Better Than The Alternative? : Chapter 14

Jordan had been given a second chance to live after overcoming a very unique medical condition. While the procedure saves his life, the side effects that he faces are the last things a 14 year old boy would want. Convinced with what he knows lies ahead, is it better than the alternative?

Better Than The Alternative?
Chapter 14

By Rebecca Jane
Copyright© 2018 Rebecca Jane
All Rights Reserved.

Author's Note:Things in my life seem to be settling down some, just still busy. Hopefully this chapter won't be causing any tears, it should be a bit easier on the kleenex usage. You will start to see just a bit of the tenacity that is put into the small package that is Jordan. I hope you all enjoy.{hugs}-~Rebecca

Chapter 14


As we crossed the crosswalk I saw almost everyone was staring at us by now, I just smiled as we passed them. Thankfully I didn’t hear anyone laughing, but maybe they were too stunned to do anything but stare. I thought it was funny, until I saw one of the older teachers standing near the front of the school staring at us. I didn’t know who she was, but from her expression she didn’t appear to be very happy. I softly sighed and thought here we go. This is what I had been expecting, so as we kept walking I reached into my pocket and grabbed my phone, hitting the video record button as I pulled it out and tried to hold it nonchalantly pointing it at her.

Yeah, I had actually prepared for this ever since we became ‘official’ Sunday night laying there on the couch. Being out of school Monday and Tuesday had left me with a lot of time to think of all the what if’s. I knew up front that I didn’t want to hide our relationship, as I had already figured out I loved her. I know I was only fourteen, at least for a couple of more months, and most probably wouldn’t think that I knew what love is. I would have to argue that though, with my experiences and being so close to death, one might say I don’t know what love is, but I do know exactly what is important. Sam is one of the most important parts of my life, and I do truly love her. With the school’s rule about PDA, even holding hands which isn’t enforced, and how Shelly doesn’t feel comfortable holding her girlfriends hand, I knew they might say something to Sam and me. I didn’t want to hide my feelings for Sam from anyone…

So yeah, I had thought about what could happen, for one I was bored and had entirely too much time on my hands. That and I am a serious over thinker, with an extremely active imagination. I think my overactive imagination is probably one of the things that helped me survive as well as I did. When things were at their worst I could always escape the pain and hurt through my imagination. While I probably thought of some completely far-fetched ideas that would never happen, this was something I expected. Of course, the school hiring ninjas to break up any student PDA would be kind cool in a weird way, but I highly doubt that would happen. Like I said, overactive imagination, so sue me. I had watched two couples walk by the teacher holding hands and she didn’t bat an eye. As soon as she saw Sam and me, I saw her frown deepen… I was ready for this and I was ready for her.

As we got closer she called out frowning at Sam, “Miss Wilkins both of you should know better than to hold hands on school grounds.”

Sam quickly let go of my hand and sheepishly told her, “I’m sorry Mrs. Benson…”

“As you should be Miss Wilkins! Don’t let me catch you again. You of all people should know that you can’t do that here.”, she said with a hint of venom in her voice.

Sam whispered, “C’mon Jordie.”

I shook my head as I watched another couple walk past her holding hands, I then asked, “Mrs. Benson? Why didn’t you say anything to them? Or the two other couples that walked past you before us? Why didn’t you say anything to them about holding hands?”

She turned and glared at me, “Don’t you tell me how to do my job Miss… What’s your name?”

I grimaced at that, she thought I was a girl. I told her, “It’s Mr. My name is Jordan Taylor ma’am, and I wasn’t telling you how to do your job. I was simply asking why you ignored them but singled us out. That doesn’t seem very fair to me?”

She looked confused for a quick moment, but then a spark of recognition appeared on her face. She said, “Oh you’re the one we were told about at the beginning of school… Not that it’s any of your business but I didn’t see any one else holding hands.”

Sam looked worried, but I asked her again since I was filming this. “Mrs. Benson that’s not accurate, I saw you look at them and smile. I know you saw them. Why did you single us out?”

Mrs. Benson looked flustered, and a bit angry being questioned, she snapped, “That’s it young man, for arguing and being rude you can expect a call to the principal’s office as soon as I get back inside.”

