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(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 2832 by Angharad Copyright© 2015 Angharad
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This is a work of fiction any mention of real people, places or institutions is purely coincidental and does not imply that they are as suggested in the story.
I won’t give too much detail of our Christmas except to say it was busy, hectic, frantic, bustling and completely mad. I missed having Julie and Phoebe here but they had arrived safely at their ski resort. Simon had paid for them to be kitted out in jackets and salopettes as their Christmas present, so between us they did quite well.
The lists of presents and food consumed embarrassed me when I consider the number of people sleeping rough or not eating well. We sent the various charities a hundred pounds each to help ease someone’s Christmas but it would be a drop in the ocean.
According to the latest research, youngsters are not half as compassionate as older folk when it comes to supporting charities, especially for the homeless. They seem to think people should sort themselves out without the handouts. I don’t know what the answer is but my kids are more likely to vote Conservative than I am.
I finally managed to get some time for me while the others were either sleeping off too much food, watching telly or fiddling with the latest gadget they got. I settled down with a book I’ve had for ages but hadn’t had time to read. I hoped it wasn’t going to be too demanding of my small brain. It’s called Beyond Belief by Elaine Pagels and it’s about the history of Christianity. She’s a professor of the history of religion at an American university and I’ve heard she writes very well as well as knowing her onions or whatever the religious equivalent is.
It appears to be a comparison of two gospels, that of John which is one of the canonical ones and that of Thomas, one of the Gnostic gospels found at Nag Hammadi. I read the gospel of Thomas when I was a student partly because it’s quite short, really just a collection of sayings attributed to Jesus, some of which seem timeless and universal, others I’m not so sure about, like any woman who becomes male can enter the Kingdom. Looks like I missed out then, so will half the earth’s population.
The gospel of John is the only one which states categorically that Jesus was god and Prof Pagels seems to think it might have been written to counter the influence of Thomas’ gospel which was gathering supporters.
The times were even more dangerous than now, especially for Christians, though they seemed to be queuing up to be martyred—sounds familiar with a different group in the Middle East this time round. While I find it astonishing that people are prepared to kill because of religion, part of me feels humbled that there are those who are prepared to die for their beliefs. No wonder we still fight wars.
Seems like a guy called Irenaeus who became bishop of what is now Lyons in France was one of the people responsible for the canonical gospels and what is actually in the New Testament, rejecting loads like the gospels of Thomas, Philip and Mary Magdalene. The early church was beset by factions all squabbling over all sorts of things and Irenaeus wanted to take control and follow the same beliefs. Apparently, it’s what the mainstream church follows now, the virgin birth, the resurrection and the son of god is god. As I can’t accept any of them, I’ll never be a Christian. It seems loads of modern Christians don’t believe them either but keep quiet about it, unlike the Gnostics who challenged many of these core beliefs and suggested they were allegories or psychical things—the resurrection being what happened when you were baptised you were reborn.
The book was fascinating and I was irritated to have to put it down but apparently it was time to eat again—I was still full from my Christmas dinner—which was absolutely delicious, David excelled himself and I enjoyed the prosecco we had as well, I was half waiting for Commissario Brunetti to enter demanding a glass.
To keep the peace I had a cuppa and mince pie but the girls tucked into sandwiches and salad. Simon was noticeable by his absence, I think the port did for him, either that or the brandy he and Tom had to finish off their dinners. I left them to it and travelled back to the second century in the Mediterranean area, I wanted nothing more than a couple of hours more reading about it. At the first opportunity I escaped back to my study and found my page.
I felt someone watching me and glanced up, it was Trish but she was looking at something the other side of the room. I couldn’t see anything. “What are you watching?” I asked her and for a moment she shuddered then recovered. “You okay?”
“Yes thank you, Mummy. I was watching the golden lady who visits us from time to time.”
“What does she want?” I was never quite sure how I felt about the Shekinah.
“She’s pleased about the book you’re reading but to her it’s modern history and she says not to believe all you read.”
I snorted, “Modern history—it’s up to sixteen hundred years ago. As for believing anything, who said I did?”
“She didn’t say you did just to be careful what you do believe. What are you reading, Mummy?”
I showed her the book. “Looks interesting can I read it later.”
