Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 44

Drew and the Half Term Break
By Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 44 Gaby and the Lion Ladies
Gaby was at home in the Castle in Skipton. It had been sometime since it was discovered she was Queen Gaby the 1st of Northumbria and then other states around the World wanted her as their Queen. She was thinking of February 2010 when she would be 21 and officially queen in her own right of several states.

Then there would be no more Regents to help her rule the various countries that wanted her as Queen. Gaby did not want that day to come, however it would soon be here and arrangements had to be made for her to visit all of her kingdoms. Gaby also realised she would no longer be able to enter cycle races or do certain other things normal youngsters her age could. However, Gaby was not a normal human and she intended to make the most of her remaining time. She was musing all this over when she received a delegation of Tiny’s led by her friend Tiny, who was one of the very first Tiny’s Gaby was to met, when she discovered she was Queen of Northumbria while in Scarborough.

“Gaby, may we have a word with you? We the Tiny's would like to go and visit either Woburn Abbey or Longleat House. We would also like our big sisters to accompany us.”

Lady Margaret started to laugh. “Well Gaby I would like to visit both places, If only because they are closer to my birthplace of Exeter. Also I have heard stories of Lord Bath.”

Gaby, “Lady Margaret, I think the whole of Great Britain will have heard of Lord Bath & his wifelettes.” The Tiny’s all giggled. “Now tiny’s there was no need for a full delegation, you should by now know you can always tell me what you want.”

Tiny, “Actually Gaby the Tiny’s are only the messengers. Your cousins Little Cleo and her sisters are missing the animals of Africa and so we thought if we could get them to a wildlife park or two they would not be as homesick.”

Gaby, “Ah little cousin Cleo she has not been to see me lately. My mum told me about when Cleo got stuck as cub.”

Beatrice arrived with three cubs at her side. One of the cubs bounded straight on to Gaby’s knee. “Gaby, see what I can do! I can change myself back to a girl now. Did the Tiny’s ask you about the lions? Tiny said they would.”

Gaby, “Little cousin Cleo, The Tiny’s already know my mind. I know my Aunt, your mother Isolde the Cat Queen would like to tour all the zoos and safari parks looking for her missing people. Unlike you, they do not show up on the scanner at present and cannot change back to human form until she or I am present. So with that in mind, I have decided at the next school break we will do a tour of as many of those sites as we can. We will start with the Lions of Longleat and go on from there. We will also be travelling by coach and stopping off at various hotels along the way.” Beatrice brought a photograph of Lord Bath. It was passed around the group.

Cleo, “Lord Bath, he looks a lot like Grandpa Neptune. Is he also related to us?”

Neptune appeared, “Morning Empress, Who called for me?”

Kleiner Ariel, “It was Little Cleo the cat princess. She thought this Lord Bath looked like you grandpa.”

Neptune, “Lord Bath, indeed he does. Well if I remember correctly he should be the real time lord. Actually he spells it Thyme.”

The Tiny’s all started to giggle. “Will you also come with us on the trip Uncle Neptune, please?”

Gaby, “Well Uncle Neptune, the children all apparently want you on their trip. There is no way you can refuse them now.”

“Ok Gaby I will come. I for one want to be there when you get to the lion enclosure with Cleo. I think there might be a few fireworks.”

Several days later a fleet of coaches drew up outside the castle. The Tiny’s made sure they were with Gaby. The coaches left on the newly opened M650 that took them to Bradford and the M1. They had a stop at a motorway service station near to Birmingham. Shortly after the stop the coaches had to slow down as they passed through the customs checkpoint. Even Gaby was puzzled and then they saw the signs you are now entering England.
Elizabeth {Previously Dave Bond}, “Gaby, as you may have noticed, we have just crossed from Northumbria to England, hence the customs control. Mercia was united with Northumbria under King Edwin. When the kingdom was split, the counties that comprised the Mercia section complained and so that area was included. We should not be much longer before we are at Longleat House.”

There was just one car in front of the coaches. The driver pulled up into a parking space and walked over to the coaches. Gaby smiled as she saw who it was.

Gaby, “Cleo, it looks like your mother has brought a few helpers to look after you. I presume she will want to be on this coach, so will some of you Tiny’s treble up on the seats.”

Baby, “There’s no need if the Lion Queen and her ladies do not mind a tiny or two on their knee for the journey through the park.”

As they were the first guests at the wildlife park, they saw the animals being led out of the sheds to the enclosures. Soon Gaby noticed Cleo and her sisters put their noses up in the air and they got very excited. Before anybody could stop them they had opened the emergency door and were running across the paddock directly to the largest Male lion Gaby had ever seen. As they ran the girls cast their clothing and changed into Lion cubs.

The Lion Queen Isolde, “Sorry Gaby I thought this might happen. That is why I decided to bring my ladies. Even the great Simba will not tangle with them, for he can smell who they are and that we are close by. Once the door was opened he would also know for certain I was close by”

The three cubs launched themselves at the giant Lion. The lionesses meanwhile were tucking in to their breakfast when the matriarch of the pride noticed three unknown cubs launch themselves at Simba. She approached with caution wondering where the cub’s mother was. By now Simba was playing with the cubs. She sniffed the air and let off a roar that got the attention of the other lions. Meanwhile, the last coach had just entered the compound when the girls left the coach. The security man on the gate was about to call for backup when Beatrice appeared at the side of him.

“You are to lock the gate and come to the coach with us. The girls are perfectly safe so long as you do not fire that thing at them. “The poor security guard was very surprised that the woman was not the least bit worried.

When the matriarch got close she could clearly see Simba had rolled over as if he had submitted to the cubs. This surprised the ladies of the pride as Simba was not renowned for his patience with cubs. Yet here were three strange cubs that he rolled over for. “Ha dear I have met these cubs before. Then they mistook me for my brother Samba. They are more deadly than they look. In fact you and the girls might have to help look after them in future.”

The security guard rubbed his eyes as the Matriarch changed into a white woman. As did the other females in the pride. “Wow this is some dream. One minute they are lions and then they change to women.” Gaby and the others left the coaches and approached the giant lion. As Gaby got nearer the ladies knelt on the ground and tried to cover their faces.

Cleo and her twin sisters went to the Matriarch. “Our mother, Isolde the cat Queen requires all of her ladies to return home. Just as the Empress Gaby requires mother and all the princesses of cats, I along with the Valkarie's and Tiny’s have to look after Empress Gaby.” The whiskers on the women’s faces were finally to vanish.

They all stood up and bowed, “Mistress we were all stuck in our animal form until you returned. Now we can obey you.“

“Empress Gaby, we like our queen must obey you. I see the blood of Galadriel the great runs through you. So because of that alone I acknowledge you as our over lord. Simba was correct these cubs are deadly and yet so adorable.”
Cleo decided to demonstrate her skill at transforming to a Tiger cub, Leopard cub and finally a young Dragon. “That is very good princess not many of your age could do that. Most cubs of your age tend to get stuck if their mother is not present.”

Cleo, “That is how I got found by the Empress’s mother, I was stuck and trapped. Now I get to look after the Empress with all my little sisters. We all can transform although for me it just seems natural to become a cub. In my new home I can be a cub and run through the forest. All the animals know it is me and my sisters. The great Stag ensures we come to no harm.”

The Matriarch of the pride, “Ah princesses I presume you mean the great stag as in Lord Herne, it is obvious your mother needs help in watching over you. You were very lucky that the Empress’s mother found you and not some of the Bushmen.”

Cleo, “I was caught in a trap that the bad men had set and could not get free.”
The matriarch had a face like thunder. “Princess that means certain death for those who set it.”

Queen Isolde, “Relax, those who set the traps have been punished by the paramount chief. He would have executed them all. However their current punishment is more fitting.” At that, images of what happened to the men flashed into the mind of the Matriarch and her ladies. They all cracked out laughing.

The Matriarch, “Just who put those images into our minds?”

Baby and all the Tiny’s stepped forward. “We the perpetual Tiny’s are the Empress’s cousins and tiny protection unit. We scan everybody who comes close to her. You lion ladies are easy to scan as none of you have learned how to close your mind to us.”

The Matriarch, “Empress, I think we have much to learn.” The matriarch looked at the security guard. “I hope you are not married as you are coming with us. It was you who attended to my three daughters. I presume they are still in the maternity wing?”

The guard nodded his head. “Good, we can collect them later. It feels so good to be in my human form again.”

Gaby tapped Tiny and pointed to the Guard. He was shaking with fear. Tiny went and took his hand. “Did you get covered in blood from the lion ladies?”

The Guard, “Both me and a girl that recently started here got covered in the stuff. She requested this particular lion pride.”

Queen Isolde came across, “Young man, my nose inform me you have already been paired with at least one of my ladies.”

The guard started to blush. “It was not one of your ladies but the girl that helped me delivers the cubs. We both got covered in blood and went for a shower. I had just got washed when this very strong scent of flowers reached me.”

Isolde started to laugh, “I presume you and this girl got rather intimate? She by now will be very pregnant with your children. I stand by what I previously said. For now though that little one can look after you.”

Beatrice, “Come with me, you will be safe from the cubs and Tiny’s.” The young man obeyed Beatrice. He followed Beatrice back to the coach. Once on board he started to get agitated. Beatrice tapped him with her finger and said, “Sleep.”

Tiny. “Gaby, Beatrice had to put him in sleep mode as he reacted to the girls at the back of the coach.”

Before long the coaches pulled up outside Longleat House. There stood outside was Lord Bath talking to somebody. The Tiny’s all shot out of the coaches and started to hug the man.

“Grandpa Draco we did not realise you would be here. Are your daughters here?”

Lord Bath was laughing away. “Prince Draco was telling me his Daughters and Granddaughters gave him a constant headache. Now I can see why. Tiny’s & Pixies what a combination for daughters.”

Tiny, “Petal, did you bring your sisters and daughters. We have to go and collect some more cubs and their mothers. “

Lord Bath, spoke into a telephone and gave the instruction. “The house would be out of bounds today as I have important guests. I presume you have been to see Simba and his ladies? Is James with you? He was sent to me by his father who wanted him to work with Lions. His father informed me he had to sort out a dictator and there might be trouble. So far I have not seen anything on the news about a dictator being assassinated.”

A young woman came running out. “Lord Bath, you must come and see the television. The plane transporting Robert Mugabe back home has just landed at the Airport and the world’s press are watching his arrival. Their appeared to be various witch doctors doing a dance to welcome him.”

Queen Isolde, “Those men are doing the dance of the Lions. They are summoning the lion spirits out of Egypt to help them defeat a great evil.”
As they watched, a massive pride of lions and lionesses walked down the street towards the aircraft. One trigger happy guard fired on the lions. One Cat jumped on him and he paid with his life. The lions though continued to walk towards the aircraft. The rest of the crowd was totally ignored by the lions. The camera crews kept filming as nothing like this had happened in recent history. The next thing that happened was the lion leading the group leapt on Robert Mugabe. He brought up his great paw and the next thing they saw was the Presidents head rolling on the runway. The great lion let out a roar and he along with his companions started to rise into the air. The witchdoctors knelt down to say thank you to the spirits.

