How Life Can Change -6- The Games We Play

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by Little Katie

Chapter 6
The games we play

Oh, I'm just churning out the chapters now though, aren't I? I was a little disappointed by the lack of comments, poor Emily is worried no one likes her. But life goes on, as you will see here. Another chapter where things just seem to happen and I only get one outline point done, don't worry next time I will get three because they are all entwined.


Emily sat in the den, trying to find something to watch on the television. She tried to watch some of her old favorites, but they seemed too violent for her. She didn't know why she wasn't enjoying it, but everything felt off. Wrestling seemed too barbaric, action shows didn't seem to have any good characters and their wasn't a baseball game in sight.

She slowly flipped through the channels, and finally came to one she liked. Her mom watched this one all of the time, but she never stood around to see what it was all about. But, "Touched by an Angel" was a very good show and she was following the story. She really got into it, crying when the scenes were sad, laughing at the little jokes. She was amazed how the angels made the people change. In the beginning they hated God and at the end they wanted nothing more then to be with Him.

"Dear God," Emily knelt on the floor, "I don't know if you recognize me, it's me John Jr. of New Jersey. Well, I'm Emily now, I don't know if you were paying attention. I know you are very busy. Can you send me an Angel to make me used to all this or turn me back, please? Amen."

Emily didn't pray all that much, but she felt good about the fact that she did then. She heard the car pull into the driveway, she opened the door and waited for her mom and dad to come up the walk.

"Hey, kiddo." Her mom said.

"Hi, Mommy." Emily said while looking down at the ground.

Emily's mom took her by the chin and raised her eyes. "You have no reason to look down little one."

"I guess."

"I love you, don't ever forget that, you understand."

"Yes, Mom."

"Good, lets go to the table, we brought you some food from Burger King."

Emily went to the kitchen and sat down at the counter. Her mom always got her food she liked whenever she wanted to say sorry, but couldn't. Her mom placed the Whopper Jr. and fries in front of Emily. Mom fussed with her hair for a little bit, "You got to learn how to comb this right, you know."

"I know, I wasn't going anywhere."

"That's not an excuse, a young lady should be neat and presentable."

"I'll try."

"No trying, you will, trying sounds like you plan to fail."

Emily frowned and stared at her food. Dad cleared his throat, reminding his wife to perhaps change the subject.

"So," Mom said, "do anything fun while we were gone."

"I read some, and listened to my stereo." Emily cheered up.

"Reading is good, read anything interesting."

"Well, one of the magazines was talking about periods, will I be getting those to know."

"Young lady that is not a conversation for an eating table."


"Sorry, you are starting to sound like Jessie."

"Dear, she was just curious." John stepped in, "No, dear, that won't be happening to you, you get to luck out."

Mom just peered at her Husband.

"Vivian relax. Emily your mother is right though, private stuff like that is inappropriate at the table, now you know okay?"

"Yes, Dad."

"What else were you wondering?" Her mom asked, kind of coldly.

"I was kind of wondering, if maybe, maybe I can go to the baseball game tomorrow to be with my friends.

"That's an excellent idea," Mom said cheerfully.

"You mean I can go?"

"Yes, you should see your friends."

"Thanks, Mom." Emily smiled.

"What pretty thing are you going to wear?" Mom asked.


"Well, you got a lot of dresses to pick from and won't they be surprised to see you?"

"I thought I would wear my uniform."


"Yes." Dad said simultaneously with Mom.

"Why would you need to wear a uniform, you won't be playing."

"Because she wants to be with friends and has to find her own way to tell them." Dad answered for Emily.

"Well, what better way to tell them, then by just showing up."

"Maybe it is not her way." Dad said, then turned his attention to his daughter "Emily, how do you want to go to the game?"

"In my uniform."

"That is not an option, young lady, you go looking pretty or don't go at all."

"Then I won't go, and I won't eat your food," Emily said as she through the remainder of her food in the garbage, "and I won't ever leave my room either." Emily ran up the stairs and slammed the door behind her.

"You just had to start didn't you?" John said to his wife.

"There you go coddling again, she has got to tell them she is a girl. What, is she going to lie to the world the rest of her life?"

"She will tell them, but let her figure out her own way."

"Then she won't do it, you know that."

"Why won't she do it? Because if it was reverse and you had to be changed, you would hide it."

"That's different, I am older."

"No, it's the same, let her go to the game, and let her be with her friends."

"She puts that on, then she is lying, and I won't be privy to a lie."

"What lie?, there are girls on the team to."

