The Road to Haifa - Chapter 7

The Road to Haifa
Chapter 7 — Babysitter’s club
by Alyssa Plant 
The reward for a mission well done - Another mission

Chapter 7 — Babysitter’s club

It felt strangely satisfying to Sarah to just sit amongst her team-mates and friends. She wasn’t really doing anything different, and she didn’t really look any different; but it was definitely, definitely, different she thought.

A rather good different…

“So are you going to come for some beers with us tonight then? Or are you too good for us now?” Peter mentioned over his paper.

“Um, I would guys, but I’m going out tonight…” Sarah muttered non comittally.

“You do realise that you and Shamira can over do the whole ‘girly girl’ thing?” He laughed. “We like our Sarah just the way she is… and our Sarah comes out for beers on a Thursday.” He said matter of factly shuffling his paper.

“God Cohen is one piece of ass id like to tap.” leered David Zeis, the team’s demolitions expert.

”Err? Excuse me?” exclaimed Sarah, with a look of indignant disgust on her face. “That’s my friend you’re talking about.”

“Have you seen her naked?” grinned David. “Isn’t that what girls do? Walk around naked with each other?”

Sarah looked at David for a moment regarding weather the man was serious or not. Shaking her head slowly she cracked a small grin. “Yes David, we all hang around naked and have lesbian sex with each other to pass time.” She replied seriously.

David looked at her with a squint, clearly unsure of her seriousness.

Bursting out laughing, Sarah threw a TV remote at David. “Stop being such a troll… Why don’t you fuck off and play with some C4? I’m sure you’ve got more body parts your dying to loose.”

“Nah I was serious, what’s it like? Do any of them fancy me?” He begged.

”What does it take to get into your thick, cordite clogged brain Zeis?” Sighed Sarah.
Contra to popular belief, women are just like men, except maybe with better hygiene and slightly more brain cells.” she answered wrinkling up her nose.

“When you are quite done.” Came a quiet voice behind the group.

Startled, Sarah snapped around quickly to face one of the Majors from the Unit, although her momentum had other ideas, and with a squeak and a thump she fell off the sofa.
Lying on the floor of the mess she looked at her team-mates with a serious expression before bursting out in a fit of giggles; their laughter wasn’t far behind.
The group’s adolescent silliness was reaffirmed.

The group stopped immediately and faced the Major who didn’t look in the slightest bit amused.

”Briefing room at 1600 Bravo Squad. You’re weekend leave is cancelled.” He said dryly. With a disgusted look in Sarah’s direction, the Major turned and left.

There were many groans and profanities from the group as the pulled themselves together.

“Did he just give me a look?” Sarah asked the sergeant.

“Yup.” Agreed Goni

Sighing, Sarah pulled herself to her feet. “I sort of expected a little more than distain, so I should be thankful I guess.”

Putting his hand on her shoulder the Sergeant looked at Sarah for a moment, reading her eyes. “You remember what we said, and what Mathias said. The fuckers can only bitch and moan amongst themselves or give you the odd dirty look. It’s petty and childish. Remember that huh?” He said softly, so that the rest of the group didn’t hear. Patting Sarah on her shoulder he turned and spoke to some of the other troopers before heading out of the room.

“What was that about?” Ari asked.

“Huh? Oh, nothing.” She sighed. “Lets go get to the briefing shall we?”
With that, the two left the mess and made their way to the briefing room across the far side of their force’s compound.

Walking into the briefing room, Sarah and Ari found seats with their squad and waited for the brief to begin.

The quiet muttering that filled the room stopped as Colonel Mathias entered with several other officers.

“I’ll cut straight through the bullshit.” Mathias began standing behind a small podium at the head of the room.

“The Primeminister is taking his annual vacation starting tomorrow. Due to recent events, he does not wish for his normal security staff to be present on the Yacht while he is away, it’s too predictable. This squad will be taking on the close protection duty for the week’s vacation, undercover, naturally.”
The colonel paused for a moment to allow the information to sink in.

”Major Thesik will be heading up the operation, and he will be operating as the Premier’s chef, apparently, he is a rather good cook.” The colonel said with a wry grin. “Meaning you are all on rations for the week.” He slipped in before the Major could protest.

“Goni, Yakobavitch, and Thomas will be on the Premier at all times, you are going cover as guests of the premier and his family. This lets you follow them around without arousing suspicion. Zeis, Weismann and Silverberg will be operating as ships crew in various capacities.”

Nodding at the 3 men, he continued, “You 3 will leave today in 2 hours with Major Thesik to Haifa and the Yacht tonight. And Those acting as guests, will leave for Jerusalem in a hour.”

After going over the finer details of the operation, Bravo Squad were dismissed to their personal admin.

It was a frantic Sarah that knocked on Mira’s door shortly thereafter.

Opening her door, Mira was confronted by a verbal barrage from a distressed looking Sarah.

“Slow down child, what’s wrong?” She asked while standing aside to allow Sarah entry.

”We’regoingonamissionanditsplainclothesandidonthaveanythingtoWEAR!” She garbled.

“Whoah girl slow it down for me? I don’t speak bimbo.” She grinned.

Taking a deep breath, Sarah paused before replying; “Right, we have to go away, and its plain clothes… and the thing is, I don’t have anything but what we bought in town…. And I have this dinner thing tonight…. Can you help me?” She pleaded

“Are you sure you’re ready?” Mira asked.

“I have to be.” Grimaced Sarah, “Its going to be more obvious that something is up if I dress as a guy isn’t it? Anyway we will be at sea for most of it, so its ok I guess. But I have to attend a dinner tonight at the Premier’s residency in Jerusalem… can I borrow a dress for tonight? And some bits for the mission? We didn’t really plan for me going away so soon…

Just under 2 hours later, Sarah stood with the sergeant and corporal Thomas on the landing pad outside the Premier’s official Jerusalem residential compound.

“I’m really looking forward to the trip with Thesik.” Sarah stage whispered to Specialist Thomas as they made their way into the Premier’s residence. “I think id rather dance naked past the wailing wall.” She grimaced

“Heh, I know what you mean, Still, he’s stuck playing chef, we get to relax for the week. How bad can it be?” he grinned.

“Pity we aren’t taking any serious toys.” He sighed, “I fell really out of place in this suit.”

“How do you think I feel?” Sarah complained. “There’s making progress, then there is me in this getup going to a formal dinner! And a week with people I have to not only appear normal to, but also do my job 24/7!”

Thomas stopped and looked at Sarah. “You do know nobody is going to think anything? You don’t remotely look like a guy. So chill the fuck out babe.”

The two started walking again. “Anyway, you look a lot better in that dress than you would in a suit.” He grinned.

“Mathew Thomas, are you hitting on me?” Sarah mock scolded with a broad grin on her face. His words had truly made her feel good.

“Nah, I don’t fuck co-workers.” He shrugged. “Ill have to work out a way to get you kicked out.” He shot as they reached the entrance, curtailing any retaliation from Sarah.

“I will get you later.” She hissed through a broad smile as they entered the primeminister’s home.

The 3 soldiers stood apprehensively in the entrance hall while a security agent disappeared to announce their arrival.

“We thought up an excuse for Combat Barbie here?” muttered Goni.

Sarah looked at him blankly, completely lost.

“There aren’t any women Combatants in our unit?” Goni prompted with a sigh.

“Tell them it’s a cunning disguise?” Shrugged Thomas. “Tell him she’s going undercover at a Palestinian knitting circle.”

Unable to resist this latest jibe, Sarah elbowed Thomas in the ribs.

“I’m all for physical violence, but isn’t it better directed at our enemies?”

Looking down the length of the room, Sarah locked eyes with the Primeminister of Israel, a curiously amused expression on his lips.


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