A man came and inspected the body of the former president. He then spoke to the reporters. “Our late president has angered the ancient lords of this land. Out of Egypt came the lion gods to teach us many things. Today they returned to help those who cry out for justice. Those who carried out the murders of Black and white people across this land will also pay for their crimes like our late President has.”

Queen Isolde, “I think we have just seen Samba carry justice out the lion way. What I do not understand is how they managed to fly in lion form?”

Gaby, “Lord Bath, I think if you check the park you will have some new lions. I will return to collect them soon. Samba needs to have a chat with Simba. As to flying lions, that will eventually be explained as a holographic projection used to cover the removal of the late president.”

Petal returned with Cleo and some lion cubs who just wanted to play with Cleo.
Gaby looked at the four young women who came in shortly after. Then she looked at the four who were on the coach when Beatrice had to knock James out. All four came up to Gaby and did a full curtsey.

Queen Isolde looked at the four females. “Which of you stayed human when their sisters changed to lionesses? James, this will be your legal wife, however you have also been chosen by seven of her sisters as a suitable mate. They all have the ability to take whatever they need from you. I presume you have had periods you cannot remember.” James nodded his head. “Obviously your father never told you your heritage. You thought it was just a natural skill you had with the lions.“

Gaby brought out a scanner that looked like a psp3000 and pointed it at James. She then spoke into her mobile phone.”James your mother was she from India?” Again James nodded his head.

Rani arrived with her sisters. “Gaby is it true you have found our Nephew? If it is him then Tigra will not be far away.”

A rather worried keeper came into the house. “Sorry Lord Bath there must be a break in the fencing. The largest Tiger I have ever seen has got in with Simba and his pride.”

Rani, “Lord Bath recently took delivery of several new cats and obviously the tiger has got mixed up with them.”

The keeper looked in Gaby’s direction. “White socks is that you hiding behind that teenage girl. Are you not going to say hello to me, your brother Matthew?”

White socks came to the front and gave her brother a hug. “Mistress, as you may have already guessed this is my brother Matthew. He was not present that day you visited as he went to find his own herd.”

Gaby, “Matthew how would you feel if I appointed you to look after 7 female lions I recently took delivery of?”

Matthew, “Will my friend and partner be allowed to come and help me.”

As Matthew was speaking a young woman entered. “Matthew what are you doing in here chatting? James is nowhere to be found and there appears to be another male lion in the compound with Simba. Mother how did you get here?”

The Matriarch, “Like James, Matthew has just been asking for permission to make your union permanent. In addition Queen Gaby has just appointed James to have special responsibility for seven lionesses. Would you like to be Matthews Queen and help him with seven Lionesses same as James has?”

Gaby, “James and Matthew you both are the sons of Human-Animal morph parents. Likewise your queens also have the same ability as do their sisters.

Only two of the Matriarch’s daughters managed to stay in their human form. They, like their sisters have already chosen you as their mate.”

Tigra, who was a very tall woman stood in the doorway with a tiger cub in her arms. “I think you better double the amount of females as Samba has many daughters who need a partner. Some already have asked me for my son as their partner. I see from the cub in my arms he has already being creating the next generation”

Gaby, “James and Matthew, you may not realise it but we are rather short of males. None of the girls can be paired with normal males as they will turn to females. To be honest I am surprised that you two have not changed. So I presume you both are immune to the changes that have affected others. Tigra the cub you hold in your arms is not your son’s child although these cubs in front of me are. I presume she launched herself at you?”

Tigra, “The cub was with a small girl who was riding on the back of the largest dog I have ever seen. The cub launched herself at me from the back of the dog. The young girl continued on, followed by thousands of young cubs. The strange thing is that another cub got on the back of the dog and the group headed off for Simba & Samba.”

Gaby tapped the cub in Tigra’s arms. “Now let us see who we have here?”

Little Rose, “Hi Gaby can we have Tigra as an official grandma. She smells like Lord Tigger and he is in India. Lily and I liked playing with him and Lord Felix.”

Rani, “Sister this little one, like her sisters has no fear. They ride the Devil dogs as goddesses of old once did.”

Tigra, “Devil dogs as in Odin’s Valkaries?”

Little Rose, “Queen Tigra, like my sisters I am one of Gaby’s Valkaries. My sister Lily leads the pixie army to the two lion lords. I have to come and collect Little Cleo, Petal and your grand children, the pixie queen commands their presence.”

Beatrice appeared upon a massive golden unicorn. “Come Rose you can join me up here. Cleo is already for leading the cubs.”

Tigra and the other ladies followed the cubs towards the compound Simba & Samba were in. As they followed, both Beatrice and Rose suddenly appeared to be clad in golden Armour.

Tigra, “Not just Valkaries but Golden Valkaries. The child mentioned playing with my siblings. It is a pity they could not be here to see this procession.”

“Sister we would not have missed this for anything. What do you think of the young Queens? Rose & Lily often come to play with us and our cubs. They will follow those two to the ends of the Earth.”

Meanwhile Simba & Samba faced each other and appeared to be seeing who could roar the loudest. As they did so the cubs joined in as if it was a game. Their roar was more like a meow. Gaby and the ladies giggled at the antics of the Kittens.

