Courage Chapter 4

Susan freshens up before heading to the barn. She was going to enjoy herself tonight. She heads into the barn and spots Elizabeth right away. She heads over to her.

“Hey! Elizabeth.” Susan gives her new friend a friendly smile.

“It’s about time you showed up girl. I was starting to wonder if you were coming.”

“I wanted to freshen up some.” Susan was looking around the place.

Elizabeth smiles, she could see that Susan was taking in the place.

She gives Susan a little push “Go and mingle. Have some fun and let your hair down.”

Susan goes out and gets into a line dance with some people and then an old fashion square dance. She is asked on several occasions to dance with an older gentleman or a younger fellow. She has fun while she is out on the floor. Elizabeth invites Susan over to meet some of her friends and they step outside to cool off and walk around. Susan was enjoying herself. She couldn’t remember the last time she has ever had this much fun. She thinks the last time she did any of this, was after her and Robert got married. They had gone to a club they both liked and partied all night. She had gotten wasted big time that night and used a few drugs as well.

One of the guys in the group pulls out a huge rolled marijuana joint and lights it up. He passes it around the group. Susan passes on it. She and marijuana never got along. Another fellow leaves the group and comes back later with several long necks in his hand. Susan passes on that as well.

“Oh, come on Susan. One little sip isn’t going to hurt you, besides it’s a party.” Elizabeth holds the long neck to her.

“I promise Jake I wouldn’t drink any. I’m still underage and I am not going to get caught drinking.” Susan keeps her promises.

“Well, you smoke, don’t you?” One of the guys that had taken four drags on the joint looks at Susan.

“Nope, been there and done that as well. Me and marijuana don’t get along to well.” Susan takes a sip of her soda, she had gotten up and got.

“Why don’t we go back inside and do some more dancing?” Susan felt like dancing some more.

“Alright.” Everyone gets up and heads back inside the barn and gets involve in a dance.

Clarence spots Susan standing by herself. He had seen her out on the floor of the barn and she could really get down to the music. He walks over towards her.

Susan had taken a break from dancing and was watching her friend Elizabeth and her date as they danced out on the floor. It was a slow dance and it was for couples. She spots the guy she saw earlier in the stalls coming directly towards her.

When Clarence was directly in front of Susan “would like to dance?”

“Sure.” Susan walks out onto the floor with this guy. They start dancing to the music. He puts his hand on the small of her back and she goes along with his steps.

“You know, you never did tell me what your name was?” Susan looks into the guy in front of her eyes.

“Clarence Garrigan. How about you? You never told me your name either.” He looks into Susan’s brown eyes. He moves his hand down till it rested on her butt.

“Susan and it might be better if you move your hand back to where it was.” She reaches behind her and pulls his hand up, till it was off her butt.

He looks down at her “oh come on. What harm could it cause?” he moves his hand back down on her butt and squeezes it, while pulling her
close to his body. He forces a kiss on her.

Susan pushes him away and slugs him one “I don’t like being manhandle.” She walks away from him.

Everyone that had been around them looks at her and Clarence. His jaw hurt where she had punched him. He was going to make her pay for that. He turns and walks off.

Susan heads over to the refreshment table and has herself a cup of punch. As she is standing there, Elizabeth comes walking over with her date in tow.

“Are you alright Susan?” She had watched as Susan went out on the floor with Clarence. She knew he had a reputation of molesting girls and forcing himself on them. The reason no one did anything, was because his father could hire the best lawyers.

“Yea, I’m alright. I’m used to guys like him messing with me. Every guy that knows I’m under eighteen always wants to feel me up or get into my pants.” Susan knew she could handle it. She’s been doing it for a while now.

“Why don’t you come back on the floor with me and Bert.” Elizabeth really wanted Susan to have a good time tonight. She had seen how hard she worked around the rodeo.

“Okay” Susan heads back out on the floor with Elizabeth and Bert and spends the rest of the night in their company enjoying herself.

Susan notices that the party was dying down as she checks her watch. She couldn’t believe the time. It was two in the morning. She spots
Elizabeth and Bert getting ready to leave.

Susan heads over towards them “thanks for inviting me tonight. I really enjoyed it.”

“I knew you would. Everyone you helped during the rodeo thought you might enjoy it. We’re heading home for the night. Where did you park?”
Elizabeth was feeling the effects of the beer she drunk tonight.

“Back over on the other side where I normally park.” Susan wouldn’t mind stopping to check on her horse.

“Bert and I could walk with you, so you won’t be by yourself.” Elizabeth didn’t want Susan to walk along without any one to protect her.

“I’ll be okay. It’s not like I’m in Hunter Park or Pleasant Park with gang members roaming around. Besides, you’re about ready to fall over Elizabeth.” Susan gives her friend a friendly teasing smile.

Elizabeth looks at her friend. She really didn’t want to leave her by herself.

Susan notices Elizabeth’s look. She places her hand on her shoulder “really, I’ll be fine. I know how to defend myself. Now go home and get some sleep.”

Elizabeth warily does what Susan suggests.

Susan watches as her friend’s head to Elizabeth’s pick-up truck and get in. She then turns around and starts heading back where she had parked. The fairground was pitch-black and the only sounds you heard were the people leaving in their vehicles. Susan walks past where Jake had left his stuff set-up, to make sure everything was fine. Something hard hits Susan in the back of her head as she falls face forward onto the ground.

She tries to get back up, but she feels the weight of a boot pressing her back down onto the ground. She then feels her hair grabbed and she is yanked up onto her feet by her hair. She is pulled tight against the guy that had her hair and he holds tight onto her.

“You thought it was funny, didn’t you? Slapping me like you did you little tramp?” Clarence steps in front of Susan’s vision.

Susan looks at Clarence as he stood in front of her. She couldn’t believe what was going on.

“You deserved it you prick. You don’t go around treating women like they are some sort of pleasure toy for your own use.” Susan brings her heel down hard on the guy that was holding her and then flips him over her back like she had been taught in the self- defense course she took, while she was still in the foster care system. Just as she is running away, the sound of a bullet being fired sounds and hits near her feet. She stops running.

“Turn around and come back here.” Clarence orders her.

Susan turns around and starts walking back towards Clarence. She saw three people standing near him. The one she flipped, a burly dumb looking guy with a rough beard and short haircut. The other guy standing next to him and holding a gun pointed at her was a guy she had seen trying his luck at buck riding. He got thrown right out of the cute. He was a laughing stock that day. The other cowboys had teased him and had said she could have done better, after they had seen her act as a clown for a little while.

“Strip!” Clarence yelled at her.

“Go screw yourself.” Susan wanted to see if she could make him come closer to her.

Clarence and the other guy, the one that had held her earlier come walking over to her. The one she flipped earlier walks behind her and this time prepares himself for her tricks.

“I said strip, Bitch!” as he slaps her hard on the face.

“And I said no.” As she spits in his face and brings her right foot up and try to kick him.

The guy behind her pulls her backwards just in time and she miss. Clarence catches her leg and holds it.

“Oh! We can’t have you doing any of that.” Clarence slams her leg back down onto the ground and punches her in the stomach with his fist. He reaches up and rips her shirt off her exposing her bra underneath.

“Nice.” Clarence looks at her lightly tanned skin. He reaches forward and starts squeezing her young well-formed rounded breast.

Susan struggles against the guy holding her. She slams her head back against the guy behind her. Susan tries to hit his head, while she brings her leg back up to catch Clarence between his.

Susan misses hitting Clarence between his legs, but connects with the guy behind her, holding her. He lets her go and she tries to run again. Clarence grabs her by the waist band of her jeans and yanks her back. He yanks back hard enough to causes her to fall backwards on her butt. He then stomps real hard on her right ankle, till he hears it snap.

Susan screams from the pain as she felt the bones in her ankle break. The guy with the gun knocks her on the side of the head, knocking her out.

“Hurry up and get her undress, I want to see how tight she is.” Clarence was already dropping his pants. He was going to break this girl in. The big burly guy takes his knife out and cuts Susan’s jean off her, along with her bra.

They spread her legs wide open and Clarence gets between them.

“Give me the bottle!” Clarence holds out his hand for the bottle of whiskey they had brought.

The slim guy, the one with the gun goes and gets the bottle of whiskey they had been drinking from all night. He brings the bottle back to Clarence and hands it to him.

Clarence takes the bottle and opens it. He pours some on Susan’s face.

“Wakey, wakey bitch” He takes a sip of it and hands the bottle to the big burly guy.

Susan wakes up from having the whiskey being poured down her throat and face. It burned when it hit her eyes. Susan reaches forward with her hands and rakes her nails across Clarence face.

Clarence feels her nails dig in deep into his skin. She had nicked his right eye.

“You bitch.” Clarence grabs her hands and holds them.

He looks towards the big burly guy “Take her arms and hold them down.”

The big guy takes Susan’s arms and holds them above her head.

“Give me the gun.” He holds his hand out to the guy with the gun.

The guy gives it to Clarence. Clarence takes it and presses it to Susan’s shoulder.

“Don’t shoot her. She’ll bleed to death. I have a better idea.” The slim guy that had handed the gun to Clarence says.

He looks around and finds the perfect object to use. It was a block of four by four square wood. He brings it over and separates her arms.

“Hold her arm on the wood.” He looks towards the big burly guy.

The big burly guy uses his knees to hold Susan’s one arm down. He wishes they would just get this done. He wanted to try her young body out for himself. He holds Susan’s other arm.

The slim guy walks over and places his foot right over her wrist and slams down on it. There was a cracking sound as the bones in Susan’s wrist shatter.

Susan yells at the top of her lungs from the pain.

“Shut up bitch.” Clarence grabs her around her throat and squeezes, before the slim guy shoves what remains of her panties into her mouth.

Clarence then proceeds to raping her. He pushes hard and deep into her. Tearing her open and forcing his manhood deep into her young body.
He pounds her like a dog in heat. When he comes, he shoots a deep load into her body.

When Clarence is done, the slim guy lowers himself down between her legs and forces his manhood deep inside of her body. He proceeds to rape her as well. He twists, pinches, and bites her breast, leaving teeth marks that would remain in her breast, even after they heal.

The slim guy stands up from between her batter bleeding body and lets the big burly guy have her. He flips her over onto her stomach and positions himself at her anal opening takes her hard and deep in her rear.

Susan tries screaming past the remains of her panties they had shoved into her mouth when she was flipped over and then again when she felt the burly guy rip into her anal opening. She was screaming as he pounds into her virgin opening, stretching it to accommodate his huge member. Her abused breasts were hurting from the abused they received and being rubbed against the dirt and rocks under her chest.

The big burly guy makes her scream each time he shoves himself into her. He wanted to make her pay for what she did to him. He also wouldn’t mind branding her as well. He unloads inside her and passes her back to his friends. All three of them take a second turn on raping her. Clarence took her like his friend just did. The second guy didn’t like doing it that way, so he had flipped her back over onto her back and retook her that way. The big burly guy takes a second turn and just left her on her back as he forced his way into her already. As he was lowering himself onto her body, she tries scratching him in the face with her good hand, but he brushes her hand aside and slams his fist into her face, breaking her nose.

“Go get the branding Iron. I think this bitch needs to know what it feels like to be branded.” He forces himself into her abused body and pounds away like his friends did, as he pleased himself.

“Sounds like a good idea.” The slim guy pulls his pants up and runs off to get the branding iron.