I smiled at her, “Yes ma’am I’m actually okay with that. I’m sorry if you thought I was rude, I was only trying to ask a question. You have a nice day ma’am.”

I then started to walk away, but as soon as the teacher turned back around I did too and continued filming for a minute or two. I stopped as the third couple walked past her holding hands and she didn’t say a damn thing to them. Sam asked me as we started inside, “Jordan what are you doing? You’re going to get us in trouble.”

I shook my head, “I might get me in trouble, I highly doubt it though, but you didn’t do anything wrong Sam. She can’t single us out like that. It’s wrong and its discrimination. I can’t let her get away with it.”

She put her hand on my arm and told me, “Just be careful okay…”

I grinned, “That’s what the video is far… Do you know your Mom’s email?” She nodded, so I handed her my phone and told her, “Here type it in.” She did and handed my phone back, so I emailed the video to both of our Mom’s just in case something happened to my phone. As I said I had thought a lot of what if’s.

A few moments later we arrived at Sam’s locker and found a few of the softball team there waiting, Shelly told us while grinning, “That was pretty bold you two.”

At our confused expressions, Shelly held out her phone and showed us a picture of us sharing our kiss across the street. Sam exclaimed, “That was less than ten minutes ago! How do you have that?”

Shelly laughed and told us, “The power of social media girlfriend, that picture was probably flying around the school less than two minutes from the time you kissed.” Shelly then came over and gave me a hug, and told me, “I’m so glad to see you back, the whole team was worried about you.” She then whispered into my ear, “Like I said, that was fucking bold Jord. You’re pretty awesome.”

We then told her about the run in with Mrs. Benson and what I was doing to protect myself. Shelly asked me to send her the video, so I did, the other girls all gave both of us a hug and each one told me how thankful they were to see me as well.

As the video was sending, I told Shelly and the team, “I don’t want you all to get involved right now, at least unless you have to okay?

Shelly looked perturbed at me and asked, “Why not? This affects all of us.”

I told her calmly, “I know it does Shelly, but most of you are seniors. This is your last year at the school. If there is any blow back, I don’t want it to hurt the team or hurt any chances you might have for college.”

She fussed at me, “But you think its okay to risk yourself? Don’t start that masculine bullshit with us Jordan. We don’t need you to fight our battles for us.”

This wasn’t going as I had planned, I held my hands up and said, “Whoa, wait a minute Shelly, let me explain… I’m not doing this for any other reason than it needs to be done. I have no plans on sacrificing myself either. Look, I have a pretty good relationship with Mr. Miller, let me get called to his office and talk with him… If there is any blow back do you really think they’d go after me? Remember I’m the kid that almost died, and essentially came back from the dead. I’ll be okay no matter what happens.” About that moment her phone dinged, letting her know she had an incoming text. The video must have finished downloading.

Shelly opened her phone and watched the video. When she was done she looked at me like she was trying to figure me out and asked, “Are you sure you want to fight this Jordan? Without help?”

I told her, “Yes I’m positive Shelly. I didn’t say I didn’t want help, I want you all ready in case I need you. Let me have the talk with Mr. Miller and we’ll see what we want to do if he shoots me down. Hopefully he’ll see my point and we can do something as simple as holding hands. I’m not doing this for just me and Sam either, but all of us, lesbian and gay’s too. If this goes south, make that video viral.”

Shelly look surprised ask she asked, “You’re fighting for us too? Why risk yourself for all of us Jordan?”

I told her, “For one thing, you’re all my friends. I will always stand up for my friends Shelly, you should know that by now. Second… What they’re doing is wrong, just plain and simple wrong. Bottom line is that the holding hands thing might not seem like a lot, it’s still a fight that needs to be fought.”

For a moment she looked like she was about to cry, but instead she quickly came up and hugged me tight. She told me, “You know if neither of us had girlfriends I think I could probably try and go straight for you. You’re that amazing Jordan.” She then kissed me on the cheek as she let go of me.

Sam laughed and told Shelly, “Sorry, but I’m not gonna let him go Shell.”

Shelly giggled and told her, “I don’t blame you, I wouldn’t either Sam.”

