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Doctor William Heath turns the lights on inside his private medical lab. He glances over towards the glass prison cell he kept his son in. The estrogen rich blood transfusion he gave his son last week was doing its job to his body. He was starting to look more and more like his daughter.
He loved his daughter very much and was devastated when she died in a car accident. His son, on the other hand, was a major disappointment. The boy got into trouble all the time and had been caught stealing.
The sheriff had caught his son red-handed. Since the sheriff was a friend of his and instead of tossing Mr. Heath's son in jail like he should have. He turned his son over to him to handle. He was feed-up with his son, so he decided to turn his son into the daughter he had lost.
All the experiments he has been conducting at the prison was giving him the blueprint he needed to bring his daughter back. He walks over and looks at his naked son. His body was already changing to have the same figure his daughter had.
“Are you ready to continue your transformation to look like your sister?” Dr. Heath walks into the cell.
Dave looks up at his father when he spoke to him. He couldn’t believe his father was turning him into his older sister. He knew what type of relationship they had. His sister hated what their father had been doing to her. He knew she hadn’t died in a car accident. She had taken her own life because of the shame she felt of their father using her body.
“Let’s continue turning you into your sister.” Dr. Heath walks over and picks him up off the floor of his prison.
Tears stream down from his eyes as he is forced to walk over to the operating table and is secured. His feet are put into the stirrups and secure as his father slides between his spread legs to make sure the surgery Dr. Heath did to give his son his sisters reproductive organs were functioning as they should.
Dr. Heath had used the new technology in medical science to build a new hip like his daughters and placed it in his sons’ body. He also cloned the female reproductive organs and placed them into his sons’ body as well. The only thing that came from his dead daughter’s body had been her ovaries. However, with a few gentic tinkering. His son’s body treated them as his own.
He finishes his examination between his sons’ legs. Everything was looking good and all the surgical techniques he had used had worked.
Now, he could do the same thing to some of the inmates.
Warden Johnson has been thinking about changing a few inmates into surrogate mothers. Since the technique of transplanting a uterus has been successful. There is no reason why an inmate couldn’t carry a baby for an infertile couple.
If any of them volunteered to be a surrogate mother, they could knock time off their sentence. The reason they would use guys, was because a natural woman becomes attached to the baby. The transgenders they were creating or she-males they have wouldn’t become attached to the baby.
Dr. Heath stands up and walks up to beside his son as he looks down into the baby blue eyes that came from his daughter. He transplanted them to his son. A smile crosses his aged face as he massages his sons’ nice firm right breast. It had turned out to be just a little bigger than what his daughter had, but he didn’t mind.
“When I am finally done turning you into your sister. We’ll start that family me and her talked about. You'll experience what your mother went through to give birth to your useless self.” He kisses his son on the perfectly shaped lips as he forces his tongue into his mouth.
Dave responded to his father kissing him. He had no choice in the matter. His father had conditioned him to respond automatically. He couldn’t recall when his father had brainwashed him, but he knew he did. Because he wouldn’t respond like he was to his father’s advances.
Conference Room 1, Wolfhart, Harris, and Jackal, Augusta, Ga.:
Carol sat at the huge conference room table going over all the information she had gotten from Raven Mondragon. At first, she didn’t the case was going to be this complex. Maybe some simple drug smuggling and such, but it turned out to be more. They were forcefully turning inmates into women. The only thing they hadn’t done was given them a full gender changed.
She had managed to get the medical report and police report on what happened to Raven Mondragon with her old boss and her old parole officer. The partners come walking into the conference room and take their seats at the conference table.
Carol stands up and looks at the partners as they sat in their chairs. All three had come in to be brief on what she has found so far and for her to get permission to go the next step.
“Good morning gentlemen, I hope your morning has been pleasant.” Carol was gauging her boss’s reaction.
Mr. Wolfhart just smiles at Carol. He has been watching her and grooming her to become a partner in the law firm. She had an impressive record so far, for someone so young.
Carol could see that the partners wanted to know what she has found out so far. She hopes they will give her permission to go the next step.
“Well gentlemen, the Kingsman case has taken an interesting turn. The corruption going on inside Rockingham Correctional Center is worse than anyone, thought. According to the interview I did of Raven Mondragon,” As she shows the before and after image of Raven up on the projection screen up.
“They are purposely and forcefully turning inmates into transgenders. The prison doctor is the one responsible for doing the operation according to Mrs. Mondragon.”
“Carol, why are you using female pronoun for Mr. Mondragon?” Mr. Jackal was curious.
“Because Mr. Jackal, Mrs. Mondragon isn't really a male any more. The technique that had been used on Mr. Kingsman, had been performed on Mrs. Mondragon as well. This was Mr. Mondragon before he was sent to prison.” Carol clicks the clicker and shows Raven Mondragon before he went to jail.
The partners observed the before image of Mondragon. They could see that he looked more male with some feminine features.
“This is what Raven Mondragon looked like after she left prison.” Carol shows a picture of Raven standing in her bra and panties.
Carol clicks one more time and shows a side by side comparison of the two images. She had managed to remove the clothes Raven had been wearing when he looked like a male.
“As you can see, Mrs. Mondragon has undergone a major gender changed. Her body has developed into a fully developed woman. The only thing that she has, that still classify her as a male, is her penis. However, because she has so much estrogen circulating inside her body. It has caused her penis to shrink so much, that she needs to sit on a toilet to pee. It’s more like an enlarged clitoris” Carol knew Raven felt self-conscious when she looked at Raven’s penis.
“How did Mrs. Raven become so female?” Mr. Harris was intrigued by how the doctor did what he did.
“According to what Mrs. Mondragon told me, Dr. Heath would hook the person he was transforming up to a blood transfusion machine that was rich in estrogen. He would do this repeatedly to the person.” Carol had glanced at her notes to make sure she got the information right.
“What did you learn about the tattoos on the body?”
Carol clicks to the ones she took of Raven’s “the tattoo’s that are on Mr. Kingsman body and the ones on Mrs. Mondragon’s are similar.
According to Mrs. Mondragon, the first one is the pimp that she belongs to. The one that is some cases has the doctor make an adjustment to them. The second one is the block she is in or is owned by. Sometimes, they will have a third one. Mrs. Mondragon said that the third one meant they were clear to leave the prison under escort and taken to a secret location to meet their john. She personally was never allowed to leave prison, but Mr. Kingsman was allowed. He has the mark.”
“What else did you learn and how high up does the corruption go?” Mr. Wolfhart wonder what else Carol uncovered.
Carol clicks to the next slide in her presentation it had pictures of Judge Anthony Stone. Doctor William Heath, Chief Correctional Officer Benjamin Moore, Warden Johnson, and Judge Larry Bean. “these are the men we know of so far that are involved with the operations at the prison. The other information that I learned from Mrs. Mondragon. They have a black web fight they produce and porno flicks they make as well. Sometimes, a few of the correctional officers will star in them, along with some of the transgenders.”
“Do you have any proof to back-up what you have told us, so far other than Mrs. Mondragon’s word?” Mr. Jackal and his partners knew they would need proof to put an end to something like this.
“As of right now, all I have is Mrs. Mondragon’s word and some information that Chief correctional officer Moore has involuntarily given. I put one of our private investigators on him.” Carol received the pictures and recording Rebecca had.
“So, so far we have Mrs. Mondragon has given us and information from Mr. Moore. That’s not going to be enough to convict the warden or the judges. We need more and we need to identify everyone involved.” Mr. Wolfhart knew what they had, wasn’t enough.
Carol takes a deep breath before she laid out her plan. She looks at the partners of the firm ‘I would like to bring two other freelance private investigators. The first one I would like to bring in is an escape artist that goes around testing prisons security systems. The second person I would like to bring into this investigation is a former OIG agent that can be assigned to the prison as a correctional officer.”
“What is the name of the prison expert?” Mr. Wolfhart wonders if he has heard of them.
“Dorothy Shirk. She’s an experienced escape artist and has escaped from several Maximum-security prisons.” Carol meet her a long time ago.
“If she’s is a woman, isn’t that going to draw attention to her?” Mr. Harris wonders how a woman was going to pass in an all-male prison.
“She does it all the time, Mr. Harris. Most of the time, the prisons she has escaped from never realized she is a woman. Dorothy can pass as a man and no one would be any wiser. However, I wasn’t thinking about sending her in as a prisoner. She’ll be Doctor Heath’s new nurse. The one he currently has will win an all paid expense trip on a cruise ship to the Bahamas’s.” Carol figures that will take of the nurse.
“And who is going to supply the funds for that?” Mr. Harris lifts an eyebrow at Carol when he asks that question.
“I am.” Mr. Wolfhart looks at Mr. Harris.
“How will your other investigator get inside the prison?” Mr. Jackal wanted to know that.
“He has a friend at the Department of Prisons, that is going to assign him there and reassign the officer he is replacing to another prison.”
Carol and Chill Goodwin had spoken about it. He had managed to get his hands on the list of current correctional officers working at Rockingham Correctional Center.
The three partners look at one another and then back towards Carol.
“Carol, can you leave the conference room for a few minutes, please?” Mr. Harris felt that the three of them needed to talk about Carol’s suggestion.
“Sure, Mr. Harris.” Carol walks out of the conference.
She hopes they approve the plan because they needed more evidence of what was going on inside the prison and outside as well.
After ten minutes, the partners come walking out of the conference room. Mr. Jackal walks past her and so does Mr. Harris, but Mr. Wolfhart stops and looks at her.
“Contact your people and get the ball rolling, Carol. Keep us informed on everything you find and watch the expensive.” Mr. Wolfhart jokes when he says that.
“I will sir.” Carol was happy they were going to let her go ahead with her plan.
“One more thing, Carol. You might want to bring Mrs. Mondragon in on this as well since she knows most of the prison guards at Rockingham
Correctional Center.” Mr. Wolfhart thinks she’ll be helpful with the operation.
“I’ll ask her this weekend if she’ll like to help out, sir.”
“Good. You enjoy the rest of your day.” Mr. Wolfhart walks off.
Carol just sighs as she heads towards her office to contact Dorothy and Chill.
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It is an incestuous father whose actions led to his daughters suicide. Is the brain child of this and has drug the others in as well. with greed and/or perversion. The latter I would say. Great Story, I anxiously await each chapter.
The Poor Son!
And the poor sister! At least Carol's on to him now. But it's going to be a long, tough journey.
-- Daphne Xu
a Billionaire would have trouble finding a doctor so twisted, He has a whole team of them.
The ball is rolling
Now just to get the info the need. I hope they can lock ALL of them away for a VERY long time.
Love Samantha Renée Heart.
A question
Can someone be made transgender if they are not already transgender? The story said they are turning the inmates into transgender
In some way
its more of force feminization. They are taking men that are coming in that have some feminine looks to them and turning them into girls. Either for other inmates to have their fun with or to pimp them out for profit. Kingsman was pimped out for profit, but Raven wasn't. She was the block prostitute and pimped out by her cellmate.
If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.”
― Toni Morrison
Beginning of their downfall
Dr. Heath needs a lobotomy in a big way. He needs made into a blithering idiot, worse than he is now. Thinking to start a family with his own daughter drove her to kill herself, and now turning his son into the daughter. Has he made it so the new daughter won't want to kill herself, or him? He best have or he may find he work was for naught.
Putting two on prison staff is a good idea, providing they have the needed skills as the two going into that prison.
That prison and all involved don't know their downfall has started, but will know when enough evidance has been gathered and arrests are made.
Others have feelings too.