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Angel stares out into the backyard just watching the birds and bees flying around. It’s been twelve years since D.A. and Angie had adopted her and raised her to be the woman she is now. Her mother’s made her see a psychiatrist because of all the abuse and trauma she had suffer at the hands of her birth father. She really couldn’t call the man that help create her a father.
The psychiatrist she had to see also helped her with her gender issues. She was a friend of Helena’s and went off what Helena had seen of her during the time she had traveled with the Sirens.
Her mothers had enrolled her in the private school Kimberly taught at. Her first day of school she had been scared, because she didn’t know how the other kids were going to treat her. Kimberly had kept a close eye on her just in case a problem develop, but the other kids just treated her like any other girl in school. She did have one teacher that gave her a hard time when she had gym class. She was going into the girl’s locker room, when the teacher told her she had to use the boy’s locker room. She refused to use the boy’s locker room. The teacher had been told that she was supposed to be treated as girl. So, she ended up missing the first day of gym class.
When D.A. found out what happened, she came up to the school and threated to file a law suit against them and the teacher. They already knew her mother was a lawyer and when she threatened to sue them and the teacher. They transferred her to another teacher that didn’t have a problem with her being a girl. So, she was allowed a locker in the girl’s locker room.
She had joined the cheerleading squad in school and was on the swim team as well. Angie taught her how to play tennis, but she wasn’t a good tennis player. Her adopted sister was good at it.
D.A. and Angie had adopted another girl whose mother had abandon her when she was just seven years old. They had adopted her sister three years after they had adopted her. She was thirteen at the time when they did.
Angel is brought back to the present when she hears her younger sisters voice.
“Angel where is mommy Angie? She was supposed to take me to school today.” Lisa comes walking onto the balcony where Angel was
standing drinking her coffee. She was dressed for school and ready to go.
“Mom asked me to drop you off sis.” Angel just smirks when she looked at her younger sister. She had no idea why her mothers would allow Lisa to dye her hair purple.
“What are you smirking about?” Lisa looks at her older sister like she was nuts.
“I’m trying to figure out why our mothers would allow you to have purple hair.” Angel knew their mothers weren’t the strict type of parents, but she knew they had their rules.
“Well, it was an accident. Me and some of my friends were trying to dye our hair for Halloween and mine came out purple. Our mothers were mad at first, but when I explained everything. They forgave me. Brenda told mom she could dye my hair back to my natural color, but I plead with them to keep it purple.” Lisa looks at her wrist watch to check the time.
“Can we go please. I want to hang out with my friends before we go to first period.” Lisa shifts her book bag.
“Yes, we can go. We’ll take my motorcycle. So, go grab your helmet from your bedroom.” Angel and Lisa step through the sliding glass door and lock it.
“Okay” Lisa runs off to get her helmet from her bedroom. Her helmet had a bunch of fairies on it that one of the ladies from her mother’s MC had airbrushed on a light blue helmet.
Angel walks down into the garage where her motorcycle was kept. Her mother D.A.’s motorcycle was down here. The spare motorcycle they kept at the house was there along with her other mother Angies project. Her mother Angie was rebuilding her first motorcycle to give to Lisa when she became of age. It was the first motorcycle she had learned on.
Angel walks over to her own motorcycle and put her helmet on. It was just like her original helmet she first wore when she rode with her mothers when they went to Sturgis. The motorcycle she has now was custom built by her uncles and her mother. The motorcycle that belonged to her biological father was sold. The reason she did that was it brought back to many bad memories. So, she had asked her mother Angie to sell it at her uncle’s motorcycle shop. The money from the sale of that motorcycle went towards the custom build of her motorcycle.
Lisa comes running down into the garage “I got my helmet.”
Lisa gets on behind Angel and holds tight to her waist.
They wait for the garage door to raise and once it was all the way up. Angel pulls forward with her motorcycle. She stops and press the button on her motorcycle to lower the garage door. Once it starts moving down, she starts moving down the driveway to the road and take her sister to school.
Lisa was going to the same private school she had gone to. Kimberly was the principle now of the school. Kimberly and Brenda had adopted children of their own. They have a Native American daughter that was Kimberly’s niece whose parents had died in a car accident. Then they had adopted a set of twins from a couple that child services had taken into custody. The twins’ biological parents were drug addicts.
Angel pulls up in front of the school and drop Lisa off.
“Mom told me to give you twenty dollars.” Angel pulls her wallet out of her back pocket and pull out twenty dollars and hand it to her sister.
“Thanks sis.” Lisa runs off to go and met up with her friends.
Angel heads off towards her mom’s and uncles motorcycle shop. She wanted to pick-up some parts for her friend’s motorcycle. She told him that the next time she went home, she would go to her mother’s shop. Angel couldn’t believe how the town has changed since she has been gone. She had joined the Airforce right out of high school and went to college on their dime. She had done six years in the Airforce. She was going to do a full twenty, but the person she was serving under was an ass. Somehow, he found out that she use to be a male and gave her a hard time about it. She thinks it was the guy that she had been seeing and living with. She had told him because she didn’t want any secrets between them.
They had been talking about getting married, till she came home early one day and caught him in their bed with the woman next door. She came to find out that he had been seeing both at the same time. Then she had gotten involved with a married man. She didn’t know he was married till his wife had followed him one day and confronted them. She dropped him after that and decided not to date for a while.