"That's not the same."

"Am I missing something, why?"

"Because you know she won't be acting like a lady, she will be acting like a boy and being called John again."

"You are really living in a world of your own, do you know that? Acting like a lady or a boy, she is only nine."

"Well, if you want to take her and lie to everyone, then you go ahead, I will not be going with you."

* * * * *

Emily buried her head under her pillow, holding it tight against her ears, trying to block out the sound of her parents fighting. They didn't fight much, but when they did Emily hated it. "They're fighting and it's all my fault. Make it stop, please, make it stop." Emily cried as she tried to block out the noise. Finally it died down, it seemed like an eternity. Her door swung open, the noise of it crashing into the closet startled her.


"Here, here is your uniform. I hope you're happy." Mom threw the uniform on the floor with force.

"Mom, I won't go, okay, I won't even be mad."

"No, it's too late for that, your dad will take you and you do what you want. But if you let people think you are something you aren't then you are a liar, I hope I didn't raise a liar." She closed the door hard as she left.

Emily picked up the uniform from the floor. She hung it on the door.

"All I use to think about was putting this on and being happy, now it's making me so sad. Stupid uniform. I guess I wont ever be a Yankee now."

A small knock came at the door.

"Come in dad." Emily said softly.

"How did you know it was me?"

"Well the way Mom left, I didn't think if she wanted back in she would have knocked."

"She'll get over it, she went in the bedroom for a nap."

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"Making you and Mom fight."

"Honey, you didn't make us fight, we fought on our own, we just are seeing things differently, that's all, we still love each other and we both still love you."

"Well, she isn't showing it well."

"Remember, it's been hard on her, she's having issues herself."

"Is she mad at me?"

"No, she is more mad that she can't fix things for you."


"Well, if you scrapped your knee, you know how she would kiss it to make it better and make you something special. Or, like when you are sick she would wait on you hand and foot?"


"Well, she can't do that for you now, she can't do anything to make things easy, we know this is difficult for you and for a while it's going to be."

"Well, I guess I can understand. She isn't making it not be hard."

"We will all make sense of it soon, honey. Together as a family, we will find away. Right now it's just going through the change that is causing a little pain."



"Please hold me, make me feel safe."

"Oh, honey." John opened his arms and caught his little girl as she leapt into them. She put her head to his chest and through her arms around his neck. John sat down at the windowed bench,

"It'll be okay, baby."

"I know," Emily whimpered, "but right now I just need to be held."


"Yeah, I guess."

"You were never like this before?"

"I know, but it feels right."

"Yes, it does, doesn't it. Just stay there, baby, as long as you need, I will always be here for you."

Emily didn't respond, she just cuddled closer to her father. She placed one hand on her cheek and rested against his chest. She placed her free hand, palm down on the rest of her father's chest. His right arm wrapped around her shoulder while his left wrapped around to her hip. He gently rocked his daughter.

"Hush now, don't you cry," he began to sing. "Wipe away tear drops from your eye. I'm lying here safe in bed, it was all just bad dreams spinning in your head."

John marveled as he looked down upon his girl as her countenance changed. The worry and fear and pain had left her face. She looked peaceful and calm and blissful. He could almost feel the warmth that filled the child. She was once again safe, once again in the fortress that was her daddy's arms. John felt her as she took a deeper breath, the warm air of her exhale cause the hairs of his hand to tingle. His baby was asleep.

"This has not happened in so long, little one." He thought to himself.
"Do you know how special you are, do you know how special you make me feel? Maybe this happened for a reason, precious. Maybe all that pain we all had to go through was to lead to this reward. I hope it is worth it for you, I wouldn't trade it in for all the money in the world. You were a great son, I won't take that away from you, but as my little girl, I love you all the more. You would never be like this as my son, we wouldn't let you would we?

"Having to hide behind the false male facade, but this is the real you, isn't it? I love you for that, and I apologize that I didn't get to know it sooner. As my little girl, you are perfect, do you know that? You don't even have to try to be like this, you are an angel. The accident that almost took you away from me, brought me to find the real you."

John stood up and placed his girl on the bed. He gently lifted off her shirt, placed it on the night stand gently. He then reached under her, finding the zipper, and slid the skirt down her legs. He took a second to look down at his little girl, pink and perfect. He found a sheet in the closet and gently placed it over her. He bent over and kissed her on the forehead.

"Sleep well, little one." John stood at the door and watched as Emily slept.

Emily found a stuffed bear in her sleep and hugged on it. Her thumb found her way to her mouth. John thought that this was the most beautiful sight in the world. It was a long time since this being had sucked its thumb. It made her look less like nine and more like three.

"If she could start that young again, this would be easier." He thought.
"Too bad, she is still perfect. If Vivian could see this side of her maybe she wouldn't worry. Emily is adapting to being a girl, quicker then I would of thought or hoped. She just wants it to happen magically."

John went down to get the couch ready for himself. He knew that he was destined for this punishment tonight. His daughter slept in one room and his wife slept in another just a few feet away, but they were worlds apart, at least for the moment

* * * * *

It was around eight in the morning, John's back was sore from the uncomfortably too small couch. He went to the bathroom and did his morning ritual of shaving and washing up in the child's bathroom. He then went to his room and sat next to his wife.

"I'm sorry" Vivian said.

"I know, I'm sorry we had to fight."

"I don't know what comes over me sometimes, she's hating me now, isn't she?"

"No, not at all."

"If I was in her shoes, I'd be hating my mom." Vivian crinkled her nose trying to look cute for her husband.

"She is just worried about the fighting yesterday, she'll be fine I think."

"I need to make it up to her, maybe if I got her something special, like a TV and VCR?"

"Maybe saying your sorry would be better?"

"Maybe, I'll have a chat with her when she gets home."

"That will be good. I better get her up so she can get ready."

"Tell her that I love her, okay?"

"I already did."

"Well, tell her again."

"Okay, I will"

John wanted to ask his wife to come, but he knew she was stubborn after a fight, even if she did admit she was wrong in her own way. That, and being eight months pregnant she was more self conscious about being out in front of people. The aluminum benches at the park were no help either.

John walked down the hall, slowly opened the door that led to his daughters room. He stood there and watched her sleep. Somewhere in the night she had lost the sheet that covered her. Her little pink panties were the only thing that kept her from being naked. "Maybe she wanted to lose them too," John thought, "or maybe that's just for guests." John chuckled. He walked over to the bed, gently placed his hand on his daughter's back and shook her softly.

"Come on honey, time to get up, time to get ready."

Emily stirred and rolled over slowly. She fluttered her eyes at her father.

"Morning, sunshine." John said.

"Morning, Daddy." Emily sat up and held out her arms towards her father. He bent down and gave her a hug.

"What a nice reward for waking someone up."

"It's a nice way to wake up, too." Emily giggled and gave her father a kiss. She hopped out of bed and took the uniform shirt off the hanger.

"So not afraid of me seeing you in your panties?"


"Well you were shy yesterday, what changed?"

"Well, you're my daddy, and Jessie isn't here with me."

John chuckled. "Oh, so your going to prance in your panties in front of me when your friends aren't here."

"Yes," Emily laughed, "unless you don't want me to."

"No, go right ahead."

Emily skipped around the room a little, John smiled at her. He gave her a small swat on the backside. "Get ready or we won't have time for breakfast.

"Okay, I was only teasing with you."

"And what a tease you are." John said while glancing at his daughter's naked behind while she took off her panties. This amazed him. His son wouldn't be caught dead being seen naked, now as his daughter she is more free. He didn't even mind, in the past he might have, lately he had been less stringent. "She does have a nice little tush after all," John thought to himself. He felt it was a shame it had to be covered as Emily pulled up a fresh pair of panties.

Emily then put the jersey on, placing each hand in through the arms and then buttoning the front. All the while her dad looked on. She kind of enjoyed having him there. It gave her no sexual pleasure that her dad was looking on, in fact sex never did enter her mind. She was allowed to be vulnerable with her father, and being naked in front of him was less vulnerable than she was the night before. She felt a joy in her stomach that she felt safe in his presence, that was why she didn't ask him to leave.

"You look real pretty like that." John said staring at his little girl. The top just did cover her panties and he thought it was cute as all get out. "You should go just like that" he teased.

"Daddy!" she blushed as she pulled on the pants. She carefully buttoned them, trying to avoid her scar. She tucked her hair under her cap and put on an old pair of sneakers.

"How's this?"

John was at a loss for words. He thought when Emily got dressed in the uniform that his son would return. But that did not happen, on the contrary, it was the opposite. She looked as cute as the other girls on the team did. Her face was softer and her being seemed much softer.

"Well?" Emily demanded.

"You look fine, sweetie. Come here." John didn't want to tell her that she looked like a girl. He knew that if Emily thought she couldn't hide the fact that she wouldn't go or that she would worry the whole time.

Emily walked over to her father, thinking he was going to adjust something on the uniform. Instead he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her butt closer to him. He gave her a soft kiss on the lips and she returned it. "There is nothing like a child's kiss, so innocent and so pure." John thought.

"Okay, lets go." John told his girl.

"What about breakfast?"

"We'll stop on the way."

Emily got to the car, and felt nervous about getting in. Her dad opened the door for her. "Remember, you're safe with me," he reassured. Emily got in and buckled herself up. "I am safe with him, aren't I?" she smiled inwardly.

Her dad got in the opposite side, buckled himself up and started the car. He took his daughter's hand and squeezed it slightly. She smiled at him, with those beautiful hazel eyes starring back at him. He put the car into gear and they drove off.

On the way to the park they stopped at a drive through. They ate their meal while parked in the parking lot. They chatted about nonsense things mostly.

"Now, Emily," John said "If you want to tell them about you being a girl you go right ahead, but if you don't then you don't have to. Go at your own speed."

"Thanks, Dad. I don't think I will today, I'm just seeing them again for the first time and I don't think a baseball field is right."

"That's okay sweetie, should I go back to calling you John, just for today.

"No, call me sweetie, I like that. This way the guys don't have to know and we don't have to lie."

"Okay, sweetie," John agreed, figuring that she must have heard some of the argument and wanted to avoid making her mother upset.

"Let's move out." John said as they started towards the park.

The pair pulled into the parking lot, the rest of the team was already there. Kids were seen putting on cleats and getting their equipment ready. Emily took a deep breath, butterflies filled her stomach.


"Yeah, a little I guess."

"Don't worry you'll be fine, just be yourself."

"That's what I'm worried about." Emily said as she gathered all her strength, opened the door and stood outside the door. Her father walked to the front of the car and waited for his daughter to meet him there. They walked towards the gate that led to the field, his hand resting lightly on her back, giving her support and urging her forward all at the same time.

Her team finally saw her and their faces lit up.

"Hey it's John," one of them yelled.

She lightly jogged over to them. "Hey, heard you guys were winning without me."

They all laughed and each said hi and sorry that they couldn't visit her in the hospital.

"Cool scar." One said. Pointing to the barely visible mark that showed under her cap.

"That had to hurt, John."

"To bad it didn't happen during school, then you'd be getting a real break."

"Yeah, that sucks, it cut into your summer vacation."

All the kids surrounded her and the feeling was light. The business at hand took over and the kids got to the field to warm up.

"John, going to warm up?"

"No, the princess can't play today," the coach said.

Emily was shocked, and angry. The boy that asked didn't even hear the comment, but Emily did, and she was mad. She glared at Sean, "That finker, he ratted me out."

"Come on, princess," the coach said, "wait on the bench and enjoy the game."

Emily looked at him for a second, then walked over to the bench. She sat there, kicked her feat in the dirt some and glared at Sean some more.

The team was finally done warming up. David, who had the opportunity to play the whole game since Emily was no longer participating, went over to the coach.

"Coach," David addressed the lanky, golden haired leader, "Am I going to have to split time again, now that John is here."

"Nah, the princess can't play, so you keep up the good work."

"Can't he quit that," Emily thought, "that four-eyed moron."

Sean came into the caged dugout and sat down next to Emily. "Hey, what's up?"

"Don't talk to me."

"What, why?"

"You know why?"

"No, I don't, tell me."

"Don't play dumb with me, Sean, you know good and well what you told people."

"You're loopy."

"Sure, throw insults at me, too. Just go away." Emily turned her back to Sean.

Sean looked dumb founded, not knowing what she was referring to. "It's been a couple of days," he thought, "maybe he is mad that I didn't join the swarm when he got here."

"Hey, John."

"What?" Emily snapped.

"Are you mad because I didn't swarm you like the others?"


"Then what?"

"You told them about my shirt, the one in the hospital I was wearing, and don't you try to hide it either."

Emily got up and walked to the stands to sit next to her dad. Sean just looked dumbfounded. He didn't tell anyone about the shirt. The fact was that after he left, he forgot all about the nighty until reminded of it just then.

"Something wrong, sweetie?" Dad asked.

"No, just Sean bothering me."

"I thought he was your friend?"

"Me too."

"Anything serious?"

"Nah, I'll get over it." Emily squinted her nose, looking just like her mother.

"Okay, well I think you should go and sit in the dugout like you are supposed."

"Okay, Dad." Emily said as she made her way back to her team. She just needed a little break, she just didn't want to continue the conversation with Sean. "He probably just let it slip out or something," Emily thought. "And no one said anything but the coach, maybe I should just let it slide."

