The Devil's Chamber Part 17

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Elizabeth watches her wife as she slept. They had gotten in late last night from England. Isla was staying in their spare bedroom until they took her to the townhouse she’ll be living at. As she is looking at her sleeping wife. She wonders how big she will get when she is pregnant

They had a doctor appointment in a few days for Sara to be artificially inseminated. Once Sara has her baby, she would ask a friend of hers to impregnate her, so she could give birth. That way, the child Sara gives birth too won’t be an only child. She caresses Sara’s cheek and closes her eyes.

A few hours later Elizabeth is woken-up from a kiss from her wife. She opens her eyes and stares into Sara’s brown eyes.

“Good morning” As Sara places another kiss on Elizabeth’s lips.

“Good morning to you as well.” Elizabeth returns the kiss.

“Mmmm, it feels nice to be sleeping in our own bed.” Sara lays her head on Elizabeth's shoulder.

“That it does. It feels nice to be back home.” As she wraps her arm around Sara and pulls her close to her body.

They stay in bed for a while, before they finally got out of bed. It was one in the afternoon by the time they got out of bed. They had slipped on some comfy clothes, before walking out of their bedroom. They spotted Isla watching one of their movies and eating a supreme pizza.

Isla spotted Sara and Elizabeth walking into the living room. She had woken up an hour earlier and was feeling hungry and thirsty. She still felt a little jetlagged, but she felt hungry. She had looked in the refrigerator to see what Elizabeth and her wife had, but it was empty. So, she found the take-out menu they had and since she was in New York. She thought a New York style pizza would be nice, so she placed an order for a large supreme pizza. Luckily, her card worked in the United States. She was going to have the cash she had on hand converted to American dollars.

“You’re welcome to join me.”

“Thank you.” Elizabeth walks over and takes a slice.

Sara grabs a slice as well and both women moan after taking a bite. They so missed American pizza when they were over in England.

“This pizza is amazing. Did you guys normally order from this place a lot?” Isla wonders if the place she ordered from will deliver where she’ll be living.

“It was our Friday routine when we were home. Papa Pizza Pizzeria has been around since I was a kid. My father used to take me there.”
Elizabeth had fond memories of her and her parents going there whenever her father got paid.

“Then Elizabeth got me hooked on it.” Sara sits down next to Isla.

Elizabeth joins her wife on the sofa. She has a second slice of pizza.

“So, how are you feeling, Isla?”

“Still jetlagged. I’m going to have to adjust my internal clock, now that I’m in New York.” Isla was still in England time.

“We know how you feel, Isla. It took us a while to adjust to your time zone. Now, that we are up and fed. Why don’t we all get dress and go do some grocery shopping?” Sara figures it would help Isla.

“While we're out. Can we please stop somewhere and get the cash I have on hand converted to American money?” Isla figures that would help her as well.

“We can do that.” Elizabeth didn’t see any harm in doing that.

Oxshott, Surrey, Oxshott England:

Leslie held Casey next to her body. They had spent the other day horseback riding, which her thighs and calf muscles were hurting her. She had never ridden a horse before, and they spent most of the day in the saddle. By the time they got back to the house, she had trouble walking. After they came back to the house. They went swimming in the pool without swimsuits. Later, they cooked out and enjoyed each other’s body first outside and then later inside the house.

As much as Leslie hated her birth defect, she did manage to use the useless piece of flesh to please Casey. In turn, Casey used a strap-on, on her. At first. Casey started off slowly and gently, but as she continued to pump in and out of her. The thrusts got rougher, harder and faster. It felt like Casey was trying to assert who the dominant one was as Casey used her body.

In some weird sense, she enjoyed it. She enjoyed the treatment she received from Casey. She loved how Casey made her feel and wonder if Casey will still love her after she got the surgery to remove her birth defect.

Leslie traces a nasty looking scar that was near Casey’s right breast. She wonders how she received it. She saw all the scars Casey had gotten from her time in the military. She counted at least twenty so far.

Casey loved the raised scar she received from being struck by lightning twice. How the veins under her skin had made a flowery design on top of her skin. She did use a little bit of her telekinetic ability to stimulate Casey’s clitoris.

That had surprised Casey because she didn’t know she could do that. Leslie lightly caresses Casey’s plump breast as she slept. Leslie liked how rounded and firm it felt under her fingertips. She knew Casey missed being in the military and didn’t mind doing odd jobs for her aunt or other family members. She slides out of bed and heads towards the bathroom. As she sits down on the toilet, she thinks about what Countess Basset told her. She couldn’t tell anyone that she works for MI 5. She didn’t think that meant Casey, because she knew. However, she couldn’t talk about anything she learns while out in the field.