Queen Isolde, “Gaby they are letting the Animal kingdom all know that the Lion Queen is here.” Gaby could plainly hear the lions in the other areas take up the message and passing it on.”

Lord Felix took hold of one of Gaby’s arms and Lord Tigger the other. Queen Isolde looked at James and Matthew. “Right, you two can escort me in to the compound.”

As they approached the ladies of Samba’s pride, all started to change back into human form.

Gaby, “I understand some of you girls asked Queen Tigra if you could be paired with her son. I also have an alternative choice for you as you can see both of them have already got 8 partners each.” Before Gaby could say anymore 10 girls lined up by each boy. Gaby saw a separate group of young women looking a little frightened.

Several giant white eagles fluttered down by them. Gaby pointed her hands to the left and to the right. Portals opened and Herne along with his people came through one. In the other direction Pan appeared with his family.

Gaby smiled as she spoke, “Greetings Lord’s Simba and Samba. With my permission the Sons of Lord Herne and Lady Tigra have taken most of your daughters to their packs. Lady Tigra that appears to leave a very scared looking group of girls I believe are your daughters.”

Lord Felix, “Gaby many years ago it became apparent the Indian Gods were fast losing their power. As it faded, it left most of them very vulnerable. Tigger and I appeared to retain most of our power while in animal form. However we soon discovered could not assume our human form for long. Our sister made a promise which binds her daughters to this day. She promised them all to the high queen of the heavens if she could retain her power. I eventually ended up in South America and Tigger stayed in India. Tigra eventually ended up in Africa.”

Queen Isolde, “Lady Tigra, I take it your brother’s words are correct? Even if you are an Indian Goddess you must honour your words.”

The Tiger girls approached the Large White Eagles and knelt down in front of them. One girl spoke, “Queens of the air whilst I and my sisters are very nervous we standby the words our mother made years ago.”

The two Great birds spoke in unison. “Daughters of Lady Tigra, The decision whether you are acceptable will be left to the smallest among us. That is the High Queen desire.” As they spoke they waved their arms and all the cubs were transformed into white fluffy chicks. Instantly the chicks all leaped on to the Tiger girls. “Lady Tigra as you can clearly see the chicks have accepted your daughters. Now for you to see the girls in their true form.”

Tigra looked at the girls and then picked two of them up. “Rose I have met so I presume you must be her sister Queen Lily and one of the leaders of this pack. I presume you can change to other animals and birds if you wish.” This brought a nodding of heads from the girls

Another child spoke up, “Queen Tigra we are the pixie horde and our mums are the pixie Queens and daughters of Grandpa Draco & Grandma Justice.” This caused some spluttering at the back.

Justice, “Just when did I become Granny to a pixie horde?”

Gaby was doubling herself with laughter as Draco spoke, “Justice the day the pixies got covered in my blood and yours. Until that day they were normal pixies. Like a grandmother, you also found and looked after fire pixies. Until that day there were no Golden pixies and now there are thousands.”

Simba, “Gaby the peoples of Africa still cry out for Justice. Perhaps Justice should lead the Justice team with Lord Draco.”

Gaby smiled. “Justice I will not permit anymore bloodshed. However those who committed the crimes will not get off. I think Aunt Isolde you should also go with all your ladies and daughters and do the same as in Tunisia.”

This brought a smile to the Matriarch’s face. Tigra looked at the woman stood by her brother. “Come, that instruction includes you my sister. You must be very brave or insane to partner my brother. Now before we go let me repair that wound.” Tigra placed her hands on the woman’s face. “The scar tells me all. My brother you did well, you chose a brave partner who should give you plenty of children. Your opponent I presume he suffered the ultimate fate.”

“He was going for the children and all I had with me was a wooden stake. He knocked me down and as he launched himself for the fatal blow I raised the stake up and he fell upon it.”

Tiggar looked at his wife’s restored face. “Sister you always were better at healing than me. Thank you. Before we go I think you should meet my children. They often play with Lily & Rose. Cleo occasionally also visits us.”

Gaby meanwhile had noticed the outer circuit around the park. A thought came into her mind. “Lord Thyme how would you like to host a cycle race in the park?”
Lord Bath started to laugh, “I presume Queen Gaby of Northumbria wishes to enter? Is that a request or an order?”

Gaby, “Well I am sure Appolonaris & Elizabeth between them can ensure the Road and security is up to scratch. Of course BC will have to have the final say although I think they will follow my recommendation.”

Lord Bath, “I am certain BC will do as Queen Gaby recommends. I have to do something to bring the money in as my main attraction appears to have been relocated.”

Gaby, “Well Lord Bath I will replace the lions you have recently lost. Simba, Samba and the Matriarchs’ will stay here for the time being to help out as you have recently lost four staff members. Also there is a little bit of damage that needs repairing. James, Matthew and their partners will be transferred to pastures new.” Gaby pointed the scanner that looked like a PSP (Play station Portable) at Lord Thyme.

Lord Bath, “Your majesty what is that thing you keep pointing in the direction of various people? At first I thought you must be playing a game on a PSP like my children do.”

Gaby, “Come here and I will demonstrate it to you. This is a conventional PSP that has been adapted to receive magic waves as we call them. This tells me that you are also part fish like Neptune. However you have never come into the powers like Neptune did. So you could not obey the call that was put out recently.”

Neptune was doubled over with laughter, “Gaby this is our youngest brother. As mother would tell you, he never has been able to work magic like his elder brothers.”

Gaby & the Plains people.
Gaby, “Now that is where you are wrong Neptune. The Lord here has the ability to attract undiscovered magical creatures. Were not Lord Simba and his pride a prime example? Likewise a second lord and his herd reside here. I believe the Lord of the Plains is coming.” They all could hear the crash of fencing and then a second crash. There was the sound of thundering hooves. A mass of American Bison came into view.

White Bear & Running Water appeared at the side of Gaby. “Mistress we will speak with the Plains people and find out what they want.” The two of them in the dress of American plains Indians appeared to leap on to the back of two cows. The great Bull came to a screeching halt. His hooves dug into the turf as he finally halted.

Little Lily was keeping check on White Bear & Running Water. White Bear and Running Water dismounted the great cows. “Mistress the peoples of the plains need the help of the great Purple dragon. The birds of the fields told them she is a fearsome beast and has terrified Humans that much they dare not leave their toilet.”

The Great Bull Bison, “Sorry we are a little late. I expected to see the great Lion lords for we all heard their call. I would have asked them for help although the help might have cost me some of my herd.”

Gaby was doing her best to keep a straight face. Obviously the Cattle Lord did not know the Purple Dragon was a title held by the smallest of creatures. “Great Lord of the plains my companions inform me you wish help in locating all your people and that you wish to return to human form. It is perhaps as well you found me rather than the Lion Lords as they have gone hunting. In fact I know a dragon Queen recently handed the son of Lord Herne to the Daughters of Lord Simba & Samba to feast upon.”

Lord Herne came up, “Greetings Lord of the Plains. What the girl says is correct. The same Dragon Queen took my youngest daughter and also all the fish daughters of Lord Neptune. I suggest you are very careful in what you say with any Dragon Queen.”

The Great Bull Bison, “Be that true or not I would have dealt with that devil Prince Draco himself if it would help all my people?”

Gaby was grinning away. “Great Lord of the Plains, my companions informed me of what you want. Like you I am looking for missing family. Perhaps we could work together. I presume you can put the call out to cloven and Horse like creatures.” The Great Bull found there was a whispering in his ear. What he did not realise was it was the Purple Queen also having a joke on him.

Meanwhile at the Grand Hotel in Blackpool.
Jan Jankiosky was the head chef at the hotel that was situated on the sea front. Recently his father had been laid to rest in his home town. Jan along with his Sister Juliana and their mother had been at their father’s bedside as he lay dying of cancer. Jan was thinking of the task his father had set him and Juliana. His father should not have died of the disease as it was originally a type of cancer that could have been cured. Jan had problems of his own. He thought back to the days at the Local Secondary modern School. He hated having to take the communal showers with the other boys. Even in those days he had a problem with his weight. Some of the boys used to tease him that he had breasts like a girl and others teased him because of his tiny manhood. After school Jan had gone off the rails. He had got involved with the Drug and Alcohol scene.

With the help of his sister he had got clean and no longer took either. It was only recently the NHS had discovered he had the ability to absorb vitamins from the food he cooked. As head Chef he now oversaw others doing the cooking. Last week he had been to his father’s funeral. Now Juliana was coming to take Jan to Scarborough. Apparently Juliana had discovered there was a place that could help him. Jan had a flat in the hotel complex. He had ensured it was clean and tidy. His doorbell rang, it was Juliana. She had driven the 50 miles from her home in Skipton. They were leaving her car in the car park and taking the direct train from Blackpool North Station to Scarborough.

Juliana, “Jan, are you ready for the treatment? What did you think of father and the task he set us? How do we approach Queen Gaby?”

Jan, “I was more taken back with father calling us his daughters. I know I have to wear this smock like thing as normal male clothes do not fit me. Father knew I was born his son.”

Juliana, “Jan, father was dying and very ill. He just got a little confused. I was more shocked that he admitted he joined the White Russians who sided with the Germans and that he fought alongside them, only to surrender to the British and be sent to the Overdale Prison Camp in Skipton.”

Jan, “Like many others he could not return home because it was overrun by the Reds and so he made Yorkshire his home.”

As they were talking the doorbell rang again. Jan went to open the door. It was the manager of the hotel. “Ah Jan I am glad I have caught you. Juliana I understand you are leaving your car here and are going to Scarborough by train. I have been instructed to drive you to the station and to tell you that you both have been given a room at the Scarborough Grand. The management insisted you should have at least 4 weeks break after you have had your surgery. The management also want to see you at the Crown-Imperial. Although they will send you a time to appear at the hotel.”

Jan, “I did as requested and took all my old clothing to the Salvation Army Shop. All I have now is what I am wearing.”

Jan was shocked when the manager gave him a hug. Soon they were travelling to Blackpool North Station. From the station there was a direct train every hour to Scarborough. They would be travelling from the North West to the North East of Britain. The journey time was a little over 2 hours by train while it would have been nearer 3.5 by car.

Jan was surprised when the manager drove them down to Blackpool South Station rather than the North Station he had been expecting to go from. “Oh this has changed since I last came on this line. Then it was just a platform.”
Juliana looked at the sparkling new maglev train waiting at the station. The manager passed the two of them their tickets. Jan looked at his ticket it showed Blackpool South to Scarborough. He was still puzzled. “This line only goes as far as Colne.”

Juliana, “Not any longer as the line from Colne to Skipton has been reopened along with the Dales line and the Ilkley line. Many businesses and people had asked for it to be reopened before Queen Gaby was discovered. Then it became imperative that the work had to be done before the coronation of Queen Gaby. In addition the Thames Clyde line has been fully electrified although it had a few problems on the Settle-Carlisle section.”