"Hey princess, did daddy give you a shoulder to cry on?" The coach said as he passed by.

Emily growled, she want to punch him right in the face. She knew that wouldn't do any good. She decided to sit at the furthest end of the bench, it didn't leave much of the view for the game, but it kept her away from the coach and his comments.

"And, to think, I use to think he was cool, he's being such a jerk, both him and Sean are both idiots," Emily fumed. She just sat there and watched as much of the game as she could. She wasn't the only girl on the team, there were two others. She didn't talk to them any more than the others, right now she felt isolated.

"Maybe I should try and get to know Becky and Rachael better," Emily thought as she watched the girls standing on the field. One played second base and the other was playing right field. "I mean, they are nice and they like sports, just like I do. Plus we are all girls now. Maybe its like how it is with boys, you must all stick together. That's the way it is at school, at least. Right now though, I won‘t try to be more friends with Becky and Rachael, people might think something and with this moron coach and his princess every time he speaks to me."

The game went on, the team lost. Emily wasn't as sad as usual that they had lost, but was still sad. She lined up behind her team mates and shook the hands of the other team. This was the first time she ever made it through a game without getting her uniform just a little dirty. She was temped to throw some dirt on herself, just to keep the streak alive.

The team was going to go to Chuck E. Cheese, for a post game celebration.

"Why don't you come with us?" Sean asked.

"Nah, I think I'm just going to go home with my dad."

"But it's always fun, John, we can play the games and put our tickets together, I'll even let you have them all."

"No, it's okay. I'm a bit tired."

"You still mad at me?"

"Just a little bit, but that's not why I'm not going."

"Well, I didn't tell any one, but even if I did by mistake, I'm sorry, okay?"

"It's okay. I'll let it go, but I'm going to go home."

"Okay, see you at the awards banquet."

"Yeah, it's in two days, right"

"Yeah, wear your uniform, I'm going to and a lot of the other guys will to."

"You bet, see you."

Emily walked to her dad, who was waiting next to the car. He opened the door for her and closed it behind her. He got in and the other side and they pulled away.

"Enjoy that you came today, sweetie?"

"Yeah," Emily said silently.

"Well, I hardly saw you, you were sitting so far away from everyone."

"I guess."

"Anything wrong?"

"No, just wanted to see everyone."

"A little too much too soon maybe?"


The conversation trailed off then and they drove a bit in silence.

"Can I go to the awards banquet Monday?" Emily asked.

"Sure you can, honey."

"Good, today was a little weird."


"People were calling me John again and it was just kind of strange."

"Well maybe you were starting to get use to your new name."

"Yea, I like Emily, it fits my body at least."

"Yes," Dad chuckled, "It fits the rest of you too."

"Maybe. It's just weird, I wanted to tell them I was Emily, I really did. It just didn't come up. I don't know how."

"Well you could go to the banquet in a dress and they would see." Dad teased.

"Ah, no," Emily laughed.

"Well you are going to have to tell them."

"I know, but not while dealing with sports stuff."

"I have an Idea."


"How about next week we have a party. This way you can prepare, and plan everything and it will be at home, so you can feel safe."

"Yeah, that would be good, I guess."

"Well we can make invitations, just saying you got big news, and the parents can come, this way we know everyone will behave."

"Yes, that sounds good, and we can have a big cake and stuff."

"Yes, it will be a very lovely party. We can get you a party dress too." Dad teased.

Emily blushed, but didn't answer back.

"No objections to getting a party dress?"


"Really, you would let us get you a big frilly dress and all that?"

"Yes, it would be a good way for people to know that I am serious, and they are real pretty. Can I pick it out?"

"Sure, your mom would be so pleased."

"So would I," Emily giggled.

Before they knew it they were home again. Dad opened the door for his daughter and she got out.

"You know what, I think when you get in you should tell Mom our idea."

"I guess."

"She will be very happy, trust me."

"Okay, Daddy."

They went into the house, John called to find out where his wife was. She was in the living room folding some clothes. Both father and child went in to greet her.

"You two have fun?" she asked.

"It was okay, Mom." Emily replied.

"Do your friends know about you yet?"


Mom frowned a bit, "I guess I expected too much."

"Dear, we came up with a compromise that I think you will agree is a good plan."

"Now, really?" Mom asked sarcastically.

"Tell her, honey." John prodded his daughter.

"Dad and I thought we could throw a party, and tell everyone then. We can make it real nice and stuff."