As for her roommates, she’ll be able to keep what she knows from them. As for the incident with Jake and Thomas, she couldn’t figure out who drugged her drink at the party. Once she was done in the bathroom. She washes her hands and heads into the kitchen.

The house they were in, belonged to Casey’s family. According to her, it was one of many that the family owned and sometimes used as a safe house. This one was one of her favorites and where she spent time away from her father’s place. Zeus and his mate Hera were still asleep on their doggy pillows.

Leslie stood at one of the huge windows and looked out at the farmland that was behind the property. She loved how green it looked.

“Beautiful sight, isn’t it?” Casey stood looking at Leslie’s silhouette as she stood in front of the window.

“Yes, it is, but so are you.” Leslie turns around to look at Casey.

She stood in the middle of the kitchen in her birthday suit. Zeus and Hera were standing on either side of her. Leslie liked how Casey looked, even with her scars.

Casey walks towards Leslie. She loved how she looked and her figure. Even the piece of flesh Leslie had that she hated so much.

“I’m sorry if I was so rough with you last night.” She steps up to Leslie and wraps her arms around her waist.

“It’s okay. Strangely enough, I enjoyed it and wouldn’t mind experiencing what you did to me, again.” She places a kiss on Casey’s lips.

“I think I can arrange something like that for you.” A smile appears on Casey’s face.

She kisses Leslie and break off to feed Zeus and Hera. Afterward, she pulls out some items for breakfast and starts chopping them up.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” Leslie snags a piece of mushroom.

“Nope, I have it covered. However, before I start cooking. I should put on some clothes first. There should be some spare clothes that might fit you in the hall closet.” Casey knew her family kept extra clothes at the house for emergencies.

“Thanks.” Leslie heads towards the hallway closet and finds packages of clothes in it.

There was underwear for both men and woman and an assortment of sports bras. She finds one that will fit her along with a pair of socks and a package of panties as well. She grabs a pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt that should fit. If they go out anywhere, she’ll wear her shoes from yesterday.

She gets dress, in the main bathroom. She knew if she was dressing in front of Casey, they might not make it back into the kitchen.

Once Leslie is dress, she heads into the kitchen and makes some coffee for herself and Casey. As the coffee is brewing, she wonders what the plan is.

“So, what is the plan for today?”

“Nothing special. I figure we just have a nice relaxing day.” As Casey walks over and lets Zeus and Hera outside.

“Sounds like a nice plan.”

Leslie helps Casey fix them some breakfast. She pours them a glass of orange juice and set the table out on the patio up. Once that was all done, she walks down to the grassy area and play fetch with Zeus and Hera.

“Breakfast is ready.” Casey carries out two plates from the house.

“Coming.” Leslie heads up to the table and spot that they had homemade western style omelets on them.

“I didn’t know you knew how to cook?” As Leslie sits down across from Casey.

“I’m a girl with many talents.” Casey smiles at Leslie.

As they are eating breakfast “you’ll be starting your training on Monday. A car will come by at 0600hrs to pick you up. You can’t tell any one about where you are going or talk about what you are learning either. I would suggest that you dress in something comfortable.”

“Should I bring anything to write on?”

Casey looks at Leslie “No, all you will need, will be provided for you when you get there.”

“Will I be requested to leave the material behind when I leave?” Leslie was curious about that.

“No, you can take it with you, but I suggest you place it some where safe in your bedroom. I’m also going to be gone for a few weeks, while your learning. I would like to see you when I get back.” Casey had been contacted by the training Commander of their Scotland facilities. He had some new recruits coming in that he would like for her to come and train for a few weeks.

“I would love to see you when you get back. Can I ask where you are going?” Leslie was curious.

Casey smirks “I’ll be in Scotland for two weeks handling some business.”

“Why does it sounds like there is more to it, but you can’t tell me?” Leslie looks at Casey for an answer.

A playful smile appears on her face “now I know why my aunt has recruited you. To answer your question, yes there is more, but I can’t talk about it.”

Leslie just looks at her “okay.”

After breakfast, Leslie and Casey spend time inside the house with Leslie performing some simple magic tricks for Casey. She does do the levitation trick with some spoons and such. She has Casey tie her up and escape afterwards.

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It is MI5/6

Samantha Heart's picture

After all lol. Even spouces of the same organization can't talk about what each is doing.

Love Samantha Renée Heart.

It’s part of ...

It’s part of security protocols. This is a “need to know” and Leslie doesn’t need to know.

I am

Wendy Jean's picture

enjoying this story quite a bit, Thank You.

Selfie ID

She stood in the middle of the kitchen in her birthday suit. Zeus and Hera were standing on either side of her. Leslie liked how Casey looked, even with her scars.

That would make an awesome photo. Pop it into Photoshop to clean it up, maybe alter the face a bit and enhance the scars for a better kick-ass look.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin