The Road to Haifa - Chapter 10

The Road to Haifa
Chapter 10 - Maritza
by Alyssa Plant 
“No, I’m really not like other girls Maritza. I… I” she continued, screwing her eyes up and balling her fists in some mental attempt to force herself to say the words.
“I ‘m a boy.” She half croaked as she hung her head.
“Oh ... Um, So you want a penis?”

Sarah woke around 5am the next morning. She was pleased to see Maritza sleeping peacefully across from her. The girl had been in bed the whole day with her cramps; something that made Sarah feel somewhat better that she didn’t have to experience that.

Slipping from her bed, she tiptoed to the bathroom to relieve herself. Once finished, she caught sight of her reflection in the mirror. It was enough to instantly wake her more effectively than any coffee known to man. Her hair was all messy, and she had clearly forgotten to take her makeup off, the panda eyes and traces of lipstick on her cheeks made her feel like some zombie woman. After washing her face and tidying up, she returned to the cabin feeling very much more human. As Maritza softly snored, she dressed quickly and made here way out of the cabin.

With a mug of coffee in hand, she made her way up onto the deck of the yacht. The sun was beginning to rise, and the orange hue cast over the ocean was beautiful. Sighing wistfully, she sipped the sweet nectar between her cupped hands, its warmth providing comfort against the chilly morning air. This was a whole lot better than being on some dusty mountainside, maybe she should apply to the secret service for a transfer?

As she looked over the ocean, she heard a faint voice towards the bow of the yacht. Curious as to whom else was up at this hour; she made her way along the deck towards the bow. As she neared the sound, she stopped. It appeared to be someone on a phone. A phone? Out here? It didn’t make sense. Putting her mug down quietly, she slowly tiptoed forwards so quietly even a mouse would be considered noisy.

As she reached the corner, she knelt to listen:

“Yes, yes, it’s fine.”
“We’re a day out of port.”
“No, no.”
“The bag put the tranny freak with the kid, it might make things difficult.”

Sarah recognised that grizzled voice anywhere, Major Thesik. But who was he talking to? She fought the urge to go and lay into him for his clear insult of her, now was not the time or place. Retracing her steps to the stern, she curled up on one of the seats to finish her coffee and think. What was the Major doing? He had to be using a satellite phone this far out at sea. And why wasn’t he using the ships communications room and sat line? Too many questions with too few answers. Sarah knew who she had to talk to, there was only one person she could trust with one of her paranoid theories; Ari.

Hearing footsteps, she turned to see the major appearing from the direction of the bow. He looked very surprised to see her. “What are you doing up?” he snarled.

“I couldn’t sleep she shrugged cheerily. “And it’s a beautiful morning don’t you think?”

The Major grunted and vanished. Her ‘happy go lucky gal’ routine seemed to have dissuaded him from any notion that she may have overheard him. The man was sure acting suspiciously.

Nah, she was just being silly. It was all the stress from the last couple of days catching up; making her see and hear things. Pushing the thoughts from her mind, she stretched out on the seat to watch the sunrise. What surprised her most this morning was that she actually HAD a ‘happy go lucky gal’ routine. Sarah wondered if she would be wearing pink by the end of the week…

Stretching, she uncurled her legs and stood with a long cat like stretch. “Mmmm time for breakfast” she muttered to nobody in particular as she made her way below deck.

As Sarah entered the main dining room at 0700 to eat with the crew, she was greeted by a strange sight. At the table, Maritza was sat talking and laughing with Ari and the sergeant.

“My; aren’t you up early? Where’s the real Maritza?” smiled Sarah pulling up a chair near the group.

“I think I spent far too much time in bed yesterday, I’m making up for lost time getting to know all these cool people.” The girl grinned.

Sarah smiled happily. She was glad the girl had pulled out of her self destructive nose dive, but something about her interaction with Ari upset her, but she couldn’t place her fingers on it, or however the expression went.

“Where did you go this morning?” Maritza asked between mouthfuls of cereal. “You were up awfully early.”

“Just felt like sitting on deck for a while, watch the sunrise and relax with a coffee…” shrugged Sarah dismissively. She had no intention of sharing her observations so publicly.

After Breakfast, Sarah cornered Ari leaving the dining room; “Hey can we talk somewhere private?” she whispered into his ear.

After giving her a curious look, Ari shrugged; “Sure, come to my cabin while I change for work, we can talk there.”

After following her team-mate down the passageway Sarah followed Ari into a small, more sparse berth than her own.

“What was it you wanted?” Ari prompted as he began to change into his day uniform.

”I uh,” Sarah blushed scarlet as Ari dropped his shorts to change.

”You… what?” Ari called turning around, “Oh shit sorry.” He mumbled as he dove behind one of the bunks to continue changing.

“You were saying?”

“Uh, sorry, yeah, I heard something this morning. And I don’t know who else to talk to about this Ari…. It sounds pretty weird.” sighed Sarah as she slumped down on the nearby bunk. A thought coming to her, she continued. “Who are we reporting to on this mission?”

”The Colonel Indirectly, the Premier directly I guess.” Replied Ari thoughtfully.

”Well wouldn’t Major Thesik communicate with the Colonel via the com room?” frowned Sarah, “Surely he would have no need to bring a personal satellite phone?

“Where did you hear this?” said Ari as he adjusted his shirt.

“I was on deck this morning, about 0500. He was at the bow alone, talking on a sat phone, and he made several comments that made me uneasy…” she answered slowly, looking into Ari’s eyes for a reaction.

Ari’s eyebrows moved closer to his hairline as he stood before the mirror combing his hair into order. “Like what?”

Sarah relayed the comments she had overheard to Ari, whose expression turned from confusion to worry with a tinge of anger. “I don’t like this Sarah… We know he has it in for you because of… um, you know…. But this goes beyond that. The best thing we can do is keep this to ourselves, and watch things, IF… and IF he has turned, we don’t know who else is on his side… So don’t tell anyone what we talked about ok?”

Sarah nodded quickly; Ari seemed to have a much more rational grasp of things… She wondered if he would have told her had he witnessed the phone call.

“I’d best go, people will be looking for me, we can't do with rumours now can we?” She giggled to break the tension.

”Hah yeah, but if anyone asks, tell them I was amazing ok? Grinned Ari

He would have told her, she knew now.

As she made her way out the door Ari slapped her on the butt. Squealing she wheeled around with a scowl on her face. “Get out of here little one; I’ll see you at lunch.”

She could hear him laughing at her as she stormed off down the passageway. UGH MEN. She couldn’t believe that she had been born a member of that disgusting sex.

Fumbling around with her swipe card, she re-entered her berth with a sigh, was every day going to be so taxing so early?

“Where have you been?” grinned Maritza who was in the process of dressing. Fighting the urge to turn away, Sarah just shrugged and started going through her clothes for something to wear.

“Around.” She replied dismissively.

“You left with Ari…” she grinned wiggling her eyebrows. “And something tells me that talc handprint on your butt isn’t yours.” She laughed pointing at Sarah’s behind.

Craning her neck fruitlessly, Sarah darted into the bathroom to be greeted by a large powdery white handprint on her tan shorts. “ARRRRGGGG” She screamed stamping her foot. “I’m going to kill him.”

“So It was Ari then?” Maritza smiled poking her head around the doorframe.

“Yes” Sarah replied in an exasperated tone, “no, yes, no, oh I don’t know.” She sighed.

“Ask me an easier question.” She mumbled slumping down on her bed.

“Are… you… Sleeping with… Corporal Weismann?” mouthed Maritza with deliberate annunciation.

Launching a pillow at the girl, Sarah vehemently denied any relationship with Ari beyond the brother sister sort of thing. Maritza however was having none of it.

“Well you two always smile at each other when you see one another, and when I was flirting with him at breakfast, he got really uncomfortable as soon as you arrived…. If you aren’t doing it, I bet you will before long.” She laughed dodging another swipe.

Sarah sat thoughtfully on the bed. Was she right? Did she like Ari like that? No way. She couldn’t…

“Stop thinking so hard, I can see smoke pouring out of your ears.” smiled Maritza.

“I think I preferred you when you weren’t talking” Sighed Sarah with resignation.

“Look, I don’t know ok? I mean, we’ve been friends for years, and I mean years, since our teens…. I just don’t know if I see him like that. Maybe I do, maybe I don’t, but I KNOW I like the guy. I don’t know if I’m ready to think about dating that’s all….”

”Ready?” frowned Maritza. What do you mean ready? How old are you? Like 21-22?”

Sarah nodded absentmindedly.

“Are you telling me you have never even kissed a guy? Or been on a date?” probed the girl.

Sarah nodded.

”Wow, I think I have a pet project this week….” Maritza replied dramatically. “I’ve GOT to help you; it’s my duty as a teen fashion queen.”

‘Oh no, I’m going to say it’ thought Sarah. ‘No, I cant, she will hate me’ “I’m not like other girls Maritza.”

The younger girl cocked her head and looked at Sarah. “Coulda fooled me babe.” She replied still looking at Sarah unblinkingly. “Small boobs doesn’t make you less of a girl you know, look, I’m sorry about yesterday, it was mean, I had no excuse.” She continued apologetically. “You’re probably really sensitive about it, and I took my problems out on you, I’m sorry.” She whispered pulling Sarah into a hug. As Sarah sobbed quietly into her shoulder, Maritza Rubbed the older girl’s back and whispered comforting words in her ear. She was kicking herself for being such a bitch.

Pulling away from Maritza, Sarah rubbed her eyes and took a breath; “No, I’m really not like other girls Maritza. I… I” she continued, screwing her eyes up and balling her fists in some mental attempt to force herself to say the words. “I ‘m a boy.” She half croaked as she hung her head.

“Oh.” The girl replied. “Um, So you want a penis?”

Sarah shook her head slowly. “I was born a boy, but its wrong.”

Realisation dawned in Maritza’s eyes, “Ooohh, gosh, really? I guess that explains a lot.”

“What do you mean?” Sarah frowned. Was everyone she met able to tell she wasn’t what she seemed?

”Well, you’re sorta like me when I was 12… You hate dressing up, body conscious 24/7, small boobs, and you didn’t know what I meant when I said I was coming on… she smiled. Taking Sarah’s hand she gave it a squeeze. “Honestly, It doesn’t stop you being one of the coolest people I know. You took the time to talk to me, and help me when it had nothing in it for you. Who cares what you were born, You’re clearly a girl.” “And a girl in loovvveeee” she giggled as she danced off the bed out of Sarah’s range.

”Yeah that’s one of the things I don’t know about….” Sarah grimaced. “Me and Ari have been friends for years right? But I’ve only been his female friend a few days… it’s a lot of mixed signals, I’m not sure how much is him treating me like a guy friend still, or if he’s actually coming on to me… We were always close, but I don’t want to kill that.”

Maritza nodded solemnly. “A dilemma young padewan you have.” She rasped in a rather high pitched impression of Yoda. “Hang on? Did you just say a few days or am I going loopy?”

”Yeah, um, 2days now I think?” Sarah thought back through the muddle of the last few days.

“Wow. You’ve only been a girl for 2 days? Jeeez you’re a natural.” smirked Maritza shaking her head.

“I felt like this ever since I was little.” Sarah sighed wistfully. “I guess I needed a kick in the butt. Ari has a big foot.”

”Now I see why you two are so close.” replied Maritza. “So you do like boys then?” she pressed.

“Well I didn’t like anything before.” Sarah shrugged. “I just saw girls with some more interest than men, I guess because I was jealous, but I never dated or anything with either sex. It sorta felt wrong.”

”I can understand that.” Maritza agreed looking thoughtful. “Hell I look at other girls too, but purely from an analytical point of view you know? Like, what’s she got that I haven’t?”

Sarah nodded. “Yeah, that’s it, I saw features, not ‘that’s sexy’” she smirked. “A friend back home told me I’d woken up to the possibility of men because I was comfortable now. It feels right, but it’s scary. I don’t know anything. I’ve almost been thrown into this, and I’m totally winging it….” She sighed slumping into her pillow. “Its just so much so fast, I get so lost. Suddenly I’m in society, and I find I can interact, but I don’t know the language.”

To Be Continued...

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