Avenging Angel Chap. 14

Gypsy couldn’t sleep at all. She tried several things hoping that they would help her sleep, but none of them worked. Ever since she saw the news report about three members from Andy Mario Poffo's team being found dead in their lab. It caused her not to be able to sleep. She knew them and couldn’t believe they were dead. The caused of death had been found to be their necks had been broken.

Gypsy slips on a pair of shorts and head into her workroom. She had gone out to Lowes to buy a few items to build a new gauss rifle for Nathan. He was right that the fletches they were using wouldn't slow down the other armor very much. She did determine from the purple liquid that had been left behind, was a lubricant, hydraulic fluid or both. Which meant the other armor had to be a drone.

Gypsy brings up the specs she made of the current Gauss rifle and starts moving things around in AutoCAD. She needed to increase the barrel size for the new ammo and increase the power output. The problem she had now, it cut the range of the projectile could travel down. Also, the rate of fire as well. She continues to work on the problem and finally finds a solution to give it a semi-auto mode.

She glances at her clock in her workroom and notices it was six in the morning. Gypsy heads towards the bathroom and takes a shower. She is going to be dragging her ass later as she gets ready for work. Before she leaves, she backs up the new Gauss rifle specs and places the prototype in a carrier case to lock up in her Mustang.

She stopped at her favorite coffee shop and grabs the biggest cup of coffee they had and filled it. She was going to need it in order to stay awake. When she arrives at work, she parks her car in her assigned parking space and carries the case inside her work. This way she knows it will be safe.

Throughout the day, she finds herself drifting off several times. She burns her fingers a few times because she wasn’t paying attention to what she was doing. She works through lunch and manages to finish all the work she had. She leaves an hour early. As she is heading home. A suit of armor lands right on top of her hood crashing the front of her car and flipping her up and over. The car lands upside down with Gypsy hanging from her safety belt.

The door is ripped off the car. The armor kneels and looks at Gypsy.

“You have interfered in our business for the last time.”

“Who are you and why are you coming after me?” Gypsy’s hand searches around in her purse for the taser she carries with her.

“You already know who I am and the reason I am coming after you now, is to kill you.”

Just as the armor was reaching in to grab Gypsy, she pulls the taser and slams it into the helmets optics systems. She squeezes the button and sends 55,000 volts into the armor. The armor starts shaking as the electricity from the taser fry the systems.

The armor falls backward and lets go of her. She manages to unbuckle herself. Her right shoulder was hurting as she grabs the case that has the prototype Gauss rifle in it. She crawls out of the Mustang and pops open the case.

The armor starts to slowly stand up. Gypsy flicks the power on and watches as the charge builds. When it gets to 75% the rifle shuts down.

“Oh, come on.” As Gypsy smacks the side of the rifle.

It comes back on and it is at 100% charge. Gypsy takes aim at the damaged helmet “eat hot lead, sucker.”

She pulls the trigger and the rifle slams into her injured shoulder. The new rounds erupts from the rifle and bury themselves into the visor of the damaged helmet on the armor. The head pops off and the armor falls to the ground.

Gypsy’s shoulder was hurting her badly as she rests against her damaged mustang. She looks around inside her mustang and finds her cellphone. She dials Patrick number.

“What do you want, Gypsy. Nathan and I are kind of busy right now.” Patrick ducks behind an SUV as one of the look-alike armor fires at him.

He was trying to get to the command center to release the armor for Nathan.

“What’s going on, Pat?” Gypsy heard gunfire in the background.

“We’re under attack by two armor figures. Nathan can’t get to the command center and I am pinned down.” Patrick stays hidden behind the

“Is Nathan close enough to the command center, to slip inside?”

“Yes, he is.” Patrick could see Nathan near the command center.

“I’m sending my security code to the armor and door. Go ahead and send your code as well.” Gypsy types her code in and deactivates the
security system and to activate the armor as well.

Patrick sends his codes to the command center. It opens and powers up the armor for Nathan.

“Nathan, head for the command center,” Patrick yells out to Nathan.

Nathan heard Patrick yelling to him. He fires a few more times at the armor attacking him as he runs towards the command center. He opens the door and jumps in quickly as several bullets pepper the side of the command center.

Nathan was happy that the command center still had its armor when Gypsy bought it. He rushes over to the storage locker and gets in his armor as quickly as he could. Once he was in his armor, he heads back outside with the Gauss rifle in hand and starts firing at the other two armors.

He aims for their helmets optic systems and joints. He takes one armor down and seriously injures the other one. The second armor manages to run off, after disabling Nathan from following it.

“Patrick, can you come and pick me up please?” Gypsy wanted to get the armor she took down, inside the command center.

She could hear sirens coming her way. She could already see that the armor she took down, had a robotic frame inside the suit.

“Can’t, but I can send Nathan to you as soon as I fix the damage he took.” Patrick was looking at the damage caused by an explosive disk, like before.

Some fragments slipped between the joint on the armor. Also, Nathan didn’t have on his kinetic suit, so he absorbed the damage.

“Okay, send him as quickly as possible.” Gypsy ends the call and pulls the other armor over to her Mustang.

She looks inside and could see how they installed a robotic frame and mounted the armor to it. It didn’t have the exoskeleton Nathan’s armor had to increase the wears ability. It had micromotors and hydraulics instead. The police show up before Nathan does.

Officer Hank, his partner Officer Jenkins, and another patrol car shows up and sees a young woman resting against a damage mustang. Laying on the ground in front of her was one of those armors they had been warned about. This one had a purple liquid coming out of it and the helmet was a few feet away from the armor.

Officer Hank walks over to Gypsy “are you alright, ma’am?”

“I’ll live.” The pain in her shoulder was getting worse.

“Can you call the paramedics, please?”

“My partner is already on it, ma’am. Can you tell me what happened?” Officer Hank takes his pad out.

“It came out of nowhere and landed on the front of my car, causing it to flip over. It yanked my door off the hinges and was about to pull me out when I tasered it. I managed to disable it for a few minutes, so I could grab this.” Gypsy had her prototype rifle near her.

“What is that?” Officer Hank had never seen anything like what the woman was holding.

“It's an experimental weapon. I’m a designer and builder under DARPA.”

As Gypsy says that, everyone hears an engine and another identical armor person with wings lands a few away from the wreck. The police raise their weapons and point them at the armor.

“He’s with me. That is my test pilot.” Gypsy tries to stand up.

When Nathan approached Gypsy’s location. He notices Gypsy sitting on the ground against her Mustang with one of the armor people laying
on the ground before her. Standing near her were two police officer.

“Why is he wearing the same type of armor like this one?” Officer Hank kicks the down armor.

“Because I and my lab partner invented it.” Gypsy grits her teeth from the pain in her shoulder.

“If you're done with taking pictures and measurements of it. We are taking the armor, so we can figure out how they got my design.” Gypsy wanted to analyze the armor.

“We can’t let you, ma’am. It needs to be entered into evidence.” Officer Hank couldn’t let the armor be taken.

“We need it to find out how it was constructed, officer. If I have too, I’ll call the Feds and have them take the armor from the police. I would rather not have to do that.”

“Let me talk it over with my sergeant.” Officer Hank walks off.

Nathan had been quiet and listening to Officer Hank and Gypsy. He watches as he walks off.

Gypsy looks at Nathan “how did your fight go?”

“Like yours. I managed to shoot the helmet off the other one. His partner threw an explosive disk, like last time and some fragments blew through the joint of my armor. Also, I felt the force of the explosions, and have three broken ribs.” Nathan was kicking himself for not putting the kinetic suit on.

“Aren’t you wearing your kinetic suit?”

“Didn’t have time to put it on.” Nathan’s ribs were bothering him and the suits medical monitors were recording the pain he was in.

“Turn around.” Gypsy grits her teeth as she moves.

Nathan turns around to allow Gypsy to access the back panel. He wonders what she was doing.

“What are you doing?” Nathan was curious.

“I’m activating the medical subroutine for this armor. It’s going to give you a shot for the pain and help with your ribs.” Gypsy taps in her access codes to activate the medical program.

It was a new program they installed during the upgrade of the software. The medical kit was small and fit perfectly in the space they planned for it. The medical routine worked in conjunction with the wear’s medical sensors.

Nathan feels a prick and the pain he was feeling from his cracked ribs fades some. He didn’t know they planned on installing something like that in the armor.


“You’re welcome. I wish I had it now.” Gypsy knew she was going to the hospital. Something didn’t feel right with her shoulder.

Officer Hank comes walking back over to Gypsy, as the ambulance arrives. He looks at Nathan and Gypsy “my sergeant said to go ahead and let you take the armor since you know more about it then any of our people would. However, he wants a written report of everything you fine.”

“Not a problem. I’ll keep your department informed about what I find.”

Nathan picks the armor and helmet up. Just before he activates the jet pack.

“Here, take this. It’s the newest rifle for you. The range is shorter, but it has enough power to fire the bigger round.” As she hands the rifle over to Nathan.

“Thanks, are you going to be okay?” Nathan was concern about Gypsy.

“I’ll be fine, I’ll either call you or Patrick to let you know how I’m doing.” Gypsy goes over to the paramedics to be taken to the hospital.

Nathan blasts off and heads back to the command center. He loved that this armor had a jet.

Officer Hank just watches as the armor figure that had been talking to Gypsy take off "I need to get me one of those." as he heads over to his partner.

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