The driver’s voice came over the intercom system. “Welcome to the express maglev train to Scarborough. Our first stop will be at Preston, then Skipton, Leeds, York & Scarborough.”

The train set off and was soon passing through some of the smaller Lancashire towns. Soon the train was stopping at Preston station. It looked like all of Preston was boarding the train. Then it was the first of the Wakes weeks. This was one of the traditional holidays for the mill towns of Lancashire. The next stop would be in 35 miles and was Jan’s home town. One of the things Jan noticed as the train passed weird sounding places like Oswaldtwistle & Rose Grove. The last time he had travelled on this line it looked rather depressing and tatty. All the properties along the side of the track had been smartened up or had been demolished. As the train passed through Burnley Barracks, he remembered back to his school days. A former school friend had told Jan his father was fireman on a steam engine that blew up the bridge that carried the A56. Apparently a spark from the Engine had ignited a gas leak and boom.
Jan noticed they had gone through Colne and the Train had started to slow down. He recognised his native Yorkshire. People were waving to the train as it passed through Earby and Thornton in Craven. Now the train was going over the new viaduct to cross the River Aire. “Juliana, even the Leeds Liverpool Canal has changed. I do not remember that marina.”

“Oh that, the farmer got permission to build it on his land that was adjoining the canal as we have been getting more tourists coming by boat.”

As the train pulled into Skipton station Jan could see the station was festooned with banners and streamers. Every one of the banners sported the White rose of Yorkshire. The banners all had been written in various languages. Even those in English had Welcome to Brigantia, Yorkshire, Northumbria or Craven. Jan smiled when he spotted his father’s native Language. Their father had insisted both Jan & Juliana learn it and he personally had tutored both his children.

As the Train stopped at Skipton station the driver spoke again. “Welcome to our guests on Empress Trains. We are currently at the ancient Capital of Craven. Whilst this is a commercial train, coaches one and two are reserved for guests of Queen Gaby of Northumbria. So if you are sitting in either of those coaches without a reserved ticket we ask you to move to one of the other coaches.” Jan looked at his ticket and then noticed it had reserved on it. He then spotted his mother getting on the train

“Mum we are here. I did not realise you were coming.”

Mrs Jankiosky. “A small red headed girl arrived at home with the ticket and instructions I was to join you two. She even helped me pack and brought me to the station.”

Jan then noticed the others getting into coach one and two. Most of them had gone to school with him and his sister. He then noticed an elderly couple getting into their coach. They lived near his mother. Their seats were directly opposite Jan and his family.

Mrs Jankiosky, “Hello Lily have you also been asked to come to Scarborough by Lord Draco?”

At this the expression on Lily’s husband face changed. Jan, “Yes his name is on the tickets we received. It says Lord Draco Draconaris Diablo.”
Lily looked at their tickets and only then noticed the name at the bottom of the tickets. The husband crossed himself. Lily had never seen her husband look as terrified as he was now. ”What is wrong dear? You look very terrified as if the Devils of Hell were after you.”

“Lily that statement is correct. Prince Draco Draconaris was the ruler of Moldavia & Romania. Over here he is better known by the name Dracula. Even the Germans gave him a wide berth.”

A little girl holding a ticket. “Can you move please as the window seat is reserved for me?”

Lily was about to give the girl a piece of her mind when her husband looked up. He shot out of his seat and then bowed. As he bowed Jan could see the man looked terrified.

“Lily, please do not argue let the child have the window seat. She is a true Princess of Moldavia.”

“I am Tiny the Granddaughter of Prince Draco. I was sent to look after Lord Hindenberg’s granddaughter and a Prince of Romania. Grandpa Draconaris apologises he could not be here himself as he has a job to do with the Justice team so I have to do. “

Lily looked at the sash and dress Tiny was wearing. She moved over. Tiny pointed to the window seat. “Sit there prince and then I will climb on your knee. Princess Lily I will have to ask if you can be an official Grandma. I do not need a governess. Other Tinys’ are on this train and we have to report on your reaction to Wee Wee.”

Lily, “That dress reminds me of my presentation dress.”

Tiny. “I first wore this when I came across with the White Russian navy to meet Queen Gaby. I did not know it was my Grandpa Draco who came to attend to Mummy. He was very cross when he discovered his Granddaughter and I had been abused. I thought I was the only tiny. But then loads of them appeared. We even found some more in Robin Hood’s Bay including my tiny sister Wee Wee.”

Tiny dropped off to sleep on the Prince’s knee. Lily looked at her wrist, “Oh Mein Got? She is branded like the Russian Royals do to their Family.” Her husband looked at the D with a crown on Tiny’s wrist. He then looked at her other wrist.

“This child bears the brand of Prince Draco and the mark of an Empress.”
Jan, “I know you have for years lived by mother and I never knew were Royals.”

Lily, “We both lost everything when the Reds took control of Romania & East Germany. Even they must have left Prince Draco alone.”

Jan, “Mein papa was White Russian he made all three of us promise we would be true to those who wear the royal mark. He was on the way out with Cancer and yet he picked up my cousin Vlad and threw him across the street. Vlad was informed never to come to our house again or father would be honour bound to kill him. He fled never to be seen again by our family. Papa then informed us of what Vlad had done. Apparently he was dating a girl he liked until he danced with her mother who bore a mark on her wrist Vlad called the mark of the Devil. Father had heard how he had bragged how he had carved on the girl’s chest the sign of the cross and other injuries he had inflicted her with. Father said Vlad had cursed all our family until the day somebody corrected his mistake.”

Constance who was carrying her cousin Wee Wee smiled at the group. “Jan your cousin was Red through and through and will remain Red forever. You are not responsible for what he did to two granddaughters of Lord Draconaris Diablo Prince of Moldavia & Romania. Your cousin has already been taken into custody and has been handed over to Justice to deal with. Would you like to hold this little princess of Russia? She like Tiny is fast asleep.”

Jan held his arms to accept her. A few seconds later he was startled to find a small mouth attach itself to one of his breasts. “Err your baby, she is trying to suckle from me.”

Constance, “Jan those stains tell me you are already lactating. Wee Wee always does like to get a free meal. Tiny across from you also bears the scars of your cousin. She does not hold you responsible. These two will sleep for most of the journey. They will then insist you become a wet nurse for them and their sisters.”

Mrs Jankiosky. “On his deathbed my late husband requested that all three of us protect those who wear the mark of the Royal family. As for Jan he is going for treatment to reduce his weight. The lactating might stop then. So then he will be unable to feed the little ones.”

Constance shook her head, “I am sorry it is you that does not understand. The Tiny’s have already claimed Jan as their nurse. By the time this Train gets to Scarborough Jan will be considerable lighter. Daisy is coming to take all three of you to her father’s house. Then you will return here.”

Just as Constance finished speaking a group of four girls arrived. “Hello are you three the Jankiosky family. The Empress sends us to get all three of you prepared for your future life. Greetings Prince Shallowman & Princess Lily, there is no need for you to move. Constance we will be back soon with these three once they are prepared.” A portal opened as the Jankiosky family found themselves in a different place. A jovial fellow with a round face greeted them.

The Realm of Oberon.
“Welcome to the realm of Oberon.” Juliana smiled and then asked a question.

“Oberon as in Lord of the Fae?”

“Sure that is me, Did not my daughters bring you here?”

Back on the train Lily was most concerned for the three of them. Meanwhile Gaby had accompanied the Lord of the Plains to America. Starting in the South the great lord gave out his call. Horses and Bison took to the air after them. In North America all the Indian tribes had gathered for a meeting. Their shayman were casting the bones. They looked puzzled. They called for their oldest and most revered members to speak with the gods. Only one of the groups could give the tribes an answer. He was a young Beardash. “The ancient Lord of the plains rides the sky this night looking for his people. We must release all our horses so they can join the flight if they want. In addition the Queen of the heavens rides and she will come for me.”

The tribal elders then spoke, “Long ago in our history the Lord of the Plains flew. He returns and so this is a sign of great changes. We must prepare the Beardash and any who wish to accompany him.” Gaby could hear the incessant beat of the drums from a long way off.

The Lord of the Plains, “They call for the Queen of the Heavens to collect their sacrifice.”

As Gaby got nearer some of the horses took off into the night sky to join the multitude already there. A streak of blue light left the sky and was directed to the centre of the camp. As the Indians watched, the main group in the sky appeared to be circling the camp. As the Blue flash exploded a young woman appeared. She looked at the Beardash and friends who all knelt down.

Gaby, “Come, we have not time to tarry this night for we must ride the winds.”

The Indians watched in amazement as the Beardash along with his companions flew up into the night sky. Across the Americas and then Europe and Asia flew the procession until every continent had been covered. Then it was back to Longleat House.

Meanwhile the Maglev train had reached Leeds City Station. The Jankiosky family rejoined the others. Lily looked at Mrs Jankiosky, she now looked no
older than her two children. Jan was all smiles. “We all got the treatment Lily, although I have changed the most. I once was male and now I am as female as my sister. I still have to feed the smallest tinys’.

Lily was not too pleased when she saw what looked like Leeds United Supporters getting on to the back few coaches. A young woman came into coach 1 with three children and looking rather harassed.

Lily, “I am sorry but seats in coach one and two are reserved for those with special tickets.” The young woman started to move away rather than argue.

Constance, “What Lily said is correct those seats should have been taken at Skipton. However as you can see they have not been taken. So I see no reason why you cannot use them.”

Daisy appeared again, “Oh you turned up. You were expected at the previous stop. I wish people would notify me when plans change.”

“I had to go on an earlier train as I needed to see Dr Helen Fullolove. Apparently I am carrying Tiny Tinies. How I became pregnant I am not sure as my husband has been dead for over a year. I certainly have never been with another man since then.” The young woman looked at Constance. “Is your baby also a tiny?”

Tiny replied. “Yes I am a Tiny and although I have other names I still get called Tiny. The other one over there pretending to be sleeping is Wee Wee. There also is another Wee, Tiniest and Baby. We are the smallest of the tinys.” Wee Wee scrambled down from Constance and went across. She put her hand on the ladies tummy.

“You have been busy 2 girls and one boy tiny although he will not stay a boy for long. You have 10 days before we have more tiny sisters. You have been depressed and you tried to kill yourself. It was a good job Mr Wyvern found you when he did. Daisy this young lady requires large Tiny help.”

“Please I do need help. I have a strange story to tell. My story starts with the birth of these two. Until then everything had been normal. I had to have a ceasarian operation as I am too small down below to give birth. My husband doted on the children. I produced copious amounts of milk and I suggested he also have some. Ten days after the birth of my children strange things started to happen to me. I got these spots behind my ears and lumps appeared on my shoulder blades.” Constance looked at Daisy. “Then my husband started to get sick after two days he looked more like my sister than my husband. By now it was nearly a year since the babies had been born. My husband continued to get smaller until I awoke one day to find this baby at the side of me. I went and registered the birth of another daughter and then reported my husband missing. I had to go to the hospital as my baby has not grown at all since arriving. Dr Helen informed me I have a perpetual baby.”