It was close enough to the bell so we all began to separate to go to our home rooms, with this being an ‘A’ day it would be the last time I really saw Sam until the last class of the day. I looked around and didn’t see any teachers, plus the softball girls were surrounding us, so I leaned up and gave Sam a quick peck on the lips, “See ya this afternoon?” She just nodded and smiled at me while all the girls had an ‘awwww’ moment.

I arrived at my homeroom with a few minutes to spare, thankfully other than receiving a few stares no one harassed me along the way. It was pretty obvious from the whispering and the way people were looking at me that the picture of our kiss had made the rounds of the whole school. I had to laugh slightly, if this was the highlight of their day they really needed to get a life.

Rick and Teddy walked in shortly after I had sat down, they looked like they were in a fairly deep discussion, when they broke apart Rick gave me a slight head nod and Teddy came and sat down without a word. I sat there in awkward silence for a few minutes, aware of all the looks that were coming my way. I wasn’t bothered by all the people staring, I honestly hoped they got a good look. I had nothing to hide, at least about my relationship with Sam. Something else was bothering me though, and I felt that I needed to try to make it right, or at least as right as I could.

I looked over at Teddy and told him, “Teddy… Look man, I want to say I’m sorry for what I said the other day… I was angry, and I was wrong.”

He muttered, “Whatever…”

I could tell he was still mad, which I didn’t blame him for. I told him, “Well for whatever it’s worth, I really am sorry…”

After a moment he asked, “So you and Sam? You two are what? Dating?”

Hesitantly I asked, “Yeah we are… What about it?”

He sat there for a moment and then softly asked, “So are you gay?”

I started to get mad but realized he truly didn’t understand. I told him, “I don’t think so… Teddy, to me Sam is a girl.”

He still wouldn’t look at me, but he shrugged his shoulders and muttered, “Whatever… If you say so…”

I was about to say something else when the intercom buzzed, *Coach could you send Jordan Taylor to Mr. Millers office ASAP.” Most of the classroom started laughing softly as I picked up my backpack. I had been waiting for this, I guess I pissed off Mrs. Benson enough she reported me. As I got up to leave most everyone was snickering, but I made eye contact with Rick and he was staring at me like he was worried. I smiled back at him and gave him a head nod before I walked out of the classroom.

Walking through the hallways towards whatever fate I had set in motion for myself, I started reconsidering what I was doing, or at least the reasons why I was doing it at least. I wasn’t worried too much about getting myself into trouble, after all I was trying to keep all my bases covered. I didn’t want Sam or any other people getting into trouble because of me. I know the holding hands issue was ultimately not very major, but it had bothered me the first time I realized that Shelly and Rachel wouldn’t or couldn’t do it at school. While a minor issue, I also felt that if minor issues left unchecked would start causing bigger and bigger problems. I hadn’t really understood how Shelly and Rachel felt until I witnessed how Mrs. Benson blatantly singled Sam and me out, now I was pissed off.

I was only slightly worried about what might happen as I walked to the office, even though I had already thought this through being sent to the office was never ‘fun’. I just hoped that my Mom wouldn’t have to get involved, if it came to that I know she would, but I still didn’t want it to go that far. No sooner did I enter the office the lady behind the desk told me I was expected and to head straight to Mr. Millers office. I thanked her and found his door already open, but I still knocked on the door frame and said, “Good Morning sir, you wanted to see me?”

He looked up and sighed, “Yes Mr. Taylor… Could you close the door and take a seat?”

I smiled at him, “Sure thing Mr. Miller.” As I sat down, I asked, “So what did you need to see me about?”

He took a long look at me before he said, “Did you have a confrontation with a teacher this morning?”

I shook my head and told him, “Not really a confrontation sir, I saw Mrs. Benson this morning as she singled out me and Sam for a supposed PDA violation.”

He nodded, “Yes, you do know kissing is a direct violation, it can carry detention or a heavier punishment for multiple violations.”

I smiled, “Well sir, I’m glad we weren’t on school grounds when we kissed then. She was fussing at us for holding hands, yet several students passed her doing the exact same and she never said anything to them.”

