later I was back at my car and thinking about the drive up I-95 back to New York when a voice said,
“Well, I wasn’t expecting that.”
I turned towards the voice and saw Maureen watching me with a huge grin on her face.
For an instant, my heart stopped. I knew better than to try to fib my way out of the situation so I fessed up.
“You got me bang to rights. My alter ego likes to dress and live as a woman.”
“I wondered if it was something like that. Very few men shave other than body builders their armpits.”
“So, what now? You tweet the office or something like that?”
Maureen smiled.
“Don’t be silly. You are a nice man and now I know why you are. The fact that you never came on to me despite me giving you the hint that I’d be receptive said to me that you were either gay or… Well, the ‘or’ won out didn’t it.”
I was taken aback by her statement. She was right on the nail. She had given me a few hints but being here for such a short time, I ignored them.
“You don’t mind?”
“Why should I?”
“Because I’ve lost a good few girlfriends after they find out about me.”
“You don’t fancy men then?”
“God no. Ugh!”
Maureen laughed.
“You Brits are certainly different from us.”
“You are so buttoned up. You don’t let your true feeling show even for an instant.”
I knew that she was right. The team in the office had tried to get me to loosen up but I wasn’t really into their silly antics. They all seemed so immature to me. I just kept my head down and waited until it was time for me to return to London. That day was not that far away now.
“You got me again. But if I did show the real me, how long do you think that I’d last at work? You know how very conservative the company we work for is in their outlook especially towards romantic relationships. Eyebrows would be raised at the mere thought of us having a relationship. I’m already an outsider and there are several people who would like to see the back of me so I keep my head down, make some money for the bank and count down the days until I can go home.” I replied.
“So, what now?” she asked.
I didn’t answer so she answered for me.
“I’m going to the BBQ. You can come along if you want but otherwise, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Eh? Is that it?”
“That is what?”
“Don’t you want to see me dressed up and with nowhere to go? Them make fun of me and other stuff?”
Maureen smiled and came up close to me.
“You really don’t get it do you eh?”
“Get what?”
“Jesus Gordon! Do I have to spell it out?”
My mind was running around in circles and getting nowhere.
“I fancy you Gordon. Actually, even more now that I know about the real you.”
“You are having me on?”
“Really? How about this eh?”
Before I could even think of a reply, she wrapped her arms around me and gave me a long passionate kiss.
“Well? That good enough to start with?” she said slightly breathlessly when we broke apart.
I didn’t answer right away.
“What cat got your tongue?”
“Thank you.”
“Thank me? Why you are a good kisser.”
I looked at her and saw a determined woman. That scared me a little.
“It doesn’t matter. We could never be a couple here.”
“Why ever not?”
“Luke is why. Children are really bad at keeping secrets.”
“Luke can keep a secret believe me.”
I shook my head.
“I know from bitter experience they can’t.”
“You got outed?”
I nodded my head.
“Right in front of the whole school. The beating I took afterwards put me in Hospital for three weeks. That’s what I should have expected growing up in a former Steel Making town where men are men and women are women. Nothing else is acceptable.”
“Oh, you poor thing.”
“Then there is the small matter of me going back to London in what? Less than four weeks. My term here will be up.”
“And you don’t want to stay here?”
I shook my head.
“I’m retiring from trading as soon as my bonus is paid and I can cash in some stock options.”
“Then what are you going to do? Play with that steam engine?”
“I’ve seen your screen saver. If I recall correctly, it shows a small steam engine.”
“That’s Lucy. She’s all mine and yes I’m going to finish restoring her and then drive her.”
“As a he or a she?” asked Maureen being as direct as ever.
“She. Steam Locos are like ships in that they are referred to in the feminine gender. It isn’t surprising given that men made them and drive and look after them.”
She smiled back at me.
“You have it all worked out, don’t you?”
I didn’t answer.
“But I know that you will get lonely. So, what about it eh? I’ll accept you whoever you appear to be.”
“Now you are being silly. You don’t know me from Adam.”
“Oh yes Adam. Adam is a, what you Brits call it? A wanker, a plonker and a numpty but I don’t know what those mean but it sure sounds good.”
Adam Strong was one of the so-called rising stars of the department. Several times he had tried to steal my trades and take credit for the profits they generated. Once I had to publicly rebuke him by asking him about how he came to the decision to buy that particular stock. He couldn’t reply with anything coherent. He couldn’t because the stock was traded on the Shanghai Composite Index which was outside his normal trading region. No one liked him. Maureen’s description of him was very accurate.
“I can’t Maureen, I’m sorry.”
I didn’t wait for a reply as I got into my rental car and took off back to the big city where I could lose myself in the hordes of people.
The drive up I-95 was a blur. It was a wonder that I didn’t crash but somehow, I managed it and got back to the relative safety of my apartment in the late afternoon. The shopping bag with my dress in it sat on the floor right by the front door where I’d dropped it. There really was no point in even hanging it up now.
By late evening, I’d recovered just enough composure to be able to take my Rental back to the airport. It had been quite a weekend.
[to be continued]
[Authors Note]
The idea for this story came to me when I visited the Museum and travelled on the RR in September 2015 after attending a week long Technical Seminar in Sandusky, Ohio. I did go shopping at the Mall the following day and bought the MacBook that I've used for writing my stories ever since.
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Looks to be a fun one here.
As a former Totalbiscuit viewer, the thought of getting to peek into the mind of a Scot who's brutally honest and not afraid to dish out the insults is one that sounds quite entertaining. I'm sure he's got more than just his mind working in his defence, though... the money he's making being just the start.
You've caught my interest
and I like the characters involved. Well, except for Adam.
1) I’m north, rather than south, Glaswegian, but still...
2) I went to school with a boy called..... Gordon McCleish!
3) I now live in York, which hosts the UK’s National Railway Museum. Probably the best of its kind in the world, and it’s free.
4) I’m also a train nut, have been all my life.
If you ever want a guided tour of the NRM, Samantha, I'd be delighted to show you around. It would be a meagre return for all the pleasure that your stories have given over the years.
Rob. x
Thanks Rob
I nearly booked a Steam Trip to York today but decided on going to Cardiff and Steam through the Severn Tunnel (Tornado at the front).
I went to Shildon in early September but havn't been to York since all the A4's were there. If I'm up that way, I'll send you a message.
Thanks for the offer.
Very nice museum and good
Very nice museum and good collection in an almost authentic rail depot setting...
Also visited very interesting railway museum near Nottingham... Some 25 years ago. And it is getting mixed up with some other trips in the area as in my memory "last cast iron bridge on a railway" was also there. While google and wikipedia say that it is Nene Viaduct in Peterborough. And the picture matches my memories. Are there any running steam trains around Peterborough?
Steam around Peterborough
The 'Nene Valley Railway' perhaps?
Please add me to the list of rail fans. The B&O RR museum in Maryland is very nice, and we read Thomas the Tank Engine stories to our kids when they were little. Duck is my favorite.
Looks like it!
Now I have another pin on my map in the "to visit" list. I will time it so there will be something steamy going on for my visit. Last time I had no opportunity to ride anything.
An intresting start
Like to see where this goes. I am intrigued especially aster I got to see the Union Pasific 4-6-6-4 Challenger AND the 4-8-8-4 Big Boy (worlds largest & heavest steam locomotive ever built & opperating today). I am wondering if Gordon is just a CD or something more? I like where this is going so far.
Love Samantha Renée Heart.
What a wonderful woman!
And named Maureen to boot! God, I wish I'd meet someone like her one of these days!
I think Gordon needs to ask her to come to the UK with him *giggles*
Nice story so far, Samantha.
Monique S
Expect no less
Samantha sets the stage, when the movie starts the scene, the setting is there. Her actors and actresses are included in that first shot or shortly introduced. The dialog (speaking parts) come in on cue then or delayed to the full effect of whisking her audience (readers) into the story with the characters. Not in only Sam's stories but every story from every writer their is a delicate balance between descriptive and speaking. Too much or too little of one or the other at the right time degrades the story. Sam nails it perfectly time and time again with each of her stories she shares.
I wish "it" could and glad it can't be pulled out of her like drawing blood and inoculated into others. It certainly can't be taught. We can tell others how it is cone but it has to be in the writer. It's a gift.
hugs Samantha
Life is a one way trip. Don't waste it looking back wishing.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Snowplow Extra
A great rail story at:
"In the middle of the worst snowstorm of the decade, the whole town was burning down. The only hope lay on two rusty steel rails . . . Nonstop action and adventure – no sex or violence as railroad workers and firemen struggle against fire, storm, and failing equipment to relieve an isolated northwoods town."
And the railroad played a small part at the end of:
Great stories from Wes, RIP.
Snow, Railroad
Excellent writing. One would need to be addicted to railroad everything to read the story from start to finish. I'm not being disparaging about the excellent writing skills of the author nor his attention to detail laying out the story line in descriptive language if one isn't dragged into a raging snowstorm they have zero imagination. The descriptions of the engines, the railroad cars, the couplers, the air lines, he didn't get all that from reading a how to on railroading. He has been there, done that and in the story takes the reader for a hands on experience.
The story was a little too close to home as I've been out in those blizzards. When I finally made it back to the house I couldn't take my clothes off until they thawed out. They were frozen stiff with ice. On the other end of all that, two weeks ago NW Oklahoma was burning up as a fire raged across the grasslands pushed by sixty MPH winds. A lot of Moreland was lost as the fire raged through town. Scared me to death even though it was sixty miles away. With those winds it could be one my door step in a little over an hour. Last year Texs Panhandle had one rages across forty miles taking out livestock, homes, barns, farm-ranch equipment. Eight years ago one started at Erick and went for twenty miles before they got it under control. A blizzard or fire pushed by high winds means pain, suffering, death, loss no matter where or when it happens.
The story is too close to home for me. Excellent writing skills but...
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
you've pretty much described
you've pretty much described what goes through most people's minds when they get asked out for a date, can I trust them everyone has their own Gremlins for that question, it just gets a little worse when you have something you don't want made public.
great story so far.
Life and art, fact and fiction.
How Jessie became Thomas and back to Jessie again
Thanks for that
I visited the P&B Rly last June. It was a very, very, very wet day. I need to go back sometime when it is dryer.
Great Story
I thought I'd share this picture
Picture is from the
website (click on the Nene Valley Railway logo for their main site and the Thomas picture for their Thomas page.)
Message for Manic Racer
That steam railway near Nottingham is probably the Great Central near Loughborough. Bigger and better since you last visit.
I live 40 minutes from the North York Moors Railway, also steam hauled and spectacular, running through to the glorious and ancient seaside town of Whitby in the summer.
And Samantha, I came up for the Great Gathering Of A4s in 2013 too, just before I moved to York from Cambridge.
"Places to visit" list grows! Have to start planning my next vacation!
Lucky, Lucky,
To be a girl, and get the girl too.
Romance dead, not
To be able to earn that much on the stock market a person has to be a real sharp cooky. It has nothing with education, though that will help, but because the person understands what to look for when it's time to buy or sell.
Gordan being outed when younger is partly the reason he keeps to himself. The other reason he told to Maureen, which is sad because people could learn a lot from him had they had the brains to treat him as they want to be treated. As a result, they lose out on his knowledge and experience. Knowledge and experience that's gained a boat load for the bank.
That bank really should try and keep Gordan in its employ, unless they have another trader that earns as much or more. Yet, business is business so Gordan's welfare is of no interest to the bank. Of course, if the bank kept Gordan longer in NY he and Maureen could get to know each other better. Though he wouldn't get to continue his work on Lucy.
There is a solution to their problem, if Maureen is up for it. She could move to Scotland with Gordan, or where he actually lives. It would be a big change for her and Luke, but they could be together without the fear of being fired.
Speaking of which, that couple that were fired because they became a couple could take that bank to the cleaner for the reason the couple was fired. It's called discrimination.
Gordan's secret would indeed get him fired if it became known. At some point Maureen may insist on seeing him dressed as a woman, and might try using the threat to out him as leverage to get what she wants. And to give him what she wants to give him.
Others have feelings too.
There is such a thing as Burn Out
That's what Gordon is feeling. He's made his money and is done with business. There are a good number of former traders like him who have left their really lucrative jobs and started again doing something totally different. Gordon is planning to leave before all this happens.
A lot of the points you raise are covered in the other parts of the story already published. The final pieces to the jigsaw will become clear in the final part of the story which will be published soon.
Very good start
Given the lack of keywords, I didn't know what to expect. But I have to say it has really grabbed me and I'm going to jump into the next chapter asap. Love the characters, but I sure would like to know more about the Niemann Marcus dress!
>>> Kay