The Bank Dicks

"The Bank Dicks"

by Pamela ([email protected])

Billy regarded Samantha out of the corner of his eye. It was nearing the
end of the day and he was hoping that maybe she would suggest that they
go for a drink together. They were tellers in the First National Bank
with adjoining stations, and had been working side by side for almost
two years. Every so often when circumstances were right they ended up
having a drink together, usually initiated by Samantha. There was
nothing overtly flirtatious about their connecting this way: it was just
two good friends having a drink.

Samantha was a very stunning woman. She had blond hair and a passion for
tight pink sweaters that showed off her large breasts in a seductive
way. She was in the sort of league that Billy figured he had no chance
of playing in. Perhaps out of nervousness or a lack of self-confidence
he had managed to never ask her out on a true date during all this time.
More likely, if he allowed himself to analyze the essence of their
relationship, it was that he thought it better to have the definite
possibility that they might one day become lovers, rather than have the
certain knowledge that they wouldn't. If he made an advance and she
rejected him, then it would be all over.

As Billy counted a large stack of 20's Samantha glanced over at him and
smiled. "One more day and its party time," she said.

Not wanting to lose his place Billy smiled back at her and kept on
counting. It was Thursday and he knew that Samantha regarded the
weekends as "party time." How often had he wished he could be a part of
her partying, whatever it was. Fortunately, she had never once talked
about dating some other guy. That would be too painful to have to listen
to. What he hoped for was a sign from her that she was physically
attracted to him. It was a sign that never seemed to come.

Everything about her he was crazy about. Her perfect figure, her
wonderful taste in clothes. Just a peek at her bra strap was a rapturous
experience. How many times had he masturbated thinking of lifting up her
blouse and getting to see her breasts filling out her bra. Yes, his best
fantasy was that magic moment when her blouse would lift up revealing
what was underneath: one second a blouse with tantalizing twin bulges
underneath, the next moment the fabric lifting up revealing a pristine
white lacy bra struggling to contain the powerful forward thrust of her
breasts as they completely filled out the cups. In his fantasy the white
bra was like a spinnaker in a gale - fighting wildly against the
powerful force of breasts pushing behind it.

In his reverie he would imagine Samantha wearing just her bra and
panties - white lace on her panties matching her bra and covering her
wonderfully feminine butt. If the truth be told he sometimes wondered if
he was as excited about the underwear she wore as about Samantha
herself. He was in love with women and their underwear, well, even their
dresses, shoes, accessories. Anything and everything female in point of
fact. He loved their hair, the way they moved, their periods,

The apex of his fantasy would be Samantha in her underwear and he would
be with her and he would be wearing a bra and panty himself - in fact,
his favorite pink set - and also a garter belt holding up stockings with
lacy tops. Samantha and he, both dressed in bras and panties, would lie
down together on the bed, wrapped up in each other and tongue kissing
and being girls together. That was what he liked to think about most -
about being girl friends together - about Samantha telling him how
pretty he looked and then holding him down while she mounted him from
above. In his dream she had the penis and she was powerful and held him
down against the bed and made love to him for hours and hours. All the
time his own breasts heaved up and down in his bra touching her own bra
as she forced her way inside him.

The minute hand of the clock was one minute shy of 3, when the bank
would close. "Let's go for a drink tonight," Samantha said to him. "I
could really use one."

Billy, acting as nonchalant as he could said, "sure, Samantha, that
sounds great."

"Good," she said and smiled at him.

Rosemary, the teller on the other side of Samantha got up to lock the
front door of the bank the moment it was 3. She was a few years older
than Billy and Samantha and hoped one day to become a branch manager.

"Sir, the bank is closing," Rosemary said to a tall, good looking, sandy
haired man wearing khaki pants and a polo shirt. She held a large key
ring and stood waiting at the door for the man to leave. He was the only
remaining customer in the bank.

"Is it?" the man responded.

She had watched him finish his transaction at the ATM machine just
inside the bank door, and instead of immediately leaving he had stopped
to slowly glance around the room. "I've got to lock up," Rosemary said,
now feeling a slight sense of unease.

"Just one second," the man said. "Here he comes now."

"Who are you talking about?" Rosemary said and as she did so a second
man came bursting through the front door wielding a menacing looking

"Get down!" he shouted at Rosemary who threw herself to the ground.
Billy and Samantha looked up at the same moment, as did the two other
tellers on the other side of Billy, Sarah and Brittany.

"All of you, hands straight up in the air or I'll shoot!" the man said.
In unison the tellers raised their arms making it impossible for them to
hit the emergency alarm buttons. "Come out from behind the counter and
get down on the ground!" the man with the gun shouted and the tellers
rushed out through a glass door and sat down on the floor. "Lock the
front door Gary," the man with the gun said to the sandy haired man.