He frowned at me, “Jordan that’s not what was reported to me.” He pulled out a piece of paper and read from it, “I was correcting Miss Wilkins for inappropriate display of affection, kissing another student, when a Mr. Jordan Taylor tried to intervene and was both argumentative and belligerent with me. I remained calm and tried to talk sense into the young man, but he refused to cooperate and continued using inappropriate language with me.”

I probably shouldn’t have, but I laughed. Mr. Miller frown deepened, “Jordan I don’t find anything about this situation humorous. It’s my discretion, but you can be suspended again if Mrs. Benson presses this. You need to formally apologize to her and try to make this right.”

I regained my composure and told him, “Sir I know that sounds horrible, but that’s not what happened. It’s not even close. I’m not going to apologize for what I didn’t do.” It took a considerable amount of control to keep myself from showing anger for her lying to get me into trouble.

He stared at me for a moment, I assumed to wonder why I wasn’t scared. He asked, “Jordan… What happened then if that’s not the case?”

I told him, “Sir, I did give Sam a kiss, but it was across the street and not on school grounds. I was holding her hand as we crossed the street and was walking towards the front of the building when Mrs. Benson stopped us and singled us out and was rude to Sam.”

Mr. Miller told me, “Well technically holding hands is still inappropriate affection Jordan.”

I nodded, “I know that sir, but that’s a rule that no one has enforced since I’ve been here. Couples hold hands regularly, at least straight couples, and nothing is ever said to them, just like this morning with Mrs. Benson. Several students walked by her and she didn’t say anything to them, but she was rude with Sam, telling her that she, of all people, should know better… I asked her politely why she singled out Sam, and then not say anything to anyone else. She then got mad and threatened me…. So here we are…”

He leaned back in his chair and thought for a moment and then told me, “Son that’s a serious accusation against a teacher that’s been here for over thirty years… Do you have witnesses?”

I told him, “Yes sir, Sam was there and witnessed everything.”

He stated, “She’s part of this Jordan, it would still be two students words against a respected teacher…”

Now I was getting upset, he basically was accusing me and Sam of being untrustworthy simply because of our age. I told him, “Just because we’re students doesn’t make us liars sir.”

He sighed and stated, “So you’re accusing Mrs. Miller, a senior teacher with no blemishes on her record, of lying to get you and Samantha in trouble?”

I nodded and asked, “Can I email you my proof?” He nodded and handed me his business card. To which I quickly typed in his email address and forwarded the video to him. While we waited I told him, “Oh, and before you ask, this video has already been emailed to both Sam’s and my parents.”

He frowned, “Jordan do you really think getting your parents involved is the best idea?”

I nodded, “I’m not trying to get them involved, just informed. If they need to get involved I’d rather they know before you might have to call them though.”

He sighed and asked me, “Jordan why are you pushing this so hard?”

I told him, “Honestly because someone needed to. What happened wasn’t fair to Sam, or myself. It’s also not fair to any of the LGBT students and frankly it’s just not right, especially how this school supposedly prides itself on being so ‘inclusive’.” I even held up the air quotes for that.

He asked, “Why do you feel that it has to be you? Shouldn’t you have a lot more students helping you with this?”

I shrugged, “Several people wanted to, but I told them to wait and see what happens today… If today went badly I didn’t want to risk anyone else getting in trouble when I’m the one who started this… Look… Mr. Miller, you already know me well enough that I’m going to do everything I can to stick up for others, no matter what.”

He told me, “Yeah from how you stood up to Clint, and also from what I’ve heard talking to Coach Reeves… Jordan why do you think it has to be you? Son, I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”

I say, “Why me? With my size bullies have always tried to single me out, I make a good target for them… I know exactly how it feels to be bullied. I was always able to shrug it off, but I know others can’t or don’t know how to do that… Someone treating someone else like crap just because they think they’re different just pisses me off… I can’t stand a bully sir, and I just can’t look the other way…”

He sighed, “Even when you think it’s a teacher being a bully?”

I stared at him defiantly and blurted out, “Especially when it’s a teacher… You all should know better than anyone…”

About that time his computer made a sound, and he turned to look at the screen. A moment later I heard the video start to play as he watched it closely. I winced when I heard her call me miss, I had already tried to forget that gem. Once the video was over Mr. Miller just sat there staring at the screen in deep thought. After a few long moments I decided to press my luck.

I asked him, “Did it sound to you like I was rude?”

He shook his head, “No it didn’t.”

I said, “Did it sound to you like she singled out Sam? Or that comment that ‘you of all people should know better’. That sounds directly like bullying to me…”

He nodded, “I don’t know what to say Jordan…”

I continue, “Why did she single out Sam? Was it because she is trans? Or was it because she thought I was a girl and we were a lesbian couple?”

“Jordan, I don’t know…”, he told me, sounding slightly deflated.

We sat there, him staring at the video screen as the video was playing again, and I was staring intently at him. Once the video finished the second time I gave him a few moments before I asked, “So how much trouble am I going to be in?” He just stared at me for a long moment, so I added, “Mr. Miller if you think I need to be punished that’s fine and I’ll accept whatever it is, but…”

He stated, “But? Are you giving me ultimatums Mr. Taylor?”

I shook my head, “No sir, I’m not trying to… As I was saying I’ll gladly accept any punishment you decide for holding hands with my girlfriend, but you better hold that same punishment for ANYONE caught holding hands… There was twelve students in that video alone… If I’m punished and no one else is, then Mr. Miller is when I’ll get my parents involved… All I want is for it to be fair, for all students.”

He slowly nodded and sighed, “That would impact a lot of students…”

I nodded and gulped silently, this was the risk of what I had planned. I could either become the ‘hero’ to the LGBT students, or the one the entire student body was going to hate. I hoped that it would be the former, but as I said this was a gamble. I softly said, “I know… You can either start punishing probably half of the student body, or let an old rule about something as insignificant as holding hands slide like you all have been already… Just let it slide for all of us, and I mean ALL of us…”

He sat there staring at me for a long moment, then he told me, “Okay Jordan… I’ve got a lot to consider right now… Go ahead and get to class, and I’ll make sure you have a pass, so you’re not marked tardy.”

As I stood up I asked, “So what are you going to do? Am I in trouble?”

He shook his head, “From the video I don’t see any reason to punish you… I’ll be talking to Mrs. Benson later on today during her free period… I can’t say anything else until then…”

I nodded and told him, “Yes sir.”

Before I could open the door, he asked, “Jordan… You know this could bring a lot of unwanted attention to you… I don’t want to see any of my students get hurt… I just don’t want you putting yourself in any danger. I’ll do everything I can to protect my students here, but outside of school… You know how kids can be Jordan, so why do this?”

I shrugged and told him, “Trust me, I know how people can be sir… I’ve read a lot since I was diagnosed so I could see what I might look forward to… Now that I’ve reconnected with Sam, and met some LGBT kids… I just can’t not get involved… Mr. Miller… I might not ever like what I see in the mirror with all my changes… I still respect who I see though… I don’t want that to ever change…”

He nodded, “Jordan just be careful okay…”

I responded, “I’ll try sir…”

I then stepped out of his office and closed the door and leaned against the wall. I took a deep breath and realized that I was shaking, I held up my hands to see how badly they were trembling. That had never happened to me before, it was like my nerves were in overdrive. Every other confrontation I had ever had my nerves were always rock steady, and it never bothered me like this.

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself and try to think what was so different this time when it hit me. Every time before today when I had stood up to a bully it only affected myself or one other kid… Today I realized what I was doing was going to affect Sam, Shelly and Rachel, but it also was going to affect so many other kids who I had never met. I had learned so much more about those people today, so much more than I could read and learn about. I got to experience just a tiny bit of the inequality that they have to deal with every day… Even though most would consider the whole holding hands bullshit something petty and insignificant, I had to disagree. Most wars aren’t won by one huge battle, but by many more smaller fights…

Was I really wanting to start this fight for all these other kids? While yes, I wanted everyone to be treated equally, I didn’t think it was just that. I don’t even think that I was doing it specifically for Shelly and Rachel… I smiled as I realized my biggest reason for this. I knew that I would never get to experience what I might have considered ‘normal’ ever again, and the way most of the world considers transgender people, that Sam would probably never get that either… Something simple as this though… Her being able to openly hold her boyfriend’s hand in public… That was definitely worth fighting for…

To be continued.

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