This brought a “Yes, Yes, Yes.” From the two tinys.

“I see from your reaction you two are pleased at my predicament. I then found I was having more babies and I did not know how I would cope. I was stood near the cliff edge when it collapsed throwing me into the sea. Rupert Draco Wyvern Hapsburg dived into the water and brought me out. He had a wife and daughter.”

Daisy brought out a scanner and pointed it at the woman. “Dr Helen had one of those and it did not work for her. Are you the group who should meet me and give me the help I need?”

Prince Shallowman, “Rupert Hapsburg I do know about. He would want me to look after you and your children. As you can see I am already Grandpa to some tinys and a few more will not make any difference.” This statement caused Tiny & Wee Wee to do a high five.

“How can you help me when you know nothing about me?”

Daisy, “We know all about you. I did not get the message about you until the train had left Skipton. Dr Helen informed us you would join us at Leeds. Very few people can produce Tiny’s and even less Micro Tiny’s. By any chance did you and your husband have sex in the bath or shower?”

“It was soon after we did that he got sick. Two days later he looked like my twin and then he got sick again and got smaller. I knew nobody would believe me so I went through the house removing all clothing belonging to my husband.”

Daisy, “Those spots behind your ears mean you are very good at swimming in water. They also mean you can absorb a male’s essence and store it for a long time. You did that in water and so your husband became your twin. I am puzzled as to why he changed further. By any chance did he like to suckle on you?”

The woman nodded her head. Daisy touched the baby. “Your former wife is terrified at what will happen to her. I instruct you to transform back to being her sister. Sorry I can do nothing about her being your husband again.” There was a flash and an identical twin stood next to Daisy. Daisy put the scanner over the woman and it bleeped. The next second both females rubbed their wrists. Daisy looked at the mark and smiled.

Lily rubbed her eyes, “Am I dreaming or did that baby change to an adult?”

“No, Granddaughter of Lord Hindenberg you are not dreaming. Like my tiny sisters I have similar abilities. I am afraid once I become hungry I will transform back to being a Tiny. What my sister has failed to say she has already met Lord Draco. She was at a cycle meeting after the incident with Lord Hapsburg. A cyclist came off their bike just after crossing the line. The child was knocked out. My sister being a member of the St John’s gave the child AR and breathed into her. Dr Diablo as he called himself spoke. Gaby is going to be ok. I will see you later child.”

“I went to deal with some other injuries. I later learned the child was Queen Gaby of Northumbria. I still find it hard to believe I gave a Queen AR. These two Tiny’s can they change to normal girls? What did you say? I instruct you two to transform back to human shape.” There was a flash and the two micro Tiny’s had changed into young ladies.

Tiny, “Do not look so shocked, like your former husband we need milk to survive. You, like Constance here will provide all that is needed. Gaby says you both were contaminated before she allowed you to give her the kiss of life. The Gills and Wings prove that. That mark on your wrist will soon vanish again as you receive a new mark. Be you fish or Fae it does not matter you will both bear the sign of a mate like we do.”

The young woman looked at her wrist. “I paid for that to be removed. It is changing and I appear to be getting a dragon all the way round my wrist and up my arm.”

Tiny and Wee Wee pulled back the sleeve on their dresses. “Snap just like ours and all that have it are companions. In your case you made yourself a companion with a kiss. We are just pulling into York and then it is next stop Scarborough.”

Daisy, “You three return to being Tiny’s, Baccus and Festival are joining us. Is Baccus in for a surprise?”

Baccus, “Hello I was having a day out with my daughter. Daisy I thought you would have been with Gaby as per Oberon’s instructions.”

“Uncle Baccus I did not fancy a trip with the Lord of the Plains. So I requested to look after the Tinys.”

The mother indicated to her children to stand up so the adults could sit down. Festival sat at side of the mother. Baccus looked at the two of them side by side. He then looked at Daisy. “So Daisy, would your trip here have anything to do with springing another daughter on me? If it has then she will have to be married and I get an excuse for another party.”

“Sir I can honestly say I never knew my father. My mother was taken ill and I was given to an old lady called Justine to bring up. One day she informed me she was my aunt and had done as my mother wished and the cottage we lived in was mine as she had to go and join my mother. I did have a mark on my wrist that had a B on it; however after Daisy turned up it changed to this.”

Baccus, “Well young lady you have not told me your name."

"The girl at the side of you is my eldest daughter and she knew all about me. By the sound of it you know nothing of me or your family. As I said this is my Eldest Daughter Spring Festival and known as Festival.”

“Sir I am Summer Festival Draco Hapsburg. I am known as Summer. This tiny I am holding was my husband. He started to change after the birth of our children. Our children seem to be taken on with Daisy. I am also going to give birth to micro tiny’s.”

Baccus, “Summer, I take it your husband was human. Although he is now a tiny he can assume human shape if only for a short time. I presume Daisy had not got round to showing you. Your other children have quite a lot in common with Daisy. Apparently some of the other sections of the family carry Hobbit Genes. So let me see you in your adult form. Ah now will all three of you embrace each other. Good that will prevent you from assuming a tiny form for quite a while. Now your two remaining children, have you had a naming day for them? From the lack of response I presume the answer is no. So I can organise a bun fight and a naming day in addition to getting my daughters married off.”

Thanks to Nora-Adrienne Deret for editing this chapter.

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