Gary took the keys from Rosemary and finished locking the front door.
Billy sat next to Samantha and close to them sat the other lady tellers.
Since the women were wearing skirts, hose and high heels, in the
interest of modesty they sat leaning on one arm with their legs together
and to the side with their skirts tucked tightly around their thighs.

"Avi, should I pull down the shades?" Gary asked.

Avi, who was a few years older than Gary and a couple of inches shorter,
asked the group on the floor "where's the manager?"

"She's in her office," Rosemary said.

Just then a middle-aged woman came out of an office door on one side of
the main banking floor. "What's your name?" Avi yelled at her and waved
the gun menacingly. The manager who had been slow to realize that
anything was amiss now caught on. Seeing the gun and her employees
sitting on the ground she visibly paled. She said in a halting voice,
"Mrs. Cohen."

"Get your pale ass on the ground, Mrs. Cohen," Avi said and she quickly
obliged him. She looked at the tellers and said, "are you all right?"

"Yes, Mrs. Cohen," Samantha said. "This just started a minute ago."
Brittany, Sarah and Billy nodded in agreement. Brittany was a large
woman with short black hair and a very large bust and Sarah was petite
and clearly pregnant and wearing a green maternity blouse. To all
appearances Billy was in great physical shape. He was of average height
and was wearing a conservative dark blue suit with faint pin stripes.

Avi said. "Mrs. Cohen, we need to know if you normally keep the shades
up or down after closing."

Mrs. Cohen looked at him without comprehension and then finally got the
gist of the question. "Some up, some down."

"So go take care of the shades," he said, "and we'll be watching you."

Mrs. Cohen got up and adjusted the shades, came back and sat on the
floor with the others. "Very good. No funny business and no one gets
hurt. If any of you tries anything stupid, you're going to be very
sorry. So don't. We're only going to be here until 4:15 when the
automatic safe alarm is shut off for 15 minutes and then Mrs. Cohen will
unlock the safe."

"How did you know that it can be opened then?" Mrs. Cohen asked.

"Never mind that," Avi said.

Sarah said, "you'll never get away with this you know."

Gary turned toward her and pointed a gun at her and she fell silent and
looked at the ground.

"We have an hour to kill," Avi said, "and the last thing I'm going to
stand for is listening to crap from you people."

"I can keep her busy," Gary said.

"Good idea. Take your pick. She's a doll," Avi said pointing to
Samantha. Billy sat up and attempted to absorb the meaning of what the
robbers were saying. Their guns looked ferocious and nothing to take

"Hey, I'm sorry," Sarah said. "You don't have to go crazy about this.
Robbing is one thing..." It was clear what she meant: that if the
robbers committed the r-word it could be a lot worse for them.

"She's right," Mrs. Cohen said.

"You both shut up," Avi said. "Let me tell you one thing about Gary.
You're much better off having him preoccupied with one of the girls for
an hour than standing around with a gun in his hand with nothing else to

"He's right," Gary laughed. "Yeah man, I can really go for the blonde

Samantha's face became pale and Billy began to sweat profusely.
"Everyone get up," Avi said, "you're going to the backroom, except the
blonde, she stays with us."

"What are you going to do to her?" Billy asked in a quavering voice.

Mrs. Cohen added in an indignant voice, "they won't dare to do

"Get up," Gary said ignoring Billy and her. Samantha began to cry and
the women around her voiced protestations. Billy was beside himself with
worry. Samantha was in danger. The idea of Gary raping her was too awful
to contemplate. He would have to do something to prevent it, but exactly
what was not clear.

He looked around the room trying to assess what he might do. Possibly he
could hit the alarm button on the other side of the teller desk. It was
quite iffy however since he would have to unlock the door to get back
there. The best plan would be to sprint to one of the large picture
windows in the front of the bank, pick up a chair on the way and throw
it through the window. Beads of sweat formed on his brow as he psyched
himself into making the dash. He slowly stood up and decided that the
moment Gary and Avi weren't looking, he would be off running.

Billy stared intently at the two men and then at the window and then at
a conveniently placed chair. Gary was standing over Samantha as she
sulked quietly to herself. Billy saw that he was definitely not focused
on anything other than Samantha. The problem was Avi who was steadfastly
watching the group of employees. Suddenly Avi made eye contact with

"Don't get any ideas," Avi said and pointed his gun directly at him.

"What do you mean?" Billy said.

"About being a hero. You'll end up dead and definitely not a hero.
Anyway, take off your shoes and socks."

"What?" Billy said.

Avi got up and walked over to him. "You speak English don't you?"

"Why take them off?"

"You can't run through broken glass in your bare feet."

"What broken glass?" Billy said surprised.

"If you was to try and break through one of the windows, let's say. I've
been watching your little brain come up with a plan. Now take them off!"