Tears stream down Susan’s face as she is forced to endure the guy raping her. Her wrist, chest and ankle were hurting her. She could barely breathe with her panties shoved in her mouth or through her broken nose. She closes her eyes as she endures the pounding the guy was giving her. Her whole body was in pain and she couldn’t feel anything below her waist. She hears the slim guy coming back and then the sound of a hissing jet. She opens her eyes notice he was holding some sort of branding iron.

She had seen a few of the ranchers here at the fairground branding their livestock they bought with something like that. She tries screaming as the slim guy comes over towards her with it. The big guy was just finishing up with her as she felt him squirt into her body. She felt his weight lifted off her as he stood and looked down at her.

The slim guy looks down at Susan and then his friend “where do you want to brand her?”

“Right between her breasts, that way when she wears a low-cut dress or a swim suit, it will show.” He takes the branding iron from the slim guy.

Susan tries to move and scream, but with her ankle being broken and shattered. Her wrist was shattered, and wouldn't allow her to move that well.

The burly guy saw her trying to move away “grab her and hold her still.”

Clarence and the slim guy do as they were told and grab Susan’s arms and legs. The burly guy walks over and stands right above her. He then presses the branding iron right between her breast. He pressed as hard as he could, like he was trying to burn into her bones underneath her skin.

Susan screams from the pain and the smell of burning flesh fills her nose. She could feel the big burly guy pressing so hard onto her chest, trying to press the branding iron all the way to her rib cage. She feels as he removes the branding iron from her chest and as the other two guys let go of her arms and legs. She watches as they walk away from her and start drinking from the whiskey bottle they had poured on her face to wake her up.

She looks around to see if she could grab something to kill these bastards. She had felt her body down below being ripped and torn and she knew she was bleeding. She knew she was going to need to get medical attention right away. She spots the gun where Clarence had left it, when he started raping her. She uses her good arm to grab the gun. She pulls it around and aims it at the guys as they stood around talking about how tight she was.

They were each taking a turn at the whiskey bottle. She couldn’t feel anything below her waist. She fires the gun and hits the big burly guy in his mouth as the bottle explodes. Clarence and the other guy turn and try to charge her. She fires the gun and hits the slim guy in his leg. She aims at Clarence and hits him in the stomach. He falls on her and tries to get the gun away from her. She shoves the gun up in his groin and pulls the trigger, blowing his manhood to pieces.

The slim guy she had hit in his leg had gotten his hand on a shovel Jake kept at the trailer and smacks her hard across the face with it. She feels her cheek bone break and more pain shoots up in her head as the shovel connects to her already broken nose. She feels around for the gun, because she had let go of it to try and use her good hand to block the shovel coming at her face. She did feel Clarence knife still in his belt sheath. She grabs that, just as he moves Clarence body off her. She lunges up with the knife, burying it deep into his chest. She pulls it out again and lunges again with it. He falls on top of her body as he bleeds out on her. She lays there with pieces of Clarence lying between her legs and now this guy bleeding on her body, covering her with his blood. She feels his blood sliding down her body and into her wounds.

Susan uses her good hand to pull the remains of her panties out of her mouth, because she was having a hard time breathing through her broken nose. She tries to push the guy off her body. He was heavier then she thought, but she managed to roll him off her batter and bruised body. Once he was off her, all she wanted now was to get somewhere safe. She couldn’t feel anything in between her legs and her chest was burning with pain.

She was totally numb down between her legs and backside. Her chest, ankle and wrist were killing her. Her face felt swollen and she was having hard time breathing. She couldn’t locate her pants, where her cell phone was. She manages to turn onto her stomach, which caused pain from between her legs to flare up inside of her. She uses her elbows to drag herself over to the horse trailer. She spots the gun she had been looking for and grabs it with her good hand. She slowly drags herself over towards the trailer and once she is near it, she rolls back around to sit on her butt which hurt her even more and lean her back up against the trailers door. She was cold, in pain, stunk of alcohol and was covered in two different people’s blood. All she wanted to do was just go home.

She looks out at the three dead men who had raped her and starts shivering. She had the gun pointed at them. She knew they were dead, but she didn’t care. She felt feverish and wanted to throw up. It seemed that everything had been going wrong to her. First her marriage to Robert and then these guys ambushing her and raping her. What did she do to deserve this? All she wanted was a chance at a better life. She shivers and seems not to be able to stop. Tears start coming from her eyes as she yells out into the night. She hears a noise coming from her left and she points the gun towards the sound. She sees a light as a man comes walking out from between two trailers down from Jakes. He notices the three dead bodies and see’s Susan leaning against the back doors of Jake’s trailer. She had a gun pointed in his direction. He notices she was nude and covered in blood. Her face was bloody and the look on her face told him she was scared and frighten. He could tell if he moved towards her, she would shoot him.

“Don’t shoot. I don’t mean you any harm. How badly hurt are you?” Phillip wanted to go over and help Susan, but she wasn’t lowering her gun.

“Susan, I’m going to call Jake and the sheriff.” He backs up away from Susan. He stayed within her sight, so she could see him.

Phillip calls Jakes number first.

A few seconds later Phillip hears Jake’s voice “Hello?”

“Jake? It’s Phillip here at the Fairgrounds. You better get down here fast. Susan’s been attack and she’s not letting me near her to help.” Phillip spotted Susan’s thorn clothes near him. He could also see that her cell phone and keys were lying nearby.

“I’m on my way Phillip.” The phone goes dead after that.

Phillip call’s the Sheriff department “Alice answers the phone.”

“Alice, you better wake Samuel and tell him to get his butt down here to the Fairgrounds right away. One of Jake Meadow’s helpers has been attacked and I think she’s been raped.”

“I’ll have the paramedics down there in no time Phillip.” When did Jake hire a woman to work for him?” Alice hadn’t heard about Jake’s new hire.

“Earlier this week, it looks like she had a run in with Clarence and two of his friends.” Phillip had notice Clarence body with a big ole hole, where his manhood should be and Burt Shooters. Burt worked for Clarence father as a cow hand. The other guy he knew had just started hanging around with Clarence, after his failed attempt on the broncos.

“Alright, Samuel and the paramedics should get there about the same time.” Alice had woken Samuel up and relayed Phillips message. Two patrol cars had been dispatched to the Fairgrounds as well.

“Thanks Alice.” Phillip ends the call on his cell phone.

Susan had kept a watchful eye on Phillip. She wasn’t going to let another man get close to her. The gun made her feel safe. She had lowered it when Phillip had backed away from her. She had watched him when he made his phone calls. She notices he was keeping his distance away from her. Sirens could be heard approaching them.

Susan held tight to the gun as it rested on her lap. The patrol cars pull up near Phillip and Susan. Theirs headlight were lighting up the area.
Phillip walks over towards Deputy Lawrence car first. He knew he was the most experience person.

“Lawrence, you might want to take it easy. Her name is Susan Hensworth and she works for Jake Meadows. I think Clarence and his men raped her.” He was looking at Susan and Lawrence.

Lawrence looked at the dead bodies not too far from Susan as she leaned up against the horse trailer behind her.

Lawrence partner, Deputy Clair, comes walking up to the men.

“Dam, she did all that to them?” She couldn’t believe the way the men died.

“Yes. I would say she was justified in doing it. Look at her. She’s scared and frightened, and has a faraway look in her eyes. If anyone she doesn’t know approaches her, she’ll shoot them.” Phillip was pretty sure of his assessment of her.

When Jake pulls up, he notices two sheriff cars shining their headlights at where his horse trailer was parked. He saw the bodies and Susan leaning up against the backdoor of the horse trailer sitting on the ground for support covered in blood from head to toe. He also saw Phillip talking to Deputy Lawrence and his partner deputy Clair as well. He stops behind the Sheriff cars and gets out and approaches the group.

Phillip and Lawrence had notice Jake’s pick-up pull up behind the patrol cars. They watched as he approaches them.

“What happened?” He notices Clarence body with his manhood blown away.

“We think they raped her and she reacted in self-defense, but we can’t get close to ask her. Phillip said she’ll shoot anyone she doesn’t know, and we don’t want to hurt the poor girl, but if she points her gun at us, we have to defend ourselves.” Deputy Clair didn’t want to take the chance.

“Let me try. I’m her boss and she know me.” Jake glances over towards Susan. He couldn’t believe the way she looked.

Clair and Lawrence look at each other “Okay, but if she points her gun at you. We’ll have to respond.

“She won’t, trust me.” Jake starts walking towards Susan.

Susan had been watching everyone. She was getting tired and wanted to go home. She notices Jake walking towards her.

“Hey! Half- pint. What happened?” Jake walks up to her. He could see how badly beaten she was and the blood trail leading from where they raped her to where she was sitting, and the brand burned into her chest.

“Jake?” she was about to raise her arm, when she heard his voice.

Susan looks at him and tears start to slide down her cheek. She drops her gun and holds her arms out for him. Jake was the closest person she considers to be a father figure to her. Jake sits down next to her and pulls her bloody body onto his lap and holds her tight against him as she cries against him. The paramedics arrive and rush over to where Susan sat on Jake’s lap. She didn’t want to let go of him, but he managed to get her to trust them. He stayed by her side as they asset the damage done to her. They rushed her to the hospital followed by the Sheriff and Jake. The paramedics had to put her out, because she had several internal damages to her body.

Jake paced around out in the waiting room along with the Sheriff. The sheriff wanted to question her. Jake was concern about her. About three hours later, the doctor comes out.

“She is going to be okay. We managed to stabilize her. Her ankle needs a little bit more work, because whoever stomped on it did a really good job of damaging it. We had to rebuild her wrist, because all the bones were shatter. We managed to do something about the brand they burned into her skin. She’s going to have a scar there. She is going to walk with a limp, but other than that. She should be okay. As for her face and nose. She’s going to need plastic surgery. Her cheek bone and her eye socket has been damaged repeatedly. So, she is going to need surgery for that. She’s been forcibly raped and needed surgery to fix the damage done to her.” The doctor had been talking to both men.

“Do either of you know who her parents are?” Doctor Alvey needed to get their permission to continue.

“She doesn’t have any. She was married in Virginia, so she is considered an adult now and on her own.” Jake knew that much about Susan.

“Can we speak with her?” Samuel wanted to know what had happen. All the evidence so far pointed to Susan being raped, but the question was hanging the air, if she decided she didn’t want to have sex with Clarence and things went too far. He knew Clarence father was going to be mad his son was dead.

“She’s going to be out for at least a day Sheriff. Her injuries are too extensive and if she moves around from having nightmares and such, she’ll tear her stitches.” Doctor Alvey was thinking about keeping her under a little longer, but he knew she needed to be questioned about what happen.

“Can I at least see her Doc? I’m about the only person she considers family.” He knew Susan consider him family. They joked and such, but she trusted him and confided in him about a lot of things.

“Only for a little while Mr. Meadows. She’s in ICU, bed 4.” Doctor Alvey didn’t mind Jake seeing her.

Before Susan was put under for surgery, she had authorized Jake Meadows to make decisions for her.

“Thanks Doc.” Jake goes up to the ICU floor and over towards Susan’s bed.

She had a few machines hooked up to her and her face was bandaged up. He notices her left wrist was in a cast and her right ankle was in a cast as well. She was wearing the paper gowns all patients were given to wear. She looked so young and frail just lying there on the bed.

He takes her petite hand into his and places a kiss on it.

“Get well half-pint.” He heads back to the fair-ground to help with things there. He would stop by her hotel room and pick her things up and take them to his ranch for her along with her Cadillac and horse.

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