I wasn’t sure if it was appropriate for a ten year old especially as she’d probably use it to outmanoeuvre the nuns in religious lessons. “We’ll see.”
“Okay, be like that.”
“Trish, don’t be so cheeky.”
“You started it, I only wanted to borrow your stupid book to read.”
“There are lots of big words you might not understand.”
“So, I’ll use the dictionary.”
This child has an answer for everything.
“If you promise not to use what you read in it to upset the nuns at school.”
“Course I will, I don’t anyway unless they’re being too slow for the rest of us.”
“Trish, you need to show them some respect for these ladies, they might not be as clever as you undoubtedly are, but they have knocked about it a bit and deserve some respect for it.”
“It makes me laugh,” she said grinning, “the nuns say they have a vocation but are less knowledgeable than you about lots of things.Some are dumber than the turkey we just ate.”
“I doubt it, I’m sure they know lots of things.”
“Yeah about the bible, couldn’t tell you which way was North nor how to find it on an old tree.”
“What the moss?”
“Yeah, you showed us something useful not some old fashioned crap about religion, which is mostly what they know.”
“Did you know we celebrate Christmas now because it was originally the birthday of a pagan god Mithras.”
“Happy Birthday, Mithras,” she called. “See, they wouldn’t have told us that in case we all began wanting to know more about him rather than Jesus.”
“Okay, you can borrow this book after I finish it but be prepared to look up lots of words.”
“That’s okay, Mummy, I enjoy looking up words.”
She ran off saying out loud, “Who’s birthday is it today?”
I heard Livvie answer, “Jesus—duh.”
“No it isn’t, it was Mithras’ birthday, the Christians moved Jesus’ one there to convert the pagans. I’m gonna make him a birthday card, coming?”
What have I unleashed on the world

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What happened Ang? Get cut off by a priest while biking?
Phew ! Quick little attack on our mystical beliefs, Cath. The Bible was a decision made by like minded clerics to present what they thought should be in it. As much was rejected, as put in. Some of these can be found on line. Do you realy think a Jewish momma wouldn't have her healthy son married by age 20 ? Do you think Mary Magdalene really was a hooker?
Trish has an interesting talk with Shekinah. "Don't believe everything you read", humm .
I think the date was chosen because people were accustomed to celebrate on that day, and to compete with the pagans.
Not bad for a Prod.
The history of the New Testament
Is very revealing. The earliest books in the new testament were by Paul, but he refers to Jesus as a god, not as a man. The Authentic Letters of Paul were written around 50-60 years after Jesus supposedly died. The reason I say supposedly is there is no evidence outside the bible to support this. The Gospel of Mark was written around 70 years after Jesus, supposed demise, and this is the first book that has this narrative of the virgin birth, Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. There is no evidence of anything written about Jesus before Paul's letters. For some reason, nothing has survived. A coincidence? Or is most of the new testament a storybook? You decide, but research shows it's a strong possibility. My opinion is the Bible should be placed in the Fiction section of the Library.
Fiction or Fantasy?
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
What we are told
is holy truth when we are very young may be put aside as we get older, but I believe it leaves marks and tracks on our world map regardless. Cathy despairs over our species lack of regard for each other, and shows sympathy for the plight of the victimised (no I don't mean the charity donations above). Perhaps she would identify with the fabled Samaritan.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
One of the things
I love about Bike is how we learn facts that perhaps we might otherwise have never come across, Angharad has rare talent for making all of those facts both interesting and salient to her story, Take for example the two very different gopel views as ( supposedly) written by John and Thomas, Both very different in their portrayal of the life of Jesus. But given the amount of time that has passed since they were first written it's very difficult to be certain what actually happened. Chances are the truth is in the middle somewhere, All we can do is keep our minds open... If only some of the religious bigots in the world would do the same-!
I am very much of the opinion
That the bible is used by too many people to justify abuse they give other people. So while I don't reject it I prefer to behave in a manner that will help my fellows, not justify bad actions.
As for being trans, I am a pacifist activist. I will try to be open but not in anyone's face. Funny how being open is interpreted as being in many peoples faces.
The Golden Bough
For anyone who feels the need to look deeper into religious beliefs might I commend both volumes of "The Golden Bough"?
Published in 1890 it is a fascinating review of how religious belief develops and is available for free at
Non sum qualis eram
Man has invented so many gods over the years
yet the believers in each one are certain that theirs are the "right" ones and all others are mythical nonsense. Wish they could take a wider view and understand peoples needs to explain the unexplainable by inventing supernatural beings.
Happy Birthday Mammon?
Christmas does tend to leave a dirty taste in the mouth but a new year is ahead of us Angharad, and I hope for Cathy and her clan (especially stroppy Trisha).
It does seem paradoxical that the more individuals have come to look on cash as the primary means to solve their problems the readier they have been to vote into office those individuals who promise to cut off the flow of taxes to the government - that smells rather of capitalism degenerating into a fundamentalist religion.
Rhona McCloud
It is all driven by Archeology
Having devoted a major portion of my life to the study of theology including many Christian sects, Muslim, Orthodox, Coptic, and some Jewish beliefs, it now seems apparent to me that religion is driven by the Archeology of man.
I do think that something happened, as early as 100,000 years ago and men sitting around camp fires simply embellished whatever it was. It is pretty clear to me that life is no accident. It is men that have made belief a nightmare and many of the prohibitions have simply arisen from men trying to control their predatory and antisocial behavior.
There are several steps in the evolution of Homo Sapiens, one of them being blonde hair/blue eyes. I doubt it has a purpose though. We have gotten taller because we have a better diet. I do not know why women are 14% smaller. Hopefully the emergence of the next "Homo" is happening now and we shall call it Homo Spacies?
Though theologians try to ignore it, there is strong evidence right in their own Christian scripture to show that even gender changers are acceptable to this God. Look at Isaiah 56:4-5, and Matt 19:12 and you will see that they used to call it becoming a eunuch, though involuntary. In Ottoman court harems, the eunuchs mostly lived with the women and dressed like them. I am comfortable as a eunuch.
I accept no further condemnation.
"There are several steps in the evolution of Homo Sapiens, one of them being blonde hair/blue eyes. I doubt it has a purpose though."
Addressing no other points, articles I have read addressing hair, skin, & eye color as well as hirsuitness and nasal cavity configuration, are all evolutionary adaptions that favor certain climates. Not only temperature and humidity, but lighting color and strength. Sorry, I can't supply references.
If I have misunderstood you, my apologies.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Actually, Charlemagne is the
Actually, Charlemagne is the one who rounded up the various clergy and appointed the Bishop to oversee them to produce a "one size fits all" Bible. He was tired of all the constant bickering and "back and forth" throughout his "Holy Roman Empire". By the way, it wasn't so "holy", nor was it "Roman" and wasn't truly an "Empire" the largest sense of the word.
About 5-6 years ago, the Catholic Church came out and declared the St. Mary Magdalene was NOT and had NOT ever been a prostitute as was the common belief.
It was admitted that this was a dastardly denigration of her to "put her in her place", as the Church leaders were men.
There is belief that St. Mary Magdalene was the "Beloved Apostle", and not so much St. John as was previously thought.
This is thought to be the reason for the maligning of her good name.
If you take an extremely close look at the "Last Supper" painting, which I did see; the person believed to be St. John, does NOT look male, rather more like a female in features and even the clothing is styled different compared to those around the person.
Another mystery to add to all the others resting on religious beliefs.
I'm interested in the different views on religion, personally I find that it's a bit of an enigma there are lots of different religions throughout the world each believes that their religion is the "The Right One" so who is right?
I firmly believe that religion has caused more wars and deaths than anything else - Holy books feed bigots, feed intolerance and hatred I must be getting cynical in my old age.
Also the christian church preaches we must help the unfortunate yet these institutions hold a vast amount of wealth which they seem to want to cling onto.
Last Supper Mural
Janis, I believe the person is a red haired woman, standing to the left (the wife's spot) of Jesus.
I have taken a lot of guff over that. Originally, the last supper painting had been touched up over the centuries. The Church was having it restored, and the red haired woman was uncovered. This site was quickly taken down by the Catholic Church, but not before the image was down loaded. I sent images every where. Really upset a few people. Damn Prods, we have no respect. This was at the time of The Da Vinci Code.