Brittany said, "Billy don't be crazy!"

"Yeah!" Rosemary said.

Billy unlaced his shoes and took them off so he was standing in his
black socks.

"Your socks also," Avi said.

"I shouldn't," Billy said, "I have a foot problem."

"What? They stink?" Avi laughed. "Take them off."

His tone communicated that he was nearing the end of his patience and
Billy reluctantly pulled off his socks and stood nervously with his feet
pressed tightly against each other. "Holy shit," Avi said, "would you
look at that!"

Gary, Ms. Cohen and the others except for Samantha turned to look at
Billy's feet. "Oh ... my ... God!" Sarah said. Billy was wearing women's
stockings under his socks and through them, plain as day his toe nails
were painted bright red. The feminine look of his relatively small feet
seemed incongruous against the dark loose fitting fabric of his suit

Rosemary said, "Billy, you wear stockings and polish on your toenails?"
Samantha stopped her sobbing and looked with surprise at Billy's dainty
feet and then looked up at him. Billy was overcome with fear at the
sudden outing of his long held secret. Not only Samantha, but his job
was at stake, his whole carefully constructed and secure life. And then
there was the immediate threat of Avi and Gary who seemed none too
pleased with the revelation about his wearing stockings.

"He's got girls feet," Gary said to Avi.

"Let's see what else we got here," Avi said and he joined Gary standing
next to Billy. "Take off your pants," Avi instructed and Billy slowly
and reluctantly undid his belt and let his pants fall to the ground.
Upon seeing that he was wearing pantyhose with bright pink lacy panties
underneath, Samantha gasped and covered her mouth while Sarah, Rosemary,
Brittany and Mrs. Cohen seemed to collectively say, "oh my, oh my, oh
my." Brittany laughed a nervous laugh and said, "no way Billy. I never
in a million years saw you like this."

"Take off you jacket and shirt," Avi said and Billy complied. His shirt
was a darkish solid blue color and underneath was a pink camisole over a
lacy pink bra. Thus removed from his men's clothes Billy stood
sheepishly in his outfit of ladies underwear.

Samantha cleared her voice and everyone turned to listen to her." I
never would have guessed this about you Billy and I always thought ..."
She paused taking a long look at Billy. She noticed that his bra and
panty seemed to be from a matched set. "I always thought that we might
date one day." She looked away and began sobbing.

The words went through Billy like a hot poker. He had terribly misjudged
her. All this time she had been waiting for him to make a move. And now

"He's a little faggot," Gary pronounced.

"Is that true Billy?" Samantha said looking at Billy again.

"I'm not gay," Billy said.

"Don't lie Billy," Samantha said.

"It's true, I'm really not."

"What are you then Billy?" Mrs. Cohen said.

"I think I'm sort of a girl, Mrs. Cohen, but like a lesbian girl," Billy
said struggling with the words. "It's confusing. I'm sorry."

Avi and Gary regarded Billy carefully. "You got boobs?" Avi asked

"What do you mean?" Billy asked afraid of where this might be going.

"Boobs. You know, boobs you stick in that bra of yours."

"Yeah, I own some."

"Put them in," Avi said.

"They're at ..." Billy started to say and then thought better about
lying. It was uncanny how Avi had him figured out. First about being a
hero, now about the fact that he carried his boobs in his attaché case
since he liked to put them on during his drive home every day. "They're
in my attaché case where I sit over there," Billy said and pointed to
his place in the row of teller windows. Gary went behind the counter
after Mrs. Cohen punched in the door code and retrieved the case for
him. He took out two boobs that were in a black bag closed by a draw
string and gave them to Billy. Billy turned away from everyone and
inserted them into his bra and then turned around.

They were pretty substantial boobs and he now had a voluptuous figure
that any woman would be proud of. This was the first time in Billy's
life he had been dressed like a woman in front of others. It was
terrifying knowing that Samantha was seeing him this way. He felt her
eyes drilling through him taking in every nuance of his appearance and
movements. He felt raw and exposed and a freak of nature.

"You look cute, Billy" Sarah said.

"Not bad at all," Brittany said, "for a guy."

Billy didn't know whether he should take them seriously or not. He
avoided looking at Samantha and instead turned to directly face Gary and
Avi. Their stares made him awkwardly blush and then he looked down at
the ground. Having boobs made Billy feel surprisingly feminine. Even
though it looked like he had permanently ruined things with Samantha, on
the positive side he felt a kind of relief, almost a lightening of his
heart that came from being for the very first time in his life exactly
who he was. Wearing girl's clothes in front of everyone gave him the
sensation that he was part of the female world that he desperately
wanted to be part of. If he could just stop questioning what was
happening, then he might become the female he felt he was.