Angel arrives at her mother’s shop and parks her motorcycle next to her mothers. She could see her mother talking with a customer, so she walks around to the shop door and walks in. She spots one of her uncles working on a motorcycle and the other one was nowhere to be seen.
Sam had heard the shop door open and when he looks over towards it, he sees his niece walking in. He hadn’t seen Angel since she came home for Christmas last year.
“Angel, it’s good to see you. What brings you up here?” Sam opens his arms to hug his niece.
“It’s good to see you uncle Sam. I’m finally home for good this time.” She gives him a good loving hug. She had missed her uncles.
“Are you staying with your mothers?” Sam had been surprised when his sister had come home from her annual trip to Sturgis with her MC with a little girl in tow.
Angie had told both him and his older brother what had happen during the trip. How her and D.A. had found Angel and the fact that D.A. had to kill her birth father in self-defense. He was about to shoot Angel all because he wanted his own child dead.
“Yep. Mom had threatened to turn my old bedroom into a workout room, but instead she left it like it was.” Angel had been surprised her mother hadn’t done anything with her room.
“So, does that mean you’ll be coming back up here to work or do you have another job in mind?” Sam wouldn’t mind having his niece working up here at the store or back here in the shop.
“I wouldn’t mind, but that depends on uncle Jake and mom.” Angel knew her mother and uncle Jake would have to agree on who works here. Especially if she was going to work the counter and back in the shop.
“Well, I know your uncle is looking for someone right now. We’re shorthanded and need someone who we can just throw onto a project without having to watch them. We taught you everything you know about motorcycles and you could use your mothers’ tools till you get your own tool box. Let me talk with my brother and I’ll let your mother know. Okay?” Sam knew that Jake would rather have his niece here then someone else.
“Okay, uncle Sam. Oh, do you know if we have these parts in stock?” Angel pulls out a list she had folded up in her pocket and hand it to him.
Sam unfolds the paper and look over the list of motorcycle parts. They had most of them in stock and knew another shop where he could get the rest.
“We have most of this list in stock. The rest I know who has them and I could get them for a reasonable price. Why?” Sam refolds the list.
“I promise a friend I would see if I could get those parts for them. He’s rebuilding a motorcycle for his wife.” The guy Angel was doing this for was a friend of hers from the Airforce.
“Is he paying for them or is this coming out of your pocket?” Sam would cut his niece bargain if she was paying for it out of her pocket.
“He is.”
“Well, if he is and your shipping these parts to him. Let me put together a price list for you and you can send it to him.” Sam puts the folded paper into his pocket.
“Thanks uncle Sam.” Angel gives her uncle a hug. Him and her uncle Jake had been a good example of what a father should be. She knew her cousins were lucky to have them as their father.
“Well, let me go up front and see if mom is available. Thanks for everything uncle Sam.” She gives him a kiss on the cheek.
“Any time baby girl.” Sam just watches as Angel heads towards the front of the building.
Angel peeks out and notice her mother hanging up a few Harley Davidson Jackets.
“Hi mom.” Angel comes walks out from the back.
Angie turns around when she hears Angel’s voice. She hadn’t had a chance to talk to her daughter since she got in late last night. She had seen her this morning and asked her to take her sister to school, because she had to be here at the store to open. Angie walks over and hugs her sweet Angel.
Angel returns the hug, but held on a little longer. She missed her mothers and missed being held by them.
Angie knew something was wrong with Angel. She could tell by the way she was holding onto her.
“What’s wrong sweetie?” Angie just kept holding onto her daughter.
“I just missed you and Mommy D.A. so much mom.” Angel didn’t want to let go of her mother.
“I know that sweetie, but there’s something else bothering you.” Angie releases Angel and looks down into her emerald green eyes. Angel was four foot eight inches’ tall compare to Angie who was five foot four inches tall.
“I’m scared about entering into another relationship. So far, my record has been sucking. The guy I was seeing and thinking about marrying cheated on me with our next-door neighbor. Then I was dating an older man that I figure would be more mature and responsible, but he was married and cheating on his wife with me. I’ve been staying in contact with mommy D.A.’s new Receptionist Carol. I met her the last time I came to town. We’ve been exchanging emails and text messages.”
“Carol is a nice woman. I know she isn’t seeing anyone and does a lot of volunteer work with the local shelter for abused women. Why don’t you go ahead and take her out this week? I know she is interested in you.” Angie knew for a fact that Carol Wallace had a thing for her daughter. She had turned down dates with other lesbians to save herself for Angel.
Angie knew she would be a good match for Angel. Where Angel was small and petite, Carol was curvy and busty like D.A. She was also part Native American with long black hair and brown eyes.
Angel just looks at her mother and wonder if she was trying to set her up. Carol had sent her pictures of herself not nude ones, but sexy looking ones. She had to admit to herself she would go out with her.
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Pleasant surprise
I didn't expect to see any more of Angel and her family. This was a nice surprise!
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Seems like she has a good
Seems like she has a good life now since she became the daughter of D.A. and Angie. She should be proud of her six years in the AF. Not too many people join the Military today. Less than 1/10th of 1% of the entire national population.
Happy moments
Happy moments like finding out things turned out pretty good for Angel.... Or just like finding Angel is being continued!!!!