"And when would this party be?"

"Next week Dad said."

"You promise you will tell everyone at the party?"

"Yeah, that will be the whole reason for the party."

"She even agreed to wear a party dress, I thought you two could have fun picking one out," Dad chimed in.

"Really." Mom's face lit up. "You sure about this?"

"Yes, Mom, I think it would be real good and I can look nice and people would know I didn't make nothing up."

"Come here, baby."

Emily went by her mother and received a hug and kiss. Hugs were a little difficult these days for Mom because she was really showing.

"See, she is coming around." John told his wife.

"Dad, what happened to all my toys," Emily said while changing the subject, "all I have is the dolls that Jessie left."

"They are in the toy box where they belong."

"What toy box?" Emily asked.

"Go upstairs and I will show you."

Emily ran up the stairs and waited in her room. John was about to go upstairs when his wife stopped him.

"Dear," Vivian started, "I thought we agreed to put that nonsense in storage."

"No, we didn't, we just agreed on clothes."

"We said all of the belongings that were masculine."

"I didn't think you wanted to take away toys as well, just let her have fun as she needs."

Vivian rolled her eyes.

"Look, she is going to have this party, and dress in a party dress, I think that says a lot of how she is excepting her fate. Let her be on this one."

"I suppose there is no use in arguing the point. But, we are going to be picking out a very pretty dress."

"I think she wants that." John said as he headed upstairs.

"Looks like my little plan with the coach paid off," Vivian chuckled within.

John got to his daughter's room and opened the door. He assumed that since she was expecting him, that he didn't need to knock. When he got in however, she had already removed the baseball slacks and was working on the jersey.

"Oops I should have knocked." John said to ease any embarrassment.

"Its okay, I just wanted to get something else on."

"Want me to go?"

"No, you can come in."

Dad closed the door behind him. His little girl removed the jersey completely.

"Now I can prance around some more." Emily giggled as she skipped around her father.

"Let me show you your toy box." John said walking over to the windowed bench. "See the seat lifts up." He demonstrated the fact.

Emily walked over and saw all her old toys, cars and action figures and guns. "Cool, Daddy." She said while giving him a kiss.


"Yes, Dad?"

"You are beautiful, do you know that?"

"No, I'm not," she blushed and turned away.

"Honest, you are, even when you were in your uniform."

"For real?"

"Come here."

Emily went by her dad and he put her in front of the mirror. "Look at those pretty eyes and that pretty smile."

Emily blushed all the more.

"Look at those rosy cheeks and those dimples. You're good enough to eat."

"Daddy," Emily giggled. Emily wasn't use to this kind of treatment from her dad but she liked it. His big hands rested on her small hips.

"You are very brave, little girl, for what you did today, it's hard to keep a secret like that."

"Yeah, but I need to tell them, I don't even think I can tell them everything."

"Maybe you should just do this." John said as he slid his girl's panties down her legs.

"Daddy!" She exclaimed, "I can't let them see me like this."

John was shocked that she made no attempt to grasp for her panties. In fact she stepped completely out of them.

"And besides, it's not what I meant."

"What did you mean then?"

"Um, at times I really like being a girl, it's like the best thing in the world?"

"And at other times?" John probed.

"It's the worst," Emily finished the sentence.

"What time is it now?"

"It's the best of the best."

"Oh, why?"

"Cause I get to be daddy's girl," Emily said while she turned around. John now could see her cunny straight on and not looking in the mirror. He marveled at the job the doctor had done. His hand slid off the child's hip and cupped her soft, pink, heart shaped ass. He pulled her into him. Her warm flesh rubbed against him. Her lips looked so inviting, as did the rest of her.

"Honey, go on and play, we will call you for dinner, okay."

"Yes, Daddy." She gave him a peck on the lips.

John watched her as she walked towards her dresser. "She's too cute." Emily pulled her undies back on. She put on a pink cotton dress, the spaghetti straps barely held the loose top in place. John looked and could see a hint of nipple and laughed to himself, "I'm going to have a real heartbreaker if she ever realizes all she got going for her.

"See you later, honey."

"Bye, bye daddy." Emily said in a cutesy little kid voice.

John closed the door and headed down the hall to take a cold shower. Emily remained in her little world, and decided to go through the toy box.

Oh, a party, actually two if you count the awards banquet. If I told you what was planned it would reveal too much and simply ruin it all. So for those that like this story, hang in there. Oh, by the way an inch or so below this blurb is a comment button. Just pointing it out, you may have missed it.

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