"From hero to bank perv," Gary said, "who would have thought. Anyway, we
can't keep the hot chick waiting."

"I'll do you instead," Billy said.

Gary and Avi looked at him questioningly. "I'll suck your dick Gary, and
yours too Avi, if you just leave her alone. She's a sweet girl. You
don't want to screw her up."

"Why in the world would I want a perv like you instead of her?" Gary

"Because I'll do a great job. She's going to be crying and hysterical
and you're not going to feel good. I'll make sure it's the best you've
ever had. Swear to God."

"How do we know you're not just suggesting this as a delaying tactic?,"
Gary said.

"You've got the guns. I would never screw around like that, not at all,"
Billy said, happy that Gary was at least considering the offer.

"How about we blow your head off, if you don't finish by 4:15?" Avi

"What do you mean by finish?" Billy asked.

"Finished. You know, have Gary spurting by 4:15?"

Sucking a cock was something that Billy had never done before. He had no
idea how long such things usually took. "No problem, no problem at all,"
he lied, desperate to make sure that Samantha did not get raped.

Gary and Avi talked among themselves for a minute and then Gary said,
"OK, it's a deal. You make me cum by 4:15 or we put a bullet in your

"Billy, I can't let you make such a deal!" Samantha said virtually
screaming in misery.

It flashed through Billy's mind that Samantha thought it worse to owe a
debt of gratitude to Billy than to get raped by Gary.

"It's a done deal, and don't worry. It won't take me very long at all."

"Have you ever serviced a big guy's cock before?" Brittany asked.

Billy took a good look at Gary. He was very masculine, with clearly
defined muscles like a bodybuilder and broad shoulders. The thought of
having an intimate relationship with him - letting his manhood dominate
him so thoroughly - was difficult to imagine. It would bring himself to
a degree of femininity that he had not previously contemplated. It
wasn't that he hadn't had fantasies about performing fellatio - he had
even once had a fantasy of doing his own father that way - it was that
his fantasies had always been in an ethereal, well-scrubbed setting in
which the phallus was almost feminized. Even more important, in his
fantasies he was a true girl, and since giving blow jobs was what girls,
at least some girls, did, it had always seemed like a pretty natural act
on his part.

"Not exactly," Billy said, "but I know what it's all about. You know I
have my own."

Mrs. Cohen interrupted the conversation, "you're out of your minds, all
of you. If you want the bank money that's one thing. Forced sex should
not be a part of this terrible deed."

"Your boy Billy here is volunteering. He's a hero, you've got to admire
his courage. Particularly after you all take a look at Gary's prick,"
Avi said. He looked up at the bank clock and said to Billy, "you've got
45 minutes left."

"You better bust your hump and get started," Gary said.

"Oh, God, Billy it's so incredible of you," Sarah said.

"If we all survive this I want to give you the biggest hug," Brittany
said, close to tears. "Hell!" she said and came over and put her arms
around Billy, dressed as he was in his ladies things, and pulled him
into her large bosom. They hugged bosom to bosom, and Brittany said, "I
had no idea you could be so brave. Don't you dare be ashamed that you're
wearing girl's clothes." Both Sarah and Rosemary came over and joined
Brittany, and Samantha said, "thank you Billy."

"If you all don't shut up I'll lock you in the office and you won't get
to see the fun," Gary said.

"Let Billy get on with it," Mrs. Cohen said. "There is just 42 minutes

"You better wash him off," Sarah said.

"Wash him?" Billy said.

"Yeah, you better wash his Tinkerbelle off with soap and water in the
restroom," Sarah said. "Otherwise you never know..."

"What the fuck?" Gary said.

"Can I?" Billy pleaded.

"It's your time to waste," Gary said.

"Go on and do it quickly," Sarah said.

"How do I do it?" Billy said.

"Soap it up, use warm water, rub it a bit. You know, don't you clean
you're own?" Sarah said.

"Oh yeah, sure," Billy said.

"Go on, hurry up!" Brittany said so Billy started to walk toward the
employee bathroom that was down the hall near Mrs. Cohen's office, and
Gary followed behind him.

It was weird being in a restroom alone with Gary, particularly with Gary
fully dressed and he in his pretty underwear. The difference between the
two of them was plainly obvious in the mirror over the sink where Billy
was going to wash Gary's penis. Gary was taller, and had a considerably
more substantial physique than Billy. He was more deeply tanned and
Billy seemed like a pale somewhat thin young girl with rather large
breasts. With his thin white arms, Billy carefully raised up the front
of Gary's shirt that was hiding the front of his jeans. Billy saw that
he had a large silver belt buckle that would be the first thing he would
have to deal with since Gary seemed to offer no help, and in fact just
looked down at him with amusement.

Billy pulled on the thick leather end of the belt and forced it back up
and out of the buckle. He then pulled it back hard to release the hook
that was caught in a notch in the leather. After this was done he had
just to unbutton the brass button at the top of the fly on Gary's pants.
He reached his fingers inside the pants so they pushed against Gary's
stomach and after a moment or two released the button.

"I've never done this before," Billy said nervously. In the mirror he
could see Gary staring at him smugly with the pistol in one hand.

"Get on with it," Gary said.

Billy unzipped the zipper on Gary's pants and pulled them down his legs
to his ankles. Gary was wearing white Jockey shorts which Bully tugged
on until they went over Gary's buttocks and then pulled them down his
legs to his ankles. Gary's large organ popped out at him surrounded by
dark hair covering his abdomen and thighs. As Billy regarded the size of
the partially erect shaft and significant round balls hanging beneath it
he felt a stirring in his own loins. Fortunately the combination of
panties and pantyhose he was wearing prevented it from amounting to

Billy turned the water on and adjusted the temperature until it was
warm. He lathered up his hands with soap and gingerly touched the object
in front of him. Almost immediately it seemed to double in size even
though it wasn't even fully erect. Billy worked his hands gently around
the shaft and then cupped the balls and manipulated them carefully until
the whole region was encased in suds. Gary's pubic hair was now wet and
clung in soapy clumps. "I guess I just have to scrub it a bit," Billy
said looking up at Gary. Gary's eyes had rolled a bit up into his head
and he moaned.

"Yeah, whatever man, that feels so good. Keep it up."

Billy now put both hands on the penis and slid them up and back as if he
was polishing and cleaning a metal pole. It seemed like Gary's penis
kept growing as he worked on it until it finally hit its longest,
straightest, widest apogee like a veritable May pole. The analogy came
from Billy's hazy recollection of "Fanny Hill" which he had read as a
teenager. At the time he had wondered if such phalluses really existed
but judging by what he was witnessing first hand, it was indeed the
case. Billy couldn't help but realize that while Gary was not well
endowed with kindness, or intelligence or civility, God had made up for
all these shortfalls with a memorably impressive penis. A veritable
Harvard endowment of penises. Billy wondered if all bank robbers had
large penises. Had the question ever been studied?

Billy slid one of his hands underneath to rub Gary's balls and thighs
while the other hand maintained a gentle presence on the end of the long
fat shaft. It was clearly not going to be hard to have Gary fire before
the allotted time was up. He decided that he ought to just finish him
off right here in the bathroom sink. Then he wouldn't have to give Gary
oral sex and the ladies wouldn't have to watch him do it. Billy adjusted
his stroke so that it was now more rhythmic and went back and forth over
the delicate underside all the way from the balls to the tip. It was
easy to do because of the soap which allowed his hands to slide easily
over the hot fleshy surfaces.

The effect was clear in Gary who now began breathing very hard. Billy
watched as his stomach muscles hardened into a six-pack in sequence with
his hand motions. It was actually beginning to become sort of fun - to
know that he had this power over the larger more powerful man. The gun
in Gary's hand was a definite bummer. It was unnecessarily scary since
there was more than enough strength in Gary's well muscled arms to make
Billy do anything he wanted him to.

"Wait, wait, wait," Gary said suddenly. "I'm going to cum any second.

Billy removed his hands and watched Gary's penis quiver rigidly and then
slowly and almost imperceptively soften and bend as it pulled back from
the brink of orgasm. After a minute Billy saw a definite sagging in the
great organ as it assumed a more curved locus and then a minute or two
later it relaxed much more into its initial configuration.

"Just take the soap off and we'll go out and entertain the ladies," Gary

There was no use arguing and Billy turned on the water and rinsed the
penis and balls off making no attempt to stimulate Gary. When there was
no more soap on the penis, balls and surrounding pubic hair, Billy took
some paper towels and dabbed at it to dry if off. In short order the job
was done and Gary signaled to Billy it was time to join the others.
Billy lifted Gary's underpants back up and carefully tucked the penis
back inside. Then he lifted Billy's pants and fastened them. As he
walked out of the bathroom with Gary following behind him he realized
that just one more stroke of his hand on Gary's penis and it would have
shot off saving him from what was coming.

Avi and the bank employees regarded Billy and Gary as they came back.
"Are you OK?" Mrs. Cohen asked.

"Was it hard?" Sarah asked and then blushed when she realized that the
question had other interpretations. "I didn't mean it that way," she

Billy was most worried what Samantha was thinking but her face was
inscrutable. "I guess it wasn't that difficult to figure out," Billy

"He ought to wash pricks for a living," Gary said. "Why be a teller?"
His attempt at humor was not appreciated by Billy and the women and they
ignored him. "So let's get down to it," Gary said.

"You've 25 minutes left," Avi said.

"How do you want me?" Billy asked Gary. He was a little concerned about
the time, but he didn't really believe that they would actually shoot

"I'll stand against this wall and you get down on your knees in front of
me," Gary said. He then proceeded to put his back to the wall, spread
his feet apart and waited for Billy to come to him. Billy walked over
and kneeled down in front of him and once again lowered Gary's pants and
then after first putting one hand inside Gary's underpants to hold onto
the cock, pulled them down also. The penis was by now pretty familiar to
Billy in the way it looked. All that was now different was how close to
his face it was and then of course what would it feel like against his
lips and tongue when he put it in his mouth.

The girls moved closer to watch him with Rosemary and Sarah on one side
and Samantha and Brittany on the other. Mrs. Cohen said, "I can't look
at this. It's too terrible." But no one seemed to pay attention to her.

"God, I don't know how to do this," Billy said.

"You'll be fine," Sarah said encouragingly. Billy moved his face in
towards the large dangling half erect member and Sarah said, "You
probably ought to hold it with one hand so you have some control."

"Good idea," Brittany said.

"You better get on with it," Mrs. Cohen said. She was obviously very
nervous about the threat to shoot Billy.

Billy didn't feel comfortable on his knees and shifted himself so that
he was sitting in front of Gary. To no one in particular he said, "I
almost made him cum just washing him, but this seems harder to do."
Billy looked up and saw Gary staring down at him with a scowl that
seemed to say that he ought not to screw around any more. Billy closed
his eyes, spread his lips wide and for the first time felt a cock slide
into his mouth. It was an odd sensation. Some precum was leaking out the
top which he tasted immediately as well as a slight taste of soap. The
penis felt to his mouth to be much wider than it seemed visually and he
felt his cheeks and lips being pushed outwards. Considering how thick it
was, he didn't see how the organ could get very far inside him and even
worse he could feel the cock growing in size even as it slid into his
mouth. He knew from washing it that it still had a ways to go before it
reached its fully erect state.

"The first few times I did it," Sarah said, "it was a bitch. They swell
up pretty big and you feel like you'll never get it far in, but lord
have mercy I've never seen a penis that big and it's not even fully up

Billy pulled his mouth back and said, "it's so damn big how am I going
to suck on it?"

"It's OK," Brittany said, "I've had big ones before myself. It's just a
matter of relaxing. You're tight and tense. Relax your mouth and you'll
see that you can accommodate much more of it than you think."

Billy tried it again, this time concentrating on keeping his jaw and
mouth as loose and unflexed as possible. This helped somewhat and he
felt the organ enter him to the point where he was close to gagging.
Thus connected to the end of Gary's prick, Billy moved his tongue around
trying to figure out where on the cock it was touching. As his tongue
swirled about traces of precum seemed to fall onto it giving him
recognition of its distinctive swimming pool-like taste.

Whatever Billy was doing it was probably not enough to get Gary to the
point of orgasm. He really needed to somehow slide his mouth in and out
over the organ to get it excited enough to cum. Billy made a feeble
attempt at moving his mouth in and out but couldn't figure out how to do
it smoothly, or to make sure he touched the right parts as he did so.
With a smaller penis it might have been possible, but this one was so
big it was a different story entirely.

Seeing his frustration, Sarah asked Gary if she could help Billy. "I
ain't going to stop you," Gary said.

"C'mon Billy," Sarah said getting down right next to Billy, "let me see
how I can help."

"Maybe I should help also," Samantha said, "after all it is me that
Billy is doing this for."

"There isn't much room here Samantha," Sarah said. "First let's see what
I can do."

"If you want to help you could do a little strip tease to help save your
girly boy friend's life," Avi said, "I'm sure Gary will love it."

"Yeah, you can take your clothes off," Gary said staring at Samantha's
beautiful chest.

"Sure, if it helps Billy," Samantha said and she slowly removed her
blouse revealing the pretty white bra that Billy had long dreamed about.
From where he was, Billy could not see the display.

"Whoa!" Gary said, "she's gorgeous."

Billy felt Gary's penis shoot up to its most rigid state. "It's working
Samantha," Sarah said, "he's cock is like a steel rod now. So let's go
for it Billy." Sarah had her face inches away from Billy's and was
holding the massive penis outwards for Billy to suck on. "OK, Billy,
first you probably need to get on your knees so you can rock back and

Billy did as she said and she continued, "good. Now just completely
relax your jaw and lips and let the organ go straight inside you. Don't
worry about moving your tongue, it will naturally rub against the under
part as his prick pushes up into your mouth." She put her face close to
Billy's so she could see exactly what he was doing. The penis worked its
way slowly into Billy's widening mouth. "Good, good," Sarah encouraged
him. She helped guide the phallus toward him. "You ought to play with
his balls with your free hand," she whispered to Billy, "or I guess I
could do that for you." Billy tried to smile at her as if to say it was
OK with him. He had enough to do without worrying about the balls. Sarah
put one hand on Gary's balls and gently played with them.

"Man, what a set of tits," Gary said excitedly. Samantha had taken off
her bra now and was posing in front of Gary. From where Billy was he
couldn't see anything more than the dark hair covering Gary's torso.
"Let me touch them," Gary said.

Billy's eyes widened upon hearing that. Before he could take the penis
out of his mouth to protest that it wasn't part of the deal, Mrs. Cohen
spoke up sharply, "that's not in the deal."

"Cool it Gary," Avi said. "She's putting on a great show."

"Can you rock back and forth capturing his dick in your mouth each
time?" Sarah said gently to Billy.

Billy nodded and began doing as she said. First he moved his head back
out and let the organ slide over his lips and tongue and then leaned
back in letting it push its way first over the tip of his tongue into
his mouth and finally down his throat. "Good, Billy, now keep repeating
that. Every time you'll get a little bit more cock in your mouth."

Billy rolled backwards, came to a halt, then reversed direction bearing
back down on the penis. He did this again and again, slowly, back and
forth. After a while he noticed his throat opening up making more and
more room for the large organ. Where he had barely gotten half into his
mouth at the start, more than two thirds of the stiff rod now
disappeared into his open mouth each time he moved in.

"Ten minutes," Mrs. Cohen announced.

Billy had lost track of what Samantha was doing to help the cause. He
had the vague impression that she had taken off her skirt and was
suggestively moving about in her panties and pantyhose and shaking her
breasts. Billy entered a zone where his world revolved around the
powerful thick phallus that he was swallowing rhythmically. It was now
entering almost 90 percent into him. Finally, at perhaps the fiftieth
time he had brought it down into his throat, it went all the way in up
to the hilt and his lips and nose fell against Gary's pubic hair. The
enormous penis was somehow lodged in his mouth and throat - his ultimate
relaxation having temporarily suspended the gag reflex. He felt his own
penis hard as a rock and aching by being caught in the unyielding folds
of his panties and pantyhose. Out he slid his face off the cock and
then back in. Gary was clearly building toward some monumental finish.
Billy felt tremors in the hard muscles of the larger man. He gripped
Gary's naked calves with his hands and felt the huge rock hard swell of
the flexed muscles.

"There's just five minutes left," Mrs. Cohen said in despair.

"Oh hurry up Billy!" Samantha said. Billy smiled to himself. It was so
clear how much she cared for him.

Brittany fell on her knees next to Billy and Sarah and grabbed Gary's
ass. "Men love this," she said to no one in particular.

"Oh, good, good," Mrs. Cohen said, "you're all doing fantastic."

"Don't hold back Gary," Avi said, "we have a bank to rob."

Despite looking half crazed with sexual excitement, Gary managed to nod
his head. He then grabbed Billy's head with his hands and began forcing
it up and back slowly according to his own rhythm. "Like this man," he
said and Billy fell into the desired speed. He kept on taking the organ
in and out with Gary's hands guiding him in subtle ways so that it
maximized his pleasure. It was clear to Billy that they were entering
the end game since the penis began leaking small amounts of cum on each
stroke in and out.

Samantha said, "one minute left Billy! Oh my God!"

Mrs. Cohen and Avi watched the hands on the bank clock ticking toward
4:15 when the vault would open. Avi glanced at Mrs. Cohen and pointed
his gun toward Billy. Mrs. Cohen had to struggle against wetting
herself, she was so scared for Billy. With less than ten seconds left
Billy felt Gary's hands tighten on the back of his head and then force
his head forward in a sudden jerking motion that impaled him on the long
shaft and held him fixed as Gary let out an unearthly scream and his cum
began firing in huge shot glass size proportions inside Billy's mouth.
Two large spasms of cum and then Gary withdrew his penis from Billy's
mouth, grabbed its end with one hand while continuing to hold Billy's
head with the other. For five or more large spasms he aimed the cum over
every part of Billy's mouth, nose, cheeks, forehead and hair.

"Billy is one lucky fucker," Avi said putting his gun down.

"You weren't really going to shoot him," Mrs. Cohen said, "were you?"

"I don't know," Avi said, "maybe, maybe not." Turning his attention to
Gary he said, "get yourself together and keep an eye on the ladies. Mrs.
Cohen and I have a date at the vault."

Despite having a dazed look on his face, Gary managed to wave his gun in
the direction of the tellers and grunt at Avi, indicating that he

Billy stretched out on the floor and the women looked down at his cum
soaked face. "You better clean your self up," Sarah said, "you did

Billy looked up at Samantha in utter awe of her gorgeous naked body. He
watched her eyes glance down looking at his face and then across his
camisole to a view of his obvious erection. She smiled and looked back
at his face. With some relief Billy realized that she thought it had to
do with her. "Will you let him go to wash up?" she said to Gary.

"No," Gary said, "stay here. None of you move or talk or anything."

"Can I at least get dressed?," Samantha said.

"Sure, whatever," Gary said. He was not yet fully back from his orgasm.

Samantha found her bra and panties and Billy watched her get dressed.
The other women came and sat down next to him. "Thanks Sarah and
Brittany," he said, "I'll never forget your kindness."

"Our kindness?" Sarah said. "You were wonderful Billy."

They watched Gary put his penis away and zip up his pants. "I've never
seen so much cum in all my life," Sarah said marveling at the remarkable
dosage of white syrupy liquid covering Billy's face. Inside his mouth
Billy still held the two large discharges that Gary had deposited there
when he had first shot off. Not wanting to spit it onto his clothes or
the carpeting of the bank he swallowed it and then rolled his tongue
around inside his mouth getting all the last bits of the jism out from
behind his teeth and lips.

"Can we at least get Billy a Kleenex?" Brittany asked.

"Shut up," Gary said.

After a few minutes Avi came back holding a large, heavy duffle bag.
Mrs. Cohen walked behind him a few paces. "We got it all," Avi said,
"I'd say there's a cool mil in there, don't you think Mrs. Cohen?"

"Whatever," she said. Looking over at Billy she said, "and how are you
young man?"

"I guess I'm OK Mrs. Cohen. Just a bit achy," he said and rubbed his
jaw, "and gooey. Can I clean up?" he asked Avi.

"In a minute you can do whatever the fuck you want," Gary said.

"There's one problem," Avi said to Gary, "watching you and the chick has
given me blue balls. I think Billy should suck me off too."

"Oh my God!" Billy, Samantha and the others yelled.

"Just kidding," Avi said laughing.

"Avi, you're a fuck off," Gary said. "We're pressing our luck here."

"OK, let's go." Facing the bank employees Avi said, "Gary and I want to
thank you for your cooperation. See, like I said, no one got hurt."

"You don't think that sex at the end of a gun point is not hurtful?"
Mrs. Cohen asked incredulously.

"Mrs. Cohen," Billy said, "it's probably best if we just let them go."

Mrs. Cohen acknowledged the wisdom of that statement and kept quiet. Avi
and Gary tucked their guns inside their shirts and waved at the bank
staff and as fast as they had taken control of the bank an hour earlier,
they slipped out the front door and were gone. Rosemary raced behind
them and locked the door while Sarah ran to her work station and hit the
bank alarm.

Billy got up and Samantha and Brittany accompanied him to the bathroom
where they helped him wash the cum off his face. "You better get some
clothes on before the police get here," Samantha said.

Billy hurried with the soap and water while Brittany fetched his clothes
and brought them to him. With the two women looking on, he put his suit
back on and tied his tie and put on his shoes and socks. When he was
done, the three of them joined the others in the bank lobby. In the
distance they heard a police siren.

"I hope they catch those bastards," Mrs. Cohen said and the other

Suddenly Sarah said, "Oh shit, we forgot about the video surveillance

Everyone froze and pondered the consequences. "There's just enough time
to get it before the police come," Rosemary said to Mrs. Cohen.

Mrs. Cohen looked conflicted for a second and then said, "OK. You're
right. We have to keep Billy's secret."

Mrs. Cohen ran off to remove the tape and switch off the one camera that
would have recorded the orgy scene. When she came back Rosemary was
letting the police in through the front door.


An hour later the police had gotten all the information they needed.
While it was unfortunate that one of the cameras had not been working,
they did get good shots of the robbers from a different one.

When the police finally left Samantha came up to Billy and put her arms
around him. "I don't care what you are Billy: girl or boy or girl/boy,
or what clothes you wear, you were brave and loving and I will never
forget it."

"I agree," Sarah said, "you were brave and generous."

"And we don't mind if you want to dress like a girl," Rosemary said

"Yes Billy. No more need to hide your clothes," Brittany said.

"Do you own any dresses and skirts?" Samantha said, "I'll be happy to
take you shopping."

"And to the hairdresser and nail place," Sarah said.

"Mrs. Cohen, can Billy come to work in a dress with stockings and heels
just like the rest of us?" Samantha asked.

"Of course, if that's what he wants."

Turning to Billy, Samantha said, "I want you to always be the person I
saw this afternoon. I've always had problems with real men. I don't like
their masculinity, trying to boss me all the time. I think that's why I
was always afraid to flirt with you. But now, I think I understand you
and it's what I want in a man."

Billy dabbed at the tears falling from his eyes, smiled and gave
Samantha a delicious kiss. Their first of many more to come in a long
life together.

The End

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